Dr. Yu: Actually, I do not separate them. DebugYourHealth.com does not receive any money from the sale, referral fees, or advertisements of any products mentioned on this site. I dont have enough experience to have an opinion on Albenda & Alinia. I have a patient who is going blind, losing eyesight. I have yet to see an herb-only protocol that works. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br We have tried every kind of enema possible. Everyone is unique and what may be right for me may not be right for others. Fortunately, the results were quite good, though there were some mild elevations of lead, tin, and tungsten. They weren't. Parasites are everywhere in our environment, and it seems continued diligence is necessary. I use my knowledge of any symptoms that might be going on, like a flu going around school, chelation work, or parasite medications. For more articles and information about alternative medicine as well as patient success stories, . 3 0 obj Paul is an ordained, Non-Denominational Minister with over 40 years of experience in ministry to people of all different Faith Traditions. If somebody had IBS, an intestinal problem, I would check the meridian system showing the large intestine is out of balance. Mebex and Pyrantel Pamoate in the Kalcker Protocol are great for worms. I have been detoxing for years and continue to focus on detox daily. Biltricide (praziquatel) 4 times each day for 4 days. Human Skin Parasites Page at UC Davis. So infection is a part of detoxification. In the park. Vision variations (f,w,h) NOTE: I went from -6.5 and -7 prescription to -4.5 after clearing up the majority of my parasites! If you found this information helpful, I would very much appreciate your support in keeping the site going. Sometimes our parasite symptoms would go away for 1-2 months, but then the symptoms would come back, often stronger. The liver and large intestine points balanced with anti-parasitic medications while the allergy-immunology point balanced with antifungals. When taking Tinidazole, I was very careful about eliminating all sugars & carbs from our diet, taking ADP (oil of oregano), and monitoring for mold/fungal issues with ZYTO for 3-4 months during and after taking the Tinidazole. We provide educational resources for those who want to learn more about the root causes of chronic diseases, how to detect and address them, and help restore health. endobj Dr. Yu uses EAV testing / Acupuncture Meridian Assessment to assess parasite load and other bodily stressors. Many parasites spend part of their life cycle in the digestive tract. Let's look into the underlying problem. I'm relying on the meridian system to go lookout in the subtle energy field, what the problem might be. I found the protocols tolerable, but not easily. See Additional Parasite Medications for more details on treating flukes and protozoans. Medications depend on how well the body detoxes and how well the liver and kidneys function. He has been practicing Internal Medicine for 35 years, Integrative Medicine for 25 years, and worked as a medical director and physician at a regional HMO for 10 years. We also took some other supportive supplements while taking the parasite medications. Any thoughts on Diatomaceous earth? No permission is granted to use the information in any way except to enhance the reader's own personal knowledge. I also wouldnt prescribe Alinia to everyone as a general protocol, it can be especially hard on the liver. I have a whole binder of negative parasite stool test results. As head of a paramedic unit, he treated 20,000 Peruvians for parasites. Its possible that some of the herbal or more natural remedies might work too for these small infestations. He has extensive knowledge in Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. endobj After two years working in a hospital of TCM, in 1992 he received his postgraduate degree at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China. I'm not interested in naming the name of the parasite. <> The information presented on Debugyourhealth.com is not intended or implied to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Before I got cancer like my mother. When she visited me the first time she brought pictures of. Facebook. I keep testing, especially starting one week before the full and new moons. 6 0 obj I do acupuncture meridian assessment. Dr. Yu identifies and addresses five main causes of chronic illnesses which are commonly overlooked: heavy metals, food allergies and sensitivities, dental problems, diet and nutrition, and parasites and fungal problems. Key: v=visual meaning I saw them coming out, e=confirmed with ZYTO, ASYRA, AMA, home testing but I never saw them with my eyes: For about 5 years we tried every herbal, homeopathic and holistic treatment we could find. Dr. Yu recommended a long-term protocol with more focus on metals specifically with the hope that it will reduce any EMF sensitivity that may be playing a role in any remaining sleep issues. There are other supplements that we took, e.g. Sometimes parasite medications test well alone but not in combination. In terms of biological terrain, are you acidic, or are you alkaline? Dr. Yu's full interview can be seen here https://youtu.be/cF3ZES7T0uc in this 67 minute YouTube video. 3Xs" M$ We have experienced recurrence of parasite symptoms, even after #1 and #2 are clear. z Prof. G.Steidl protocol: Rizol Gamma - 10 drops in water, t.i.d. Dr. Yu discovered parasites are an underestimated source of many diseases after serving as a Reserve Medical Corps Officer in South America doing parasite treatment for large numbers of. for Dr. Simon Yu: Parasite Patient Testimonial - YouTube Patient was working for months in Egypt. Controversies and challenges in research on urogenital schistosomiasis-associated bladder cancer. So I use Pyrantel pamoate or Mebendazole depending on how they tested. However, we never saw a single worm or fluke come out with any of the above therapies. I see migraine headaches go away all the time. I tested what flavor of suppository would work best, which varied over time: Mebendazole, Pyrantel, Diethyl, Wormwood, Garlic. It could have been that the parasites were triggering cortisol elevation while sleeping which led to the sleep difficulties. How do you prevent parasites in humans from becoming established? People with chronic, unexplained illnesses are most likely infected with a parasite [2]. Dr. Simon Yu has a very complete list of parasite symptoms. ( For dental and allergy points, what I see not only the hidden dental materials like amalgam, mercury, cadmium, palladium, nickel, or those environmental toxins and the infections, especially parasites. Shocking actually. We did not see anything visually coming out until we started Enemas, Kalcker protocol, and RX medications (more on that in the next section). Q: What your thoughts are on treating with anti viral medication along side parasite meds? For so long. And cancer patients had their condition became more stable. However, the person usually hasnt seen any parasites coming out, nor have they experienced symptom relief. Our experience was consistent with his theories. Some of us could not tolerate as many medications at once, likely due to liver or kidney overload, or detox issues. A: The answers are buried in this page. This includes testing Additional Medications with the Kalcker Protocol medications. Q: My question to you is, did you start losing weight after you dewormed? Dr. Yu put me on a three month protocol with alternating cycles focused on the parasites and the fungal colonization as well as detoxification and drainage support including several liver-gallbladder flushes. We were very sick the first few rounds and saw lots of flukes and worms coming out in our stool, through our urinary tract, and we even coughed a few up! Was this helpful? He uses a zapper in his office to agitate the parasites so he can detect them with his AMA machine. However, this does not mean that all parasites are gone, it just means that they are no longer effecting the acupuncture meridians. I returned in February 2020 for an additional evaluation. Dr. Yu used a combination of prescribed and natural options for parasites and fungi. While exposing my system to EMR/EMFs as yet another interrogation technique, he then found that the meridians associated with my immune system and endocrine system became imbalanced. As has always been the case, this event was simply superb and enlightening. A: The children go to a public school with over 700 children from all over the world. We would test again every few weeks to determine how long to take the medications. Weve been taking Chlorella for many years, I havent seen that clinically or energetically showing up as beneficial for parasites. Most adult gallbladders and livers are filthy from years of toxins, chemicals & parasites. I do still think that herbs can be useful for new infestations, although they arent very effective at long-standing infections. A: Weve tried pretty much every enema system. Additional Parasite Medications Worms, Flukes & Protzoans, Gallbladder Liver Flush & Massage Flush Out the Dead Ones, Parasite Medication Usage Disclaimer Invisible Inaudible Intangible Immeasurable, Additional Parasite Medications for flukes, protozoans, and more worms, Gallbladder Liver Flush & Massage to flush out the dead ones, detailed instructions and tips for a gallbladder liver flush, Time to Die. It is important to test parasite medications together. Killing lots of parasites can release bacteria, viruses and toxins into the body. Always seek the advice of a licensed health care provider before making any treatment decisions. Q: After treatments are the results long-lasting or do you catch parasites again and need more treatments? Our family has worked on parasite symptoms with every kind of local practitioner MDs, Dos, NDs, DAOMs, GI Specialists, Homeopaths, Acupuncturists. Im hearing reports of this in both America and Europe. Parasites, fungi, and dental issues are three of the commonly overlooked factors that may hold people back from achieving optimal health. We have noticed a huge improvement in our health from changing our diet, but I think that was because it helped heal our guts, not because it was eradicating parasites. He's not a llmd and his site is online so I dont think it should be a problem posting his name online. Do I really have worms in my body? We could all use a good cleaning! Its a continual spectrum. To contact Chaplain Paul, call our office or his cell 314-440-1527 or his email: pjoh420@aol.com. Chlorine dioxide enema protocol is the leading enema protocol for parasites at this time. We also did a short round of Levamisole with our youngest, and found that only testing well for a few days. Parasites have their own associated concurrent co-infections with viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Dr. Simon Yu. <> <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 30 0 R 31 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> Dr. Yu finds that treating parasites in his patients with IBS has lead to the spontaneous healing of many other chronic diseases. Dr. Simon Yu is now retired "full colonel" of the army and a military doctor specialized in internal medicine and was for 20 years US Army doctor and soldiers in remote areas, including in the jungle and had to treat these as well as the local population against parasites. We know what parasite medication works on what parasites. Dr. Yu lectures around the world and has studied Biological Medicine extensively in Europe. Simon Yu, MD Prevention and Healing, Inc. 10908 Schuetz Road - St. Louis, MO 63146 314-432-7802, fax 314-432-1971 www.preventionandhealing.com Parasite Remedies: Guidelines for Taking Medication You have been advised to take parasite medication(s) and you might be wondering, "Yuk! Veterinarians are in a similar situation we arent even de-worming our pets, let alone ourselves! Debugyourhealth.com suggests that the reader to do their own research to confirm any information obtained from or through this website with other sources. https://www.facebook.com/groups/429159131252194/about/. Dr. Simon Yu generally believes that parasites must be whacked long and hard with medications in order to die. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? Some of our favorites in this category are Enzyme Defense by Enzymedica, Banderol and Samento (the latter two especially for people with Lyme). Instructional videos showing how we test can be found in the next section. The videos below compile and summarize the best way I have found to test for parasite medication rounds. More details about equipment, administration, etc. For the other medications, you can try to get an RX from a doctor (! ), go to a compounding pharmacy, and pay $1-5 per pill. In 2001, I was in Bolivia on a mission for Indian natives. <> After that it was not well tolerated. We started with enemas first, and then the Kalcker protocol. I am of the opinion that it will take at least 12 months for a long-standing infestation. From what you are saying about your symptoms I think he would be able to diagnose you with something for sure, no question. These unexpected miraculous results have lead Dr. Yu to believe that parasites and dental infections are major contributing factors in 90% of all major chronic illnesses, including cancer. Kerri Rivera has adapted the protocols for autism. Note that these are educated guesses, based mostly on hindsight. As Clinical Supervisor, she assists Dr. Yu with office duties that support the business, and manages staff. I had to ramp up my focus on detoxification, including colonics, in order to remain functional while on the protocol. HeliR - July 7, 2019. Call our office, 314-432-7802, to make an appointment with our acupuncturist Dr. Liu. Q: What do you recommend for enema systems, particularly for children? BetterHealthGuy.com suggests that the reader to do their own research and consult directly with their personal medical professional. Furthermore, enemas should be done first if worms are present. The information presented here is a summary of the things that I learned the hard way through years of my life and tens of thousands of dollars. It has been an honor and a blessing for me to have the opportunity to work with him. The other option is to order the parasite medications yourself from overseas for much less. A complete list of recent enemas we have taken can be found in the Enema Details section. 16 0 obj He then did a provocation technique which puts additional stress on the system to find previously hidden or unrevealed issues. Slowly, I became thankful that these creatures were coming out. <> In general a round was 10 days for children and 20 days for adults, although variations are noted in the details. Yuk!! The enemy that you don't know because they are hiding. Q: Were you totally freeked out when you saw all those flukes and worms coming out? Parasites have been on this earth longer than we have, and they are hard to eradicate [2]. Parasite protocol. we have used but not in the context of helping with parasites. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr So I'm reverse engineering pharmacologys information. A: Here and here are some common lists of anti-parasitic foods. ( His recent bookAcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Lifeis a fantastic resource for patients and clinicians alike. I have found that this is a comprehensive formula that has helped several of my patients. endobj If it is in the brain, it can be anything. The allergy immunology point and the dental point are not classical Chinese acupuncture points. People don't think about parasites in their teeth. If one has parasites, I would do a Gallbladder Liver Flush and Liver Massage. A: I have read their information. Dr. Yu prescribes high doses of parasite medications for long periods of time. Not only do you need to know who your enemy is, but you also need to know yourself. _J`p:u.?t>.4{q?Q&Wr!wyA V ,UncoN@w#w%H kNLA4w0G. I have no scientific evidence to back up this theory. We did a provoked urine heavy metals test to see what may be happening. Pictures of some of our more photogenic parasites can be found here, here, here, here, here. Watch Dr. Yus interview on his new book by Doug Kaufmann of Know the Cause on YouTube. Here is a list of things we tried over the years that failed: None of the above items really worked. No permission is granted to use the information in any way except to enhance the reader's own personal knowledge. Thankful for extra energy and increased vitality for the whole family! We help patients on their journey and quest for health, developing tailored plans to combat hidden health threats, and restore the bodys condition of a healthy terrain. 2 0 obj Dr. Simon Yu wrote an interesting article about a guy who balanced his acupuncture meridians with a 40 day fast. A: Yes. Visit this page for good information about those who believe they have parasites in or on them that no doctors can see or . Family Consultation. ?No-?k'+vwx7O/bO0n9^g/ vp{|w'~;@Nw-Ku D;Mn?A 7L;jQf(v*I``ix5` ~OkyeUL [3] Turner, Kelly PhD. Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Missouri, L.Ac. Some vets sell it. Q: What about binders? Attention the information on this page can save your life! I cant say that I noticed more parasite excretion after suppositories, but I do think that the suppositories either disrupted their life cycle or sent them into deeper hiding. 10.6K subscribers Simon Yu, MD: Dental, Parasites, and Energy Medicine: missing Links for Medical Incurables Presented at IAOMT's 2016 Annual Conference in Reno, NV. The following instructional video show how we figure out what to put in our enema. Adapted from Dr.med Helmut Retzeks introduction on YouTube. 32 0 obj Nope. Homeopathics: Cina, rounds of custom UNDA#s, Para-chord, Para-Solve, various NET Remedies, Constitutional Remedies. For more articles and information about integrative medicine, patient success stories, and Dr. Yu's new book, AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life, visit his website at www.preventionandhealing.com or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. Information is not intended to serve as medical advice. My body could have perhaps tolerated larger, longer doses of parasite medications had I first cleaned up my liver a bit. I'm relying on the meridian system. It is very hard to break their cycle as long as dental problems persist. To my knowledge, none of these other children have ever been de-wormed. Piperazine: This link is constantly breaking. I put her on triple parasite medication as an emergency case, and she gained her eyesight back. Sometimes toxins and parasites can be excreted by massaging the liver. We learned a lot from Dr. Yu, but unfortunately he was also missing some key pieces of the parasite puzzle. stream Even then they can be difficult to kill. We have found them equivalent to what we got from two compounding pharmacies in the US. This was relatively easy compared to the first cycles; particularly given that there was a ten-day break between cycles which was not the case previously. I like the clear glass jar the best because it does not leach toxins into the enema and we can see through the glass how much is left. I check for 40 main acupuncture points known for thousands of years. Major. endobj While my sleep had improved, it was not back to where it was prior to having worsened about a year prior. 1 0 obj I wish I had known all of this 7 years ago when we first started. This is why the example parasite medication testing videos above are so important. Q: Did you ever try turpentine? by Simon Yu Paperback $27.95 This Is Your Brain On Parasites: How Tiny Creatures Manipulate Our Behavior and Shape Society by Kathleen McAuliffe Paperback $16.99 Customers who viewed this item also viewed Page 1 of 1 Start over Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients Simon Yu 92 Paperback 22 offers from $16.00 Dr. Yu makes frequent lecture and study trips in the US and overseas, speaking at many innovative medical and biological dental conferences, including Medicine Week in Germany, as part of his lifelong quest for learning. The primary known cause of seizures is parasites. He is the only doctor we know of who is having some success diagnosing and treating parasites in humans. 2L$3IQsAV>=Ay-9ONcM$bEPviL.z{,P 'zgGz:\cs k7i!o%JB( ZS|2u%ED*oy.CeTTE`-R=.I_&tsV0xlYg[a"Y&)\-r9e 5kMC.1T>lsXlWL DL#JP9W*z_qrPn=! Copyright 2020 Cancer Patient Freedom - All Rights Reserved. endobj I learned a great deal In this video, she thanks Dr. Simon Yu of St. Louis, an integrative MD and US Army Reserve Medical Corps physician (retired as a Full Colonel), who developed this form of treatment. <> It was all just phenomenal. Here is a Youtube Video with details about the glass jar method. There are no studies on what MMS does to the beneficial bacteria and organisms in our digestive tract. I go through the sequence and use "oil pulling" because I see dental problems all the time. 21 0 obj Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Osteopathic Although these are supportive of the body, and made us feel good, we didnt observe them permanently helping us with parasites. Skin Issues or skin Lesions (w,p) especially skin issues that flare on the full or new moon, Mood swings, behavior (w,h) especially mood or behavior that flares on the full or new moon. Thankful for extra energy and increased vitality for the whole family! Q: What do you think about this plan that my practitioner prescribed? Information is intended for the reader's personal use only. We felt very ill. I have yet to see any insurance that covers parasite medications. We have spent tens of thousands of dollars and many years of our lives on the quest to get rid of parasites worms, flukes, & protozoans. You are pulling the toxins from your oral cavity. I do not recommend MMS enemas. <> Stay up to date with the latest from Prevention and Healing, Inc. Acupuncture is offered in our office by Pingfan Liu, O.M.D., L.Ac., (Oriental Medical Doctor, Licensed Acupuncturist). Read Patient Testimonials and Clinical Case Stories, Order my books, read my publications, in-depth articles. This point is traditionally not one that is associated with parasites, but guess what? See additional information. I have heard from several practitioners that Albendazole (Albenda) and Alinia are hard on the liver and that they should be monitored and taken with caution. endobj In December 2019, I returned for a follow-up with Dr. Yu hoping that the parasites would be a thing of the past. Noone de-worms their kids in America. At first I was totally grossed out and freeeked out when I saw these things coming out of us. Now with modern technology, we have an electronic device so we can measure the meridian system more precisely. The systemic worms were closer to 1-2 years. Here is the outline of what weve learned: Western Practitioners Dont Know How to Diagnose or Treat Parasites, Natural Parasite Cleanses Homeopathic, Herbal and Holistic Approach, Where to Get Parasite Medications for Humans. The following educational videos show how we figured out which parasite medications to take, in what doses. He uses the most aggressive (in my case) prescription drugs, which I desperately needed, and every other enhancement therapy (ozone and ultralight) to eliminate the parasites and subsequent infections. Energy: Reiki, acupressure points, meditation. Dr. Yu offers Training on Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) twice a year in St. Louis for doctors, dentists and health professionals. 2023 I would be very curious to know if this man had worms or flukes. If you would like to. I recommend getting one of these cheap plastic enema buckets with a hose for each family member. I recommend putting it in a capsule before swallowing. When people come to see me, whether they have MS, Parkinson's, ALS, or cancer or some unusual condition, I tell them, I'm going to make a conscious effort to ignore your diagnosis and ignore your symptoms. The Longevity Diet, by Valter Longo, Ph.D., published in 2018, features a 5-Day Fasting-Mimicking Diet for the all the health benefits of fasting without the . I know a family who has tried the Gu approach with a qualified practitioner, and this is indeed what happened to them. 1T, 2x/day when not on Pyrantel in Kalcker for 10 days, (oil of oregano) 1 tab, 3x/day all month long, 3 tabs WB & 1 tab CP, 6 days on & 1 day off, 30min before largest meal, 1 tab 3x/day, before meals for first 2 months, 1tsp 3x/day for 2 months, 30 min before food in 6oz water, 3 tabs WB & 1 tab CP, 1x/day for 3 months, 6 days on & 1 day off, 30min before largest meal, 710 mg 2x/day for 3.5 days, then repeated in 1 month, 6 pills 2x/day continued from previous month, 2 pills 2x/day plus prazi in castor oil on skin near liver for 4 weeks, 1T 2x/day for 1 week, then 1tsp 2x/day for 3 weeks, 710 mg 2x/day for 4 days, then 1 week off, then again 4 days. Many people think of parasites as primarily a gastrointestinal issue. With DNA tests, we often find not only all different microbes but parasites such as protozoa and entamoeba that go down to the gut. <> Integrative medicine specialist Dr. Simon Yu (St. Louis, USA) has established over 25 years a comprehensive ivermectin therapy as the basic medication for many of his various treatment protocols. Dr. Klinghardt was joined by speakers such as Dr. Simon Yu MD, Dr. Stephen Fry MD, Tami Duncan, and others. A: For some reason, there are a lot of practitioners prescribing these short, small, all-medication rotation rounds. Dr. Parasite Symptoms Gas and Bloating Irritable bowel syndrome Joint and muscle aches and pains Anemia Skin conditions Granulomas Nervousness Sleep disturbances Readers are ultimately responsible for their own choices surrounding their health. From a recent article of Dr. Simon Yu, Most parasite problems may manifest outside of the GI tract, i.e. We switched to Diethylcarbamazine (Diethyl) in some rounds instead of the Mebex or in addition to it. Q: What is your opinion about the Gu Syndrome and Classical Pearls? [ 13 0 R] Dr. Simon Yu On Parasites, Dental Infections and Cancer The following is a heavily edited transcript of an interview with St Louis internist, Dr. Simon Yu. I dont think they are necessary; they are optional. Dr. Yu discovered parasites are an underestimated source of many diseases after serving as a Reserve Medical Corps Officer in South America doing parasite treatment for large numbers of people.
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