We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions. First-time login? They reject any kind of conventional ideas about what writing should do, and prefer to focus on how the world actually is. Publisher of award-winning magazines Humpty Dumpty (ages 2-6) and Jack and Jill (ages 6-12), U.S. When deciding which piece to submit, ensure your story, no matter how complex and philosophical, can enlighten and amaze young minds. You never pay for a product you and your child don't absolutely love. links 15. By Mail. and has graced the shelves of homes, libraries, and waiting rooms since 1946. Only $3.33 per issue. Please Read Desc. HIGHLIGHTS, HIGH FIVE, HIGH FIVE BILINGE, HIDDEN PICTURES, LET'S GROW, and FUN WITH A PURPOSE are trademarks and copyrights of Highlights for Children, Inc. If you've been previously published, share a few of the highlights. Since these stories require more subject-matter knowledge, writers must also submit a resume and several writing samples. Unfortunately, we cannot accept submissions from children, but only from adults writing for children. The Rumpus specializes in fiction and poetry but will also accept interviews and book reviews from time to time. hearing peoples opinions of your work, eek! Other topics may include those that explore revolution in ecology, climatology, and scientific practices. Oxygen. We'd love to see the creative work you've made! Also, stories should be about the teen experience as well as have teens as the main characters. Any topic, any length (of at least 10 items), as long as there's one or two paragraphs per item and you have reputable sources to back up your claims. All submissions must be created by you. Starting at $4.95. This magazine rarely buys flash fiction of a thousand words or less or short stories over 20,000 words, but anything between that is considered. : For the literary magazines, $.25 per word for stories or articles; $3 per line for poems, or $25 max; $75 flat fee for activities and recipes. Brady is a self-proclaimed efficiency freak with a passion for SEO. 6. , plus what kind of stories editors are especially interested in across accepted genres. Payment: $50 per author for online issues, $5 per printed page (minimum of $20), This magazine claims not to be genre-specific, but in the same breath, Orchardadvertises that they're after anything that is dark, intense, and terrifying. Payment: $0.08 per word for original works and $100 for reprints. be amazed by, however, is fan fiction, or one that possesses cliche elements. Payment: $75 for articles under 850 words, $100 for articles over 850 words that also have accompanying artwork. This would make a GREAT . Highlights is will not accept minors work via Submittable. Clubhouse Jr. Magazine. Writers may submit up to 1 piece of prose and 3 pieces of poetry at a time. The great thing about Slice is that they use the space to publish emerging and established writers side-by-side. Geared towards ages 2 to 6, it provides the perfect chance to incorporate some one-on-one learning time in your little girl or boy's life. Not every magazine is open to random submissions from hopeful authors, so that's why we put together this mega-list. Plus, heres a pro-tip: to strengthen your chance of selection, attach several high-resolution photos with your submission. For those who love American history and those who love to write about it Early American Life is right up your alley. Payment: $0.10 per word for fiction, $50 per poem, and $100 for nonfiction. Plus, keep this in mind: Submissions with the best chance of acceptance will be meaningful on some level to both older and younger readers without being condescending., Whats neat about this magazine is it offers feedback on your story once youve submitted it, even if it hasnt been selected for publishing. Carve Magazine. Surveys. Customer Service. You can mail or email submissions. *Update 4/14/2022: Highlights magazine is currently closed for submissions. The websites are professional, engaging, and user-friendly. For more than 35 years, The Highlights Foundation has positively impacted children by amplifying the voices of storytellers who inform, educate and inspire kids to become their best selves. Not only isHealthy Livinga diverse magazine, but it also accepts articles in a number of different formats: beauty picks and health bites, among others. and work with crafters to create approachable, eye-catching activities for our readers. Submit your work! High Five seeks stories and poems for ages 2-6 that are 170 words or less which focus on social and emotional development. "Highlights" is aimed at the pre-reader, at the child who is just beginning to identify and name familiar . For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Any piece involving werewolves, abuse against women, cannibals, revenge fantasy, and vampires is usually rejected. or Best Offer. Highlights Hello is a magazine for adults to share with infants and toddlers ages 0-2, with a focus on infants 6-18 months. Payment: $10 per page for poetry, $200 for short stories and personal essays. See our privacy policy for details. Writers are in for a treat! Created for kids ages 6 to 13 although the 8-10 range is the specific target Fun For Kidz magazine publishes six issues per year and focuses on the perspective that all children deserve the right to be a child for as long as possible. As the trade magazine for homeschooling, TOS has acquired a valued reputation as the quarterly (125-150 pages) publication homeschoolers can trust. Ploughshares publishes almost exclusively nonfiction pieces, primarily about underappreciated and overlooked writers. Submit your writing if you think you've got something original. To submit a story, images, pitch ideas, illustrations or any other content idea (whether for the print magazine or for digital), write to us at editorial@delhipress.in, with your submission, magazine intended for, rsum and a list of your published works. $12.55 shipping. It promotes the healthy physical, educational, and creative growth of young children through interactive activities and stories. : Between $.15 and $.25 per word; $200 and up for feature-length fiction stories; $150 and up for nonfiction pieces. Cast of Wonders is the leading voice in young adult speculative short fiction, and it wants stories that evoke a sense of wonder, have deep emotional resonance and have something unreal about them.. : $100 for flash stories; $250 for short stories. Each issue has its own theme, so remember to check the website before compiling your submission. U.S. Insurance Awards nominations are back! Give us a call at 1-800-821-0115 between 8AM and 9PM EST, Monday through Friday. The Advocate is a student newspaper for the City University of New York graduate department, and considers articles related to their professional interests. Texts must be developmentally appropriate and relevant to the ages and stages of infants and young toddlers. As you write, keep this in mind: Bumples specializes in illustrated fiction, so the editors select stories and poems where they can animate the characters. Payment: $500 upon publication plus 25 copies of the magazine featuring your work. Highlights contains fiction and nonfiction stories, plus puzzles and other activities loved by children. There is a limit to the madness, however. Highlights for Kids is written and edited for all young people from two to twelve years old, one of the widest age spreads in children's publishing. Payment: $6 for each accepted story; $3 for flash fiction. Your fiction story should have a strong voice and dive deep into themes of meaning and morality that evolve naturally. Puzzlemania, our puzzle book club for children ages 610, is in need of word puzzlescrosswords, word searches, logic puzzles, word scrambles, and codes. Only your trusted circle has witnessed the magical way you weave words together to create fictional and nonfictional worlds for tiny humans yet, everyone tells you more people need to read your childrens and YA stories. Highlights. Please submit each manuscript only once, to the most appropriate magazine (. The Award Winning Highlights Magazine, is full of educational content filled with Hidden Pictures, Goofus and Gallant, science fun, great stories for young readers, hands-on crafts and activities, jokes and riddles. HIGHLIGHTS, HIGH FIVE, HIGH FIVE BILINGE, HIDDEN PICTURES, LET'S GROW, and FUN WITH A PURPOSE are trademarks and copyrights of Highlights for Children, Inc. Please upload only one manuscript or query per submission. Word limit is 22,000 words. 72 Magazines that Accept Freelance Submissions. In its biannual issues, BLJ welcomes three to five pieces of poetry in any style and fiction stories up to 2,000 words. Since 1946, we've reached out to children through 75 years' worth of Highlights magazines, puzzles, books and gifts. As the name indicates, Introvert Dear publishes articles exclusively about introversion and highly sensitive people. Poems have a maximum of 15 pages, whereas fiction and essays are considered if they're between 15 to 25 printed pages. Nothing you can do at the moment. Payment: $100-$300 for fiction and nonfiction, $25-$250 for poetry. It can take up to four months to respond, so please do bear with us. Berkeley is a subsidiary of Random House publishing and publishes most genre fiction, including full-length romance in women's fiction. The Threepenny Review is a very well respected literary magazine that exclusively publishes fiction stories and poetry. Highlights Hello is currently closed to submissions.Manuscripts submitted during this time will be declined without consideration. Your First . Our partnership with First Focus elevates childrens and families voices to lawmakers to ensure they are a priority in federal policy and budget decisions. Fun For Kidz no longer accepts email submissions, so read the. With that out of the way, I am happy to share with you Fashion Magazines that take Submissions. The cover (newsstand) price on each issue of Highlights is $5.99. Wed love to see the creative work youve made! I . Since its launch in 1975, DERMASCOPE Magazine's purpose has been to empower the aesthetics industry with innovative information, unbranded education, and unprecedented platforms of continuing education. If youre a young writer or if you know one award-winning literary quarterly One Teen Story is the perfect place to submit an original story. Lilith Magazine welcomes submissions of high-quality, lively writing: reportage, opinion pieces, memoirs, fiction and poetry on subjects of interest to Jewish women . We also have some printable gift cards online that you can print and personalize for the child. Manuscripts submitted during this time will be declined without consideration. Oxygen is a women's health magazine that features training, workouts, nutrition tips, and other relevant information. It might feel uncomfortable at first or always but its all part of the journey of being a better, stronger writer. The editors work together closely and will share a manuscript if they feel it's better suited to a different magazine. Fiction, poetry, nonfiction it doesn't matter. Your works don't have to be completely original to be published either. Most articles are between 7502,500 words. Payment: $200 per poem (limit of four poems per submission), $1,000 for short fiction, and online exclusive content is between $100-$200. Average article length is from 900 to 1,500 words. Include a cover letter with a brief bio introducing yourself and your background. To be published in this magazine, submit a fiction or nonfiction story up to 650 words with lively writing and includes an activity thats both wholesome and unusual. Check it out, and find a magazine you think would fit your style. Most columns relate to burgeoning trends, travel, and health. Traditional fiction is always welcome at Archive of the Odd, but the weirder the pieces, the better. I used to like to look at the Highlights magazine when I was a child waiting to see the doctor or the dentist. All articles must be between 1,500 and 3,000 words and relevant to home coffee brewers. Besides writing that explores, questions and challenges, editors also favor stories that demonstrate what its trying to do for others and the world. This magazine may be aimed at children between the ages of six and 12, but writers have to be older than 16. Long form fiction is encouraged for Raven Canticle Press; anything up to 80,000 words, with a minimum of 15,000 word novellas. View the submission guidelines for artists to find out how to submit there, too. Interested in writing YA sci-fi or fantasy? Payment: $150 for art, and $0.05 per written word. We use cookies (your browsing data) to provide content that's helpful to you. Random Issues (2012,2017,2020) Please Read Desc. An arts and culture magazine started by Drexel University,The Smart Set looks for non-fiction pieces only (no fiction or poetry). They have both a print and online magazine and run pieces up to 5,000 words of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Files must be less than 10mb. (Although, its optional.). View Submission Guidelines. Read the submission guidelines to learn the kind of stories Clubhouse seeks, like mystery or sci-fi, and what will get you axed from the shortlist. Erica welcomes connections via @TheDavisGirl or LinkedIn. Art samples: mail a postcard to the Highlights offices. This subset of the horror genre pays for short stories, cover art, and poetry (including haikus). Starting at $4.95. Payment: $300-$2,000 for essays and fiction, $100-$250 for poetry. Interviews, book annotations, and creative nonfiction are considered for their magazines that accept freelance submissions as well, up to 6,000 words. To this day, Highlights graces nearly every pediatric and dentist office I have ever visited, so it is no surprise that they have over one billion copies in print. By publishing stories, puzzles, articles, and activities that are fun and engaging, we aim to inspire kids to be their best selves-creative, curious, caring, and confident. Hello seeks stories less than 50 words and poems less than 25 words for ages 0-2. Highlights is a general-interest magazine for children ages 6-12. Slice Magazine focuses on literary works and accepts submissions for poetry, nonfiction, and short fiction, between 500 and 5,000 words. say readers respond well to texts that delight, intrigue, challenge and inspire them. Since The School Magazines target audience is exploring their identities and craves insights into the world around them, youll do well with a story that reflects the multicultural, diverse society the magazines try to exhibit. True to its name,Discover Magazine encourages their readers to learn more about the world around them. Publisher of award-winning magazines. Just make sure you pay attention to the theme for that specific month. Advertising; Contact Us; Testimonials; Submissions. Please ensure your writing is typed in a readable font for comprehension purposes. The horror genre is huge, but The Deadlands fixates purely on works that speculate about death. Seeing your name in print is a special feeling. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Its four literary magazines for children up to 9 (Babybug, Ladybug, Spider and Cricket) welcome stories in the genres of illustrated poetry, fiction and literary nonfiction. Poems must have fewer than 75 words, and art must be on unlined paper. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Ask the first available agent to terminate your subscription. Have you ever acted like Goofus or behaved like Gallant? Unfortunately, your current internet browser does not support our website. Secure online ordering. In return, kids have sent us more than 2 million letters, poems, drawings and more and we've personally responded to each one. Box 6395. Youve written and revised your childrens and YA stories more than you can count. By publishing stories, puzzles, articles, and activities that are fun and engaging, we aim to inspire kids to be their best selvescreative, curious, caring, and confident. to learn the kind of stories Clubhouse seeks, like mystery or. We accept material at any time of the year, including seasonal material. Any kind of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry are considered, except for genre fiction. All genres of literature are considered. Pay: $100 to $400. After you craft a childrens short story thats ready to be judged, here are 15 childrens magazines that want to read your compelling submission. Payment: $100 per story, and $25 per poem. More technically-based articles specifically those that have to do with human resources, employment, or labor are welcome at iWorkWell. When you buy something through one of the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. The magazine accepts no outside advertising and has no religious or organizational affiliation. Like other magazines on this list, the Bennington Review allows for fiction, nonfiction and poetry. AGNI specifically looks for writing that pushes the boundaries of accepted norms, while writing in a style that is all your own. 1 Short . Can I send a gift subscription to a child in another country? If you submit a nonfiction article, keep in mind it must have a Christian angle, though not an overbearing one. Instead, editors want a good story that entertains and connects with emotions.. With puzzles, hidden pictures, short stories, fun activities, games, and more, this colorful magazine will help inspire your preschooler's curiosity . Want to write broadly about health and fitness for kids up to 12 across the U.S.? Thank you again for your interest in Highlights and in our Hidden Picturespuzzles. Flash fiction is also accepted. Highlights Hello is a magazine for adults to share with infants and toddlers ages 0-2, with a focus on infants 6-18 months. Navigated. Bitch Magazine skews a bit younger (though it's for gen-exers and boomers as well! Cricket Media publishes 11 award-winning magazines for children from 6 months to teens, so they have submission options for all kinds of writers of any experience level. For more tips and information of interest to writers, visit www.HighlightsFoundation.org. Clickhereto learn more. Payment: $.02 per word, or $20 per work, whichever is more. Humpty Dumpty, on the other hand, wants fiction shorts of 450 words or less, crafts of up to 250 words, poetry up to 12 lines, plus short mini-stories of 70-125 words. Highlights Magazines Lot of 5! Note for Young Creators: Writers and artists younger than 16 are invited to share their creative work here only. Cricket Media publishes 11 award-winning magazines for children from 6 months to teens, so they have submission options for all kinds of writers of any experience level. Want to write broadly about health and fitness for kids up to 12 across the U.S.? Young writers and artists may send their work to: Highlights, 803 Church Street, Honesdale, PA 18431. Instead of just a generalized article on the years between 1800 to 1912, writers are encouraged to write on a specific person or event. Write a story that targets readers who are 10-18, whether its poetry (three to 100 lines), a short story or creative non-fiction (up to 12,000 words), or flash fiction (no more than 1,500 words). Payment: $15 for a single page, $20 for two pages, with a 50% wealthy split. Stories should be no more than 6,000 words in length and aimed at teens from 12-17. February 2023 Highlights Magazine Survey. The Georgia Review is associated with the University of Georgia, and regularly wins awards over more popular magazines such as the Atlantic, the New Yorker, and Vanity Fair. Creative contributions from submitters younger than 16 should be mailed to Highlights, 803 Church Street, Honesdale, PA 18431. Angling to publish works that are at the intersection of faith and culture, the Belmont Story Review publishes fiction and nonfiction, including poetry. You don't have to be a professional writer to get published in Boulevard magazine. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and criticism are the types of work that 3AM Magazine is interested in receiving. Graduate students of Vermont College of Fine Arts Writing and Publishing program created this magazine, which strives to amplify traditionally silenced voices and increase representation in literature. Across all its magazines, Cricket Media aims to publish the finest quality writing and illustration for children of all ages. Its readers are curious about the world around them and enjoy the artistic expression of these magazines crafty stories. But while its daunting to submit a story to a publication hearing peoples opinions of your work, eek! submissions. We do not accept work through Submittable (or through e-mail) from writers younger than 16. Highlights brand of wholesome fun is built on the philosophy that children become their best selves when they use their creativity and imagination; develop their reading, thinking and reasoning skills; and learn to treat others with respect, kindness and sensitivity. 7-day free trial. . Payment: $500 upon publication plus 25 copies of the magazine featuring your work. Payment: Between $.15 and $.25 per word; $200 and up for feature-length fiction stories; $150 and up for nonfiction pieces. The family-run magazine began in Honesdale, PA and now has offices in Ohio. The Association for Encouragement of Children's Creativity publishes Magic Dragon four times a year. A subscription to the print version of Highlights magazine also includes digital access. Use DoNotPay to avoid waiting in a queue. Payment: $25 and up for Jack and Jill magazine fiction and nonfiction stories; $25 and up for Humpty Dumpty poems, $30 and up for fiction stories, and $40 and up for crafts. and paste it in the body of the email or a Word or Google Doc. To cancel a magazine subscription, give us a call at 1-800-255-9517 (choose option 1) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. (ET), or email us atCustomerService@Highlights.com. region: "na1", Get 50% off Let's Grow Club plus free shipping. Payment: $50 for prose and $25 for poetry. Filled with stories, poems, science, crafts, puzzles, jokes, letters, and more. 2022 Highlights for Children, Inc. All rights reserved. Your child will love getting mail, and you'll appreciate how the magazine reinforces Christian values & beliefs you hold dear. View Your Above all, Hunger Mountain seeks work that is self-aware and avoids the risk of harm. Payment: $.08 per word for original fiction of any length and a $20 flat rate for flash fiction. Highlights Magazine offers 6-12 year-olds entertaining content while helping them develop reading, critical thinking, and social skills. Journal (BLJ) wants to publish quality, unconventional stories for children ages 12 and up from writers of any age. Creative contributions from submitters younger than 16 should be mailed to Highlights, 803 Church Street, Honesdale, PA 18431. There's a 30-page maximum for short stories, 15 pages for screenplays, and 10 pages for poetry. Theyll understand that every person has value and is deserving of respect and dignity. On the 21st of each month, Silver Pen Publishing publishes a new series with childrens and YA stories from these genres: fiction, modern, urban or classical fantasy, sci-fi, slipstream, literary, action-adventure and suspense. The controversy began in October, when Kristina Wertz, an LGBT activist in a same-sex relationship, posted about the lack of same-sex couples in Hello, a magazine published by Highlights aimed at . Please query us with a well-structured article proposal that includes a catchy lead, a summary of the article (including approximate length and sidebar ideas), and appropriate details. I didn't, my wife didn't nor did my children order this magazine. Our Customer Care team can help you make any adjustments to your account! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Niche Pursuits is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Create. Our readers share an alert curiosity about the world around them and a delight in artistic expression. Edition) 2023-02-01. The 50% off price was $34.44 ($2.87 per issues) plus any applicable sales tax. Payment: $25 per printed page of prose, and $2.50 per line for poetry. Payment: Payment is $25 and up for poetry, $30 and up for short stories and $40 and up for craft articles. When children believe in themselves, theyre inspired to try and try again, no matter what the outcome. Thank you to everyone who has contributed Hidden Pictures puzzles toHighlights through Submittable. You should also expect to hear back fromHealthy Livingeditors within a week or so, making them one of the more prompt magazines on this list. For [] As an editorial assistant at Highlights, I primarily interact with magazine content. Accepting of submissions year-round, Balloons Lit. To learn more specifics about story length, desired (and undesired) story elements and more for each magazine, start with the. Find details about mailing in your transcript in the. This is great news for those who have lengthy works and are searching for magazines that accept freelance submissions. Kids Magazines seeks high-quality stories, articles and activities that demonstrate a healthy lifestyle. Since 1946, weve reached out to children through 75 years worth of Highlights magazines, puzzles, books and gifts. The family-run magazine began in Honesdale, PA and now has offices in Ohio. To really get the vote of editors, write a story that is strong enough to stand alone, rather than an excerpt from a work-in-progress, for instance. If you want to submit a story to this interactive online magazine, focus on mystery and adventure stories, as well as fantasy, holiday, sports and animal stories. Think of them as the "elevator pitch" of your article. However, If you also have fantastic art and/or photographic work submit that, too, for extra brownie points. Save ID. Some nonfiction, such as memoirs and interviews, are accepted, but either way, you'll have to submit by early January to avoid submission fees. According to their website, they strive to be a platform for marginalized voices and writing that might not find a home elsewhere. If that describes you, submit your work during their open reading periods. Please do not include personal information, such as your last name, street, town, or school. Generally speaking, Escape Pod is interested in genres like science, technology, and alternate history. If purchased individually, the price for twelve . Flash fiction, short stories, and poetry are the main pieces published in Split Lip magazine, provided they have a pop-culture twist. The most-read children's magazine in the United States, Highlights magazine lets children explores new topics, investigate fascinating subjects and find out about the world. With over a million readers, Eating Well is all about the good life. Please note: We do not accept work through Submittable (or through e-mail) from writers younger than 16. Midnight & Indigo strives to be a voice for black women writers. Payment: $1,000 for fiction or nonfiction in print, $250 for poem, and any online works are $250. RankIQ Review: Is This AI SEO Toolset Worth Your Time and Money? 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