The Water Education Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, Units are in kaf, thousands of acre feet. The information on Isabella has been fluctuating drastically (by a factor of 10!) Previously, Kellie covered dining news and trends, visual arts, events and nightlife for the Arizona Republic, and freelanced for the former Contra Costa Times. The group says the recent plethora of water shows that the city could do without Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, by using other storage facilities that have filled and pursuing new projects to capture the surplus. The problem is that we have no idea of knowing ahead of time what kind of storms well have and how long theyll last, but the reservoir operators have to be super careful and extra cautious, so they periodically let the water flow out. Really appreciate the work you did to build this graph. You can also share a custom URL by clicking the Save URL button which will put the custom URL into the URL bar of your browser which you can then copy and share. By a large measure, damming and flooding Hetch Hetchy is the most significant damage ever allowed in any of our national parks. Great URL. They have restoredMono Lake,improved stream flows on the North Coast and in theCentral Valleyand diminished the threat to native fish in the Bay Delta. I appreciate the information you are providing. **new combined California reservoir and snowpack visualizer**, made a bar graph showing the overall level of water in the major California reservoirs, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Data Exchange Center. Compared to the historical snowpack for this time of year, the May 2021 survey shows that we are only 2 to 5 percent of normal. Due to its high-altitude location at 3,900 feet above sea level a broad meaning that had been previously applied in an March 12 - The Perks of California Native Wildflowers, March 28 - Rainwater Harvesting and Rain Gardens, April 01 - Lawn Conversion to Native and Drought-Tolerant Plants. The Bay Area transmission system also includes Irvington Tunnel 1 and Tunnel 2, the Bay Tunnel, and the Crystal Springs Bypass Tunnel. This is also affected by most of these dams multi-purpose nature where they are near constantly releasing for power(like Shasta) or to make room for flood control capacity(like Folsom). The SFPUC has voiced concerns with the Plan, as it would dramatically reduce the agencys water supply, leaving it subject to significant rationing in droughts and more extreme weather conditions brought on by climate change. The remaining 15 percent of water comes from runoff in the Alameda and Peninsula watersheds. It seems likely one of those two readings is wrong. We provide water directly to customers in San Francisco and wholesale through 26 Water agencies in Alameda, Santa Clara, and San Mateo counties. An improvement: Could you include a bar for Last year at this date? Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System The Hetch Hetchy watershed, an area located in Yosemite National Park, is the major source of water for all of San Francisco's water needs. While constructed and owned by San Francisco, the water system was in fact planned to benefit the greater San Francisco Bay Area population. How can I match up other monitoring locations similar to the ones on this Interactive Dashboard? Thank you for the time and effort in creating the graphs. The tremendous inflow to city reservoirs during the recent storms, mostly in and around Yosemite National Park, has lifted San Franciscos total water storage to near capacity. She was born and raised in the Bay Area and got her start in news at the Daily Californian newspaper at UC Berkeley where she majored in English literature. The snowpack there, which will eventually melt and flow into reservoirs, is already bigger than the average peak snowpack, which typically comes around April 1. Id only be interested in the totals from Oroville and Shasta. I see many of the local canals flowing with lots of water. San Francisco maintained the phrase only SFGATE took a look at reservoir levels three days after the Oct. 24 storm and below we take another look, examining water level rises and storage increases at a broader range of reservoirs roughly a week after the atmospheric river event. California drought: Charts show where reservoir levels stand after a dry January, Track water shortages and restrictions across Bay Area. Hetch Hetchy water travels 160 miles via gravity from Yosemite to the San Francisco Bay Area. Nate, thanks for the insight. It certainly looks dry at least until the last week in February, he said. do so. Very nice work. It takes a fair amount of work to make graphs compared to other more plug-and-play libraries but its very customizable, which is a plus. Kudos to the designers. They are releasing water into the canals. Lock A dry January with little rainfall across much of Northern California actually didnt hurt the states water storage levels, according to data from the California Department of Water Resources. She is a University of Washington graduate. The area around Shasta has more volcanic soils that absorb rainfall than the Feather River drainage. generates electricity for the city). Email:, Twitter: @KellieHwang, @yoohyun_jung. I like the comparisons of last year, and the historical average. The reservoir is now projected to cost $4.4 billion, with Prop. ", The difference in soil type in the two watersheds was likely another factor. That puts it at 84 percent of where it would usually be usually at this time of year. If a reservoir gets filled to 100% and more, the dam will break and many cities will get flooded, so the operators are careful. the map graph doesnt include berryessa. These sources include surface water stored in reservoirs located in the Sierra Nevada, Alameda County and San Mateo County, and groundwater supplies stored in a deep aquifer located in San Francisco and San Mateo counties. May 24, 2022 - BAWSCA Statement About the Adoption of a Systemwide Water Use Reduction of 11%. . His recent work has examined the impacts of drought, threats to public lands and wildlife, and the nation's widening rural-urban divide. The extensive amount of storage, which is designed to benefit the Bay Area as droughts become more severe with climate change, has become a sticking point in a longstanding environmental battle over how much water the city should be taking from rivers. Major snowstorm might leave you stranded, New 101 express lanes opens in Bay Area. This local water is captured in reservoirs located in San Mateo and Alameda counties. I will take a look and see if there are other important reservoirs missing and may add them in the future. Water data back to 1956 are available online. 2013, photo, the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir is hazy with smoke . How do I pay my bill? Jeff, the average changes daily as well. For example, the average storage level for Feb. 7 is usually 65% of capacity for Trinity Dam, but currently its at 31%. GNSS2 - Level 2 Quality Survey Grade Global Navigation Satellite System. Current conditions of LAKE OR RESERVOIR WATER SURFACE ELEVATION ABOVE NAVD 1988, LAKE OR RESERVOIR WATER SURFACE ELEVATION ABOVE NGVD 1929, and RESERVOIR STORAGE are available. the Bay Area. The water is delivered by a gravity-based system and aqueduct to use must be reasonable.. To reach Hetch Hetchy, you have to exit Yosemite National Park and re-enter it. From the main road, it's about a 20- to 25-minute drive to the parking area. Its water supply Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, in the Sierra Nevada is 80% full, . BAWSCA Board of Directors Meeting, March 16, 2023, 6:30 PM. 501(c)3 organization, federal tax ID #942419885. Another not monitored by the State? All rights reserved. Maybe bad data. Californias largest water agencies, in both the urban and agricultural sectors, have invested in ambitious groundwater banking programs inKern County. Crystal Springs Reservoir, along Highway 280 in San Mateo County, was 89 percent . Love this. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the . It looks like the red and blue lines are backwards on Folsom. Important Legacy real-time page. Water data back to 1956 are available online. Although Hetch Hetchy Reservoir is the most well-known, it stores less than 25% of the system's water. Hetch Hetchy is only one of nine reservoirs in the San Francisco Public Utility Commissions water system. Trinity Lake, with a capacity of 2,447,650 acre-feet, had the smallest increase, from 29% in December to 30% in January. There is something strange about the data over the last two days (Jan.17 to Jan. 19): She is also an alumna of Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting Investigative Fellowship and The New York Times Student Journalism Institute. Python is used to extract the data from this page hourly and wrangle the data in to a clean format. If we reach 100% after the current rains and then it stops raining for the season, then our percentage will start going down. The recent spate of storms lifted the statewide snowpack to 190% of average for the start of the month, and more snow is on the way. Are they releasing water to relieve the pressure in anticipation of more water? Thats up more than 400,000 acre-feet since early December, before the unrelenting series of atmospheric river storms blew through California between Christmas and mid-January. } Best of luck out there in California! Sacramento CA 95833, Everything about California water that matters, Western States Water Agencies and Districts. Why isnt Lake Sonoma included? Hetch Hetchy is the only reservoir above its average storage of 63%, and is 82% full. The 1913 Raker Act authorized the unprecedented dam inside the park and also set the fee that the city pays to rent the entire valley in which the dam sits: $30,000 per year. Yep. At times, nearly 90% of the flow of the Tuolumne River is piped off by the SFPUC and other water agencies in the region. That includes the Tuolumne River, which provides water via Hetch Hetchy Reservoir to Bay Area customers. San Francisco and the thousands of suburban . I think the problem is with the CDEC database (as the LakesOnline website also has had incorrectly high information). And more work is underway. Last week, I paid a visit to Hetch Hetchy. Delivery rates are 7-day average values. Also a little nit. A separate vote would have been The commission plans to decide Nov. 23 whether to formally ask customers to conserve water. environmental context. San Francisco will be in great shape going into 2023, said Spreck Rosekrans, executive director of Restore Hetch Hetchy Its unfortunate that too little is being done with these flows to recharge groundwater basins to help cities and farms and even restoring Hetch Hetchy Valley., Kurtis Alexander is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. The name Hetch Hetchy is derived from a Sierra Miwok Our flagship blog features analysis of news from our staff and announcements of upcoming events. My guess would be that the recent systems have been cold and so they are predominantly dropping snow on the watershed. The cities of Burlingame, Hayward, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Redwood City and San Mateo, along with the Alameda County Water District, were among Bay Area communities whose support was influential in persuading Congress to pass the controversial Act, and President Woodrow Wilson to sign it. I realize there we dont want to reservoirs overflowing, but why are we still below historical average? Just in case a large storm hits, that way they dont reach 100% capacity. Meant this comment for the integrated snowpack and reservoir view. Thanks for taking the time to do that. It was the only tool that I could find that would allow me to make a vertical marimekko graph. What period does CA use for Historical Average? It will be very different depending on the period chosen. Turn right on to Hetch Hetchy Road - Evergreen Road and continue another 7.5 miles to the parking area for Hetchy Hetchy Reservoir next to the dam. Ive added it to my bookmarks for quick reference. Congressman Tom McClintock has re-introduced theYosemite National Park Equal Access and Fairness Act, a bill that would allow non-motorized Sign up to receive blog posts and other news by email. Water data back to 1930 are available online. resizeframe(); Before joining the Chronicle, Alexander worked as a freelance writer and as a staff reporter for several media organizations, including The Fresno Bee and Bay Area News Group, writing about government, politics and the environment. The Hetch Hetchy Valley today with the dam seen in the lower right. Thanks for putting this together. I had a class in spillway design many years ago. pertained to water that was wasted, and there was no claim that At this facility, which is shared with other water agencies, the city can stash water for credits against future draws on the river. I was thinking that it would be interesting to compare inflows and outflows. word for a type of wild grass. Restore Hetch Hetchy supports a power replacement plan that is truly renewable, and will not increase emissions of any pollutants or carbon that causes global warming. Current conditions of LAKE OR RESERVOIR WATER SURFACE ELEVATION ABOVE NGVD 1929 and RESERVOIR STORAGE are available. They are draining it currently so that it can serve as that overflow if needed given how much rain is coming down and expected over the next week. Several cities and water agencies that are now part of BAWSCA urged Congress to pass the Raker Act in 1913, the law that allowed federal lands in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, including Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park, to be used to build the water system. And while one storm didn't come close to ending the drought, some reservoirs in Northern California, especially those that fell right in the path of the storm, saw significant gains. Saved to my favorites now. I notice Briones Reservoir is not on the list. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. It wont be full until Spring snowmelt. I am grateful for all that you have done here to open our eyes to what is happening, what has happened, and even what might be on the horizon. Shasta, Oroville, Hetch Hetchy and many others were built by damming large rivers. As of Feb. 1, the systems total water storage was just over 1.3 million acre-feet, or about 92% of capacity. I find myself coming back to this every few days to check on our water . The Bay Area portion of the System includes water collection, treatment, and transmission facilities from the Alameda East Portal to the wholesale service area and terminal reservoirs in San Francisco. Similar to the water supply issues discussed above, the amount of power replacement is small in a statewide context less than of 1% of the renewable power supply being developed this decade alone. Hetch Hetchy Level before the storm: 3,729.68 feet Level after the storm: 3,750.99 feet Total rise: 21.31 feet Storage before the storm: 221,500 acre-feet Storage after the storm: 257,800. The BAWSCA agencies are therefore key stakeholders in ensuring the system serves as a reliable source of high quality water. I would think with the rain it would get to historical average and then more outflow would happen. it will be cool if there is a way to track the change since Dec or some such date. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Check out my **new combined California reservoir and snowpack visualizer** to compare to historical values, as well asthe California precipitation tracker and California snowpack visualizer. I havent spent much time looking at it but that data is on the CDEC website. Didnt realize how bad things were there. Born in Seoul, Yoohyun began her career in Arizona, where she worked for two of the state's largest newspapers covering various beats, including criminal justice and education. The north (side of the reservoir) usually has two waterfalls going at the best of times, but youll see up and down the canyon walls, if you look close, you count there are about 12 waterfalls running now, said Steve Ritchie, the SFPUCs assistant general manager of water enterprise, during a recent drought report to the agencys governing board. Especially for small ones it is hard to identify them and click on them. Good info to know. Love easy to read and understand information. McClintock bill proposes to improve public access at Hetch Hetchy. Begin at O'Shaughnessy Dam. Los Angeles,Orange CountyandSan Josehave developed ambitious water recycling programs and have vastly improved local groundwater management. Most local reservoir inflow timeseries are too short to calculate long-term values. Data have been checked by the reporting agency. This chart only shows reservoirs filled via natural flow/rainfall. . So on Jan 10 were at 82% of the average for Jan 10. United States. How Much Water is in California Reservoirs? Yoohyun Jung is the Deputy Data Editor for The San Francisco Chronicle. Lock hetch hetchy reservoir level percentage Rivers and Streams Streams draining into the Peninsula Watershed within the project area are relatively small, steep, and in a 2021-11-17. Wonderful site. Hi Keith, you could de-select the large reservoirs from the menu at the top right. Hetch Hetchy Water System The system originates more than 100 miles from its primary customers, in Yosemite National Park. Forty-six percent . The SFPUC has consistently stated that voluntary agreements are the best path forward for the Bay-Delta, as the voluntary agreement strikes the right balance between environmental stewardship and water reliability. In 2016, a Tuolumne County Superior Court judge dismissed the It was at 60 percent as of March 1 and rising, according to the Bureau of Reclamation. Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in Yosemite National Park is seen in 2022. Im curious: Lk Almanor is the 8th largest reservoir in CA. Santa Clara, Alameda and San Mateo counties. looks like the CDEC website is the cause of the issue unless it actually dropped 90% in a day: It is also the amount of water in a cube that is 352 feet per side (about the length of a football field). Article X, Section 2 that requires diversions for all water Central Valleyfarms have installed enough drip irrigationstrips to reach the moon and back, an improvement that also enables more efficient application of fertilizer and pesticides. It allowed the water over the spillway to move too fast creating a vacuum between the water and the concrete that pulled the concrete sections out of the spillway. A wet December produced ample snowfall, which is still sitting at high elevations. If you look at this chart for Hetch Hetchy, you can see that the biggest and steadiest rise is between March and July, At the moment, I am not interested in the debate. This dashboard is great! Thanks for the prompt reply! A different story is unfolding at Hetch Hetchy reservoir in Yosemite National Park, where water is being released to conserve and restore wildlife. Current conditions of LAKE OR RESERVOIR WATER SURFACE ELEVATION ABOVE NGVD 1929 and RESERVOIR STORAGE are available. Reservoir behind OShaughnessy Dam does not require filtration. Copyright 2023Water Education Foundation. Hetch Hetchy water travels 160 miles via gravity from Yosemite to the San Francisco Bay Area. however, Ill update the code to include it soon. Commission. Owned by the city of San Francisco, Hetch Hetchy Reservoir Thanks. Draining Hetch Hetchy without depriving Bay Area residents of Instructions: BAWSCA agencies also are implementing water conservation and water recycling projects to help preserve this precious resource for their communities, and are working to identify alternate sources of water supply. The water treatment facilities are Tesla Ultraviolet Treatment Facility, disinfecting the Hetch Hetchy supply; Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant, treating the water from the Calaveras and San Antonio supply as well as the stored Hetch Hetchy supply; and Harry Tracy Water Treatment Plant, treating the water from the Crystal Springs and San Andreas supply. What happened to the Hetch Hetchy level? Sometimes this is well done sometimes it is poorly done. The maximum that the city has put away is 570,000 acre-feet of water. With how we can now basically pinpoint future precipitation amounts at least a month in advance, no reason to not let these reservoirs fill up past historic averages for this date. The upcountry portion of the System begins with Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in Yosemite National Park. One of the most impressive was Hetch Hetchy, which provides drinking water to 2.6 million people in San Francisco and other Bay Area communities. The Bay Area's main reservoir is up 21 feet. Remaining Capacity text in the legend should be brown? Its important to note that other communities in California have taken actions in far greater magnitude than SF to make our waterways more sustainable. At the same time, theyve also said its critical to maintain sufficient water supplies to keep Bay Area communities and its economy running during a prolonged drought. I hear from the farmers that we waste 80% of the water by flushing it into the ocean. I also hear the environmentalists say, the streams and wildlife need water, so flush it into the ocean. Its an interesting dilemma. Similar findings are described in theUC Davis studyRe-Assembling Hetch HetchyandUS Bureau of Reclamation study. Is it because the laws have changed on how much each reservoir can hold or is it in anticipation of significantly more rain? The regional water system provides water to 2.4 million people in San Francisco, Santa Clara, Alameda and San Mateo counties. Folsom Lake is letting the water flow out. Quite an eye opener. Having it here would be great! Current conditions of LAKE OR RESERVOIR WATER SURFACE ELEVATION ABOVE NGVD 1929 and RESERVOIR STORAGE are available. Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System, which serves San Francisco, ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Reservoir Report 4,670 ft -0.02% today 100% of normal Normal Water lake or reservoir water surface elevation above ngvd 1929, ft at Cherry Lk Nr Hetch Hetchy Ca is currently 4,670 ft, approximately 100% of normal. The blue line indicates the reservoirs water level one year ago today. Stay up-to-date with breaking news and upcoming events. This was helpful to project seasonal trends & storm impacts. Great stuff. Thanks for the link. California boosts water deliveries to highest level in years, thanks to storms, California reservoir levels: Charts show water supply across the state, Track water shortages and restrictions across Bay Area. Emissions must be offset by dedicated conservation programs or renewable energy generation such as wind or solar. Super frustrating. River. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS But they'll cost you, Fight at high school basketball game in S.F. While the long-term voluntary agreement work continues, the SFPUC does not want to wait to restore the Tuolumne Rivers ecosystem. The Hetch Hetchy reservoir, which supplies water for San Francisco and other parts of the Bay Area, was at 77% of its 360,000-acre-feet storage capacity in January compared to 73% in December, and on Feb. 7, it was up to 82%. Required fields are marked *. Thank you! I believe the spillway was designed by the State. This system encompasses more than 1,250 miles of distribution pipelines, as well as 12 in-City reservoirs and eight water tanks with a total storage capacity of approximately 413 million gallons. in 2018. For example, Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in Yosemite National Park provides 85 percent of San Francisco's total water needs. function reloadiframes(){ Omar, Thanks! Locked padlock I do not see Diamond Valley Lake Resevoir on this page. This is wonderful information. Together, the BAWSCA agencies account for two-thirds of water consumption from the system and pay for two-thirds of its upkeep. How do I contact support? function resizeframe(){ The cities, water districts and private utilities represented by the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) rely upon the Hetch Hetchy system for water to protect the health, safety and economic well being of 1.8 million citizens, businesses and community organizations. Official websites use .gov The SFPUC hoards water in dry years when they dont need to, said Peter Drekmeier, policy director at the conservation group Tuolumne River Trust. Lake Mendocino and Lake Berryessa water levels stayed the same. The only improvement I would ask you to consider is to allow the Y-axis to be Linear or Log, the latter allowing us to see all the small reservoirs quite easily. DWR is one of many local, State and Federal entities that dictate water releases. Navigation and Navigable Waters 33.208.82 Hetch Hetchy, Cherry Valley, and Don Pedro Dams and Reservoirs. thanks. Diamond Valley Lake is a man-made storage reservoir for storing imported water only. The half-hour drive to Hetch Hetchy from CA Highway 120 begins outside the park boundaries. Curious why Shasta lake seems to be making big gains in water coming in and Trinity not so much? Therefore flood control agencies take the more conservative route and order the release of water. The judge also noted the provision of the state It used to be full (and beyond). It can take several days to see the full impact on reservoirs as water continues to run through watersheds and into streams in the days after a storm. Exclusive: Stunning photos show Yosemite National Park under 15 feet of Warriors treating Andrew Wiggins with understandable patience, but his California snowpack hits highest level this century for March, could Map shows which parts of California exceeded entire years worth of rain, Map shows stunning improvement in California drought, Last chance to see: Bay Bridge lights turn off on Sunday. Is that from melting snow and rain water coming from the mountains and filling it up? It would be really interesting to visualize whether were able to replenish ground water this year after all the precipitation. I wonder why it doesnt work for you. These graphs will always read low because they represent the percentage of the seasonal average at some point before the end of the season. the issue, including those under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, The dam and reservoir are the source for the Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct, which provides water for over . California reservoir levels: . As it is, at first glance, it looks like shasta is at the top because its 28000 instead of 4552. very nice product overall. CHERRY LK NR HETCH HETCHY CA Important Legacy real-time page Monitoring location 11277200 is associated with a LAKE, RESERVOIR, IMPOUNDMENT in TUOLUMNE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. This website along with another shows that Eastmans level is still rising even though we have not had rain in more than a week. For perspective, water demand across the SFPUC's service area of 2.7 million people was about 205,000 acre-feet last fiscal year. While the rainfall has been bad for many people, I am happy to see Californias reservoirs are benefiting slightly, Amen! I have wanted to do exactly this plot for years. globe.height = globe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight+40+"px"; Absolutely zero reason to be releasing this much water from these reservoirs. Rizzardo said there was a decent amount of flow into the reservoirs into January, even though weather-wise it was bone dry, a result of lower elevation snow at 4,000 to 6,000 feet making its way into the reservoirs. That cant be right. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the The upcountry portion of the System begins with Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in Yosemite National Park. This is my first year watching the levels, so maybe Im missing something. Isabella is filling quite slowly in order to test out the new $500 million spillway. This other page: "Some weather monitoring stations in the Feather River drainage received as much as 12 to 19 inches during the period of the storms," the department said. Winter weather conditions may cause road closures. Awesome work!! Partly because of low water, the rivers chinook salmon runs have plummeted from tens of thousands of fish annually a few decades ago to fewer than 1,000 in recent years. Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. In fact, thanks to a little snowmelt, water levels were up for all reservoirs from December to January. Weve been at zero now for several weeks, and we really want to see that turn around., Kellie Hwang and Yoohyun Jung are San Francisco Chronicle staff writers. Should be fixed at some point. So my question is, How do we know if we are saving the water for later release (late summer) or are we releasing it to the ocean? I live close to Eastman Lake. Wife of missing Bay Area radio host says Jeffrey Vandergrift will not Sen. Dianne Feinstein is hospitalized in San Francisco with shingles, California extends deadline to file 2022 income taxes to match IRS decision, Going to Tahoe this weekend?
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hetch hetchy reservoir level percentage
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