Some hostels only accept referrals made by statutory or voluntary organisations and some accept self-referrals. If you are having trouble paying your mortgage, its important to act quickly to avoid the risk of your home being repossessed. Telephone Advice: Monday to Friday 10 to 4pm, Tags: Free Advice, Local, NW10, Punjabi, SQM, Urdu, Rear of 108 High Road, Telephone:0208825 8888 Read more about local welfare assistance. We can provide casework and representation under legal aid. The amount you are paid for various benefits depends on the number of children you have. However as most tenancies are assured short hold fixed tenancies, a ground for possession can be that the tenancys fixed period has expired. If you are in receipt of Universal Credit, help with our rent is covered through this. Like everyone, received a blank letter. People who already have a homelessness application should email or call their case officer on their normal number, for queries about their application. Applies to: England, Wales and Scotland. It is best to try to avoid neighbour disputes by:-. If you are in arrears with your rent, you should first try talking to your landlord about the arrears and see if you can come to an agreement about repayment. Eligibility You can apply for a DHP if you currently get either: Housing Benefit the. You should also say that if your landlord does not return your deposit, you will recover it in the Small Claims Court. Website: 8 12 Lancaster Road, Civil Legal Advice (CLA) Discretionary housing payments, Ukrainian payment applications and My Account council tax and benefits will not be available from 5pm on Friday to 9am on Monday due to system maintenance, . Where possible people should not be moving unless it is unavoidable or necessary. If you need help, apply now. Full Time - Monday to Friday, 36 hours per week. The first step is to discuss with your Landlord and see if an agreement can be reached. What can I do? Email:, Rent payments Our advice and casework services focus on welfare benefits but also include other areas of help including Locata bidding. They are separate payments made at the councils discretion in cases where it considers that extra help with housing costs is needed. Do not ignore the problem because you could become homeless. I have rent arrears and have received a notice to quit from my landlord. Benefits Service call centre and reception Housing benefit call centre tel: 020 8825 7000 Open: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm Housing Benefit reception: The services available are document drop. If you are in arrears with your rent, you should first try talking to your landlord about the arrears and see if you can come to an agreement about repayment. Although we are based in Harrow, we cover Ealing and can see clients locally. Claim a discretionary housing payment online Discretionary Housing Payments are not guaranteed and you will not automatically get a payment if you have had one previously. Council tax and housing benefits support . This may mean paying an extra amount with your rent each week or month until the debt is paid off. Sign in to My Account My Account gives you access to a range of council services making it easier to pay, report, request, apply and book council services online. Southall, Middlesex What are my rights? Housing Benefit information from your council We've matched the postcode to London Borough of Ealing . Provision of housing related support for mental health services users for a two year maximum period for each service user. Get details of local hostels or shelters from the Local Authority, Shelters helpline. Council staff have confirmed that they will continue to help people who are at risk of homelessness, as the law requires. Im being evicted because of mortgage arrears. Navigate to the service you want from. Email: Apply for housing benefit and council tax reduction, policy on collecting data for online forms. UB2 4DD. If you think your landlord is acting unfairly, or you feel you are being harassed or illegally evicted, you should seek legal advice. What are my rights? If you are liable to pay rent towards your accommodation, you can apply for discretionary housing payment and/or discretionary council tax discount: If you are a home owner and wish to apply for discretionary council tax discount: Discretionary housing payments and discretionary council tax discounts, Apply for housing benefit and council tax reduction, Minimise the effect of Job Seeker Plus sanctions, Make payment when housing benefit is suspended. Specialise in Housing and Immigration advice for local people. However, under new rules Child Tax Credit, Housing Benefit and Universal Credit will only be assessed for the first two children. Find a Job You should look at your income and your outgoings, and try to come to an agreement with your lender on the arrears. It may be possible for you to agree more realistic payments on your mortgage, to avoid losing your home. The benefit cap does not apply if you or your partner: are not getting Housing Benefit or Universal Credit. London You can also find out how your benefits would be affected by a change in circumstances (e.g. Tags: Free Advice, Local, Punjabi, UB1, Urdu, Featherstone Terrace, It should make clear the obligations of the landlord and explain your obligations on the use of the property and its state of decoration and repair. We offer free confidential one-to-one and professional support, advice, information, representation and accompaniment to appointments regarding issues related to domestic violence such as welfare rights, benefits, housing and legal options. Provision of advice and information to the general public. Workmen should be wearing protective equipment and if you are concerned that they are not, you can refuse to allow them access. IE for benefit caps you could show that you are looking for work. by 14%, if you have one extra bedroom, or, by 25% if you have two or more extra bedrooms, The benefit cap is a limit imposed on the total weekly benefit a family can receive. The claim pack gives some examples of different levels of care needs. The normal way for a landlord to end an assured tenancy is to send you a document called a, your tenancy is still in the fixed term; and, your tenancy agreement doesnt contain a clause to the contrary. W5 5RF, Website: You are considered to be in priority need if: The council should investigate why you became homeless. A council stock transfer means that you change from being a secure tenant of the council to an assured tenant of a registered social landlord. Mediation is a form of negotiation, used in neighbour disputes amongst others, with an independent trained mediator., Home ownership (major works and service charge general enquiries) HA9 6DE. NW6 7XG. Please add this address to your safe senders list, so that you do not miss important communications about your account. Please ensure all emails include your full name and address. The Centre supports their diverse needs through the provision of welfare, educational and cultural services at a welcoming Centre for all Armenians. Evidence to support your DHP claim can be uploaded to the online form, sent by email or posted. Tags: Local, Paid Advice, Punjabi, Urdu, W13, 54 High Street, Perceval House 14/16 Uxbridge Road London W5 2HL Tel: 020 8825 5000 Search more than 3,000 jobs in the charity sector. There is a wide range of financial support available to all residents, including those living with disabilities. It is important to tell the council the truth in your application otherwise you may be committing a criminal offence. The council normally has 33 working days to make a decision. Temporary Role - 3 months with likely extension. If your rent arrears are caused by a difference between your housing benefit and the amount of rent you have to pay, you should apply to your Housing Benefit Office for a discretionary hardship payment. Ealing Customer Services, Perceval House, 14-16 Uxbridge Road, Ealing W5 2HL Tenants are often afraid to report disrepair for fear that landlords will service notice and evict them asap when their tenancy ends. Change of address: If you are already getting housing benefit and/or council tax reduction and you are moving home within Ealing you do not need to make a new claim. In such cases landlord's can apply for accelerated possession proceedings. It is important that you start and complete the form on the same day if possible. We offer free, independent and confidential advice about issues affecting older people and their carers in the Borough of Ealing. If your Housing Benefit Office cannot process your claim quickly, you should ask for an interim payment. Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm. Contact the Benefits team - form. The council normally has 33 working days to make a decision. They use their detailed knowledge of how markets work to help other organisations give accurate advice to consumers at the local level. HOUSING BENEFITS TEAM PO BOX 58996, CATFORD ROAD, LONDON, SE6 9JD. Specialist in stopping eviction : advice on rent arrears and court. W13 9SJ. You can find the contact details of your local council on the Gov.UK . Acton, London If you cannot pay your rent, there could be a 3 month break, however this will need to be paid back. If your Housing Benefit Office cannot process your claim quickly, you should ask for an interim payment. It is best to try to avoid neighbour disputes by:-. To help process your application in a quicker time please provide the following documents in support of your application: Your files need to be clearly readable. It is important you contact us to talk about your options. W11 4TL. The Right to Acquire gives registered social landlords tenants a statutory right to purchase their home with the benefit of a discount, generally between 9,000 and 16,000, depending on the local authority area. What is the local housing allowance / the bedroom tax? W7 1AZ, Email:, Appointments: Monday to Friday 10:00am to 1:00pm, Drop in: Monday to Friday 10:00am to 1:00pm, Tags: Arabic, Free Advice, Local, Polish, Somali, W7, 170 Oldfield Lane South, Simply fill out the form below and provide information on your circumstances; please email requesting an application for a discretionary payment towards a deposit. We also undertake a large amount of claims against solicitors for negligence and have a fraud department that deals with assisting those who have been a victim of fraud in bringing an action, in addition to helping those who are defending fraud claims. DHPs are not benefits. Greenford, Middlesex If you wish to know more about the Advice Link Project or have a comment about the website please contact us at, Registered Charity no. If you have the Right to Buy with the council you will still have the right to buy your home after the transfer. ealing discretionary housing payment contact numbermid bass speaker box design. Accepted file types: Word (docx), Acrobat (pdf), Excel (xlsx), Plain text (txt). Website: UB2 5AL. Telephone Advice: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:30pm, Appointments: Monday to Friday 9:30am to 12:30pm, Drop in: Monday to Friday 9:30am to 12:30pm, Tags: Free Advice, Local, Punjabi, SQM, UB2, Urdu, 49b Western Road, Contact Housing. They must look into your claim of homelessness and provide help if they think you are eligible. The. The amount of. If you are homeless and in priority need, the council should try and provide you with emergency accommodation until they have made a decision on your homelessness application. Find 16 jobs live on CharityJob. A full CAB advice service for LGBT clients in West London. South Acton, London You can check entitlement to housing benefit. We have helped thousands of people, from finding them a place to sleep to suggesting how to handle mortgage arrears. This is called a change of circumstance. If you dont agree with the landlords description of the condition of your property, you should look over your tenancy agreement and check that: there is a clause that allows your landlord to keep your damage deposit; and. We are always looking to improve it. A council stock transfer means that you change from being a secure tenant of the council to an assured tenant of a registered social landlord. It is important you contact us to talk about your options Call your local housing hub on 020 8825 5387 to find out about: Help from our Financial Inclusion Advisors to claim for benefits. We aim to promote the well-being of the Iraqi community, encourage mutual understanding and work to bridge the gap between British and Iraqi cultures and to ease the integration process. Discretionary housing payments, Ukrainian payment applications and My Account council tax and benefits will not be available from 5pm on Friday to 9am on Monday due to system maintenance, If you are falling behind with your rent payments, help is available. If we cannot read your documents it will take longer to process your application. The Customer Service Centre is open Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm. UB3 4QW. 1 Local councils can help you pay housing costs if. Hayes However, you must not withhold a months rent in place of the damage deposit this would be illegal. If. W5 4QP. The advice is independent and confidential. 210 Northfields Ave, , Ealing W13 9SJ 020 8579 4598 020 8579 4598 Email: Website: www. Mediation is a form of negotiation, used in neighbour disputes amongst others, with an independent trained mediator. To apply for housing benefit and council tax reduction you need to register for My Account. Sheltered housing can be bought or rented. You are at risk of losing your home if you owe rent. Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) If you are receiving Housing Benefit or Universal Credit and are finding it difficult to pay your rent, you can apply for additional help through the. Specialise in Housing and Immigration advice for local people. Get free and confidential legal advice in England and Wales if youre eligible for legal aid. This service which helps people access the money available to them through welfare benefits, grants and other help. It should make clear the obligations of the landlord and explain your obligations on the use of the property and its state of decoration and repair. . Local Welfare Assistance Officer. Contact A Family Ealing and Southall will support parents who have children with any disability or special need living in the London Borough of Ealing. Do not ignore the problem because you could become homeless. The amount you are paid for various benefits depends on the number of children you have. There is usually a long queue and they do not always see everybody. The team is based at the Ealing Town Hall. Assured tenants enjoy the protection from eviction ie a landlord must go through the correct procedure. You can find their contact details on any letter or email you've had from them. For advice and information on Attendance Allowance which is paid at two rates depending on how your disability affects you. Email: Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30am to 4:00pm If you get housing benefit or Universal Credit housing costs, and find you are in financial difficulty due to a shortfall between your benefits and rent, you can apply for a discretionary housing payment (DHP). If the situation is caused by a delay to your housing benefit, you should write to your local Housing Benefit Office and request a payment within 14 days. You will also find information on the Governments National Asylum Support Service (NASS) that provides accommodation and subsistence for asylum seekers who are deemed to be destitute.
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