If notice of intent is given, suspension or revocation shall not occur before the time for compliance has expired. Easement. F. A replat does not itself constitute approval for development of the property. TxDOT. To the maximum extent feasible, pedestrians and vehicles shall be separated through provision of a separate sidewalk or walkway for pedestrians. Plans for the improvements required by this Chapter shall be prepared and approved in accordance with the provisions contained herein and certified for accuracy and completeness by a registered professional engineer licensed by the State of Texas. This district is further intended to encourage efficient utilization of land, affordable housing opportunities, and open space preservation. Nature-Dominated. 4. 3. The construction of improvements and the provisions for participation in costs by the City shall be included in a subdivision improvement agreement. A tract of land designated on a subdivision plat for future development, or not designated for any specific purpose, that has not been evaluated for compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance Code [sic] for adequate facilities or zoning requirements and is, therefore, not useable as a legal building site. F. Variances from Floodplain or Stormwater Management Regulations. Natural Features. Typical uses include private social clubs and fraternal organizations. By delivering data in this format it saves the County money and increases access to the data. The property owner shall be responsible for maintaining any vehicular use area in good condition and free of refuse, debris, and vehicles that have not been driven for two weeks or longer, and all landscaping in a healthy and growing condition, replacing it when necessary as specified in the approved site development permit. A variance, therefore, permits construction or development in a manner otherwise prohibited by this Ordinance Code [sic]. 6.12.07 Abandoned signs and supporting structures. Each buildable residential lot has a Maximum Lot Cover, expressed as a percentage, which represents the maximum percent of impervious surface area allowed on a lot within each particular Zoning District. B. The City Administrator must make any submission requirements and applicable fee requirements available to the applicant as a part of the Administrative Procedures Manual. Download PDF file Ladd's Addition Conservation District Design Guidelines (1990) 25.66 MB. The establishment of such accessory uses shall be consistent with any or all of the following standards: A. Minimum Lot Area. K. Action Following Plat Approval. C. No building permit or certificate of occupancy may be issued for any parcel or tract of land until such property has received final plat approval and is in conformity with the provisions of this Code, the plat has been recorded, public improvements have been accepted by the City (if applicable), and no private improvements will take place or be commenced except in conformity with these regulations in this Code. In addition to the general criteria for approval of administrative procedures, the City Administrator shall base the final action on the following criteria: Whether the intended sign conforms in all respects with all applicable regulations and standards of this Code and any applicable construction or safety standards of the Citys building Code. The City Council or other review authority holding the public hearing may approve or recommend action on the application subject to the suggested changes being made and incorporated into the new application. Basement. B. Pedestrian/Vehicle Separation. Build-to Line. Information regarding format requirements and submittal materials required for the application will be made available by the City Administrator in advance of any application. The following Zoning Districts reflect the recommended future land use areas, currently included in the City of Liberty Hills Comprehensive Plan. COMMUNICATION SERVICES. 20% of the land with a gradient of more than 25% and not more than 35%. B. Any rights recognized by the application of this section shall not extend beyond the time periods prescribed for the validity of the permit or permits that were submitted for recognition except by the granting of a variance from the time limit as provided herein. No land may be subdivided or platted through the use of any legal description other than with reference to a plat approved by the City Council or the City Administrator in accordance with these regulations. The purpose of this section is to provide guidance to those development projects that have received some form of municipal approval prior to the date of enactment of this Code. Any interpretation of the requirements of this Section shall be made in a manner consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. MANUFACTURED HOME RESIDENTIAL. Adult Cabaret means a business that primarily offers live entertainment that emphasizes specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. D. Signs Exempt from Regulation. The City will maintain an electronic mapping system in National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929 elevation. Historic Landmark. B. The City will inspect the work as it progresses, and upon completion and final acceptance by the City, and upon written request of the subdivider, the final plat may be approved and filed of record with the County Clerk; or. Where complete separation of pedestrian and vehicles is not feasible, potential hazards shall be minimized by using landscaping, bollards, special paving, lighting and other similar means to clearly delineate pedestrian areas. The ETJ increases as population increases. The purpose of this section is to require that development within the Liberty Hill jurisdictional area is supported by an adequate roadway network, including collector-level and higher capacity streets, as may be necessary to accommodate the continuing growth and development of the City and its jurisdictional area. 4. Wildlife Corridor. D. Appeals of City Administrator actions regarding sign-related building permits shall be considered and decided by the City Council. The proposed ordinance, as modified and if approved by the City Council, shall be binding on the applicant and its successors. If the City Administrator finds that it is incomplete, the City Administrator shall, within such five-day period, send to the applicant a notice of the specific ways in which the application is deficient, with appropriate references to the applicable sections of the Chapter. This Section describes the applicability and specific approval criteria for all Administrative Procedures necessary under this Code and applicable to the following: A. Is clearly incidental and secondary to the principal use of the dwelling; 3. B. Lot design standards within the Liberty Hill City limits are categorized by Zoning District. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall forward its recommendation to the City Council, which is responsible for final action on the Preliminary Plat. A strip of land having vegetation that provides habitat and a safe passageway for wildlife. Submittal of different applications related to the same development may be made simultaneously, although the review and processing of applications must remain in sequence as described in Table 3-1 above and elsewhere in this Code. However, overly bright lighting emitted from a structure will be subject to this Code if it is determined by the City Administrator that it creates a nuisance or a safety hazard as defined in the References section of this Code. All new roadways shall be built in accordance with any the Transportation Plan Element of the City of Liberty Hill Comprehensive Plan, the Citys thoroughfare plan as may be adopted by the City Council, and any TxDot standards that may apply. B. Mutual access easements may be required during the platting process to limit the number of curb cuts along Major and Minor Arterials. If a sign requiring a permit under the provision of this Chapter is to be placed, constructed, erected, or modified on a lot either within the City limits or the Citys extraterritorial jurisdiction, the owner of the Lot shall secure a sign permit prior to the construction, placement, erection, or modification of such a sign in accordance with the requirements of Section 6.12.05.F [6.12.05.E] below. After completion of construction, the developer shall deliver to the City as-built construction documents indicating all improvements, new construction, and upgrades. A landscaped area or areas within the shortest line defining the perimeter or exterior boundary of the parking or loading area, or similar paved area, excluding driveways or walkways, providing access to the facility (as applied to parking and loading facilities or to similar paved areas). Side Yard. CLUB OR LODGE. Canopy Sign. The City Administrator or his designee may involve representatives of or request assessments from other agencies and departments and consultants. During these periods, all applications being considered are subject to the extended review period. G. Parking. Transfer. 2. In cases where state or federal laws supersede the Citys requirements, then the applicable state or federal requirements shall apply. The City of Liberty Hill has the statutory authority to exercise a broad range of powers within its city limits. Agricultural use types include the on-site production of plant and animal products by agricultural methods. Dwelling, Multiple-family (also multifamily). That granting the administrative exception will not adversely affect adjoining property values in any material way. Illuminated Sign, Internal. The location and design of curbcuts and ramps shall meet the requirements of the Uniform Building Code and the Americans with Disabilities Act ramp standards and shall avoid crossing or funneling traffic through loading areas, drive-in lanes and outdoor trash storage/collection areas. 5. Reimbursement of the Citys agreed share of the costs shall be made as funds become available. Certificates more than three (3) years old may be made available in conformance with the Public Information Act. C. Responsibility for Final Action. The first application must be submitted within twelve (18) [sic] months from the date site plan approval is granted. Any use of, or activity upon, the premises. The use of a site for three or more dwelling units, within one or more buildings. The construction plans must be kept as a permanent record of the City. No. Any building, structure, or use lawfully existing at the time of passage of this Code, although not in compliance therewith, may be maintained as provided in Chapter 4, Zoning, Section 4.14, Nonconforming Uses. Amending Plat. 5. Developer. B. Design Guidelines The Historic District Design Guidelines were written to assist property owners when planning an improvement project, to ensure that the proposed work will help preserve the historic character of the property and the neighborhood. Prohibited Home Occupations. No identification sign or advertising of the home occupation is placed or situated on the site or structures; 5. The Planning and Zoning Commission may conduct workshops to informally discuss the Annual Update Requests with interested neighborhoods, developers, homebuilders, design professionals, and other stakeholders in the development process. The standards also serve to implement selected goals and policies identified in the City of Liberty Hills Comprehensive Plan. C. Williamson County is responsible for final action. I. Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of broadcasting and other information relay services accomplished through the use of electronic and telephonic mechanisms but excluding those classified as Major Utility Facilities. Except where otherwise provided therein, the maximum fine for violating any provision of this Code, or any ordinance, rule or police regulation that governs fire safety, zoning or public health and sanitation, including dumping of refuse, shall not exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00); for all other violations, the maximum fine shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00); provided, however, that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or a similar offense under the laws of the state. The unincorporated area that is contiguous to the corporate boundaries of the municipality and that is located within one-half mile of those boundaries (in the case of a municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants). An increase in the number of units per acre not to exceed 120% of the Maximum Development Density (e.g., Maximum Density Bonus in Medium Density Residential is 4.8 units per acre). Front and rear yard setbacks are measured from the front and rear lot lines, respectively. A public school offering instruction at the elementary school level in the branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools of the State of Texas. Typical uses include beauty salons, barber shops, seamstresses, tailors, shoe repair shops, tanning salons, dry cleaning pick-up station services, and coin operated laundries. An applicant who has paid the appropriate fee pursuant to submission of an application, but who chooses to withdraw such application prior to the formal written notification of completeness or incompleteness, shall be entitled to a refund of fifty (50) percent of the total amount paid upon written request to the City. C. It shall be unlawful to offer and cause to be recorded any Preliminary Plat of land within the City limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction of Liberty Hill with the County Clerk by any party other than the City Administrator or another duly authorized representative of the City of Liberty Hill. Vacation. City approvals, including but not limited to building, repair, plumbing, or electrical permits, shall not be issued by the City for any structure on a lot in a subdivision or on a parcel for which a final plat or site development permit has not been approved and filed for record. A. Applicability. All terms and conditions of site development permit approval must be met at the time of development. (Impervious Cover calculations are based on the Net Site Area.). Utilization. A vertical false front or wall extension above the roof line. The direction any street or road travels the longest in distance (i.e., north-south or east-west). J. Typical uses include mobile home parks or mobile home subdivisions. [Gross Density = Gross Site Area * Maximum Development Density]. PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT SERVICES. The purpose of this district is [to] provide for development of quality multiple-family living including two-family residences and higher density residences, such as triplexes, town homes, garden homes, condominiums, and apartments in a moderately dense setting, at a density of 10 units per acre. Consent Agreement shall be signed by the City Attorney, the City Administrator, and the Applicant and shall include the following terms and conditions: i. Right of Way Permit Requirements. 2. PARK AND OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION SERVICES. Typical uses include truck repair garages, trucking yard terminal, tractor and farm implement repair services, and machine shops (but specifically excluding dismantling or salvaging of vehicles). Any public notice or warning required by a valid and applicable federal, state, or local law, regulation, or ordinance; 2.
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