Similarly, instead of making contributions to a union-sponsored pension plan, the contractor can make the contributions to its companys 401k or a similar retirement plan. When this need has been established, a procuring agency of the government, or a cleared contractor (in the case of subcontracting), may request the clearance for the bidding contractor. By agreeing to make such deductions before a CBA is negotiated, a contractor may be giving up important leverage during bargaining. Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), works for a company with a Facility Clearance (FCL), requires access to classified information. To whom may eligibility decisions be appealed if the DoD CAF denies eligibility? The Cognizant Security Office (CSO) does which of the following? Subjects may include the issues presented by the employer or the union that have been processed through the grievance procedure, the terms of the CBA, and the type of remedy available to an aggrieved employee. Give the group a name. Stay Safe. You can help reduce technology-associated insider threats by: Eliminating accessing data through portable devices (Incorrect). As just one example, changing the design of a tile floor is much easier to do before the tile is ordered, rather than after it's installed. Who has primary responsibility for the adjudication of personnel security background investigations? OPSEC is a systematic, proven process to identify, control and protect classified information about a mission, operation or activity, and, thus, denying/mitigating adversary's ability to compromise/interrupt that mission, operation or activity. D.EO 13502 (Use of Project Labor Agreements for Federal Construction Projects). U.S. Government employees and contractors must report the following: Personal foreign travel; foreign contacts; speeches or books including information about involvement with the intelligence community. Recipients should consult with counsel before taking any actions based on the information contained within this material. According to section 10.2.8, the general contractor should report any work-related accident in writing to the owner, and will be responsible for any costs the owner incurs related to the accident. Which step of the analytical risk management process includes considering the impact to military and strategic advantage? The FSO submits the applicants completed SF-86 using which of the following? What is the preferred method of assessing the risk to your organization? What document does DSS publish and post on its website to change or clarify existing policy requirements in the NISPOM? a. ; Use the DE 542 Print Specifications (PDF) to generate an alternate form. The Government Funding Transparency Act of 2008 (GFTA) requires the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to establish a free, public website containing full disclosure of all federal contract award information. True or false? One way to do this is by conducting a thorough bid/no-bid analysis that meets your company's goals and is in line with your long-term strategy. c. Lower its output. Which investigation type is required for an initial Top Secret Clearance? A federal contractor with a contract for a term of performance of at least 120 days and with a value of at least $100,000 ($3,000 for subcontractors) must agree to use E-Verify to verify the employment eligibility of: (1) all employees hired during the contract term that will be performing work within the U.S.; and (2) all individuals assigned to perform work in the U.S. on the federal contract. Which government entity is responsible for providing National Industrial Security Program (NISP) policy direction? = 15 * 3/20 When the visit is a first-time visit and the DoD System of Records does not indicate that the visitor has signed an SF-312, The visitor must always sign it at every visit to any classified facility, When the visitor presents a visit authorization letter (VAL), When it is the visitors first visit to the cleared facility. These must be trained in counterintelligence; response procedures; applicable laws and regulations; and applicable civil liberties and privacy issues. Which of the following countermeasures may be necessary if routine activities provide an adversary with tip-offs to critical information? -Actual, probable, or possible terrorism. Enforcement of such a union security provision can leave a contractor with inadequate staffing. When dealing with countermeasure development, what is the bottom line? Select all that apply. In contrast to other FAR provisions, Clause 52.222-50 must appear in all solicitations and contracts. What is the last step in the OPSEC process? To use leave, employees need only make an oral or written request to the employer, with the expected duration of leave, at least seven days before the scheduled leave, or as soon as practicable if the need for leave is unforeseeable. The security requirements of the contractors home facility, The security requirements of the host activity/facility. Technological advances impact the insider threat by ________________. _____ is a conversation t Less. You are interested in the number that believe that same-sex couples should have the right to legal marital status. A federal contractor with a contract for a term of performance of at least 120 days and with a value of at least $100,000 ($3,000 for subcontractors) must agree to use E-Verify to verify the . -Allowing large amounts of data to be accessed In addition, if required by the government contract, consider requiring reinstatement be subject to approval by the government client. Only costs incurred in maintaining a satisfactory relationship between the contractor and its employees, including costs of union stewards and labor management committees, are allow for payment. What should you do? Stan has recently witnessed some unusual behavior from a co-worker. Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? defines the initial requirements for the product/service. As soon as the completed SF 86 is reviewed by the FSO. SF 312, Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement. None. This places the current contractor at a distinct disadvantage by permitting its competitors to avoid the effect of SCA Section 4c and bidding a lower price. Failure to do so will result in a perfectly clear successorship, which would bind the successor contractor to all the terms of the previous contractors CBA. The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (DFWA) requires certain federal contractors to agree to provide drug-free workplaces as a condition of receiving a contract from a federal agency. = 2 5/20 Select all that apply. While imminent threats should be reported directly to the FBI, employees should use their agencys or facilitys reporting procedures to report other threats through their chain of command. Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence (FOCI) Operations Division, Personnel Security Management Office for Industry (PSMO-I), Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE). When is an applicant required to submit fingerprints in addition to his/her security application? Union Security: Unions often request inclusion of a provision requiring union membership (or the payment of dues and fees by nonmembers) as a condition of employment. -A desire to appear well-informed An FCL is a determination made by the Government that a contractor is eligible for access to classified information. Contractors may decide whether they want to use E-Verify for all new hires and all existing non-exempt employees assigned to a federal contract, or for their entire non-exempt workforce (all new hires and all existing employees) throughout the entire company. The company has hired 12 new employees to support a new major contract. Select all that apply. That's why we put together the global hiring guide.But here's a quick recap of five common scenarios for US companies hiring independent contractors both locally and abroad. The thirteen adjudicative guidelines involve assessing a candidate using criteria that addresses a specific concern that can impact the candidates ability to protect national security. To promote economy and efficiency in government contracting, President Barack Obama declared certain labor relations costs (those not directly related to a contractors provision of goods or services to the government) not eligible for reimbursement or payment by the contracting agency. Evidence of tampering with your facility's classified storage container is an example of what type of security threat? Which of the following government entities adjudicates unfavorable eligibility determinations that are appealed? This is basically " the contract, " a foundation that the rest of the project details are built upon. Most inside offenders display concerning behaviors before acting directly against their organization. Which of the following, when looked at by itself or in conjunction with something else, can point to a vulnerability that an adversary can exploit? This EO established the minimum wage $10.10 an hour for employees of covered federal contractors and made it effective for new contracts entered into on or after January 1, 2015, and existing contracts if modified by the contracting agency to include the requirement. Depending on a number of factors, including the extent of common ownership and control, AAP obligations also may extend to other related companies. Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep). When is an SF 312, Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement, executed? Events that require the facility to be open outside of regular business hours, Events that affect the proper safeguarding of classified information, Any change in the number of GSA security containers being used at the contractor facility to protect classified information, An increase or decrease in the number of classified documents stored at the contractor facility. Contractors who participate in a multiemployer pension plan (MPP) through a CBA may be subject to significant liabilities created by statute. all of these are correct Some federal contracts and subcontracts may require the contractor to provide paid sick leave. According to the DCAA, [T]imekeeping procedures and controls on labor charges are areas of utmost concern. One area of the DCAAs attention is whether the contractor has a timekeeping system to track an employees time spent on each work activity. What document signed by President Reagan directed the establishment of OPSEC programs, and in what year did this document become law? To ensure there are enough cleared employees to meet the needs of a contractor companys classified contract workload, To provide the CEO with justification for hiring more cleared employees, To assess whether a cleared employee still requires access to classified information. 1. Select all that apply. contractors must report which of these select all that apply -any event that may impact the status of the facility -anything that affects the proper safeguarding of classified information -any indication that classified information has been lost or compromised. XYZ Industries is a cleared facility that is moving its headquarters to a less expensive office space. [ Any contact that suggests the employee may be the target of attempted exploitation by the intelligence service of another country. Lesser disciplinary actions may be discussed with the union after the action is taken. Objectives . A contractor facility may access and store classified material as soon as the Facility Clearance (FCL) is granted. When a successor contractor hires a majority of the predecessor contractors employees, it must recognize and bargain with any union that represents those employees regarding wages, benefits, and all other terms of employment. Which of the following is NOT a step in the OPSEC process? Any form of violence Directed at an individual or group For a specific reason A member of your team openly discusses her financial difficulties and her inability to meet her financial obligations. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. The __________________ develops and implements a facilitys security program. In addition to withdrawal liability, other statutory liabilities applicable to the MPPs include the PPA. endstream endobj startxref = 45/20 What is defined as a weakness that can be exploited by an adversary? Under VEVRAA, covered employers must engage in documented outreach efforts to attract qualified protected veterans in a good faith effort to annually attain a veteran hiring benchmark of 5.9%. Select all that apply. -A desire to be polite The hiring entity or employer that paid the independent contractors must fill out the return to report all non-employee compensations made during a tax year to the IRS. What system may be used to verify a companys Facility Clearance status? Specific clearance and access requirements, Authorization to generate classified information, A method for denying an adversary access to our critical information. Any contact by cleared employees with known or suspected intelligence officers from any country. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. -report the concerning behavior to your security officier Most inside offenders display concerning behaviors before acting directly against their organization. -Terrorist organizations contractors employees active duty military The definition of Targeted Violence includes which of these components? Which organizations are tasked with establishing OPSEC programs under the law signed by President Reagan?
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