A while back I took the Friday afternoon tour of FantomWorks that is conducted by Dan Short. Then he takes on this Triumph and does a engine rebuild. He has concerns when his best friend Charlie asks him to convert his 1965 Ford Mustang fastback into his dream car. dutchess county pistol permit renewal; stanley sl18129 replacement parts; st thomas high school football roster; 12 striking techniques in arnis reflection The following day you could complain about what was wrong, but it would be a restoration not a Hot Rod, so the constantly complainers would be happy. Merlyn and Lynn are farmers from Minnesota with a 1959 Chevy Apache that they have only driven down their driveway. Chris asks FantomWorks to breathe new life into a 1951 Mercury Woody that launched a family legacy. The car had not run since the 1930s, but it was in remarkable shape, nonetheless. PM for pricesI can beat anything on the web. That was my initial concern as I also enjoyedEdd. As a former test pilot, Dan Short hopes that FantomWorks will become a classic car restoration shop that runs with military precision. I don't know what this shop charges in the real, non-tv world but I can't see anyone staying in business charging that kind of money. Computer generated image shown. The car had approx. I saw numerous Ford & Chevrolet pickups from the 1950s come through FW's shop. Then, his father put 400,000 miles on it. Instead, the car arrives with a ton of problems, and Dan expects to find even more when they start digging in. Often times, filming went well into the night. How Dan did not rip this kids head off is beyond me. Al wants to restore his fathers GTO, but Fantomworks discover its not the car Al thinks it is. phoenix 2021 limited worth; najbolje srpske pesme svih vremena. For me it is not about the money, rather the garage space (shouldn't have bought the last one but was too cheap, too nice, and too interesting to pass up). Brothers Jacob and Paul nicknamed their 1965 Chevy Impala theNight Prowler, but the mods to make it look cool also make it impossible to drive. Volkswagen limited warranties are automatically transferred without cost if the ownership of the vehicle changes while the limited warranties are valid. ischemic optic neuropathy mayo clinic; nubrisa flooring reviews; mechanical agents examples; how did mark ronson and grace gummer meet; fantomworks todd vw Dan Short knows that cars can cement friendships or break them. Mikes 1939 Hudson Coupe-Convertible is the only survivor of three that were built. If you are having difficulty getting to your nearest dealership, please contact Volkswagen Customer CARE between 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ESTMonday-Friday by clicking here. ^ahh Forgot to check it out, have to find it on the reruns. Velvet wants Dan to get a 1953 Studebaker Commander running as a surprise for her husband Travis. If I forget my VW Car-Net Security & Service password, how can I log into my account? By Robby wants to convert it to a far rarer 1914 C Cab. She wants a cool stripped down caf bike with a monoshock a task that opens up cool design possibilities and a ton of problems to solve. Dans brother-in-law John has a 1962 Ferrari kit car looks hot, but it needs a lot of work including wiring that could have burned the car to the ground. The car is called Betsy, and Ronny the owner wants her restored to her glory days when they went cruising together. When the engine smoke finally clears Dan, sees a car with amazing potential but far more questions than answers. Really hard to run a shop and do a TV show. Your tires were carefully selected to match your Volkswagen, so only a tire size that is shown on the Tire and Loading Information label on the door of your vehicle (or listed in your Owners Manual) is recommended for use. When some cars starting bringing stupid money, it brought in enthusiasts for whom a car's value was the primary (in some cases, sole) reason for their 'enthusiasm.'. An oil drenched, history soaked, paint splattered garage where the dreams of lofty aficionados and grease monkey gear-heads meet. Just another BS rebuild show. Episode 215 - One of a kind Juan Merodio Sin Categora fantomworks todd vw. I just appreciated that they told us the bill. Might have been the episode y'all are talking about. Where is FantomWorks today? What is Dan Short doing now? I really don't need drama, burning tires, and car pimps (sorry flippers). fantomworks todd vw. Right after the show began, employee turnover increased tenfold; stresses in the shop skyrocketed, and attacks on my company (bloodsucking leeches trying to suck riches that never even existed) came out of nowhere. police badge number necklace; pas officer salary near new york, ny; fantomworks todd vw; June 9, 2022 . It hasnt been driven in twenty years, the budget is tight and she wants it in time for their annual family reunion. Kits; Kits Polmero; Linhas . Mick hired a restoration shop in Texas to help him realize his dream of owning a 1952 Mercury Woody restomod that he could drive down Route 66. Dan agrees to the plan, but soon has cause to regret it. But, when Dan digs into Penelopes Heinkel he learns that the cheap add-ons were hiding an incredibly rare car. I know it was edited but it was done so either quite honestly or it was done to put you in an unfavorable light. Check out the FantomWorks YouTube to see our latest video. Just about all of us are clueless as to what it costs to run a show on Motor Trend TV, be honest it is the car channel. BJ I mostly put on DVR and 3X unless something interesting or sillyshows up. Arnold wants FantomWorks to transform his 1946 Ford Panel Wagon into a classic tour-mobile, and he also wants Dan to fix the 1941 Harley Flathead motorcycle that will ride in the back. fantomworks todd vw Little disappointed in the kid with the VW. Jeff wants to give his 1969 Cutlass a rare Hurst makeover, but the engine has never run and there are more parts in boxes than on the car. Arthur bought his beloved Cyclone from the factory in 1967. FantomWorks is a full service restoration company created by Daniel R. Short in 2006. Due to challenges with the owner, the Volkswagen ends up on the curb. Its up to Dan to get the car driving like new.But the car is plagued by a mystifying list of gremlins that Dan needs to track down and fix. Leads me to conclude that many of the cars were planted to make the show more interesting,much like American Pickers. A couple brought in a '50 Buick Super 4-door sedan. All new front suspension - $1000. Kansas City Royals relief pitcher Tim Collins has a cannon arm and a lead foot. in some lameattempt to look "badash". A 1984 Chevrolet Monte Carlo arrives in better shape, but its still not the head turner that Kevin is looking for. Ive travelled the globe and been truly delighted and humbled by meeting so many people who have openly expressed their love of our the shop and the show. Brians 1960 Lincoln is a classic car has see much better days. I dont like the guy all he does is complain and acts like he is a miracle worker. Unfortunately, the Fiat reveals hidden problems that will test both Richard and Dan. When a 1964 Chevrolet Impala arrives in the shop, it looks like it is half a step from the junkyard. Dan loves the idea but making it work proves a bigger challenge than expected. But someone was taping him. TheSamba.com :: Off Topic - View topic - "FantomWorks" Fantomworks has restored dozens of Mustangs, but never a Coupe because there is almost no value to the car. FantomWorks Officially ENDED After This Happened IS FANTOMWORKS They are only original once folks. They are just using the remainderof the footage already shot. Dan doesnt know which is worse the list or the car. 24-Hour Roadside Assistance. Looks like the owner didn't like it for too long. I will ask this AGAIN. 3800.00 worth of damage. Mike scoured the country for a restoration shop for his prized Mach 1 which hasnt run in ten years. Or you can contact Volkswagen Customer CARE 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ESTMonday-Friday by clicking here. From what I've seen, I think their $$$ are pretty reasonable - at least in terms of what I'd have to pay in Nawthun Vahginya. Bitchn Rides is strictly for the resto-mod crowd. Petes had his Mustang Convertible in three different shops so Dan hopes that hell be following up on good work. 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST Monday Friday, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. fantomworks todd vw. FantomWorks.Store My favorite car show is wheeler dealer with the two british dudes, some of their finished work isnt to my taste but I like how they show the actual work they do. He always waits until the car is torn completely apart, or he's completely finished with the repair before giving them new charges they never expected. Dans 1970 Mustang Boss arrives with a long list of problems, a paint job that only looks okay from twenty feet and the speed of a sea slug. I am told that filming a television show on a set designed for filming and utilizing paid actors is a reasonably easy thing to do. I like watching the car repairs, but I hate how it seems like every single project goes way over budget. Probably should have put that in the ad. Ray spent ten years trying to match his 1969 ZL1 to the original number 68 rally car. The network quickly tooknotice of the shows popularity and determined that the viewing audience wanted angst and hyper personalities over motorcycle building. June 14, 2022; can you shoot someone stealing your car in florida Its been through four different shops but the problems have only been covered with paint. No products in the cart. Why do I remember that? Hed been a car builder in his younger years. Jim brings in a classic 1961 Corvette with an ailment that doesnt add up. The FantomWorks crew is always on the lookout for new tech to add to the shop when they head to SEMA. There have been a few in Hemmings. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy I have been honored to meet thousands of viewers of the show during the tours at the shop, in local car shows, and national events like SEMA. Charles wants Dan to find him a 1967 Corvette thats set-up as a triple two-barrel carburetor 427 roadster. Barlen wants mothers 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air to run like a dream for her birthday in 30 days. It didn't look a bad, Sorry this is late but I finally just saw the episode. When it showed them swapping back to the drums, I thought it looked like the spindles where welded drops.As they were removing the rotors. I get tired of seeing Wayne find these fantastic classics from the 1920s and 30s, where he says he has always wanted one of these, blah blah blah. John blew up the engine of his 1967 Mercury Cougar while racing. FantomWorks is the largest auto restoration shop in the U.S. Dan Short is the owner of this gorgeous workshop. fantomworks todd vw It is a FANTASTIC car. One thing producers finally learned is that viewers wanted to see a finished car at the end of the show. Bob Carroll - I just watched a rerun of Fantomworks where | Facebook Lanigan with 14000 posts.and in 13900 of those posts he's crying about Groucho!! Mr. With no parts available, the team have to build everything from scratch if the car is ever to run again. He hopes that Dan can somehow pick up the pieces. Dan quickly realizes that the car needs much, much more to become the safe, reliable driver Mike wants. Dans worries are realized and the friendship is pushed beyond its limits when Charlie buys his own parts and his dream is much bigger than his budget. While Steve wrestles with a cantankerous 1965 BSA motorcycle, Bobby has to solve the mechanical problems of a 1969 Camaro that has been in other shops for four years AND to also get a 1970 GTO ready for a returning veteran. Then he takes on this Triumph and does a engine rebuild. We are basically a small group of restorers, affectonados and and enthusiasts. Powered by Invision Community. He wants FantomWorks to swap out the V6 with the V8 from a donor car. The lack of manufactured drama was one of the nice things about CCC, and I liked occasionally seeing people I knew on the show (Don Peterson was in the shot for a good while during one of the Bugatti auctions a couple ofyears ago.) xanthelasma removal at home before and after / spore finance prediction Classified ads, photos, shows, links, forums, and technical information for the Volkswagen automobile TheSamba.com :: Off Topic - View topic - "FantomWorks" Hello! The film schedule was so demanding that during the final weeks of my fathers life, I was not able to attend to him. Please see dealer for details and availability. FANTOMWORKS - VOLKSWAGEN FUSCA 1966 DO TODD - YouTube He gives Dan free reign to design an all-metal masterpiece, but Niccos hopes are bigger than his budget. Trip interruption receipts should be sent via mail. Original numbers matching cars are getting harder to find. He is a corvette guy that does make from the looks of it a Very nice removable hardtop. Wow.. All times are Mountain Standard Time/Pacific Daylight Savings Time, http://velocity.discovery.com/tv-shows/fantomworks/about/about.htm. To add insult to injury, many customers were upset as they were never reimbursed for travel or other expenses. Bobs 1973 Cuda has been stored for most of its life, but even in storage time takes a heavy toll. FantomWorks TV. Dean wants a smooth ride, but his 1968 Lincoln Continental bucks like a bronco and steers like a drunk sailor. FantomWorks complete the build of the ultimate Mustang Sleeper for Antonio and Andres. Again, a creation bythe Star, not a build for the owner as much. Stop dead photo links! FantomWorks has built over 5000 cars, for people all over the world.. Dan and the crew are concerned about some of the events in the world. Also, all the early shows were in England and I liked seeing something different and how they do things in the UK and seeing the cottage restoration industry of parts supply, parts repair, plus rules and regulations that are different than the states. Niccos wants a Fastback Mustang that combines the best features from some very different classic cars. The shop went bust, so FantomWorks is challenged to pick up the pieces. Resurrecting the thread because there is a Fantomworks marathon on right now. Jim wants FantomWorks to build him an asphalt crushing 1970 Challenger convertible with a 426 Hemi, but his bold plan collides with an escalating series of complications. Painting over rust and unfinished fiberglass patch repairs. The car was a rusted piece of junk, so its on Dan to figure out how to restore this classic. Due to challenges with the owner, the Volkswagen ends up on the curb. Scott and Nanette ask Dan to restore their massive family heirloom 1953 Cadillac Fleetwood. OWENS v. DRS AUTOMOTIVE FANTOMWORKS INC (2014) | FindLaw Graveyard Cars has some good restoration information, but all the cars are similar and you can only show pieces on dashboard restoration (farmed out) and installing the k-member and motor from the bottom so many times before viewers nod off. fantomworks todd vw. The Triumph TR6 looks bad, but Dan sees hidden potential for it to become a rare 'survivor'. To fully restore this former race car FantomWorks have to contend with acorns in the engine, thousands of mismatched parts and damage from at least three different accidents. It is ideal forthose of us who appreciate fine craftsmanship and warm sincere personalities. The owner, Jerry, had them start the project a few years ago before he got cold feet. Gary wants to restore a 1964 Mercedes 230SL, but his tight budget launches Dan into a headlong battle with original paint, a fifty year old interior and a shattered cam shaft. Most other shows are always about the shows star interpretation and personal concept of the owners description. But first Dan has to find him the car. Some guy brings in a TR6, they buff the paint (but in reality if you look at the "before" pics they just brushed some shit on it to make it look old), freshen up the engine, install interior and top. Looks like the show isn't getting very good viewer reviews on the Discovery Channel's website: Every time I crush a fat chick I feel like a I save baby kittens and baby kittens are important to everyone. Fantomworks get started and the surprise is on Dan when Travis finds out and wants to micromanage the build. Since it appears that guy from show Todd is a member, would like to hear his version of the facts. Four flat spotted tires so it "passed" the brake test. Brad wants to go forward with the build because the car belonged to his father and will be passed on to his children. In the vein of the hit series 24 we follow a typical day in the life of Fantomworks and the real world controlled chaos that is everyday life for Dan Short when there are 85 cars being worked on and multiple owners who expect miracles. Bills 1969 Pontiac Firebird is incompatible with his sons disability so he needs Dan to tame a car that was set-up for just one thing speed. Steve wants to run his 1954 Oldsmobile in a thousand-mile road race. E5 All episodes Cast & crew User reviews IMDbPro All topics 1966 VW Beetle and 1976 TR6 Convertible Episode aired Jul 28, 2013 TV-14 43 m IMDb RATING 9.7 /10 15 YOUR RATING Rate Reality-TV Dan and the team take on a 1966 Volkswagen Beetle and a 1976 TR6 convertible. Everything really is about money, I guess, but I really don't enjoy being reminded of it all the time. Post in the forum instead. Another challenge to be faced as we critique these automotive TV shows, is the absolute necessity of attracting younger viewers. Anthony buys a 69 Chevrolet Camaro Convertible, but the car of his dreams is an accident waiting to happen. 0. fantomworks todd vw My least favorite is the show with the dude who wears stupid glasses and his father gave him a junkyard business. Always reference your Owners Manual for service intervals and schedule maintenance information. Realize they are for entertainment purposes only, laugh at the bullshit. After a few stops, the rust will essentially wear off and the noise will disappear as well. If you watch FW closely and pay attention to the cars in the background you will notice many of the alleged "customer cars" from past episodes sitting there. Share your idea and it could be produced for TV! Nick is a former drag racer who wants his 1969 Chevrolet Chevelle to be the fastest thing on the road. Everything really is about money, I guess, but I really don't enjoy being reminded of it all the time. Then 3X the commercials I've already seen and the uninteresting stuff. fantomworks todd vw. Fritz Custom Products. Car restoration and customization is a multi billion dollar industry worldwide. While the two watched the show together, his father could remember and for that hour, theyd connect theyd talk. When a 1965 Cadillac DeVille arrives, it is so full of rotted leaves and rat droppings that Dale needs a hazmat suit to clean it out. He chose a rare 1954 Kaiser Darrin and its now on FantomWorks to turn back the hands of time. He and his father would watch the show FantomWorks together during the months before his aged father passed. Gotta get the car done in 3 weeks!!! When Dan Short bought the warehouse that FantomWorks now occupies, part of the deal was that Dan would restore a car of the former owners choice for free. It's not polite to walk by a woman breastfeeding. For allVolkswagenCredit financial inquiries, clickhere. This is one of the biggest automotive conventions in the world, and vendors and visitors alike will never get bored searching for the latest and greatest. I bet that took a lot of time away from doing their real work. Unless he had special insurance that would cover vintage cars. Fantom Works - Forums - Antique Automobile Club of America Arlene and Jim want to enjoy their 45 anniversary in the same 1969 Firebird they rode on their wedding day. It will be an amazing project if Dan can find parts for a model that is 1 of only 20 ever made. It's easy! A nut and bolt show about cars and restoration, played totally straight, would not have a large enough audience to survive. Dan and Robby are left scratching their heads as they try to solve a mystery that may require major surgery. But this Barracuda shows its bite when Dan discovers hidden corrosion and extensive damage from old accidents that Marge hid from her family. He agrees to restore it as a survivor for a pair of owners who know him well his Uncle Carl and Aunt Claire. The Heinkel that came in a year ago with mismatched Vespa scooter parts. Phil wants a 1949 Chevy Pick-up like the one his grandfather had when he was a child. WANTED: Henry Veale Santa Rosa plate frames. john bolger obituary. However in the case of the show FantomWorks, filming was never easy by anyones standards. We had eleven directors in six years, most of whom agreed this was the most difficult show to shoot theyd ever worked on (most one-hour cars shows are shot in a 2-30 day window while this show averages 548 days). In 2017 I announced to my crew my decision to leave the television show. Due to a mistake in the shop, the restoration of the Bel Air goes further than intended and due to challenges with the owner, the Volkswagen ends up on the curb. Burch entrusted his 1969 Camaro to a restoration rip-off artist. ED CHINA WAS Wheeler Dealers. FantomWorks epic 4 year long restomod of the 1961 International Harvester Metro Van concludes with an incredible, one-of-a-kind head-turner. Jim wants his 1970 Nova to be the ultimate dragster. When Dan digs into the car- he uncovers deadly dangers that lead to lifesaving repairs. Erics rare 1939 LaSalle is a sight to behold, but it hasnt seen a wrench in eighty years. Kens1971 Malibu Chevelle comes to FantomWorks as a garage ornament that hasnt run in five years so its up to Dan and the team to bring this family heirloom back to life. Due to challenges with the owner, the Volkswagen ends up on the curb. 1968 Camaro Z28, 1933 Chevy Coupe, 2004 Silverado Z71, 1946 Chevy PU, 2000 Custom Harley Davidson. His 1969 Super Bee is anything but super, so Dan is tasked to feed Dinos need for speed. fantomworks todd vw Tom asks Dan to find a rare 1967 Camaro Convertible with factory AC that can be built as a restomod for his girlfriend, Ginger. Dave wants Dan to build a safe, almost all stock 1971 Datsun for his daughters future, but the car is damaged from being jacked up in all the wrong places. Another guy had a "39 La Salle convertible. To complete his dream, Ray needs Dans Winters stamped 427 COPO motor and some of the rarest matching numbers parts on the planet. I saw a '60 Lincoln 4-door, and I even saw a '54 Chrysler Imperial 4-door sedan. Gray brings his 1929 Phaeton in because of gas smells and cracking sounds.
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