GAO selected a sample of military bases, and found that the Commission's approach for selecting bases for closure: (1) was appropriate and consistent with its . A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Senate Report 116-48 directed DOD to prepare a report by November 2019 to provide information on the costs and savings for each BRAC round. 2022. Regulatory Agency Contact Information Change, Former Naval Station/Naval Shipyard Long Beach. Bt\Z2H4p40t0 2 T:4 r@ 5,`>kD[Ff )fpXGBj6@s &;63fqoNg]3MndO&GR@!$x G It was just BRAC, or Base Realignment and Closurethe process by which the U.S. Department of Defense decides which military bases live or die. More than 350 installations have been closed in five BRAC rounds: 1988, 1991, 1993 . On a bipartisan basis, Congress has steadily shown a willingness to consider such resilience improvements, and the Biden administration just asked for $3 billion for climate initiatives in 2023. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Germany will also follow the United States in sending a state-of-the-art Patriot missile system to Ukraine to help ward off Russian air attacks. Another way to ensure the ARNG is viable is to require purchasing of systems that align with the national force structure requirements and limit the acquisition of platforms that do not. Entry: Global Warming Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit National Defense Authorization Act for 2022, National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Were showing that NATO is [], DefenceTalkFrance is planning its biggest ever military exercise involving 12,000 troops, including NATO allies, in the first half of next year, a commander at the chiefs of staff said Tuesday. We work extensively with other federal agencies, state and local governments, and community representatives to ensure that facilities meet environmental standards and are ready for redevelopment. The 2005 BRAC recommendations represent the most aggressive BRAC ever proposed, affecting more than 800 installations. Future Tense Towns and communities that depend on an ARNG presence for economic health would be hit as well, in much the way that service towns across the nation were impacted in the first several official rounds of BRAC. 1333 0 obj <> endobj ;5^ 0Y7 Y`.\GX:)$&,r The purpose of the 2010 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)was to establish responsibilities and funding for EPA's assistance and support in accelerating environmental restoration and cleanup decisions in support of reuse at selected Department of Defense (DoD) BRAC Rounds I-IV installations. The bill authorizes an overall discretionary authorization of $768.2 billion including $740.3 billion for base Department of Defense . Today's Defense Department contracts valued at $7.5 million or more are now live on A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. The sale had been approved by the US State Department in December. This guidance supersedes the February 1996 EPA Guidance for Implementing the Fast-Track Cleanup Program at Closing or Realigning Military Bases. Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) | matrix - Matrix Design Group For Congress, ensuring that DoD does not institute another BRAC round is important on many levels particularly the political and economic impacts on States and districts that are the inevitable consequence of military installation closures. Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Sites by State | US EPA Pages in category "Base Realignment and Closure Commission" The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total. \n)3qHFBH `D|r(%cr#Ul>u""wHJ2.aN(/cWvelLykn5rEJ|euu]olD3qZ|l6UUMM> ip#!]t 0[QG9W>hW,r]0!@8c$#3L~GRl$SA8ek="? Base Realignment and Closure Sites Restoration Status as of September 2020 . Testing groundwater for contaminants at the former Camp Breckinridge in Louisville, KY. Department of Defense (DOD) expenditures for Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)-related activities exceeded initial estimates through fiscal year 2020. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. (BRAC 5) list for realignments and closures does not change EPAs core environmental responsibilities relative to characterization and cleanup of an installation on the Superfund NPL. In fact, governors, state legislatures, and even local leadership at the city and county level should all pay attention to any hinted moves at the national level to shuffle around National Guard units and squadrons. Read More . In BRAC rounds I-IV, EPA assists in the transfer of both BRAC and National Priorities List (NPL) sites, also known as Superfund Sites. I Unleashed A.I. by Mary Catherine Ott. DoD is, for example, the single largest employer in the three most populous statesCalifornia, Texas, and Floridaas well as Alaska, the largest. Arizona State University September 9, 2022 New DLA chaplain looks to encourage spirituality, wellness; May 11, 2022 Army's first Advocacy Center opens on Fort Belvoir; April 22, 2022 Army Advocacy Center opening on Fort . The Defense Department has lots of "spare bedrooms" they are not using and cost big money to . The Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Base Realignment and Closure Office announces a meeting of the Former Naval Station Treasure Island, Restoration Advisory Board on 1 November 2022 at 7:00 pm. 0 BRAC - Base Realignment and Closures PDF Economic & Demographic Impacts of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) 2687 note ). Official websites use .gov Media Invitation Announced for United States v. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed et al. It offers diverse courses for personal and professional growth. You can view the different BRAC site locations by state or agency at the Federal Facilities National Priorities List (NPL) and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Sites Where You Live Web page. Congress has actually been including this kind of BRAC language in the NDAA for several years now, and it has almost become a standard clause in the annual defense policy bill. GAO has previously reported that it can be difficult to accurately predict total costs for environmental restoration without completing investigations into levels of contamination in accordance with land reuse plans. Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. What GAO Found. The Trump administration wants a new round of military base closures Be Wary of a Backdoor BRAC | RealClearDefense For example, DOD didn't report an estimate of when remaining BRAC sites would be closed or how many sites needed continued funding for long-term monitoring of contaminants. Suggest. Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)is the congressionally authorized process DoD has used to (1) reorganize its base structure . Disregard restriction header and footer- Consolidate Defense Information Systems Agency and Establish Joint C4ISR D&A Capability: Close 5600 Columbia Pike and Skyline Place (Skyline VII), leased installations in Falls Church, VA, and 1010 Gause Boulevard, a leased installation in Slidell, LA. Gen. Pat Ryder will hold an on-camera press briefing at the Pentagon. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment . Should Climate Change Force Some Military Bases to Close? - Slate Magazine The Army previously identified Schedule: The AirForce implemented all BRAC rounds as described in the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commissionrepo rts to the President. But the matter at hand was not Ukraine, China, extremism in the military or anything else that you might immediately identify as a live-wire issue. But in a hearing back in 2019, other Members of Congress floated a different metric for deciding which bases to close: vulnerability to natural disasters. Congress approved the creation in 2018 of an Asset and Infrastructure Review Commission to work on the "modernization or realignment" of VA properties. hb```f``qA2,"2,00pOnh pi$P4mGWyBC!a]c NBC News, State of the Marine Corps 2023Defense One, Congress can put Army modernization back on trackBreaking Defense, Breaking the Cycle of Incremental Acquisition ReformWar On The Rocks, 'The last supper': How a 1993 Pentagon dinner reshaped the WBUR News, Singapore to buy eight more F-35B jetsDefense News, Federal workers oppose proposed Pentagon civilian workforce cutRoll Call, Boeing will close Super Hornet production line in 2025Defense News, Biden prepares largest Pentagon budget in history as spending cuts POLITICO, Getting Serious About Responsible Defense, Fighting intensifies in Bahkmut as U.S. pledges more military aid to CBS News, Tai named Military Citizen of the YearMeridian Star, China says military budget to increase again by appropriate levelThe Guardian, Soo Eagles help collect donations for military familiesSault Ste. Essentially, as ARNG units are eliminated to find money and capability to shore up the strength of the active Army, all of the force-multipliers (i.e., economic stimulus generated and capabilities at the State level) are eliminated as well. base realignment and closure Archives - Florida Chamber of Commerce That was also the last year Congress authorized Base Realignment and Closure. The Army does expect land sales or revenues to be credited to the DoD Base Closure Account during FY 2021. Supporting Initiatives That Help Florida's Military and Defense Industry Why It Matters to Florida From small, family owned. What the next round of American military base closures will look like June 23, 2022 5:50 AM. If you have any questions, please contact the Navy Deputy Base Closure Manager, Janet Lear at 619-524-1924 or at The Department of Defense has closed bases through a process called Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), most recently in 2005-2011. Today, its a sleepy training facility, ringed by shuttered businesses. While the joint force should certainly never remain static, and understanding that times change, such moves should always keep the taxpayers dime, the nations defense, and the best interests of our communities at the forefront of decision-making. PDF Department of Defense %DVH &ORVXUH $FFRXQW $LU )RUFH )LVFDO <HDU )< 3 In order to facilitate use of the Report, we have presented it in three different versions. on Men on Tinder. ;/=(6"FDA- Ls2[%//M\ 3I fv e`k ]. The 2nd and 3rd order effects of such changes would be highly visible as well. - NBC News, State of the Marine Corps 2023 - Defense One, Congress can put Army modernization back on track - Breaking Defense, Breaking the Cycle of Incremental Acquisition Reform - War On The Rocks, 'The last supper': How a 1993 Pentagon dinner reshaped the - WBUR News, Singapore to buy eight more F-35B jets - Defense News, Federal workers oppose proposed Pentagon civilian workforce cut - Roll Call, Boeing will close Super Hornet production line in 2025 - Defense News, Biden prepares largest Pentagon budget in history as spending cuts - POLITICO, Getting Serious About Responsible Defense Spending -, Setting the Cornerstone of the Organic Industrial Base, ACC leaders support BEYA conference to fill command vacancies, BEYA recognizes contracting member for professionalism, ACC members awarded Army Acquisition Excellence in Leadership Awards, Army's IT functionality expands to help better serve its customers, Contracting specialist garners AMC quarterly award, Army Contracting Command Hosts Senior Leader Forum, MilLife Learning Courses to Grow With Throughout the Year, Veterans Affairs Benefits Available After Deployment, Beyond Your Service Members Pay: The Benefits of Military Service, France to send more mobile artillery to Ukraine, Leopard tanks to arrive in Ukraine around late March: Germany, White House says US, Germany to send Ukraine armored vehicles, Poland signs deal for Abrams tanks from US, French tanks join NATO defensive line in Romania, France to conduct biggest ever war games in 2023, Israel names Herzi Halevi as next army chief, Mexican lawmakers approve contentious security reform. By trying to cut Congress out of the loop and bypass the Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC), the Pentagon is more likely to antagonize Capitol Hill and undermine its efforts to make sensible cuts in defense spending. On Tuesday, December 7th, House and Senate Armed Services Committee leadership released the text of a "compromised" Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) - S.1605. For more information, please clickhere. From 1989 through 1995, RDN prepared a series of socio-economic assessments for Base Reuse and Closure candidate installations throughout the United States: including over one dozen Air Force installations and a consortium of communities impacted by closure of Marine Corps bases in Orange County, CA. This issue ultimately affects retention and readiness. Air Force BRAC program nears transfer milestones It also provides a. Europe faces pressure to produce more. Winter Storm Uri in 2021 affected bases across Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Louisiana, many of which also suffered damage from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria. At more than 100 BRAC sites nationwide, EPA has provided resources to accelerate environmental restoration activities, maintain remedies that protect human health and the environment, support public involvement, and facilitate property transfer. endstream endobj 26 0 obj <>stream We recommended that DOD address this issue and more in future reports to Congress. Prior Year Financing. Primer: Understanding Military Base Realignment and Closure Aug 22, 2022 HPNS Citizens Advisory Committee Presentation, The Aug 22, 2022 presentation given to the HPNS Citizens Advisory Committee can be accessed, Former Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach Detachment Concord, Former DoD Housing Facility Novato/Hamilton Army Airfield, Former Fleet and Industrial Supply Center Oakland /Alameda Annex, Former Naval Auxiliary Landing Field (NALF), Crows Landing, Former Naval Construction Battalion Davisville, Former Naval Air Warfare Center Warminster, Former Naval Surface Warfare Center White Oak, Former Naval Surface Warfare Center Annapolis, Marine Corps Support Activity Kansas City, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - The Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process is ongoing within the Department of Defense's (DoD's) current authorities, and the Administration continues to ask for a Congressionally-authorized formal BRAC. The commission-style process has been compared to the Defense Department's Base Realignment and Closure program. The estimated cost of this report or study for the Department of Defense is approximately $3,750 in Fiscal Years 2022.
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