", "No. A fellow inmate sexually assaulted him over the course of a year, until Clyde eventually cracked his skull with a metal bar. 5. Willie Sutton loved using disguises to rob banks. Alarm buzzers and bells, which rang loudly inside and outside of the bank, were one of the earliest. As the sons of migrant farmworkers, they had often visited Michigan in the spring and early summer as their parents picked fruit. Four days after his arrest, Dillinger oversaw the smuggling of weapons into his friends prison cells, and they escaped, but not before killing two guards. Taking place in Tokyo, it was the greatest bank job in the history of Japan. 3. James and his brother Frank robbed banks, stagecoaches, trains, and once even a fair. Pretty ballsy on her part. In 1997, Los Angeles residents witnessed what became the deadliest bank robbery in the history of America. 5. Who wouldnt be curious? After participating in numerous small time robberies, he was eventually jailed for 5 years. Editorial Reviews. As it became evident that Green was paying off his debts, the townspeople began to wonder where the money had come from. Before the American Civil War, most thefts from banks were burglaries, among them the taking of over $150,000 from the Bank of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 1798, when the thief or thieves entered the bank after hours, leaving no sign of force. She just shrugged -- palms up like a little kid -- and said, "That's all I got." Cassidy was the ring leader of the gang known as the Wild Bunch, a group of Wild West criminals that loved to stick up banks, rob trains and then (presumably) drink whiskey and fight in saloons. As in the earlier days in the west, where criminals such as Jesse James gained the sympathy and even the admiration of citizens who agreed with their activities, some of the famous robbers and murderers of the days of the roving gangs became folk heroes among the poor and the outcast of the depression. Born in 1847 and raised in the "Little Dixie" area of western Missouri, James and his slave-owning family maintained strong . The North Hollywood Bank of America Robbery. Feb 14, 1864, Missouri Bank Cashes In on Jesse James. All three were identified by persons who knew them and subsequently captured by the Cleveland police. Nash was a jack of all trades when it came to robbing banks. For a short while, Nelson was number one on the FBI list of public enemies. In 1998, robbers struck the Bank of America at 1 World Trade Center in New York City, a feat believed to be impossible after the increase in security at the complex following the bombing in 1993. At the time of his death, he was only 25 years old. A mere boy a pretty boy with apple cheeks.. So he told the police, the police told the bank, the bank checked the video..and they saw her take it. The raiders protested that the action had been a legitimate act of war and the Canadian authorities released them but returned the money to Saint Albans. What was also known to most of the towns residents was that Green was heavily in debt, and the postmaster position, which was a political patronage job, provided an income which was insufficient for Green to pay his debts. The money was returned to the bank. One of the men asked for change for a ten-dollar bill, and as William opened the cash drawer the men produced pistols and demanded that a sack be filled with all the available cash. The robbers left with $6,700 in cash, unwittingly leaving behind another $9,000 safely hidden in file cabinets. He was gunned down in the so called Battle of Barrington, but not before taking FBI agents Herman Hollis and Samuel P Cowley with him. In 1997, a Dunbar Armored Co. employee was fired for tampering with the company's vehicles. Votes: 20,895 | Gross: $0.42M It was to be delivered to a local . Barrow was imprisoned in 1927, for robbery of a gas station and it was here that he committed his first killing. They often took photographs of themselves posing together with the weapons they used during armed robberies. He was also an associate of John Dillinger, Alvin Karpis and the Barker gang. The depredations of the roving criminal gangs of the depression years led to bank robbery becoming a federal crime in 1934, if the bank was a National bank or a member bank of the Federal Reserve System. Library of Congress. When Jesse read newspaper reports of robberies which were attributed to him he often wrote to the papers editor protesting his innocence of the crime in question. Thomas Limerick, a onetime boxcar bandit, became a "public enemy" bank robber in the Gage County area in the 1930s. The 2005 Banco Central burglary in Fortaleza, Brazil, was once recognized by Guinness Book of World Records as the world's greatest bank robbery. In yet another gun battle with police, a second robber was killed. Exactly my point, you are 86, why not? He was jailed for four years last April. OK, in terms of actual . Most of the robbers were caught but the gold remains at large. I never told anyone what I was doing. Director: Roger Avary | Stars: Eric Stoltz, Julie Delpy, Martin Raymond, Eric Pascal Chaltiel. The Barker family were a notorious gang of siblings who robbed banks and killed without provocation. Eventually someone caught on, but talk about not being able to keep a good man (or bad man) down. Turns out she was talking with her accomplice, a boyfriend driving the getaway car outside the banks. The Soboba Grab and Dash was a casino heist straight out of the Hollywood movies. He was the last remaining public enemy, all the others having being captured or killed. But the James brothers aren't the only bank robbers to become household names. Warsaw Daily Times. On the morning of February 27, Henry and his sons were at work in the bank when two men Clyde Barrow and Red Hamilton entered the building. Today its very hard to pull off a bank job, yet each day approximately 20 banks are robbed in the U.S. alone! Most bank robbers act solo or with groups of accomplices, but Bonnie and Clyde were the rare duo that went on a crime spree that included bank robberies as well as gas stations and retail outlets. Frank Nash knocked over 200 banks in his time and is known by many as the most successful bank robber of all time. After serving seven years in prison, Van Meter was paroled. A fresh take on sports: the biggest news and most entertaining lists. On October 19 the citizens of the town were held at gunpoint on the town common while the raiders robbed the banks, drove off the towns horses to discourage pursuit, and fled to Canada. Here are 15 of the greatest bank robbers of all time, some with a little fame, others not as much and some the basis for major motion pictures. Martinez, an attractive college student, would approach a bank teller while talking on her cell phone. The skies darkened when Cassidy got close, thats how badass he was during the time of the Wild Wild West. The post-war violence between the former Confederate supporters and Unionists led to him being a popular figure among the former, despite the frequency and violence of his crimes. It goes without saying that it takes balls to rob a bank, so I guess the term brass balls would apply to Henry Starr. There are many perks to the gangster lifestyle; long life expectancy isnt one of them. The robbers thought they were going to steal 3 million in cash. Butch Cassidy (seated at right) and the Wild Bunch, one of several gangs which used Hole in the Wall Pass as a hideout. Though he's probably one of Texas's most famous outlaws, Sam Bass is widely regarded to have been a rather inept criminal. The men were John, Clarence, and Alfred Anglin, and they did not wear masks. 9. On the afternoon of November 24, 1971, a nondescript man calling himself Dan Cooper approached the counter of Northwest Orient Airlines in Portland, Oregon. Online. The most notorious outlaws of the Wild West have long been . Photo: Stanislav Kozlovskiy / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0. Is it possible he is still alive? Wikimedia. It was later determined that Hamilton left over $300 in quarters and half-dollars in the cash drawers. The robbery was a near disaster though he still managed to make a clean getaway. 1. A payroll master targeted in the robbery described Floyd as: $5 Million of it was stolen in cash while $875,000 was in Jewels and at the time of the crime made it the largest cash robbery to happen in American History. Early in the afternoon a man entered the bank, took the staff he found there into the back, forced them to lie on the floor, and then stabbed them to death. John Dillinger (June 22, 1903-July 22, 1934) While the Great Depression that ravaged the 1930s created a perfect storm that propagated the country with scores of robbers looking to make an easy . I'd always thought, "If I was that rich, I could change the world instead of just piling up cash." Nelson also demonstrated a propensity for violence and committed his first known murder during a botched tavern robbery. Because no bodies were ever found, the US Marshal service still considers the escape to be an open case. They remained at large until two days later when they were encountered in the general region of the second shootout. The two stormed into the casino, held everyone at gunpoint and tied up several of the casino staff. During the sixties, Williams was linked to over 60 robberies across the East Coast and Midwest. October 18, 2009, Baby Face Nelson. Guarino acted on the information given him by an employee at the World Trade Center, who also gave him his security pass. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and spent most of his adult life in Alcatraz. John and Clarence Anglin, along with fellow inmate Frank Morris, escaped from Alcatraz in June 1962. They would routinely rob fancy houses and steal jewelry. Green was the local postmaster and was of course well known to nearly all of the towns citizens, including Frank. The fugitive behind one of America's most notorious bank robberies has been identified after a 52-year search, law enforcement officials have announced. He robbed a bank in Ohio, but was captured soon after. These gangsters graduated into armed robbers and became known as the Tape Bandits, of which Nelson was a respected member. He also stole the Sheriffs new Ford car to make his getaway. She started screaming "lock the doors, lock the doors" but I ignored it and just kept walking like nothing was happening. Cold-blooded murder. 01/10/2022. August 6, 2012, The Last Outlaws: The Lives and Legends of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Sometimes you are born into the lifestyle, and for Lester M. Gillis that came at the tender age of 12 when he first shot someone with a gun. After ensuring that the teenager was alone in the bank, Green shot him in the back of the head and left with about $5,000. Still, theres got to be something to walking into the prison yard and being asked what you do and reply with Bank Robber. There are much worse things to put on your prison resume. He died after being shot by cops during a failed rescue attempt by his crew (Nash was on his way to prison). That would be the equivalent of approximately $5 million today. In 2005-2006, Clay Tumey "studied and perfected the art of bank robbery", never getting caught but still going to prison about five months after his last robbery because he turned himself in, serving "three years and some change". Whilst incarcerated, he began to associate with prominent bank robbers such as John Dillinger, Harry Pierpoint and Homer Van Meter. Several weeks later the police caught up to Andreoli in a Chester, PA diner where he was shot dead. The 300 million yen robbery caught the interest of international media when it took place in 1968. He reunited with girlfriend, and partner in crime, Edna Murray before joining Alvin Karpis and the Barker gang, who were at the peak of their criminal success. Needless to say, she got fired. Martinez, an attractive college student, would approach a bank teller while talking on her cell phone. The most famous of the gangs which used the pass was that known as the Wild Bunch, led by Robert Leroy Parker, also known as Butch Cassidy, and his partner Harry Longabaugh, known to history as the Sundance Kid. Regardless, some of them found more success than others, however, all of them eventually were caught and persecuted. He was arrested after being recognized during the robbery and sentenced to 10 to 20 years imprisonment, which was a very harsh sentence, indeed, for a first time offender. The two were killed in an ambush in Louisiana on May 23, 1934, and the murderous Clyde Barrow and blithe Bonnie Parker remain romanticized in the twenty-first century. Bells and sirens were replaced in many cases by silent alarms, which sent a signal to law enforcement, allowing them to confront the robbers as they exited the buildings, after several instances when robbers reacted to the loud alarms by shielding themselves with employees and customers as hostages. Whoever the culprits had been, they had burrowed through 100 feet of soil from a nearby sewer drain, and had drilled . He was acquitted in both cases, and though Missouri had other cases in which the surviving James brother could have been charged, he was never again brought to trial. The robbers escaped in a car to a nearby town, where Bonnie Parker awaited them in another car, though in transferring between vehicles some of the money was dropped. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images. Wikimedia. On August 23rd, 1934, Van Meter was ambushed by four police officers and brutally gunned down. The Hole in the Wall Pass in Wyoming was an easily defended, difficult to approach hideout for several criminal gangs which took sanctuary there from the 1860s through the early twentieth century. 4. The following year he robbed a bank in Grand Haven, Michigan. Barrow was armed with a sawed-off shotgun. Escaping successfully, Pierpont was involved in several additional bank robberies with Dillinger. After the cashier reluctantly complied the men made their escape with about $32,000, most of it in gold. He writes about pop culture and humor, he is also a degenerate gambler (which he also writes about). Karpis was raised in Kansas and began associating with criminals from an early age. He died at the age of 52 of throat cancer, and his body was found dumped outside his mother . On a Friday in 1976, Spaggiari led a team of 20 men into the bank vault. They killed at least nine people during their spree, including civilians. In April 1930, Nelson robbed his first bank and got away with $4000. On April 23, 1934, the gang were confronted by police and, during a getaway, Hamilton was wounded and died shortly after. The gang even participated in kidnappings, however this proved to be their downfall. Nelson survived the confrontation only to die of his wounds at a safe house a short time later. I just told them what I wanted, and they complied. Via: The Richest. Dillinger and his gang, which included for a time notorious gangster George "Baby Face" Nelson, were suspected of robbing $52,000 from the First National Bank in Mason City on March 13, 1934. Three men entered the First National Bank and demanded that the cashier, George Nixon, open the safe and give up the gold coins within. Whether armed with guns, coordinated with a gang or using explosives, anything was on the table if it meant leaving the building with bags of money. Unbeknownst to the three was that they were being monitored by security cameras, the film from which was broadcast that night on national television. The only caveat is, it's successful as long as you don't get caught. His bank robbery style became known as the Lamm Technique, and was widely imitated by other famous bank robbers, such as John Dillinger. John D. Kazar, Vermont History. He moved to America shortly before the outbreak of World War I, and became a hold up man; quickly adapting his military training, his study of tactics and his precision and discipline to the art of crime. As tropes in crime films go, the slick bank heist is one of the most romantic and frequent, ripe for cool cinematography, interesting costume and brazen dialogue. They were the first bank robbers to be caught through the use of security cameras, though they were far from the last, as local newscasts have broadcast the video images of thieves on a routine basis ever since. French "Vacuum Gang" Since 2006, in France, an unknown gang of thieves have been emptying supermarket safes, using nothing more than a drill and a modified vacuum cleaner. Prior to that action, a bank robber in Ohio could escape to a bordering state such as Kentucky or Indiana and avoid pursuit and arrest. After being arrested and imprisoned in the escape proof Lake County jail, Dillinger was able to use a carved wooden pistol to trick guards, and lock them in his cell. United California bank robbery. In the end Sutton worked as a security consultant for banks. On Friday, February 28th, 1997 the Los Angeles Police Department would face one of the most dangerous criminal acts in its history - The North Hollywood Bank Shootout. Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. In addition to violence, Baby Face Nelson also robbed banks, completing his first job by the age of 21 years old. Again, right tool for the job, that makes sense. In January 1958, three brothers brandishing toy pistols robbed the Bank of Columbia in Columbia, Alabama. Hamilton began his criminal career by robbing a gas station in Indiana, and being sentenced to a very long prison term of 25 years. He was charged with the murder of a police officer during his criminal career, though many witnesses insisted John Hamilton performed the killing. He spent his time planning heists with his new found friends, that they would commit shortly after being released. He obviously didn't realize the guy who had just walked out of the bank and past him had just robbed the bank. The gang were determined to free him, but first they needed cash to fund the break out. Here are our sources: The Canadian View of the Confederate Raid on Saint Albans. "No threat. After the robbery, they went their separate ways and headed back to their homes. There has to be some disappointment that comes with getting caught because cameras picked up the license plate of a stolen getaway car. He would simply slide a piece of paper with the word ROBBERY on it to the teller. Professional burglars Amil and James Dinsio with their nephews, brother-in-law, and two other associates, who were good at disarming the alarms, pull off the largest heist in U.S. history. Other aspects involved each gang member being assigned a job such vault man, driver or lobby man. However, instead of returning to prison, he went on the run. They were shot over 50 times, including numerous headshots on each corpse. Clipping from the Minneapolis Tribune, March 14, 1934. On February 13, 1866, a Tuesday, a group of riders rode into Liberty, Missouri. The bank was closed for renovations at the time, so the gang took its time, spending days breaking in and several hours emptying boxes. The banks lost about $482 million due to robberies, or $4,213 per offense. Steven Nickel and William J. Helmer. Nelson decided to form and run his own gang of bank robbers in 1933, on October 3 they robbed the First National Bank of Brainerd, Minnesota, during which Nelson used a Thompson submachine gun to fire indiscriminately at bystanders on the street as they made their escape. Green was held in the Middlesex County Jail until April 1866, when he was hanged for committing the United States first armed bank robbery, and for the crime of murder. In Indiana, Van Meter robbed a police station with Dillinger. Because I enjoyed it. I guess you can blame Stockholm Syndrome here, but this is pretty crazy even to me (someone that totally believes Johnny Utah would join the Dead Presidents in their bank robbing adventures). The British Bank of the Middle East Robbery. Although Jesse James was never tried for any of his crimes, his brother Frank was twice, acquitted both times. Martinez and her boyfriend would rob 4 banks in Northern Virginia, stealing just under $50,000 before they got caught and prosecuted. They were not in uniform and were not connected to any existing command of the Confederate Army, though they were under the ostensible command of Bennett Young, a former member of Morgans Raiders who had surrendered with Morgan but escaped to Canada. A patrol car with visible bullet damage following the Norco shootout, following a bank robbery. In February 1933, bank robberies had become so common in some parts of Texas that private banker R. P. Henry, who with his sons ran a bank in Lancaster, Texas, took to hiding cash in file cabinets, rather than keeping it in the vault safe, in expectation of a visit from criminals. Under the circumstances, I was as nice as I could possibly be to the bank employees because I did feel a little sympathy for them. The gang of outlaws which included Jesse and Frank James and the Younger brothers robbed banks, trains, stagecoaches, at least one fair, stores, and other victims from around 1867 until 1876, when a bank robbery in Northfield, Minnesota went wrong for the criminals. He used cash to buy a one-way ticket on . Lee Murray, who is thought to be the mastermind behind this robbery was caught in 2010 in Morocco. Dillinger wanted to be more famous than Capone and let everyone know who he was. David lives and works in New York City. Homer Van Meter was a young member of John Dillingers gang, with a reputation for being particularly bloodthirsty. ; Arrest the Culprit Green. The New York Times. As the gang became notorious, Dillinger rose to the top of the list of Public Enemies, with other members of his gang filling out most of the top ten. The victim said: He was good looking, hardly more than a boy. In 1972, the name of then US President Richard Nixon was . One of the most famous bank robbers in American History, "Slick Willie" spent 11 years at Eastern State Penitentiary. January 24, 2018, Harry Pierpont Turns State Evidence In His Trial For Bank Robbery. John Dillinger, Bonnie and Clyde, Pretty Boy Floyd, and several others, were cheered by those who had been hurt by the banks during the collapse of many of them in the early days of the depression. Valerio and his associates entered the facility, pretending to be customers. Young had contacts with Confederate agents in Canada, who authorized the raid on St. Albans, which was actually the simultaneous robbery of the three banks in the town. On September 26, 1933, a total of 10 men, including . August 3, 2012, 3 Gunmen Rob Guards of $1.6 Million at World Trade Center Bank. He fled into an apple orchard where he was shot and killed. Seventy-five stab wounds were inflicted on the three employees, and the stabbings only ended when they were interrupted by the entry of three customers, who were taken to the back at gunpoint and shot in the head. Here is a countdown of the 10 most famous robberies in history. He conned his way into a program that allowed him out of prison during the day to attend the University of Michigan. Knightsbridge Security Deposit Robbery: The "Italian" Work. Charles Arthur Floyd was a gun happy bank robber who during his violent career cultivated a favorable image with the general public by spreading rumors that in the course of his robberies he also destroyed mortgage documents, saving many from foreclosure. He began to associate with big time Kansas City mobsters. I enjoyed everything about it so much that one or two weeks later Id be out looking for the next job. Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow are among the most famous outlaws in history. After many successful bank robberies and kidnappings, Davis was captured and charged with kidnapping. The father of a man who was kidnapped was friends with President Franklin D Roosevelt, and as a result the FBI stepped up their efforts greatly to foil this type of crime. 1. In April 1925, Pierpont was arrested in Detroit and was soon returned to Indiana to face trial. Parker was soon arrested during a botched robbery of a hardware store, although she was soon released having not been charged. David S. Grant is the author of several books including "Blood: The New Red." Online, The Boss: J. Edgar Hoover and the Great American Inquisition. The surviving Youngers were imprisoned, Bob Younger died while in custody in 1889, from tuberculosis. Dillinger was portrayed by Jonny Depp in the 2009 film Public Enemies, though the film has some major inaccuracies, such as the timeline of deaths of Pretty Boy Floyd and Baby Face Nelson.
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