d) Interactional justice Except where otherwise noted, textbooks on this site McClelland has argued that the high need for social power is the most important motivator for successful managers. Manifest needs theory assumes that human behavior is driven by the desire to satisfy needs. That means giving them opportunities to learn new skills, to perform their jobs without interference, and to develop meaningful relationships with other customers and employees in other departments. e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. stick to one leadership style. b.) Multiple Choice Quiz. c) Safety, self-actualization, and social ______________ is classified as a content theory. d) power c) leaving the situation. Assume that any temporary external investment of money earns I0% per year and that any temporary financing is done at 6%. High-nAch people are not motivated by tasks that are too easy or extremely difficult. The second set of needs he termed hygienes. Hygienes relate to the work environment and are based in the basic human need to avoid pain. According to Herzberg, growth needs motivate us to perform well and, when these needs are met, lead to the experience of satisfaction. They avoid both simple and impossible situations. Damage to the ecological environment b. Displacement of populations and you must attribute OpenStax. a) Esteem, social, and safety The need for affiliation contributes to managerial success only in those situations where the maintenance of warm group relations is as important as getting others to work toward group goals. Henry A. Murray recognized this problem and condensed the list into a few instinctive and learned needs.3 Instincts, which Murray called primary needs, include physiological needs for food, water, sex (procreation), urination, and so on. b) Social c) People who feel they are overpaid tend to decrease the quantity or quality of their work, whereas people who feel they are underpaid tend to increase the quantity or quality of their work. To draw near and enjoyably cooperate or reciprocate with an allied other (another who resembles the subject or who likes the subject). a) Expectations, relationships, and goals 48. The use of a formal, written agreement between the therapist and client (or other parties) that clearly states behavioral goals, reinforcements, and penalties. e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. b) How cognitive processes as thoughts and decisions within the minds of people influence their behavior An overriding principle in this theory is that a persons attention (direction) and energy (intensity) will focus on satisfying the lowest-level need that is not currently satisfied. Can't attend? Considerable numbers of studies have demonstrated that tasks are intrinsically motivating when they satisfy at least one of three higher-order needs: competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Content theories explain work motivation in terms of what arouses, energizes, or initiates employee behavior. The need for achievement varies in intensity across individuals. Whatever their perspective, most people have a cause that they are passionate about. The person may not have had the opportunity to express the need. She enjoys feeling a sense of belonging. b) Alderfer's ERG theory. Identify situational conditions. b) instrumentality is high and expectancy and valence are low b) Higher-order needs become less important as individuals move up the corporate ladder. action therapy h. Therapy style that results from combining elements of several different therapy techniques. The first of these, satisfaction progression, is in basic agreement with Maslows process of moving through the needs. individual. The two main psychological developmental theories include continuous and discontinuous development. According to Alderfer, which needs reflect a desire for satisfying interpersonal relationships? Which theory is based on the phenomenon of social comparison which states that people will act to eliminate any perceived inequity in the rewards they receive for their work in comparison with the rewards that others receive? Matching b. Verifiability c . Management by objectives is criticized for placing too much emphasis on all of the following EXECPT: To speculate, formulate, analyze, and generalize. Lucretias chattiness probably indicates her need for affiliation. Do you think most companies CSR programs are essentially PR gimmicks? Hedonism, one of the first motivation theories, assumes that people are motivated to satisfy mainly their own needs (seek pleasure, avoid pain). Workers also took the opportunity to clean lighting fixtures, change bulbs, and repair platform edges while performing high-intensity station cleaning. When we sense that we are valuable contributors, are achieving something important, or are getting better at some skill, we like this feeling and strive to maintain it. 57. This is a manifest need. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which theory can be traced to the father of the classical school of criminology? d) Equity Process theories of motivation focus on which of the following? c) People with a high need for affiliation like attention and recognition. e) 40, Locke and Latham goal-setting research found that __________. d) Hygiene factors contribute to job satisfaction. We are not born with a high (or low) need for achievementwe learn to need success (or failure). b) It fails to help explain any cross-cultural management situations. c) top-down goals. c. mainly by accident. To submit passively to external force. 1999-2023, Rice University. the amount of effort a person puts forth. The Anti-Immigration Protests Q9 - All of the following are policy/program implications from rational theories EXCEPT: Why or why not? According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following factors are the sources of job satisfaction? Exam will be online Sunday, May 14, 2023 evolution, theory in biology postulating that the various types of plants, animals, and other living things on Earth have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications in successive generations. If the dollar decreases in value in nondirectivec. consent of Rice University. e.) growth, The ERG theory contends that __________. c) David McClelland To control ones human environment. Exhibit 14.6 shows how Maslows theory relates to factors that organizations can influence. a.) contingency contracting f. Therapies that strive to help clients understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. a) It is not pertinent for cultures outside of the United States. For example, our need for water takes precedence over our need for social interaction (this is also called prepotency). They simply dont exert as much effort in this area as high-nAff people do. d) The theory links motivation and needs to both satisfaction and performance. Clearly one of the most influential motivation theories throughout the 1950s and 1960s was Frederick Herzbergs motivator-hygiene theory.14 This theory is a further refinement of Maslows theory. Todays flexible, cost-conscious organizations have no room for top-heavy structures; their high-nAch employees perform their jobs well with minimal supervision. Any discussion of needs that motivate performance would be incomplete without considering Abraham Maslow.8 Thousands of managers in the 1960s were exposed to Maslows theory through the popular writings of Douglas McGregor.9 Today, many of them still talk about employee motivation in terms of Maslows theory. e) Frederick Herzberg. 67. d) Social Needs can also be satisfied at some point but become active (dissatisfied) again. b. Freud studies mainly "sick" people. Reinforcement A latent need cannot be inferred from a persons behavior at a given time, yet the person may still possess that need. On the other hand, there is some evidence that people satisfy the lower-order needs before they attempt to satisfy higher-order needs. e) less than two needs must be activated at the same time, c) more than one need may be activated at the same time, Which of the following content theories of motivation is associated with the needs for achievement, affiliation, and power? Dec 12, 2022 OpenStax. The more we grow, the more we want to grow. Question 1 All of the following are criticisms of Freud's theory EXCEPT: Answers: Selected Answer: c. He relied on correlational methods. a) Lower-order needs become more important as individuals move up the corporate ladder. e) People with a low need for achievement will also have a low need for affiliation. Herzbergs work suggests a two-stage process for managing employee motivation and satisfaction. You can think of content theories of motivation as focusing on WHAT will motivate us. They want others to respond to their wishes whether or not it is good for the organization. Maslows theory is still popular among practicing managers. The ecological systems perspective includes all of the following except: a) it evolved from family systems theoriesb) it is considered a traditional helping approach c) it is multi-contextual d) individual and system factors must be considered in understanding a helpee's problem* (pages 158-160)17. b) Cells pass on genetic material to daughter cells during cell division. The degree to which the rules and procedures specified by policies are properly followed in all cases to which they are applied is known as __________. d. Appraisal of the empirical evidence for and against the selected theory for the case at hand. c. He relied on correlational methods. Herzberg argued that there are two sets of needs, instead of the five sets theorized by Maslow. e) Interactional justice. b) Hygiene factors refer to job content. Launched in 2013, Bombas is the brain child of Randy Goldberg and David Heath. Needs must be maintained (we must continue to eat occasionally). Why or why not? In McClelland's motivation theory, the needs for achievement, affiliation, and power are developed over time, as a result of life experiences. These precepts from SDT are entirely consistent with earlier discussions of theories by McClelland, Maslow, Alderfer, and Herzberg. d) It holds that people try to resolve the inequities they perceive they are experiencing. e) In collectivist cultures, people seem to be more concerned about equality than equity. Are CCC and DDD mutually exclusive? b.) 1 . Content theories include all of the following theories EXCEPT: a) Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. The Anti-Immigration Protests. e) The theory fails and does not clearly categorize salary. . b. SDT specifies when an activity will be intrinsically motivating and when it will not. 61. Second, once we have satisfied a need, it ceases to motivate us. Rather than schedule these inspections during regular hours, they consulted with the maintenance workers, who suggested doing the inspections while sections of the subway were closed to trains for seven consecutive hours. Which statement about acquired needs theory is correct? Individual therapy meets the standard of best practices when it includes all of the following EXCEPT. c) People who feel they are overpaid tend to decrease the quantity or quality of their work, whereas people who feel they are underpaid tend to increase the quantity or quality of their work. A. Hierarchy-of-needs B.Two-factor motivation C. Achievement motivation D. Equit y The text focuses on three content theories that have received the greatest amount of attention: the hierarchy-of-needs theory, the two-factor motivation theory, and the achievement motivation theory. c) performance is higher with easy goals The distinction between instinctive and learned needs sometimes blurs; for example, is our need to socialize with other people instinctive or learned? You may have noticed that content theories are somewhat quiet about what determines the intensity of motivation. probable effect that this will have on The basis behind this theory is that segments of DNA that occur at the . e) Less difficult goals are more likely to lead to higher performance than are more difficult goals. Because of Herzbergs work, organizations today realize the potential of motivators. As shown in Exhibit 14.7, the ERG model addresses the same needs as those identified in Maslows work: Exhibit 14.8 identifies a number of ways in which organizations can help their members satisfy these three needs. a) Motivation = expectancy X instrumentality X valence e.) Inducement. As a manager at Icon International, Nicole is driven by a personal sense of competence, respect from others, and recognition through various awards. To escape from a dangerous situation. true. a. deterrence theory b. routine activities theory c. social disorganization theory d. neurological theory, Examples of informal sanctions include the following EXCEPT ______. a) the length of time a person sticks with a given action d) working conditions. __________ is classified as a process theory. Motivators, which relate to the jobs we perform and our ability to feel a sense of achievement as a result of performing them, are rooted in our need to experience growth and self-actualization. exports to Europe? Maslow condensed human needs into a manageable set. The individual level does not impact the group level. Intrinsic rewards satisfy higher-order needs like relatedness and growth in ERG theory. Content perspectives, also known as need-based perspectives, include all except which one of the following theories? For each pair of socks purchased, the company donates a pair of socks to someone in need (Mulvey 2017). A high social power seeker satisfies needs for power by influencing others, like the personal power seeker. a.) d.) Motivator Round to the nearest cent. e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. Webinars can also be accessed in recorded form at any time 24/7 during the 6-week session. To influence or direct the behavior of others by suggestion, seduction, persuasion, or command. The general strategy for the practical application of situational theories includes all of the following except? e) Physiological, social, safety, self-actualization, and esteem, d) Physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization, 63. But managers use theory every day. Hygienes can cause dissatisfaction if they are not present in sufficient levels. a) existence factors Understand the contributions that Murray, McClelland, Maslow, Alderfer, and Herzberg made toward an understanding of human motivation. Do you think social responsibility to promote sustainable practices? An invoice of $3168 from Scottish Importers has cash terms of 4/20 EOM and is dated June 5. Drugs that lower anxiety and reduce stress. e) ERG theory, Manny has always been driven by the need to work more efficiently, solve problems, and master complex tasks. b) the amount of effort a person puts forth. Other people have lower affiliation needs. Content theories include all of the following theories EXCEPT: a) Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Rays beginning and ending accounts receivables balances are $147,990 and$142,720, respectively. c) reinforcers During the process of refining and extending Maslows theory, Alderfer provided another need-based theory and a somewhat more useful perspective on motivation.12 Alderfers ERG theory compresses Maslows five need categories into three: existence, relatedness, and growth.13 In addition, ERG theory details the dynamics of an individuals movement between the need categories in a somewhat more detailed fashion than typically characterizes interpretations of Maslows work. Theory choice. c) affiliation It is too easy. Hygiene factors are not directly related to the work itself (job content). trade accounts from customers prepaid expenses cash on hand loan. the different needs that an individual is trying to satisfy. Furthermore, since meeting these needs does not provide satisfaction, Herzberg concludes that they do not motivate workers. SDT takes the concepts of extrinsic rewards and intrinsic motivation further than the other need theories. To conceal or justify a misdeed, failure, or humiliation. If motivator needs are ignored, neither long-term satisfaction nor high motivation is likely. As you would expect, high-nAff people are very sociable. (After all, doesnt everyone want to be paid well? 66. All of the following statements describe hygiene factors in the two-factor theory EXCEPT: Definition. Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe motivator factors in the two-factor theory? The third of McClellands learned needs, the need for power (nPow), is the need to control things, especially other people. e) It is not commonly used outside of the United States. http://www.businessinsider.com/bombas-athletic-sock-review-2017-1. Other companies have made social responsibility an everyday part of what they do. b) People with a high need for power are drawn to interpersonal relationships and opportunities for communication. Maslows theory differs from others that preceded it because of this hierarchical, prepotency concept. financial assets include all of the following, except? a) Individualistic Task feedback, or knowledge of results, overwhelms employees with information and reduces employee motivation toward higher performance. c) affiliation a) Motivator factors are related to job content. e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. b) Equity To admire and support a superior. Operant Conditioning Theory Operant conditioning theory is the simplest of the motivation theories. Concept related to Betty Neuman's System Model of Nursing is: A. Learned needs, which Murray called secondary needs, are learned throughout ones life and are basically psychological in nature. Teleological theories include all of the following except A) Ethical egoism B) Utilitarianism C) Altruism D)Ethical egalitarianism Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 42 D Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by Vickemz Terms in this set (42) Teleological theories include all of the following except A) Ethical egoism 30. Murrays main premise was that people have a variety of needs, but only a few are expressed at a given time. The diversity of the living world is staggering. d) valences are licensed under a, Major Characteristics of the Manager's Job, How the Brain Processes Information to Make Decisions: Reflective and Reactive Systems, Administrative and Bureaucratic Management, External and Internal Organizational Environments and Corporate Culture, The Internal Organization and External Environments, Organizing for Change in the 21st Century, Ethics, Corporate Responsibility, and Sustainability, Dimensions of Ethics: The Individual Level, Ethical Principles and Responsible Decision-Making, Leadership: Ethics at the Organizational Level, Ethics, Corporate Culture, and Compliance, Emerging Trends in Ethics, CSR, and Compliance, Cultural Stereotyping and Social Institutions, Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs, Trends in Entrepreneurship and Small-Business Ownership, Strategic Analysis: Understanding a Firms Competitive Environment, Gaining Advantages by Understanding the Competitive Environment, A Firm's External Macro Environment: PESTEL, A Firm's Micro Environment: Porter's Five Forces, Competition, Strategy, and Competitive Advantage, The Strategic Management Process: Achieving and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, The Role of Strategic Analysis in Formulating a Strategy, Strategic Objectives and Levels of Strategy, Planning Firm Actions to Implement Strategies, Measuring and Evaluating Strategic Performance, An Introduction to Human Resource Management, Influencing Employee Performance and Motivation, Talent Development and Succession Planning, Benefits and Challenges of Workplace Diversity, Situational (Contingency) Approaches to Leadership, Substitutes for and Neutralizers of Leadership, Transformational, Visionary, and Charismatic Leadership, Opportunities and Challenges to Team Building, Factors Affecting Communications and the Roles of Managers, Managerial Communication and Corporate Reputation, The Major Channels of Management Communication Are Talking, Listening, Reading, and Writing, Formal Organizational Planning in Practice, Management by Objectives: A Planning and Control Technique, The Control- and Involvement-Oriented Approaches to Planning and Controlling, MTIIts Importance Now and In the Future, External Sources of Technology and Innovation, Internal Sources of Technology and Innovation, Management Entrepreneurship Skills for Technology and Innovation, Managing Now for Future Technology and Innovation, The New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority undertook a new approach to how they perform critical inspection and maintenance of subway components that are necessary to providing reliable service. To feed, help, support, console, protect, comfort, nurse, heal. e) improving hygiene factors will make people satisfied with their work. (Credit: Stefan Chow/ flickr/ Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)), https://openstax.org/books/principles-management/pages/1-introduction, https://openstax.org/books/principles-management/pages/14-2-content-theories-of-motivation, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Why is this? A motive is a source of motivation; it is the need that a person is attempting to satisfy. eclectic therapies d. Therapy in which the main goal is to change disordered or inappropriate behavior directly. c) Higher-order needs become more important as individuals move up the corporate ladder. See Answer. abeka curriculum controversy. a) The theory may be method bound. According to McClelland, Joanna has a high need for _____________. d) Existence, relatedness, and goals a) Safety, social, physiological, esteem, and self-actualization e) Organizational justice, According to expectancy theory, the value the individual attaches to various work outcomes is known as __________. Rays sold $3,745,060 of merchandise, of which 50% was on credit. In contrast, if high-nAff people perform jobs in isolation from other people, they will be less motivated to perform well. e) Higher and lower-order needs become less important as individuals move up the corporate ladder. As we increasingly satisfy our existence needs, we direct energy toward relatedness needs. b) Social e) organizational justice, ___________ is the degree to which all people are treated the same under a policy. Q9 - Rational choice theories developed in the midst of social events that included all of the following EXCEPT: The Drug War. Vroom's expectancy theory argues that work motivation is determined by an individual's beliefs regarding the linkage between effort and performance, the linkage between performance and work outcomes, and the value placed on those work outcomes. c) Motivation = expectancy + equity + rewards Which of the following is classified as a content theory? d) Motivation-hygiene theory It reflects a motivation to influence and be responsible for other people. To get free, shake off restraint, break out of confinement. Do we need to talk or be silent? This makes nAch a personality trait as well as a statement about motivation. a) Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Other needs take over and we endeavor to satisfy them. e) Hygiene factors include working conditions, interpersonal relations, organizational policies, and salary. An example of commutative justice occurs when all parties in a sexual harassment complaint perceive themselves as having full access to all the available facts and information. c) sense of responsibility. [2] In addition to individual differences in development, developmental psychologists generally agree that development occurs in an orderly way and in different areas simultaneously. c) Motivator factors involve what people actually do in their jobs. 58. Instincts are our natural, fundamental needs, basic to our survival. Most counseling theories have been developed: a. in a scientific laboratory. e) the consequences of an individual's behavior, b) the amount of effort a person puts forth. Organizations have held this out as a chief motivator for decades!) As a result, they perform better in jobs that require teamwork. The nAff has important implications for organizational behavior. As these needs are satisfied, our growth needs become more active. c) Expectancy So, when is this need good, and when is it bad? The theories then discuss motivation in terms of filling these needs. a) not possible to teach people to develop need profiles required for success in different jobs Competition should be encouraged among employees to find and embrace new goals. e) Esteem, relationships, and growth, 64. e) What work environment will suit an employee's personality better, b) How cognitive processes as thoughts and decisions within the minds of people influence their behavior, 62. To be seen and heard. Many needs are learned. e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. b) It should be consistent across different cultures. Ans: e Page: 102 d) expectancy, instrumentality, and valence are all high Accounting for the imputed interest on a noninterest bearing note receivable is an example of what aspect of accounting theory? In response, the two entrepreneurs launched a line of socks that not only reinvents the sock (they claim), but also helps those in need. b) Motivator factors include a sense of achievement, recognition, and responsibility. Thus, an employee can be dissatisfied with low pay. C. Cultivating sensitivity to self and others . e) ERG theory, 65. According to this perspective, the manager's job is to identify what people need and then to make sure that the work environment becomes a means of satisfying these needs. e) assumed negative inequity, According to equity theory, which of the following exists when an individual feels that he or she has received relatively more than others have received? c.) relatedness c) Two-factor theory true. b) Motivation = expectancy X equity X rewards Manifest needs dominate our other needs. c) the satisfaction of a need at one level will always decrease its importance and increase the importance of the next lower need. To defend the self against assault, criticism, and blame. b) Hierarchy of needs theory b) changing the outcomes received. The implications of Maslows theory for organizational behavior are as much conceptual as they are practical. psychopharmacology j. b) Alderfer's ERG theory. Motivator factors involve our long-term need to pursue psychological growth (much like Maslows esteem and self-actualization needs). In the context of motivation, persistence refers to __________. Given the success of the program, in 2017 it was expanded to all RBS sites and a smartphone app was added to help employees participate in the challenges (Barton 2017). e. Carl Jung. a) Expectations, relationships, and goals Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like All of the following are reasons to examine criminological theories of crime EXCEPT ______., A criminal justice professional who does not understand criminal justice research is comparable to a ______., Criminological theories are all of the following EXCEPT ______. Which of the following statements is true with regards to the research on Maslow's needs hierarchy? Leadership theory classifications include all of the following EXCEPT: a. behavioral. a. Find the amount of interest that could be earned in a savings account and a certificate of deposit account. According to Maslow, lower-level needs must be satisfied before high-level needs can be achieved.
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