Too Much of a Good Thing Can Be Bad. Using a premium formula, STA-BIL 360 Protection cleans out the entire fuel system of treated engines, removes water, prevents corrosion, and improves performance. [41] In July 2021, Algeria had halted its sale.[9]. [13] Because TEL is charge neutral and contains an exterior of alkyl groups, it is highly lipophilic and soluble in petrol (gasoline). how much surfactant additive per gallon of water is required to be effective? As he attempted to measure lead content of very old rocks, and the time it took uranium to decay into lead, the readings were made inaccurate by lead in the environment that contaminated his samples. Lead was added to boost octane in the 1950s and everyone kind of assumed that their cars needed it. Thanks. [117], By 2000, the TEL industry had moved the major portion of their sales to developing countries whose governments they lobbied against phasing out leaded gasoline. It does what it is supposed to do. If you have an older car, lead additives might be the best option. When it comes to cleaning dosages, none of the listed Sea Foam ratios is excessive though 2 ounces per gallon is often a . Below are some things to consider when trying to figure out how much stabil per gallon. But the FTC's site recommends a buyer-beware approach. It comes highly recommended by from my aircraft distributor and many experienced users. The principal maker of lead additive today the Associated Octel . If you're using it for the first time, add 2 ounces per gallon of fuel. CD-2 Super Concentrated Lead Substitute 32oz Treats 320 Gallons. Honorable Mention. Lubrizol believes about 10 to 15 times less sodium is required for engine protection than was the case for lead. To ensure the fastest initial mixing it is best to put the Runup in first. [30] Early research into "engine knocking" (also called "pinging" or "pinking") was also led by A.H. Gibson and Harry Ricardo in England and Thomas Boyd in the United States. Algeria Used The Last Stockpile, Charles F. Kettering and the 1921 Discovery of Tetraethyl Lead, True unleaded alternative for 100LL needed for general aviation,, 84 to 85C (183 to 185F; 357 to 358K) 15mmHg, United States (including Puerto Rico): 1 January 1996. Powershield uses sodium, a metal, as a substitute for lead, which is also a metal. For STA-BIL 360 Protection, for storage and everyday ethanol treatment use one ounce (30mL) to 5 gallons (19 L) of gasoline, gas/oil mixtures, or ethanol blends. In tests by Lubrizol, sodium appears to behave in largely the same way as lead, according to Dr. Thomas Johnston, director of fuel additives at the company. First, you must determine if your car requires any lead in the fuel. Stabil is better for engine storage in winters, while Star Tron offers engine protection year-round. Although there is a carry-over effect, intermittent use of the additive may not provide the proper protection when you need it most. This is about a 7.5% difference in power. Even if the gas has been stabilized, we recommend completely draining your snow blowers fuel system before storing it away for the season. how does water evaporate without heat; generali annual integrated report 2020; greenwood family tree; norwich university parents weekend 2021; 1400 woodward avenue detroit michigan 48226 Leave the large cap tight, and then squeeze the bottle slowly to fill the dispenser to the level you need. Why Should You Use Lead Additives For Classic Cars? It contains an anti-wear additive, so if your vehicle was designed with valve seats, you could expect them to hold up nicely while driving. It is believed to harm the male reproductive system and cause birth defects. . [93] The U.S. Centers of Disease control previously labelled children with 10g/dL or more as having a "blood lead level of concern." I increase the ratio to 2oz per 10 gal. Health experts at the time knew better. Units Per Package. In addition, some older cars need more than a minimum level of lead (less than 0.1 grams of lead per gallon) to prevent a problem called valve seat recession. For best results, add BERKEBILE 2+2 Lead Substitute to the gas tank before filling it with gasoline. Time to do some simple math and divide the 1 gallon treat volume by 128 ounces, thus: dividing 7500 gallons of fuel by 128 ounces of additive nets a sum of 58.59, thus, 1 ounce of additive will treat 58.59 gallons of fuel, divding 1500 gallons of fuel by 128 ounces of additive nets a sum of 11.79, thus, 1 ounce of additive will treat 11.79 gallons of fuel. You can replicate that process by adding lead or a lead substitute while keeping your engine and the fuel intact. STA-BIL should be added at 1-ounce per 2.5 gallons of fuel for proper protection. [93] Researchers including Amherst College economist Jessica Wolpaw Reyes, Department of Housing and Urban Development consultant Rick Nevin, and Howard Mielke of Tulane University say that declining exposure to lead is responsible for an up to 56% decline in crime from 1992 to 2002. Also noticed that the fluid changed color from yellowish to clear. The effects of lead, a neurotoxin, on a childs developing brain can be devastating and irreversible. M1 helps your engine run cooler compared to standard methanol blends. The whole thing about cushioning the valve seats and stuff like that is an old mechanic's tale. While the allowance of.05 grams per gallon accounts for a small fraction of the current flow, its worth emphasizing that both the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and EPA have concluded that there is no known safe level of lead exposure, wrote Sammy Zahran, an associate professor in the department of economics at Colorado State University, in an email to ThinkProgress. Can fuel stabilizer be added to old gas? #10472 - 55 Gallon Drum - 440 lbs; Documentation. [17], Ethyl Fluid's formulation consisted of:[10], Dichloroethane and dibromoethane act in a synergistic manner, where equal or approximately equal quantities of both provide the best scavenging ability. It is not toxic, doesn't need to be disposed of, doesn't leave any residue, and can be used in all weather conditions. [31], Since January 1993 all gasoline powered cars sold in the European Union and the United Kingdom have been required to use unleaded fuel. Seems to prevent, in a certain extent, the carbon deposit in the combustion chambers. Also question is,can you use too much stabil fuel stabilizer? [80], NASCAR began experimentation in 1998 with an unleaded fuel, and in 2006 began switching the national series to unleaded fuel, completing the transition at the Fontana round in February 2007 when the premier class switched. At annual the plugs show almost no lead build up. Very easy to dispense. New engine valve seats have been hardened to avoid this problem, but older model engines were designed for leaded fuels. East - Peachtree City, GA Per the Supplier: All our experience so far says that this issue is unrelated to the addition of Decalin RunUp to 100LL. [118] India banned leaded petrol in March 2000. Because of this radical change, classic cars are forced to use a lead additive with the unleaded fuel available today to prevent this engine knock from happening all over again. If you worry about using unleaded gas with your old engine, this can cure your concerns. It had been established by 1921 that ethanol was an effective antiknock agent, but TEL was introduced instead mainly for commercial reasons. [3][4] TEL was first synthesised by German chemist Carl Jacob Lwig in 1853. The design allowed more fluid from the main tank to come out. Stabil Marine has extra ability to neutralize the water that the ethanol attracts. This is the ideal choice for the classic car owner who doesn't drive as often with their vehicle. [17] In 1924, Standard Oil of New Jersey (ESSO/EXXON) and General Motors created the Ethyl Gasoline Corporation to produce and market TEL. 8 min read. [107][108], In the 1960s, the first clinical works were published proving the toxicity of this compound in humans, e.g. Lead massively raised the octane levels of gasoline, and it needed to be once engines in the late 1950's started to ramp up compression ratios in the never-ended horsepower race, while still operating on very primitive ignition systems. We are sorry, but the page you are looking for does not exist. This product is made with jet fuel, a high-quality carrier of active ingredients. ***SOLD INDIVIDUALLY*** CD-2 Super Concentrated Lead Substitute 32oz 1 Quart Treats 320 Gallons. When the fuel burned in the cylinder it created a lead oxide (powder) and as the exhaust was pushed out of the cylinder the oxide coated the exhaust valve and seat which provided the barrier cushion that protected them. Gasoline is considered a petroleum distillate, as is kerosene. It does not vaporize or disappear. This product will help your older vehicle run more efficiently to avoid the risks of using unleaded gasoline. STA-BIL Storage fuel stabilizer keeps fuel fresh for extended periods up to 24 months. [6] Starting in the 1970s, many countries began phasing out TEL in automotive fuel. No messy syringes. As more research has shown the significant role that inhalation of lead particles plays in blood lead levels, Mielke said that the impact of the EPA allowance of.05 grams of lead per gallon in unleaded gasoline becomes clearer. One bottle is cheap and can be used to treat up to 25 gallons of gas. how much lead additive per gallon. One commonly discussed agent was ethanol. Proudly powered by WordPress How much Stabil do I need for 20 gallons? Post author By ; Post date marabout senegal contact; bobtail cat for adoption florida on how much lead additive per gallon on how much lead additive per gallon Your engine will also be subject to less corrosion compared to standard methanol blends. [41] On 30 August 2021 the United Nations Environment Programme announced that leaded gasoline had been eliminated. doug lamborn voting record June 23, 2022 how much lead additive per gallon The dosage of 1/2 ounce per ten gallons of fuel is a minimum. Specifically, kerosene has a BTU content of about 130,000 per gallon while diesel has an average of 140,000 per gallon. "It might not seem like much, but if you factor this for trucks that do 5 miles per gallon, or ships or trains, it can be very impactful," explains the founder. He realized that the lead contamination in the environment dated from about the time that TEL became widely used as a fuel additive in gasoline. 9.0625%. If you worry about using unleaded gas with your old engine, this can cure your concerns. Some neurologists have speculated that the lead phaseout may have caused average IQ levels to rise by several points in the US (by reducing cumulative brain damage throughout the population, especially in the young). So we need to look at what Octane Booster additives are in our gas. The valve seats are the primary reason why lead was so crucial to many older vehicles' success. I never had experience hard start, no lead fouling spark plug, and engine run smooth as theyre supposed to be. This is one of the most important features it can provide. Any product eligibility information provided here is based on general application guides and we recommend always referring to your specific aircraft parts manual, the parts manufacturer or consulting with a qualified mechanic. Leave all boxes unchecked for unit only. Posted by; Date June 23, 2022; Comments . Toll Free: 877-477-7823 The Torco website has charts that show the blend ratio and resulting octane. 2023 Junkyard Mob. It will protect the valve seats and prevent any engine knocking from occurring. In 2021, the level was lowered in accordance with the average lead level in the U.S. decreasing to 3.5g/dL or more as having a "blood lead level of concern. He has won two Loeb awards and was a Pulitzer finalist, among many other career recognitions. Published September 1, 2021. Please check the boxes for the options that you would like to add. Protects your engine under all driving . Also, you may notice that there is lowered engine performance and fuel efficiency. The best thing about these products is the low pricing and bulk purchase options available. The most important thing about lead additives is that they should be safe for the car and easy to use. So, if your old engine needs a high-octane fuel, you might consider using an unleaded premium gas with a lead substitute. 1 gallon of additive should be put into 7,500 gallons of fuel, then to meet the product claims 1 gallon of additive must be put into 1,500 gallons of fuel. Q: Hi this is a follow-up question in regards to the remaining lead that goes into the oil you had commented that it helps. [30] In 1921, at the direction of DuPont Corporation, which manufactured TEL, it was found to be an effective antiknock agent by Thomas Midgley, working under Charles Kettering at General Motors Corporation Research. ordering and shipping was excellent, this product seems to be exactly what I was looking for.. Must have for xctry flights in the SuperStol when 100LL is the only option for the Rotax. [85] Children living near airports servicing small (piston-engine) aircraft have measurably higher concentrations of lead in their blood. It works well to clean the carburetor deposits and injectors too. It reacts with a majority of the lead in the fuel to produce lead phosphate which is mostly blown out of the exhaust. Honorable Mention. In 1924, a public controversy arose over the "loony gas", after five[101] workers died, and many others were severely injured, in Standard Oil refineries in New Jersey. Make sure you remove and clean your oxygen sensor every 20 hours to remove these lead phosphate deposits when using Decalin RunUp. Add RunUp in proportion to how much 100LL you have, at = oz per 10 gallons of 100LL. I had to double the ratio in order to keep the plugs from fouling. I use Octane Supreme 130 (formerly Lead Supreme 130) in my '68 X-Code, 2 oz per gallon mixed with 93 octane unleaded. Most leaded aviation gasoline contains just over 2 grams of lead per gallon of fuel, said Mielke. If your vehicle was manufactured in 1970 or earlier, there is a good chance you will need some lead substitute additive for your fuel. [7], TEL is still used as an additive in some grades of aviation fuel. Directions for Use Treats up to 20 gallons. Q: Is Decalin RunUp compatible with composite construction fuel tanks? Construction started in April 1939 and TEL was being produced by September 1940. How To Use Lead Additive For Your Classic Car You should use 1 ounce of lead additive per 10 gallons of unleaded gas in your classic car. Deepwater, New Jersey, across the river from Wilmington, was the site for production of some of DuPont's most important chemicals, particularly TEL. Turn the mower off and allow the engine to cool, then siphon excess gas into a clean can. Have used Decalin for many years in a Rotax 912 engine whenever I had to use Avgas. National Bureau of Economic Research. [125][126], Although leaded gasoline is largely gone in North America, it has left high concentrations of lead in the soil adjacent to roads that were heavily used prior to its phaseout. The key is to increase the MON enough that running 87 octane gas in a high-compression engine gives you an equivalent of 93 or higher at a more reasonable price. been using this product for 2 years now in Lycoming IO360 with excellent results. My 89 recommends to put lead additive in the gas. Seafoam is costlier but does an amazing job when it comes to cleaning. How to Use Sea Foam? [115][116], Taking cue from the domestic programs, the U.S. Agency for International Development undertook an initiative to reduce tetraethyl lead use in other countries, notably its efforts in Egypt begun in 1995. No. Column: Will self-driving cars make L.A.s world-famous traffic even worse? Such motors are usually run under heavier loads than car engines. By comparison, the .1 grams of lead in gasoline amounts to 34 parts per million. This was not the case in classic cars, and the valve seats were prone to recession. Mix Based on Stabilizer Brand Some brands recommend adding 1 ounce of fuel stabilizer to 1 gallon of fresh gasoline, while others recommend adding 1 ounce of stabilizer to 2.5 gallons of fresh gasoline. The active ingredient in Decalin RunUp follows the lead of the lead, if youll excuse the pun. bottle treats up to 25 gallons Safe for any type of fuel system See more product details Frequently bought together Total price: Add all three to Cart You can increase the concentration if you're running a high-mileage engine. For everyday life, fuel stabilizers arent necessary. He found that about 5.4 million metric tons of lead additives were used in U.S. gasoline from 1927 through 1994. The federal government, however, allowed certain aircraft, racing cars, farm equipment, and marine engines to continue to use leaded fuel. What happens when you over-treat your diesel fuel? VP's experts design more than 70 proprietary blends of leaded and unleaded race fuel for every application. Product does not contain alcohol. Reno Air Race 2021. poway high school athletics; remserv held funds; billy robinson newcastle; satellite go around the earth at height Red Users can expect the same level of engine cleanliness when using this fuel and Decalin RunUp as they saw with 100LL. Best Value. You should use 1 ounce of lead additive per 10 gallons of unleaded gas in your classic car. google hiring committee rejection rate. Q: Can Decalin be used with auto fuel? They are all adamant that no additive will restore old gasoline. When a vehicle is driven or used, the gasoline burns up before it begins to evaporate and degrade. When TEL began to be phased out, the automotive industry began specifying hardened valve seats and upgraded materials which allow for high wear resistance without requiring lead. Particularly for people who live within a kilometer of airports that service piston-engine aircraft, the continuing flow of lead into the environment remains a potentially serious source of exposure risk, the study found. Fax: 800-329-3020, West - Corona, CA 15oz Bottle - Pour entire bottle into tank then fill with any gasoline grade. This is to account for accidental cross-contamination with lead in the gasoline distribution system, which may carry leaded aviation gasoline via the same pipeline, according to a spokeswoman for the Environmental Protection Agency [EPA]. Q: Can you harm Decalin Runup fuel additive if its stored outside in the winter? For in-season use: 1 oz. This is essential for any car that uses older valve seats because they are more susceptible to damage and wear than new hardened ones. (Specifically, fiberglass cloth and EzPoxy 10A Resin/ 87B Hardener). Item qualifies for flat rate ground shipping. Gas Treatment . Nationally, blood lead concentrations in U.S. children have dropped dramatically over the past four decades, but lead continues to plague communities across the country, particularly in urban centers. This site also participates in other affiliate programs including but not limited to ShareASale, CJ, and ClickBank, and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. If you live in a region where your gasoline is unadulterated with ethanol (say Montana), then regular Stabil works great. Decalin RunUp is approved for use with the new 100VLL (Very Low Lead) fuel announced by the FAA on Special Airworthiness Bulletin NE-11-55. Leaded-fuel bans for road vehicles came into effect as follows: Leaded fuel was commonly used in professional motor racing, until its phase out beginning in the 1990s. I use both 100LL and Auto fuel in my aircraft. I use 1 oz per ten gallons on my UL350 engine. A manganese-carrying additive, methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT or methylcymantrene), was used for a time as an antiknock agent, though its safety is controversial and it has been the subject of bans and lawsuits. [89], In the 1970s, Herbert Needleman found that higher lead levels in children were correlated with decreased school performance. [106] As the head of Kettering Laboratories for many years, Kehoe would become a chief promoter of the safety of TEL, an influence that did not begin to wane until about the early 1960s. the spice house vs penzeys politics; driving distance from vancouver bc to cranbrook bc. So far, it does not appear that any manufacturers have introduced a tetraethyl lead that consumers can add to their own gasoline. I use them both and frequently mix them, and I have not had any problems. Leaded petrol was supposed to be completely phased out continent-wide on 1 January 2006, following a ban initiated from the 2002 Earth Summit. Children who play in areas with lead-contaminated soil run the risk of ingesting or inhaling the lead particles in the soil, particularly during the summer and fall or during hot, dry weather when dust picks up tiny particles of lead, suspending the substance in the air. [81][82], TEL remains an ingredient of 100 octane avgas for piston-engine aircraft. If your engine does not need a high-octane fuel, then a leaded gasoline can be used with a substitute. DO NOT OVERTREAT. 100/130 has 3.00 ml TEL per gallon and is dyed GREEN 115/145 has 4.60 ml TEL per gallon and is dyed PURPLE The amount of TEL in the higher grade fuels has increased the lead build up and fouling of spark plugs, along with valve erosion incidents, reported on some lower compression engines. A very good octane booster concentrate is Torco Accelerator @ $21/qt. how much lead additive per gallon. [17], To settle the issue, the U.S. Public Health Service conducted a conference in 1925, and the sales of TEL were voluntarily suspended for one year to conduct a hazard assessment. For storage: Use 1 oz. Customer Service: 800-861-3192 This was to comply with the Euro 1 emission standards which mandated that all new cars to be fitted with a catalytic converter. If gasoline demand were 6.25 million barrels per day, it would be $759 million. Lubrizol believes that its sodium formulation is safer. This is unopened, and storage would not add to shelf life. Lead additive is a myth anyway. Children are particularly at risk if they consume this. What we have on the website is correct per the manufacturer website. The EPA has ordered that leaded gasoline sold after Jan. 1, 1988, contain no more than 0.1 gram of lead per gallon. In the past, lead was applied to the mixture of gasoline to help increase octane levels because of the recurring issue with pre-detonation. [109], In the U.S. in 1973, the United States Environmental Protection Agency issued regulations to reduce the lead content of leaded gasoline over a series of annual phases, which therefore came to be known as the "lead phasedown" program. I came across this product and tried it for a year. Decalin should be added in proportion to the 100LL being added. Overdosing can lead to a whole new list of fuel and engine issues from clogged filters to overall decreased engine performance and efficiency. [17][105], In the late 1920s, Robert A. Kehoe of the University of Cincinnati was the Ethyl Corporation's chief medical consultant and one of the lead industry's staunchest advocates, who would not be discredited until decades later by Dr. Clair Patterson's work on human lead burdens (see below) and other studies. It could take up to a half year, however. Fun Fits For Kids. Professor Howard Mielke of Tulane Universitys School of Medicine and one of the nations leading experts on lead soil contamination said that it would be incorrect to assume that a fraction of a gram is insignificant given the high traffic flow and congestion that occur in urban environments. Stanadyne 38566C Performance Formula Diesel Fuel Additive - Six 1/2 Gallon Jugs. TEL was first synthesised by German . In case you are using a 32-ounce bottle with 5 gallons of fuel, expect 105 octane performance . Q: How many gallons does one quart of Decalin Runup Fuel Additive treat? But this is a relatively low-cost product, so using this recommended amount is a good benchmark. According to the EPA, leaded road-use gasoline (Mogas) contained as much as 3 grams of lead per gallon in 1973 or around 0.8 grams per liter. This has an advanced deposit removal ingredient which will remove existing deposits. Adding a full can to 4 gallons is a 4 ounce per gallon ratio, . 108/5 1 . . . 70160. This lead additive mimics the benefits of lead protection and provides excellent off-road use support. Each product is specially designed to address and prevent a unique set of problems. How Much Fuel Stabilizer is Too Much ? The Niteo Motor Medic lead additive is an affordable option to consider for your classic car. lead additive is ranked as the number one lead substitute for old classic car engines for a few reasons. ", "Annotation: Protection of the Public Interest, Allegations of Scientific Misconduct, and the Needleman Case", The Most Important Scientist Youve Never Heard Of, "Profile Philip Landrigan: children's health crusader", "EPA Takes Final Step in Phaseout of Leaded Gasoline", "Blood Lead Secular Trend in a Cohort of Children in Mexico City (19872002)", "Global Benefits From the Phaseout of Leaded Fuel", "Era of leaded petrol over, eliminating a major threat to human and planetary health", "Lead abatement, alcohol taxes and 10 other ways to reduce the crime rate without annoying the NRA", "Ban on leaded petrol 'has cut crime rates around the world', "Lead poisoning linked to violent crime Chicago Tribune", "Environmental Policy as Social Policy? As a second owner of fairly new aircraft that has Lycoming tio 540, I have been having problem with lead fouling and hard starting. oz. "Ridding the world of leaded petrol, with the United Nations leading the effort in developing countries, has resulted in $2.4 trillion in annual benefits, 1.2 million fewer premature deaths, higher overall intelligence and 58 million fewer crimes," the United Nations Environmental Programme said. For instance, you can get 91 octanes to 102 octanes by using a 32-ounce bottle with 10 gallons of gas. All lead gasoline vehicles were off the road by 1996. Learn about our team members here. Benzene and other high-octane aromatics can be also blended to raise the octane number, but they are disfavored today because of toxicity and carcinogenicity. June 10, 2022 . Tetraethyl lead was originally added to gasoline in the 1920s as an anti-knock agent to keep engines running smoothly, and manufacturers then claimed the additive was safe. This product is table down to -60 degrees C. This will not freeze or separate at any temperature. For regular use, add one ounce per gallon of fuel. It protects your engine against damage year-round, it restores old fuel, and a single bottle of treatment will last you longer than Stabil. For this reason, 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,2-dibromoethane were also added to gasoline as lead scavengersthese agents form volatile lead(II) chloride and lead(II) bromide, respectively, which flush the lead from the engine and into the air:[16], TEL was extensively used as a gasoline additive beginning in the 1920s,[17] wherein it served as an effective antiknock agent and reduced exhaust valve and valve seat wear. The ingredient is already dissolved in the fuel and goes with it into the oil sump. Incidentally, lead also is used to boost octane or anti-knock quality to gasoline. In the 1950s, the use of lead additives in gasoline began to increase due to growing automobile sales, the expansion of the U.S. highway system, and the decline of public rail transit systems, according to Mielke. If you drive your vehicle less, you likely won't need as much. My gasoline station recommended Sim-U-Lead, made by Sta-Lube. ..2566, ., 1/2565. Join Date: May 2005; Posts: 29; Share Tweet #6. how much lead additive per gallondavid janssen childrendavid janssen children Aircraft Spruce assumes no responsibility or liability for any issue or problem which may arise from any repair, modification or other work done from this knowledge base. [17] Aviation fuels with TEL used in WWII reached octane ratings of 150 to enable turbocharged and supercharged engines such as the Rolls-Royce Merlin and Griffon to reach high horsepower ratings at altitude. "Leaded Gasoline, Safe Refrigeration, and Thomas Midgley, Jr." Chapter 6 in S. Bertsch McGrayne. There were several reasons for adding lead to gasoline. We also formulate custom blends. Experts say it contributes to environmental contamination and harms children, particularly those living in traffic-congested urban areas. ie how many quarts in a case? 2, Winter 1999, at 95. Powershield does not boost octane. [27], For mixing with raw gasoline, TEL was most commonly supplied in the form of "Ethyl Fluid", which consisted of TEL blended with 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,2-dibromoethane. This is a common problem for many older engines when using unleaded gas. We have tested each of these lead additives below to ensure the best results. If you don't need the octane, your car isn't going to miss the lead. The new valve seats are hardened for better durability. The Impact of Childhood Lead Exposure on Crime", The World Has Finally Stopped Using Leaded Gasoline. Q: The dosage.. is it per US gallons? Lead additive for classic cars is a type of ingredient that is used to enhance the performance of the older engine. Restore engine power and fuel efficiency with 104+ Fuel Injector Pro, a comprehensive fuel system cleaner for all engines. I have never detected water in previous sump checks. 1. how much lead additive per gallon [17] The low concentrations present in gasoline and exhaust were not perceived as immediately dangerous.
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