There has to be a recipe out there somewhere. If anyone finds it. I grew up in Batavia, NY (60's-70's) and there was a corner candy store on Ross St. where we would return bottles for the deposit and buy Chum Gum, the tastiest gum ever. My last research showed that the Wrigleys division of Mars owns the recipe but is not producing it unfortunately. I got to this page searching for Milkshake Bars. The entire beetroot is edible including the leaves which contain loads of vitamin A, calcium, iron and potassium. Ive reminisced about Chum Gum since 1958. I wish they still made it. Once in a while I will smell something that reminds me of it. Chum Gum was the best. This man started yelling at me for casually asking if/when they would get a reorder of this product. High. CHUM GUM ---YUM!!! Please leave a review or any memories of this snack in the comments at the bottom of this page. Then my dad told me a man probably empties his pocket change into a huge vat of peanuts. After the flavor wore off, the sting would last for hours on your tongue. I have looked everywhere for Chum Gum for years. Chum Gum was a favorite of my whole family. A friend and I in Silver Spring, MD would take my 25 cents allowance (in 1952) and buy about 50 sticks of Chum-Gum and chew all sticks at once to see who could blow the biggest bubbles. People used to say Who has Chum Gum? i grew up in grand forks,n.d. I chewed Chum Gum in the mid 60's. This was the best gum ever - a piece for yourself and a piece for your Chum. was 3 sticks for a penny at first, went to 2 sticks, then 1 stick, and finally disappeared altogether. I grew up in the 50's and use to sit on the river bank and blow away, while watching the St. Lawrence Seaway being built. Oh cummon, like you werent thinkin it too. Yum yum chum gum!!! For its part, Fleer did little to promote Chum Gum over the twenty or so years it was sold, focusing more on its flagship product, Dubble Bubble. I have looked everywhere including retro candy shops and couldnt find them. Cardboard like a real record. Awesome memories of summertime in the 60's and 70's riding my bike to Aloha Drug Store for Chum Gum! Please , I have cancer and I really need my certs !!!! Wrapper has a devil's head printed and "Red Hot Chewing or Bubble Gum" printed on wrapper. They have a lot of the older candy that's hard to find. I also used to buy KitKats, BB Bats, 3-V Cola, licorice wound up like a small record, Turkish Taffy (with a stripe down the middle) and other glorious candy that is part of my St. Louis childhood memories. I would give anything to have a "chew" once again! Oh, and I'm also from the great windy city of Chicago! Adams flavored gums were plain chewing gum with a burst of sour power. Does anyone remember Adams brand fruit flavored gumsgreen apple, grape, cherry, and so on? Frank Fleer and member of his family owned the business clear until 1989, more than 100 years after they began. Best years of our lives that I will never forget. I grew up in Buffalo New York, and my brother and I would always go to the corner store just for Chum gum. I am so glad I found this website. Oh my gosh, I just read Kimberly sherwood post,and I thought I just ordered CHUM GUM to the tune on $7 a pack. It wasnt sold in a stick like Chum Gum, though. !WhErE CaN I FiNd iT? I use to go to the candy store and with 25 cents I could buy a bag of penny candy and be so happy. When they broke -- you could easily take the gum off your face, and chew it again for another bubble. I'm from Denver Colo,and they sold it in a little food store down the street from my high school. We also used Dippity Doo on our hair and Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific! WHERE CAN I FIND CHUM GUM? I grew up in Neptune beach Fl. They were soft like Starburst and they featured an inner flavor and an outer flavor. I wish they would bring this gum back because it was truly great. Beets. This particular confectionary was in north St. Louis near the Walnut Park neighborhood, just west of Interstate-70. In fact, Bazooka Candy Brands, a division of The Topps Company, Inc., still produces Bazooka Gum to this day. CHUM GUM HAD A TASTE ALL IT'S OWN.I GREW UP ON IT. Please try to get the recipe for the HOLLYWOOD Candy Bars ,as well as Butter-Nut Candy Bars POWER HOUSE Candy Bars Heard that company went out of business. Butternut candy bar. Ithought I was the only person that miss this gum I lived in Palo Alto,California and use to buy it at the corner store Garden Supermarket, Boy that was the best bubble gum ever. I wonder what it would take for the bubble gum world powers to crank out some more of that wonderful tasting stuff? Heres a link to a section of our blog that deals with exactly that, Wacky Wafers! FF, sloppy joes were 15 cents. Three sticks for 0.1 cent. Almost cried because they dont make Branchs dem bones anymore. I did not know what the two piece penny gum was called. Where can I find Chum bubble gum or do they still make it? Bubble Gum Eggs from Arcor, Individually wrapped. Chiclets - Tiny Bubble Gum We have a new gum called Mini Mini Chicles that is very similar. I'm 50 and from St. Louis. Very spicy. Stay United Chum Gum Lovers! I am 62 years old and would buy chum gum in a drug store in Argo, Illinois. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. CHUM GUM WAS THE BEST GUM IN THE WORLD TO ME,I WAS BORN IN CHICAGO AROUND 47TH STREET,I USE TO SNEAK INTO THE REGAL HIDE UNDER THE CURTAIN AND WATCH THE GREATS PERFORM,WHEN THE SHOW WAS OVER I WOULD GO TO THE CORNER STORE AND GET MY CHUM GUM,BOX OF FRIUT COCKTAILS AND MINT JULIPS,I NEVER KNEW PEOPLE HAD BAD BREATH WHEN THEY WERE CHEWING CHUM GUM,SO SOMEONE PLEASE BRING IT BACK, THE ORIGINAL FLAVOR NO SHORT CUTS PLEASE.THE KIDS TODAY MISSED OUT ON THE GOOD STUFF. My kid, grandkids & great-grandbaby will miss one of the greatest flavors of life without it. I cant live without them. When White Front was around. Walters Variety Store in Riverside, CA. I have looked high and low but no luck of finding any. Chum Gum was the bestused to get it at the store on the corner of Irving and Damen where Lincoln intersects in Chicago. . I can\t believe they discontinued these candy bars. The bubble gum was cheap with really great flavor that simply didnt last. That was the "Good Ole Days". That pink color set the stage and bubble gums continue to follow that grand design. I sure wish some company would find the original recipe and make more!!! While its no longer here, you can reminisce with Dubble Bubble and appreciate the time it was here and successful. At her 2nd birthday party I gave her a present with no name on it, but I had a certs setting on top, she looked at it and came up to me and said thanks for the present. Whenever we talk about the good old days, this Chum Gum always comes up in the conversation. We got Chum Gum from the guy in the ice cream truck. . It was a great gum!! Flavors were raw imitations of pop (soda). I used to buy it in Burbank, Illinois, where I grew up. A trip down memory lane can start with a photograph, a story, or a taste of something sweet. I can not believe all of these comments, I wish I could find this gum it smells and tastes so good. I quit buying them. It was so unique to chew. $19.99. Richardson Brands, however, owns and produces Beechies, the Chiclets-like candy-coated gum Beech-Nut made years ago. This was in the late 50's. It must have been true cinnamon. I cant believe they discontinued my favorite Wazoo Bars. I have thought about that stuff off and on but, like most of you said, nobody else remembered it and I had almost convinced myself I had made it up. Chew one and give one to a Chum. One kid at school asked me if I was rich since I always had a bag of candy. We have a novelty candy store in New Hope, Pennsylvania. The flavor lasts for a while as well, long after the sugar is gone. Let us all write Tootsie Pop and request its return. Chum Gum was the best flavor ever for bubble gum! Can still taste it in my mind's mouth! I talk about Chum Gum atleast once a month. That is, when we weren't playing stepball, riding bikes or trading baseball cards. I remember going to Ferrell's Rexall on High Point Terrace area. This was an awesome flavored gum ! I would like to see it on the market again also. Best taste I will never forget. WHERE CAN I BUY IT. It had the best aroma, flavor and texture of any gum ever. have looked for it for years. i loved this gum. Loved it!!!1. I keep searching for alternatives, but they all fall short. While there is a bubble gum "flavor" - which various artificial flavorings including esters are mixed to obtain - it varies from one company to another. My Chum Gum memory is from the sixties. Chum Gum was my very favorite gum. All of these candies, and so much more, can be found on too! I would always take it out of the sleeve so it would look like more in the little brown bag. Skittles Bubble Gum. Chum Gum is one that many of you might remember. Long lasting flavor and makes great bubbles. Fifty cents would get me a whole bag. How I wish.someone would bring it back before Iam gone. They would make lots of money. I also thought no one else knew about it, I hope it comes back. That was my go to at the local market and I always saved the green apple for last! My sisters and brother don't remember it but I sure do! I never googled chum gum and just did. As a child in the mid fifties I discovered it at Glazners Market in Carrollton Texas (a Dallas suburb). 6. If there is anyone that reads this that knows the manufacturer's address or is it still being made please post a comment with the info! Please somebody make it again before I leave this world! I grew up in Denver , Colorado and remember chum gum and ask people when the subject of gum comes upNO ONE remembers it at all here . I grew up in Hyattsville md in the 60's and Chum gum was the BEST !! The BBE, Best Bubble Ever. look on ebay just type Chum Gum and you will see someone is selling 1 stick for $7 plus $2.5 for S/H. I remember the commercial well. Yum! My grandmother owned a pizza store that sold penny candy. I agree with Dee, #8 from 1-14-15. I remember it was 3 sticks for a penny, then one day it was 2 sticks for a penny and boy was I TICKED OFF! I also grew up in Chicago. That being said, it was made by the same company that created Dubble Bubble, Bazooka, and several other similar gums. Also got a lot of teachers upset. I was and still would be my favorite. I think there were 3 pieces for a penny. I also have searched for Chum Gum. Set aside two tablespoons of powered sugar to sprinkle over finished gum. Your Price: $24.00. Yes, I know that gum, my kids love it. I was a child of the 60s & 70s. A hard candy that becomes soft like taffy upon chewing. in the 60's,, and it is the best damn gum ever! I also have looked for Chum gum for years. They also have a list of discontinued candy and sadly, Chum Gum is one of them. Yeah man, I used to go to North Ward School on 4th Street and we'd go to Tussey's Drug Store. I have enjoyed reading all the stories. I found this gum's wrapper today, when cleaning a home here in Seattle. I used to get in in Columbus, OH at the Tremont 5&10. In fact, when I started dating, I would make my date (whoever it was) bring me a bag of Chum Gum bubble gum when he picked me up. I since have moved east and am always searching for "California Candy"! WOW!!! im 57 and i well remember the taste and texture of the world's greatest gum. I'm a pharmacy tech and one of the children's antibiotics smells JUST LIKE CHUM GUM when the water is added! How sad the kids (and adults) will never know. google_color_url = "1F2B9E"; Chum Gum ROCKS!!!! Stir mixture and put back in for 5-10 seconds intervals until completely melted. In the mid 80s, my sister and I were driving near Folsom and we made a special trip to that general store just to see if they had any Chum Gum. I still can get Bottle Caps, Laffy Taffy, Now N Laters, Sprees, Nerds and Sweet Tarts. Chum Gum came out as early as the 1950s from what we can tell and was available until sometime in the 90s. I cant help but think of those delicious little mint humbugs that my grandmother always gave me. They no longer make them. altoids Tangerine sours. PLESE BRING THIS GUM BACK. I'm so happy it wasn't all a dream. Time-warping back to October, 1971, found another newspaper ad mentioning Chum Gum, Dubble Bubble and Razzles as suggestions to give trick-or-treaters on Halloween.
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