About Kim Scouller Recorded Webinars Categories: Recording , Webinar Our webinars offer valuable insight and education about the intersection of faith with sexual and domestic violence and child abuse, as well as the importance of clergy ethics and healthy relationships in preventing harm. Funding is also awarded by PCCD, to the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC) and from the AOPC to PCADV by means of a passthrough agreement. Associated Links Webinars & Seminars CHANGING MINDS WINNER OF OPEN MINDS INITIATIVE! Learning Objective: Resources for Advocates Together We Can End Abuse. All online learning session times are listed as EasternTime. 1. Why? The interactive 90-minute webinar will help participants to develop a shared understanding and definition of domestic violence and battering, unpack common myths and misconceptions, and explore the connections between our beliefs and our practice with individuals and families experiencing domestic violence. In the Know. The webinar series, entitled Supporting Victims and Survivors of Faith: A Webinar Series for Advocates, aims to equip domestic violence advocates to respond to and support victims/survivors from communities of faith. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13FvVYbwkiP81w0BqqWW05xmMo_Q287frZG6W653gQW0/edit. Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - 10:00am. Learn how to determine what kind of leader you are, What happens when you dial 9-1-1? Leveraging our tough stories helps all of us to live more resiliently. To receive email reminders about upcoming learning sessions, join NCADVs email list or update your email information by clickinghere. Kootenai County Sheriff's Office, 5500 N Government Way, Coeur d'Alene. Take Part in Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day 2015! NRCDV is expanding its team of Change Makers! Information included: Overview of the DVPI program; Best and promising practices; Evidence-based practices; Period. Each #AdvoChat (Advocates + Chatting)offers an opportunity to improve your professional skillset and knowledge base with detailed, hands-on video training, engagingly delivered to you without having to leave your desk. Heather Joyner from Franklin County Emergency Communications in North Carolina will give a play-by-play of what her day looks like, the challenges she faces and share tips on how to make sure help arrives as quickly as possible. . The webinars are recorded and are available below. Download the transcript here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rYsm88fX2GXKOGfHioxFqqTLjXyQ-eAG/view?usp=sharing. National, state, and tribal laws do restrict . The webinar introduces participants to a slideshow presentation church leaders can use with their congregations. All rights reserved. But they cause a host of physical, emotional and cognitive consequences that can impact every area of a persons life--including their ability to access and participate in dv services. Or visit our webinar archive for a list of 200 webinars to choose from, on a variety of topics. Learn about relevant federal and state laws, Identify the intersection between domestic violence and sex trafficking, Understand why victims of sex trafficking dont always identify themselves as domestic violence victims and that the psychological and trauma bonds with their trafficker are fundamental obstacles. This webinar will introduce you to the CARE framework of delivering services, using accommodations to make services more effective and responsive, and free, downloadable educational materials and practice-based tools for service providers and survivors of violence. Part I: Understanding Sexual Assault and Victimization: Building the Foundation for Civil Legal Advocacy How Could Proposed Changes to Medicaid Impact Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence? Attendees will gain insight to engage new followers and inspire consistent growth through strategic content creation. Each 90-minute webinar provides essential financial literacy skills: from basic money management skills, budgeting and setting financial goals to planning for retirement. For TDVAM 2023, we're uplifting the theme "Health Equity Matters: Making Connections Through Experiences." This webinar will explain strangulation and discuss the new law. This webinar will help advocates feel more comfortable discussing this topic and engaging with survivors. Event Dates. Audience: During the morning session, you'll learn about offender . Other Webinars with this Speaker: Disaster Without, Disaster Within: Natural Disasters and Family Violence; Sept 29: The Road Less Traveled: Family Violence in Rural Communities; Dec 7: Role of Faith-Based Organizations and Domestic Violence (this webinar) Or click here to view and register for other upcoming NSA webinars on the JCH Platform. 3. Building Trauma Informed Tribal Child Welfare Systems: New Shifts in Policy and Practice, 8/8/16 We find that oftentimes education and learning more about these topics can help victim-survivors make sense of what happened and equip them with tools that may help with the impacts of abuse. Download Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/139E8olRrDfLz1uylUswYLh_KM7DoZ36KTjetHGvyytQ/edit?usp=sharing, Do you want to eradicate and prevent domestic violence? The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in these webinars are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of PCCD, AOPC or the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women. This recorded webinar was developed for court personnel to define and recognize domestic violence in later life, as well as identify ways to enhance access to justice for victims of domestic violence in later life. With Only Blue Skies, we envision transforming the largest industry in our country from one that talks about womens financial needs to one that is actually doing something about it helping women address their own financial needs through education. According to a 2017 Prosecutor's Report, Attorneys and well-intending people tell victims to DOCUMENT EVERYTHING but not everything is admissible as evidence. 1) Learn the tactics of coercive control in intimate relationships. DomesticShelters.org makes it simple to find the services and resources that victims and survivors of domestic violence need. Help is just a few clicksaway. This webinar from Futures Without Violence will review the ways that human trafficking can intersect with domestic and sexual violence, how to engrain equity and cultural responsiveness in your support of survivors, and the power of collaborative relationships to better support and serve survivors. This webinar is for domestic violence advocates to learn more about human trafficking, and how it relates to their work. leave the site. Attendees will have the opportunity to "troubleshoot the challenges they are currently facing online whether its engagement, monetary decline, stagnation in online growth, or community building. Vawnet is a project of: Therefore, we have transitioned to sharing the playlists for the different categories of webinars for your convenience. ACTIVATE YOUR SCHOOL: How-to-Guide for hosting an Audrie & Daisy Screening at a Local High School, FIGHTING FOR CHANGE: Make Your Voice Heard With Your Elected Officials, Case Management Approaches to Support Trafficked Victims/Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Whats the Dish? Select domestic violence programs based on location, service and language needs. Remote Home Visitation: Supporting clients experiencing Intimate Partner Violence in the Time of COVID-19, Innovation on Demand Part 1: Implementing Culturally-Responsive and Trauma-Informed Services and Family-Centered Practice During COVID-19, Invisible Injuries: Traumatic Brain Injury, Strangulation and Domestic Violence, Engaging Dads: Findings from the Preventing and Addressing Intimate Violence when Engaging Dads (PAIVED) Study, Lessons Learned: Supporting Indigenous Children and Families Experiencing Domestic Violence, Strengthening Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs for Trafficked Survivors:Enhancing Identification, Case Management and Advocacy, Survivor Strategies to Generate Income: Opportunities through Independent Contracting, Beyond Checking the Boxes: A Discussion on Education Program Evaluations, Core Values and Domestic & Sexual Violence Organizations, Language Access in Educational Design and Delivery/ Acceso al Lenguaje en el Diseo y Entrega Educativa, NHCVA Webinar A Change Package for Advancing Trauma Informed Care in Primary Care settings, How State/Territory, Tribal, and Federal Health Policies Can Promote Survivor Health, Preserve Autonomy, and Protect Confidentiality, New Funding Announcement Q&A: Project Catalyst Phase III, Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day *Facebook Live* Event, Addressing Stigma within Healthcare and Social Service Provision, Succession Planning within Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Organizations, Part 2, NHCVA Webinar Children in Detention: Critical Clinical, Legal, Policy, and Human Rights Issues for Health Professionals, Supporting Families Experiencing Domestic Violence who are Involved in the Child Welfare System: Lessons Learned from the Specialized Services for Abused Parents and Children Program, Information Session: Promoting Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Trafficking Institute, Building Sustainable Partnerships between Human Trafficking Services and Workforce Development Programs, Collaborative Strategies and Tools to Meet the Needs of Survivors of Human Trafficking, Job Training and Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Trafficking through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, 2020 NCHDV Call for Abstracts: How-to Submit Webinar, Human Trafficking and Its Impacts on Employment, Healthy Moms, Happy Babies Part II: Healing Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Settings, Healthy Moms Happy Babies: Healing Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Programs, Building Skills and Obtaining Employment: Understanding Opportunities and Resources Available through Local Workforce Systems, Promoting Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Human Trafficking, Integrating Assessment for Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking into Advocacy Programs: Promising Practices and Emerging Tools, Fostering Safer Workplaces: Addressing Domestic Violence in a Business Setting. ASL and Spanish interpretation will be provided for this session, NCADV Members - Log in to Portal to RegisterAll Others - Purchase Registration Here. Yet few rural communities have Domestic Violence High-Risk Teams in place. Today, we spend more time online and on our devices than ever before, creating new safety risks for victims of gender-based and family violence. 2. Recordings of our previous webinars are organized by category: introduction, prevention, supporting children, types of abuse, the impact of abuse, for advocates, and related to the healing journey. Monday, March 13, 2023 - Friday, March 17, 2023. As one of the few women broker-dealer presidents, she traveled around the country talking with people, especially women, about investments and financial goals. Northern Police Research Webinar - Domestic Violence & Risk Assessment. Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence "Members Only" Webinars through Skyprep: Male Victims, Effects of DV on Children, Human Trafficking, Professional Ethics (Core,) Dynamics of . Webinar Links Rebuilding Financially After Domestic Violence: Gaining Financial Self-Sufficiency Watch Now Integrate the science of positive and adverse childhood experiences (PACEs) in everything. Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: Basic Investigation and . Videos included in this playlist: Domestic Violence is a Pattern: Break the Cycle, Lets Do Better: Pillars of Healthy Relationships, Emotional Safety Planning, Lets Talk about Boundaries, What About Youth? This webinar uses teaching techniques consistent with PowerPoint, experimental practice, Question/Answer discussion, as well as table-top discussion of applications. Says Parker, "Women with complex PTSD who were verbally and physically abused [may] pick the same [partner] over . Mary Beth Becker-Lauth, Community Education and Outreach Manager: mbecker@wadvocates.org. Audience: Addiction Professionals, Mental Health Professionals, Criminal Justice Lawyers, Judges. Monday, April 17, 2023 - 6:30pm. Create an account to save and access your bookmarked materials anytime, anywhere. All NCADV online learning sessions are included in NCADV Membership! Research has found high rates of both past and current intimate partner violence (IPV) among people in SUD treatment settings. This playlist includes webinars that are geared toward anyone who identifies as an advocate or wants to support victim-survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Racism, Domestic Violence & Black Maternal Mortality What Can Advocates Do? This presentation will provide an overview of the unique perspectives that civilian advocates bring to law enforcement in their engagement with victims of domestic violence. Videos included in this playlist: Brain on Trauma: Domestic Violence and PTSD, Interconnectedness of domestic violence and homelessness, the impact of domestic violence on mental health, too often forgotten: impact of domestic violence on children, navigating when a survivor is in crisis, emotional safety planning, Virtual Book Talk with Author Registration will close one business day prior to the scheduled learning session. Every1KnowsSome1, and everyone has a role to play in ending domestic violence. You are safehere. Effective October 6, 2022, The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) and the National Domestic Violence Hotline (The Hotline) have joined together. In this webinar, Gael Strack of the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention will share insights and research on the intersection of non-fatal strangulation and domestic violence. Each individual must register for the webinar and watch the entire presentation, which we will verify via our time tracking software. You do not have to have the word advocate in your job title to benefit from these videos. This meeting is an executive session and is closed the the public. Others in these communities without . 12/1/2022. For more information, check out the FAQ link below. Annie has numerous peer-reviewed publications and book chapters. If you are in danger, call 911 immediately. With original drawings and compelling stories, this presentation explains the tactics of coercive control including isolation, intimidation, monitoring, gaslighting, stalking and physical violence. Team: Changing Minds Winner of Open Minds Initiative! This Center for Victim Research (CVR) webinar examines the impact of COVID-19 on domestic violence survivors in Harris County, Texas. This webinar will explore macro versus micro economic justice work, provide a better understanding of the history and current economic justice policy, and examine how . Webinars - EVAWI Webinars Register for an upcoming webinar! These invisible injuries impact the brain, are almost never immediately treated, and rarely identified. VINE Training. It can have long-term negative effects on the well-being and safety of children and families. To learn more about this exciting venture, to expand the eco-system of holistic and inclusive support for survivors and advocates, please visit Project Opal.
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