Name: Viessmann Query Language: InfluxQL URL: http:<local-ip-address>:8086 Database: viessmann User: viessmann Password: 7BBPthqVYm HTTP Method: GET After clicking on the button "Save & test" I just get the error back error reading InfluxDB. Audit your anchor text. Error 524: A Timeout Occurred (What It Is & How to Fix It). Enter your credentials here and then try the page again. An access token is expired, revoked, malformed, or invalid for other reasons. From this command, I find from here: c) Next provide authorization for v1.x -> I tried this: (If specifying --password gives Error: unknown flag error, remove it and set manually) (See influx setup -h), Then we need to add the token to /root/.influxdbv2/config file - otherwise we need to provide it for every request (See influx config create -h), But still no luck, still getting 401 error. Enable authentication in your configuration file If you enable authentication and have no users, InfluxDB will not enforce authentication Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2, Rabbitmq connection refused from Docker container to local host, Connect distant database running with docker with no port published, from local machine via SSH key. Error writing data to database/config/my-influxdb-database: Error making API request. Why are Suriname, Belize, and Guinea-Bissau classified as "Small Island Developing States"? Im surprised none of the settings above have appeared in the /root/.influxdbv2/configs file. 404 Page Not Found Error: What It Is and How to Fix It. Common Causes 6e640006d1cd: Pull complete linux$ linux$ influx publicly available to any unauthenticated user. However, when I'm "done" with the set up, I use my local influx client to create a new database, but every command I run returns: ERR: received status code 401 from server. Now I wanted to create a datasource in Grafana 9.1.0 with following options: After clicking on the button "Save & test" I just get the error back. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. "After the incident", I started to be more careful not to trip over things. C:\Users\jnewcomb>docker pull Terminal 1: Authentication Set up Authentication Authenticate Requests Authorization User Types and Privileges User Management Commands HTTP Errors Authentication and authorization should not be relied upon to prevent access and protect data from malicious actors. Its a shame, I really see the advantage of using influxDB to make the data we generate usable. The Open Policy Agent (OPA) HTTP middleware applies OPA Policies to incoming Dapr HTTP requests. Use the Bearer authorization scheme: Only unexpired tokens will successfully authenticate. See the authorization section for how to create an admin user. Thanks maxcoulombe September 27, 2022, 8:18pm #3 But we have no way of telling why that is. Note: The password string must be wrapped in single quotes. Pull influxdb2 to the local filesystem and create a new docker container from it (Run from cmd.exe), Then in the docker container CLI: Use different Python version with virtualenv, Random string generation with upper case letters and digits, How to upgrade all Python packages with pip. ts=2021-03-04T06:43:29.682034Z lvl=info msg="Starting continuous query service" log_id=0SfU4dG000 service=continuous_querier Why won't my custom Dockerfile connect over the docker-compose network when other services will? Recovering from a blunder I made while emailing a professor. The 401 error is an HTTP status code that means the page you were trying to access cannot be loaded until you first log in with a valid user ID and password. Clearing your browser cache might also fix the issue. By default, shared-secret is set to an empty string, in which case no JWT authentication takes place. and our influx setup --username administrator --password administrator --token MyTokenMyToken== --org MyOrgName --bucket sandbox --retention 0. b) I dont seem to have any way of specifying the bucket ID so I need to find out what it is. Hello, I have the same problem currently for `CREATE DATABASE`, have you found the solution since? Linear regulator thermal information missing in datasheet. Why do academics stay as adjuncts for years rather than move around? I feel Im so close, For the record For passwords that include these characters, escape the special character with a backslash (e.g. Use middleware to apply Open Policy Agent (OPA) policies on incoming requests. Not able to access container by user-defined network name from another container. -e DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_PASSWORD=adminpass But we have no way of telling why that is. are kevin campbell and sol campbell related taxera om fastighet till jordbruksfastighet Can someone help ? Status codes are issued by a server in response to a client's request made to the server. The queries in the following examples assume that the user is an admin user. If additional security or compliance features are desired, InfluxDB should be run behind a third-party service. Access Denied: Too many requests from the same client. I see a 4GB DockerDesktop.vhdx file, but nothing else there I'm not sure where the issue comes from. ts=2021-03-04T06:43:29.682034Z lvl=info msg="Registered diagnostics client" log_id=0SfU4dG000 service=monitor name=network to the influx CLI. Non-admin users can SHOW the databases on which they have READ and/or WRITE permissions. The influxdb-client that you get from whatever the debian source on Ubuntu is the 1.xx version. Check the right column of your InfluxDB Cloud organization homepage ts=2021-03-04T06:43:29.682034Z lvl=info msg="Storing statistics" log_id=0SfU4dG000 service=monitor db_instance=_internal db_rp=monitor interval=10s As I worked my way through using the Influx Database I tried using the InfluxDB CLI. SEO (ON-SITE OPTIMIZATION): Step #1. Step #3. The following messages are also client-side errors and so are related to the 401 Unauthorized error:400 Bad Request,403 Forbidden,404 Not Found, and408 Request Timeout. I have the wrong version of the CLI. However - any operation on sandboxDB returns a server error. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. influx config create -n default -u http://localhost:8086 -o
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