. i have an in ground pool. This could drain the pool down to the skimmer, or possibly much lower in some cases, so keep a close eye on any leak and look for signs of worsening. I have called a repair company since the pump is under warranty and they told me that it is almost NEVER the pump and therefore if it is something else I will have to pay $89/hour for their serviceso I was hoping to exhaust all other possibilities before coughing up the moneyCan you recommend any tests that I can do? "url": "https://intheswim.com/",
Oh, and prepare yourself, a new motor or pump may be needed soon. Hi Davy~ if the motor is generating too much heat, this temp sensor will trip and shut off the pump. Turned everything off, let the motor cool off and tried again. The problem lies where the power dies [note to readers: motor cycling is not the same as pump cycling, where the water flow starts and stops, here I am talking about the motor itself starting/stopping], I have a Hayward sp2607x10 pump. Excuse my ignorance, but what could be the problem? I bought same pump and electrician put on old twist lock cord from previous pump. This time around I purchased the t-3 cell model since my pool is below 15k gallons. Had a ball stuck under the skimmer basket, pump got hot and now will not turn back on. This is common maintenance for any pool Troubleshooting Your Hayward Aqua Rite System, Copyright 2020 INYOpools All rights reserved. I have a 2 year old Hayward Pump 1 HP wired for 110 with 20 Amp breaker. Both the pump motor and Polaris are wired out of the timer and the timer seems to be working correctly and I checked it by checking the voltage at the motor with the switch in the off position and then again with the switch in the on position. Its a 16-14 250 amp connection. All Rights Reserved. It is a common problem with Hayward Perflex, the symptoms you describe, and is usually clogged fingers. Bob. Do I need to do something else to get it to prime faster? Recently replaced mortor and pump. . Now I turned the power off beacuse the circulation is not working and afraid the filter might blow up by the high pressure. Hi Terri, when you connect the vacuum hose to the skimmer to start vacuuming, this is like increasing the length of the pipe from the pool to the pump, which makes the pump have to work harder, kind of like drinking through a very long straw. Any ideas why this would happen? If the blower prover switch opens during the postpurge cycle (heater is not firing) the control will display the error code. The leak at the bottom of the pump, determine if its coming from the top of the pump and dripping down the sides, or if the leak is coming from directly under the pump, in the first case its usually the exit pipe threads are loose, and in the second case, its a leaking shaft seal or leaking drain plug, or sometimes a leaking volute o-ring, or the large o-ring between the seal plate and the pump housing. New gauge was ordered. Is the motor set to accept 220V, and matching what you measure at the motor terminals? Hi Chuong, the Leslies RS750CA is the same as the Hayward Super II pump, which are $500-$600. Although in low speed, chlorine is not generated so not sure why even run the low speed. Inspect the centrifugal switch on the end of the shaft and the stationary switch mounted at 6 oclock and contacting the central centrifugal switch make sure all are intact and tightly secured, and not bent, broken or affected by mud or insects. "height": "219",
When it stops again, you may want to pull off the filter valve from the filter, and inspect the top few inches of sand, maybe replacing it with new. Ive had the pool for 25 years with no problems until now. Perflex filters can also leak out of the bump handle, this fix usually involves replacing the shaft o-rings. If you havent inspected your cell yet, now is aperfect time. Will be using it as a stand alone. This year I have developed a leak under the pump housing I believe. please help. Pumps can also leak water from the shaft seal, which can appear to be a housing/seal plate leak, but will leak only directly from the bottom. Any advice?? Is it possible pump too small for AV60 filter? It overheated very badly, even burning the hayward sticker off the pump itself maybe a month ago. thoughts? Hi Chad, when a motor makes no noise at all, I suspect power issues. 6. Any suggestions what it could be. They function as the starting battery for the motor, to help it get up to speed quickly. "headline": "Hayward Pool Pump Troubleshooting",
Does the mother board need replacing? If there is air in the basket it hums away loudly and sucks great to prime and fill the basket (the saltwater thing even appears to be working). Also could be a loose stationary switch (motor rear, 6 oclock) or a loose centrifugal switch (motor rear, dead center). i removed the filter fingers and cleaned numerous times. just replaced t15 on a rev 1.45 aqua rite and the default salt reading now is 4. K-1766 Taylor Salt Test },
Any idea what could be the culprit? A very thin layer of rust develops between the stator and the rotor inside the motor, and getting a 7/16 open end wrench on the end of the shaft, and working it back and forth, breaks the rust and frees up the shaft to spin. Inspect the capacitor (black cylinder, 9 oclock) and the centrifugal switch, (on the end of the motor shaft), for any signs of damage or looseness. Commonly appears on drain plugs, pump lids, pipe that screws into pump, or on incoming valves, like your Jandy. We opened the pool this spring and the pressure rises after 15 to 20 minutes. Thanks Davy for your quick reply. If all good, check the capacitor, at 9 oclock, looking for bulging or cracking or burned marks. Seems impeller is not turning, does it turn both ways or one way? They have never had this issue in the pass, a salt water chlorinator was added to the system last year with no problems. Please advise. Thoughts? The reason is simple: TFPC (Trouble Free Pool Care) is a methodology, not a product that you must purchase. I am thinking it must be the age of the pump. If you get no response from your Hayward pool pump when you flip the switch, first verify the terminal board connections match the wiring diagram on the motor data plate label. Got a new motor, it made humming noise since day on,if i help it spin it works so I changed the capacitor and still the same, humming and if I help it to spin it goes fine, any suggestions? There must be a leak. IF the shaft spins freely, and your motor hums and trips the breaker, first check the wiring connections on the incoming wires, nice and tight, and no bare wire touching anything except the terminal connector. Additional causes for low water flow in your pump are debris build-up or dirty equipment. It can also happen when voltage is incorrect (too high or too low), or when wires are shorting out, or in some cases, very hot weather and direct sunshine and other nearby sources of heat. Hello. Any suggestions? second most common is the pump lid or drain plug, lube the lid oring and teflon tape on the drain plug. In this Pool Care Basics Video, we discuss how to clean a salt cell. I think I have a different problem with the pump now. Hi Sal, for the pump lid, it may help to close the incoming and outgoing valves, and open the filter air bleeder, to release the suction. Have no power at all going to my control panel. If there's one thing for certain about pool equipment, is that they will all break down at some point in time. The problem lies, where the power dies could be the breaker, time clock, outlet or at the terminal board. The capacitor is like the battery in your car its needed to help get the pump up to speed (3200 RPMs) fast. It did not do this until we pressure washer the deck and some wood chips got into the pool. The waterfall pump should be a simple system, just a suction line and a return line (no valves? My pump keeps overheating and shutting off. We knows its not electrical. If lots of air churns when you shut the pump off, and the water quickly blasts out of the pump, thats likely a suction side air leak. Shut off power at the breaker to all pool equipment I set up to measure motor current, using 100amp, 100mv shunt, the current draw is 6.5 amps @241V (Pump pressure about 17-18 psi) Be sure the wiring is tight on both ends. Does it only do this when vacuuming, but otherwise runs fine? Hi Don, we call that surging and it is usually caused by an air leak on the suction side, which is usually on the pump lid o-ring, or a loose threaded fitting, coming into the pump, or sometimes a leaky skimmer or main drain valve but the problem is always before the impeller You can use shaving cream around the pump lid, pipe and valves, turn on the pump, and see where it gets sucked in, or sometimes the problem is evident without such a messy test. It can also be a loose pump lid allowing air to creep in around the o-ring. Or do I have a friction issue in the impeller? Heaters often normally make such sounds, could also be debris laying on top of the burners. After running the pool for a few hours we realized the pump was leaking and EXTREMELY HOT. I have a Hayward pro series filter and Hayward pump. Hello, my motor runs for 20 seconds then stops. Go to the grocery store and come back and its dead. If so, you can replace just the motor, or the entire pump. If thats not it check the rear of the motor for anything loose (capacitor, centrifugal switch (in the center, on the shaft) or the stationary switch, at 6 oclock, triangular shape. Step 1: With your pump running, double-check the positions of your valves. I really dont know how long the motor was running like this when I discover the problem when I discover the problem the motor had already shut off. With the pump off, remove the basket and reach your hand back into the eye of the impeller. Gail, good luck! Please note: The majority of our literature and brochures are in English only. This occurred after a lengthy power outage. The shaft turned with zero resistance. Could the water have damaged the motor ? While the filter pump runs, you can here a drop for a millisecond every roughly 5 mins. the , . My first thought is that the breaker may be too small for the amount of amps needed to start each piece of equipment. Hope that helps! Hmmm, not too sure about this question Jay, there must be some explanation. I have an inground salt water pool with a spa and my flow rate was low so I cleaned out everything and replaced the filters and now the flow rate seems good with one problem. I have a pre-2008 Northstar pump and it seems to be losing air seal. I opened the back and everything looks fine, Hi Matthew, the pump capacitor is the first suspect, it may be weak and needs replacement. Hi Leah, when the pump is barely pumping, the problem is either in front of the pump or after the pump. In such case, filter pressure is lower than normal, if the impeller is clogged. Was working fine until I backwashed and cleaned the basket by the pump. Bump shaft or diaphragm gasket? Hello , This is an inactive thread. No air leaks and it only does this as the heater warms the water up during hot days. At a total loss here, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The 1.5 hp pump was so strong you couldnt stand in front of the single return, which is why I used smaller pump. Just push the red button back in. voltage reachs the stationary switch. Check fan and shroud for blockage. },
If you see any damage, replace your flow switch. If thats what is happening, then the cause of the overheating could be incorrect voltage or fluctuating voltage, incorrect wire size (from breaker or timer to motor), faulty wiring between some of the switches in the rear of the motor, or bad shaft bearings, or poor airflow or blocked air vents, or in some cases, very poor water flow. In either case, a new vacuum hose of good quality should fix the issue. Pool Heaters have a thermostat, and just like a house heater, they turn themselves on/off to maintain a temperature. Hola tengo una caldera Hayward H400 PED2 durante el intento de encendido no enciende m caldera despus de 5 intentos me pone lF en la pantalla. If so, shut off power and see if the motor shaft will spin. Hi, loud screeching sounds like bearings, yes. All check ok. Also check that wires are tightly attached, at breaker, timer and pump. Hi Pat, good question you can continue to use the IG pump, no problem. I have a new fiberglass pool and ever since I operate it the pump trips the breaker in most cases overnight hours between 2 timing sessions (pump not running). Please advise ). Any suggestions welcome. Pump motors are continuous duty, meaning that they are meant for continuous operation, it wont harm the motor, or cause it to overheat. Attached please find a copy of the Aqua Plus Operation Manual Please note Section - Configuration Menu Items, Cell Type Selection, page 16. If your new pump is the exact same make/model/horsepower as the old pump, then the pump is not the problem but if you switched make/models check the pump flow curve, because even though it may be the same hp, different make/model pool pumps produce Vastly different flow rates. I am getting 24VAC from top Rectifier to PCB Input, says it should be 12VAC. Hi Carolyn, When a pump displays those symptoms, its usually an air leak or a collapsed suction hose, or a very dirty filter. I tried -no way .then 3 very strong men all tried all of them had to put stress on the plumbing pipes to get the darn thing loosened at all ..what a NGHTMARE no we are not over tightening any suggestions? A large pair of channel type pliers can be placed on the impeller, over a cloth, and given some persuasion. The electrician also installed w new capacitors on the pump and still same problem. Then, take a look at the capacitor, located at 9 oclock. You can either take the motor to an electric motor repair shop for rebuilding (new seals/bearings), or buy a new motor, or buy a new pump. Could be from a large buildup of rust inside, between the stator and motor, but that usually frees up after running for just a minute. It has been in operation since mid May without and incident before yesterday. If it is a union valve, cream also on the union nut. Packing Pool Putty or Silicone around the fitting is a good fix, replacing the fitting is a better fix. If I let it sit I can turn it on again, but just for about 20 seconds. We just opened our pool up cleaned everything out put new D.E. Could be the pump lid, drain plug, or the pipe that threads into the pump. Basically it ran normal and then would get loud, and then go back to normal. One of those areas can be sealed up to stop the leak. $5.99 $3.99 As low as $1.79 WFO RS-23-SED Sediment Water Prefilter Compatible With Culligan S7011C & 00-4015-38 AquaCleer Good Water Machine $16.99 $9.99 As low as $7.99 If the capacitor is bulged or cracked, or looks like it is burned or charred, you can assume that it is D.O.A. Can I turn on this pump without water to check whether the motor is running? I have a F5 code and service light is on. "name": "In The Swim",
thanks. It doesnt mean it is ready to go at 230. It trips 20amp breaker after running 5 or 10 second. HI Alberto, if a motor is overheating, it normally takes about 15-20 minutes, and then the thermal overload switch, located in the rear of the motor, will trip, shutting off the pump for about 15-20 minutes, until it is cool enough to start again, on its own. Works great minus the vacuum created is so great that getting the lid off of the basket is so great a breaker bar is needed to remove it. Flip the switch opposite, and you should be all set. This is weird, no? ), is power, verify that power is leaving the timer and arriving at the motor. Thanks for the help troubleshooting it. I have an older Hayward Pool pump for an above ground pool. You can also contact Hayward Technical Service for help directly at (908) 355-7995. Our switch seems to be getting power- a voltage tester confirms this but pump makes zero sound when switch is turned on. Typically, any dilemmas with your Hayward pool pump are likely related to either electrical or plumbing situations. Cant find anything that jumps right out. If the motor is fried, you can either replace the motor and shaft seal or spend more, and replace the entire pump (although the motor is the only thing you would really need). the termistor was blown. Its running now but when I turn it off it wont restart. Internal electrical faults in the pump, such as a short circuit or improper ground, also can cause the device to draw more power than necessary and excess heating. Hi, my name is Javier Flipped the breakers back on this morning after problem fixed. The new pump then starts to overheat and it shuts off. We opened our pool a week ago and havent had a problem until today (May 23. With your timeclock or switch turned on, you should see about 220V, give or take 10%. We opened our pool today, and when we went out to turn off the Hayward pump, after it ran for 7 hours, the plug was so hot it burned my fingers when unplugging it. The new pump is exact same model and when not connected to system it spins and runs fine. If none found, inspect your valve settings, on the equipment pad, and make sure everything is normal, and the cleaner water flow is not being throttled or bypassed. I have an above ground 18,000gal poola Hayward SP1580X15 Power-Flo LX 1 1/2 HP pump purchased May 2017. Getting ready to start up my pool , flipped the breaker and nothing. If it makes no noise at all, check that the GFCI test button is not tripped, and flip the circuit breaker off and back on. Find answers to your questions about all Thanks. It may have also tripped. If there is an external 2-speed timeclock, check the wiring, esp. I turned power off from breaker, emptied basket, used fingers to check for debris in impellers, did not find any. Your session is about to timeout due to inactivity. It could possibly be a bad cord, or a bad outlet, or loose wires on pump or outlet. Thank you so much, Tried again and again to start, but just keep hearing a click sound and nothing happens. Automatic restart 2 min after error is corrected. Still nothing. Anyone have similar problems or have an idea what we r doing wrong? If thats not the air leak, check the pump lid o-ring, Superpump square lid rings sometimes get twisted easily. Profile, Create a Pool Strange things that when I have a storm it doesnt break but I does a day after when day is perfect. Our Hayward pump is leaking and we just added our opening chemicals. Learn more about pool care and repair. Also, make sure you plug in the cell all the way. stranger things backpack hot topic. Hi We opened our pool today. The switch or voltage selector, I believe it should be only over one tab, but check the owners manual, or the wiring diagram on the motor. I shut it down again before the problem got worse. When iturned it back on, it ran for a few seconds, sounded funny, then shut off. Our pump wont start at all after opening the pool. "caption": "In The Swim Blog"
After reinstalling, give it the full charge of DE powder, plus a little extra. If your sweeper has a booster pump, could be a problem with a clogged impeller, or air leak into the pump, or some other pump issue. 3. clogged pump impeller or very dirty filter. You can also call Hayward directly for tech support. "keywords": "hayward pool pump",
4. remove rear motor cover, loosen screw that holds capacitor (9 oclock) and move it out of the way, so you can fit a 7/16 wrench on the rear of the motor shaft, behind the centrifugal switch. Hi George, that is a strange one, because you dont backwash, yet pressure returns to normal, just by shutting pump off for a minute, then restarting? A hum sound is usually associated with a bad capacitor (motor rear, 9 oclock), however the capacitor is a battery that is only used on start-up, and is released within a second of start-up, but still could be related. Hi, make sure that the switches are not loose, the centrifugal switch on the end of the shaft and the Stationary switch at 6 oclock.
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