WENDELL: BURG.L: Enter the oak lab tree after blowing open the door with the mysterious machine and follow the path down. I can't take a single step without getting stuck in their confounded webbing. It's become all too clear, foggy as I may be as of late, that some upkeep is in dire need. Is one the name of the actual chip and the other is the name of the quest? The lab network is now up and running in the backyard. It would seem that using a MIX.R is a single use affair for the time being. It's main function is to display the vitals of the player. Four hours? Just like my legacy. Expedition Member: D. Reid Chip as well as the Mossy key, which unlocks the treasure chest. And the true origin of Raw Science? Upon embiggening, subjects will be inspected and tested to ensure proper functionality. We'll look to optimize that further, keeping in mind a certain level of structural integrity is required to scale them up to nearly a grapefruit's size. WENDELL: My plan is to recalibrate the TAYZ.T bots for defensive action. very, very poorly. We can say that you need these super chips to fix the SPAC.R machine that help you to grow big again. How many times can one person be expected to explain the difference between a vector and a scalar? Expedition Member: E. Ferreiar WENDELL: WENDELL: I do not know how this is possible. Date: 07.01.09 Category: Project MANT: Condensed Science I cannot bear to look upon myself any longer. Alas, failure once again. Finding all 4 will complete the Hedge Lab quest and allow the player to interact with the terminal and unlock the rest of the lab. WENDELL: Is it the onlookers in the shadows? All four labs throughout the yard area, each with a super chip. WENDELL: New to Shacknews? Follow the cryptic clues to a hidden crypt Guide by James Billcliffe Guides Editor Published on Sept. 27, 2022 Deep in the dark recesses of the yard in Grounded lies secret treasure just. The Chip will be in the center of the chest once you open it. Drop down through the hole to find a room with nectar and hotdog bits, the BURG.L chip will be leaning up against the wall. WENDELL: I'll take your word for it, Dr Tully! To my dismay, the next morning I found that rotten tree trunk had collapsed under its own weight, crushing my lab to smithereens! These unlocks cost 2,500 Raw Science, 1,500 Raw Science, and 1,500 Raw Science respectively, and players should give some thought to which they want to purchase first. WENDELL: BURG.L Chips can be used to unlock new and useful upgrades in Grounded, but players will have to find them first. You'll then see a statue of a monster and a doorway to your right. BURG.L: It'll lead you to a room with an Infected Ladybug inside. Couple that with the strange radio signals I've been receiving and I no longer think this facility is safe. This door is the entrance to the Oak Lab. They'd be not much older than myself if converted to human chronological age and I haven't experienced effects such as this Well, Trudy took it upon herself to call in outside help to fix our sprinkler leak. BURG.L These blueprints will only spawn once the player has accepted the corresponding quest. Grow Nodes: Operational But who sheds a tear for us, BURG.L? BURG.L: Subject: A box of SCA.B devices BURG.L decodes respiratory system knowledge from the chip. Is this a bug, or is there some way to complete the quest after you've already done it once (like the crafting . But apparently they were not? The key is here, it must be! I need to be more careful when I scout locations in the future. [explosions, terrible disasterous results]. With this inspiration we're moving forward with an admittedly odd hail mary procedure for generation 2: vascular grafting. "Rake Rock Point is but one of many lost sites in this land. It is a machine that has the power to shrink any object times over, unleashing the power of the miniature world! Once the doors open, go inside, and you'll find the Chip in the center of the desk. [Imitating Thor] It's so rad Dad. WENDELL: Usage: It can be inserted into the JavaMatic to brew the Embiggening Cocktail. It seems almost certain that the irregularities are responsible for the failure during the demonstration. WENDELL: WENDELL: Before it, you need to kill the TAYZ.T ( It is a kind of Robot also) in the Oak Lab. With Raw Science, you can trade different items with BURG.L. After trying countless materials, I've finally found something to fix my zip line problem! Dr. Tully, it's almost time for your appointment. It can be collected through quests, or can be found in a solid . WENDELL: A note for another time. A smack of the spatula calms them right down. Trudy pushed me to go see a doctor after she remarked that I look like a plate of wet ham. BURGL Chips are chips containing blueprints that can be found throughout the yard. I have no idea what the point of the intern is. If I adjust the machine to account for their existence, it should be the key to the de-shrinking--expanding--process. Down in the backyard. To get the keycard, players must complete the Black Anthill Lab Quest. Now let's review the progress of the last few months. WENDELL: Returning chips to it expands its purchasable raw science inventory. Vascular systems have evolved into something inspirational. This is the first BURG.L Chip that becomes accessible in the game, right in Oak Lab. I see--no, I feel the unblinking, multifaceted eyes of the ants and spiders reflecting my misshapen visage, watching, always watching, and bearing witness to my failure. The ZIP.R is unlocked via finding it in a room in the Oak Lab. Subject: Mant Cadaver 01 WENDELL: It unlocks the following: The "This Month Only" unlocks will only be available during December. Ignore that. Our society no longer understands science. Date: Sept 27 1989. The important thing is that I have done it! Now if you will all put on your PEEP.R goggles, I'll begin the demonstration. Dr. Tully created it while he was working on designs for an automated burger restaurant. It can either give you some new crafting ideas or either give you a permit to analyze at the Lab scanner. If you find these chips BURG.L will help you to learn new survival recipes. WENDELL: Williams first console was the NES, but when he was eight, it was The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening on Game Boy that fully cemented his interest in the format. WENDELL: I'm carrying out my duties as best I know how, evenespecially without the help of the others. WENDELL: WENDELL: The " Sunken Treasure BURG.L Chip " quest is also very interesting and we hope that you are going to like this one too. The benefit of these quests is that you will explore new places in the game and know more. The Grinder is a craftable Utility item. Once there, under an oak branch, there's a big red can. WENDELL: Scattered to the four winds, the seven seas! To learn more about Grounded, check out these guides: List of Resources - Where to Find Materials. Location: Undershed Lab Carries bags? So find the super tech chips and return them to the BURG.L and then he will tell you how to repair the SPAC.R machine. Does it require cooking, flipping, or grilling? Do we have bones or shell, or both? BURG.L: Reply . Notes: WENDELL: Has anybody found the key to the treasure chest yet? As the world grapples with an ongoing chip shortage, a quiet giant among chipmakers has committed to investing $100 . The BURG.L is a robot working for Dr. Wendell Tully and works as a science manager in the science lab at the Oak tree. Eventually, you'll reach a room with Slime Mold Stalk growing from the roof and a hole right underneath it. Thats all! Never in all the years of knowing her has she given me such a cold, immovable ultimatum: my science or my family. It allows the player to go up ziplines. https://discord.gg/KW64vx9 If you. If I can replenish these rogue particles in my body, perhaps I can finally reverse this raisinification. Players will receive between 250 Raw Science to 750 Raw Science based on how rare the item is. You'll then see a door on your right that'll you want to open. I don't need this now. ", BURG.L: The longer I'm here, the more I'm lumping up, aging, folding rasianing. To complete this objective, go to the western anthill and make a landmark on the top of the hill. If you hadn't tried to blend science, we may not have stumbled upon this curious new property. Notes, blueprints, recordings, all - foolishly - out in the open. Department: Compliance Neither Ominent, nor insect, nor robot will have access to my research now. I have no choice but to remain here, living exiled in the backyard. her fins they did flap BURG.L: Success! Involuntary spasms and twitches have been documented throughout the process with each infusion of Raw Science. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! This should please you all. This guide contains full details on the Mossy Key in Grounded, an item that can be used to obtain the Sunken Outpost BURG.L Chip. A wrinkly virus, flailing helplessly in the dirt with the mushrooms. WENDELL: And yet Kaminski still works here and he's an idiot. Pebblet Foundation (2500 RS): Pebblet Foundation and Pebblet Ramp. Legend has it, only ghosts of trail markers left behind by doomed explorers remain. https://grounded.fandom.com/wiki/File:BURGLIntro.ogg, The clatter of your tinkering echoes across the kingdom. The subsequent breaches in the lab structures have invited all manner of arachnid invaders to wander in. BURG.L, initiate evacuation protocols for the Hedge Lab. Weathered and strengthened by currents and chemicals, it's an exceptional material for strong gear. Not even the confounded napkin bags! WENDELL: This guide is under construction and will be updated as more BURG.L chips are found. Grounded | S1EP3 | Sunken Treasure BurgL Chip | Swim Fins, Gill Tube and Diving Bell Helmet - YouTube If you want to hang out and chat here is a link. Ominent may not believe in it, but I know its potential. Everything will be back to normal. Category: Project MANT: Muscle Loss To unlock this chest, you need to find the Minotaur key first. So stay tuned with us. It grinds resources down into "slurries" such as Mushroom Slurry, Plant Slurry, Spoiled Meat Slurry, recycles natural resources into Plant Fiber and grinds EverChar Coal Chunks into Charcoal Ash. I fear every shadow. I'm abandonig this facility immediately. I'm planning to dedicate each of them to a different function. T-T-Thank you. Well, more for me. We should be surviving together, but instead we're going to die off, one by one. Well, let me know when it's done then. project. As there are lots of items in the game so you will have this quest many times in the game. "Daddy, daddy, there's something nasty in the roots of the oak tree," she whimpered. Is the final ingredient of the Embiggening Cocktail. Come play sometime! WENDELL: Every super chip stored important data about the machine. The Sunken Treasure Chest is located down in the pond's depth near the T-Rex toy. Though noxious, the broodmother could not resist the bait. If you pick it up and dont redeem any blueprint, are you ever able to redeem anything? The Sunken Treasure BURG.L Chip aka Outpost Chip is one of the missing BURG.l Chips in the grounded game. Now, Hualapai Mountain Park protects Hualapai Peak and its natural fauna and flora. When you reach the last point of the cave, youll find a pipe there and you can also get oxygen from this pipe. Shes been writing for as long as she can remember and delves deep into conducting her research for her subjects. Who can blame Trudy? Attempts to reverse cell age in mushrooms seem to be going well. There's a reason so many insects thrive in colonies. BURG.L: and it sparkled by light. WENDELL: Grave Robbery Burgl Chip Location in Grounded Players will need to travel to the western anthill to find this chip. The chip will be on a brown desk at the end of the room, on the opposite side of the screen displays. BURG.L is a valuable little robot in Grounded. Finally, my genius is recognized! WENDELL: My Ominent minders have requested a demonstration of the SPAC.R. To learn more about clearing the Black Anthill Descent, check out our. Just leave them alone and they'll leave you alone, right? Explorer Quests task the player with finding a pre-placed blueprint for a Trail Marker at certain unmarked locations throughout the backyard. It requires the Mossy Key to unlock, which is found in a smaller cave in the biome. To get some of them, you'll need to play the main storyline. I knew it might be too great a risk to liberate that equipment from them. Date: Nov 25 1989. The only way to know for sure is to infuse myself with, uh variable doses. WENDELL: I shot awake this morning, sweaty with a memory of the frenetic energy of fitness infomercials that popped on before the kids' Saturday morning cartoon shows, and in those early hours being annoyed at the greasy glow of skin stretched tight over bursting muscles screaming about some new trivial invention, veins bulging with hot blood. Is it whomever stumbles upon our toilings down here in the muck? What's this brainwave functions are spiking. WENDELL: But, what can one do? Trials 1-2 were aborted due to mechanical failure. But first, you have to find out the Mossy key. It is guarded by the Termite King and many other Termite Workers. WENDELL: 9. Hi Tim, you mean the Grasslands BURG.L Chip, right? All signs point to Ominent. Already? Subject was confiscated by a curious honey bee. We recommend you wear a full set of Red Ant armor to avoid fighting the ants. BURG.L: Maybe | can rustle up some coal chunks and come bearing fire the next time I find one of the others. WENDELL: I snap my photos and snatch the tapes. kevbane 2 yr. ago. So far, I've captured photographic evidence of pilfered and repurposed equipment that are certainly untested in the required environments. WENDELL: "Spade Gulch is but one of many lost sites in this land. Remove the wolves, and elk run wild and strip the land. Apparatus destroyed. Upgrades can be purchased from BURG.L that improve it's scanners to automatically search for Raw Science, Milk Molars, and other SCA.Bs when the player gets close enough. But you need to find the Mossy Key first to open the. This has produced a viscous, green excrement from the end of the system. He thought I could not hear him WENDELL: I'm sure it's in a bin or box around here somewhere. May this new lab be a shining beacon in the desert. BURG.L: Finding all the BURG.L chips in Grounded is going to take some work. Complete failure. BURG.L: There are a lot of red ants in the cave and if you are lucky then you will find some ant eggs too. There are a total of 10 BURG.L chips in the Grounded game. TAYZ.T units not used for guard duty have received the profile upload are currently in route to their harvest targets in the yard. Supervising Scientist: Dr. Wendell Tully. Stop it, Wendell. I think not. Perhaps Dr. Klein was right. How it will feel to have them watch me in my moment of triumph. It's time to restart SPAC.R development. The chest is close to the figure inside is the Sunken Outpost BURG.L Chip. A tranquil oasis in the hot sands! WENDELL: You'll want to enter the door on your right. But I digress. The objective is to create a Landmark at the bath bluff of the crow. However, players that want to improve their gear, upgrade their base, and take advantage of BURG.Ls wares, will want to take the time to track down these research chips. These hard-to-find items give you Raw Science, a currency used to upgrade new research and improve your stats even further. That name is going to get tiresome. Regrettably, the spider infestation has only worsen. Well, I'll stay out here, roasting in the sands, observing the great plodding fool, Dr. Wendell Tully, coming and going as he pleases as he becomes no more than beef jerky haunting his back yard. WENDELL: Success! Surely not - surely not. a glistening thing, WENDELL: Test sample are currently 0.833% of target production size. Good bye. Time: 07:31 AM "Hello and welcome to Roby's Classic Automated Burger Shop, my name is BURG.L, and I will be taking your order today. The first step will be to address the particle transcription errors. I'm so shriveled now I can barely walk. This is the SPAC.R. You can find the Black Anthill chip above the Assistant Manager room inside the black Ant lab. As you know, BURG.L always tries to keep you busy in the game by providing some daily quests and tasks. BURG.L: No baseballs, no Flingman disks no more throwing! I am ready to prove my creation's full potential! Nonetheless, this is a complete exoneration! If I ever get my hands on that Schmector, I'll snap him like a dry Billy Hog. They'll need me to clean up all these loose ends when we're done, anyway. "Red Ant Hill is but one of many lost sites in this land. It is hard to think straight. I'll walk into that presentation room and show those Ominent--Ominent--shmucks I belong. It may possible that you have to fight with them to go ahead. WENDELL: Everything should be sound, but you never know until you flip the switch. At the time of writing this we've already removed the cumbersome stem from the growth process, rendering these axillary buds longing for a new system to be a part of. WENDELL: Phase One complete. Below are all the hunter quests in Grounded. This page contains both transcripts and locations of all data items. Welp, MIX.R development has been a bummmpy bumpy road. Adamdust Additional comment actions. Kill 10 Orb Weaver to complete the Quest. I can't spare to lose an important research station to Ominent's shoddy manufacturing practices. I swear the ignorance around me is contagious. The tenderizing works you out on a molecular level and unlocks a new mutation that increases max health. I need you to download, everything you can and write key research and lab dataespecially [REDACTED]to the enhanced gold Super Chips, and everything else on the grey Auxiliary Chips. They MOCK me. What can I say in this letter that we haven't argued about these last few years? WENDELL: The following quests appear one time only as you complete them they will not repeat. WENDELL: When you complete these quests, it will provide you extra Raw Science as Reward. Nitrogen cycle levels remain optimal and the local fungal network appears robust. Now your work is simple, get the chip and return it to BURG.L in exchange for Raw Science. WENDELL: Unexpected power fluctuations. TRIAL 13: Bee, wood Usage: It is used to open the sunken chest located in the Pond Depths that contains the Sunken Outpost Chip. Supervising Scientist: Dr. Wendell Tully. Muscle sprout bonding with the calcium carbonate in the Formicidae family has been surprisingly efficient. I sleep. Attempts to reverse or even slow the changes in the strange spores or the creatures it has spread to haven't been fruitful. Subject: Mant Cadaver 04 Each spot marked should be suitable for defense in the event the local creatures are just as huffy as our friends bearing down on the blast doors. To get, This chip is located inside the haze lab. You need to find these chips to get advanced crafting ideas from BURG.L. At least for the time being. WENDELL: Follow the path until you see the tubes. Use the lever to open the door which will let you find BURG.L. Legend has it, only ghosts of trail markers left behind by doomed explorers remain. Perhaps it is time to lay down and admit defeat. After clicking on the option, BURG.L will give you Raw science as a reward for returning the chip. "He." Category SPAC.R Safety Test Usage: It allows the player to open all the doors in the Black Anthill Lab, the Sandbox Lab Outpost, multiple Lab Outposts in the Koi Pond, and the door in the Oak Lab that leads to the ZIP.R. I've been observing from a distance, but I saw the intern the other day he doesn't seem well. WENDELL: After getting to the Haze Lab, head to the back room, across from the entrance door. Only a field study can answer that, and maybe provide some insight on the effects we're experiencing down here. Prices on steel cable are ridiculous, so I have been forced to proceed with my original idea: spider thread. WENDELL: An insect with a human mind. If Trudy notices, maybe she'll suspect it was a hack job, but she does have a keen eye for "my specific brand of handiwork" as she likes to jab with me. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Turn it off! At least no one ever heard of a rasined mushroom, did they? WENDELL: [laughs] it's a good thing I never told them about the Bunsen burners! Where youll find the Sunken Treasure BURG.L Chip inside the chest. Who asked you, BURG.L? Hm hm no no definitely not. All solved with you Mark IV's. 12 comments. Next to the book on, theres a stone building made of bricks this is the maze with the chest. Time: 5:15 PM Maintaining the beam angles requires regular obstruction removal.
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