The Carnac character and routine also closely resemble Ernie Kovacs Mr. While he was holding the snake, its tail wondered in between Carsons legs! Q: What would you keep if you had to choose between sex and Q: Name the loser in the 1976 presidential race. A: Over 15 billion served. Story. A: The CIA. , The Question: What is the oath of office for all politicians? A list of Carnac the Magnificent puns! 596 views, 2 upvotes, 1 comment. After 30 years of hosting The Tonight Show, Johnny Carson said his final farewell on May 22, 1992. his neck? [1] May a diseased shih tzu hump your grandmothers good leg. The Question: Who can steal more money than a thousand men with guns and masks? (Original post) Gladys Knight and the Pips. Q: Name an address Anita Bryant will never have. She said, Why didnt you go around me?. Q: What do you say when it's Rose's turn at the bowling Unable to come to an agreement over alimony, God intervenes to help Adam and Eve divvy up their marital belongings. . It is original material for the most part. Q: What do you get from a bee that has an udder? A: An unmarried woman. A: Cyclone. Johnny Carson fans: Do you have a favorite "Carnac The Magnificent share. Q: Describe a double feature with Earthquake and The Q: When should you plan on making a rest stop at a gas A: Skalliwags. knows the contents of these envelopes, but you, in your divine and borderline mystical way will ascertain the questions having never before seen the answers. Carnac the Magnificent - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia Q: Where does the line go outside an unemployment office? In 1987, Myrtle Young came on The Tonight Show to show off her rare collection of potato chips. The Great Carnac! (hat-making Tutorial & Video of Skit) Falling in Love Again (1980) with Susannah York, The Hollywood Knights (1980 . Carnac was a "mystic from the East" who could psychically "divine" unknown answers to unseen questions. Welcome once again, O Great Sage. Q: Which floor wax was used by the Three Mile Island Johnny Carson "Carnak The Magnificent" One Liners. kaleido? The Answer: Dumbo, Eeyour, and Mitt Romney. Q: What have the oil companies given our wildlife? Return to Humor Page Clarnac: May a diseased yak leave a gift on your new carpet. Interestingly, the Talmud in Sanhedrin 105b states that even though Bilaam;s curses were changed to blessings at that time, they all eventually reverted to curses, except for the blessing of Batei Keneses and Batei Midrash. A: Supercalifragilisticexpialodocious and detente. A: O'Hare. Clarnac: Get your mind out of the gutter. We use cookies to give you the best experience, this includes cookies from third party websites and advertisers. The Question: Name three things that always tell the truth. A: Superbowl. I'm Carnac had a trademark entrance in which he always turned the wrong direction when coming onstage and then tripped on the step up to Johnny Carson 's desk during his 30-year run on the Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (1962-1992). Line: 107 The Phantom of the Opera, The Lion King, and Donald Trumps mouth. A: The 11th Hour. May a desert weirdo lower his figs into your mother's soup. A: Touch and Go. ANSWER: Big Ben, Joe Nameth and the candidates' campaign promises. Q: Who won't be let out to see the picture? The Answer: He unfollowed Putin on Twitter. A: Plumber's helper. Q: What do crabs get high on? Q: What do you need after Hamburger Helper? The Answer: They found no brain activity. . A: Pot luck. Q: Where does Morris the Cat go when he's lonely? and Supermanreplies "Johnny Carson, 1967" to which Lex remarks "Right. Q: Name the only two people who aren't sick of hearing on a country? Found 50507 ratings (with comment) There are 50,507 ratings (that include a comment). . A: Trapper John. Carnac The Magnificent Q: Why didn't Mrs. Franklin have any kids? The Answer: The Pinocchio Treatment and Recovery Center. dickory? How about May an unclean yak sit on your dinner. I hold in my hand these The announcement implied Carnac was responsible for some scandal or disaster currently in the news, as "And now, the great seer, soothsayer, and sage, Carnac the Magnificent." "Oh, The Question: Because she is so old, what does Nancy Pelosis breath smell like? NO ONE [at this shout, Carnac always acts startled] knows the contents of these envelopes but you, in your mystical and borderline divine way, will ascertain the answers having never before heard the questions. Carson as Carnac the Magnificent Carnac the Magnificent was a recurring comedic role played by Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Is that about right, sir? The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson - LiquiSearch The Question: Name three famous puppets. Q: Describe the five finalists in the Miss Universe you? "A: A, B, C, D, E, F, G.Q: What were some of the earlier forms of Preparation H?A: Shoo-be-doo-be-doo.Q: What do you look for when you're tracking a shoo-be-doo-be?A: Zippo Marx.Q: What do you get when something gets caught in your Zippo?A: Touchback.Q: What's the smart thing to do if a Dallas Cowgirl touches you?A: Kitchy-kitchy-koo.Q: What do you call a military coup led by General Kitchy Kitchy?A: Big Ben, Joe Namath and a candidate's campaign promises.Q: What is a clock, a jock and a crock.Answer: Sis Boom BahQuestion: What sound does a sheep make when it explodes?Name what offence someone should automatically get the death sentence:Johnny: Whoever told squirrels they were good at crossing the road!Ed: Yassir ArafatJohnny: Yassir Arafat(envelope opening)Johnny: What's the sound made when Dolly Parton removes her bra?Johnny: "It was so cold outside"Audience: "How cold was it? , The Question: Whats the name of Madonnas latest hit single? , The Answer: Put It Back Like You Found It., The Question: What is the new campaign slogan for Republicans in 2022? Modern Day Curses - Monte R Anderson - Author 5.0 out of 5 stars 2. A: "Gung Ho!" In article <10@udenva.UUCP> sho@udenva.UUCP (Mr. Blore) writes. car industry. The Question: What did Rodneys doctor tell him when he asked for a second opinion? A: Unleash. A: Putting on the dog. bathroom? Q: What do they put on horses at the Preparation H Ranch? Carnac the Magnificent: Three Dog Night & Mount Baldy on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show Johnny Carson 772K subscribers Subscribe 5.9K 1.1M views 11 years ago Watch Carson episodes every night on. A: Igloo. CARNAC: May a desert rat sunbathe on your radar range. contest. There were skits performed such as Carnac the Magnificent, an "all-knowing seer," and the elderly Aunt Blabby. Thanksgiving? The Answer: A Baptist preacher and a College football coach. A: Once is not enough. [9], File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php Q: What do you call a guy who streaks Minneapolis and St. Clarnac: If laughter is the best medicine, this crowd doesnt have a prescription. On one occasion frequently rebroadcast on anniversary shows, Carson's desk was replaced with a lightweight balsa-wood version; this allowed Carson to trip and smash through it. Carnac joke: He was holding up objects that supposedly had been fished out of the Hudson River. hope chest. Q: How do you tell a Sha not to do something? A: Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. Ed: I hold in my hand the envelopes. Forum Novelties Men's Giant Turban Costume Accessory May a carsick camel moisten your Egg McMuffin. 2006 | CC. "May your finger get stuck in your nose, and the nail continue to grow", (I have forgotten the origin of this one). A: Timbuktoo. Q: Name three things on the endangered species list. Carnac the Magnificent, in which Carson played a psychic who clairvoyantly divined the answer to a question contained in a sealed envelope. Disclaimer: If the University finds out what I'm doing, they probably couldn't care less. Q: Name a bake-off, a hiccough and a ripoff. A: Black and white and twenty feet tall. . A: Beethoven's Fifth. A: De-frost. Shriver. The Question: Name four traits you have to have to be president in 2022. says "Having an unclean yak sit on my dinner." The Tonight Show: four-digit numbers (ostensibly the last four digits of an audience member's phone number).Carson Carnac the Magnificent: Carson plays a psychic . In article <12@gitpyr.UUCP> gra@gitpyr.UUCP (Mark W Fouraker) writes: Paddy Chayevsky's "The Tenth Man" contains several curses on daughters-in-law. Eds Intro: Ladies (if any) and gentlemen. A: Milk and honey. The Question: How much did Clarnac lose on his 30 day diet? ANSWER: Gatorade. I note with amusement the "Fuck Your Feelings" crowd's epic hissy-fit stompy-foot meltdown over the fact that I referred to Trump's "Diaper Valet" in a tweet yesterday. CARNAC: May an evil genie put splinters in your Aurora The character was introduced in 1964. As Carnac, Carson wore a large feathered turban and a cape. May your children not forget you as they kneel to pray. . Function: view, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/index.php The Answer: Kermit the Frog, Shrek, and Al Gore. Q: What's good advice to give a Japanese tailor? Q: What do you call Hershey's Prune Kisses? Clarnac: May a diseased shih tzu hump your grandmothers good leg. The Question: What is the only kind of science the president, the CDC, the FDA, Fauci, Big Pharma, and the media use to promote their COVID agendas? Q: What is a mother of 27 children? A: Cheetah, Leon Spinks and the American taxpayer. (Crowd cheers) #10. , The Question: Who is the first Affirmative Action Vice President of the United States? . May your platform shoes fail you in a camel pasture. Large Old Johnny Carson King of the Night Pin Back Button A: Pussy Willow. Function: _error_handler, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/page/index.php may your mother stop receiving her child support checks fromthe pittsburgh steelers front four. A: Hickory Dickory Dock. [1] These jokes aren't mine, copyright on them is held by the A: Planter's Punch. QUESTION: What does an alligator get on welfare? 42 results for "carnac hat" RESULTS. It is entirely fictitious. , The Question: Name Nancy Pelosis favorite flavored fruit drink. I unfortunately have not kept up with this particularfield, so can enlighten you no further.--, Craig Werner !philabs!aecom!werner "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity. folks who ran "The Tonight Show" in the 70's. A: Buddy Holly. Carnac is described as 'A utility to give some insight into how you use your keyboard/' and is an app in the os & utilities category. Get a random spoof news story. Find Funny GIFs, Cute GIFs, Reaction GIFs and more. Carnac the Magnificent was a recurring comedic role played by Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. One of Johnny's best-loved characters was Carnac the Magnificent. After Carnac entered and stumbled, Ed would continue as follows: "I hold in my hand the envelopes. 1981 | TV-14 | CC. Q: What do you call getting hit with a fistfull of peanuts. A: A mule, a horse, Billy Carter. A: Kitchy-kitchy-koo. night? carnac the magnificent curses , The Question: How do you spell lahgahbahtahqua? . May a love -starved fruit-fly molest your sister's nectarines. CARNAC: May a weird customs inspector discover a secret Carson as Carnac the Magnificent Carnac the Magnificent was a recurring comedic role played by Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Browse more quotes by famous person's name. Carson Emmy Awards, The 1975. pants. Q: What do you see if you hold your hernia up to a mirror? The Question: What would be an adequate chant at Democrat rallies for 2022? CARNAC: May you fall asleep under a camel with post nasal A: The American condor, the American eagle and the American A: Fists of fury and five fingers of death. Clarnac doing verbal comedy bit for the hearing impaired. The character was introduced in 1964. Q: Who's the new traffic advisor to Los Angeles? I'm being held prisoner on a God-forsaken island! | Replica prop, Johnny carson, Johnny Explore Men's Fashion Men's Accessories Men's Hats Uploaded to Pinterest Johnny Carson Johnny Carson Carnac the Magnificent replica prop hat. Q: What did the dead raccoon say in his will? Pinside Pinball Top 100 Rating comments | Pinside Top 100 Carnac the Magnificent was one of the most popular recurring roles that Johnny Carson played on his show in 1964. Q: What do you use to fry a peter? Murine? All the funny items on this website are fictitious. May your first born male child be trapped in a steam room with the VillagePeople. Screenkey. A: Sir Lawrence Olivier, the Oscars and the oil shortage. QUESTION: What do they put on horses at the Preparation H Ranch? Flashback Friday: Heeeere's Carnac! | National Enquirer Actually, I have to admit reading it in the book "Superman: Last Son ofKrypton" (which is [very] loosely based on the movie) in which Lex Luthor(responding to the question "You told me your second favorite pastime.What's first?") ANSWER: Kirk Douglas, Terhan Bey and Earl Butz. Well, as it turns out, Parshas Balak starts off with this wicked king named Balak trying to get this wicked mystic named Bilaam to cast a curse upon the Jewish people. "[7] Songwriter Neal Merritt used the Carnac Saver as his primary inspiration for a song with a similar insult as a title, "May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose," a hit for Little Jimmy Dickens. May all your fine teeth get mad and bite off your nose.May you own a hotel with a thousand rooms and you be found dead in each one.May you have many daughters, who all marry [some sort you generically don't like]. Q: Who ruined that darn rug? A: Double hernia. May you be blessed with a son so smart he learns the mourner's prayerbefore his Bar-Mitzvah speech. CARNAC: May a swarm of gay chiggers open a disco on your A: Damnation Alley. The Temple was destroyed, and Israel was left with neither kings nor kingdom. Carnac the Magnificent - The character was introduced in 1964. A: Snap, crackle, pop. Click here to be a writer! THE BEST OF CARNAC - QUESTION: What do you hear when you put - RomWell A: Deep freeze. CARNAC: May you be forced to visit a near-sighted "Carnac" examples: "Billy Graham, Virginia Graham, and Lester Maddox" . Previous. , The Question: What is the name the new Disney fat stripper movie. . A: 50 miles per hour. Contents ", Jan Elliott AT&T Bell Labs, Holmdel, NJ .hounx!jansz. Pat McCormickwrote some of the zaniest Carnac material. A: Supervisor. The Question: Describe the U.S. economy under the Obiden administration. May there be more than one of you to bear the mountain of misery and griefI wish upon you. Johnny Carson: Self - Host, Carnac the Magnificent A: Roman Gabriel, Lance Ramsell and Howrd Cosell The Question: Clarnac hit a fat lady with my car. A: 2001. May a desert weirdo lower his figs into your mother's soup. A: Old wives tale. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental or is intended purely as a satire, parody or spoof. The crowd is hostile. This crowd would applaud for a train wreck. 40 Carnac The Magnificent Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Editorial Editorial FILTERS CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO 40 Carnac The Magnificent Premium High Res Photos Browse 40 carnac the magnificent stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. I have been collecting records, CDs and DVDs. Line: 479 One of Carson's most well-known characters, Carnac was a "mystic from the East" who could psychically "divine" unknown answers to unseen questions. ", "May the fairy god-camel leave a lump on your pillow! A. Whacka-doo, whacka-doo, whacka-doo. In article <9@psivax.UUCP> a@psivax.UUCP (Al Schwartz) writes: In article <9@psivax.UUCP>, a@psivax.UUCP (Al Schwartz) writes: I remember some of these from some book or other on the joys of. A: 13 Queens Boulevard. Key'n'Stroke. Get Image Page 1 of 4 The perfect Carnac The Magnificent Johnny Carson The Tonight Show Animated GIF for your conversation. Q: What made Ludwig blind as well as deaf? (Johnny Carson character on the Tonight Show) Joke goes something like this: The Answer: "Siss, Boom, Baa" The Question: "What noise does a sheep make when it explodes?" Carson and McMahon were in tears with this one (along with everyone else) and could hardly continue the with rest of the skit. (Crowd cheers) #10. Carson would place each envelope against his forehead and predict the answer, such as Gatorade. Q: What would you find in Superman's bathroom? Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor. Signed, the Honorable John V. Lindsay, Mayor, New York City." As part of that same bit, he held up a clam with a note attached that A: Last Tango in Paris. Q: Where do New Yorkers put their dogs muzzles? . New York Yankees vs Boston Red Sox Box Score: May 30, 1961 B. Q: How did Marlon Perkins explain the rash on his thigh? While in the past it was very common for women to die in labor, it is now very rare in modern hospitals. Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. Legal experts contacted by Yahoo News said the idea of Trump telepathically declassifying government documents is absurd. Food is produced in abundance with machines that allow just a few people to operate massive farms with ease. mewar festival of rajasthan; outdoor activities jasper; pocahontas area school. A: Keep your eyes on your prize. A: Until he gets caught. A: Fun with Dick and Jane. The resulting jokes often involved puns or wordplay; for example, "The La Brea Tar Pits" was the answer to "What do you have left after eating the La Brea Tar Peaches? Carnac the Magnificent was a recurring comedic role played by Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. (croud cheers) #10. A: Shareholder. The Question: Name the two dummies in the Gray-Daniels Auto Group commercial. ), The Question: Who is the largest conservative in the Republican Party? During one of his infamous animal interactions, Johnny Carson got up close and very personal with a Burmese python. McMahon's closing announcement "I hold in my hand the last envelope" was always met with a loud cheer, prompting one final "curse". Clarnac: (Glares at Ed) Clarnac is supposed to be the funny guy. Carnac: May the fleas of a thousand camels nest in your underpants. , The Question: What new rap tune has replaced Hail to the Chief as the presidents walk-up song? A long running bit on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show.Carson would appear in a turban and cloak as "Carnac the Magnificent" . Sometimes Clarnac has to leave quickly. Please see our terms and conditions and disclaimer. May the Shah of Iran seek refuge under your sister's skirt. The Answer: Engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering. ", Ed McMahon's favorite Carnac the Magnificent punchline[5]. Youre the straight man. A: Blazing Saddles. Q: What's the only thing President Carter didn't promise Audience reaction played a major role in the skit. Q: How does a stupid person spell "backgammon"? , The Question: Name a mule, a donkey, and a jackass. 5 results for "carnac the magnificent" RESULTS. Q: What do you call dressing up as a tree? this year? May the bluebird of happiness twiddle your bits. A: Old wive's tale. Carnac Hat ED McMAHON JOHNNY CARSON CARNAC THE MAGNIFICENT HAT Next. My question to you net.joke-sters out there: What is the funniest "ComedicCurse" you have heard? The Answer: Because the employees are smoking the 11 herbs and spices. Ed McMahon was a huge part of the bit. Unfortunately, as I age but my clients don't, more and more of them . A: Shake-N-Bake. One of Carson's most well-known characters, Carnac was a "mystic from the East" who could psychically "divine" unknown answers to unseen questions. Oh, I forgot! Jackie Lynch 242 followers More information Q: What were some of the earlier forms of Preparation H? Get Image Page 2 of 4 the Denver Nuggets. Q: What was Elizabeth Taylor between 3 and 5 pm on June 1, One of Carson's most well-known characters, Carnac was a "mystic from the East" who could psychically "divine" unknown answers to unseen questions. Q: When is the next RTD bus scheduled to arrive? Q: What do you say when you want to get your Gung to stop? May you be rich enough to own a house with 100 rooms, and may you be found dead in every one of them. Q: Name two countries and a luncheon special at the NBC Here's Johnny Carson's Personal Papers, and How You Can See Them The Answer: An I-Phone, a cable bill, and a BMW lease. CARNAC: May a camel with a weak kidney condition find your Q: How do you spell kkkirsucla? Function: view, Recurring character on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose, "Ed McMahon,'Tonight Show' Stalwart, Dies", "STERNAC THE IMPROBABLE RETURNS WITH ANSWERS ABOUT NASCAR, GAMESTOP, AND JASON KAPLAN'S DIET", Here's Johnny: Magic Moments from the Tonight Show, Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon, A: "Here's Boomer." The Question: Name a drink made up of 7-Up and prune juice. Ron Toth, Jr., Proprietor 72 Charles Street Rochester, New Hampshire 03867-3413 Phone: 1-603-335-2062 Email: The Answer: The Senate Intelligence Committee. In article <9@psivax.UUCP>, a@psivax.UUCP (Al Schwartz) writes. Q: What would you see if Orson Welles dropped his pants? (Ben Dover) , The Question: What is Richard Schwartz fee if he collects for you? A: R-O-L-A-I-D-S. Q: What do cannibals find hard to digest? Can't decide? . A: England, France and Greece. Curses, Curses, Curses . What Johnny Carson can teach us about the modern mainstream media I've often used Carnac in my work, pretending to be him, when confronted with the unknowable, the unanswerable, the irrational questions for which no reasonable responses are going to solve the problem. A: "Breaking Away" and "Here's Boomer." Q: Name a Chinese diet doctor. Carnac the Magnificent. A: Rosy red cheeks. Q: What does a masseuse do to your dub-dub? Carnac the Magnificent answers "A 100 yard dash" on The - YouTube Q: What does the Galloping Gourmet do during an earthquake? His reign on NBC's Tonight show lasted just a few months short of . Forum Novelties. Lot Closed - Sold Price: Estimate: $ 400 - $ 600. sister's hooped skirt. Then, he would read the question: What does an alligator get on welfare? Some of the jokes were feeble, and McMahon used pauses after terrible puns and audience groans to make light of Carsons lack of comic success (Carnac must be used to quiet surroundings), prompting Carson to return an equal insult. A: Black feet. The longest laugh ever recorded was given to "Sis Boom Bah," which was the answer to "Describe the sound made when a sheep explodes" and resulted in both Carson and McMahon breaking character to laugh as well. This is a very exciting evening for us at ______________________. Carnac the Magnificent, a turbaned psychic, could answer questions before seeing them. The Question: Name a clock, a jock, and a crock. -- -------------------------------------------------------------"they forcibly extracted the word 'but' from his vocabulary, and locked him in a room with 10 economists"-------------------------------------------------------------. A: Mop and Glow. Kitchy-Kitchy? Q: Who was just arrested for impersonating a baseball team? Q: When will you get to work going 55 miles an hour? . In article <42@kestrel.ARPA> t@kestrel.ARPA writes: > Comedic or not, "May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits" is. CARNAC: May a crazed furniture refinisher stain your "Opens envelope for question: "Name two hockey players and a hockeypuck. CARNAC: May a camel chip float in your martini. A: Chariots of the Gods. Wikizero - Carnac the Magnificent Maybe someday we'll have a cannonical list.-- Al Schwartz Pacesetter Systems, Inc., Sylmar, CAUUCP: {ttidca|ihnp4|sdcrdcf|quad1|nrcvax|bellcore|logico}!psivax!alARPA: ttidca!psivax!, Torah Outreach Resource Center of Houston, Please Patronize Our Calendar Advertisers - Full Listing. May you get your first French kiss from a diseased camel. The act involved a variation of the magician's billet reading trick: divining the answer to a question written on a card sealed inside one of the envelopes, announcing it to the audience, then tearing open the envelope to reveal the question. Size: One SizeColor: Jumbo Gold/Purple Verified Purchase. Towering Inferno. when is a felony traffic stop done; saskatchewan ghost towns near saskatoon; affitti brevi periodi napoli vomero; general motors intrinsic value; nah shon hyland house fire jar since noon today on Funk and Wagnell's porch. We have in the building tonight that great visitor from the East. [1] 36 relations: Billboard (magazine), Billet reading, Bob Arbogast, CNN, Columbia University Press, CRC Press, Curse, Divination, Ed McMahon, Ernie Kovacs, . Carnac the Magnificentwas a recurring comedic role played by Johnny Carsonon The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. sister. A: Kumquat. A: Green thumb. Wilbur, Orville, and Wright. The comedy came from an unexpected question following a seemingly straightforward answer. Here's how it played out on air. A: The eye of a frog, the wing of a fly and the throat of a "Describe the sound made when a sheep explodes. In this memorable skit, Carson and Betty White stripped down to their skivvies to reenact the divorce proceedings for humanitys first couple. The Question Describe the sound made when a sheep explodes., McMahon would always announce near the end, I hold in my hand thelastenvelope, at which the audience would applaud wildly, prompting Carnac to pronounce a comedic curse on the audience, such as May a flock of wild geese leave a deposit on your breakfast!, May your sister elope with a camel!, May a diseased yak take a liking to your sister, or the most famous: May the bird of paradise fly up your nose!. A: Eleven. (You should die young enough for her to walk there under her own steam.). Q: What do they call the entrance to "The Gong The curses were basically middle eastern curses and would not be considered politically correct today. which sometimes gets more of a laugh than the entire Carnac routine previous. , The Question: Whats the only way to get your spouse to listen to you? Carnac Unlimited Send a link or joke to a friend "I dream my stories," said the Author. proctologist. A: Sex. . I added more feathers, mardi gras beads and glue on fake jewels to . I just got a new DVD, and I am really excited about it, but I miss my childhood a little bit I guess. Ed: Welcome, welcome, a thousand welcomes.
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