The pre-paidphone service provider for inmate calls in Florida is Securus Correctional Billing Services, they can be reached at 1-800-844-6591 or online at Former inmates who were victims of the crime or convicted as part of the crime, will not be allowed to visit. Mail the completed check to the inmate at the mailing address below. All rights reserved. All monetary deposits shall be conducted by mail only. The Halawa Correctional Facility is nestled in Aiea, Hawaii. Inmates can also receive up to 20 self addressed and stamped envelopes. **Notice** LEGAL AND PRIVILEGED MAIL There shall be no replacement of visitors once the allowable limit is allowed access. Deposit funds through a phone, through either Western Union, Touchpay . Visitors are not permitted to visit more than one inmate unless the visitor is a member of the immediate family of more than one inmate is confined in HCF. Get in touch with the facilities inmate services specialist o provide any assistance you might need. . This makes it possible to reach your loved ones without burning a hole through your pocket. Payment is the responsibility of the inmate and party accepting the call. Halawa Correctional Facility, listing the inmate's name in the memo area and the sender's full name and address anywhere on the face of check/official bank draft. You can also send your inmate photos, but they will count towards the 15 page limitation. This tends to be the fastest way inmates can receive funds and has one of the lower fee's associated with sending funds. All female visitors age 13 and above will abide by the following dress code: PROHIBITED CLOTHING & ITEMS FOR FEMALE/MALE ADULT VISITORS: DRESS CODE FOR CHILDREN (under the age of 13), Children will be appropriately attired. The following items are authorized into the visit area: one extra diaper, one plastic bottle of liquid (which shall be opened and checked), and one unlined, non-quilted, unpadded blanket. However, through JPay Inc., a Floridabased company, the Department provides a variety of multimedia services to inmates, including secure mail, through both an interactive kiosk, available in each general population housing unit, and secure tablets. No lined-sweaters, jackets, and padded or hooded clothing. You will have to include the building name and number as the Halawa Correctional Facility HI houses many inmates. The Halawa Correctional Facility is based in Aiea, Hawaii. There are several options for sending money to an inmate at Halawa Correctional Facility including sending money orders, cashier's checks, personal checks and using your debit/credit card. Local law enforcement will be notified in such instances. The special needs facility houses maximum security and closed custody inmates, as well as inmates who suffer from severe mental illness that causes the department to separate them from the general population. Ch. The Halawa Correctional Facility is home for juvenile delinquents. Monetary deposits are limited to $250.00/month. Sending Mail to Inmates in Hawaii Inmates incarcerated in Hawaii are able to receive and send an unlimited amount of letters. INMATE TABLET SERVICE UPDATE: Effective September 2021, inmates will have access to inmate tablets provided by Global Tel Link (GTL) which allows video visit calls and other program services. Selecciona la institucin y completa la informacin requerida para enviar dinero. Riverside Correctional Facility Phone: 215-685-6911 How to Send Money to an Inmate in Philadelphia County. Click here for information about the new Inmate Telephone System. For your security and protection, JPay sessions automatically expire. Former inmates must be off supervision and have the recommendation of their supervising agent. It was originally opened in 1962 as the City and County Halawa Jail. INMATE PHONE SERVICE UPDATE: Effective February 1, 2018, all inmate phone calls are provided by Global Tel Link (GTL) which allows calls to landline and wireless cell phones. JPay Email is now eMessaging and only available through Securus Technologies, the parent company of JPay. Halawa Correctional Facility was constructed in 1973. The Unauthorized Mail Return Receipt, Form DC2-521, will be placed in the original envelope with the correspondence and returned to the sender. For more on the service click here. Legal mail must be opened in the presence of the inmate and will not be read. No former inmates will be allowed to visit unless prior written approval is granted from the Warden or the Wardens designee. Otherwise presents a threat to the security, order, or rehabilitative objectives of the correctional system, or to the safety of any person. Securus will charge a fee for each call, plus a rate per minute. Only cashier's checks or official bank drafts will be allowed and must be made payable to "Ha/awa. You can also send up to ten pieces of blank paper (must be white, off-white, or yellow lined), blank greeting cards, or envelopes. If you have an account through Century Links billing agent (ICSolutions), you can be charged in real time instead of having the collect charges attached to your phone bill. How to send mail and money to an inmate. Refer the map below to find the driving directions. Offenders who are incarcerated in Florida are allowed to receive letters sent through the United States Postal Service. For more guidelines about visitation, contact the facility at 808-485-5200 . Visitation Halawa opened i 1987 and is the largest prison facility in Hawaii. You can search directly at Halawa Correctional Facility by calling through their official number 808-485-5200, and you will get all the details about an inmate. Inmates must submit a telephone list that can have up to ten telephone numbers on it. Legal mail and privileged mail should NOT be mailed to the central processing facility. Visitors shall be required to remove and change sanitary supplies in the presence of a female ACO. hb```,;@( This is a privately owned website and is not owned and operated by any state government organization. Visitation days at the Halawa Correctional Facility run from Tuesday through Sunday, with each offender receiving a 2-hour visit on any given day. * . Option 4 - Make an Inmate Deposit over the Phone by calling 888-253-5178. The Halawa Correctional Facility can house up to 833 inmates and over 55 employees. Phone: (808) 485-5200 You can call to Halawa Correctional Facility at 99-902 Moanalua Road, Aiea, HI, 96701 to get more info or visit official website. The correspondence should have a return address on each envelope. Click here to read more about these options. Kauai Community Correctional Center (KCCC). If you are interested in a job at Halawa Correctional Facility, click here. may not be sent to an inmate. 451 0 obj <> endobj The Corrections Corporation of America has a contract with the Hawaii Department of Corrections to run this facility. The list may be updated once every six months (sometimes sooner for certain circumstances). Famous Halawa Correctional Facility inmates. Halawa Correctional Facility is a medium-security jail situated in Honolulu County, Hawaii. Deposit through four companies online. Helping your inmate out letters/emails, and purchase items from the commissary. Cell phone numbers are now allowed to be on the list, however you may be asked to present a copy of the cell phone contract in order for the number to be approved. The current limit of Halawa Correctional Facility is 1900 male prisoners. All the mail into the Halawa Correctional Facility has to go through the authorities. The deposit may be made for a fee and can be paid with cash or debit card. You can also call 808-485-5200 if you need assistance in setting up an account. Halawa Correctional Facility can contain over 1399 inmates at once. Postal Service for its disposition. Each typed page of text cost one stamp. The Halawa Correctional Facility is a state facility that is operated by the Corrections Corporation of America. After one month the mail will be rejected and returned to sender. Statewide or institutional emergencies may impact these hours. It currently houses adult males who have been convicted of committing a felony. Deposit Funds Through the Mail. After the inmate is notified of the correspondence restriction, any further attempt to correspond will be considered a violation of Administrative Rule 33-210.102 and of Section 9-14 of the Rules of Prohibited Conduct, (. Visit check-in will be at the HMSF Screening Desk. Introduction of contraband into HCF is not allowed. Additionally, Halawa Correctional Facility has a website that has all the inmates' information. Halawa Correctional Facility is a Hawaii state prison for adult male inmates that is separated into two separate facilities: a medium-security division and a special needs division. From the date of transfer or release, all routine mail other than first-class and second-class will be returned to the U.S. Visitors are subject to searches (i.e. You can only send money to an inmate if you are on their approved visitation list. Inmate Search. Sunday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. All mail is under Halawa Correctional Facilitys scrutiny. Immediate family is: mother, father, step-mother, step-father, grandparents, brothers, sisters, step-brothers, step sisters, spouse, and inmates children. Fax: (808) 483-7275. OAKLAND COUNTY JAIL. If there is a family emergency, family members are urged to contact the institution's chaplain. June Modules 1 & 3 Modules 2 & 4if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[970,250],'prisoninsight_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',134,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-prisoninsight_com-banner-1-0'); July Modules 2 & 4 Modules 1 & 3, August Modules 1 & 3 Modules 2 & 4, September Modules 2 & 4 Modules 1 & 3, October Modules 1 & 3 Modules 2 & 4, November Modules 2 & 4 Modules 1 & 3, December Modules 1 & 3 Modules 2 & 4. Additionally, the inmates will get vocational training in custodial maintenance, carpentry, building maintenance and kitchen work. The Halawa Correctional Facility mainly has medium security but followed with Level 1, Level 3, and Level 4 security. If this occurs, once discovered, the scan will be deleted and the correspondence will be returned to sender with instructions to re-send the mail in compliance with the applicable rule. Individuals smelling of alcoholic beverages or having drugs/alcoholic beverage on their person, will not be allowed to visit or enter the visiting area. No glue, tape, or staples are allowed, so if you are sending a clipping of some sort, do not glue it to a piece of paper. This facility was designed [] This program at the Halawa Correctional . Nmero de identificacin del recluso *. Halawa Correctional Facility takes an interest in correctional ventures that permit the detainees to work in metal manufacture/welding, reusing, and making open-air recreational furnishings. Phone hours will vary by institution based on the needs of the institution and will be determined by the Warden, in accordance with Chapter 33-602.205(2)(i). To be apprised if visits will be held as scheduled, visitors can call the visitor hotline at (808)485-5298, after 6:30am on that particular day. endstream endobj startxref 472 0 obj <>stream Halawa Correctional Facility (HCF)* Mahina Assily 1200 99-902 Moanalua Highway Phone: (808) 485-5178 Aiea, Hawaii 96701 *24 hour health care facility Waiawa Correctional Facility (WCF) Tanyalee Menino 330 94-560 Kamehameha Hwy (Business Address) Phone: (808) 677-6136 Waipahu, Hawaii 96797 Contains criminal history, offender registration, or other personal information about another inmate or offender which, in the hands of an inmate, presents a threat to the security, order or rehabilitative objectives of the correctional system or to the safety of any person; It contains an advertisement promoting any of the following where the advertisement is the focus of, rather than being incidental to, the publication or the advertising is prominent or prevalent throughout the publication. Halawa Correctional Facility is in Aiea, Hawaii, address - 99-902 Moanalua Road, Aiea, HI, 96701. JPay offers convenient & affordable correctional services, including money transfer, email, videos, tablets, music, education & parole and probation payments. 467 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<412FB6D045FB2F4793AD87D79636797F><9BCD967B4299F64EB6FCB129FDE18204>]/Index[451 22]/Info 450 0 R/Length 78/Prev 196837/Root 452 0 R/Size 473/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Inmates that are in Halawa Correctional Facility can join a substance abuse program. Newspapers and magazine subscriptions are allowed, but the number the inmate is allowed to have in their possession will depend on the frequency of delivery. For more on the service click here. For security reasons, the department of correction will not disclose any information about deposits or about the balances of an inmate's account.You can send funds to an inmate by: To send funds through any of the above highlighted methods you will first need to know: Deposit byWalk InFriends and family members candeposit money by visiting any MoneyGram location, this includes any CVS or Walmart. This Halawa Correctional Facility opened in 1994 in the month of January. The SNF visit schedule will always remain the same, and visit check-in and screening will be done at the HMSF Screening Desk, Module A Module B, Quad 1 (Up) 12:30pm-1:00pm Quad 1 7:00am-7:35am(Down) 1:05pm-1:35pm Quad 2 7:45am-8:10am, Quad 2 (Up) 1:40pm-2:10pm Quad 3 8:15am-8:45am(Down) 2:15pm-2:45pm, Quad 1 (Up) 11:20am-11:50am(Down) 11:55am-12:25pm, Quad 2 (Up) 8:50am-9:20am(Down) 9:25am-9:55am. What if my loved one doesn't have tablet/kiosk privileges due to their housing designation or status? Include the inmate's name and ID number in the memo field and be sure you fill out a money order deposit slip, found here (Spanish deposit slipfound here). Pantyhose are not considered an undergarment. PO Box 23608 Inmates in the Halawa Correctional Facility need money for their daily necessities. The following types of incoming mail packaging will be rejected and returned to the sender unopened: envelopes that have metal parts, boxes, padded envelopes, plastic bags, card stock type envelopes (e.g., U.S. Mail Priority or U.S. Mail Express cardboard envelopes), multi-layer packaging, bubble wrap, packing peanuts and similar packaging. Box 260010Hollywood, FL 33026. PONTIAC, MI 48343. Detainees at Halawa Correctional Facility can likewise take an assortment of professional courses like an auto fix and custodial business support. To locate inmates at the Halawa Correctional Facility, call this number: 808-485-5200. Send updated visiting hours on Correctional Department letterhead to. Inmates are usually limited to having four books in their possession at any given time, close management inmates are only allowed three books. Items of a non-communicative nature such as lottery tickets or matchbooks; Stickers or stamps (other than postage stamps, postal service attachments, and address labels affixed to the outside of the envelope); Address labels (other than those affixed to the outside of the mailing envelope); Laminated cards or other laminated materials.
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