All meetings will be held in the first-floor commission meeting room of the Cullman County Courthouse. All Rights Reserved. More information on the program is expected at a later date. The project will also include some safety upgrades to the roadway. County EMA Director Tim Sartain explained this is a 100% funded grant, therefore it will be no cost to the County. Clems stepson Justin has been with Cullman County Sheriffs Office for 18 years. This week The Times will publish Q&As with the four candidates seeking the Cullman County Commission Chairman seat. Cullman County Commission Chairman candidates, from left, are Philip Widner, Jeff "Clem" Clemons, Wiley Kitchens, and Kenneth Walker (incumbent). Authorized coroner Jeremy Kilpatrick to sign a memo of understanding between the county and the Office of Emergency Preparedness of the Alabama Department of Public Health. During Tuesday's regularly scheduled Cullman County Commission Meeting led by Chairman Jeff 'Clem' Clemons, Commissioners Kerry Watson and Garry Marchman approved a well-deserved county-wide pay raise for all Cullman County employees. Located in the heart of north Alabama, Cullman County is centrally positioned on Interstate 65 between two of the state's largest cities (Huntsville and Birmingham) and covers 743 square miles on the Cumberland Plateau. Approved a $20,000 payment to the City of Hanceville for its participation in cleaning and maintaining Mud Creek for the 2022 fiscal year. Appointed Matt Smith to the board of the Community Action Partnership of North Alabama for a five-year term expiring in November of 2027. Additionally, signs will be posted along Bolte Road stating No Thru Trucks, Local Deliveries Only in hopes of curtailing the use of the road as a thoroughfare for large trucks. 4 Pleasant Grove in 5A State Finals 53-36, PREP BASKETBALL: No. Proposed plat at Johnnys Junction subdivision, a minor subdivision containing three lots located off County Road 1763. Several changes to the policy were adopted at different times throughout the year. 2 Mars, PREP BASKETBALL: Arab punches ticket to 5A State Finals with 52-49, Local students named to Ole Miss Chancellors Honor Roll, Deans Honor, Sacred Heart of Jesus Church hosts 1st Birmingham Diocesan Day of. The following agenda items were approved: The next Cullman County Commission meeting will be on Tuesday, March 21, at the Cullman County Courthouse. 4 Pleasant Grove in 5A, PREP BASKETBALL: No. Agreed to allow the Cullman County Public Library to retain half the proceeds from the recent $8,700 sale of its old bookmobile, with the library to receive $4,350. Winner selections were difficult because. 2022 All Rights Reserved.This site is designed and maintained by theCullman County Commission500 2nd Ave SWCullman, AL 35055. Cullman County Commission holds first five-person meeting, PREP BASKETBALL: Arab falls to No. Located in the heart of north Alabama, Cullman County is centrally positioned on Interstate 65 between two of the states largest cities (Huntsville and Birmingham) and covers 743 square miles on the Cumberland Plateau. This is an annual contract renewal. The project will be funded by a $300,000 High Risk Rural Road (HRRR) grant funded by the United States Department of . Welcome to Cullman County! It feels good now to know its over. Winds light and variable. The commission approved a speed limit reduction on Bolte Road (County Road 700) to 35 mph from Third Avenue Southeast to Welti Road (County Road 702) due to the density of established homes and those under construction. Concerned Hanceville residents crowd five-member commissions first meeting. If the referendum does not pass, would you consider the county commissioners approving a sales tax for education? Contact. Visit the Alabama Secretary of State's website at to learn how to register to vote ahead of this year's primaries. 1410: Fog & Scrub Seal to Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions. 234. 2023-17 for the vacation and surplus of a portion 1405 for Rail Track Construction Project for Sportsman Lake to SDAC Rail Services in the amount of $58,142.72 and authorize chairman to sign all related paperwork. Sign up now to get our FREE breaking news coverage delivered right to your inbox. Winds light and variable. for cullman countyfor chairman, cullman county commission commission chairman (vote for one) jeff "clem" clemons republican write-in for cullman county revenue commissioner (vote for one) barry willingham republican write-in for member, cullman countyfor member, cullman county board of education, board of education, district no. First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 1342 for polypropylene pipe to Bear Concrete Products. When youre out for that long, you lose your momentum. 1 Cold Springs falls to No. Do you support the 1-cent sales tax for education? Disclaimer. I have worked during my career throughout Cullman County and I see the needs of all County County Citizens. Cullman County Parks and Recreation camping rates will increase for the first time in six years beginning March 1. Calhoun County County Chair Sheila Gilbert PO Box 563 , Jacksonville, AL 36265 Meeting Time & Place 3rd Thursday at Headquarters 6:30 pm 812 Noble Street Website Email (256) 403-1449 Chambers County County Chair Johnnie M. Sutton AL Meeting Time & Place Contact for meeting schedule. Estimated cost $647,000 to be split with the City of Cullman, Approved the funding for replacement of Automated Weather Observation Station (AWOS) at Cullman Regional Airport, Authorized John Bullard, county administrator, to work with Wesley Moore, city clerk, on financing options for airport runway and AWOS project, Authorized Little to purchase a tent under ADPH Grant- cost $17,000 (100% reimbursable) covered by GSA contract, Authorized Chairman Jeff Clemons and the county attorney to sign the Federal FY 2021 Certifications and Assurances for FTA Assistance Programs, Reappointed Linda Cabri to the Regional Housing Authority for a 5-year term to expire 2/1/26, Authorized County Attorney Emily Johnston to negotiate a purchase price for commercial property associated with the grant application approved in Resolution 2021-09, Approved the reimbursement for a washing machine to the Cullman County Detention Center at a cost of $12,450, Awarded Bid no. The commission approved CARTS participation in the Access 2 Care program, allowing Medicaid and insurance companies to cover the costs of transportation of patients to and from medical appointments. Bradshaw H Grady Library, Valley, AL Cherokee County County Chair Jeff Clem Clemons at the Tuesday, Feb. 11 Cullman County Republican Womens dinner. 794 0 Cullman County Commission Chairman Jeff Clemons, Commissioner Kerry Watson, County Road Department retiree Ronald Park, Commissioner Garry Marchman and County Engineer Bryan Cheatwood (Amy Leonard for The Cullman Tribune) CULLMAN, Ala. - The Cullman County Commission on Tuesday night approved its $70 million-plus budget. Copyright 2022 Humble Roots, LLC. A recent dividend payment was received by the commission for $36,000. Commissioner Kerry Watson graduated from Fairview High School in 1981 and worked with the Cullman County Sheriffs Office for 16 years before moving to the Cullman County Sales Tax Office as a revenue agent in 2004. CULLMAN, Ala. After being led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Welti Schools Colton Olinger, the Cullman County Commission on Thursday recognized the Cullman County Farm-Citys 2023 City Family of the Year Ashley Wilson. Ahead of its regular November meeting, the expanded commission fielded questions during a packed pre-meeting work session to explain the countys interest in pursuing options beyond next years end of waste disposal contract at the Cullman County Landfill. 15- JLP-023) in the amount of $41,784 and building automation systems agreement in the amount of $3,813.25 for the HVAC system in the Cullman County Detention Center- annual service contract for HVAC. What are your thoughts on changing Cullman Countys governance to a 5-person board? Approved the commissions regular meeting calendar for the 2023 calendar year. In other business, the commission took the following actions: The next Cullman County Commission meeting will be March 16, 2021 at 6 p.m. in the commission meeting room. Current commission chairman Jeff Clemons was elected to his position last year, so the recently-filled chairman's seat won't be a part of this year's race. Located in the heart of north Alabama, Cullman County is centrally positioned on Interstate 65 between two of the state's largest cities (Huntsville and Birmingham) and covers 743 square miles on the Cumberland Plateau. 1 Cold Springs falls to No. This amendment will allow counties more time to enter the program and set a minimum fee of 3% to the program. Located in the heart of north Alabama, Cullman County is centrally positioned on Interstate 65 between two of the states largest cities (Huntsville and Birmingham) and covers 743 square miles on the Cumberland Plateau. 2021 All Rights Reserved. Doug Davenport of County Parks and Recreation explained that the current company changed hands multiple times, making credit card processing impossible at times. Authorize chairman and EMA director to sign Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) in the amount of $2,342- annual grant renewal. 122 Borrow pit site, Consider amended Samba Safety contract to include hazmat certification class, Consider allowing the library to keep half the proceeds from the Bookmobile sale, Consider extending the contract with the Cullman County Co-op for a two-year lease of the Bates building, Authorize Chairman to appoint Matt Smith to the Community Action of North Alabama for a 5-year term to expire Nov. 2027, Authorize purchase for upgraded door access control system from ADS in the amount of$27,839.43, Authorize Coroner to sign Memorandum of Understanding between the Alabama Department of Public Health and Cullman County Commission for Mortuary Cooler. Today, Wiley Kitchens. 1 Cold Springs falls to No. 1339 for bituminous plant mix (installed) to Good Hope Contracting, Awarded Bid no. Authorize workers comp renewal with County Risk Services for FY 2023 in the amount of $553,375.31. Education, community, local government focus of annual State of Our Communities PREP BASKETBALL: Arab falls to No. There was a problem saving your notification. Abundant sunshine. The agenda item said the appointments were within Cullman County but, after discussion, it was concluded that while the patients must reside in Cullman County, their transportation to appointments and treatment outside of Cullman County would most likely be covered as well. With 50 of 50 boxes reporting late Tuesday, Clemons enjoyed a lead of 9,728 votes over Walkers 4,916. Authorize Chairman Jeff Clemons to sign the Alabama Department of Youth Services Agency Grant Agreement for FY 2022-2023 in the amount of $184,340 as the fiscal agent for Cullman County Juvenile Court (CCJC). Ratified renewal of a permit through the Alabama Department of Environmental Management to operate the borrow pit located at County Road 122, which is serves as a materials site for the county road department. 4 Pleasant Grove in 5A Local students named to Ole Miss Chancellors Honor Roll, Deans Honor Change speed limit to 25 mph on County Road 1121, Set the dates and times for Commission Meetings, Add Commissioner Kelly Duke and Commissioner Corey Freeman to all County bank accounts, Consider authorizing payment to the City of Hanceville for Mud Creek Cleanup in the amount of$20,000 for FY 2022, Approve insurance agreement with Byars Wright Insurance for Property and Casualty insurance for FY 2023, effective Dec. 1, 2022, with a premium of $512,159, Approve annual payment to Harris Smart Fusion in the amount of $19,404.60 for financial software, Ratify renewal of ADEM Permit ALG890252 for Co. Rd. Married to his wife Randa for 17 years, Duke is the father of Tanner, Tate and Tess, who is married to Griffin Morris. Cullman County Commissioners Garry Marchman, Kerry Watson, Chairman Jeff Clemons, Miss Cullman County Fair Alexis Sartin and Commissioners Corey Freeman and Kelly Duke (Amy Leonard for The Cullman Tribune) In other business, the commission approved the following: Change speed limit to 25 mph on County Road 1121 dba ProBin Global for the Town of South Vinemont in the amount of $168,004, Ratify abatement for Project Redesign for the City of Cullman in the amount of $4,007,670, Resolution 2023-13: Change speed limit to 20 mph on County Road 514, Resolution 2023-16: Payment to Non-Profit from American Rescue Plan Act Revenue Replacement Funds to the North Alabama Agriplex in the amount of $200,000, Resolution 2023-17: Payment to Non-Profit from American Rescue Plan Act Revenue Reduction Funds to the Cullman County Fire Association in the amount of $100,000, Resolution 2023-18: Allocating American Rescue Plan Act Funds, Revenue Reduction Funds to the Purchase of Road Materials for County Road Projects in the amount of $1.2 million, Resolution 2023-19: Allocating American Rescue Plan Act Funds, Revenue Reduction Funds to the Purchase of 55-ton Detachable Low Boy Trailer in the amount of $83,075.38, Resolution 2023-20: Renew Participation in the Liability fund for calendar years 2024-2026 and authorize Chairman to sign all related paperwork, Resolution 2023-21:Allocating American Rescue Plan Act Funds, Revenue Reduction Funds to the purchase of two 2024 T480 Tandem Dump Trucks and authorize Chairman to sign all related paperwork, Authorize Chairman and County Attorney to sign the Federal FY 2023 Certifications and Assurances for FTA Assistance Programs For CARTS, Consider approval of an allocation agreement with Teva, Allergan, CVS, and Walgreens negotiated by Attorney General Steve Marshall as part of a statewide opioid settlement, Consider approval of the Walmart settlement sign-on agreement negotiated by Attorney General Steve Marshall as part of a state-wide opioid settlement, Consider approval of opening a new bank account for the Opioid Settlement Funds at Traditions Bank with Chairman and all Commissioners as signers, Consider Chairman Clemons nominee, Bradley Williams, for appointment to the Industrial Development Board for a term to expire Jan. 19, 2019 to replace Layne Lowery, Consider approval of Catastrophic Inmate Medical Insurance with Hunt Insurance Group/Sirius America Insurance Option 2 in the amount of $73,184.40, Consider approval of the annual Tek84 maintenance agreement for jail scanner equipment in the amount of $8,995, Consider adding four doors at the Courthouse for security system in the amount of $13,903.41, Consider the surplus of 151 miscellaneous obsolete automotive filters from the county garage to be auctioned on GovDeals, Consider the surplus of the following items from the Road Department to be auctioned on GovDeals, 20132 Freightliner 1085D (Vin# 1FVHG58SOEHFJ0570), 2015 International Dump Truck Model 7 (Vin# 3HAWNSUT3GL220169), 2009 Isuzu Nprhd (Vin # JALE5W16597300150), 2014 Freightliner 1085D (Vin# 1FVHG5BS2EHFJ0571), Etnyre Asphalt Distributor (Serial# 52330), Etnyre Asphalt Distributor (Serial# 53421), 2015 International 7500 64 Tandem Dump Truck (Vin# 3HAWNSUT3GL22169), AM GENERAL 8X6 MILITARY TRUCK (Vin# OT58166710150), 1979 AM GENERAL 8X6 MILITARY TRUCK M917 (Vin# OT58166710350), 1979 AM GENERAL 8X6 MILITARY TRUCK M917 (Vin# OT58166710250), 1997 Stewart Stevenson m1083 (Vin# BT4999BCBF). Under the new, incoming one, only the chair will remain a full-time position. Authorize chairman to sign scheduled service agreement with TRANE through Omnia Cooperative (Contract No. 1 Cold Springs falls to No. Each of those four areas will deliver one of its residents as an associate commissioner. long overdue, and legislation has been pre-filed for the 2023 Regular Legislative. The Cullman County Notification System is available for sign up. High 66F. 2 Mars, PREP BASKETBALL: Arab punches ticket to 5A State Finals with 52-49, Local students named to Ole Miss Chancellors Honor Roll, Deans Honor, Sacred Heart of Jesus Church hosts 1st Birmingham Diocesan Day of. I would like to obviously read the bill, to see if the issues above are addressed, and also any new issues that may or may not be in the legislation, before I make a firm commitment either way. On the Issues: Philip Widner This week The. Authorize EMA director to apply for and sign for grant in the amount of $30,000 with the Alabama Department of Public Health to purchase supplies/or equipment for the State Mortuary Operations Response Team. Excepting holidays, the commission will meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m., preceded by a public work session at 4 p.m. on the same day. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph.. A clear sky. Thanks to a 2019 legislative change, the commission's current three-member structure is expanding. "We've tried to place them in areas where we expect there will be a large amount of people who can use the extra help," explained county commission chairman Jeff Clemons on Wednesday. All individuals who intend to run on the Republican ticket should contact the local Republican Party Chairman (Kelly Duke) before registering as a candidate. As I have visited with citizens all across Cullman County many of them have told me they would like to see a 5 member county commission. Consider the surplus of a 2005 Ford Crown Victoria (Vin No. First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This was put off for three and-a-half months, and it did become stressful. Correctional Incentive Time a prisoner may earn, and to amend the circumstances. At least there's no confusion about which of the four associate seats local voters are eligible to cast a ballot for: By law, every voter in Cullman County can vote in each of the four races no matter where in the county he or she resides. 4 Pleasant Grove in 5A State Finals 53-36, PREP BASKETBALL: No. Approved an annual payment of $19,404.16 to Harris Local Government for use of its SmartFusion financial software at county offices. If we do our jobs well and work together, we will make jobs of future commissioners better and the future of Cullman County even brighter!. Low 43F. The commission reappointed Gordon Sandlin as Chairman to the Local Emergency Planning committee for FY 2022. No such issues are expected with the new company. Awarded a standing bid for traffic striping to J.C. Cheek Contractors, Inc. . But I started getting back out in June and seeing people across the county a lot of touching base with folks was through social media and Im just grateful that they followed through with their support for me tonight.. 2022 All Rights Reserved.This site is designed and maintained by theCullman County Commission500 2nd Ave SWCullman, AL 35055. 1340 for cement for full depth reclamation to National Cement, Awarded Bid no. On Wednesday, Nov. 16, the Cullman County Commission grew from a three-person to a five-person commission when the four commissioners were sworn into office and began their work serving Cullman County. Whereas, a permanent solution to Alabama's overly lenient "Good Time" law is. The new five-member commission, from left, are associates Kerry Watson, Garry Marchman, chairman Jeff Clemons, Kelly Duke and Corey Freeman. Cullman County Commission is a government administration company based out of 6894 County Road 818, Logan, Alabama, United States. Supreme Court hears arguments over student loan, YOULL SEE THEM AGAIN': No. Education, community, local government focus of annual State of Our Communities PREP BASKETBALL: Arab falls to No. We have some good guys here and I think well continue to have good men on the commission that we can work with to make progress.. Commissioner Kelly Duke has lived in Welti his whole life, starting school at Welti before graduating from Holly Pond High School in 1990. This site is designed and maintained by the Cullman County Commission 500 2nd Ave SW Cullman, AL 35055 . Awarded a standing bid for corrugated plastic pipe to Bear Concrete Products Inc., ADCO Pipe & Supply LLC, and White Cap Construction Supply, with as-needed purchases to be based on price, availability, and proximity. If awarded, the grant would require no additional match from the county and would fund the purchase of cameras, laptops, tablets, and case management software for use by the coroners office. The commission also terminated the local emergency declaration put into place at a special meeting Monday due to the inclement wintry weather. They blessed me with the chance to serve the community and to continue to serve them. Commission Chairman Jeff Clem Clemons has dedicated his life to working for the betterment of Cullman County and its citizens. The fee represents an increase over previous annual payments of $15,000 under the joint arrangement.
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cullman county commission chairman
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