To alert special friends and family please email the link to this article. Did he also have a drug problem, aids or any other contributing factor that may trump the obvious cause? Online condolences can be made at I received my First COVID-19 Vaccine (Pfizer LOT EY4825). Sohrab died on November 9, 2021.. SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK A 52-year-old cardiologist, hospital director and hockey coach is dead after spending much of 2021 belittling the non-vaxxed. '+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {"video":"vi0fpn","div":"rumble_vi0fpn"}); Having problems receiving our newsletters? If this was all about the health of Americans and the good of the populace and the country, there would not be all this game-playing, lies, trickery, and everything else they have engaged in over this virus/vax, not to mention flooding the country with illegals who are not being forced to do what tax-paying citizens are. In lieu of flowers, remembrances may be made to Plan International as a donation in his name ( It is with profound sadness that we report the sudden and unexpected death of a colleague, friend, father, partner and inspiring spirit, the statement says. Shame on you all, Very, very sad. Whistleblower Lawsuit! Sign up so we can always stay in touch. According to Canadian media, Dr. Lutchmedial's friends, family and colleagues are in shock over his sudden death. Maybe. You could be getting the best stories in your inbox twice a day. Medicine is rotten to the bone, Looks like Karma has answered his call! Not crying for you in the least. There were some flu deaths last year. Rebel News Network Ltd. 2023. You will receive email notifications when changes are made to the online memorial, including when family and friends post to the Guestbook. Thankfully he was fully vaccinated. See what happened to him? I always thought this was pretty basic stuff. All Rights Reserved. love stories like these. #Covid_19 #vaccinated, Sohrab (Lutch like Clutch, Medial like Lateral) (@LutchMedia) August 15, 2021. This dead doctor would have obviously FORCED everyone to get the clot shot if he had it in his power because he thought he was doing the right thing.. In fact, he wrote in July regarding people whose refusal of the shot is for selfish reasons, I wont cry at their funeral.. Many, after the second world war, said they were not evil but were only following orders. This is just an excerpt from The Ezra Levant Show. The odds are in your families favour Elizabeth just as the odds of covid-19 proving fatal in the vast majority of otherwise uncompromised adults and children are miniscule ( but not totally lets remain honest . Please check your email inbox or spam folder for our confirmation email. Big Tech is censoring us. Lessons from History and the Prophet Jeremiah, The Most Important Truth about the Coming New World Order Almost Nobody is Discussing, Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the Worlds Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order. He has also written for The Hill, Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and many other print and online publications. Lutchmedial died Monday in his sleep at his Saint John home, said Jean-Franois Lgar, the head of cardiac surgery at the New Brunswick Heart Centre. Karma? To encourage thoughtful and respectful conversations, first and last names will appear with each submission to CBC/Radio-Canada's online communities (except in children and youth-oriented communities). I had the, This is Gregs story: In the picture below, you can see the wires from my heart monitor against a background of Qld Health bed linen., Leah Edgar, a healthy and happy mom of a toddler. Planting will take place in Spring or Summer of the same year. He unexpectedly died on Oct. 2, The Covid World reported. "It was sudden, unexpected for all of us. RIP. In fact a virus that replaced Flu. Dr Lutchmedial Obituary - Death: On November 08, 2021, Dr Lutchmedial's demise was made known to us through various tributes posted across the social media. He was compassionate, caring, and larger than life itself; he will be missed by all who knew him. It also doesn't matter. Makes you wonder how some get through all their schooling. He believed in the powers that be. Sad. Most are just Big Pharma Bots. Lutchmedialdied Mondayin his sleep athis Saint John home, saidJean-Franois Lgar, the head of cardiac surgery at the New Brunswick Heart Centre. After all the BULLSHIT he talked out his mouth to Unvaccinated People, now where the hell he is? Want to help revive the Free Press in America? We live in sad crazy days. Lgar said family, friends and colleagues were shocked by the news of Lutchmedial's death. People died of the flu but the commie MDs and govt called it COVID. He died November 8th, 2021 in his sleep at his home in New Brunswick. Executive Intelligence Brief, covid, Doctor who said he wont cry at funerals of unvaxxed dies soon after receiving third shot, jab, Sohrab Lutchmedial, unvaccinated,, Doctor who said he wont cry at funerals of unvaxxed dies soon after receiving third shot added by Editor Two on November 12, 2021View all posts by Editor Two . Booze & Banter Clip [VIDEO], Kari Lake Has A Few Words For The Globalist Freak Show That Is George Soros & Hillary Clinton [VIDEO], J6 Tapes: Theyve Been Lying To You Tucker Carlson [VIDEO]. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It also doesnt matter. Jump to. Thank you for donating. Lee Yu-bin, who was normally healthy, collapsed four days after her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. . If you use the TOR Onion browser, here are the links and corresponding URLs to use in the TOR browser to find us on the Dark Web: Health Impact News, Vaccine Impact, Medical Kidnap, Created4Health, But he was a cardiologist! So, what were the results of his autopsy? There is always a feeling of loss around those who die from anything. Now he is looking up from Hell at those who refused to follow him.. He was 52. But the people that convinced them not to get vaxxed? I know quite a few people who got the jab. Sad, but his Twitter feed shows a lot of hate towards people who disagreed with him on vaccines, so my empathy ends there. A supposed doctor who couldnt tell the difference between an experimental drug and a true vaccine got what he deserved. "That's the kind of person he was. What exactly was the cause of death, lack of research? Peer Reviewed Medical Papers Submitted To Various Medical Journals, Evidencing A Multitude Of Adverse Events In Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients. He trusted the system he was immersed in without question. To watch the whole thing, become a premium subscriber to RebelNews+. One particular tweet from the deceased posted a month before his third shot endorsement will likely draw much attention. He deserves credit for having taken the vaccine. It beggars belief that he was so unaware of the effects of the Jab on the vital organs. You are nothing more than another one of those who have to criticize those that are smart enough to tell them to shove that vaccine up their ass. They thought they was doing the right thing. ;), The effects of media indoctrination on the weak minded sheeple never fails to amaze me. Who cares what you thinkyou are as stupid as he was. The jab is gene therapy, altering DNA permanently and irreversibly, and the process has no off-switch. So why the mystery? The doctor unexpectedly died on November 8 - just two weeks after getting his 3rd . The physician also presented, on August 15, his own prescription for how to encourage Americans to take the GTAs, writing, We need to start calling them Antibody Guns and Americans will start lining up for vaccines. It was sudden, unexpected for all of us. Or is there ( are there ) other translations to which you refer ( bird as in prisoner ? ) Overview Insurance Ratings. But we still dont have to wallow in the gutter along with the leftists. Whos laughing now ? He was actually on call yesterday morning,Lgar said in an interview. Anyone and everyone who has been vaxxed is living on borrowed time, expiry date a maximum of three years at best. Required fields are marked *. CBC's obituary for Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial, a New Brunswick cardiologist and "inspiring spirit" who died suddenly at the age of 52 skipped over the doctor's cause of death. We are church planters with the North American Mission Board, sent, This is Ashtons story: I have been hiding and I have decided its time to fully come forward. He is a passionate conservative who spends his time bringing truth to the masses because mainstream media won't. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Cardiologist Who Said He 'Won't Cry at Funeral' For "Selfish" Unvaccinated People Suddenly Dies in His Sleep 2 Weeks After 3rd Covid Jab, 28-Year-Old Body-Builder Dies 4 Days After Second Moderna COVID Shot. Baldy where actor Julian Sands went missing, Fauci, affirmative action, border: 2024 GOP hopeful takes on Trumps record, Princeton senior reveals the unintended consequences of leftism on campus, NYC mayor sees the light: When we took prayers out of schools, guns came into schools, Chinese national who defrauded taxpayer grants, spied on medical research nabbed by ICE, White House announces President Biden had cancerous skin lesion removed from chest during physical. Not much chance of that, but I suppose we can hope. ), Youre fooling yourself and not accepting the facts because the reality of the situation is so monstrous that its almost impossible to believe. No he was far too arrogant and dismissive of all lesser beings particularly the great unwashed unvaxed ! His crime? Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century 7-Year-Old Article More Relevant Today than the Day it was Written, How to Beat Internet Censorship and Create Your Own Newsfeed. Other social media activity by Dr. Lutchmedial, includingretweets [image below]of figures including rabid race-obsessed crank Elie Mystal whorecently rantedthat white people care more about using their guns on black people and getting away with it than kitchen table issues, was a clear indicator to many of his leftist political leanings, writes BPR. He was 52. He was a Doc!! The new Brunswick Hert Centr's staff confirmed the news of his death. Doctor Who Said I Wont Cry at Funeral for Selfish Unvaxxed Dies After 3rd COVID Shot, UN Biodiversity Beijing-Wall Street Convergence. Greed is at the bottom of this particular cess-pit. For those that wont get the shot for selfish reasons whatever I wont cry at their funeral, Dr. Lutchmedial tweeted. Fear is a terrible thing as a superiority complex. In many cases, it is likely that it will be the [underlying cause of death], as it can lead to various life-threatening conditions, such as pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. I pray he was a Christian and hope his family finds comfort in their love and memories of this man. Dr. Luchtmedial was a huge fan of the COVID jab and regularly promoted it on his social media accounts. Rise above all negativity with love and compassion. I also pray that they are forgiven for their evil and twisted lives. If youre unvaxxed, i love you. We cannot take the same ugly attitude of the left, we must rise above the petty insults. Wow! Director of the interventional cardiology program at the New Brunswick Heart Centre, died on Nov. 8 at the age of 52. Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people. Lutchmedial died Monday in his sleep at his Saint John home, said Jean-Franois Lgar, the head of cardiac surgery at the New Brunswick Heart Centre. Now science denies the truth that he died because of it. A 52-year-old prominent New Brunswick cardiologist who shamed the unvaccinated over the summer died suddenly in his sleep after getting his third shot of the COVID-19 vaccine. Greed drives the Hospitals and if a Government offers a Bounty for hospital deaths Due to Covid-19 then you can bet your bottom dollar that any death that CAN be attributed to covid will be ! Its unclear whether it was Pfizer or Moderna. Sohrab was on the board of the New Brunswick Heart and Stroke, a representative for the Canadian Association of Interventional Cardiologists, and co-founder of CoVeR-NB, and IMPART research. The doctor had received his third Covid vaccine injection on Oct. 24, according to a Facebook post. I cannot find it in my heart to cry over this clown. Myocarditis Includes terms: Inflammatory Heart Reactions, This is Chantals story. Lutchmedialdied Mondayin his sleep athis Saint John home, saidJean-Franois Lgar, the head of cardiac surgery at the New Brunswick Heart Centre. These people leaving these comments are putting just as much hate out there. He was an avid researcher.". I want to punch those people in the face. "This is the kind of person that really had a very, very, very good soul and a person that really was able to bring people together and not be competitive,"Lgar said. Some because they drank the government kool-aid, some who saw people close to them die from the covid and took the jab out of fear, and some, like my sister and my brother in law, who got it because they dont wanna lose their jobs (in the case of my aforementioned sister and brother in law, theyd just bought a house and were in a contract.) In history, many evil people loved their families. (540) 731-7450. Im afraid that you are spot on. Lutchmedial was part of performingAtlantic Canada's first MitraClip procedure, a minimally invasive repair procedure that gives new hope to patients who are too sick to withstand open heart surgery. To plant a tree in memory of Sohrab Lutchmedial, please visit. In addition, he has contributed to college textbooks published by Gale-Cengage Learning, has appeared on television, and is a frequent guest on radio. Most of the Deathes due to Covid: were actually due to other medical problems!! He was an avid researcher.. We offer our condolences to his family, friends, colleagues, and patients.. Thrust you OWN health NOT Pompas DR!!! I want to punch those people in the face. Just scared and so susceptible to the propaganda. I posted this upthread an hour or two ago. Following COVID-19 Vaccines, Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead, Teens 50X More Likely to Have Heart Disease After COVID Shots than All Other FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 Combined CDC Admits True but Still Recommends It, CDC: Teens Injected with COVID Shots have 7.5 X More Deaths, 15 X More Disabilities, 44 X More Hospitalizations than All FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021, COVID Shots Are Killing and Crippling Teens in Record Numbers Young Children Are Next. the GOVT is NOT YOUR FRIEND. Sohrab Lutchmedial, a prominent New Brunswick cardiologist, has died suddenly, leaving behind a largegap in the system and the community, colleagues say. But the people that convinced them not to get vaxxed? I think all of us are having a hard time just sort of grasping at the size of the loss We chatted with him on the weekend about plans and things we were going to do, you know, in the next few weeks, few months for the heart centre. He was participating in the community. It did not help on the "severity' with this dude. At least this doctor practiced what he preached. Are you already a subscriber? He was a musician. Note that while the doctor might have been right about this (he also might not have), kids have a much higher chance still of getting into a car accident than dying of the China virus; in fact, they have a greater chance of dying from the GTAs than of COVID. I do pray that if his family, friends, and colleagues pass away from the shot they go as quietly as he did. I dont want to see anyone die. Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial, director of the interventional cardiology program at the New Brunswick Heart Centre, died on Nov. 8 at the age of 52. I will cry for all the people you murdered with your professional advice. Lutchmedial was a valued member of the medical community in Saint John and across the province, MacMillan said. In fact, Lutchmedial was a champion of the vaccines right up until the end, recently posting a message to Facebook urging parents to amplify a message that the vaccines were safe for kids, stating that there was a higher chance of getting into a car accident on your way to hockey practice than you do having a complication from this vaccine, BPR further reports. !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'. But he did speak of his disdain for the non-vaxxed, and disseminated dangerous disinformation supporting theglobal depopulation agenda. Unsurprisingly, the media is largely ignoring the fact that Lutchmedial died so soon after getting his third jab of the COVID-19 vaccine. An avid researcher is not necessarily either bright or intelligent just self-opinionated ! What we can know is that, even if he was not, himself, evil, he was participating in, and facilitating, evil. He was participating in the community. Tens of Thousands of Children Age 5 to 11 Injected with Gene Therapy Shots, 41 Year Old Florida Man Who Cursed Anti-Vaxxers Found Dead in His Home by Neighbors After Second COVID-19 Pfizer Shot, 12-Year-Old In Germany Dies 2 Days After Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine 12-Year-Old in Thailand In ICU After Heart Problems Caused By The Pfizer Shot, Whistleblower Reveals Fraud in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trials as 5 to 11-Year-Olds Begin to be Injected Vaccine Deaths and Injuries to Follow, Doctors and COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Testify in Washington D.C. to Crimes Against Humanity CDC, FDA, NIH, Fauci are No Shows, UK Stats Show 82% of COVID-19 Deaths and 66% of Hospitalizations were Among Fully Vaccinated for Past Month, Fully Vaccinated are Suffering Far Higher Rates of Infection than the Unvaccinated, and It is Getting Worse, White House To Quickly Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11 as Deaths and Injuries Continue to Increase among 12 to 19-Year-Olds Who Received a COVID-19 Shot, Evidence Clearly Shows Deaths are Increasing Worldwide After COVID-19 Shots Major Labor Shortages Loom, As Deaths and Injuries to Teens Increase After COVID-19 Shots Pfizer Asks FDA for Emergency Authorization to Inject 5 to 11-Year-Olds, Post COVID-19 Injections: The Dead Dont Speak, but Those with Crippling Injuries Issue Warnings. Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial, Director of the Interventional Cardiology program at the New Brunswick Heart Centre, died on Nov. 8 at the age of 52. Well you did ask . For those who wont get the shot for selfish reasons whatever I wont cry at their funeral!, According to a CBC News report, Jean-Franois Lgar, the head of cardiac surgery at the New Brunswick Heart Centre where Lutchmedial worked, said that the doctors death was sudden, unexpected for all of us. But theres a lot of comments in here, that have me convinced karma will come for the people leaving them. Lgar said family, friends and. Jake Kazmarek, a FedEx driver in Rochester, New York, got his first dose on Aug. 31 and his second on Sept. 28. LgarsaidLutchmedialhad made New Brunswick his home, and he raised three children here. A prominent cardiologist who delighted in jabbing vaccine skeptics on social media suddenly died in his sleep only two weeks after apparently endorsing the third Covid shot, a major loss to the patients he was treating as well as the local medical community. He had plenty of time for it, he just didnt do it. Thats What Were Going To Figure Out Chad Caton [VIDEO].
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