English (956) 574-5600, Assistant Coach Special Education Staff; UIL; Poth Independent School District. lavillarreal@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Foreign Language Classified - Parent Liaison Maria Ocaa Medical Assistant. CTE - Law Enforcement bcsoto@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Instructional Technology Support His experience through college marching band and DCI gave Dennie the necessary skills and experience to become a visual caption head starting at Washington Union High School and later at Justin Garza High school. mimoore@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Special Education 1600 Chicon St. Allison Tamayo. 510 Titcomb, Poth, TX 78147 Phone: (830) 484-3330 . 10th Grade Assistant Principal atamayo @bisd.us . camata@bisd.us scburks@bisd.us Perla I. Guerrero . LSSP Justin Garza High School 4100 N Grantland Ave., Fresno, CA 93723(559) 275-4100 | fax (559) 201-7262 Attendance Hotline: (559) 276-1613[email protected] Normal Business Hours 8:00 AM to 4:30 PMDistrict Office: 559-274-4700Transportation: 559-275-9734Operations: 559-275-9560 Links Student Transcripts Parchment Student Transcripts Math (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology Gerardo Hernandez Maria Mata Teacher, ENHS After School Program Coordinator, ENHS Performance Arts Center Manager, Teacher / e-Sports / UIL Prose and Poetry, Social Studies / UIL Computer Applications, Teacher / Campus Webmaster / Chess Sponsor / e-sports Sponsor, Social Studies Dept. Our Staff - Rivera Early College High School. Storm Coaching Staff. Robert Garza. SIGN IN; Facebook; Classified - Special Education BI Unit Aide Elementary School, School for the Talented and Gifted in Pleasant Grove, William B. Travis Academy/Vanguard for the Academically Talented and Gifted, Mark Twain School for the Talented and Gifted, Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III Global Prep Academy at Paul Quinn College, Dr. Wright L. Lassiter Jr. (956) 574-5600, Science Staff. ebdrabiela@bisd.us. Phone. WASHINGTON, June 15, 2022 - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today named 20 faculty and staff from Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) and Hispanic-Serving School Districts around the nation as new E. Kika De La Garza Fellows.. Beginning on July 11, 2022, E. Kika De La Garza Education, High School, and Science Fellows will spend one week meeting with a host of leaders from . Science baeguerra@bisd.us Beginning on July 11, 2022, E. Kika De La Garza Education, High School, and Science Fellows will spend one week meeting with a host of leaders from different USDA agencies in the Washington, D.C. area, where they can interact directly on national and regional issues, policy making, and research. testeves@bisd.us Titles: Facilitator . Ivonne Banda Business Director. areyes@bisd.us shoskins@bisd.us Garza was founded in 1998 in the Austin Independent School District as a dropout prevention school with the best practices in education. Garza High School principal Vicki Baldwin talks about the daily assault on public education, President George W. Bush's No Child Left Behind policy, and what a non- traditional school like Garza . (956) 574-5600, Social Studies pmccumber@bisd.us Oscar Rodriguez Martinez Unified School District. (956) 574-5687, Career Placement Officer Mandated Child Abuse Report Form. Gregorio Lopez Yeon-Su Kim - Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Ariz. Breanna Watkins - University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Marisol Ruiz - Cal Poly Humboldt, Arcata, Calif. Elizabeth G. Mosqueda - Madera Community College, Madera, Calif. Alice Baldridge - St. Mary's College of CA, Moraga, Calif. Jacob Vazquez - Butte College, Oroville, Calif. Nadia Campbell - San Diego State University, San Diego, Calif. Beatriz Camargo - Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, Calif. Pamela Sedillo - University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N.M. Ivelisse Irizarry Caraballo - Universidad del Sagrado Corazn, San Juan, Puerto Rico, David De Sousa - Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, Rafael E. Martinez - Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas. jcastorena@bisd.us Norma S. Lomeli gpramos@bisd.us, Ana Delgado Email Juan Aguilar. Celia Anzaldua SPED Teacher. Close Menu Search. sjblanco@bisd.us, Jazmin Barrientos igarcia@bisd.us osrodriguez@bisd.us rocardenas@bisd.us Legacy of Educational Excellence (LEE) High School 1400 Jackson-Keller, San Antonio, TX 78213 Office: (210) 356-0800 | Fax: (210) 442-0325 Family Access Student Registration Staff Directory District Homework Home About Us Student Athletics Fine Arts Community Location: All Locations Search AA Andrea Acosta Teacher English Email Andrea Acosta The unfinished school will open for classes on Wednesday, the first day of school for all Central Unified students. David A. Perez mjimenez@bisd.us Eva Ortega 2009- Present- Assistant Cleveland High School . Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Nancy E. Garcia chcastillo@bisd.us This summer fellowship program offers experiences in policymaking and research through direct interaction with every USDA agency. Mrs. Cheryl Adams Government. stfernandez@bisd.us James M. Breidenbach Board Briefing. eflopez@bisd.us Austin, TX 78702 anrodriguez@bisd.us CTE - Health Science Technology Larissa M. Macias Nancy Ortiz (956) 574-5600, Social Studies English Wells Academy, Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III Global Preparatory Academy at Paul Quinn College, Dr. Frederick Douglass Todd Sr. Middle School, Dr. Wright L. Lassiter Jr. (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology Tamara Longoria aclerma@bisd.us Daniela Davila-Agado Steven C. Burks lschuster@bisd.us Copyright © 2012 - var currentTime = new Date();var year = currentTime.getFullYear();document.write(year); Schoolwires, Inc. / All rights reserved. (956) 574-5600, English Language Arts (956) 574-5600, Special Education (956) 574-5600, Assistant Coach AESOP Help. Juan Aguilar Conjunto. krosas@bisd.us Brownsville ISDs Title IX administrators have attended Eichelbaum Wardell Hansen Powell & Muoz P.C.s New Title IX Rules and Regulations series. eporteous@bisd.us Veterans Memorial Early College High School; Alternative Schools. Classified - Secretary VI mguerra@bisd.us vskapdi@bisd.us Zapata. zbmarks@bisd.us riaguilar@bisd.us . Migrant alvasquez@bisd.us About Us. (956) 574-5600, TSI Administrator Non-teacher Staff Counselors, Registrar, Custodians, Librarians, Nurses, you name them, we got them, and they're the best! AESOP Login. Library Aide Sarah is currently in the single-subject credential program at Fresno State, and is set to finish the program in June of 2022. Christopher Lopez Sedatole, Brian: CTE - Culinary Arts Website: 512-594-0919: Shankar, Shobha: District Licensed Specialist in School Psychology: 512-594-0821: Shelton, Cole horozco@bisd.us Home; School Information . mhjohn@bisd.us jmolina2@bisd.us Head Coach. mhernandez4@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology mjrobledo@bisd.us Phone: (512) 414-8600 Social Studies Science - Biology Handy M. Perez Education Code 1.002(b). Ricardo Bolivar Foreign Language - Spanish Library Aide CTE - Health Occupations Highland High School Kern High School District Staff Directory Nondiscrimination Policies (Title IX/Sexual Harassment) 504 Coordinator Kern High School District 2900 Royal Scots Way, Bakersfield, CA 93306 Phone: (661) 872-2777 Fax: (661) 871-6052 Registrar Fax: (661) 873-9027 Transcripts and Records Requests Emma I. Ortega jaurbina@bisd.us Dennie Turner is the visual caption head at Justin Garza High School as well as the current music director at Scandinavian Middle School in Fresno, CA. djflores@bisd.us mlezekiel@bisd.us mimoore@bisd.us Alfia Gracia dgarza2@bisd.us Martha De Leon nviera@bisd.us Fine Arts - Assistant Band Director Classified - Parent Liaison Classified - Clerical Assistant (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology dvaldez@bisd.us Leo E. Garza Fine Arts - Assistant Choir Director mrochoa@bisd.us Aeries Staff Login. (956) 574-5600, Math/Department Chair English nwcalley@bisd.us Yaquelin M. Helms He started his teaching career at Cesar Chavez High School in Stockton, CA before he decided to move to Fresno. CTE - Business close. In order to reach these goals, USDA encourages the use of climate smart food and forestry practices. (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology 90% Attendance is Required. English Special Education Dennies marching career started at Hamilton Middle School in Stockton with parade and winter drum line. Search for people on this page. Dennie completed his Bachelors of Arts in Music Education at California State University, Fresno in December of 2012. Special Education USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. (956) 574-5600, Fine Arts Foreign Language - Spanish Juana Rangel Powered by Edlio. An official website of the United States government. Martha M. De Lara (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology Maria I. Vazquez golvera@bisd.us, Hector Orozco Lisa M. Howell. Dr. Carmen Pacheco Executive Director-Federal Grants. Athletics - Physical Education awooderson@bisd.us admorales@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology In his free time, Mr. Tinkle enjoys listening to music, collecting records, writing songs, cooking, and spending time with his wife Emily and twin daughters, Grace and Elizabeth. silramirez@bisd.us, Juana Maria G. Garcia Public Relations. Shayna Coello Accessibility Notice | Acceptable Use | Webmaster | Site Map Notice of Nondiscrimination: It is the policy of Zapata County Independent School District (District) not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap in its programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Principal; School Profile; History; Bell Schedule; Our Staff; . mmcosay@bisd.us cramirez@bisd.us oacuevas@bisd.us WASHINGTON, June 15, 2022 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today named 20 faculty and staff from Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) and Hispanic-Serving School Districts around the nation as new E. Kika De La Garza Fellows. As required by Senate Bill 1365 (87th Texas Legislature), academic accountability ratings for 2022 were limited to A, B, C, and Not Rated. 2021Austin Independent School District (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology lmdelgado1@bisd.us Athletics - Physical Education Social Studies aguerrerojr@bisd.us Science Dennie completed his Bachelors of Arts in Music Education at California State University, Fresno in December of 2012. lmmacias@bisd.us Porter P-Tech Homepage; . Zapata High School serves 9-12th grade students and is part of Zapata ISD. 1600 Chicon St. Austin, TX 78702 Map Phone: (512) 414-8600 Fax: (512) 414-8610 Principal: Drew Nichols Campus Website CTE - Computer Maintenance in Music Education at the American Band College of Central Washington University. Jose Reyes Dennie Turner is the visual caption head at Justin Garza High School as well as the current music director at Scandinavian Middle School in Fresno, CA. Classified - Bookkeeper The 2022 E. Kika De La Garza Education Fellows are: The 2022 E. Kika De La Garza High School Education Fellows are: The 2022 E. Kika De La Garza Science Fellows are: USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. Updated: Mar 3, 2023 / 07:24 PM CST. Official websites use .gov Assistant Principal rpgarza@bisd.us 956-698-1446. Social Studies (956) 574-5600, Assistant Coach greglopez@bisd.us Carlos Garza4 anhinojosa@bisd.us Senior Lizzy Litwinko Honored; Rex Smith Tennis Courts; CIAC Sportsmanship Video; 2021-2022 Superintendent's Proposed Budget; PreSchool Round-Up; BOE Meeting Dates Feb 2020 - Jan 2021 Special Programs - STARS Foreign Language - Spanish Administrative Support Staff. Special Education Math Email Alyssa Acosta. (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology CTE - Information Technology While the corps did not make it into DCI and quickly folded, his drum corps flame was lit. Sharyland High School. (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology crbreeden@bisd.us Classified - SPED Life Skills Aide (956) 574-5600, Fine Arts lmedrano@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, English Language Arts jovillarreal@bisd.us Fax. gperez3@bisd.us BISDs Title IX Coordinator: Carmelita Rodriguez, Assistant Superintendent For Human Resources/Title IX/504. xtalamantes-cerda@bisd.us, Alma N. Benavidez (956) 574-5600, English Language Arts Email Rachel Garza. At Garza you learn an unprecedented amount of self-agency and critical-thinking skills, all within an understanding and supportive environment. For more information visit the Campus Website, Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students. Search for people on this page. Math Edlio Login Garza, Diana RN: 2821: 1117: Administrative Support Services: Nurse . lupitasanchez@bisd.us WASHINGTON, June 17, 2021 - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the selection of 25 faculty and staff from Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) across the nation as 2021 E. Kika De La Garza Fellows. (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology The annual Aquinas Golf Scramble is a great way to have fun with friends in support of Aquinas Catholic Schools. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Matthew Lee Gross Diane Harris Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), Pre- AP Spanish 3, Spanish for Native Speakers. Marcelo Villarreal Jr. (956) 574-5600, English Language Arts vncamargo@bisd.us Special Education delmhernandez@bisd.us mrodriguez2@bisd.us sescobedo@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Math aavalos2@bisd.us Foreign Language - Spanish dvillarreal2@bisd.us jlopez2@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Assistant Coach Email Ivonne Banda. Anthony B. Weigl Galena Park High School; Teachers and Staff . Miguel Diaz ffsanchez@bisd.us acrum@bisd.us katelynn garza Counselor Clerk. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Guadalupe Olvera (956) 574-5600, Foreign Language/Department Chair juayala@bisd.us Jose A. Michi (956) 574-5600, Special Education Garza was the head football coach at Central High School for three years, leading the Grizzlies to the Valley Championship Game in 2012 and a TRAC title in 2013. English Raul Ramirez III latorres@bisd.us CTE - Health Occupations Ph. adrihernandez@bisd.us jacastaneda@bisd.us She then caught the coaching bug after a summer tour in Taiwan with AIA (Athletes in Action) in 1991. Our students have a regular school day on October 7, 2022. I can say this school is the reason I graduated at all. cutrodriguez@bisd.us jlzarate@bisd.us USDA Selects 2022 Class of E. Kika De La Garza Fellows, More, Better, and New Market Opportunities. Katherine Garza Email Katherine Garza. (956) 574-5605, Class of 2025Counselor Administrators Come meet our wonderful admin team! Classified - Receptionist Clerk Garza graduates from St. Thomas Aquinas High School. rhernandezjr@bisd.us Administration. atrevino2@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Assistant Coach mpinto@bisd.us Dr. Orfa . Search for people on this page. mquiroz@bisd.us, 11th Grade - Assistant Principal . Classified - SPED BI Aide The program also includes faculty and staff from Hispanic-Serving School Districts, which are K-12 school districts with Hispanic student enrollment of 25 percent or more. Classified - Special Education Life Skills Aide CTE - Anatomy Physiology (956) 574-5600, Librarian Classified - Special Education 1-1 Aide English Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for . Classified - SPED BI Aide 4849 West Illinois Ave., Dallas, TX 75211. To learn more, visit www.usda.gov. 5. Krystal Garza scortez@bisd.us More News Calendar of Events Mar 6 to 17 Student/Staff Holiday All day Mar 30 Spring Career Fair 9:30 am to 12:05 pm Mar 31 Student/Staff Holiday All day Fine Arts - Art rebohn@bisd.us, Anna M. Torres According to state test scores, 87% of students are at least proficient in math and 75% in reading. Gricelda P. Ramos Name: Title: Location: Keller High School; Search. Links. After students complete the graduation requirements to earn a high school diploma, the Garza community comes together to celebrate their accomplishments at a cheer-filled Star Walk through the school. USDA is making historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy capabilities in rural America and is committed to equity across the Department by removing systemic barriers and building a workforce more representative of America. Athletics - Part Time Retired Coach CTE - BCIS Julia Mailloux-Huberdeau. Moises Maestro Jessica I. Botello agabbert@bisd.us Boris Vega Jr esierra@bisd.us Garza Independence High School is a highly rated, public, alternative school located in AUSTIN, TX. joseluisramirez@bisd.us Email Melissa Murillo 956-843-4414. jrvargas2@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Assistant Coach Es politica del Distrito Escolar de Edinburg el no discriminar por razones con base en genero, edad, religion, raza, color origen nacional, ni discapacidad dentro de sus programas educacionales. Nathan W. Calley ymhelms@bisd.us mlgross@bisd.us Email Libertad Moya 956-843-3422. joealvear@bisd.us Email Dr. Carmen Pacheco 956-843-4432. gemuller@bisd.us mcgarza2@bisd.us These included an open-enrollment policy and a self-paced curriculum, which allow students to start school or complete courses anytime during the school year. BISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability or genetic information in employment or provision of services, programs or activities. Garza Independence High School provides an award-winning educational programthat offers students personalized pathways to graduation through self-paced curriculum. Special Education (956) 574-5600, Science Humberto Castro Special Education If a student is going to be absent, please call the attendance hotline at 512-414-8696. Matthew GaririsonThomas BurnettLauren GonzalezKristen HutchinsAlex Garcia, John B. Connally High School | 13212 N. Lamar | Austin, TX 78753 | P: 512-594-0800 | F: | Lee Sanchez Email Lee Sanchez . English Materials from this series in compliance with Section 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) of the regulations can be found here: New Title IX Rules and Regulations Materials, Veterans Memorial Early College High School, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER), Parent & Family Engagement / Participacin Familiar, Public Relations and Community Engagement, Special Programs/Title I, Title II, Title IV, Title IX-A, Curriculum, Instruction & Human Resources, Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability, ISET - Innovation, Strategy & Educational Technology, Facilities: Non School Use of School Facilities, Facilities: Use of Facilities & Playing Fields Application/Contract. Adriana Hernandez Athletics - Athletic Trainer lmaldonado@bisd.us Main:512-414-1700, School Report Card & TAPR/AEIS Information. School Administrators. Translate. Science Special Education - Dyslexia Stephanie Garza English Language Arts Teacher. Leave a message with your name and student number with a brief explanation about why you are going to be out. English & Mrs. Constancio, L.V.N. Search. Classified - Data Management Clerk English dmgarza@bisd.us cylgarza@bisd.us, 9th Grade Assistant Principal English jaledezma@bisd.us Classified - Special Education CBVI Aide (956) 574-5600, Social Studies (956) 574-5600, Foreign Language DE Pre-Calculus, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus redelagarza@bisd Dominic Villarrreal The District shall provide equal opportunities to all individuals within its jurisdiction or geographic boundaries. He started his teaching career at Cesar Chavez High School in Stockton, CA before he decided to move to Fresno. Efrain Lopez fsalazar@bisd.us jahernandez1@bisd.us, Damian E. Lozano Garza graduated from Alvin High School in 2001 after playing at the tight end spot for former Yellowjackets' head coach and current AISD athletic director Mike Bass and position coach Kirk Martin. Dagma A. Rodriguez Elda U. Alvarez jsalinas3@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Science 4100 N Grantland Ave., Fresno, CA 93723 (559) 275-4100 | (559) 201-7262 Attendance Hotline: (559) 276-1613 [email protected] The districts non-discrimination policy; DIA (Local) and FFH (Local) Training materials used to train the districts Title IX personnel. clopez2@bisd.us 601 N. Pate-Orr Road. Math alcisneros2@bisd.us leoegarza@bisd.us Name Position; Bentzen, Elizabeth: Campus Instructional Coach: Behrens, Brian: Media Specialist: Moyers, Dineah: Transportation Driver: Orr, Christine: ISS Aide (MS/HS) David Garcia1 Silviano Ramirez Compare Garza Independence High School to Other Schools austinisd.org Athletics - Athletic Coordinator Early College High School at El Centro College, A. Maceo Smith New Tech High School at B.F. Darrell, Trini Garza ECHS School Supply List 2022- 2023, Message from Dallas College- Preparing for Online Courses, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). English Pattie Martinez Administration Assistant to the Superintendent. AERIES Teacher Login. Athletics - Defensive Coordinator CTE - Engineering Athletics - Physical Education Daisy Garza Classified - Attendance Liaison lacrews-lerma@bisd.us baguilar@bisd.us, 12th Grade Assistant Principal pymartinez@bisd.us chernandez2@bisd.us IDEA Assistant Principal c ylgarza@bisd.us. Before that, he was an. negarcia@bisd.us, Antonio Reyes visual caption head at Justin Garza High School as well as. About Us. He is also a Life Member of Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity. st.garza@ecisd.us. His father owns a medical laboratory; his mother is a nurse. Dear Jefferson Jr/Sr Staff and Community, On behalf of the Jefferson Jr/Sr principal selection committee, it is with great pleasure that I introduce Ms. Jessica Garza as the new principal of Jefferson Jr/Sr beginning next school year. eontiverosiii@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Science/Department Chair Special Education jcavazos@bisd.us EDINBURG, Texas ( ValleyCentral . English The school challenges every student to learn, grow and prepare for a successful future today. cwassen@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Social Studies Student finds bullets at Edinburg school, forces lockdown. Attendance Office Staff; New to District/Registration. Diana M. Garza Cristina G. Garcia Head / AP Seminar / UIL Pros & Poetry / Mock Trial. vlhernandez@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Fine Arts agarica@bisd.us rmjimenez@bisd.us Our Staff - Porter Early College High School. Beatriz B. Gonzalez Staff. (956) 574-5600, Foreign Language rgarcia3@bisd.us Freddy Martinez. Brownsville Academic Center ; Brownsville Learning Academy (BLA) . by: Mia Morales, Lesly Hinojosa. (956) 574-5600, English Language Arts (956) 574-5931, Class of 2024Counselor In the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA is transforming Americas food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production and fairer markets for all producers. gmgarcia@bisd.us cgarza4@bisd.us Javier A. Gonzalez 1985. Oniel A. Cuevas 2008- Head 8th Grade- Rio Rancho Mid High. mleffler@bisd.us (956) 574-5600, Special Education Mission High School serves 9-12th grade students and is part of Mission Consolidated Independent School District. Imagine a high school where at-risk and dropout youth attend school, graduate from high school, and successfully transition to college and work. Garza Independence High School is ranked #13,383-17,843 in the National Rankings. Classified - Clerical Assistant II eiortega@bisd.us jcarrillo@bisd.us egstone@bisd.us Classified - Clerical Assistant II (956) 574-5600, Special Education Yesenia Ruiz (956) 574-5600, Science Education Code 1.002(a) No officer or employee of a district shall, when acting or purporting to act in an official capacity, refuse to permit any student to participate in any school program because of the students race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. After the E. Kika De La Garza fellows meet with USDA leaders, they gain insights, perspectives, knowledge and collaboration opportunities to share with students and colleagues in their home institutions and communities.. Melissa Murillo Payroll Specialist. He received his Bachelor of Music in Music Education at San Diego State University and his single-subject teaching credential at CSU Sacramento. (956) 574-5600, Head Counselor/IDEA (9th-12th Grades) Box 871, Kingsville, TX 78364 Local: (361) 592-3387 Fax: (361) 595-7805 FERPA Non-Discrimination Statement Classified - Special Education Life Skills Aide (956) 574-5600, Social Studies/Department Chair Piper Gearheart Teacher. Garza fosters a community of independence that empowers learners to achieve their greatest potential in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. Staff Directory; School News; Tip Line; Transcripts and Records; Photo Album; Staff Resources; AVHS Hall of Fame; CAASPP; Title 1; Academics. Staff - Pasadena Independent School District Pasadena Independent School District Schools Athletics Employment Skyward Phone 713-740-0000 Facebook Page Twitter Feed Youtube Channel Home About Administration Calendar Directories District Map Future Facilities & Planning Committee Legal Postings Non-Discrimination Statement krmartinez@bisd.us Natalie Garza Rm 148 Main Bldg. mmata@bisd.us, Rita K. Villarreal Garza is a school of choice for any student with 10 or more credits who has completed two full years of high school. phanderson@bisd.us Fax: (512) 414-8610 SPED/Athletics/Director of Field House Operations, Administrative Assistant - Sub Coordinator, Administrative Assistant - College Career Center, CTE - Audio Visual/ Digital Communications, District Licensed Specialist in School Psychology, Social Studies/Athletics/Head Wrestling Coach, Educational Associate - Special Education Inclusion, Educational Associate - Special Education, Use This Link to Submit Absence Documentation, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). (956) 574-5600, Social Studies Kathy Gomez1 Thomas Adams . Email Joe Castellano. English Rita Aguilar rrgarcia@bisd.us Email Samantha Baker. paobell@bisd.us Keller High School. mviramontes@bisd.us Melissa De La Garza Academic Counselor M - P. . In the following years, 2011 and 2012, he earned lead trumpet spots, however was only able to finish marching his age-out year in 2012. (956) 574-5600, Social Studies . Rachel Garza High School Aide. Jennifer E. Moore Miriam Ramos Arevalo lgcisneros@bisd.us lbcantu@bisd.us About Us. mdeleon3@bisd.us Veterans Memorial ECHS Principal nlgallegos @bisd.us. (956) 574-5600, Special Education/Department Chair Year after year, golfers have a great time generating $20,000 for need-based tuition assistance at all of our Aquinas Catholic Schools. Ofelia E. Garza Classified - SPED Inclusion/Resource Aide Edinburg North High School Staff. Sylvia Escobedo Classified - SFL Aide (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology (956) 574-5600, Career and Technology (956) 574-5600, Special Education Classified - SPED One to One Aide Secure .gov websites use HTTPS The U.S. Department of Education recognizes Garza among about 40 schools in the country that exemplify the best practices for improving outcomes for at-risk students. Special Education - Educational Diagnostician Culture of Hope. tlongoria@bisd.us kgomez2@bisd.us sngomez@bisd.us . (956) 574-5600, English Language Arts Eva Barboza De Rabiela Administration / Office Staff Dr. Linda Gallegos. Students at Justin Garza High School will be sharing their new campus with construction workers for the next four months, and possibly longer. Classified - Clerical Assistant III
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