Act today, entries close soon. Blairmount Public School located on the western side of Campbelltown with a feeder area comprised of 57% public housing and 43% private housing. 2022 - Blairmount Public School Home News 2022 2022 Latest news Show me all news from 11 news items from 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022 From the department /News category Nanga Mai Awards 2022 16 Dec 2022 Celebrate the achievements of students, colleagues and peers for excellence in Aboriginal education. Bourke Street Public School Address: 590 Bourke St Surry Hills NSW 2010 Phone: 02 9319 7310 Email: Web: Badgally RoadBlairmount NSW 2559, telephone Social media vector by stories - Congratulations Jonathan Ong - APSA Oratory Contest Winner! Local artist Gemma Smith is both a neighbour and a parent of Bourke Street Public School. E: An International Baccalaureate World School Serving Grades 6-12. This partnership has been collaborative, through sharing of ideas about student voice and leadership philosophies. Click here to find more information about AP/IB History Summer Assignments! A student focus group then worked with a graphic designer to develop visual representations for these learner qualities. UCLA Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP) is accepting applications from current 10th to 11th grade. endstream The Visible Learning School Matrix evidence collection process identified that the highest priority was developing a learner identity through the creation of learner qualities. the Early Action for Success initiative and is in partnership with four other schools in the Glenfield and Campbelltown Principal Networks in New South Wales. We would like to pay our respects and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and also pay respect to Elders both past and present. of the Leadership Development, Leading Learning and Learning and Improvement division. 1201 S. Marengo Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91106, Jackson STEM Dual Language Magnet Academy, John Muir High School Early College Magnet, Blair RHL Boys & Girls Track @ San Marino, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). English and Maths are rated with 5 grades while the overall academic performance has 3 rating scales for you to choose. To empower students, they need to be provided with a variety of opportunities for voice and choice. This representative posed questions to challenge my thinking, reflect and encourage shifts in my beliefs and practices. JV Boys Baseball v. Monrovia @ Blair, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM % Deputy Principal Mrs Kate Cohen School Address Cnr Clydesdale Dr & Badgally Rd BLAIRMOUNT NSW2559 Telephone Numbers (02) 4626 1794 (02) 4626 1795 Teaching is of the highest standard, and is certified by the . Welcome to the official page for Blairmount Public School - please read our rules of engagement in the 'about' section below before posting Blairmount Public School Your Child is Positive or Exposed - What's Next? Blairmount Public School provided staff evidence based professional learning, to develop understanding of learner qualities and a consistent language of learning. Are you sure you want to delete your template? First Nations peoples should be aware that this website may contain the images, voices or names of people who have passed away. Join us and share your vision for your school. This process involved high levels of student voice by inviting students to collaborate with staff on possible learner qualities and where these sit on a learning pit. Student Voice Hour has also been positively received, with 94% of students saying its enjoyable and helps them to develop their communication andteamworkskills. Copyright for this website is owned by the State of New South Wales through the Department of Education. They then brainstormed how these learner qualities should be rolled out. 22 List of schools by recruitment phase -Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction . Blairmount Public School is a very good option as an Australian school when looking for in the area of NSW. The students looked fantastic and it was wonderful to see so many parents join us at school for the celebration. You have already flagged this document.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean.The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. e.g: Kew, Penrith, Mitchelton, St Kevins, Xavier, Secrets to Increasing Your High School Scholarship Chances, How to get an Australian School Scholarship, Best Schools in Australia for International Students, Social media vector by stories - address Badgally Road Blairmount NSW 2559 telephone 02 4626 1795 email The SVA Bright Spots Schools Connection identifies and invests in Powerhouse schools that have demonstrated excellence outcomes despite challenging circumstances. Teachers from Blairmount Public School are fully qualified and are experts in teaching students in at the Australian level. The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. Mrs Graham. << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] /ColorSpace << /Cs1 7 0 R years as leaders in Coaching in Education, Schools, institutions and organisations weve partnered with. JFIF C ELAC Meeting - FRC, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Let's Plan Together! Blairmount Public School potentially has scholarships available for 2023 / 2024. Find the 2021 NSW primary school ratings in English, Maths and the overall academic performance here. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> 7th March 2013 Week 10 [pdf, 2 MB] - Blairmount Public School. endobj D&B Business Directory HOME / BUSINESS DIRECTORY / EDUCATIONAL SERVICES / . Both initiatives saw engagement rise and, as a result of Learning Conversations, parents/carers commented they had a better understanding of their childs learning and what they needed to work on to improve. International students are welcome to apply, however there is no guarantee of a placement at Blairmount Public School. High expectations underpin teaching and learning programs with a focus on achievement in literacy and numeracy. Well done! Blairmount Public School is classed as specialising in Education. The school will continue with student voice groups and. 4 J4(iPmY2@%h;j=RXzu~9W9Ntl!%rL|Y"|h|= All rights reserved. Blairmount Public School is a school in Australia that is located in a place called coaching culturecase studyprofessional learning. Key Principal: GREG TURNBULL . Providing time for staff to engage in reflective practice and. As a result, there is strong ownership and enactment of these qualities supporting an embedded learner identity. This has allowed students to use cutting edge technology to engage in the curriculum and opportunities to publish to authentic global audiences. School in Australia is an independent publication that evaluates schools based on a set of metrics that are custom developed. My name is Mark Hoppitt and I am proud to be the new principal of Holsworthy Public School. 1st November 2012 Week 44 [pdf, 484 KB] - Blairmount Public School . All students have access to XO Duo laptops, iPads, interactive whiteboards, a computer lab and technology hub. The school utilises Discovery Time, Project-Based Learning, Self-Organised Learning Environments and Genius Hour, in order to personalise and differentiate learning experiences to ensure individual differences are catered for and nurtured. A huge congratulations must go to all our staff, students and parents for making it such a fantastic event. Our Learning Conversations are held in Terms 1 and 3 andin someclasses,these are being planned and hosted by the students. to embed a consistent message and shared language across the school will lead to buy in and sustainability. It has provided me with access to resources, connections and most importantly. This involves employing staff so that students attend for a full day each week for 10 weeks. English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . All public schools were provided with an extra school development day in term 2 this year to support the implementation of the new Australian Curriculum. Apply for the City of Pasadena's Rose Internship! Providing clear communication and an easy way for parents to see the learning happening in classrooms will help to increase parent/carer engagement and their understanding and support around students learning. 1st November 2012 Week 44 [pdf, 484 KB] - Blairmount Public School Teachers at BlairmountPublic Schoolrange in experience from early career teachers to teachers with over 30 years of expertise. School characteristics and challenges The Blairmount area in north-west Campbelltown has a rating of 924 on the Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage1. Information about NSW public education, including the school finder, high school enrolment, school safety, selective schools and opportunity classes. Click here to see weekly announcements brought to you by Blair's Broadcasting Club! professional dialogue around student voice and leadership to the next level. Teacher Professional Learning As you may have heard in the media the new Australian curriculum will begin to be implemented in all schools from the beginning of next year. The school is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) and Early Action for Success (EAFS)schooland successful student welfare practices promote a sense of well-being, happiness and responsibility in students. We encourage participation and involvement with an emphasis on equity for all students. Granville East Public School is a vibrant, diverse school of 367 students serving a cultural rich community in Sydneys western suburbs, including: The school is focused on enabling successful, self-regulating learners who thrive in all contexts, empowering dynamic teacher-leaders who inspire and exemplify limitless learning and shaping a leading school community. This partnership has been collaborative, through sharing of ideas about student voice and leadership philosophies. * NOTE: This website not affiliated with the Education Australia or governing body. May 2 Wishing our families celebrating the end of Ramadan a Happy Eid al-Fitr. endobj PUSD is developing a district-wide Facilities Master Plan to guide us in prioritizing improvements at our campuses. endobj BlairmountPublic Schoolplans to focus on sustainability of visible learning practices. Browse properties for sale or to rent within Blairmount Public School Catchment. We caught up with Greg and Melissa after their presentation at the 5th National Coaching in Education Conference and asked why they chose to invest in coaching . I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Clarke for doing such a wonderful job as Rel. It has provided me with access to resources, connections and most importantly,student voice. xHiC6a ":GPhax[gmuuQ#Hw2m\j90Lq{58R=!GMJ^J{>])$?/yt8LcGI *@gThu3'DjD!hD;BtKuWGgq"cCIL2:67HV.7UrJ4~4F0ltKLAH%@E;'6 3 '") d@gWIc+8M%g5AQL|{Qdx#uUq5^C =B 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM Hilltop Road Public School embeds innovative technology in education, utilising a range of technology within flexible learning environments to enable students to become effective 21st century learners. This has led to the use of flexible learning spaces across the school. Opt-in to receive notifications when public schools have temporarily ceased operations due to adverse weather, bushfires or other emergencies. Vo$Wn3)2)H%#x3Rq&T\7PyY PGF:TL%!@(Vy]Va We pay respect to Elders past and present as ongoing teachers of knowledge, songlines and stories. Teachers at Blairmount Public School range in experience from early career teachers to teachers with over 30 years of expertise. Meet Blair's Newest Basketball Coach - Coach Sullivan! It serves 528 students, including: In recent years the school has been the recipient of a number of awards including a Director Generals School Achievement Award for Quality Teaching and Learning, Regional Directors Award for Excellence in Student Welfare and an NAB Schools First Award for Outstanding School and Community Partnerships. Learner quality language is being used consistently by staff and students in all facets of school life. the school would need to create differentiated professional learning opportunities to ensure meaningful, relevant and personalised professional growth and reflection for teachers at all career stages. This aligned nicely with our visible learning journey. This website provides content, not advice. and all the other students as well. May the light of the moon fall directly on you. EN. English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . Nearly half (47%) of Blairmount Public School's 520 students . Blair Community Schools Building Phone Numbers. 24 different linguistic groups with 61% of students are from an Arabic speaking background. It also provides opportunities for staff and students to collaborate beyond the hours of the school day. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. In this short case study interview, we chat to Greg Turnbull & Melissa Clarke of Blairmount Public School in New South Wales. which identified, through student perception data, areas of focus for teacher professional learning, At the start of the project, the school implemented fortnightly, met fortnightly discuss student work samples, Elderslie Public School and Currans Hill Public School to engage Corwin, to deliver professional learning around Visible Learning. Thanks for visiting YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Blairmount Public School potentially has scholarships available for 2023 / 2024. 1y Teachers. The Wellbeing Framework supports schools to create learning environments that enable students to be healthy, happy, engaged and successful. For more information about applying to Blairmount Public School, please visit their website by clicking the apply button at the top of their page (if eligible). . It serves 528 students, including: . Thought Leadership Gatherings (TLGs) led to a shift in my mindset around building trust with our students, particularly around the use of learning spaces. Magazine: 7th March 2013 Week 10 [pdf, 2 MB] - Blairmount Public School. Start small by focusing on their interests and on the Why student voice is important with staff and students. and their work around student voice and leadership. Badgally RoadBlairmount NSW 2559, telephone stream They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child's wellbeing. This process involved high levels of student voice by inviting students to collaborate with staff on possible learner qualities and where these sit on a learning pit. while loading notifications, Error while We have a Busy Buzzy Learners transition program and pedagogy coaches for all teachers. A student focus group then worked with a graphic designer to develop visual representations for these learner qualities. Personal development, health and physical education. First, we are curious and taking risks, then we are in the pit and are problem solvers and challenged and we need to collaborate and be determined and then we are reflective on our learning at the end to improve. The official name of this school is Blairmount Public School. But you have no idea what to do, or where to even start. 16 0 R /TT5 12 0 R >> /XObject << /Im1 17 0 R >> >> Privacy Policy, Case Studies New South Wales South Australia Victoria. << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Resources 6 0 R /Contents 4 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595 842] 17 0 obj Teachers have the knowledge and skills to support students to articulate their learning and develop a clear identity of themselves as a learner. You have . The Nanga Mai Awards celebrates an. In 2018, BlairmountPublic Schoolworked withElderslie Public School and Currans Hill Public School to engage CorwinAustraliato deliver professional learning around Visible Learning. Thank you also to allkindergarten parents who have ensured thechildren are at school on time, with all theirbelongings labeled. These schools supported BlairmountPublic Schoolto usethe Teachingfor Effective Learning (TfEL) frameworkwhich identified, through student perception data, areas of focus for teacher professional learning. Congratulations to all of the award recipients. PUSD is developing a district-wide Facilities Master Plan to guide us in prioritizing improvements at our campuses. $.' 1 . Find out more and download the app now: *Posted by the NSW Department of Education* I am sure you will make her feel most welcome during her visit. The school will continue with student voice groups andarealso keen to taketheprofessional dialogue around student voice and leadership to the next level. and making LISC more visible across all classrooms. Are you sure you want to delete your template? English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC), UCLA Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP), Facilities Master Plan Virtual Meeting - October 6th, AP World History & IB History Summer Assignments. I can assure you, they are in verygood and caring hands and that they are smilingand engaged the minute you leave the grounds!On another note I just wanted to let you knowthat I will be taking long service leave duringweek 8 (18/3 22/3) of this term. Our engagementinThought Leadership Gatherings (TLGs) led to a shift in my mindset around building trust with our students, particularly around the use of learning spaces. Copyright for this website is owned by the State of New South Wales through the Department of Education. To embednew practicesconsistentlythe school would need to create differentiated professional learning opportunities to ensure meaningful, relevant and personalised professional growth and reflection for teachers at all career stages. Blairmount Public School accepts students that are eligible to be enrolled in an Australian Educational institution. However anything new brings challenges and there will be much professional learning for all teachers so that they develop a deep understanding of the new documents and a clear vision of how they will be implemented. Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software. We recognise the Ongoing Custodians of the lands and waterways where we work and live. This change requiredeach teacher to undertake six days of training.We have seen noticeable improvements in ourEnglish results since this change took place.This year we have a significant focus onMathematics and developing a consistentunderstanding of what a quality Mathematicssession in the classroom looks like. They then brainstormed how these learner qualities should be rolled out. The new Bourke Street Public School playground was also built, painted and maintained by a dedicated team of parents. This includes maintaining and refining existing practices, applying LISC protocols to other. Blairmount, The school is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) and Early Action for Success (EA, and successful student welfare practices promote a sense of well-being, happiness and responsibility in students. When choosing your school you should consider a variety of resoures when doing your research. 2 . English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . At Hilltop Road Public School, students are empowered to co-create, connect, integrate and personalise their own learning, within an authentic context. We strive to ensure every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learner in NSW achieves their potential through education. 1 . Call Get directions Mail. Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! EN. You will need to get in touch with the school directly for details. Hilltop Road Public School is situated in the Western Sydney region and serves approximately 756 students from over 23 cultural groups, including: The school is part of the Holroyd local government area, which is one of the most diverse in Sydney. Funding our home to school transition program called Busy Buzzy Learners. Student voiceis now a huge driving factor in myleadership. Blair High School: 402-426-4941 Otte-Blair Middle School: 402-426-3678 Arbor Park Intermediate: 402-426-2735 Deerfield Primary: 402-426-5123 North Primary: 402-426-3835 South Primary: 402-426-2229 Transportation/Bus Barn: 402-426-4509 Blair Community Schools Administration Office Hours 2021 Compare primary schools near Harrington Park NSW 2567 and find best. The most productive partnership has been the connections. Please enquire directly with Blairmount Public School to obtain the rules around age groups and grade levels for Education. Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. Celebrating achievements of learning goals. This has providedstaff with personalised professional learning which focuses on inquiry and student engagement. The partnership with SVA has provided insights into leadership that I would never have considered before. Introducing the NSW Department of Education School Updates app. Seven Victorian Star Hub schools geographically clustered in the South Eastern corridor of Melbourne, centred around the Dandenong area. Copyright 2022 Growth Coaching International. Today I had the pleasure of presenting students with their Deputy Principal award for earning 5 Assistant Principal awards. Throughout the project, the school also utilised Learning Conversations and Seesaw to engage parents and carers in talk about their childs learning. Coaching Case Study - Blairmount Public School. Last week I had the pleasure of joining with our K-2 students for our annual Easter Hat Parade. We would like to pay our respects and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and also pay respect to Elders both past and present. Hilltop Road is held in high esteem by the local community. You will need to get in touch with the school directly for details. Back for 2023, the Premier's Debating Challenge is open to all NSW government schools with the aim of de Public education in NSW is a cause for celebration this year as it marks its 175th anniversary. Blairmount Public School. the format of reports and developed the process of three-way Learning Conversations with parents, teachers and students working collaboratively to discuss student achievement, growth and future learning goals. Watch the livestream of Blair High Schools graduation ceremony (with Center for Independent Studies and Rose City High School). Blairmount Public School 1 Blaxcell Street Public School . They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child's wellbeing. Only when there's something we think is worth you knowing about. learned the following were important to success: In order to plan a consistent approach to visible learning, its necessary to collect evidence from all stakeholders to identify needs and the most ideal entry point. Information for parents and carers including learning and wellbeing resources, advice, study skills, a quick guide glossary, homework help, tools for learning remotely, support for additional needs and more. ",#(7),01444'9=82. To be a good learner means to use all of the learner qualities. Campbelltown, Curran Public School is a vibrant, diverse school of 276 students situated on the Macquarie Fields Public Housing Estate, south west of Sydney, including: Curran Primary School are committed to ensuring that every child is a lifelong learner with dignity, purpose, options and greater curiosity in the world around them. Virtual PTSA meeting, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM << /Length 18 0 R /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width 970 /Height 840 /Interpolate Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! Founded in 1848, the Board of National We know that the start of the school year can be both an exciting but demanding time for students and their parents. Please join us for a virtual meeting on October 6 at 6pm to provide input on the Facilities Master Plan for Blair High School. We pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present, and emerging. Facilities Master Plan Virtual Meeting - October 6th. Students have an embedded learner identity where they have a voice and ownership of their learning. Blairmount Public School We encourage participation and involvement with an emphasis on equity for all students. %PDF-1.3 Click here to find out more information about the 50th Reunion for the Blair Class of 1970! NSW Department of Education's information on curriculum taught in NSW schools, Aboriginal education and communities & personalised support. For more information go to Personal development, health and physical education. Blairmount Public School enjoys a high profile within the wider community through sport and the performing arts, which are important parts of the school culture. 99 talking about this. Watch on. Bligh Park Public School 1 Blue Haven Public School . >> Our teachers use the language of the learner qualities in the classroom and that reminds me to focus on my work and not give up when things are challenging. Olivia, year 5 student. Home > Work > SVA Bright Spots Schools Connection > Star Hub Schools > New South Wales Star Hub Schools. Get directions. stream Practices which would support students to do this were not being implemented consistently across school. All rights reserved. By 2019, many students planned and hosted their own Learning Conversations, with teachers taking the role of facilitator. Parents have allowed thechildren to show independence by a kiss and dropstrategy, which ensures a positive and productivestart to the day.We understand that leaving your child at schoolcan be worrying at times, especially if you are anew parent. Blairmount Public School on the western side of Campbelltown, has a strong culture of being proudly public and a vital part of the wider community. Curran Public School is a focus school for the Early Action for Success initiative and is in partnership with four other schools in the Glenfield and Campbelltown Principal Networks in New South Wales. Principal while I was on leave; it is so comforting knowing that when I am away the school is in such capable hands. Free ESL Classes at PCC Northwest. Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child's wellbeing. This representative posed questions to challenge my thinking, reflect and encourage shifts in my beliefs and practices. BPS 2020 Information Book View our 2020 Evidence Book BPS Apple Distinguished School iBook 69% students having English as an additional language. Now, when students are asked about being a learner, instead of talking about behaviour, they talk about the seven learner qualities and can articulate what they are learning and next steps, demonstrating a more future-focused attitude to learning. High expectations underpin teaching and learning programs with a focus on achievement in literacy and numeracy. range in experience from early career teachers to teachers with over 30 years of expertise. We've put together address Q: Outside of SVA itself, what has been the most productive partnership youve developed through your SVA project? General enquiries . 4th April 2013 Week 14 [pdf, 3 MB] - Blairmount Public School. They. I have heard nothing but positive feedback and more than one person has said it was the best ever. 6 0 obj Student voice has increased significantly through driving the design, conceptualisation and launch of learner qualities. which is found in the region of School Name Implementaton phase Newbridge Heights Public School . Please choose your currency. 4th April 2013 Week 14 [pdf, 3 MB] - Blairmount Public School. Congratulations to the students that received a Deputy Principal Award at the Term 1 Deputy Principal Celebration of Learning Assembly. Acceptance at Blairmount Public School is based on several factors, some including home address zoning, past academic performance and grades, financial situation, current enrolment waitlists and sometimes where compassionate grounds can be established. Blairmount. Don't worry, we won't email you all the time. of Blairmount Public School request your co-operation and support in making your child's school life as successful as possible. learning experience," says Principal Turnbull. We pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present, and emerging. Get directions. It is important that we develop collective responsibility over all students, not just the students in one class. Blair RHL Boys & Girls Track @ San Marino, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Follow us Social media links. 02 4626 1795, email Congratulations to the Assistant Principal Awards winners at the Deputy Principal Celebration of Learning Assembly. General enquiries . BlairmountPublic Schoolwith an ICSEA of 924,and ofapproximately 520 students,47 %have alanguage background other than English. This has led to the use of flexible learning spaces across the school. I use the learner qualities a lot when I am working. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. address 131 New Line Road Cherrybrook NSW 2126 telephone 02 9481 8575 email Casula High School is located in the south western suburbs of Sydney, serving 723 students including: The school is focused on creating a twenty first century environment for exceptional learners, supporting expert educators to lead learning, and fostering an inclusive growth community.
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