In this scenario were assuming that all the decks are built in their most popular ways, so by EDHRECs standards that would be: generic reanimator, tribal +1/+1 counters, and tribal vampires. Use Lion's Eye Diamond and PGrasp to find an opponents win con and cast using mana from Lion's Eye Diamond, This line is typically used when too many things have been exiled from a consult as tutor Table View. Serving time in prison at any point in the sentence, whether from the courts initial judgment or due to a probation violation, generally strips the offenses eligibility for an expungement. Necropotence exile triggers go on the stack Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. County Welfare Departments cannot retaliate against any person for filing a civil rights complaint or for taking part in an action that they are legally allowed to, like requesting a state hearing. - You breach out or in hand: Lion's Eye Diamond + Brain Freeze + Flusterstorm now gets you into a winnable game state In fact, the Census Bureau has used characteristic imputation since the 1960 Census to ensure that each person and housing unit have demographic and housing data for each item on the census questionnaire. We convert race and Hispanic origin checkbox responses into standard output codes (e.g., the Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano checkbox is converted to a numeric code). An example of gender identity discrimination is when a county welfare department continually mischaracterizes a persons preferred gender expression after telling the county their gender identity. 33.60% of 1884 decks 633 decks. 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. You may file an appeal either by mail, email, or over the phone. Although we strive to obtain all demographic and housing data from every individual in the census, missing data are part of every census process. Why do we care? The benefits of expunging a conviction, even a misdemeanor, are significant. Simian Spirit Guide: Smoothing out t1 and t2 is such an important this as we need to be able to pivot. Below are specific examples of how we assign each of the key demographic and housing characteristics collected in the 2020 Census: We turn to allocation when we cant determine missing responses from other information provided for that same person living in a household or group quarters. Winning off the cards with notion thief or the fewer cards + mana is almost promised that turn if not next turn. In 99% percent of cases exiling 21 more cards won't matter. Let's start from the analysis of the card itself: Kess, Dissident Mage is played at cost 4 (1URB) as a Flying; by itself it's not bad, but it also has the following effect: "During each of your turns, you can cast an instant or sorcery card from your graveyard. In 2020, we used 2010 Census responses to fill in missing values for sex, age, Hispanic origin and race. Competitive Customer Service Unit for further information at: If discrimination and/or retaliation is discovered during an investigation, the County Welfare Department is required to create a corrective action plan to resolve the problem that was discovered and to create a plan or policy so the same issue does not happen again. Below are examples of discrimination at County Welfare Departments. Our office reviews County Welfare Departments investigation reports for compliance with civil rights laws and regulations. Finally Ive excluded the face-down tutors (and basically all tutors other than Gamble which is too good in this deck to not run, and functions more like the looting spells above than a tutor anyways.) serving a sentence for a different crime. sodomy involving a child (Penal Code 286(c) PC), oral copulation with a child (Penal Code 287(c) PC), lewd acts with a child (Penal Code 288 PC). You must find your own representation or counsel. Brain Freeze in hand or graveyard U.S. Department of Health and Human Services If the prosecutor does not object to the expungement, he or she cannot challenge it, later on. Other people's decks that are interesting. Why not just play a combo deck? Copied to clipboard. It all depends on your meta of course, but . Reanimate: Mostly when docksides or thoracles end up in GYs. In response to the ETB maintain priority and cast Demonic Consultation. This entry was filed under: You can cast a spell from your graveyard during your opponent's turn, making counterspells much stronger in Kess than they would otherwise be. If yes where does my Brazen Borrower go? You may also fax your complaint to (916) 653-9332 or email it to You cannot take from those who have nothing." P/T: 3 / 4. Under California law, disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment that limits a major life activity. Using mana or Lion's Eye Diamond, escape the tutor getting Brain Freeze, you are now in the main breach line, Cast Underworld Breach Imagine youre in a game with some of the other most popular commanders: Meren, of Clan Nel Toth, Atraxa, Praetors Voice, and Edgar Markov (who is apparently too badass for an epitaph.) Requires: Both cards in hand. Q&A for work. For example, we use information from a parent if they report their race but do not provide it for their child. This means the employee was not involved in the alleged discrimination, does not supervise an employee that was involved with the alleged discrimination, or does not have a conflict of interest in carrying out their regular duties or responsibilities within the county. Embrace the chaos and let the cards break in your favor. If your complaint requires an investigation, county civil rights program staff will investigate your complaint within 60 days of when the complaint was received. The CDSS Civil Rights Unit (CRU) oversees compliance with civil rights laws and regulations of CDSS funded programs and entities that are administered by California county welfare departments. Washington, DC 20250-9410 I really have enjoyed this card but UU is expensive and decks just don't have a ton of echantments to steal. This site 2023, LLC Rite of Ruination is one that Im particularly excited to try out. There is also a filing fee to pay. A census taker collected the information from a proxy, such as a neighbor, landlord or building manager, after multiple failed attempts to reach a household member. That thing didnt always have relevance to the boardstate, but even then it was always entertaining. email: Cast recusion effect (Underworld Breach, Kess, Dissident Mage, Yawgmoth's Will) Praetor's Grasp: It allows us to get either another person's breach/thoracle/protection, really any part of our combo. The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is committed to ensuring applicants and recipients in its programs or entities are treated fairly and equally. Kessler's Kess, Dissident Mage deck as discussed on Episode 176 of The Command Zone podcast. Underworld Breach, Lion's Eye Diamond and Necropotence in play. - Food Chain deck has done infinite Food Chain stuff, but no outlet yet: Brain Freeze + 2 things you want to Entomb Kessler's Kess, Dissident Mage deck as discussed on Episode 176 of The Command Zone podcast. - You have GY recursion: you can now use it to attempt to win the game with no more set up. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? Investigators are neutral, meaning they were not involved in the alleged discrimination, do not supervise an employee that was involved with the alleged discrimination, or do not have a conflict of interest in carrying out their regular duties or responsibilities within the county. (Well talk more about the coding process in an upcoming blog.). How does Ixalan's Binding work against God Eternals? Feeds | Having cards go to your graveyard is actually not a drawback with this deck, so theres really no downside to running these over their more popular counterparts. This can make it much easier to get a job and earn a living after serving a prison sentence. It must simply be the CMC of the spell, which is admittedly high. Here are 3 hands, my thought process, and mulls, This deck is more aggressive (or I at least play very aggressively) and may exile lots of things with. The CDSS Civil Rights Unit does not represent anyone in the discrimination complaint process. Grinding Station: This list is a little more breach focused than Red's midrange, and Famjii's turbo. Not making three of a t2 dockside is almost impossible. Discord Server | Complete Comment Tutorial! Please contact your County Civil Rights Coordinator for updates on an existing complaint. To report suspected IHSS fraud, you may contact the IHSS Fraud Hotline at 1-800-822-6222. as a first class citizen with the ability to still main phase an Ad Nauseam. Using Intuition after Breach to assemble a protected win: Depending on which parts of the combo you have you can use Intuition to find the rest and protection to finish out the game safely. Authorized representatives and/or representative third-parties that an applicant/recipient chooses to complain on their behalf. Is there a solutiuon to add special characters from software and how to do it, How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates. Discrimination can occur when the person being discriminated against and the person who is discriminating are in the same class or group (same race, color, gender, sexual orientation, etc.). - card:Deflecting swat can change the target of target spell. Kess, Dissident Mage is not normally the kind of commander I like to write about as she doesnt facilitate a specific strategy and instead supports generic goodstuff style control decks. Cards such as Paradoxical Outcome and Rebuild enable the deck to generate an obscene storm count just through the use of rocks. The CDSS Civil Rights Unit is also unable to appoint a representative for you. This is a card that is only in 31% of lists on EDHREC and seems to be generally eclipsed by Vandalblast (43% of lists), but it does so much more than 'blast. When I have my Brazen Borrower in Graveyard and Kess on the battlefield, can I cast Brazen Borrower for its alternate cost? The first card I'd like to chat about is Rakdos Charm. This site is unaffiliated. The investigation report must address all issues raised in the complaint and determine whether discrimination occurred. DUI arrests don't always lead to convictions in court. Someone casts an Angel's Grace. Most replacement effects use the word instead to indicate what events will be replaced with other events. If you need help or assistance to file a complaint you may contact us: Civil Rights Unit. This isn't massively important but can be if you need to win through an angel's grace and have a lot of cards exiled from a necro or forbidden tutor. PGrasp can often be used to grab breach from an opponent and start this chain. When recast in the same turn with [ [Kess, Dissident Mage]] spells like [ [Flame Slash]] and [ [Lightning Bolt]] can answer practically anything including [ [Sun Titan]] and [ [Grave Titan]] Frost Titan can lock down any imminent threat. Cast Wheel of Fortune or Windfall This will fill your GY with cards and give you treasures to recast the Wheel of Fortune or Windfall This is a budget EDH deck tech for Kess, Dissident Mage. Assigning codes to words and phrases in each response helps capture what the response is about, which allows researchers to analyze and summarize the results. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. So California is shrunk to about 20% its original size to make its physical size 4.4x the size of NJ. For kess ability are you able to cast more than one spell during your turn or is it just one instant or sorcery ? If it has an alternative cost, you may cast it for that cost instead. We oversee all discrimination and retaliation complaints regarding CDSS funded public assistance and social service programs administered through county welfare departments. Scrap Trawlers is a Magic: The Gathering budget EDH streaming and video group. The imputation methods follow after all attempts to obtain a response have been exhausted. Once during each of your turns, you may cast an instant or sorcery spell from your graveyard. Terms of Use | This deck is a Underworld Breach, Demonic Consultation and storm centric build. Plus, we used information from the American Community Survey, Social Security Administration (such as records from Social Security card applications), other federal administrative records, and commercial housing tax and deed information to assign missing characteristics. It is important to know, however, that this might make it difficult or impossible to investigate your complaint. The investigator will review any evidence you have, including documents, pictures, audio and/or video recordings, the names of witnesses you identify, etc. This week in Sam vs. We use allocation to determine responses for: Theres one other allocation method we can use for individuals missing Hispanic origin or race before looking at data from nearby neighbors. The court will just hold a special hearing to decide whether the interests of justice mean that the court should overlook the probation violation. Intuition: I saved this card for last because how high the ceiling can be for this card. Elk Grove, CA 95758 This data is critical for government programs, policies, and decision-making. If you have a question about which protected class or basis applies or are unsure if you are covered, please contact us: CDSS Civil Rights Unit. The Civil Rights Unit does not investigate complaints, but they can help identify someone in the county who can investigate. Let's discuss some examples: Of the other wraths I have in the list, two have a hidden feature though: Decree of Pain and Starstorm both have cycling, which means that when I dont need them they can actually act like a modal spell whos other mode is simply draw a card. Forcing you to play strange lines where you hope to bait opponents into casting spells on your turn to get Kess value out of your couterspells, when instead you could just be playing more removal which would be easily repeatable when needed. If the prosecutor does not object to the expungement, he or she cannot challenge it, later on.6. Underworld Breach + Lotus Petal A member of the discord asked me if this was possible to mill everyone with Lotus Petal, doing so optimally from a cold start assuming everyone has 90 cards requires 66 cards to be exiled for the escape cost as seen in this table. However, there are some things that expunging a record will not do. Many people who contact our office have common complaints or issues. This is a subreddit dedicated to playing the Commander format of Magic: The Gathering at the highest power level possible. Common covered programs include CalFresh, CalWORKs, IHSS, and CPS. Center for Civil Rights Enforcement #266 #267 Feeds | Most people responded online, by phone or by mail and provided their demographic and housing characteristics. You may also apply online on the, If you have questions about Medi-Cal or health care benefits, you may visit the, For discrimination complaints related to housing, employment, or business establishments, you may contact the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) at 800-884-1684 (voice), 800-700-2320 (TTY). It is important to note that edits and characteristic imputation occur after total population counts are finalized these processes do not affect the number of people counted in the 2020 Census. Red Elemental Blast: This is a little weird, normally people see Pyroblast and think it's better. Since Kess allows you to. 1400 Independence Avenue, SW It's nice to get them + it gives us a full Intuition pile as brownie points. California criminal law allows some felonies to be expunged, as well. This means they were not involved in the alleged discrimination, do not supervise an employee that was involved with the alleged discrimination, or do not have a conflict of interest in carrying out their regular duties or responsibilities within the county. Official websites use .gov If the judge agrees with you, the conviction will be set aside and the charges dismissed. DMCA requests | That is usually worth the risk An official website of the United States government. To sign up for updates please enter your email address. If they give themself hexproof via a veil the spell fizzles. They are anti-synergistic with Kess to the point that they detract from the rest of the cards in your hand. 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. (866) 632-9992 (toll free) ), you may consider visiting, To learn about other social services programs and services offered by CDSS, please visit the, If you have questions about your rights or what you should do if you think your rights have been violated, you may contact your. We detect and correct out-of-range age values (e.g., date of birth and reported age are inconsistent). This is incredibly efficient. Generally, the filing fee is the least expensive for expunging infractions, and the most expensive for expunging felonies. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. The CDSS Civil Rights Unit must approve the investigation report before the case can be closed by the county welfare department. For as long as that card remains exiled, that player may cast it. Escape Brain Freeze For people living in households, we fill it in using information from other household members. If you cast one and then she leaves and returns to the battlefield you may cast another as she is now a new permanent with no memory of the last one. That meta call is that people want to resolve a Rhystic Study or a Mystic Remora. The fact it hits most relevant spells in the meta, and is a tutor for most of our value pieces, and is uncounterable as a tutor, that doesn't feed remora or study, is so good. Underworld Breach is not a A + B + C combo. The CDSS civil rights unit does not investigate discrimination complaints. You can win with just a Lotus Petal but it is considerably more inefficent than Lion's Eye Diamond. Coupled with this is a quite detailed explanation on how to use Intuition effectively to have. {3}{r}{r}{r} available. What you can do now is bounce everyone's meaningful perms, mill their libraries and cast Wheel of Fortune / Windfall. The answer lies in the question itself: modal spells have plenty of power. This can include training staff or creating new policies to better serve applicants and recipients of social services benefits. You have different options if you disagree a County Welfare Departments decision about your civil rights complaint. I have a question about Kess, Dissident Mage and interaction with adventures cards like Brazen Borrower. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? How to File a Discrimination or Retaliation Complaint. He has been featured on CNN, Good Morning America, Dr Phil, The Today Show and Court TV. For example, California has a larger population than NJ (4.4x), but its physical size is about 20x larger. Very helpful with any questions and concerns and I can't thank them enough for the experience I had. NEVER target the green player. Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge. Yes, you can file your complaint anonymously (meaning you do not have to disclose your name or identifying information). Can Adventure creatures always be cast from exile? At the hearing, you or the attorney will have to show that it is in the interests of justice to expunge the conviction from your criminal record. Lim-Dul's Vault, Polluted Delta, Gemstone Caverns, Wishclaw Talisman, Swan Song, Spire of Industry, Windfall, Gemstone pitch Lim-duls, t1 polluted -> Underground Sea -> wishclaw. @Narmer 715.4 isn't useless - it just doesn't apply in this situation - Kess/Malek changes where instants can be cast from, 715.4 prevents you from finding an adventure with something like Mystic Tutor. Visit our California DUI page to learn more. State and federal laws may recognize different classes or bases. Because we can aim for the beginning of the mid game. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), Your Rights Under Adult Protective Services, U.S. Employment and Opportunity Commission, California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, County Civil Rights Coordinator Directory. This hand doesn't have a lot going for it. Getting any missing card with it is huge. If your complaint does not require an investigation, you will be informed about this in writing within 40 days of when your complaint was received. The following may file a complaint with the CDSS Civil Rights Unit: The CDSS Civil Rights Unit does not accept complaints by employees of a county welfare department, including social workers and IHSS providers, among others. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Discrimination can also occur when someone is treated unfairly because they are thought to have a particular protected characteristic when in fact they do not. If two or more players have to make these choices at the same time, choices are made in APNAP order (see rule 101.4). One of the two White responses is removed. This is a conclusion that a lot of Kess players are clearly coming to as the decks on EDHREC are replete with storm cards. You may have to cast an extra if someone's deck isn't divisible by 3. When another person or entity defames your character, you may have a defamation per se case. A card like Vandalblast may seem great as you can cast it for its overload cost from the graveyard with Kess, but blowing all the artifacts up multiple times is only useful in a really intense game with multiple artifact-focused decks. - Miscast: In the current meta I believe the reduced cost compared to Delay may be worth it. Even in worse case scenario the the way I commonly see in a primer requires about 11 casts of Brain Freeze and 11 casts of Lion's Eye Diamond that's 22 spells or 66 cards required to be able to exile. becoming eligible for professional organizations, not having the prior conviction be used to impeach you during a later court proceeding, and. We focus a majority of our gameplay at instant speed. attend the expungement hearing, whether personally or through an attorney. rev2023.3.3.43278. Does Fires of Invention allow adventure instant and sorceries to be played for free? Commander Spellbook. For example, someone is treated unfairly based on a perceived disability, even though that person is not actually disabled. Get the help you need to seek justice against the at-fault party and restore your reputation. 94-171 Redistricting Data Summary File is the first detailed data file released from the 2020 Census, which will be released by August 16. Retaliation for filing a civil rights complaint is prohibited because it violates federal and state regulations. A place where magic is studied and practiced? Nekusar, the Mindrazer. For more information on what is discrimination, see the question above: What is Discrimination?. If you would have been sent to county jail, rather than to state prison, for an offense that occurred after 2011, you may still be eligible for expungement.4 If this is the case, it is in the judges discretion to grant an expungement. In the 2010 Census, we used responses from the 2000 Census to fill in missing Hispanic origin and race information. 33.67% of 4200 decks 1414 decks. We emphasize that characteristic imputation is only implemented long after all data collection has ended. Cast Hullbreacher With editing, we compare an individuals responses to those of other household members or the overall group quarters to look for invalid or inconsistent information. The primary method of allocation is to use information from similar nearby households. VERY cool way to dig deep and add cards to the GY to additional sculpting spots You want a defined game plan from the second you shuffle up. Hoping to draw mana for a t2 wheel is a bad 7. Applicants and/or recipients of programs funded by CDSS. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? Dualcaster Mage + Heat Shimmer Result: Infinite creature tokens with haste. You still have to get a court order to grant an early termination of probation before you can start the expungement process. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Prices fluctuate, so the deck may be over $50 at the time you're viewing this.Full decklist here: us streaming every Sunday at 7:30PM CST at can contact us at ScrapTrawlers@yahoo.comOur Twitter: Discord server: edited by Andy ZupkeLogos by Belmont from The Triad Gaymers Lim-Dul's Vault is a great instant that allows us to not fall behind by playing at instant speed. - Dockside provides n untap triggers be placed on the stack where n is the number treasure made. If you don't discard a land it never hits the battlefield, Grinding Station never sees it, big sad. This leads to a sum of the following equation. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? After the investigation, the investigator writes an investigation report. Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from?
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