Some may look great for close ups but in a large environment scene or house setting when you have a lot of models to let's say show off the interior design of a model home you need to be very careful on poly count. what you say doesn't make any sense because CGTrader has a 100 percent guarantee return policy on all models as far as I know. Buyers tend to look for things based on the category and budget and like to be able to put two products side by side to compare them and get a better understanding of why one is better than the other or which product is more suitable for them as an individual. cgtrader is far better than turbosquid in my opinion coz cgtrader offer 80% royalti payment and turbo only give you 40% royalti payment which is sad. Open a Support Ticket, Licensing questions?Contact your Shutterstock Customer Success Manager. Comment goo's like this, quote "Awesome model, converted this guy over into maya and he looks great" end quote. Gritsuk : Hello Friends, glad to present you my model Female Hand Realistic. I think that subsequently only large studios and squidguild members will remain there" Most people say you get more sales at Turbosquid than any other 3D marketplace, so even if you get a much lower royalty % in the end you get more money, and while this is true up to a point (NOT x80 sales in any case), what most people don't realize is what happens IF your products are NOT in Turbosquid but you continue to sell in other marketplaces and have a bit of patience. To be honest, when I first found this site a few days ago I was really excited. It's sad cgtrader promote only printing models and forget about regular models. Cubebrush. To my repliers: Yes indeed! That is a big killer for licencing anything here that you intend to sell the licence for, leaving me with having to licence at Thingiverse first then using CGTrader as advertising or selling copies of the files only. [Lighthouse12]( "Lighthouse12") I would like to see similar stats from other sellers, but CGtrader has been the 3D marketplace with the higher increase in sales for us without a doubt. There are tons of things better here on CGtrader, most notably we get served very well for extremely low cost. How Can we get 94% of Royalty?? It sells almost nothing, except, perhaps, with very low prices. We made this limitation to protect our designers from leechers who download hundreds of free models and then try to monetize them in some other way. After all everyone can afford to put down 1 dollar so it is reasonable. I agree structural arrangements need to be done to support this bud it needs to be done in a way so it supports the main axiom of openness. Maybe they have a much deeper interaction with the clients? There are currently no models in your cart. Fine details have been sculpted on the model down to pores and fine lines on the face and body. For me CGTrader is the best and CGTrader has the best structure of a 3d site !!! It makes you blind and clueless to how a customer is actually using your product and how well it integrates in his business and future activities. That thing is just getting started ;-). - Fixing some guidelines to upload quality models (at least assuring that obj models, for instance, if textured, should have a proper .mtl file, limiting the models to quads/tris, imposing materials and textures to have understandable names, etc. [/quote] Doing the same at Turbosquid feels as dreadful as applying for a driver's license. Thingiverse has allowed licenses to be transferred into another users name, which is very important option if you want to invent something and sell the ownership, else your stuck with it forever. TS beside ripping off taxes have a terrible support, I just was told in the civilized manner to F OFF, as I complained on an admin who kept my 3D model suspended for over 4 days. The advance search option should obviously only be available for paid models so to avoid people only free loading and just finding all the free models. Plus, if you express constructive ideas on the forums, you know you'll get listened to. That is a serious problem because it means a whole lot more work for sellers and I wish they would just get with the program. I stumbled across the same issues! Then there is the stupid "reputation" point issue. Royalty rate of CGTrader allows the seller to make a model cheaper than on TurboSquid. Having too many high poly models in 1 scene can considerably slow down rendering times, work flow and even crash your computer making the entire scene unusable. They recently changed their search engine over there and when you search for Free models it comes up with a few free ones and many more paid ones so from that perspective Turbosquid makes your life even harder lol. It is pretty difficult to find what you want but if you are only looking for free models then CGTrader's search engine is far better than Turbosquid. What I eventually hope to have is a healthy fair open market place, where collaboration , communication, people empowerment and evolution prevails over control systems, central power structures, monopolistic thinking, and maintaining of a status qou. Hopefully this will start another interesting discussion . Once that happens it is goodbye Turbosquid and hello big bucks for all of us at CGtrader. Yep.. If I narrow to "man", it's even worse : 64 out of 128 models displayed are scanned 3d models. Spider-Man (Rig) for Maya Shaders is a new section that we recently added. Get this item for $ when you bundle it with the items in your cart. @limonadinis f9acb067-ba84-4d38-8a65-8d3c4249a700Zoom.jpg httpswww.turbosquid.com3d-modelsfemale-rigged-3d-model1041167 --GENERAL-- This is hight quality female model with animation friendly topology. I have been the victim repeatedly on TS. Basically giving your money to a tyrant of a service, not even free to set price on your own products accordingly. When I asked why they don' want pay for that they have suspended my products ( 428) products they did not say anything after. If a model you like does not have a suitable file format, be sure to see whether the designer offers free file conversions for the model. but outside of the fact cgtrader is 95% designers and 5% customers its way better and easier to use more professional looking and feeling. There is a lamp that looks pretty cool (Gervasoni Bolla Floor light), and is supposedly free. @interate CGI . TS going down. That is the most important reason for them to be on CGTrader and it is essential to reward them for helping artist and the site earn money! The paypal commission is paid 2 times - 1 when the model is bought, 2 times - when money is paid to the seller. It is always very reassuring to know that our opinions are taken into account. I don't know how reputation points work for sellers, they may work fine if you're an actual modeler, but for end-users it's just a dead-end. Site issues? All because of search. CGTrader. Maybe some people don't want to bother about different programs compatibility, while others don't mind to spent time configuring things in different applications. But there are questions that are not achievable for TS, and they will not go to such steps, and it is this: 1. I was stunned to get informed there was no fraud protection (yes people, you pay 60% cut and get no fraud protection). Payout fees are just fractions of percent, not worth to consider. 2. Apart from this it would be nice to have a system that promotes collaborative action to make the products themselves better. I doubt the owner will say no to a hefty clump sum, no questions asked, in exchange for site keys and source. I had hoped that CGTrader would want to be the kings but i have to be honest if you licence a thing only here you have to own it forever, as you cannot sell that licence. If you're searching for a regular model, you have to click on the little icon "CG models", but nothing changes on the page when you do so. Well, it was more than one year ago that I last intervened on this thread. Maybe you think my words are disproportionate or naive but mark them now. @ Supercigaleha, ha, a good point about ,,the famous CheckMate,, :) TS . Thanks again guys, and let us know if you have any further comments or questions. We state our opinions based on verifiable facts and stats, which is one of the most interesting parts of this thread. Then I contacted Eduardas and Mantas who refused to remove the rating, You want to put it in your store but it obviously needs some work to make it marketable. Renderer: Cyclse. 3D Model characters people woman This is a photorealistic high-quality 3D full-body scan female character It has been sculpted and optimized for animation and game engines with a clean topology. Chat with Support 24/7 Female 3D models Rigged 3D models are your best choice when you need a character or object to perform unique movements. - Do you prefer to do business with companies that takes the most profit from your products in exchange for a short-term higher revenue? TurboSquid has stopped working in WM and lost some buyers in the middle East countries and Asia. ,,The only thing that has cgtrader extra is the freelance job,,?? The "crap models", "under-priced models" issue is a very sensitive topic that should be discussed. But Also Turbosquid actively promotes models on their site with the use o. They could put down an amount between 1 to 5 bucks as a deposit and after sampling the model as you suggested they could deduct that amount from the final sale. Anyway, there is still some ocasional Turbosquid fanboy that bashes CGtrader and promotes Turbosquid in public forums and social media while writes this in TS forums at the same time: You need to find what you want based on category and budget and purchase it quickly so you can use the product or send it to who will. Payment Method Search is terrible, and lost if you have to go backwards a page. We all witness how bad it is for healthy competition and progress. They simply do not get the idea that Turbosquid is just another reseller for the real product developers, and Turbosquid management and "rules" promote exactly that. I make very nice sale here, and several each month, not as much as TurboSquid, but with 85% royalties I'm not complaining. Every freelancer is corporation of it's own. You don't even seem to get reputation points for purchasing items, assuming I've read the page correctly, and if that is the case it's just dumb. CGtrader has been growing steadily faster than Turbosquid for several years, that's why they are making this desperate "first blood" move asking their Investors for an extra cash to buy Sellers out against Marius and his people, with the promise that they will fuck you to death later once the war is won for the #SquidClan. Hi there, just want to ask about the artstation store, do they have a condition of not selling on other store? Then they would only find the relevant models and get to purchasing them right away. Escorts jaipur Hopefully that would make squids to react. At one hand I could think this was indeed evidence that Ts had some clients that do not know about CGt. Agree with every word. I hope I'll have better selling results there. Sure you get a lot more income from The3Dstudio. TurboSquid is garbage. A own store where you can fill your offers with stuff found in the large pool would account for a thumbs up for the people hoes products get placed in those stores. [google][|google4 ] In fact, 61% comes out against 40%, since the paypal commission on cgtrader is borne by the seller, the site pays commission on turbosquid. TS can go to Hell, and never return again. I like, CG Trader is ascent. For myself, long live CGTrader and may they keep their principles as they grow. So, Ts will probably have a few thousand lawsuits to issue in following months if they like. Turbosquid.com4. CGt basically needs to be good at one thing, "facilitating a sales platform". - Moderating some pointless threads opened by people using CGtrader as an advertising platform for their own website without even selling a single object here I have no problem with a site offering an option for seller/buyer to find quality print-ready products. It's an example of waste of human recourses and time, because how many more are performing this same conversion work without telling? It certainly is an interesting read all together, thanks for documenting it so well and make the whole thing public, although I hope you don't stay embarked on a power struggle whit Ts management. Then came price guarantee on Ts and now I had a problem, the part I was now successfully serving on CGt I would not want to risk losing back to Ts, nor would I want to lose those few that kept buying my higher priced models there. Maybe there is something behind the scenes what you can't know or can't tell? CGtrader has already surpassed Turbosquid in every Rank, and it has +1 million visits too:, If anything buyers should get lots of points for buying. Rigged 3D models are available in Autodesk 3ds Max (.max), Maya (.ma), Softimage (.xsi), Cinema 4D (.c4d) and many other file formats. However, we have detected that you have set your prices back numerous times after we have made appropriate changes. Having said that creating models of that high end quality is quite the burden on 3D modelers who just do it as a hobby or work 3D part time so a lot of artists are moving away from TS because they can't sell their regular models on there anymore. But now, I'm exploring a new platform which is Sketchfab. The product team is reviewing your comments and this is something we will definitely work on. i have sold it to millenium shipping containers amongst other professional business. Toys (212) Buy or download free 3D models for your CG projects, film and video production, animation, visualizations, games, VR/AR, and others. Search is arguably most important feature of stocks and search in TS is head and shoulders (and then some more) above search in CGT. Also you need to think about the advantage of not having to worry about shipping costs etc with digital art. I think that they keep the 3D models as a curtsey only or to serve as samples that could at a later date be turned into prints. Your account is not in CGtrader and I can't see your models, and judging by the link in your comment you are just a spammer. I tested it with golden palace, clothing and various hair, other textures, they all worked fine August 22, 2022 at 6:03 am #1859211 Sabrina Participant Rank: @Goblyn Glad you enjoy it! No matter how many 3D models you need, we'll take care of it. CG Trader. I also think, as iterateCGI, the market control based on exclusivity will soon disappear. Got my model ( Then we're all back at Square one again. TurboSquid be avoided guys! They customize those figures anyway you want. i like the points system on cg trader . Regarding the support case, perhaps you could share the exact details on the case by a message or email to me ( - we would like to look more into it and ensure that no cases like that are unsolved. I was thinking about searching for specific 3d models through a site like Google, not generic visitation standing of a whole site, which in itself doesn't tell anything about what clients look for. With the support of a strong community we can get this thing going, don't worry about that. We initially did the 3D printing focused homepage after noticing that CG customers skip the homepage and come directly to product page, mostly knowing exactly what they need for their projects, while 3D printing customers need more direction and inspiration, so that even non-professionals can discover this new industry. The title says it all!1. We will only contact you if there's a problem with an order. It still remains a puzzle to me, were those few now actually using their CGt account because there was no other way or did I just lose those and just gained some new clients from somewhere ells? Delhi Escort Of course, as CGT reputation grows, this may change in the future (CGTrader has already beaten The3Dstudio in terms of statistics, but you also have to take into account that there are certainly a very significant amount of people coming here for 3D-printing only, which decreases the statistics in terms of regular CG models). Part of it is because they don't want to get scammed. Matt Wisdom describes Turbosquid as "a sort of Ebay" when in fact Turbosquid works exactly the same as classic "supermarket providers" where the reseller profits the most from the producers by keeping them totally apart from the customers. This market is changing rapidly and Ts is not adapting to the evolution of connectedness within the global CG community. I could go on and on, it kept me puzzled. The classic idea of exclusivity, division and concealment as a strategy to get to a monopolistic position is bad for the industry and everyone is coming to the realization how bad it rely is. TurboSquid. Old thread but still relevant, do yourself a favour and cut back on the seafood, delete TS bookmarks and make progress here. Putting 3D printing as the main product range on first page doesn't help, as has been noted. Hey there, To me it feels like he is amongst us and we are performing a team effort. 2. Fact is, the best is where is can make the most sales. On the other hand, reason for refund should be solid. In CGtrader you can accumulate many until you set up payment agreement. Turbosquid just has it backwards. I'm a bit afraid there's always going to be issues that leaves this community divided, leaving CGpeople with a platform not able to live up to its full potential and leaving 3D print people with a platform not living up to its full potential either. On TS depends on the country you come for, you get around 30% of your earnings (this is how much you get on your account, I know it is stated 60% but they take additional 30% for US tax), here I am not shore how much you get as I just joined and did not made any sales. On TS buyer cant do such thing, he needs to contact support on TS. Everything is more and more coming down to individual levels of very friendly and much more human communication. Turbosquid bites the hands that feed them: Brittney Briere, Sep 18, 09:53 SST: I think there needs to be a more valued motivation ($) in order to get people rank in great numbers consistently. And some may post a part of a set, and ad a link to the complete set, others may just do it to spread their work and name, etc. I'm about to bail on this site now - unless I can find any other topics that I might be qualified to post toapparently if I'm friendly enough I can earn some points, but it's seriously unlikely that I'll find any topics to which I can actually contribute. taken offline. This industry really needs a giant hub were al CGpeople (weather young and inexperienced ore diehard veterans) can communicate, learn, trade, fundraise and collaborate. I think I do a decent job at earning my keep.. And yes, it this is like if shapeways started doing cg. Maybe CG Trader should consider a large add-on to the site, where the customers can click a link, and go to a whole new site (owned by cg trader) that does sells strictly 3d printable models :) Just an idea :). I do agree with you regarding the search engine. 60% is an insult. Here at CGtrader you can do all of that and much much more which is awesome!! Advertising? Then someone from cgtrader decided that he likes 3dprinting sooo much. NoneCG will be up for it. We've been doing business with Turbosquid for more than 10 years until our very public issues last year: TS has more sales because : Add a Payment Method, Add a Payment I have it is about 5%. The duality of 3D printing/CGmodels is a very complex marriage. :). Be very wary when the artist is from India or other similar countries. That's just an easy question to answer 1. What's lacking? I'm not a modeler, I come here to buy models and this site is surprisingly obtuse when it comes to layout. There is plenty of "undercutters" everywhere and some short-sighted content developers that seem to only care about quick cash-grabs and most of the time doesn't even have enough data to state a valid opinion based on the contrast of facts over medium-long periods of time. I think CGT should begin doing the same and promoting people for being exclusive to CGT after all that will help buyer confidence when they realize how many of their best artists are switching sides! Let me explain - I like the look of the models here, but the site is even designed so end users, like me, can't even download more that 10 "free" items unless they've uploaded models of their own, written tutorials, posted topics to the forum (which is difficult if you're not an actual modeler) and/or jumped through about 1,500 other ridiculous hoops to get enough "reputation" points. I have met a bunch of really good artists here that I have had the pleasure of working with. Thank you again! So even if TS takes 60%, I still make better profit there because here I get 94% of nothing. A customer coming in from outside can view stores, search inside a store or still search the global data base. "This is new era, time of old fashioned corporatism is going to be over. Their only flaws are the lack of publicity and their search engine. In my personal opinion TS is working very hard towards buyers and exploits sellers as much as they can, well except few chosen ones, while CGT is taking great care about sellers, but leaving buyers somewhat aside. Same with copyright infringements, same with low quality models (a friend of mine bought recently a model here, which was supposed to be .OBJ compatible : but the seller had just exported the obj from its original program, without even editing the mtl file to have the textures loaded automatically ! Allot of snags and details need to be worked out in order to make this sorts of things happen but the main idea here is to have complimentary forces working together to make a better product., All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Despite offering models much cheaper (obviously) here than at TSquid, the clients prefer to buy on TSquid. I am going to start a list to promote artists who are making great models but just aren't getting the views. I think we just need so some massive killer models of epic proportions that the 3D modeling community cant ignore. Realistic Female 3D Model. We will rather stick with cgtrader and know our models are safe, although the issue with finding CG models on the site is a little problem, but as long as they stay honest well be supporting them rather than supporting a bunch of thiefs and if we need to up our prices then so be it. TurboSquid is not a company that practices any kind of #FairBusiness, and there is many other cases from other people stating the same for different reasons: My friend didn't get any support. To my amazement something ells also happened, there where still a few people buying my more expensive models on Ts. We previously sent you final warnings about your non-compliance with our Best Prices policy. CGt embraces all modern communication technologies which is critical to establish such a place. Every market needs time, every business needs it. It is the best RR in the world ! Yes, at this point the level of sales of the TS is higher than the CGTrader and TS has a more flexible search system. They also have multiple sellers selling the same products so that it is easier for people to avoid people paying for shipping in their country. Also, trying to find an item that I already saw through the search is near impossible. To me this was a sign that people know about CGt and that users have at least two accounts. personally CGTrader is the second site where I realize more sales, I think we should avoid generalizing his own experience. It doesn't matter if the printing industry is growing fast. New content is not provided to the on "Turbo" site. For example, I ran into this this morning. Yeah nasty stuff, but hey, I better shut up because I'm one of the hypocrites that keeps supporting that place by having my work on it. I ran my test with "characters" and displayed 128 models on one page. Plus giving much higher royalties, instantly paid, much better support, publishing system, etc. The other issue is that Turbosquid has been out there for longer. And IMHO search is an area where CGT shoul focus first. If I am searching for a 3D model, I am not interested in 3D printing services, and vice versa. You have insufficient credit to complete your purchase. The more people ho place your item in their stores the higher your ranking for that product gets "in the pool that is". Renderosity. Another point in favor cgtrader is that the royalties and buy a model possible in the payment system WebMoney. I've often (not just at this site) downloaded "free" items to verify their quality before purchasing models from a vendorI had problems with 3-4 of the "free" items I looked at first here (having no idea there was a limit), and now I can download no more. It's the artist that need to make a stand and simply take the short term loss from less traffic and exposure and join the marketplace that respects the artists. Maybe they should just smack up one big "We're cheaper than TurboSquid" banner and push it into Google Ads? Also, the problem comes from the sellers, not the site designers, for a large part. I know I personally would be Heh.. that's another topic but my top selling model is nude. The items from CG and TS do not appear very far from each other in Google. Rank improvement compared to previous 3 months: +5,816, +1,026. That's how they won and that is how you succeed in business. My price at the time was same both on Ts as on CGt but after some time position on CGt got better and sales was picking up. Without checkmate Turbosquid would have gone out of business. 3dsky.org2. They just took multiple of my most expensive items and run for it. Hello. Due to its royalty politic and complex registration process, I've finally stopped selling 3D models on TS. Logout from your account and go to CGTrader home page. TS removes this rating. In my country you have to be adult to do bussines and legal stuff. My initial idea was that Ts had some clients that do not know anything outside of Ts. Sales site defending exclusivity trying to find ways to seduce (like the famous CheckMate) but this has no return. See ourPrivacy Policyfor more information. Many do not search the net, they go directly to TS and search there for models. I will leave the items here to see if cg trader does manage to change things around over the next 12 months and if not will simply sell them on turbosquid. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas, Thank you for shopping at TurboSquid. So then people can actually customize and make cool toys and sell them on there. Hi John, you made very valid points. Plus, as I saw in another post, turbosquid does not let you post any links. Site issues? They already sell 3D printers on amazon so it isn't a far stretch to just add the models in the suggested items that go with 3D printers.
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