Moisture level is fine as supplied. Implementation date and strength of law. It's difficult to knock this. Add to cart. No guess work. Toasty, nutty and fairly strong. Thanks to a well thought-out international brand policy, tobacco producer Twist is your ideal partner. I don't find this too bad a smoke, but not that appealing. I like this best as a blender. After a night in the humidifying jar the 'twist' became quite pliable and less brittle, also it tasted damned good to chew due to the absence to flavoring or sugar in the tobacco. This review is for both stag cut and vintage cut. Though African in origin, this is Ur-Kentucky. Its very very very cigary. This may be mild on the palatte but has a goodly amount of nicotine, as to be expected from fire cured types. 1890's Vintage Tobacco Pouch Chew Old Kentucky Harry Weissinger Louisville KY $27.50 $5.00 shipping or Best Offer Red Man Chewing Tobacco America's Best Chew Embroidered Iron On Patch *NOS* #612 $8.99 $0.99 shipping 6 watching Vintage NOS Big Kick Plain Chewing Tobacco Advertising Tobacco Bags Decor $5.00 0 bids $5.70 shipping 5h 52m I had been wanting to try this for some time, but it seemed to be out of stock every time I checked. It's boldly earthy, woody, floral, herbal, vegetative, nutty, toasty, with a light brown sugar sweetness as well as a hint of cocoa, a lot of spice, and notable sourness without the sludge taste of a strong tobacco. 2001-2023 STC Holdings LLC, a division of Mac Baren USA. Tastes like tobacco! Makes for some interesting mixtures if combined in the leftover jar. It's like entering a time machine. The lakeland taste first made me hesitant to use KK for blending. Personally I'd prefer Kendal Dark for the smokiness and increased sweetness, or John Cotton's double pressed dark fired when I want a strong, non-smoky burley-forward experience.Would even prefer Prince Albert when I'm not looking for nicotine. I love burley and, this variety will surely please those smokers who favor the natural essence of dark cured burley. Speaking of "finish", the finish on this one makes me immediately want to fire up a second bowl (resist that temptation unless you have the nicotine tolerance of a 2 pack a day Marlboro Man). I can't imagine ever getting a craving for this specifically, but it is very good. Tin note: barbecue without smoke. Umber with flecks of sienna and ochre. Be careful with this tobacco as the sweetness can fool you into thinking its medium strength nicotine. Although there is no scent added to this variety, a wonderful aroma of charred vanilla and pepper are released during the first few pulls after the initial light. Not here. Kentucky Select Pipe Tobacco 1 lb (16oz) - Gold. It was still in it's zip-lock shipper. I imagine it tastes like the tropical sun and ancient soil of East Africa. This website does not advertise, sell, or offer promotions for products. ADDRESS Porthusvej 100, DK-5700 Svendborg If you don't know what that is, google it, or see my review, "Nicotiana Rustica Bundles." Actually, it burns too fast inside for my liking. It has a pleasant, straight forward taste. Out of stock. and we were on an enclosed porch with the windows open! A very good tobacco from GH.It's TOBACCO!A good nicotine hit, light very easily, no tongue bite. 4 Kendal Twist is a hearty, robust rope tobacco made with Virginias and dark-fired leaf. Unrecognized operation: [empty] Detailed info. The shag cut make for a shorter smoke, so this is great for breaks and lunch at the office! In Irish Flake I get a monolithic, but delicious flavor. 19.85. My simple excursion finds me with my Comers Deluxe 225 Pot, (an estate pipe that I recently restored myself) smartly clutched, rolling with a vigorous bowl of Gawith, Hoggarth & Companys Kendal Kentucky. It can be a little difficult to track down but the effort is well worth while. The burn from it's good, giving a cool smoke. A very smokey taste and aroma due to the stoving process. In 1965, 42 percent of Americans smoked cigarettes. It just has good, tangy tobacco flavor, but with a wooded earthiness than makes it more than apparent that you are smoking burley and not Virginia. Click here to try again. Aging doesnt add anything to the blend, but so long as its kept well sealed and moist doesnt seem to harm it either. Zippo Japanese Collection Manual #5, 1997, By Kesaharu Imai, Good Used C. New Old Stock Pipe, 122 Very Nice LaRocca, Featherweight Italian Pipe. Choose Quantity 1 for total $13.74 2 for total $27.48 3 for total $41.22 4 for total $54.96 5 for total $68.70 6 for total $82.44 7 for total $96.18 8 for total $109.92 9 for total $123.66 10 for total $137.40 12 for total $164.88 15 for total $206.10 20 for total $274.80 24 for total . But be careful not to light up a big bowl of KK before having gotten to know this tobacco, because it has a lot of nicotine in it. Firmly recommended for those who like this sort of thing. I dont think the narrow ribbon cut makes any difference to how it smokes in a pipe compared to a true shag cut other than slowing the burn rate a bit. The tobacco grown on Tucker Farms is sold at market for use in cigarettes. KENTUCKY KING LARGE TWIST 12/CT. Then and now, the smell of the unlit tobacco is such a strong, room filling essence of smoke and fermentation as to induce head spinning. 1 product. The shag cut is also a plus as it burns quickly great for a mid-morning smoke before getting back to work. This is most likely will become a regular smoke for me. Sort by. It's great for building cake as it burns to nothing but ash. Similar Blends: Le Brumeuse minus some of the nutty characteristics. Highly recommended. Problem is, I have to force myself to do so. This came in a ziploc baggie. Please select how many inches of tobacco you would like cut for your order. We never encourage non-tobacco consumers to start, or existing tobacco consumers to consume more, and we don't discourage tobacco consumers from quitting. All around blend if you hanker for a fairly strong dose of Vitamin N! One of my favorites. Sweet Seneca Smokes - Chewing Tobacco | Pipe Tobacco | Smokeless Tobacco | Plug/Twist Tobacco | Filtered Cigars | Little Cigars > Splash Sweet Seneca Smokes sells chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, smokeless tobacco, plug/twist tobacco, filtered cigars and much, much more. Not terribly so. A nuty undertone joins in, as well as hint of sweetness, but really just a hint. Recommended. The color is a uniform dark brown, and the pouch note is smokey and slightly sweet. Once you've had a few puffs though you're left with a dry mouth that tastes something like an ashtray. Requires an average number of relights, and leaves very little moisture in the bowl. Taste-wise this is a typical old-fashioned Kentucky tobacco. For me the taste and aroma are outstanding. The latest available information from the Kentucky National Agricultural Statistics Service denotes, "burley tobacco growers in Kentucky intend to set 36,000 acres for harvest, up 1,000 acres from 2021, while producers intend to set 10,000 acres of dark-fired tobacco in Kentucky, up 1,300 acres from the previous year. Besides the price for this bulk blend, I find that this is "bout as good as it gets! Smoked it in an MM Washington. Pack it tight, easy to light. I perceive the "nuttiness" that Paddy describes also in the aroma, both in the room note and in the aroma the tobacco imparts to the briar or meerschaum as it's smoked. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Prospective Plantings report, which was released recently , projects that burley tobacco growers in Kentucky will set 57,000 acres for harvest this year . Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. - Kendal Kentucky. After I smoked all of the sample, I bought another 8 oz, perfect with an apple meer of great reliability. Using a sharp plug knife I sliced about 2 1/2" of the 'twist' and cut it into small circles and then rubbed it out slightly. Perhaps I'm overly sensitive to this topping (in a word, I despise it), but I would not recommend KK to a smoker who doesn't like Lakeland perfume flavors. As its name implies, Kentucky Cheroots Cigars are an American made cigarillo-style treat made from the esteemed Avanti company. Heat from burning hardwood slabs and sawdust inside. CondorLover1/Simon, Achtung, am I right assuming this twist is of Dark Fired Kentucky?Moreover,I've been told some ole codgers in England do chew them strongish rope tobaccos occasionally as well. Tobacco Twist (1 - 40 of 501 results) Price ($) Set price range $75 - $100 Over $100 All Sellers Tobacco Tin 10 Sticker Pack SmokeandSaber (7) $4.00 FREE shipping Antique Woven Wreath, For Display Only, Tobacco Twist AmericanaAntiques (2,876) $112.50 $125.00 (10% off) Be forewarned these tobacco products deliver the ultimate kick with an equivalent blow to the nose. Kentucky Select Pipe Tobacco - 5lb Bag. review sounds, when lit, all things considered, this is really a remarkably well-behaved burley bordering on possible desert island smoke status. Has light topping with an herbal quality and a minor floral note (though not the traditional lakeland one might expect). This is not an all day smoke. Also makes a good mixer for a blend that needs help. Mac Baren Tobacco Company A/S is the largest privately-owned tobacco company in the Nordic Region, a leader in the pipe tobacco sector, present with its products in over 80 countries. The Kentucky tobacco is one of the first American tobaccos that was introduced in Italy. Summary: A shag-cut dark fired tobacco that mediates the smoky flavor with some sweetness for a satisfying full-power all-day smoke. Yep, strongest stuff you could find down here. Rated 0 out of 5 . Over the years, it has gained a reputation for its balanced and yet versatile flavor. This very sentiment is stated as a "clash" in the review of Emeritus Account 2011-07-30 and I concur with his statement completely - two stars. It's hard to understand how they could arrive at such an interesting blend without including VA, cavendish, perique or condiment tobaccos. Sorry, persons under the age of 18 cannot use this site. Kendal Kentucky, being a Burley, burns with no problem as you might imagine. From these strings, you can cut or bite off pieces into the size of your choice and then chew to your preferred consistency and texture. KK is sneaky strong as it starts out medium in the strength department, but by mid bowl the power of KK really makes itself known. In the end, although they seem quite different when smoked back to back, I can honestly say that if only any one of the three were available, I would lay in a large stock of it and be thankful. Puff slowly, pack loosely and use a conservative bowl size and you will be well rewarded. Add to Wishlist. Already on first few puffs I got greeted by a decent smokiness, that intensified a bit more as I progressed. After a night in the humidifying jar the 'twist' became quite pliable and less brittle, also it tasted damned good to chew due to the absence to flavoring or sugar in the tobacco. It lights and stays lit very well. Not a good first choice if one is in transition from aromatics, unless you really believe in the old sink-or-swim school. I like packing it into the pipe. Exceptionally full and well rounded. 8O. We now now come to the draw backs. Maybe some dark (70-80% cocoa) chocolate to it, too and a minor toasty quality. Nationally, the rate was 5.7%.2 Most dark fired blends overdo the "fired." Because it's cut so fine it looks like you get twice as much. So I find it's wonderfully evocative of a lost time and culture. I detect no added or artificial flavor. 5Bros is legendary for strength and flavor, full-bodied and unpretentious shag cut for pipe or chew. It's a surprisingly complex blend for being just straight Kentucky. Personally, i hate cigars so this blend is not my cup of tea. Created with Sketch. Now comes this fine blend. Smoking this always makes me think of the 19th century, of dark oily locomotives, farm houses full of tools and old hay. Whether you want regular, aromatic, or natural, this tobacco brand comes in three distinct flavors that will suit all tastes. I've tried KK in a couple of different pipes (cobs and briars) and notice no appreciable difference. As terrifying and hyperbolic as Bob Runowski's (RIP, Bob!) Bob Click to expand. Small twist is approximately 5" long and weighs 1.3 ounces. This was based on the reasoning that if this stuff tastes like a Reindeer fart it really will not impart long term flavors to the pipe since everything I like to smoke seems to remind most people of something unpleasant. In some it's pronounced, and in others, such as KK, it's very subdued. I like it better than the more modern H&H Old Dark Fired which is so popular now, but this is mainly due to the fact that KK is less processed, and has more N, is more straightforward andwell old fashioned. Good stuff for the experienced pipesmoker. I have had good luck with a range of bowl sizes with this shag. To me, this is a nice all day smoke. Harmonious smoking qualities with characteristics of slight smokiness (from it's curing method), mild nutty and cigar-like overtones, enough natural sweetness to just round out flavor and aroma. It's great stuff, just a little too much for me. Just pure tobacco that asserts its presence and keeps a smile on your face. Rating Scores - 10 is the Best and 0 is the Worst; Comment = Very Smooth, Medium Strength, Nice Full Body Natural Tobacco Flavor, White Ash Burn. JavaScript is disabled. Dark fired tobacco twist grown, harvested, and fired in western Kentucky on our small family farm. The shag cut -- while often associated with cheap tobacco in bags -- packs and lights easily and burns well, cooler than many of the other shags I have tried. I find its a great "After a big meal" or last smoke of the night blend.. Colonists in North America developed tobacco as a cash crop, and over time, settlers who moved west to Kentucky found the plant thrived in the state's soil and climate. Be careful out there, you can get too much of a good thing, (this really will turn you green and upside down if you smoke it). A blend consisting of African grown Kentucky cured burley and nothing else. Although containing a substantial amount of nicotine, it isn't a killer, at least to these seasoned taste-buds. As a result, this makes for a good all-day smoke without becoming overwhelming in flavor like many dark fired blends. Offering deep, deep tones of dark earthy wood, lightly accented by notes of muscovado-like sweetness, cocoa infused nuts, and an awesome smoky explosion of herby spice that makes the retro-hale literally felt more than tasted. For me it was water-sipping strong. All rights reserved. The smokiness is just right for me: I found nightcap too overpowering. After a couple of bowls, I added it to a mixture of some burley and aromatic tobaccos that I've compiled from blends I've not fancied. Hap, I've never even HEARD of those twists. If you need a "fix," this will do it with style. of STC Holdings LLC. Ive been coverted to Lakeland Essence ! The nic hit is pretty heavy so use a small bowl. The taste is full.It's a very interesting tobacco if you need to add a nic hit to another ribbon tobacco by blending it by yourself (it's the same for Dark Flake unscented to mix with other flake).It's a need in my cellar. No tongue bite at all. This is now my all day smoke. Love it. It is a mostly black fragrant shag cut tobacco blend of cosmic strength. If you receive this confirmation repeatedly, you will need to enable cookies so that your response can be saved. @saltedplug I believe the local paper was called the 'Uranus Examiner'. When I asked how the room note was she said it was fine. Smokes very much the same in cob or briar. Gets me in the jowls and pectoris occasionally, but it has the nose and flavor I expect. Best Greets & Take it easy, P, When I was a sprout of nine or ten, my pappy offhandedly offered me a chaw, and that satisfied me for chewing tobacco for life. Being a shag cut, it burns a bit fast, but clean with a very consistent, deeply rich and rugged flavor that translates to the long lingering, pleasant after taste, and pungent room note. And it is also ok for blending if you want to add some extra streangth to a milder tobacco. This is a dark bold blend with deep rich flavors of chocolate, earth, pepper, coffee, wood and molasses. Has a near perfect burn, although a little quick. The description above says content "Virginia", but the best I can tell is this is pure Burley. I was always a huge fan of Drum tobacco when I used to smoke RYOs, and that contains to my nose, the same Kentucky leaf as this. I received this from a fellow forum-ite as a sizable and somewhat aged (over a year old) sample. Its a shag cut, which means its not really a proper shag but more of a narrow ribbon - EU regulations mean any tobacco cut as fine as a traditional shag attracts a higher tax rate as a cigarette tobacco. The overall flavor may get a bit richer and fuller, but the profile doesn't change. And some sharper cigar notes. Earthy, woodsy and smoky with nutty, chocolaty undertone this is full-bodied and has quite some flavors to offer for a pure Kentucky blend hearty and a top-notch Kentucky blend. Simply the best! So, I guess the jury's still out on this one for me, two too divided experiences. List Price: $89.99. Body is medium to strong. I was given a sample of this with several other shag cut GH blends. I did not find this tobacco to be overpowering in the nicotene component, it did put me in the bathroom once, but it did not bother me otherwise. This is very similar to G&H Dark Birdseye which is a favorite of mine among the English "dark" tasting tobaccos. Pipe Used: Steve Wiener Bing Crosby Dublin. Kentucky King Large Twist - Tobacco Products. The Kentucky Soil and Water Conservation Commission selected individuals from 85 counties to receive the funds. Smokey toasty woodsy nutty with a hint of cocoa and brown sugar . Something else to search the interwebs for and I appreciate the your sharing the information. Not recommended for new smokers or aromatics. Quite the nicotine bomb. Excellent room aroma as well. Unfortunately, the Lakeland essence masked this wonderful aroma at all stages. This tobacco is a bit of a trip down memory lane for me as it smells just like the tobaccos my Grandad used to smoke. Golden brown with a warm finish, like Southern Comfort. Oh, and no trace of the "lakeland soapiness," if you're worried about that. It will be part of my rotation. Only this is better. The flavour is definitely full - Ive a serious cold at the moment, cant taste anything - except this tobacco which has the worst the cold bugs can do beat. If this were a movie it would clearly be NC17. I highly recommend this tobacco to smokers that want a cool full flavored high nicotine smoke. What an interesting, ummm, review. Nicotine: strong. It burns perfectly even, clean and cool, with a very consistent flavor from start to finish. blah blah blah. I almost just tossed it but the bag felt spongy so I opened it. Granny dipped snuff and chewed Kentucky Twist tobacco so there were always spit cans around and if you ever got bee or wasp stung she had the tobacco juice to doctor you right up. The Moscow mule is a well-loved classic and this Kentucky twist is a great choice for all the bourbon lovers out there. Just enough to detract. I grew up on a tobacco farm in dark-fired country, and I never realized how much EVERYTHING smells like the stuff (esp. Pipe News |, |About Great if you love burley and a little strength. What makes this blend stand out is its ability to balance the smoky flavor and as a result allow it to stand on its own in contrast to the underlying tobacco taste, creating the enveloping sensation of smoked tobacco instead of nearly burned tobacco. Policy | Terms It burns ok as is, but does benefit from some drying. Wonderful smoke, best to be enjoyed in small bowls, as it carries some "oomph"! I am so sorry for the loss of your preferred tobacco. Filtered Cigars. Its not much like the Dark shag/flake, which has a tang all of its own. Rough around the edges, raw, old-timey. But the crop has also taken its toll. It lights and burns effortlessly. It is in my regular rotation now and I would like to see how it ages if I can keep it around long enough. If smoked too fast, the flavor is lost and the smoke becomes bitter. This one lets the tobacco talk. I have blended it with some original flake because although not fast burning it seems to fine for a pipe. Bowling Green, KY, Scott Tobacco Co. Color Post Card. I've put this in my regular rotation for evenings when I don't have time for a full bowl of a dark Kendal flake such as 1792. Interestingly, I detected no Lakeland essence in the jar aroma. Update: Well, I had to vacupack a bunch of this that I could not feature smoking any more of at the present time. It's about the same strength, and I find it more flavorful. |, We use the SafeSurf Rating System to signify that is for adults only. It is (as expected) smokey, and a little thick in terms of mouth texture or "feel." Looking threw my cellar for something for xmas morning I discovered a 6 yr old gallon jar of this blend pop the lid and was greeted with a nice moist & sweet burley smell very unique, knowing shag cut I grabbed a fair amount for a couple of bowls , let it air dry on my tobacco bowl(paper plate) for 30 Min. Strong for sure.loads of flavorfull smoke.reminds me somewhat of another favorite Irish Flake. But this tobacco won me over immediately and it just keeps getting better. I don't regularly smoke a lot of Burley but I can't get enough of Kendal Kentucky. Published review content of this website is considered the There are light, dark, and medium brown tobaccos in the shag. After Harrison died in 1841, Jane and Samuel took over the business, which continued to flourish. Free shipping over $199. Kentucky's Best Pipe Tobacco from BNB Tobacco features premium flue-cured Burley tobacco. No confusion. You might like this even if you have not liked other burley tobaccos in the past. 1-24-10 Mixed in 30% or so of Nicotiana Rustica. Packs easily. I also tried rolling it in a cigarette paper and found it quite enjoyable - retaining it's full flavour and being of a much higher quality than any other hand rolling tobacco I've ever tried, which is admittedly, a limited number. In the UK this tends to be sold in bulk form as dark Kentucky shag. It gave me no tongue bite and I smoked it slowly to make sure it didn't turn bitter as some burley based tobby's are want to do. At a facility in Kentucky, plants are being injected with a protein in order to spur them into producing one of the three antibodies . Kendal Kentucky is the only one of the three in which I can detect zero non-tobacco flavorants, but it is still tastier than Kendal Dark. GH Kendal Kentucky is in a single word.. STRONG.. The product comes in a translucent cellophane wrapper with the name prominently stamped on the front and the fact that it is chewing tobacco. Elements of woody smokiness, a touch of spice, some herbal elements and the nutty burley itself blend really well together. Exactly like those traded to trappers and Indians since the early approximately century. Kentucky Dew Sweet Twist Painted Tin Tobacco Tag. Similar Blends: Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. - Dark Bird's Eye, Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. - Kendal Dark Shag Unscented , Peterson - Irish Flake, Mac Baren - HH Old Dark Fired, Samuel Gawith - Brown No. | The plant today known as tobacco, or Nicotiana tabacum, is a member of the nicotiana genus - a close relative to the poisonous nightshade and could previously only be found in the Americas. I've been smoking this now for over six months and it is a permanent part of my rotation. Long live Kendal Kentucky! Consider: Kentucky has the highest percentage of adult smokers in the nation. Following this initial phase, the robust characteristics of full-strength burley dominate the pallet the entire life of the bowl. I am not really big on reviewing pipe tobacco. The moist fine shag cut is all too easy to clump into a big plug when filling the pipe - filling a bit looser than normal is necessary. It reminds me of the little Italian Toscanino cigars which are made from a similar tobacco. To start, I don't like a shag cut. With Kendal Kentucky, you may want to try a smaller bowl. In reality it is a 'twist' of tobacco and whilst it claims to be a chewing tobacco it is also very smokable. HUB KC Cash & Carry Kansas City, MO 816-231-6841 And for my personal taste the stoutness can be a bit owerwhelming. Not an all day smoke, but you can always have a bowl later on in the day or night. Us |Contact This is one of my favorite's that I smoke straight or, use for my own blends that are burley based. Try to avoid big bowls thou, as this is much stronger than regular burley. Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. - Kendal Dark Shag Unscented. I strongly recommend that you give this one a try - you won't be disappointed. Still moist (almost too much so) so I figured, what the heck, why not? Smoking Kendall KY, for the first time, is like going to the senior prom with the bouffanted barmaid from the local taproom and she's driving her '72 Eldorado with the leopard skin seat covers. It's smoky, slightly sweet and not for beginners. The shag cut and massive nicotine hit come together to make this a great quickie smoke when you need one. ALL THINGS TOBACCO. It doesn't seize you by uvula or make your head spin or your throat tighten. Sweet with toasty notes it burns like a dream. Gawith Hoggarth - Brown Twist Sweet Maple. |Join The only possible drawback to this blend is the amount of nicotine it imparts. On its own, not for me. Chattanooga comes down the track to deliver one-of-a-kind moist, rich tobacco taste - at a price that's very affordable. This is a personal classification of mine which would include G&H Dark Flake, Sliced Brown Twist, Sliced Black Twist, et. To smoke, cut off a half inch or so with a pocket knife and crumble and cut it up, and fill your pipe. Something just built up to the point that all I could taste was this cloying smokiness and little else. It is a little like Rich Dark Honeydew in taste to me, but not as aromatic as that one is. Kentucky Twist | Tobacco | Food Country USA My Account Store Hours WEEKLY AD DIGITAL COUPONS RECIPES LOCATIONS ABOUT 0 Print Ad Digital Deals Digital Coupons Recipes My Account Contact Us Privacy Policy Terms of Use Connect 2023 Food Country USA app_key: is required. The nic-hit is potent, and I recommend a small to medium bowl at best. That's the sort of thing that makes this site really great. Shop now and experience the difference! It taste very good, but that slight acrid note is a little distracting from the pleasure. A very nice straight forward tobacco, which is what I like! Tired of boring, bland burleys? Its now 2010 and I have a new shipment of KK. I think it is fair to say not all burleys taste the same, and this is composed of multiple Kentucky tobaccos. Despite the shag cut I found this tobacco to be easy to deal with and lacked both the wimpy ability to put flavour across and the temperamentality I usually find in this kind of tobacco. What percentage of PG? Smokes well in a cob as well as a briar. The hybridations with some local varieties and the adaptations to the environment created a very typical Kentucky tobacco. copyright intellectual property of the reviewer and STC Holdings LLC and may not be If you are in the mood for a strong tobacco that will relax your senses, this is the one. It would actually make a brilliant stern roll up. Zero tongue bite. Then I lit it and all became clear. On a side note here, Kentucky Twist in an unsweetened tobacco and would be classified as natural or raw tobacco. Later on, Harrison's daughter Jane eloped to Samuel Gawith in 1838. Dark Birdseye is my favorite. KK doesn't change much at all during the smoke. Pure, burley tobacco grown and harvested in the lush plantations of Kentucky and Tennessee are hand selected by the Oliver Twist family to be used in their blends. Only thing that may be a negative for me, it is a fast burn. GH&Co bulks aren't particularly inexpensive, and there are much better dark fired Kentucky blends out there for just a few pennies more. Then I met a new friend who gifted me a very generous sampling. Mine was delivered slightly moist, but I smoked it as delivered and did not worry about drying it. Samuel Gawith - Black XX Finest Kendal Twist - 50g Tin. Source: National Agriculture Statistics Service and Economic Research Commission . $19.19. I got around to trying K.K. Nicotine level is very high. Kentucky Select pipe tobacco is a top graded premium pipe tobacco that will keep pipe smokers entranced with its smooth taste, hearty flavors, and slow burns. I think all the twists are very similar, but I usually go for Wild Duck or Mammoth Cave. Nicotine wasn't as strong as some say but strong enough for a beginner. The USPTO has given the KENTUCKY TWIST trademark a serial number of 72328634. It can burn really really fast if you truly pay no attention at all, and with tobaccos of this strength it can be unpleasant, but I am lazy and like how easy it is to get these ribbons to smolder compared to larger stuff.
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