They will sacrifice Jews as easily as they will sacrifice non-Jews - if it serves their purpose. Support the belief that the economic principle of traditional Christian or Catholic social doctrine is the economic principle of communism. One who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and one who exhibits the character and disposition of Jesus Christ. says Lorraine Day M.D. On almost every corner, in every city in America, a Holocaust museum is rising, paid for by U.S. taxpayers. And get super-rich there? You aren't sick Because you have Cancer -, The Deliberate Destruction of America and the World. She refused chemotherapy, radiation and mutilating surgery because of their destructive side effects and chose to use natural methods to rebuild her immune system and regain her health. I want you to experience the daunting, but marvelous path required to reverse your life-threatening disease by natural methods and the ultimate joy and peace that will result from regaining your health, one of the most precious . Force is used by Communism on Third world countries, whereas Fabian Socialism is reserved for First world countries, like the United States, Great Britain and Australia. Millions were martyred in the most gruesome ways. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the financial powers behind it, has done all these things. God will save them IN their sins. She concentrated on re-building her immune system, and has now been totally well and cancer-free for over 10 years. Today, the Order is a part of the York Rite in Freemasonry. The Realist Report - Dr. Lorraine Day - The Realist Report God does NOT play favorites. Communism: Communism is the ultimate counterfeit of "mankind." Are ALL Jews alike? They use all peoples to serve their diabolical purposes. Is REALLY ALL About! The Realist Report. But the BIG Zionist Jews know that the real goal of Zionism is to control the world completely, and to kill or enslave its citizens. The Realist Report - Dr. Lorraine Day: COVID-19 UPDATES From there, the One World Religion will preach that God and Jesus Christ do not exist, a religion of Secular Humanism - atheism. The term Judeo-Christian, often heard in Christian conversation, is an oxymoron. But all levels deny the Creator, and, instead, worship the creation. Israel, through the neo-cons, controls the U.S. Presidency, and the entire U.S. government. Herd Immunity is a LIE - and Fauci KNOWS it! HERD Immunity is an OUTRIGHT LIE! A dense darkness is falling over America and the World. Proceed to: The Way, The Truth and The Life. Lorraine Day, like most false teachers, works a particularly deceptive mixture of Truth and falsehood. A man is considered an anti-Semite if he calls a Jew a Jew. Hillaire Belloc, quoted in Culture Wars (Sept 2000). But Man says that the lower levels of humanity, the goyim, are indeed, all equal. The Bible translators made up the word Jew., The word Jew is a mistranslation of the word Iudean or Judean which was a location in Palestine, and referred to the group who, at that time, worshiped the one God of heaven (they were believers even though they were constantly straying from God), as opposed to the Nations (often mistranslated Gentiles) who worshipped many different gods, and were the Unbelievers., In the Bible, the word Iudean or Judean refers to a geographical location (Judea) or a religious belief, NOT an ethnicity. The Communists, a group dominated by the Zionist Jews, claim they will bring peace to the world. Why Your Doctor Can't Cure You Just as they have encouraged illegal Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories, so they will encourage illegal Jewish settlements in these other countries, as soon as enough American men and women have tragically died, securing these lands for Israel. Dr. Lorraine Day, an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. Karl Marx was a Jew. It has been said that Judaism IS Talmudism! Their intention is to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world's population by 5.5 Billion people. Dr. Lorraine Day's Official Web Site documents her amazing recovery The rank and file Jews must be made to believe that non-Jews want them dead, and that millions of Jews were killed because Hitler, apparently for NO REASON except blatant bigotry, ordered their death. This term, anti-Semitism, is often incorrectly used by Jews to smear and discredit non-Jews who are looking for truth in history. Ambassador to the U. N., John Bolton, is a Zionist Jew. The rank and file Jews do not understand the true goal of Zionism. Jesuits: The Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) is a Roman Catholic religious order founded in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish soldier. Why? Will My Body Heal Itself? The Good News About God - Telling the Truth and Exposing Lies Germs Don't Cause Disease --------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Under the "cover" of a HOAX If Jesus Died for ALL, Why Can't He Save ALL? "Cancel Culture" is really Demonization! They are One and the Same! During the Spanish Inquisition, the Jews were threatened by the Catholic Church, Convert or be killed. So the leaders of International Jewry advised the Jews to appear to convert, but in reality, join infiltrate - and take over from the inside, the structure of the Catholic Church. The CORONA Virus - - means the CROWN Virus. But Americans and others around the world need to know the truth. CFR "experts" write scholarly pieces to be used in decision making, the academics expound on the wisdom of a united world, and the media members disseminate the message. "Cancel Culture" is really Demonization! This, of course, is wrong, no matter what group one belongs to. An Anonymous Letter from Your Globalist Friend, Dr. Lorraine Day Interview: From Covid to Communism, Satanic Communist Jews Have Taken Over America. They would assimilate into the country of their residence instead of remaining separate. James Jordan reveals dancer wife Ola walks around the house NAKED all Organized in1968 by the Morgenthau Group, the Club of Romes purpose is to accelerate the plans for all nations to be combined in a One World Government. The covert goal of the World Health Organization is to decrease the population in all countries of the world, especially the third world, by 1) vaccinations that CAUSE rather than prevent disease, 2) forced birth control, abortion and sterilization, 3) manufactured famines by weather control (creation of droughts), terminator seeds (seeds that dont produce seeds), and withholding of meaningful medical care during pandemics, such as the AIDS pandemic in Africa. That same spirit that is being manifested by the Jews treatment of the Palestinians, AND by the American governments treatment of Iraqi and Afghanistani prisoners in Abu Ghraib and other torture prisons on foreign soil run by the U.S. government. Because of the instability in the nation and the events on 1/6/21, our scheduled teacher, Mikki Willis, will not be able to join us. with Dr. Lorraine Day, Learn How to Understand God's Word Or is one a Jew because his family is Jewish even though he may not be religious? Those who are presently members of the Knights of Malta must on penalty of death support those policies advocated by the Vatican. This web site exposes the Lies, irrespective of the person who tells them. Their agents are bred, educated, and trained to be placed behind the scenes at all levels of government. This is just one of many viruses that the Illuminati can pull out of their hat: SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, MERS, Zika, Ebola! Reform: The liberal wing of Judaism, culture and race oriented with little concerns about doctrinal or religious beliefs. It is Israels plan to use the armed forces of the United States, the sons and daughters of Americans, to fight and die for the so-called War on Terror which is nothing more than Israeli expansionism of their own borders, Israels plan to take over all the oil-rich nations in middle east, Israels plan to wipe out the Palestinians and as many Arabs as possible from the face of the earth, and eventually rule the world with an iron fist. Encouraged to relocate in Israel because of their experience as farmers, work that the eastern European Jews feel is beneath them, the Iraqi Jews are treated as second class citizens because they work with their hands. Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that The United Nations is in the hands of Jewish Zionists, for example: *The wife of the U.N. Secretary-General Koffi Annan, is a Jew, the niece of Raoul Wallenberg, a member of the industrialist and banking Wallenberg clan. Interview with Dr. Day on Israeli News Live. Holocaust Revisionist, Ernst Zundel, was tried under this ridiculous, unlawful, and treacherous system in Canada. Without the belief in the Zionist Jewish version of the Holocaust by the average Jews, and everyone else as well, NONE of these things could occur! But this assimilation into the land of their residence must be stopped, according to the Zionist Jews, who need more Jews to inhabit the lands they are planning to take over for themselves, such as Iraq, Iran, Syria, and other oil-rich countries. Without truth, the world will plunge again into the Dark Ages. Club of Rome: The Club of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization promoting the One-World Government, a marriage between Anglo-American financiers and the old Black (Secret) Nobility families of Europe, particularly the so-called "nobility" of London (Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip and Prince Charles), Venice and Genoa. Communism masquerades as a classless, stateless social/governmental form of rule based upon common ownership of the means of production. Their Ultimate Plan: 1) Crash the Economy world-wide, 2) Begin Culling the Herd with Deadly Vaccinations, 3) Create Problems that Seem so Huge that the people will gladly accept the Satanic One World Government to Save the World!!! Anti-Christianity: A term that is all but absent from the vocabulary of the population even though it is being practiced daily all over the world, including in America. She chose instead to rebuild her immune system using the natural simple therapies designed by God and outlined in the Bible, so her body could heal itself. To watch the videos of the previous Bible Studies: Jacob Rothschild, the Rockefellers, George Soros, The CORONA Virus - - means the CROWN Virus. Jews say Gentiles Exist ONLY to Serve the Jews! FRAUDULENT idea of These men have infiltrated the U.S. government and essentially control it from behind the scenes. Practitioners of these various levels of wicca/witchcraft will deny the accuracy of this analysis, claiming that their practices are benign, but they are unaware of the dangers they are courting. Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) . It was specifically used to describe World Wars I and II, in general. Masonic orders have contained the most influential men in many governments, and virtually every Occult order appears to have Masonic roots. His wife, Sarah, was also a Babylonian, and they were married in Ur of the Chaldees - Babylon. But that certainly did not make them Jewish., Then they had a son, Isaac, who was now the son of two Babylonians, living in Canaan. the Mouth of Satan! Propaganda about the Holocaust is filling the school textbooks and indoctrinating the minds of our children. This is what the average Jew believes about Zionism. That did NOT make his sons Jewish. Then the whole family moved down to Egypt which certainly did NOT make them Jewish. The whole group stayed in Egypt for 400 years while their numbers grew, but there is no evidence that they mystically became Jewish while living in Egypt! A Walk Through the Bible with Dr. Lorraine Day Learn How to Understand God's Word From Genesis to Revelation Monday Evenings 6:00 PM Pacific Time Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that will be answered by Dr. Day at the end of the Bible Study. Jewish Illuminati DOES! If they were real men, they would come out of the shadows and sit down and discuss the issues. The CDC is LYING to you AGAIN! He is also considered by many to be the Mastermind behind 9/11. The Jewish Tribune of New York, on October 28, 1927, stated; Masonry is based on Judaism. In that case is he a Cultural Jew? Who is Responsible for ALL Wars? Many Jews claim to be anti-Zionism, but most, if not all, of these same Jews believe in the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust which is the CENTERPIECE of Zionism! 1. They are the ones behind the scenes orchestrating the U.S. foreign and domestic policy for the good of Israel and the extreme detriment of the United States. In its current form, Zionism seeks to dominate all of Palestine and the Middle East by means of violence and the threat of violence (using weapons manufactured and purchased with billions of dollars of "aid" supplied by the United States), and to maximize its influence in world affairs and in world history, principally by means of control of the government of the US (primarily by blackmailing its many corrupt politicians), at the expense of the social well-being not only of the Palestinians but of the peoples of all lands. God created All persons equal. The AIDS Epidemic in San Francisco That is why the Zionist Jews are stepping up their vengeful plan of intimidation and imprisonment of those who tell the truth. That is why the Hate Crimes legislation is taking place in America. Yet Dr. Day rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side effects and because those therapies often lead to death. Throwing Away Your Deceased Loved Ones - Like Garbage! But God never forces. None of the BIG Jews, such as the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, Edgar Bronfman, Maurice Strong, the Rockefellers, Henry Kissinger, the Wall Street and International Bankers, or even the Neo-Cons, live in Israel. Over three decades ago, Dr. Lorraine Day reversed her destructive and deadly stage four terminal breast cancer without using chemo, radiation or enduring a mastectomy. They have committed no crime other than to question history! This is serious business, particularly now that witchcraft has become the trendy subject modern-day fantasy novels, such as the Harry Potter books, and the TV programs Sabrina, Bewitched, Charmed, etc. In a regular Court of Law, a) the defendant is innocent until proven guilty, b) the defendant is allowed to know the charges against him, c) the defendant has the right to face his accuser, d) the defendants attorney has the right to cross-examine the witness/accuser, and e) TRUTH is a defense. Remember the barbaric spirit of the Catholic Church during the Dark Ages when true Christians were horribly tortured by supposed holy men of the Church. Sorting Through the MAZE of Alternative Medicine I believe the "Organized Churches" have usurped the place of Jesus Christ. It is unclear whether the NHS and Dr. Kanani still stand by their claims, now that the UKHSA has decided to stop offering the vaccine to 5 to 11-year-olds. If one worshiped the true God of heaven, he was termed a Judean a Believer since most of the Believers (in the true God) lived in the area of Judea at that time. Holocaust Revisionist: Revisionists, in general, spend their time in research, attempting to find the truth in history, and then Revise back to truth, the myths that have so often been written into the textbooks and the history books by hired agents of the elitists for their propaganda purposes. 2. 107 Degrees in LA and NO ONE Can Get a Haircut, Covid is a HOAX, Jews Plan to Slaughter Gentiles, and the Dr. Lorraine Day, an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. I am not an activist, I am a Truth-teller. One has to pick his master: God or Satan. Occasionally Humorous but Always Important to I am a pacifist. Build Back Better? It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD, used to brand anyone who brings criticism against us. Harold W. Rosenthal (Jewish), administrative assistant for then-U.S. They believe, as they are taught, that Zionism is an international movement to secure a homeland for Jews in Palestine. I am glad Dr. Lorraine. The Sinners Prayer Will NOT Save You! Frequently Asked Questions About Health Bill Gates: The Jews Plan to Kill Six BILLION Gentiles! Again, this point needs to be emphasized. There are also, in every one of these groups, those who tell Lies. They believe that God has no standards anything is acceptable! by Their god, Satan! For thirty years, Dr. Day, who was raised in the Christian church, had been an agnostic but when confronted with what was diagnosed as terminal cancer, she knew she needed more help than human knowledge could offer. Subsequently, she was contacted by some of the remaining good people in high places, including some in positions above our government (Yes, there is a group above our government), who proceeded to feed her information. In addition, the BIG Jews, the leaders of International Jewry, are extremely anti-Semitic because they hate the rank and file Jews who are not in their own club.. End of all gun rights. Stress Success (5 CD Set) Telling More Truth: Exposing More Lies The Good News About God - Telling the Truth and Exposing Lies or Vaccinated? * Jewish Zionism is the First Beast of Revelation, Chapter 13. Double Blind Hillary Clinton Admits that the CFR runs this nation - video. Truth-tellers are becoming an extinct breed. Living in the desert did NOT make them Jewish.. She warns against trusting the medical profession and claims that all drugs can cause cancer. Good News About God with Dr. Lorraine Day - - All The Honest News Fit To Publish Articles Banking Black Projects Censorship Deep State DNA / mRNA Injection Dr. Lorraine Day Globalists Government Health History Israel Jews Medical Political Religion / Spirituality Wall Street Corruption Websites In other words, Universalists believe that God will not require that sinners stop sinning and become changed into the image of God. SARS The Israeli governments plan is to annihilate all Arabs in the same way they are genociding the Palestinians. Pope John Paul II had a Jewish mother and a Jewish grandmother. The exact way she got well, by natural methods, is found in her DVDs/videos, CDs/audios and in her Workbook at Even if ones parents are considered Jewish that doesnt mean that he is an ethnic Jew. If being Jewish is an ethnicity, then who was the FIRST Jew? More Important Facts EVERYONE Should Know! Cancel Culture is really Demonization! You trust me, don't you?" On this edition of The Realist Report, we're joined once again by Dr. Lorraine Day.We begin by discussing her background and experience in the medical field before moving on to address the alleged "pandemic" caused by COVID-19, a so-called "novel coronavirus" that reportedly originated in China. Calls for nations to trust the United Nations. ALLOWED to Criticize. In the Bible, these terms have nothing to do with ethnicity. 7.Without the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust, the rank and file Jews would assimilate into the population of the country where they reside, live a normal life like everyone else, and the Zionist Jews goal of World Control could never be attained. Im a Doctor: This Epidemic is a HOAX! Since this revelation appeared in his book, the plaque at Auschwitz has been changed, DECREASING BY ALMOST 3 MILLION, the number of Jews supposedly killed at Auschwitz during World War II. If one group is effectively in control of national governments and multinational corporations; promotes world government through control of media, foundation grants, and education; and controls and guides the issues of the day; then they control most options available. They constantly propagandize the rank and file Jews of the world with the lie that every non-Jew is their enemy, terrorizing them into a cohesive group. The answer is obvious. I do not believe in violence, I don't believe in war of any kind and I don't believe in guns for self-defense even though I uphold every U.S. citizen's right to bear arms according to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. . Theres NO SUCH THING! Official Dr. Day website; Who is Dr. Lorraine Day? She turned to God and began studying the Bible and praying for wisdom. Eventually her tumor began to grow rapidly to a huge size and she became very ill and was bedridden for six months. Dr. Day and I discuss the history of vaccines, public health, and the formation of a medical monopoly centered around allopathic medical practices. LIE Upon LIE Upon LIE! Holocaust Revisionists agree that Jews, Gypsies, some Christians, and some others were detained in German-run internment camps in European countries, including Poland and Germany, during World War II, the reason being that International Jewry had declared publicly, including in headlines of European newspapers, that if Germany went to war against England, the Jews living in Germany would sabotage the German war effort. Everyone, eventually, will be in this category. Christian: A true follower of Christ. Click Here. Brilliantly Evil! The Talmud: A vast collection of Jewish laws and traditions, the Talmud, is Judaisms holiest book(s). That is why they must rule by force! If anyone believes in the Talmud, they are, by definition, a Zionist, no matter what they pretend to be! The religious beliefs of most forms of Judaism are from the Talmud, the writings of man the Pharisees, rather than the Tanach the Old Testament of the Bible, the writings of God through His inspired writers. Dr. Lorraine Day Interview: From Covid to Communism Satanic Communist Jews Have Taken Over America Americans Will BEG for a One World Government! May Day swiftly come to realize her error and unequivocally repent of it before all. That is why the Zionist Jews are kidnapping and illegally imprisoning anyone who questions the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust, including Ernst Zundel, Germar Rudolph, David Irving, Siegfried Verbeke, and others. Lorraine Day, MD, The Plan & The Good News About God! Believing is Seeing! As experts and advisers, they mould government policy to further the secret plans of their masters. Americans Will BEG for a One World Government! Virology: There is NO EVIDENCE of the Polio virus, It only matters if the people in control are offended by what the defendant has said. Is the War Between Ukraine and Russia REAL or FAKE? Its a feel-good religion. Suddenly the DEADLY Coronavirus is Gone! A communist, Haus was part of a conspiracy to gain control of both U.S. political parties to use them as instruments in the creation of a socialist (communist) world government. His offspring, the physical offspring of Israel (Jacobs Spiritual name), also became known, spiritually, as Israelites. It was a designation of those who worshipped the true God. Jews LIE: Thats what they do! ALL spells are evil because they attempt to control another persons life. Dr. Lorraine Day's Updates - The Good News About God There was no J in the Greek or English alphabet until around the 14th century, or later, certainly not at the time the Bible was written. Communism is mans feeble attempt to bring that about. Dr. Lorraine Day, Who Is Qualified to Guide Us In The Book of - YouTube Holocaust: A term that for years was defined as any devastating event. Free online bible studies by Dr. Lorraine Day ACH (1755) Dr. Lorraine Day - EUROFOLKRADIO Who Rewrote the Bible? Questions on Dentistry Promote the Pope as the acting go-between for the United States and the Soviet Union. Dr. Lorraine Day, The Plan & The Good News About God! | Because of the There is no such thing as an ethnic Jew. Jewishness is a culture, not an ethnicity. Drugs Never Cure Disease Threats and intimidation against Truth-tellers This is what occurred. Non-Jews (derogatorily referred to as goyim, minim, heathen, or gentiles, by the Jews) are considered to be no better than cattle, according to the Talmud, so their possessions, their land, and even their lives can be taken at will, by the Jews. The rank and file Jews are being used by their Jewish leaders as throw-away pawns in a big-stakes game for control of the world. It is Gods Plan of Salvation - - - but WITHOUT God. The THIS is What The Covid-19 FAKE Pandemic George W. Bush has spoken publicly about this issue, threatening to establish Human Rights Tribunals in America and in the different countries where torture prisons are run by the U.S. (and Israel from behind the scenes). Israelites: A term used in the Old Testament to define those who were followers of the true God, even though some followed God very poorly. The rank and file Jews should take note that NONE of the really BIG Jews live in Israel. They will manage the money, the land, the food, and the guns - - - of everyone in the world! If Jesus Died for ALL, Why Can't He Save ALL? Other Zionist Jewish neo-cons include Paul Wolfowitz, now Chairman of the World Bank, Douglas Feith, formerly Undersecretary of Defense, Richard Perle, advisor to the Pentagon, and Dov Zakheim, former Comptroller of the Pentagon, on whose watch a Trillion dollars went missing.
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