A better question is, why do those who read the book look down and laugh at those who didn't? Harry is Snape's father Just read a fic where Harry got thrown back in time and fell in love with Eileen Prince and fathered Snape. Severus is born the son of the witch Eileen Prince and the Muggle Tobias Snape. Now having to deal with being the father of a man old enough to be his own father. Muggles these days. Due to the age difference between Rickman and Snape, as he is portrayed in the book, make-up was used on Rickman to make him look younger. While Harry is facing Voldemort, he calls Snape "Professor Snape". Actually he did meet Lily again after he called her mudblood. The site reads, "The popular idea of a Potions expert within the wizarding community is of a brooding, slow-burning personality.". Does this make Dumbledore a bad guy and Snape a hero? and one final point: Snape and Lilly have the same patronus. After hours of slaughter, Voldemort comes to a realization. You must call us Professor Potter and Professor Snape . Though Snape is handed the truth about Sirius on a silver platter, his hatred of the wizard clouds his judgment, as Sirius was once his schoolyard rival. The only thing that made me think otherwise is the JAMES that they picked for the movie. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Even though Harry, Ron, and Hermione attack him so that he doesn't turn Sirius in, he shows up at the last minute and tries to protect our heroes when Lupin turns into a werewolf (hence the monthly potion) and attacks everybody there. 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., All Rights Reserved. In The Chamber Of Secrets, I'm pretty sure that it says that Harry looks nothing like the Dursleys, or nothing like his surviving family, not that he resembles no one in his family. There is no reason to question that James may not be Harrys dad. From The Philosophers Stone, we realize that Dumbledore never doubts his trust and loyalty; he believes deeply in repentance and second chances. However, when the young bully corners a weakened Dumbledore, it seems like the wisened wizard is able to convince his terrified student to spare his life. Despite being rivals in the backstory of the Harry Potter series, James Potter's rescue of Severus Snape was a quietly vital moment. Lily knows that Snape is the father of Harry. It's nearly impossible to think of any actor other than Alan Rickman playing Snape, but he almost didn't. Throughout the Harry Potter series, the Dursleys treat Harry very cruelly in regards to his magic. While the primary focus was on Harry Potter and his friends' time at Hogwarts, sections of the story hinted at events from decades earlier involving Harry's parents. Because of this, there are few dark wizards who can conjure them. My thoughts were Snape loved Lily would do anything for her so sacrificing himself wouldn't be far fetched and I cant imagine disguising a dead body would be difficult. At some point during his school years, he decided to reject his father's name entirely, giving himself the moniker "The Half-Blood Prince" with his mother's maiden name instead. The Harry. But Snape's attempts to uncover the truth resulted in Sirius teasing that the truth was at the Shack. Warner Bros. Well, he's clearly not very nice, and he's working both sides of the street. Ultimately, the tension between Snape, Lily, and Petunia comes to a head when Petunia, jealous of Snape's and Lily's respective magical abilities, spies on the two friends. That part of the story where we finally understand everything Snape has done, and where we realize why Dumbledore had protected him so much, has become one of the most applauded by fans of the saga. This shows that, sometimes, our senses deceive us. They do both wear glasses. He was only 21 days older than her. Explicitly. Warner Bros. Pictures. For years, he seemingly tortures Harry at school, but their last moments reveal the character's true nature. They had one child, half-blood wizard Severus Snape. . We know that Snape has the dark mark, an indication that he was once a Death Eater. As Harry begins his third year at Hogwarts, he receives an alarming piece of information. Towards the end of the series you start to notice Snapes attitude discreetly change and in the last movie you could see he really did care for Harry. Articles and opinions on happiness, fear and other aspects of human psychology. 2012 2023 . The only difference in their appearances is the different eye colour and the scar. This would likely explain his hostility towards Peter in. Snape's adult life at Hogwarts is craftily disguised as a Professor who despises Harry, when in fact Snape loves Harry and has determined, at Dumbledore's request, to save Harry at all costs, including death. Though Dumbledore tells Harry that Snape protects him as a debt to James, he doesn't divulge anything further, and the enmity between Harry and Snape continues. Snape is the catalyst for the entire series, since it was he who told Voldemort of the prophecy and begged Voldemort to spare Lily, enabling her to sacrifice her life for Harry, thus enabling the protection that protected Harry for so long and ultimately led to Voldemort's death. Rowling fooled us all, making us believe that Snape was a real villain and that all he wanted was for Harry to suffer. While Snape may have protectedHarry partially out of hisenduring love for Lily, his debt to James can't be understated -- and was directly referenced asthe reason why Snape savedHarryfrom Quarrel in the novel version ofHarry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Snape didn't know that he was the father of Harry, hell, even Harry didn't know. Throughout the franchise, you never really know whose side Snape is on. It's widely known by Hogwarts students and professors that Snape wanted to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, not Potions. Actor, In the film adaptations, Severus appears to be rather older than he is in the original books, being in his early thirties at the time of. porbaly because harrrys mom was snapes crush. Ok so I'm one of those people who haven't read the books (not because I didn't want to but because I'm bad at reading). A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News. Professor Severus Snape was the head of Slytherin house. Be sorted, earn house points, take classes with our fine Hogwarts staff, debate which actor portrayed Dumbledore the best, and finally get some closure for your Post-Potter Depression. Doesnt he look just like James, with Lilys eyes? All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. They met as children and became great friends. He married the pure-blood witch Eileen Prince. 2023 TIME USA, LLC. Her reply ignited a huge debate among Twitters legion of Harry Potter fans, prompting Rowling to tell them to never change.. When Snape accidentally injures Petunia using magic, she calls Lily a "freak," while Lily reveals that she and Snape saw a letter that Petunia wrote, begging Hogwarts to accept her as a student. Rowling demystifies, in part, the heroism of Harrys father. Answer (1 of 5): Snape is, technically, very distantly related to Harry. No one ever asked that question, but I knew right off the bat that he wasn't his dad. It's also why Tonks' patronus had changed into a wolf form in the sixth book, because she loved Lupin. However, it's never clearly mentioned in the books, probably because Slughorn only liked to show off the students he was most proud of. Biologically: James Potter - the father who's blood Harry carries and respectively calls "dad". This door has been locked since I left the ward ten minutes ago. I'm not sure where people have got that idea. https://t.co/MPXBgUApa3, Snape is all grey. The deaths at the Battle of Hogwarts would haunt Harry forever. except techinally in a sense Snape is probably related to Harry on his dad's side and Snape's mom's side (James Sr. and Ellieen Prince both being pure-bloods). Snape has carved out a place for himself among the most remembered and loved characters in the saga. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Magazines, Or create a free account to access more articles, JK Rowling Reveals Why Harry Potter Named His Son After Professor Snape. Rather than attending Hogwarts for his seventh and final year, Harry continues the work he started with Dumbledore and hunts down Voldemort's horcruxes, objects containing pieces of the Dark Lord's soul. I'm genuinely curious as he was nothing but abusive towards everyone.. Severus Snape is one of the most interesting characters in the world of Harry Potter.Initially, in the books as well as the movies, Severus Snape appears to be a cold-hearted and cruel potion . A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News. He mightve said "you're just like you're swine of a father" but when I heard that he said father as if in inverted commas. Is there such a thing as pure goodness? Is he a spy for Dumbledore or for Voldemort? Although some fans grew to love Snape, others still felt he was one of the worst Harry Potter characters and didn't deserve vindication. Characters in the books that knew James clearly state that Harry is James' son because he looks like James. Harrys plans almost always fail, and Snape comes out on top every time. Snape is pedantic, arrogant, and lacks empathy. Professor McGonagall is Head of Gryffindor House, Professor Flitwick takes charge of Ravenclaw House, and Professor . Tobias was born sometime in the early twentieth century, into the Muggle Snape family. For this reason, its a much bigger surprise when we discover the truth. He Calls Lily A Slur. After giving his life to defeat Voldemort, Harry is able to return to the realm of the living and face Voldemort one last time, and as the true master of the Elder Wand, he brings the Dark Lord down for good. To help Harry learn to defend his mind, Dumbledore asks Snape to teach Harry the art of occlumency, which guards your mind against invading forces. Well, both roads ultimately lead to Snape. We know from the Goblet of Fire a person can maintain disguise via polyjuice potion for as long as they have access. The Snapes were related to the pure-blood Prince family. Snape's actor Alan Rickman's first and middle initials -, Snape and James Potter's respective actors - Alan Rickman and. Snape did confront Harry about the missing ingredients for the potion. I read the first book and I instantly knew that Snape was an enemy of Harry. Harry Potter was neglected, that much is certain among the Harry Potter community. Hate him. oh com eon this is just stupid youre seriously gonna vote this as the best answer just because it is silly and "funny" and dumb? But those words and that moving scene hide something else, something much deeper that Rowling has let us catch a glimpse of throughout her seven books. Can We dream it? Rowling plays around with the questions in our minds. For example, why is Draco Malfoy acting weirder than normal? Plus, Snape is the so-called Half-Blood Prince. How does Harry change throughout the second book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? You have reached your limit of free articles. :) <3, I found it annoying as well but Harry said to Albus, Snapes patronus is a doe, isn't that courious & Albus said no. It's obvious Snape is NOT Harrys father. I found a few clues in all 8 movies minute 83:54. Snape works a bit like Dumbledores antithesis. About point 2, what Dumbledore meant was that a Patronus changing shape from love and loss isn't something curious, it's normal. As readers or viewers, were surprised that no one besides Harry and his friends is aware of Snapes evil. I think there is enough ambiguity its possible. After Snape and Lily leave Hogwarts, the space between them only grows as Snape joins Voldemort, the Dark Lord, to help him overtake the wizarding world, while Lily joins the resistance fighters of the Order of the Phoenix. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. Though Lily assures her friend that she can't stand James, an altercation with the young bully ends in nastiness when Snape calls Lily a "Mudblood," a horrible slur referring to Muggle-borns and it effectively ends their friendship forever. It's possible his Patronus was also a stag (the only character whose Animagus form and Patronus have both been seen is Professor McGonagall, and hers are both cats). What we do see are characters whose actions come as a result of their difficult past. He is the father of Harry Potter through genes and connected with him through blood. Harry Potter: Short Summaries of All the Movies. His mother was a witch and his father was a Muggle, leading to the moniker "The Half-Blood Prince." It doesnt talk about the question at all! Ultimately, Albus Severus as detailed in the Tony Award-winning play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is sorted into Slytherin just like one of this two namesakes, eventually becoming close friends with Scorpius Malfoy (Draco's son) and setting off on a time-bending adventure befitting his father and both of the men for whom he was named. well,snape is like harry's stepfather because he loved lily but lily saw james so lily liked him and when the sorting hat was putting everyone into houses james and lily did the dramatic stare so they loved each other so they got married, Being in love with someone's mother doesn't make that someone your stepchild. How much he loved her. In a series of tweets, Rowling explained her reasoning. This is eventually revealed to be a by-product of Snape's lingering resentment for Harry's father, James -- who had been a major rival to Snape in their youth. What is the setting of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? What we see in someone else, or the image they project, may not be a true reflection of what theyre really like. RELATED: Harry Potters Most Powerful Potion Might Be The Reason He Ended Up With Ginny. "Is Severus Snape really Harry's dad?" But where do his real loyalties lie? The two remain friends at school, and Lily is the only one who comes to Snape's defense when the Marauders bully him when Snape's worst memory is revealed in Half-Blood Prince. Unequivocally no. James Potter who is good in quidditch. Press J to jump to the feed. I know for a second I was thinking the same thing but in all the movies & books they say he's a spitting image of James but has his mothers eyes.
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