Fengtian no longer starts the game with a Japanese guarantee of independence. Fixed a Sichuanese famine event firing after it has already been solved. Tweaked the ship types that some major naval powers should invest in. Updated and expanded the options of countries formed when Germany is annexed. All Chinese national governments can now get claims on Mongolia and Tibet. Fixed Australasia not being released by Canada after they put down the syndicalist revolution. When the USSR forms its faction, it now leaves the Phalanstre. Tweaked Bulgarias behaviour in attacking Serbia, after losing to them previously, before the Weltkrieg. Lowered the manpower reduction of the Mittelafrikan Schutztruppe focus from 70K to a more reasonable 2K. Germany now places troops on the border of members of the Internationale to their west, even if they're not yet at war. "Any Romania that won't join attack against Austria is a dumb Romania that deserves all the bad" - the Romania dev. Changed Paraguay-related focuses for NatPop Argentina to ease occupying (resistance/compliance buffs). It only needs Canada to have intervened in the ACW, it doesnt require that Canada own land to first return. Improved the translations for the names of several Qing advisors. Starting National Guard units in the American Civil War are named after the state that they spawn in. Fixed tags not getting the correct custom autonomy level when released after annexation. Fixed SocLib Lithuania forgetting to hold elections. Added Head of State trait assignment for Siam. Fixed another case of Jabal Shammar being wrongly re-puppeted to the Ottomans. Added events for Canada and the United States to co-operate on shipbuilding, potentially in exchange for helping them to recover after the Civil War, involving decisions to lease the Brooklyn Yard and create a joint Naval Research group. Fixed a misfiring Sichuan-Fengtian grain event. Fixed Lianguang getting the wrong military national spirit when forming National Protection Alliance China. Player Ottomans now get Western Thrace even if not occupied. The Legation Cities have had their political power gain lowered. Fixed the Danish world news event not firing. Fixed a couple of loc bugs, Fixed INC not getting all of Indochina if they win against GEA, Fixed a bugged activation for the Wallonian release decision, Fixed a couple of broken scopes in QIE's events, Fixed the Sicilian ship decisions not appearing for Manchu QIE, Fixed Fengtian joining Japan's faction after breaking with them, Fixed the Qing ally integration decisions being visible after annexation of the respective tags, Fixed Siam stealing Lanzhou from the Ma Clique, Fixed the LEP being unable to reduce unrest if Zheyuan took control of Shandong, Fixed the multiple options of the Fall of Hong Kong event, Fixed CHI not getting cores on Guangxi when tag-switching from GXC, Fixed bugged terrains in the Dead Sea and Lake Okeechobee. Fixed post-Lucknow India keeping the British viceroys. Poland's national focuses now uncomplete themselves, depending on the regime change that occurs if it is puppeted. Non-socialist and socialist Australasia can now only perform trade missions with non-socialists and socialists respectively. AI republican Poland will now wait for the WK to join a faction. Added a unique icon to the annexation decisions of African minors. Fixed Mittelafrika's starting tank divisions having an empty chassis. Commune of France and Union of Britain now start on partial mobilization. Fixed the West Indies Federation SocLib mechanic firing late into the game, after the second election. Fixed the event firing which describes the Syrian insurrection being crushed, when Syria still exists. Reduced compliance requirements for Peru-Bolivian Confederation cores via conquest. Fixed dozens of spellings, grammatical errors and other text inconsistencies. Fixed Romania getting stuck at war with Albania. Fixed some hidden effects from Australasian events showing up inadvertently. Warring tags present at the unification conference may be asked to end their wars by Zhang Zuolin. Dalmatia can now be granted to an ally Hungary that already owns Lika. Loosened the requirements for the Treaty of Novosibirsk. Implemented several vanilla icons for tanks and ships. Fixed Polands monarchy focus tree being available to non-monarchist puppets. Fixed a few minor bugs with Sardinian elections. Fixed the Italian Republics decision to rally supporters insta-cancelling. Fixed PatAut Sardinia not being able to complete the Enshire Church Collaboration national focus. Fixed Swedens AI going turning into a Protectionist Economy too often while SocCon, when there is a chance that they may be able to form Scandinavia. Slightly increased the chance of Patagonia agreeing to unite, if Argentina is SocLib or MarLib. Von Schleicher now actually forms a Kamarilla in Germany, and replaces an existing party. AI National France now waits for Canada to declare war first, or until 1940. Federalist China will now have Wang Jingwei as the head of the Kuomintang upon unification, rather than Song Qingling. Russia now puts a few more divisions on the Finnish border. Fixed the desert terrain in the Caribbean islands. Fixed the unitstacks around Lake Titicaca. In the American Union State, Pelley can no longer get the generals of the other participants of the civil war, even if pardoned - they'll refuse to serve him. Fixed several countries joining factions without the permission of the faction leader. Fixed Metaxas in Greece having a syndicalist popularity increased, instead of PatAut. Fixed Yugoslavia's revolts firing while the country is occupied. Fixed Zhukov staying behind in Patagonia. Expanded possible targets of Cuban national focus Regional Diplomacy. Tweaked the Ottoman AI so it does better in the war against Cairo Pact & Iran. Reforming Mittelafrika now moves the capital back to Dar-es-Salaam. Fixed the Spanish Civil War not firing if the CNT-FAI won an invalidated election. Increased the accessibility of the German Womens Suffrage national focus. Independent Chinese splinters can declare rival governments if they are as strong as all other government claimants or control Beijing. Japan can now be released as a republic by anyone (the AI will only do it if socialist, American, or republican Chinese). It can still create a faction with the Bharatiya Commune, or join one if it already exists. Temporarily disabled the Government in Exile mechanic due to a peace conference bug which is only fixable on Paradoxs end. Fixed a broken peace deal for the Italian Republics war with Austria. Nerfed many ROM national spirits a bit, tweaked the post-war trees. Added a unique trait to Right Kuomintang officers. Fixed German East Asia gaining cores on states given by Fate of X missions, instead of claims. Ensured decisions to add Austria into the Reichspakt dont double up, therefore resulting in Austria taking the entire Reichspakt into their former faction once Germany capitulates. If Bulgaria accepts the Balkan War loss event, its conscription and economy laws are immediately moved to minimum. Added an additional national spirit reward to Qings Encourage Baoding-Zhili Cooperation national focus. Tweaked an Ottomans tooltip so the effects are clearer. Assigned Ulsters new ministers for use in its revolt. Tweaked the likelihood of a restored United Kingdom claiming or demanding Northern Ireland, depending on their government. Fixed Romanians focuses being blocked in Bulgarias Balkan Union path. Siam no longer gets its fifth research slot as quickly. All sections of Russias Trans Siberian Railway are now level 2. Carol II can now actually have a vacation in Rio de Janeiro and Lisbon. Improved the USA AI in using their war decisions. Removed several national spirits from Mittelafrika, and replaced them with other bonuses. Romania will now do their path to war national focuses sooner. Countries will no longer release a puppet Don Kuban Union unless they have no other choice. Added missing Ukrainian endonyms in Crimea and Kuban. Adaptation of Waking the Tiger planes for KR. The Serbian Radicals are now more likely to pick "The State of National Consolidation". Muselier is now in National France and Auphan now in the Commune of France as a retribution, Germany and Austria will now split up the Sudetenland if they are both carving up Bohemia in a peace conference, The option for Argentina to take Rio Grande do Sul in the Brazil annexation event has been removed, since they can neither claim nor core it, The American Union State can now ask to join the Entente, The Qings Manchu divisions now unlock after the completion of the League Intervention event chain, A Paternal Autocrat puppet Finland no longer keeps the German monarchy, Reworked the annexation events for France and its splinters, The improved marines techs for France and the USA now give their bonus to amphibious vehicles as well, Added annexation missions for Vilnius and Brest-Litovsk, The Netherlands will now evacuate Indonesia if in the Reichspakt and the latter is defeated by Japan, The capitulation events for UoB, CoF, and Italian states now work even if someone doesn't have the MtG DLC, Japan's "Support Allies" focus now actually opens up decisions for it, Andr Marty is no longer an admiral for both the Commune and the CNT, A non-authoritarian Canada can now support the AUS if the game rule has been set for them to do so, Took out all the code which would allow the AI to manually lower their conscription laws outside of the system to do so automatically once their wars are over, Kaiserreich Economic Policy event for Germany no longer adds factories to non-allied states, It's no longer possible for the Treaty of Irkutsk and the Treaty of Novosibirsk to fire at the same time for Transamur, If Canada intervenes in the ACW after the Deal with the Devil has already been struck, it is now included in the event to re-enter the war when the deal is later broken, Poland will no longer receive Regency Council events after the latter is ousted, The Armament Department will now correctly flee from Sichuan upon Liu Xiangs takeover, South Africas and Zimbabwes missions to defend their territory now auto-cancel if the war ends before their timeout, Poland no longer gets cores on Bucovina if granted the territory by a third power, Fixed a couple of Legation Cities events firing for the wrong targets, Military Occupation Austria will no longer release Croatia or Bosnia, Puppet Flanders can no longer change government via elections, Fixed a number of CSA planes spawning in the wrong state, South Africa will not receive events about Smuts government if the latter is removed, Russian puppets can now join the Academy of Sciences correctly, The Patagonian game rules no longer have inverted outcomes for Moderate and Radical Anarchists, The RSR now gets cores on Transamur upon coring Russia, If GEA loses the Indochinese war, Vietnam will be properly removed from the Reichspakt, Japan will keep its cores on Sakhalin and the Kurils even after the Fading Sun, Serbia will now attack Austria if Italy or Poland are already at war with them, Finnmark will be retained by Finland when Norway is released, Paraguay can no longer pull in the Internationale against Argentina, Fixed several Paraguayan foci giving factories in non-controlled states, Argentina can no longer take control of the railways twice, Kumul and East Turkestan now get cores on Aksai Chin, A released Chinese puppet now gets claims on all of China, Fixed tags randomly getting other nations division templates, Fixed all cases of Indian fortification foci placing forts in enemy states, The Swiss-French peace deal now returns Romandy and Upper Savoy if the latter were seized, Russia and Finland will no longer go to war every two months, Fixed Japan granting Chinese lands to unfriendly regimes, Russia: Karl Radek, Maksim Purkayev, Neon Antonov, Boris Annenkov, Fyodor Abramov, Konstantin Mamontov, Anatoliy Pepelyaev, Anton Turkul, Nudged the Turku port to the correct position, Arab endonyms are now applied to states if the Ottomans lose them. Fixed Greece permanently not being able to join the Reichspakt if they seize Germanys industries, instead of temporarily. World map of Kaiserredux ( Full Version) ( State Map ) NOTE: This page is for content that is new, reworked or expanded in Kaiserredux. Fixed Italian countries giving Kotor to themselves. Added a Fourth of July event to the American countries. Added a description to Patagonias decision to form Andesia. Fixed the event where the successor the United States can choose to keep their old colour. Slight tweaks to Cyrenaica, who now tells other countries when they are being assisted by them. Germany may now choose to intervene in the regular Italy/Austria peace event in the same manner it intervenes in the Belgrade Pact/Austria peace event, no longer making a solo war the superior choice for Italy. Allowed for the Halifax Conference to take place outside of Canada, if Canada has fallen, The UK will now get the same Irish IRA issues as Union of Britain, if it annexes all of Ireland, USA passing the tariff act or reaching a compromise with Canada will now affect AI Canadas chances of supporting the USA in the ACW, Canadas monarchy decisions are no longer allowed if it is a puppet or otherwise not in the Entente, Fixed a bug with Yunnans improved Kunming Arsenal not showing its icon on researched equipment, Added a missing localization entry for an army national idea of Yunnan, Fixed a bunch of decisions for various countries that were not being taken by the AI, even though they otherwise worked, Venice and Lombardy now inherit the Austrian influence idea if it is still held by Italy when it peacefully dissolves after the failed ANI coup. Updated the version of Ai, Ai, Kerenski! All USA/CSA/PSA/AUS/NEE presidents now have leader traits, Ma Clique setting up Ma Biao and keeping him is now cheaper. Fixed MarLib Germany being locked out of its focus tree. Li Zongrens Lianguang can now only proclaim the Republic of China after completing the Political Tutelage national focus. Japans non-Asian puppets can now join the Japanese economic bloc. Increased Germanys stability loss caused by Black Monday. The French Republic is now put on the Legation Council if it owns Paris. Qings national focus Improve the Jinghan Railroad now actually improves the railroad. Fixed PSA not being able to reunite with New England if both joined the Entente. Patagonia now receives more Argentinian characters via events and national focuses. Added a way for Austria to bribe Bulgaria with Macedonia for an alliance if DAB exists after annexing Serbia. Bulgarian peace deal with the Ottomans now also gives cores/claims to any Bulgarian subjects. Sdwestafrika receiving support from Germany against Ovamboland will now delay South Africas intervention. Changed the effect of the Back to the Basics national focus for Shandong, to now improve the stats for all generals, instead of granting NatPop popularity. Fixed Burma's annexation puppeting an already-existing Shan or Kachin. Fixed the missing text in the events about socialist generals returning from Patagonia. Fixed the location of the Socialist Republic of Italys spawned supporters. Transamur will now not join Japans economic sphere if they have a foreign policy game rule set. Fixed the Netherlands wrong news event firing when Juliana becomes a monarch. Fixed the Redressement path for Philippe Ptain keeping his Lion of Verdun trait. Fixed the Chinese Federalist ultimatums ending the Lianguang / Sichuan ally wars. Tweaked the names of the Greek political parties. Fixed Romania's tree not checking for the correct government.
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