Get all the support you want for your events because we know hospitality matters. Giving responsibility. People love free stuff, and giving away small prizes is a great way to get students excited about your event. This post may contain affiliate links. Wondering how to throw events that college students will actually want to attend? Make sure yourcomedy show sells out by promoting it on social media. The Chinese new year begins on the first moon between January 21st and February 20th, and its one of the premier holidays in Chinese culture. Catwalk For A Cause. Encourage students to meet and create their own teams. Have participants dress in themed costumes for extra fun, or make it a fundraiser with pledges for laps completed. Comedy nights are always a lot of fun, and theyre perfect for students who love to laugh. Invite philosophers, activists, lecturers, writers, entrepreneurs, and other exciting speakers to visit campus and share their life advice. Bowling is always a fun activity, and its perfect for a night out. Help current students see the potential that the future holds while they makenetworking connectionsthat could be beneficial after graduation. This could involve organizing a charity walk or run, or it could involve organizing a . Ask students to submit a picture of themselves as a baby. 7. Its a valuable life skill many students arent prepared for once they graduate! Be sure to provide plastic bags and waste bins for cleanup. As theater lovers know, the real magic of drama and comedy is in characterization and dialogue. It might include lute players, herald trumpeters, jousters, jugglers, magicians, jesters, and dancers. SAMPLE Offer a chapter scholarship or book award (money towards textbooks) for members only. In addition, the array of fresh produce encourages healthy eating habits and community engagement. Youll want to contact your schools facilities department about availability. Take a night to do various arts and crafts projects. Up next, check out four tips to help university event planners succeed. Get your own design on the t-shirts, or get a designer on board. Below are some examples of online programs your organization could host. You can host a cultural celebration supporting music, art, food, and other entertainment. So, contact local restaurants and food trucks about offering easy finger foods. Partner with local transportation services to hostmuseum eventcrawls, garden crawls, or market crawls. Its possible to hold them over a wide, though not necessarily connected, area. Be sure to provide all of the supplies students will need. Lay out a route across campus or around the perimeter, and make sure youve got water and treats like ice cream or fruit cups for finishers. Include only games that date before the 18th century. But that doesnt mean your event cant be inspiring or rewarding in other ways, right? Coordinate with the Red Cross, a local hospital, or your university hospital to provide the necessary phlebotomists and equipment. The goals can be anything: taking a photo at a campus landmark, for example, or finding a specific treasure in a particular location. If your school has a Hindi or Urdu language department, see if they have additional resources to incorporate. As students move from booth to booth, theyll get a peek into potential career paths and maybe even find the position where theyll launch their career. Event themes Listicle College events shape the social and intellectual fabric of your university. You can also be more specific with the pairings, like pairing first-gen college students with older first-gen students who understand their experience. Rap throw-downs can be held virtually anywhere, from a formal theater stage to an informal dormitory dining hall. Pro tip: quality sound equipment can really enhance the experience. Social events that do not have to do with the organization's core mission and enable people to get to mingle. Likewise, consider the genre(s) to be featured. Celebrity guests are always a popular draw, and theyre the perfect way to get students excited about an event. Pizza parties are always a lot of fun, and they provide a great opportunity for students to socialize and take a break from the dining hall food. You could either provide the supplies or have students bring their own. Tip:Depending on the accessibility to nature where your campus is located, you may even be able to offer native plants tours as reoccurring programming! Include an online component as part of an in-person club meeting, or make it solely online and open it up to a broader number of participants. A fun run is similar to a5K or marathon it emphasizes enjoyment instead of a serious race or competition. 4. Theres nothing like a competition to attract attention. Another great way to get people excited about sharing at the event is to interview individual students about the hilariously false misconceptions they had about sex when they were younger. The goals can be anything: taking a photo at a campus landmark, for example, or finding a specific treasure in a particular location. Students can perform and listen to live renditions of songs we all know and love as a touching way to say goodbye. Discover 14 of our favorite college event ideas 1. College events shape the social and intellectual fabric of your university. Target outreach to students who are most likely to be interested in the events content to both boost your attendance rate and limit the amount of unwanted event invites students receive. Host a fundraiser with a casino theme including card games, roulette wheels, and slot machines but make sure to comply with local gambling regulations. Role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons have entertained fantasy fans since the 1970s. Create positive associations with your event to sell more tickets and secure sponsors and speakers. You can either do this on your own or team up with another campus organization. Or, create your own maneuvers and offensives in battles between fantastical creatures such as orcs and dwarves. Mental health is a vital part of overall health, so engage students with campus-widede-stressing events, especially during exam seasons. 53 Fun College Event Ideas Students Will Love and Share. One of the neatest ways to get to know your surroundings is by learning about the flora native to the area. Incorporate meaning and purpose into events to appeal to modern students. Did you know that the iconic idea-sharing forum TEDx started as a campus event at USC in 2009? You can find a Campus Relay for Life branch on over 500 high school and college campuses in 47 states. Host local tours to familiarize students with their surroundings. Ask students to create something extraordinary and plan a fun event that focuses on film. Movie Marathon. Be sure to have a variety of games for students to choose from. Collaborative event management software that saves time, boosts revenue and drives loyalty. Coordinate your event with your schools LGBTQ+ community to create an inclusive, gender-neutral event. and the Pixies) got its name for a reason. Eventbrite Boost makes it easy to reach new people, engage your fans and followers, and grow your attendance directly from your Eventbrite account. Credit Union West, a long-standing partner and supporter of this event . Require students to be members in order to attend. Collaborative event sales software that increases qualified leads and drives direct revenue. 2) Locally owned, independent retail stores or restaurants (rather than chains) are often more willing to donate gift cards. Will it be sports games, strategy games, first-person shooter games, simulations, or a combination? You get a book debate a fresh spin on the ever-popular book club concept. 3) Ask parents who own businesses that could donate. TEDx. Be sure to have a lot of Christmas-themed games for students to play. Would it appeal to the typical college-age demographic or is your ideal audience a little more specific? So, invite them to be that change. Contact your local farmers market about providing locally grown fruits, vegetables, cheeses, honey, and meats. Even more, participating in civic engagement activities can help you advocate for your community and make it a better place to live. Raise awareness about positive relationship behaviors, safe sex, and healthy intimacy with taboo-busting programming tailored to college-aged students. Live Streamed Concerts. Be sure to have a variety of games for students to choose from. *Eventbrite data 5/1/2022 12/1/2022 comparing events promoted with Eventbrite Boost with any event that was not promoted with the same tool. Either way, be sure to make sure there are plenty of power strips to go around and dont skimp on the snacks and soda either! You could either choose a theme or let students come up with their own ideas. 16 College Fundraising Ideas: Great Step-By-Step Guide. Ask participants to bring their own drums hand drums such as bongos or even handmade and recycled drums or see if your schools music department has some spares. These college event ideas listed below can also help build school spirit and camaraderie among your student body. Spirit week is always a lot of fun, and its perfect for students who love to dress up. The size of your event may determine your answers. This is a great way for current students to support their fellow students even if they arent in the same major. Local businesses can set up tables and sell themed goods. Host a bingo night and see who can win the most rounds. University life is ideal for exposing students to a variety of art and culture, with campuses often serving as a hub for musicians, writers, and other artists. Create a mentorship program that connects students with others who have faced and overcome similar challenges or experiences. Paint a mural is always a lot of fun, and its perfect for students who want to get creative. Are you looking to host college events that students will actually want to attend? 4. Capturing such talks on video makes for powerful, potentially viral social media. Encourage students to shop locally, eat healthy, and give them access to fresh, organic foods. Performing artists love to gain college fans, and college rock (think R.E.M. Partner with the agriculture and food science departments to teach students about the work that goes into growing their food, environmental factors to consider, and the importance of farming in our society. The following college events ideas can draw big crowds by offering something fun, giving yourself something by which to identify what your group is about. Live Animal Cams. knowledge, and an ever-popular way for students to spend the evening. Throw a graduation party for all of the students who will be graduating. On-Campus Entertainment Ideas Not every weekend at college needs to be all about tailgating and keggers. While college audiences can be eager to attend educational and cultural events, they sometimes want to get their minds off education. Survey students to connect with them and discover what they care about most. Need more fun college event ideas? College students are working to evolve into full-on adults, so host fun classes that will teach them applicable skills. While inherently less personal than an in-person event, an online event has other advantages, including expanding your networking base to more geographic regions. Search for jobs related to Event ideas for college organizations or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 21m+ jobs. Send a guide further along and let students follow one at a time to navigate a short, flat distance alone. 6. Board game cafes are becoming increasingly popular, and students will love the chance to spend a night in playing their favorite games. When interviewing for your first job, its not always all about your academic experiences or what extracurricular activities you excelled in. Give teams 24 or 48 hours to complete a movie based on a theme or genre. Promote your event in your schools media or film department and set up a screening room on campus. Comedians regularly include colleges on their tour stops, so it could be worth reaching out to a famous name to check availability. We follow the high principles . Be sure to have plenty of delicious goodies for students to choose from. Include a petting zoo with goats, sheep, and other barnyard animals. Put on your best poker face and deal em up! Sell coffee for $1 in the libraries during finals and donate the money to a scholarship fund to help more students attend college. You can create online events for off-campus students by streaming TEDx to everyone at home or abroad. Or, get a couple of ice cream makers and make your own customized concoction. Have a gingerbread house contest to see who can make the best one. Promote prizes, online recognition, and some serious bragging rights. An online meet-and-greet can be a great solution if youre looking for virtual business event ideas for college students. Scavenger hunts are always a lot of fun, and theyre perfect for a day or night out. And with blood and platelets in critically short supply, blood drives can be a true lifesaver. Whether your school is a residential or commuter campus, events play a crucial role in college life. Who doesnt love a good party? Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, is generally credited with inventing miniature wargaming. So, invite them to be that change. Paint nights are always popular, and theyre a great way to get creative. Choose a theme or activity and watch your registrations fill up. Let each other see who can out-spell the competition. You can get the whole college campus involved with these interactive event ideas. You could partner with a local pet therapy organization. Tour local gardens, pinpoint hiking opportunities, and point out the local flora and fauna. A classic movie night is always a hit with students. Can you figure out who the murderer is before its too late? Mastering skills like basic auto repair or home maintenance will help students become more independent. Spartan races are famous for their obstacles combining mud crawling, wall climbing, rope swinging, spear throwing, and more. The emotional and therapeutic benefits of bonding with animals are well-known. Pet therapy is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. Millennials love expressing their values online, but 80% of them feel its, essential for people to come together in person. If you make it a regular occurrence, it can be a fun venue for both meeting new people and passing time with old friends in a casual and laidback environment. Social events that incorporate games and technology are good starts. You could have a variety of music genres or stick to one type. Free Event Management Software for Planners and Properties. Take inspiration from Big Brother/Big Sister programs and pair seniors with freshmen. The best way to boost student engagement is to be creative, innovative, and include student input. Help new students break the ice, get to know their peers, and get settled into campus with these events and activities: College students are infamous for their ability to survive the school year on a diet consisting of little more than ramen noodles and Red Bull. As graduation nears, students will be more focused on their professional futures. Encourage mentorship connections for new students, students in the LGBTQ+ community, those who struggle with addiction or grieving, and so on. Most campuses have your run-of-the-mill sports teams: basketball, baseball, soccer, football, etc. You can choose an NGO or charity you wish to donate to. This will encourage even absolute beginners to show up and participate! Ask a professor from the Biology department with knowledge of plant species and biodiversity to lead a tour of local parks and nature trails. Cheer teams, dance squads, and pageant contestants are some of the first that comes to mind, but it is also a great idea for women's shelters. A Chinese New Year festival is a perfect way to celebrate the traditions and culture of China. Teach students how to do their taxes. Its time to shift your perspective. If serving food, ensure your event complies with local regulations about storage and handling. Althea obtained two degrees in Visual Communication Design and Race . There are plenty of organizations that would love to have your help. Sure, academics should take precedence, but everyone loves to hang out and socialize with their peers. Be sure to have a choreographed routine or let students come up with their own. Host a workshop where students can make their own dorm room decor think plant hangers, terrariums, or recycled frames for their art. Theres nothing like spending a night under the stars. Appeal to what matters to students when attempting to attract them to events. Yoga classes are always a great way to relax and de-stress. Next, be sure to use disposable dinnerware sets with different colors for both matching your themed parties and allowing yourself to enjoy the time by not doing the dishes. You might also include wraps, burritos, and gyros quick, flavorful meals that require only a few ingredients. Think. Alumni speakers are always a great way to get students excited about an event. You might even connect with students worldwide who speak your clubs language natively. Regular entertainment programming on college campuses can give students who arent party animals new opportunities to relax and socialize. Indoor games dont have to require athleticism. The pop of firecrackers and gifts of cash stuffed in red envelopes are other hallmarks of the festivities, which traditionally last for two weeks. Consider doing a series of industry-focused career fairs for targeted interactions. , but without the multi-million-dollar broadcast network budget. Highlight alumni who have excelled in their field of study or made notable contributions in their degree field. Tip:By the end of the fundraiser, there will certainly be lots of extra paper cranes lying around! Swords and sorcery not your thing? We all know college students may not have the kitchen or the time for such culinary achievements. Tip:Consider giving attendees a recipe book and dorm-cooking starter kit as a party-favor! Diagram events, wow attendees, and win clients with free planning tools. Regularly invite former students back to meet and speak with current students. This may help new students feel less homesick, too! For instance, clean up a local beach or river, or raise awareness of a topic with a special event where all proceeds go to a cause. Symphony orchestras will appreciate youthful attendees who may become loyal subscribers. Whats the longest-running show in Broadway history? Performing artists love to gain college fans, and college rock (think R.E.M. Dating Smarter with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Carla Manly, How To Be An Interviewer For The First Time. These programs create a rewarding, one-on-one experience for students. Help new students pimp their dorm room with some easy, DIY decor. Local food vendors might provide messy medieval foods such as roasted turkey legs and Viking-worthy mead. A poetry slam puts spoken word performance front and center. Ring in the new year with a bang by throwing a party on campus! By challenging students, promoting debate, and provoking conversations, colleges can better connect with their students. Kristu Jayanti College. Swap boring punch for a spiked punch bowl and redeem your old school prom dress and tuxedos. If youre looking for a unique event idea, goat yoga is definitely it. Come up with a list of themes and some basic ground rules on length and subject matter. Celebrate International Women's Day this year by planning an event that focuses on gender bias or highlights women's achievements. Debate tournaments are always a lot of fun, and theyre perfect for students who love to argue. For instance, clean up a local beach or river, or raise awareness of a topic with a special event where all proceeds go to a cause. Walking tours, bus tours, and even bike tours are fun opportunities for students particularly freshmen and other campus newcomers to make friends and get to know the area around them. Students love food, so play with the idea of a taco or burger crawl. Team up with an off-campus organization to promote and orchestrate a meaningful community event. 2. For the musically inclined and music fans, a battle of the bands is often a hit. Then its just a matter of deciding between seven-card stud or Texas hold em. Whenever a music legend passes, give students a chance to mourn the artist they love and show off their own musical talent by hosting an open-mic night and memorial concert in their name. Karaoke. There are the standard pieces that this great: discussions, peer-to-professional networking, workshops, and more. Students who enjoy the outdoors, botany, or conservation will appreciate horticulture tours that showcase the unique biology of their college town. Balancing classes, homework, papers, exams, and for many, a part-time job, can become a lot to handle. Coordinate periodic check-in events to maintain contact. Invite popular indie rock bands and hip-hop artists, and coordinate with the university art department about showcasing student works. Partner with local fitness instructors to host yoga, pilates, or othercreative outdoor eventsin the park. A food truck rally is always a lot of fun, and its perfect for students who love to eat. Create a campus-wide event by holding a race, fun-run, or walkathon around school grounds. This will make students eager to buy tickets. Comedians regularly include colleges on their tour stops, so it could be worth reaching out to a famous name to check availability. Not only do events help students get to know one another, but they can provide a steady stream of wholesome and educational programming that will keep students active and engaged in their campus community. Whether it seems like it or not, every college or university has students who are looking for active ways to participate in university life as well as the surrounding community. Set up a recording booth with a campus-branded media backdrop, film students as they recount their funny stories, and publish the Buzzfeed-style video online as a way to keep the event and the on-campus resources it highlights circulating on social media. To help combat all of this, partner with local vendors, artisans, and farmers to set up a Farmers Market for students. Just like above, take students to the apple orchard for a fun fall weekend. But with just a microwave and a bit of ingenuity, students can have a much more well-rounded diet without breaking the bank. This allows you to create clubs for less commonly spoken languages, such as Czech or Basque. Location: Austin, TX. Have some fun with class topics. Alternatively, host an open mic night and encourage students to try out their best routines. Just be sure students stick around afterward to help clean up! Trivia nights are always popular and they are a great way to get students engaged. Host a Netflix party and play some popular shows. Online events can also be more comfortable for introverts among us, who may prefer making connections while maintaining a certain distance. Museums are always a great place to learn about different subjects, and students will love the chance to explore them. Car smashes are always a lot of fun, and theyre perfect for students who love to destroy things. There are so many different ways to engage students through local scavenger hunts. Provide potential attendees with a biography of the speaker, their accomplishments, and the unique perspective they bring to the table. Be creative! Hire a photographer and let students get professional headshots taken for free. For many students, college can be an emotionally challenging time. Give students free 10 minute massages and the line will be out the door. Lastly, a festival isnt complete without eats. HR can ask the coworkers to wear a . 20. Lay down some green felt across your tabletops and use chips instead of coins for a more authentic experience. Keep your physical and digital class materials organized using a three-ring binder and Google Drive. Tip:Be sure to invite any student organizations that perform music on your campus, from any acapella groups to the official marching band. Bring together a group of successful and innovative women to discuss embracing equity in all . Celebrate Indias films, with their exuberant colors, fantastic tales, and imaginative staging, with a Bollywood film festival that also embraces the richness of Indian culture. A fashion show can be a fun and profitable fundraising event for a variety of organizations. Learn more about us here. The opportunities are endless! Take a group to the ice rink for a day of skating. and the Pixies) got its name for a reason. You could either choose a theme or let students come up with their own ideas. Millennials and members of Gen Z feel strong connections to political awareness, community engagement, environmentalism, social justice, activism, and impactful change. Of course, your competition can be as friendly and straightforward as you like the simpler it is, the more likely people will feel up to the challenge and decide to participate. Convert an event hall into a the ultimate movie night slumber party, decked out with pillow forts, sleeping bags, an ice cream sundae station, and plenty of popcorn. Eventbrite Boost makes it easy to reach new people, engage your fans and followers, and grow your attendance directly from your Eventbrite account. Itll be a lot of fun for students. Let them experience the joy of classical music and admire the musicianship behind exquisite compositions. Digitize your notes for easier review. The Program Manager III position will lead Transportation Demand Management planning, parking enterprise, programming, contract management for the Austin Transportation Department. Include former students who are using their degrees in unique or interesting ways as well. Volunteer virtually. But youd be amazed at what you can whip up on a hot plate. Search for jobs related to Event ideas for college organizations or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 22m+ jobs. A classic career fair brings employers onto campus to talk to students about their mission, hiring practices, and prospects. In between a chorus of squeals about each cute photo, students will have the opportunity to really look at their peers. Everybody loves movies, which is even more fun when watched in groups. We provide complete solution to organize an event. Highlight unique eats in the neighborhood, helping new students find their favorite restaurants while supporting local businesses as well. This may especially helpful to senior students who are about to graduate. Invite HR directors from local employers to provide insight on ways students can meet other professional expectations, like dressing for the office, writing effective emails, and public speaking. Paint Night: Organize an instructor-led step-by-step art class. If your campus has a fall festival, take advantage of it! Whether you play indoors or outdoors, theres something for everyone. Events are a great way to introduce fresh ideas, opportunities, and products to a new audience.
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event ideas for college organizations
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