If you make it past those questions then you get your 1/1 interview. The next step is they give you a list of 10 positions in an airport, as a group (table) you are to put in importance order telling you there is no right or wrong answers. I interviewed at Frontier Airlines (Denver, CO) in Feb 2023. How would you handle an irate customer? FREE Frontier Airlines pilot interview study guide questions and answers It consisted of 5 questions. Alaska Airlines First Officer phone call. The other aircraft was converging at us from the left as we were on a high speed exit. I completed an interview as part of applying for the Frontier Cadet Program. If you study this gouge you will do great! Major unions have lost court cases and in one instance suffered severe financial damage in the process. 2) Several complex word problems like we used to get in math class, where you have to figure out several answers by reading the paragraph of text and then looking at your options (more on that below). they asked scenario questions, made me read a in flight announcement, went over the job perks, benefits and position explination. Most months, we feature a mainline carrier, a regional carrier or a charter company that includes valuable information about the company, plus an interview gouge provided by an interviewer. Coming up with creative ideas to improve something, or make something new. Yes on a type ride for the AW-139, forgot to ask for landing check, when my engine failed. The question bank here is Continue reading this interview experience, Feb 15, 2023 We can all agree interviews are stressful and competition is intense. These 10 occupations range from TSA to ticket agent. Explain a time where you had a co-worker that was not doing their fair share of work, how did you resolve the situation? Here we will discuss Frontier Airlines Interview Questions and Answers. Its very awkward if someone finishes their question before the minute is up, you sit counting down the minute. Most major airlines are in negotiations at this time, and many are contentious. So review the job description and find key skills and experience they are looking for and reassure the interviewer you have those skills. Even today, some pilots are not relying on credible sources for their career information. HR questions Alaska airlines gouge. Copyright Once everyone has been interviewed you sit and wait on them to call your number, if its called then you are excused. Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. I missed the PRIA documents in the email, and had to scramble morning of to get them filled out and in, Thank god the hotel had a good business center. Frontier Opens Crew Base DFW Frontier Airlines Open a Crew Base at Dallas Fort Worth: 2022/11/04: JetBlue agrees to buy Spirit JetBlue agrees to buy Spirit in $3.8 billion deal to create 5th US airline: 2022/07/28: Frontier, Spirit Airlines to merge Frontier, Spirit Airlines complete merger to become 5th largest U.S. airline: 2022/02/08: Frontier pilots ratify new five year contract Frontier . I applied online. Do you know what we pay? The interview is as advertised. follows the following brief profile. Each employee can only take one shift and each shift needs only one employee. Does anyone have Gouge for the Southern Air Inc interviews. What do you need to see to land? Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at Frontier Airlines as 73.0% positive with a difficulty rating score of 2.56 out of 5 (where 5 is the highest level of difficulty). 6,100TT / 4,700 PIC / 4,000 TPIC. Let's start by saying that minor hiccups in training are not . By logging into your account, you agree to our. They pull out the Midway airport diagram, What is the minimum vis you need to take off 31? All the other gouge about the interview day is accurate. I interviewed at Frontier Airlines in Jan 2023. Anyone have a phone number for Frontier airlines? Applied online and got the video Interview. Filter Found 672 of over 672 interviews Sort Popular Popular Most Recent Oldest First Easiest Most Difficult Interviews at Frontier Airlines Experience Positive 73% Negative 13% Neutral 14% Getting an Interview Applied online 89% In Person 5% Other 3% Difficulty 2.6 Average *Please note that we cannot guarantee specific questions asked on the interview. What altitude does the O2 mask deploy in back? We have been contacted by major union legal teams regarding this issue. I applied online. I think thats about 30 words now, buen dia muy bien un poco nervioso pero con seguridad para responder todo y lograr mi objetivo. While information on the process used by an airline can be helpful to pilots preparing for an interview or simulator evaluation, the collection of gouge should come with a warning label for several reasons. How would you assist a passenger during the flight that is angry and being difficult? Become a Member Post a Pilot Job Home Pilots Employers Blog I interviewed at GoJet Airlines (Newark, NJ) in Feb 2022. Why not look at. Each month's issue of Aero Crew News . Anticipating 128 hires from Sept 13 through June 14. Once the one on one interviews are over they will then come back and call out numbers. There are 2 rounds that are completed first.. make sure you are thinking customer service wise and teamwork . They make you feel relaxed and if you are there they want to hire you. All the while you will listen for a few hours to all the perks of working for this airline and what the scheduling looks like. How I came to where I am now in my flying career. Responses that appear "canned" might leave a recruiter feeling the pilot is good at memorizing an interview process--responding to questions he knows will be asked--but it might leave the pilot with the unfortunate result of receiving a rejection letter in the mail, rather than the coveted phone call with a conditional offer of employment. Pretty easy!! Pilot | Frontier Airlines However, with a small amount of preparation you can ace the Frontier Airlines Job Interview. The process took 4 weeks. Jan-May I average 17 days at home. They then introduce themselves and talk about their company and throw in some cheesy jokes. I interviewed at Frontier Airlines (Denver, CO) in Jan 2023, When arriving to the hiring event you will be assigned a number and a table where you will be able to meet other candidates. Don't skimp on this, everyone in our group passed. What does TH57 stand for on a DEN ils plate? I will find out Tuesday if i get accepted into the training program!! They will then do a presentation followed by a group activity and group interview. Be the first to find this interview helpful. Login with Yahoo! Yes, I did not have the bandwidth to deal with the engine failure on takeoff and catch the mistake of the first officer. "Jim, a convenience store manager is putting together his weekly shift schedule for his employees. Capt. classes from February through October 2000. Airline Pilots See largest 2022 Income Gain - Aero Crew News What part of the plane can you relate too? Professional Pilot Jobs & Interview Resources, Military, Regional, Fractional, Corporate. Say you are physically fit and will not have any issues standing for long periods of time. We were a group of 10 that interviewed and 7 got the Continue reading this interview experience, Feb 21, 2023 He said yes, and proceeded to try and pass it. Below are specific Frontier Airlines Flight Attendant Interview Questions. How you conduct yourself in the hiring event and the connection you make with the recruiters holds more weight than following the recommended dress code and appearance. move forward to interview, there are 2 sessions morning or afternoon. How would you deal with an upset customer? Chief Pilot want to but DA what are you going to do? Finally, mention you will not have any issues helping customers with their baggage. Fourteen scheduled for the day and all showed well in advance of 0800. At 0800 we were walked to a conference room. Quick very straightforward questions were very specific to answers that they wanted and what they were looking for Do your homework on the aircraft . Those not called did not get the CJO. How would you work with some one you work with? The process took 3 days. Join FAPA|Cancel/Edit Membership|Reset Password|About/Contact|Advertise/Exhibit/Recruit|Terms of Service|Privacy Policy 70413 lego - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. The recruiters are there to do a round Robin Q & A to each person at your table, you will be asked a total of 3 questions with 1 minute to answer each question. A recruiter will first call you to do a phone screen, if you complete the phone screen successfully they set up a virtual interview. At my table some were asked yes or no questions and others asked discussion questions. Trans States Airlines and Frontier Airlines Roll out Pilot Flow Program Yes, we were just clearing Rwy 4 in HOU at night in moderate precipitation. Login with Yahoo! why do you want to leave your current employer? Major Airlines Future Hiring For Us Young Guys Trying To Make It. Get started with your Free Employer Profile, Customer Service/Ground Security Coordinator (1), The Ultimate Job Interview Preparation Guide. Crack, cheek and hole. The interview will start either at 8am or 12pm at the Southwest Headquarters. Contract 2023 - Airline Pilot Central Forums I know it's not much but it is All the gouge I read was spot on. The reality is you need to show the interviewer you are better than the other applicants who are applying. You can also state that you would be proud to work for an airline that was the only airline in North America to make the list of the top 10 safest in the world. It is irrelevant whether the union itself has anything to do with the action. Its a very long process of waiting 5-7 hours without food, water and very few restroom breaks. They were offering April 01 to us. My group had 12 military helicopter pilots and all 12 were hired. Any questions? Aviate, United Airline's Pilot Recruitment Program, is Changing it's ", Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at. All the questions were customer service related. Flight is usually provided however meals and hotel are not. During the F2F interview, you should prepare to be in attendance for at least 6 hours if you are successful. Tell the interviewer the truth but if you are willing to relocate make sure you sound enthusiastic. Can't really tell you a lot as my interviewers Allows you to choose the data by which the thread list will be sorted. 2. I'll never forget the look on his face when I told him Northwest was hiring pilots with similar qualifications as his and asked him if he had submitted an application during the recent window of opportunity. How to become a Spirit Airlines Pilot in 2022? (Requirements, Salary) Any tips or good gouge for piedmont interview? I know they discontinued their official help number recently. For example, in my last job, I worked at a popular restaurant where I waited on customers. How would you deal with an irritate passenger? approach brief, some weather. 123 rule and read a taf. Frontier Airlines Endeavor Air interview Northern Air Cargo Us Airways Interviews Horizon Air Interview Gouge (April 2014) Omni Interview CAAC Chinese ATP Uni-Top? Its a process that honestly could be better expedited that will take you 5 hours if they dont offer you a position. It's okay to talk about your hobbies and interests but keep it brief. How would you encounter a difficult customer on the aircraft? They will be having On Fishbowl, you can share insights and advice anonymously with Frontier Airlines employees and get real answers from people on the inside. Daily work doesn't often present a major opportunity to stand out, but if I'm always looking for the little things and consistently doing those, the positive impact is great over time. Here we will discuss Frontier Airlines Interview Questions and Answers. Can anyone share some info regarding Frontier latest interviews please? USAF C-135s & MC-12. Finally, mention you have strong leadership skills which will allow you to respond to a variety of emergency and non-emergency situations. at least 40 pilots. Can anyone suggested an interview prep company for Allegiant? The flight attendant has exceptional communication skills and is always friendly to customers. However, with a small amount of preparation you can ace the Frontier Airlines Job Interview. The February class date had been filled, and they were hiring for March and April. To me, going the extra mile is a mindset that I try to bring to work every day. Odds are if you pass the phone interview then they will fly you in for an interview. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Just another way that Pilots are Helping Pilots. Also, note that we are not affiliated with the company mentioned in this post, Does Frontier support a retired military veteran whom after 7 yrs of retirement wants to be a FA and is older than 65. Why do you want to be a Frontier Airlines Flight Attendant? Chris Fair seemed like a decent guy and friendly guy, Todd was a good guy and Mary Tunnel well, lets just say there is a good reason she is not a flight attendant. I did not have a pleasant experience with the one-on-one interview with the recruiters as I found them to be cold but if you get friendly recruiters, the one-on-one interview will not be so bad. So far in my career, being a proactive back-up to my Captains has allowed them to correct any error they may be making before safety or flight rules are jeopardized. DO. Interview was long but not too difficult. Denver Post article, Alaska Airlines Welcomes Frontier Alaska As New Partner, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Copyright © 2023FAPA.aero - All Rights Reserved, Objective & Independent Advice for Professional Pilots|. In unserem Vergleich haben wir die unterschiedlichsten 70413 lego am Markt unter die Lupe genommen und die wichtigsten Eigenschaften, die Kostenstruktur und die Bewertungen der Kunden abgewogen. 21 PILOT INTERVIEW Questions and Answers guide: https://passmyinterview.com/pilot-int. Moreover, some pilots prepare only for the processes indicated in the gouge. The interview call often kicks off another round of even more information gathering, which can include a lot of "gouge," particularly about the company's recruitment process. 6. Current Southwest Airlines Gouge/Experience (2017)? I applied through an employee referral. They were all over the place but mostly customer service and coworker questions. What can I do in order to get up to speed quickly? They will ask things related to your resume to a degree but also things like what are you long term plans say in 5 years? Also, when you come back from your break the tables are rearranged so you will sit in your regional group and they bring back each table 4-6) for the 2-1interviews. After those were complete, I got an email with a link to do a recorded interview, there was very little turn around time-I think from the time of the email, I had a 4ish day window to complete it. And whether its your first pilot job, or an airline interview at what you hope will be the last one in your aviation career, the tips in this video will help. They want you to put in order of importance and explain why. Frontier Airlines Pilot Interview Profiles - WillFlyForFood.com We can all agree interviews are stressful and competition is intense. I applied online. How you prepare for a pilot. Get 20 more Delta Air Lines interviews and 215 more Delta Air Lines study guide questions Comments Super easy just have to show passion for customer service. He was employed in the industry and aspired to be a major airline pilot, but he had no clue what was going on in the industry. Airline Pilot Central Forums > Airline Pilot Forums > Major > Southwest > Any former F9 at SWA here? In my last job, I gained valuable work experience as I was able to demonstrate I was able to work well under pressure, multitask, all while providing excellent customer service. All Log books Current Resume Signed copy of your Airline Apps GoJet Interview Supplement Form Pilot licenses Current First Class Medical Certificate and SOAP letter (Statement of Demonstrated Ability) if applicable FCC License Passport Just another way that Pilots are Helping Pilots. won't deice what are you going to do? Have you ever had to take the plane from a superior, and how did you handle it? Required fields are marked *. Find Interviews To filter interviews, Sign In or Register. I highly recommend advocating for an interview with them at a convention. Airline Pilot Interview Gouge and Profiles Will Fly For Food.com Professional Pilot Jobs & Interview Resources Pilot Jobs Board Pilot Resume Database Pilot Interview Gouge Airline Pilot Pay Rates Career Articles Flight School Directory Blog Message Boards Resume Services And much more. Has anyone ever flown wirh Frontier Airlines? 14,000 for crj 700/900 -500 ft 200 14,000 /-300 ft (CRJ) 14,000 ft. What does TH57 stand for on a DEN ils plate? Terms of Service Statement The Official GoJet Airlines Interview Guide - RTAG (Or live in a full crash pad for 2 months while studying and find transportation?). First order of business, after they introduce themselves, would be to take a Continue reading this interview experience, Feb 15, 2023 Its definitely a group discussion to see how you work as a team. Min Fuel indicates recognition by a pilot that the fuel supply has reached a state where, upon reaching destination, the pilot cannot accept any undue delay. Frontier Airlines First Year FO Pay: $7,500 mo / $90,000 yr Reply 02-25-2023, 03:44 PM . Say you would be proud to represent Frontier Airlines as you get impeccable service at very reasonable prices. The morning starts at 730am, the afternoon at 130 you go wait in a line to turn in your resume in which they will write your Id # which is on your name badge. I interviewed at Frontier Airlines (Denver, CO), 8 hour interview of role playing, standard questioning and drug test. What is the interview process like at GoJet Airlines? What 2 values are most important to you and why? I initially thought the CA had seen the other aircraft but the our speed was very high I said "Brake" he hesitated and so I applied them fully to prevent us from having a collision at a significant speed. When misused, relied on exclusively, or considered as absolute fact, interview gouge can be a detriment to a pilot's efforts of landing a dream job. Frontier Airlines Begins Only Nonstop Service from Denver to Montego Appointment respected, they were ready on time. The ATP test was not for hiring purposes; they told us it was to guage our level of knowledge, Continue reading this interview experience, Feb 21, 2023 What will you do if a major calls tomorrow? Theres also snacks to purchase if you really need to. Below is a copy of the email sent to the pilots of Delta Air Lines. First was a company overview with HR, an FO volunteer, and intern answering questions. Perhaps they have something not advertised? is a Registered Trademark of ProPilotWorld.com, LLC. Ultra-low fare carrier Frontier Airlines . All rights reserved. tech is basic app plate brief and can you go with the weather. One way pilots often look for a competitive edge is to research prospective employers with incredible zeal. (one year, $7500). Good luck to everyone, I applied online. Candidates interviewing for Customer Service Agent and Financial Analyst rated their interviews as the hardest, whereas interviews for Crew Scheduler and Flight Attendant roles were rated as the easiest. Use this control to limit the display of threads to those newer than the specified time frame. Be the first to find this interview helpful. Login with Google! They ask the basics to include: why do you want to work for Frontier? The interview process is pretty lengthy, initially, you should expect a video interview, next step you will be invited for a F2F interview. I hope you can do something with this info. Why do you want to be a flight attendant? Glassdoor has millions of jobs plus salary information, company reviews, and interview questions from people on the inside making it easy to find a job thats right for you. One example of this mindset is (insert yours). Emirates: any thoughts or experiences on EliteAssessment interview prep? Common stages of the interview process at GoJet Airlines according to 122 Glassdoor interviews include: Find a Great First Job to Jumpstart Your Career, Stand Out From the Crowd With the Perfect Cover Letter, How to Prepare for Your Interview and Land the Job. I interviewed at GoJet Airlines (Dulles, VA) in Dec 2022. All the TMAAT and HR questions they had asked were on this site as well. Current Delta Private Jets Interview Gouge, Virgin America (Alaska) interview October 2017, "Tell me a time" - Simulator Instructor Edition. Care to share the experience? What about this position is the most important? There were no surprising questions or anything overly difficult. Had an Employment Interview recently? I applied online. How do you feel about relocating to a different city? The process took 4 weeks. By joining Breeze, you are joining in our mission to be "The World's Nicest Airline"! the pay is par but do not expect any frills interview was a little chaotic but overall oky experience, I applied online. While information on the process used by an airline can be helpful to pilots preparing for an interview or simulator evaluation, the collection of gouge should come with a warning label for several reasons.
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