Below is a selection of the best names with bad meanings. Rebel is the perfect name to make your son the center of attraction. Christianity emphasized these aspects of her legends and cast her as an evil figure. The demon Antaura was responsible for causing headaches, specifically migraines. Talon is a French name meaning large claw of a bird. Dagon is of unknown meaning but may mean fish or cloudy. Checking out Delilah's popularity graph shows that Delilah's use is heading straight for the top. Viggo: war. In these comic books, Fallout Boy's real name is Rod Runtledge, he has a brother named Dodd. Phoenix sounds very edgy and cool to us. Still banned in New Zealand, Lucifer is occasionally used in the contemporary U.S.: Six boys were given the name in the most recent year counted. Missie Lucky. Craig - Of Scottish origin and means "from the rocks.". The name has been attached for years to the journalist Hunter S. Thompson. Do you remember the Ernests from Oscar Wildes play The Importance of Being Earnest? So not too diabolical. In Norse legends, Narfi is the son of Loki and Sigyn, and it is thought he was a demon of the dead. Not the most positive meaning! He calls her every day and shares his thoughts and emotions with her. Amon comes from the Greek Ammon, which means the hidden one. Any Evil Dead fans will know that the main character is Ashley J. WIlliams, a badass dude. It was listed in the top 1,000 baby boy's names at 432 in 2020. A linguist by background, Emma speaks several languages and lives in England's smallest county with her husband and four young children. Fani is a French name which literally translates to snake or the hood of a poisonous snake. Boro is a Serbian and Croatian form of Boris. 15. We like it! Boys. In the King James version of the Christian Bible, his name is translated as Lucifer. Ajax Powerful eagle. Lilith evolved from the Akkadian word lilitu, meaning of the night. Another good choice for a subtle vampire baby name. Some parents looking for powerful and strong boy names focus on those with the meaning "king" or "lion." Both of these meanings evoke a sense of strength, and the lion is, after all, the king of the jungle. Agash is an ancient Iranian word meaning evil eye. The meaning of the name Boruta is unknown. The archangel Gadreel was said to be one of the five leaders of the Watchers. These characters can have an arch that may begin in sadness, but through perseverance and hard work, they can get through it. For this, God cast him out of Heaven and into Hell. Brennan(Irish origin) - Means 'raven', 'sorrow', or 'sadness'. In it, there is a dwarf named Nli, who was originally a demon of the dead. The jazzy, ultra-cool Dexter, like most names with an "x," has a lot of energy and dynamism. Drystan (Welsh Origin) - Means 'full of sorrow', 'sad', or 'tumult'. The Zoroastrian demon Bushyasta was the cause of laziness and procrastination. The name is even on the rise, having made to top 100 lists this year. Here are 200+ unique boy names that no one has in alphabetical order. Boris. She lulls people to sleep and keeps them there to prevent them from being productive. Lucifer is the name of the archangel cast into hell -- theologians disagree on whether he and Satan are separate beings -- and as such has long been on the forbidden list for religious parents. Old Viking boy names. 16. James: supplanter. In Genesis, Birsha was the King of Gomorrah, a city that was, along with Sodom, destroyed by God because of their abhorrent behavior. It ranked among ten percent of boy names that are preferred. 46. In Ancient Greek mythology, Cerberus is the name of the dog that guards the gates of the underworld, preventing the dead from making their escape. This does not influence our choices. But you don't need to trawl through long lists of baby names any more! Cameron - a name from Scotland which comes from the surname Cameron and means crooked. Some characters are simply unlucky, and it is only right that they have fitting names! Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. Poison Names. The name Hunter combines a macho imagery with a softened masculinity. Joaquin Phoenix brought this name to Hollywood and actress Kelly Ripa popularized it by giving it to her son. 30. Genuine evil girls names are hard to come by, so weve thrown in the name of the lead character of The Underworld series. There are 2 types of names in this generator. 10 Alvah. The meaning of Orobas is unknown, but in demonology, he is a Prince of Hell. So Ive always envisioned my childs room with something similar. In Hinduism, Ravana is widely seen as a symbol of evil. Anwir Dupretiskava is the name of an ancient blue dragon and head of state. K. Dexter Haven, the witty Cary Grant character in, Huxley is definitely rising as a surname name, with its. The name Neo may not have enjoyed the same popularity as its female counterpart, but it sounds good for boys too. 47. Disclaimer: a few of these names meanings are not known for certain Deirdre and Persephone, for example but they are given with their most commonly ascribed meanings. "The keeper of the keys," from the Greek Meidion, a key. In Germanic folklore, Mare is a demonic entity that visits people as they sleep and sits on their chests. In the novel series, The Vampire Chronicles, Lestat de Lioncourt is a vampire who is nicknamed the Brat Prince by his seniors because of his behavior. The Ancient Greeks would bury their dead with a coin in their mouth so they could pay him for their journey. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. With its good-looking, sensitive aura, Cameron has also generated a deluge of variant spellings. Prologue. 31. Popularity . Rafflesia is a famous flower which is known for its peculiar looks and large size, with some flowers growing up to 3 feet in height. On other occasions, she would simply strangle them. Diggory(French origin) - Means 'lost one'. Required fields are marked *. 20 toxic parenting tactics parents often use. They did not cause death, but they waited for people to die so they could feed on their flesh. Magic Baby Names is a unique search site with 113,584 names collected from 3,819,815 family trees, containing 188,608,854 people. Below, we've compiled a list of the most unique, popular, and special names from around the world. To Viking-age seafarers, the tumultuous nature of the sea was personified in Rn. In this document, Typhon is listed as the Greek personification of the Devil. All content found on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Acanthus: Meaning "thorn" in Greek. Amanda Beard named her baby boy Blaise Ray. 2. Dolores(Spanish origin) - Means 'sorrows'. He then took her down into the Underworld. It was said that others were too scared to strike him in battle because he was so ugly, he must be the devil. The name is perfect for people who want an out-of-the-box name for their son. Akeldama is an Aramaic name that means field of blood. In the 16th century, Buer emerged as a Great President of Hell who commanded 50 legions of demons. Rod is a high school nerd living with his aunt, Aunt . The weapon is cursed, and it is said that every time it is drawn, it must kill a man before it can be resheathed. There are plenty of popular and stylish names with less-than-appealing meanings, which would suggest that most parents either dont care or arent aware of the negative connotations. . 35. Abaddon is a Hebrew name meaning ruin, destruction. In Thai legend, the Krasue looks human during the day, but at night, her head and internal organs trail after it detaches from her body. Ace. Mortimer: dead water. Or even last names: Nightshade. Among the worst names for a boy, alongside Lara, Alexis and Beau. Kids will be able to discern the difference between fortune and misfortune, good and bad, and right and wrong. Feb 28, 2023. Boris, an old English name meaning to fight is gaining extreme popularity in Europe. Gello evolved from the Greek word gal, meaning to mock. They live in Zenith City. Get high-quality PDF version by clicking below. This name sounds a lot like the Gujarati name Axar, which literally means "ghost.". Angelo God's messenger. We won't send you spam. From Japanese (cho) meaning "sweet", (cho) meaning "thread" or (cho) meaning "small, little" combined with (ko) meaning "tea" or (ko) meaning "child". Toxic Boy . Scary boy names Bram. Adikarah is one of many names of the Hindu lord Shiva who has a poisonous serpent wrapped around his neck. In Slavic folklore, Rusalka would use good looks and a beautiful voice to lure young men into the water. Lestat is a fictional name with no meaning. Iniko (Nigerian origin) - Means 'time of trouble'. Post Pregnancy. Kids (1 - 3 Yrs) He reigns over an army of giant locusts, the size of horses. The son of the morning, Helel, was cast into the underworld after he flew too high. 36. This name came from the state of Gujarat in India and means poisonous. The vampire Lord Ruthven is thought to be the first vampire to appear in English Literature. Sometimes she would turn men away from their true nature. This x ending name has an infamous association with Jax Teller, the tattooed president of the motorcycle club in Sons of Anarchy. Just like Zane, if you like the name Michael, but want an edgy variation of the name, and then you can try Mekhi. It even sounds a lot better than Danger. . The name climbed to #175 this year. . It even has an aggressive touch it. Benoni(Hebrew Origin) - Derived from Benjamin, which means 'son of my sorrow' or 'pain'. Damien is a name thats Greek in origin and means to tame or subdue. Bruno: (German) This tough boy name means "shield" and there really isn't anything that's going to beat out that.A shield is literally used to stop things from getting harmed so . Their job is to keep corrupt politicians from escaping the pit of boiling pitch. Avoid the names with bad meanings. Meaning: "Manly" and "strong". Morfran is a Welsh name meaning sea crow. We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. In his most frequent form, Forneus is seen as a sea monster. Cerberus is a Greek name that means spotted. In Dungeons and Dragons, one of the fictional worlds in which the game takes place, or campaign setting, is a Forgotten Realm. If you want a baby name that is cool, unique, and edgy, this list can help you find the name most suitable for your babys personality. 20. Related post: Names that mean alone or solitary. As Nameberry's head moderator, she also helps to keep our active forums community ticking. King is a name filled with offbeat style and rich association. Hero Wars. SilverTheWyvern 2 yr. ago. But you don't need to trawl through long lists of baby names any more! Dara From the Irish Mac Dara meaning "oak tree."Oak trees are traditionally associated with Druids and magical protection. Meanings are really important to me, and no honor or significance would be able to override an unfortunate meaning. Whispy headed noise machine. Pregnancy. Names meaning Teacher will help you choose best name for your baby. The meaning may be menacing, but the name has been selected by hundreds of parents because of its trendy 'on' ending. Origin: English and Greek boy name. Perdido(Spanish, Portugese origin) - Means 'lost'. This is another name of the angel of the abyss in the New Testament. Malcolm the X was a rebel, but with a cause. If youre looking for a subtle vampire baby name, this one is a good choice. Peyton is an English name that means fighting man's estate. 18. When it comes to creating a username, you should . Girl, you aren't overreacting, you simply stumbled upon one of the types of toxic men. It has a macho and aggressive meaning and image. Persephone comes from the Greek words that mean to destroy and murder. 38. These include Miu, Asuka, Haruka and Saki for girls, and Kaito, Riku, Shou and Yuu for boys. In Greek mythology, Pandora was given a box containing all of the evils of the world and told not to open it. Simon: flat-nosed. Or, if positive meanings are more your thing, you can find a selection of the best names with good meanings here. 34. Umbra(Latin origin) - Means 'shadow' or 'darkness'. Her voracious appetite sometimes caused her to eat the sun or moon, causing an eclipse. All rights reserved. And Calvin may be one of the coolest vintage boy names of the moment, but its meaning is decidedly less appealing: bald. Follow the official 7clouds playlist on Spotify : BoyWithUke - Toxic (Lyrics) Download / Stream: Most of the parents shy from keeping a bad boy baby name because of their unpleasant meaning. Tokito (Japanese origin), among the names meaning "red", "bloody", or "vermilion". This poison is also famous because it was used to kill Socrates and Theramenes. Ashley isn't that bad of a name for a guy actually. The name Damien still can run a chill down the spine of people who were raised in the 1970s. Antaura has Greek roots and means a light breeze. Nukpana(Native American origin) - Means 'evil'. Read for more information. Gunner, meaning the bold warrior is a nouveau macho name usually favored by trendy parents. 44. Peyton. The meaning of Mare is disputed. Erskine. Consequently, she is the space between day and night the dawn. The Dog Demon, a japanese phrase, is also known as the U.S. During that time, he did the work of nine men. Horning Hornet. Abchanchu is the name of a shape-shifting vampire from Bolivian legend. The moniker comes from the black, semi-precious stone Jett. The name Alabasandria means like the goddess Bast. La Larme Sombre. Sedit inadvertently brings death to the human race, and when he tries to escape his fate, he becomes the first person to die. In ancient Mesopotamian religion, Lilin was an evil demon of the night who visited people in their sleep, causing bad dreams, sleep paralysis, and death. She tangles their hair and causes nightmares. In Balinese mythology, Rangda is a demon who is Queen of the Leyaks, an army of evil witches. In Norse mythology, Hel, a giantess, is the daughter of Loki and Angrboa. Samara is a Latinized form of Shomron, which means watchtower. Aaron Mountain of strength. Jagger is a swagger name that has been picked by a number of celebrities including Bret Scallions and Lindsay Davenport. Unaproving_dog 2 yr. ago. Burro. Weve combed through history, centuries of literature, and decades of movies and television to bring you 100 options to consider if you want your baby to have an edge. In Christian legend, Akeldama is a field that was bought with the 30 pieces of silver paid to Judas Iscariot for his betrayal of Jesus.,, Consequently, they exhumed him, and upon discovering his hair and nails had grown, declared him a vampire and drove a stake into his corpse. Girls. The Most Popular Boy Names With Meanings. Iiari The name Iiari is of Basque origin and means "A cheerful man liarie". 12. Now, pack your bags and let the man enjoy his bottles. Creighton - This is a name of English and Scottish origin that means 'hilltop town' or 'rocky place'. Bushyasta is a Zoroastrian name that means the long-handed. 9. A classic name with a hint of ancient Roman splendor that has never been truly in or truly out, Claudia still feels like a strong, modern choice one of our "sweet spot" names. You could even add this boy name to your list of last names for vampires! 48. If youre looking for a sinister-sounding name for your little devil, here are 50 of them. Bedad(Hebrew Origin) - Means 'solitary' and 'alone'. Not to be confused with Carmen, the meaning of the name Carman is unknown. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. Raushan Raushan is a Bengali name. Mallory (Anglo-Norman, French origin) - Means 'unfortunate or 'ill-fate'. Arshi Ahmed did her graduation from Shri Shikshayatan College, Kolkata, and post graduation in English from Lovely Professional University. Cannon and Black Beauty. Once there, Rusalka would wrap long red hair around the victims legs, pulling him to his death. He was also said to be one of the Seven Princes of Hell, associated with Envy. Call us before choosing a baby name at 1-866-489-1188 (toll-free in North America) or 604-263-9551. In this case, the German translation, Ubel. In Irish mythology, Carman was a witch from Athens. Leo - a Latin name which carries the meaning of lion. Allatou was a medieval demon who whispers into your ear, tempting you to abandon your principles. She was also said to poison water with disease. Abaddon. 25. Gresill was one of the demons and tempted men with impurities. (Gasha dokuro) - also known as the dokuro, is an ancient Japanese word. Paul - a Roman name which means humble. It's one of those names well-suited for transvestites due to its gender ambiguity. Consequently, she has been cast as a real-life female vampire, despite the stories being dubious. I didnt even know some of these plants were deadly. It is about a young woman who is preyed upon by a female vampire, Carmilla. Here are some names that are synonymous to poison: Many people throughout history were poisoners or poisoned. They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family. For as long as we all shall live, Harry Potter's sneering nemesis. Window face. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so its important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. Brone(Irish origin) - Means 'sadness' or 'sorrowful'. Its not clear what the origin of this name is. Today, it refers to male deer. Teivel is a Yiddish word that means devil. Birger: guardian. As scary and ghoulish as this approach may sound, though, there are actually a host of beautiful names . Jonah(Hebrew Origin) - For sailors out at sea, Jonah represents someone, either a passenger or a fellow shipmate, who brings bad luck. And then there are names inspired by notorious trouble-makers, like Delilah or Dexter. Phobos(Greek origin) - Means 'fear'. However, Sri-Lankan mythology claims him as a great ruler. 24. There is a good mental and emotional balance in your personality. After she was kidnapped by Hades to be Queen of the Underworld, it was decreed by Zeus that she would spend six months of the year with her mother, allowing crops to grow, and six in mourning, thus accounting for the seasons. There is a certain charm about modern names like Maverick and Rebel that come prepackaged with a badass image. The meaning of the name Abchanchu is unknown. With everyone turning to online media and networking, we believe such platforms allow toxic people to normalize their behaviors. Lamashtu is an Akkadian name and means she who erases. Dangerous, strong, and mysterious, our handpicked list is perfect for your future heartbreakin' rebel! This name would be a mouthful for a baby, but you could call him Levi for short. In the mythology of Ethiopia, Aynat is the personification of the evil eye. In Norse mythology, Hgni is a king, and his sword is called Dinns legacy. Copper - The name of burnished metal. Nickname generator for Toxicboy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 My Mom's a Nerd | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. 16. 11. Check out the infographic below for such names, along with their meanings, that best suit your little one.SaveIllustration: Momjunction Design Team. This Wiccan name is also used by a member of the Linkin Park. 24. While not inherently evil, Enyo was the goddess of war and destruction. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. @rubylark, I personally couldnt. Aadolf Distinguished or strong wolf. This flower is also quite poisonous. The name can resonate with their rude, weird and awkward personality. Aslak - god and battle. Even James and Mary two of the most popular baby names of all time in the US are usually said to mean supplanter and bitter, respectively. 3. Akuji is a pretty sounding name and could make a good choice for anyone who is a big zombie fan. They are organic chlorine compounds with the formula C 12 H 10x Cl x; they were . RobertEmmetsGhost 2 yr. ago. He appeared during the period of Sagittarius, was capable of healing all ailments, and would bestow familiars on those who practiced magic. Devlin(Irish origin) - Means 'unlucky'. The River Child is a book by the same name. She was an Ancient Greek demoness of the death-mist that appeared over the eyes of the dead. Bronagh(Irish origin) - Means 'sorrow'. Vomit fondler. Unfortunately, she was curious, lifted the lid, and unleashed evil on humans. This name is inspired by a toxic plant named Poison Ivy which produces harmful allergens. Damon, meaning stoic strength, is a tougher and edgier version of the name Damien. Alf - elf. Magic Baby Names is a unique search site with 113,586 names collected from 3,820,012 family trees, containing 188,618,592 people. Whether you are looking for an evil or demonic baby name or just a name with a bit of a dark side, our list of 100 will likely have something to pique your interest. If you are one of those mommies, then you can pick Brendan, a Gaelic name meaning brave.. Dash is an Anglicization of the French surname de Cheil or Dashiell. 3. Azalea & Azurea. Dores(Spanish origin) - Means 'pain and suffering' or 'lady of sorrows'. Feel free to come up with your own mean name to call people. Consequently, it may be a good choice as an evil name for those with Scandinavian heritage. Meaning . 29. Boro. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. While having Burro as a surname will probably exhaust all the donkey jokes you can ever think of, at least you get a unique topic to make small talk and break the ice. Veneno is Italian for toxic substance or a stinging sensation. Do you mean to ask a question similar to "What are some English names that name professions" and the answer would be "Smith, Taylor, Butler, Butcher, and Baker for example?" If you had asked the same question of English names, then I am not aware of a. He determined whether the dead were good enough to enter the underworld. Solanine is a dangerous poison from the nightshade family. It's a priceless opportunity to help define their personality and character. Acheros (Latin Origin) - Means 'river of sorrow'. Facer_Racer. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. Here are some of the most popular boy names of last year and the meanings that got them there. Boy Names That Mean Chaos. @leafsgirl44, Meanings are interesting to me, but not very high on considerations when actually deciding on names. In the Quran, God orders all the angels to bow before his new creation, Adam. You can never go wrong with this tough guy name. Femme Fatale and Casanova. Nocnitsa evolved from the Ancient Greek word noc and means of the night. This allowed him to see past, present, and future events. Mamba is a fast moving poisonous snake which is commonly found in East Africa. Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. Doyle is derived from an Irish surname and means dark stranger. Rhezyl. Emma Waterhouse joined the team in 2017, writing about everything from the top baby name trends 2023 to how not to choose the next big baby name. 2023 is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. It is also a short form of the name Wolfgang. Ammit comes from Ancient Egyptian, meaning devourer of the dead. When people hear the name Toxic Boy, they perceive you as someone who is pleasing, stylish, diplomatic, gentle, and graceful. Some experts believe the Na element of the name is from the Old Norse nr, which means corpse. In the Christian New Testament, Abaddon is the Angel of the Abyss. Carmilla evolved from carmel, meaning garden. In the 18th century, the term Buck was used to describe a fashionable and dashing young man. Even the renowned singer Toni Braxton chose this name for her son. Acacius is the name of three early saints. Raven Darkholme is the real name of Mystique, heroine of the X-Men films played by Jennifer Lawrence. One of my favorite names,Desdemona, means ill-starred. In the Christian New Testament, Abaddon is the Angel of the Abyss. Meaning: Fair or blonde; Description: It's a rarely used name. It sounds innocent enough, but hear me out, because it's not the sound of the name that has the creepy associations it's the meaning! 27. Le Brouillard Sinistre. It was popularized by none other than the Kardashian enterprise. Lars sounds both nerdy and badass to us. Brhadvisa is inspired from the Sanskrit word visha which means extremely poisonous. Alastor is a name of Greek origin meaning "avenging spirit.". While they are not everyones taste, many of these names will ensure your child stands out from the crowd. This name has badass written all over it. An Ancient Germanic name, Puck evolved from pouke meaning devil or evil spirit. In the 2012 horror movie, Lovely Molly, Orobas is implied to be the demon who encourages the title characters malicious actions. Ax would be the perfect nickname for Axel. Ace The best one. Ahriman is the modern Persian form of the Avestan Angra Mainyu, which means evil spirit. The exact meaning of Rn is uncertain, but it is thought to mean theft or robbery. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. Antonio (Banderas) Meaning: "of inestimable value," "priceless.". Aart As powerful as an eagle. Halima is the feminine version of the name Halimaka, which means "poison-spewing." It is also used in Arabic countries where it means forbearing, gentle and generous. The Watchers defected, gave mankind forbidden knowledge, and took mortal wives. In the 17th century, an anonymous spellbook called The Lesser Key of Solomon was compiled. Kaazib The name Kaazib is of Arabic origin and means "Liar". This sleek and simple name would make a very intriguing middle name. You won't be able to build a healthy relationship with him. But bestowing a quirky version of the name wont harm you either. The association with the Guns N Roses Axle Rose and the hard X sound make this moniker increasingly popular with parents. Tavarius(Hebrew origin) - Means 'misfortune'. In Greek mythology, Empusa was a shape-shifting demon. The meaning of the name Nimue is unknown. New Born. In Jewish folklore she is portrayed as Adam's rejected first wife, who was turned into a night demon for refusing to obey him. Blverkr was a name used by Odin when he spent the summer working for Baugi. We think that Flash would make a nice nickname or middle name.
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