On Monday afternoon, a Baltimore judge vacated Adnan Syed's murder conviction, freeing Syed after 23 years behind bars. Now, Wilds' story is under the microscope again with HBO's new docu-series "The Case Against Adnan Syed," which digs further into Lee's murder and Syed's supposed role in it. No. When I pick him up at Best Buy, hes telling me her car is somewhere there, and that he did this in the parking lot. Were sitting there smoking and he receives a phone call from the police and gets all panicky. Adnan Syed is currently serving life in prison, plus 30 years, for a murder he claims he didn't commit, and he may not have ended up there if it weren't for his former classmate, Jay Wilds. The way she moved and went about her day. On Monday, a Maryland judge overturned Adnan Syed 's first-degree murder conviction for the 1999 death of his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee. There were some big forces going on that didnt have anything to do with Hae. Feb. 1999: Police built a case against Syed, largely on the testimony of a man named Jay Wilds, who at the time had more than 20 run-ins with police -- including aggravated assault against a . Three days later, Baltimore Police . The finale of Amy Berg's four-part HBO mini-series contains new revelations surrounding the prosecution's star witness, Jay Wilds, new information about Hae Min Lee's autopsy, and thin but . Get an all-access pass to never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more! Though Wilds' testimony seemed to have been trusted implicitly by Syed's jury, the Serial podcast shining a light on the key details of Wilds' claims led many listeners to believe Wilds was. He recalls a tense meeting with Koenig, who was attempting to persuade him into participating in the podcast, and remembers Koenig telling him that there were new developments in the case. It wasnt until they made it clear they werent interested in my procurement of pot that I began to open up any. Because at the time I was convinced that I would be going to jail for a long time if he turned me in for drug dealing, especially to high school kids. I didnt think he was going to go kill her. I worked a lot. On January 13th of 1999, a 17 year old Korean girl by the name of Hae Min Lee when missing after school in Baltimore, Maryland. March 9, 2019 7:21 PM. In a sudden twist, the Maryland Court of Appeals votes 4 to 3 to reverse the decision, denying a new trial saying, There is not a significant or substantial possibility that the verdict would have been different, the Associated Press reported. Correction: The original version of this story incorrectly stated that Adnan Syed went to trial in December 2000. CrimeStoppers rewards are apparently paid out the following month after the police report that months official indictments. He might be needed back in court soon. In Serial you are depicted as a petty weed dealer. And I found that to be a bit of a slap in the face. Im going to be late for practice, so just drop me off. That would free Wilds to then collect the reward moneyafter detectives officially filed Syeds indictment to CrimeStoppers on October 1stin November. Syed went on trial in February 2000 and was convicted of the murder of his girlfriend Hae Min Lee. Something definite in both media arguments is Wilds's change in story. August 19, 2019: The Supreme Court is asked to look at the case. To which, Wilds responded, [T]his guy drove up in front of my grandmothers house, popped the trunk, and had his dead girlfriend in the trunk. Where was Haes car? Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. Site contains certain content that is owned A&E Television Networks, LLC. Adnan says, Just help me dig the hole. And Im still thinking, Inner-city black guy, selling pot to high school kids. The cops are going to fry me. At the time of her death, she was said to be dating a guy. The five-day hearing includes witness testimonies from McClain, as well as a cell phone expert, Harpers Bazaar reported. Syed and Wilds were regularly with one another. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion, 'Serial' Recap: Everything About Adnan Syed's Case, Who Is Adnan Syed? Ok, so you arrive at Cathys with Adnan after he tells you he murdered Hae? Jay also worked at the Drug Emporium store a short walk from his home. Wilds stated that he helped the 17-year-old Syed, who was accused of killing his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee in 1999, bury her body, which was later discovered in Baltimore's Leakin Park. Mr.. When the Serial podcast premiered in October of 2014, many listeners were shocked to find that almost the entirety of the . Jay was credible on the main facts, and also for the ones saying it some random killer or Don, they are forgetting that Jay knew where the car was. Moreover, a detective named Bill Ritz who repeatedly interviewed Jay Wilds was later accused in a separate case of manipulating and fabricating evidence and not disclosing exculpatory evidence. October 11, 2022: Prosecutors drop charges against Syed. Jay firmly believes that he was wrongfully represented on the podcast. He said, Youve gotta help me, or Im gonna tell the cops about you and the weed and all that shit. And then he popped the trunk and I saw Haes body. He has only given one interview since Syed's conviction. After hearings in the Circuit Court between November 2010 and October 2012, Syeds petition for post-conviction relief is denied, according to court papers. Like she was a junior in college. He had a professional job in high school, he was aparamedic or something [Ed. After the party, Adnan drove Jay home and then dropped Stephanie home afterwards. . Jay obviously picks and chooses what he tells, and at this point its created such a mess, she says in the documentary. When Adnan loaned you his car onJan. 13, 1999, did he tell you it was because he planned on murdering Hae? He'd previously refused to take part in Sarah Koening's podcast, which attempted to retrace the steps taken in. Sign up forOxygen Insiderfor all the best true crime content. The judge gave prosecutors 30 days to proceed with a new trial or drop the case. I rode BMX freestyle. In support of their request, prosecutors cited two "alternative suspects" who were known at the time of the investigation and expert. Thats led to some wild and totally unproven ideas on reddit, notably that Adnan hired Jay as a kind of hitman. According to the Undisclosed podcast, Lee goes on her first date with her LensCrafter co-worker Don Clinedinst, who happens to be the son of the store manager. Serial produced a time line which showed the conflicts betweeen just a few of Jays different versions of eventsfor January 13, 1999. But because of the specifics Wilds included in his testimony the Best Buy location that supposedly matches with call logs, strangling, the whereabouts of Lees car there wasnt much doubt Wilds was somehow involved, even if just peripherally. He claimed Syed had spoken about killing Lee a week before her actual murder and disappearance. Your login session has expired. Wilds has played an interesting role in this case. Oxygen Insider is your all-access pass to never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more. I don't know what happened, what occurred between them that day," he said of Lee's death. Wilds, who was an acquaintance of Syed, confessed to helping Syed bury Lee's body, though he originally denied having anything to do with the murder. For other inquiries, Contact Us. She got a new boyfriend? And he didnt know how to deal with that. Here, we piece together the accounts as they reportedly happened in the 1999 teen murder case: While their relationship was kept a secret because of both religious and cultural differences, classmates Syed and Lee dated in 1998, and broke up in December of that year, according to court records. She looked kinda purple, blue, her legs were tucked behind her, she had stockings on, none of her clothes were removed, nothing like that. Lunch period 11:15-11:30 a.m. Jay drops Adnan back off at school. They were introduced to each other in 1998. Adnan was convicted with evidence of his cell phone . I went to concerts, like anything from Wu-Tang to Warped Tour. Though Wilds didnt participate in Serial, he did conduct a .css-16acfp5{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-decoration-color:#d2232e;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-16acfp5:hover{color:#000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;background-color:yellow;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}three-part interview with The Intercepts Natasha Vargas-Cooper, and attorney Rabia Chaudry (also Syeds childhood friend) launched the Undisclosed podcast, both of which add layers to the mystery enshrouding Wilds testimony. He seemed under alot of pressure to please. In the podcast Koenig pointedly challenged Jays account of events and his motivation for assisting Adnan. This is where people would have their house firebombed and still tell the police they knew nothing about it rather than to try to make some sense of whats going on. 10:45-11:15 a.m. S on Serial, claimed he was drinking a 22-ounce Budweiser while driving when he made a pit stop. note: Adnan worked as an emergency medical technician, not a paramedic.]. Ill help you dig the hole.. Well first of all, I wasnt openly willing to cooperate with the police. Justice Martin Welch vacates the original conviction, saying there should be a new trial. Some days Ill be like, This is a really great episode, and some days Ill feel down and depressed., February 6, 2015: Syed can appeal the post-conviction relief denial. Hoo-boy, and then theres the motorcycle story that Undisclosed says confirms Wilds was the tipster. December 30, 2013: Syed's petition for post-conviction relief is denied. According to Wilds, he and Syed were not incredibly close at school. Then, at 4:15 they drop off Haes car at 1-70 Park and Ride; Wilds drops Syed off at track practice afterward, and then at 6:45 p.m. Syed calls Wilds on the cellphone to pick him up; at 7:15 p.m., after eating McDonalds and Syed receiving a phone call from police looking for Hae, they go to Wilds house to get a shovel and pick, return to Haes car, and then bury Haes body in Leakin Park. I dont think thats wrong, its high school, you know. The following has been edited and condensed for clarity. Syed Adnan, then 17, was convicted of murdering Hae Min Lee, 18, in 1999 after a high school romance in Baltimore, MD. The motion to set aside Adnan's conviction stated prosecutors no longer trusted Jay Wilds's wildly inconsistent testimony. Take my car, take my cellphone. Wilds, who was an acquaintance of Syed, confessed to helping Syed bury. Syed could be granted another trial, though, which could pull Wilds back into the spotlight. Apparently, Wilds had been inquiring about the sale price of a teachers motorcycle, which Kelly Blue Book puts at $3,000. But they were just as shocked. . I walked around through the bushes and everything and I got back that way and I was getting ready to urinate when I looked down I seen something that looked like hair, something was covered by the dirt. From the statements Wilds made in 2014 with The Intercept, it seems unlikely he would do so. He might really have just been bullshitting at the time. I dont necessarily know if he meant to kill Hae before he did it or if it was a sudden moment thing, but looking at his life, from what I saw, he seemed to be far out of his realm when it came to Hae leaving him. March 1, 1999: McClain writes Syed a letter. The Lord knows I didnt kill her, The Baltimore Sun reported. In his testimony at the second trial, he says that he and Syed drove to Security Square Mall and claims that Syed reportedly told him he was going to kill Lee. I said, Drug dealers, people who get killed by drug dealers, and Im thinking to myself, When did I ever say that? So, as Im riding with him to the park and it starts raining and Im thinking to myself as he pulls overand Im thinking this is the spot hes chosen. Syed was 17 at the time that Lee was murdered in January 1999. She never showed up, and was never seen alive again.. Autopsy results later show that Lee was strangled, The Baltimore Sun reports. Koenig's account of the events that transpired at the time of Lee's murder, publicly rebuked Jay's version of what happened and his reasons for helping Adnan Syed and portrayed him as a petty weed dealer. Its in the evening after school, we never hung out in the morning. Number of episodes: 25+ (ongoing). In Adnan's call log was Jay Wilds, who talked to detectives on February 28, 1999. The popularised podcast series Serial has been central to shedding light on the Adnan Syed case. ", He also revealed why there may be inconsistencies in his story. He was having a hard enough time with that itself. The creators of the public radio show This American Life debut the podcast series Serial, hosted by Sarah Koenig, about the Lee murder mystery. For instance, during one of his police interviews highlighted in The Case Against Adnan Syed,an officer asks Wilds, Youre sure its the 13th because we told you got these calls on the 13th? Jay responds in the affirmative. Last seen driving away from the high school in her gray Nissan on January 13, 1999, the 18-year-old Lee was found dead in Baltimore's Leakin Park about a month later. It wasnt like, Oh, were down in the park, come on down.We were friendly, we were cool. I didnt tell the cops it was in front of my house because I didnt want to involve my grandmother. He calls me and says Im outside, so I come outside to talk to himand followed him to a different car, not his. Following a six-week trial and two-hour jury deliberation, Syed is found guilty. I would like to forgive Adnan Syed, but as of now, I just don't know how I could, she says. "That's the best way I can account for the inconsistencies. ', Adnan Syed: A Complete Timeline of His Trial, Appeal and Killing of Hae Min Lee, Photo: Karl Merton Ferron/Baltimore Sun/Tribune News Service via Getty Images, Adnan Syed's high school football photo; Photo: Courtesy of HBO, Youn Kim (r), mother of Hae Min Lee, is escorted from her daughter's Memorial Service by guidance counselor Gwen Kellam, on March 11, 1999, in Baltimore, Maryland; Photo: Elizabeth Malby/Baltimore Sun/Tribune News Service via Getty Images, Idaho Murders: What Led Police to Bryan Kohberger, changed throughout his interviews and testimony, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Who Was Mallory Beach in 'Murdaugh Murders'? Jay Wilds was a crucial player in Adnan's conviction - he testified that Adnan confessed to him about killing Lee, saw Lee's body in the trunk of her car, and helped bury her body in Leakin Park. The other thing to understand is something about the culture of Baltimorethis is where the Stop Snitching video comes from. The following two series stepped away from the whodunnit intensity of the first, and went on to examine an American army deserter and the court system in Ohio. I played lacrosse, was a bit of a jock. November 6, 2015: The post-conviction relief case is reopened. Wilds's testimony played a giant part in convicting Syed of murdering his high school girlfriend, Hae Min Lee in 1999. It all revolves around Jay," lawyer and Syed family friend, Wilds, who gave police multipleinterviews and testified in court, was first questioned on Feb. 28, 1999, just hours before police arrested Syed on suspicion of Lees murder. I guess I was being kind of a jury on whether or not people needed to be involved or whatever, but these people didnt have anything to do with it, and I knew they didnt have anything to do with it. Is that why you didntinitiallycooperate with the police? July 1, 2016. UFC's Raul Rosas Jr. 18-Year-Old Fighter . Phinn's decision came after prosecutors told the court they lost faith in Syed's conviction in light of new evidence and violations in the governments turning over evidence. Get all your true crime news from Oxygen. Hae was dead before she got to my house. In his first interview since the end of "Serial," Jay Wilds says he thinks he knows who . From Men's Health. 4. . Four weeks later, her half-buried body was found at Leakin. It also made household names out of its central characters, teenagers in Baltimore when the murder took place in 1999: Adnan Syed, the alleged killer; Hae Min Lee, the 18-year-old victim; and. "The Case Against Adnan Syed" also notes that Wilds contradicted himself on the witness stand when it came to the story he told police about helping Syed dig the hole: At first, he said he met Syed at a mall parking lot and then went to Leakin Park to bury the body, but later, Wilds said Syed showed him Lees corpse in a Best Buy parking lot. I dont think it meant that much to her. February 12, 1999: Anonymous calls inform the police to look into Syed. In 1999, Annelise Hyang Suk Lee, a 27-year-old female of Asian descent, was found raped, beaten, and . He said that the idea of Best Buy came from the police. It went national, but it was produced in Baltimore. There was a reward of $3,075 from CrimeStoppers for information on the case leading to the indictment. McClain has fought for Syed's innocence since the case had originally opened. Im not a lawyer and Im not a cop. The ins and outs of the timeline have been scrutinized and studied endlessly by professionals and amateurs alike. And they wouldnt stop interviewing me or questioning me.
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