I think all it takes is one person to successfully break out with something different to set off a new trend like 50 Shades, Twilight, Outlander and numerous other books that inspired whole genres. I havent noticed anything in recent years by either. The articles are there, but the design isnt. I do like the Veronica Speedwell books but the Lady Julia series seems unfinished to me. I cant even remember the books title all I recall is that on the last page, the hero saw the heroines glittery top or necklace (something glittery, anyway) and realized she was the woman he slept with way back when. Plots that have kept fans on their toes, wondering what this sly author has in store for them next! What resulted was. 2013 At Your Pleasure. 2012 A Lady's Lesson in Scandal. So, at Pocket, at least, it seems that historicals are free to range across the globe. Do you know of any data or scholarship on this? I tried it for a while, but I found most choices to be pretty lame so I cancelled. Heres what Blythe had to say: For me, its all about the hero he was completely delicious. I hear I am quite popular., I deserve better such a dangerous, mad thought for a woman to entertain., Words are not the only way we communicate, you and I. Now a doctoral student in anthropology, she is happy to report that all three goals have become her favorite things to do. Just because something isnt officially written down doesnt mean it isnt happening. I also didnt know until this discussion here that Julie James had stopped writing. He moves on from his maudlin reflection very quickly, because he generally tries to take nothing very seriously, least of all himself. I am really looking forward to Meredith Durans new books especially as several AAR staff have good things to say about them. I started her upcoming one and put it down. Meredith Duran. The woman in it goes back to the 1940s. And thats a good thing. Im looking forward to yours! Just looking at the first 10 pages of their most recent HR releases, I see a ton of Regency, titled heroes and/or heroines, some Vikings and Medieval, and a smattering of Victorian. Regencies seem to have quite a number that were at about 75k even if some were not that long it was not unusal to see one in that range. I dont know if Valerie Fitzgerald is still alive. The Duke of Shadows Meredith Duran 2010-05-11 In a debut romance as passionate and sweeping as the British Empire, Meredith Duran paints a powerful picture of But I do think that this debate underpins the basic conflict between the hero and heroine, and I hope it comes through, if only because Lydia might seem awfully stubborn if you dont take her conviction seriously. Meredith Duran Phone Number, Address & More To be able to know Meredith Duran while saving time and cost, please check the 3 records from CocoFinder in 3 states. So I get to explore and perhaps find new reads by old favorites. 2012 Luck Be a Lady. This button displays the currently selected search type. But looking at Avons recent catalog, I can see youre point about endless Regency. The first 10 pages of their catalog is mostly Regency, some Westerns, some contemporary, and a smattering of other options. Why not create her own heroine, or choose a character from another famous book or series that hasnt been copied so often. Whether the decision was based on sales (or lack thereof) or the desire for the Next Big Thing, Im sorry I no longer get to read some of these favorites. facebook, twitter, etc. And sometimes, an author just gets sick and tired of running on the treadmill- especially if she has been forced by multibook contracts or need of advances to crank out a book a month. Who would you cite as the authors who inspired you? Im planning to read her upcoming book. As a concluding point about romance trends, I think measurements would prove extremely difficult if self-published and indie works are included in studies. Longer doesnt always mean better or denser or more interesting or more critical, etc. She is the author of twelve novels, all published by Pocket Books. The beauty of self publishing is that you can really find anything -and lots of it nowadays. Judith James reissued expanded version of her Restoration trilogy on Kindle and theyre great but her website is now defunct. $grfb.init.done(function() { $j("#connectPrompt").show(); It often feels like a money grab on the part of these CR authors, and I resent that. I think that some authors no longer write romance because their Muse has abandoned them or now speaks to them in a different voice/different genre, but I also think some of them simply could no longer get their books published. Looking forward to what sounds like an incredibly good book and a new-to-me author. Right. I suppose I just dont frame my preferences in historical romance through the lens of age. Ive not had the chance to read your work yet. She had a lot of life trials and serious depression. Always at the center of the crowd, widely adored despite his own best efforts to scandalize, he can do as he pleases and face no consequences for it. The book is just plain encouraging; sometimes its easy to think all the really good books have been written already, and theres nothing else out there.. I may take a few of these recommendations. The Duke of Shadows is one of my favorite re-reads and I have to say it did remind me of the meaty romances from a few years ago (I sure do miss those deep, detailed books). I looked everywhere for your first book. Lydia gave me greater trouble.She always had my sympathy, of course.Being scorned, passed over, made to feel a foolif this happens at a vulnerable moment (like your first declaration of love), it can cripple your dreams and your courage for a long time to come.I found it entirely fitting, then, that she would want to fight for her loved onesthat is, the loved ones who actually recognized her worth, and made her feel valuedtill the bitter end. I think there would be a lot of problematic content for todays readers, however the wonderful writing & good stories/characters shine through. Your path to publication was quite different than most since you won an online competition so this may not be the fairest question in the world but, gee, who said life is fair? The RWA implosion back in January will almost assuredly spark scholarship on the state of diversity in the genre soon, if it hasnt yet. Thankfully, self-publishing doesnt bear the stigma that it once did. https://jakonrath.blogspot.com/2012/05/harlequin-fail.html, https://justpublishingadvice.com/kindle-scams-are-still-making-easy-money/. Shes amazing. Ill have to dig it out now I know shes Jill Sorenson. Her other books include RITA award winner Fool Me Twice and her February 2017 release, A Lady's Code of Misconduct, which was called one of the best romances of the year by BookList and Amazon, and received starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and Kirkus, the latter of which opined: This book weaves its spell so thoroughly that the most fortunate reader will be the one who has time to read the entire thing in one sitting. H. MEREDITH DURAN blames Anne Boleyn for sparking her lifelong obsession with British history. Thank you for the updates. I can understand why some authors said enough and gave up. It happens with e-books as well. I really enjoyed The Duke of Shadows and cant wait to read Bound by Your Touch! Theyd be impossible to keep up with. I was thrilled to see the news of Loretta Chases next book but at the same time, Im nostalgic for a year (like the early 2010s) when Duran, Grant, Thomas, and Chase each had a book coming out & they were the commanding presence in historical romance. Written On Your Skin 09-Oct-2014 by Meredith Duran ( 67 ) 3.99 18.93 Meredith Duran returns with another witty, humorous and smart romance. Then if I keep trying and getting disappointed, I get angry at myself for wasting my own time. Havent read any of her books, but I thought her story about why she quit writing for Harlequin, even though she enjoyed it, was interesting. Oh yes, I can imagine the criticisms that would be leveled at Mrs. Morsi for writing that. Id love to read some but I dont know of anyone doing research on this area. Wednesdays column featured a 2009 interview with historical romance author Meredith Duran. James has spent the last few years deliberately attempting to wreck his own life; Lydia has spent these years focusing all her passion into her scholarly work. I also miss Elizabeth Lowell, her westerns (both historical and modern day) were wonderful. Its like the old joke, Theres lies. Case in point, Ive hit the Top 100 list in certain niches for several hours just because someone bought one copy and borrowed a few pages of a book I published the day before. But, clearly, this is your own voice and your own style and your own story. Every day, I hear about AI-generated art, writing, search, etc., and the "They took our jobs! Ive seen too many careers ruined by petty Twitter fights, and I dont think mainstream publishers can or will protect controversial authors from that unless theyve grown financially too big to touch. Amazon scam authors are those who crank out a book a month, sometimes plagiarizing from others. What worries me on a macro level is that peoples opinions or generalizations are accepted as fact (and even facts are debatable!). As I contemplated who I missed I did a little noodling into my own reading past with the happy result that I found some authors who I hadnt checked on in a while who do have new books. Sure, they talk a great deal about diversity, originality, and whatnot, but their HR catalog tends to neatly fit the status quo- with some exceptions, of course. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I think my most missed are already mentioned. Why do some authors, actors, musicians, artists, and so forth become more popular and well-known than others, even if their work is of a demonstrably lower quality than some of their struggling contemporaries? Maybe our other favorites will, at some point, reimerge! ELIZABETH DIE AND LEAVE US WITH NO MORE Devastated by the idea that Meredith Duran is done writing. Those kind of questions keep me up at night. Shes so active on social media that it feels like shes around. Kinsale is on Twitter but never mentions writing that I can see. One thing I dislike is a jarring, overly modern voice in historical fiction. You see, James was the anchor of this book. Your Wicked Heart. Im becoming disillusioned with the romance novels being published today. So, yes, I think historical romance is very strong right now.My only quibble is that I miss the page counts of the historicals from the early 1990s.I know there are very good reasons for lowering the word count: the market has changed substantially, readers tastes have changed substantially, and shorter novels demand tighter plots (and, in my case at least, far more discipline when it comes to editing). Before Amazon separated Top 100 sales lists from Top 100 free books, the system was even crazier. I do not mind small/e-press but I do not want to self publish my first novel on my own because I want to have an editor because I want somebody else to help me to improve the book and also to help me deal with some of the backlash that may result from the novels setting. [CDATA[ Yes, shes still writing. When was the last time you heard somebody say, Oh, Im not going to read that book. See if your friends have read any of Meredith Duran's books. I suppose like all of us, writers too sometimes feel theyre in a rut and want to break out, go in a different direction, shake things up, etc. Sherry Thomas, one of my favorites, is also one of your biggest cheerleaders. Im going to have to get more bookshelves I think. And I certainly wont pay that per installment on duos or trilogies with very short books each time. As for books priced less than a dollar, again, thats not too uncommon for the kinds of shorts that self-pubbers crank out. Night Owl Reviews, Top Pick "Burrowes's fresh, gorgeous writing held me riveted from start to finish." Meredith Duran "Enchanting." RT Book Reviews, 4 Stars Anna, Duchess of Cleves - Heather R. Darsie 2019-04-15 A fresh look at Anne of Cleves' life as a German noblewoman, and the Continental politics that affected her marriage. If you are a member, the books on Audible are nearly always the same price regardless of length, which depends on your membership level. The heroine was only a couple of years older than me but I could tell by the clothing choices and social manners of the heroine that the writer was much older. Like anything else, authors come and go for untold reasons (much to my dismay), but life goes on. Or just my device? Science of Reading: The Podcast will deliver the latest insights from researchers and practitioners in early reading. Great bks. I have a book that I have started that is set in the Holy Roman Empire during investiture controversy of the late 11th century and I is complicated and I can try to fit into 80k but it would be better to allow the room to write the story a long as I think it needs, I think is might be between 100-125k, and I just want to know if itRead more . The formal demands of the two genres are quite different, of course. She is not a fast writer but her books are well worth waiting for! Second, you are correct that self-published books are not necessarily getting shorter and shorter. Bound by Your Touchhas one of my favorite set ups of therake hero and the spinster heroine. It often feels like a money grab on the part of these CR authors, and I resent that.. Ugh I really hope this story structure goes out of style And while I dont have a distaste for time travel per se, I dont like when its clearly used as a way to make what should be a straight-up historical story relevant for a younger reader by throwing in a 21st century protagonist who doesnt really need to be there. She hasnt stopped writing, but in the Afterword to her last published romance (NOT YOUR SHOE SIZE), she announced she was no longer going to be writing romance; she plans to write in a different genre and publish under a different name (Dangerfield provided neither her new name nor the new genre). I like Anne Calhouns books and often wonder if shell return. I hope they finally get their story because I found them interesting. Likewise, Im not pleased by certain narratives, so I dont have to read (or write) them. MEREDITH DURAN blames Anne Boleyn for sparking her lifelong obsession with British history. She was an author with so much promise and her disappearance still bothers me. My phone is being annoying.). The LaurasLaura Moore and Laura Florand. I have not read your books yet but they sound awesome! You should see my copies of Not Quite a Husband and The Spymasters Lady. After reading this 50 times I am getting tired of it. 2015 Audiobooks. Then again, if we exclusively bucked the trends in favor of our own fantasies, wed be even poorer as a profession than we already are. One main difference though is that they are based out London and that may mean that their view on what is historical is different than in North America. Meredith Duran's debut work, The Duke of Shadows was one of my favourite reads of 2008: it had an unfamiliar setting (India circa 1857) and an unusual pair of protagonists with a very nurturing hero and a heroine suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. I miss Liz Carlyle and Susan Carroll both of whom wrote meaty, complex books. Theyre innovative not only in terms of where they set their books and the sorts of stories they tell, but also in terms of the way they tell those stories. QUITTING WHEN A PERSON HAS SUCH, I so miss Duran. In some cases its because they use up their best ideas on their early books and the quality then declines, or I discover them when they already have a backlist which I cherrypick for my favourite tropes without feeling the need to read everything theyve written. And yes, speculation, opinion, observation, etc. Fool Me Twice (Rules for the Reckless, #2), A Lady's Code of Misconduct (Rules for the Reckless, #5), Luck Be a Lady (Rules for the Reckless, #4), That Scandalous Summer (Rules for the Reckless, #1), The Sins of Lord Lockwood (Rules for the Reckless, #6), Meet the Authors of This Season's Swooniest Romances, Squeezed: Why Our Families Can't Afford America. Yes, thats an important distinction. Okay, Ill shut up now, but I cant wait for the rest of the world to read these books. Through AARs reviews and words of mouth from the people here, Ive discovered wonderful new-to-me authors to fill the HR void. From what I have seen usually the shake out is usually 2-4 Regencies, 0-1 Victorians, 1-2 Medieval, Viking or Highlander, and 1 that fits into none of the above and that can range from late Moorrish Spain, to 1920s America, to Egypt, and even one that had a Spainsh Conquistador and Native American Woman even though some may have problem with the premise at least it not another Regency and it shows that the line is willing some risks and yes the author is still writing for the line the author had a book out in March of this year set in Egypt. The blog entries she posted at the time were heart-wrenching. "How kind of you to confirm what I already know. Its mildly annoying but on a wider scale, when people dont distinguish or cant distinguish, bigger problems ensue in a society. Sometimes 20-30 hours or even more, for the same price. Congrats on the upcoming releases. How can the romance community be improved or changed for you? Im always grateful that I find new authors every year. Unlike the Big 5, KDP books go online at a rapid fire pace. Ive seen most authors write much older or younger than themselves very successfully. Cranking out a book a month is hardly unusual on KDP, especially in certain genres like self-help, erotica, and even romance. facebook, twitter, etc. I love everything shes written, but I can understand her taking a break. Lisa Cach (8 years) But I think its fair to say that she liked it! Whatever route you decide to take, good luck to you! For me, unless its an auto-buy writer, I just wont pay $11 for a short novel or novella. If we don't know the name of the reviewer, we've placed their reviews under this generic name. Thank you for the chance to win an ARC. I would love to try a new author. I too miss Anne Calhoun. Ive seen a lot of trends and authors come and go and my personal opinion is that lighter books- in historical romance, not necessarily in other genres like paranormal etc. is it okay to take melatonin after covid vaccine. Publishers, too often, deal with it, by forcing authors to make alterations, theatrical apologies, or dropping them like a hot potato to make themselves look virtuous. (Granted, your average erotica short is 5,000 words, but KDP still considers a short story a book.). It seems like all the books were longer. What I find particularly remarkable about the authors youve named is that they each have such a distinctive voice that if you put an unlabeled excerpt of each of their books in front of me, I would know instantly who had written what. And another who I periodically check on is Katherine Allred. I loved her Russian novels. If Im feeling reluctant to start writing, the best medicine is to read prose that excites and surprises me. I also think that perhaps the lack of meatiness may, at least now, have something to do with the fact that most authors in the genre are putting out at least two books a year. Since Regency is not a favorite historical period of mine, I tend to see it everywhere as in, Ugh, another Regency?. Book Overview In a debut romance as passionate and sweeping as the British Empire, Meredith Duran paints a powerful picture of an aristocrat torn between two worlds, an heiress who dares to risk everything.and the love born in fire and darkness that nearly destroys them. This theme wasnt crafted with conscious intention. This article from 2012, not necessarily from a reputable source and maybe outdated, offers an interesting perspective about why former Harlequin Intrigue author, Ann Voss Peterson, broke ties to self-publish: https://jakonrath.blogspot.com/2012/05/harlequin-fail.html. Its one thing if writer such as Elizabeth Darrell DIE and leave us with more of their excellent story telling skill, but just to quit on us..so sad.
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