Were you a fan of Koogle back in the day? Wish I could imitate that flavour. They still talk about to this day. It just one day disappeared like Freakies cereal. //2007-06-05: inthe70s I remember my brother and I would go through a jar a week.The chocolate was our favorite! This was good stuff! This was a staple for me from 1974 - 1976, during my 2nd and 3rd grade years. They had a peanut butter and jelly but wasn't koogle it was a elephant with glasses and a captain crunch hat on, I remember. I used to make sandwiches with chocolate Koogle on one side and banana Koogle on the other. In the premiere commercial the mascot danced to a jingle, "Pea-nutty-koogle with the koo-koo-koogly eyes," which was modeled on Billy Rose's 1923 hit song "Barney Google (with the Goo-Goo-Googly Eyes)". Also, banana-flavored peanut butter? [Speaker 2] And it doesn't make my mouth stick together. The chocolate flavor was the best! A kid in my class in 1970 - as a five year old - had it on his sandwhich. HAHA! Now all I have to do is print some labels! It would be a huge hit today. Is this not available anywhere anymore? If you've wondered "Can dogs eat ham?", the answer is no. My through investigation had determined that it must be the real. What are the 4 major sources of law in Zimbabwe. They need to bring it back ALL the flavors not only for those if us who loved it but for my children and grandchildren to try it too ( my daughter thought I was crazy when I told her about Koogle, I had to show her that it actually did exsist lol) I just mad her try the Jiff Cinnamon and she likes it, imagine if she tried the Koogle :D, Some of their slogans: "Fruit fruity o fruit fa fay!!!" I remember it tasting amazing! One of the most popular is the honey baked ham. When i ask other people they look at me like im strange. September 30, 2008 Neil Pasricha. Bought some turntables at the Fordham road (Bronx) location when I was 14. I remember Koogle very well. Nite Ize NiteHowl LED Rechargeable Necklace $15.99 $19.99 Free Same-Day Delivery! I knew it existedI loved the banana one. Now I know i'm not crazy!!! We were in the Pittsburgh area when we use to buy it. If any of you know of a recipe let me know. Joe Biden's day planner was left on a table at a Washington DC Denny's this week. are there any pics of the jar out there anywhere? Banana flavour was off the hook. My cousin found your blog and sent it to me. I mixed flavors too!! Anyway I'm glad i'm not alone in craving this item. I was just telling a few friends last night out at dinner and they were looking at me like I was wearing clown costume!!!! Thank you for the memories. from $19.99. I remember the jingle "Koo Koo Koogle with the Koo Koo Koogly eyes" I even remember some of my lines "I want some Koogle" and then the mom says "what's the majic word" and I say "please". My family thought I was crazy. Nutella tried but it just isnt the samekoo-koo koogley eyes just cant be beat lol. I saw a thing on YouTube about food from 70s and there it was. Oh, how I miss those googly eyes. othher ppl remember koogley eyes pnut butter. At least HE should've remembered it but he and my parents all set I must've dreamed it. We are not nutz! It left a definite lasting impression in my memory. I was very sad when taken off market. I think Nutella has the market pretty well cornered now on nut spreads, however. Oh my goodnessI thought I was the only one!! What is are the functions of diverse organisms? I love koogle peanutbutter spread will you bring back the favors chocolate ; vanilla; banana ? Or maybe your mom mixed peanut butter and grape jelly herself? Dark Chocolatey Dreams Peanut Butter, Non-GMO Project Verified, Gluten Free, Vegan, 16 Ounce (Pack of 6) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001GQ3E3M/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_67ZVMRY9834P2Y99WB8D?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1Here ya go. Dad would sit with him at White castle counter 1948-50 , both worked nights. Can dogs eat honey uncured ham? It was delicious. My favorite was banana i can still tast it i wish they would bring it back, Thank you !!! Kodak Commercial from the 60s Turnaround; Koogle; Koogle Peanut Butter; Kool-AId; Labatt's Blue Beer (canada) Laughing Cow Cheese; Lay's Potato Chips Court room scene, Man sitting on the witness stand swearing under oath, that he can only eat just one. It is real. Oh my goodness, heaven at last! I can only find the lame one out there with the mom and her kids, but I thought the ones with the Wolfman Jack sounding guy were pretty cool. (born in '68). I hope Kraft gets the himt and remakes it cuz when I was about 7 years old when we come home from church on Sunday morning we stopped at Harding market and bought Google and other snacks for the afternoon but it was always koogle that I grabbed off the shelf. This is so funny. It had a very unique and smooth texture, which didnt stick to your mouth, possibly due to a higher concentration of oil. google_ad_width = 120; Just ate way too much of the chocolate. Remember the 70s flavored peanut butter called Koogle? It was made by Kraft so they own the rights. Out of curiosity, how did you get the part? Nice bit of nostalgia for me. Why isn't this still around? It seems everyone who has posted here has the same thing to say. I used to bring a chocolate Koogle sandwich to school every day. Please bring it back.. it'll catch on this time I bet. The only two I bothered with were chocolate (colored dark brown just like chocolate frosting) and banana (colored yellow). It was an oh my GOODNESS memory. Yes!! google_ad_client = "pub-1475700848612418"; Koogle was a flavored peanut spread marketed by Kraft, introduced in 1974. I lived off of chocolate Koogle when I was a jr in college. The added incentive with Koogle was to try spreading it over other types of foods and not just bread or toast. THROWBACK THRUSDAY: Koogle peanut spread 6,748 views Feb 14, 2019 54 Dislike Share Save WFSB 3 55.3K subscribers Koogle peanut spread is this week's Throwback Thursday commercial. Sigh. I loved the chocolate flavor. Kraft put out the peanut butter product line called Koogle & even developed a whole new language called Kooglese as a part of their ad campaing. I can't tell you how excited I was .. it immediately brought me back to my childhood. For years I've been trying to find the cinnamon peanut butter of my childhood. I'm 40 years old and I must have been 5 or 6 years old (around 1976) when I first tried it! I was very ill at the dinner table that evening. My brother would have been 8-10. Koogle Peanut Butter had Chocolate swirled in with it. Every so often I get a craving for the banana flavor peanut butter I had as a child. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Koogle was a flavored Peanut Butter treat from the 70s that came in several flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Cinnamon, and Banana. But they said it would not happen. As far as I can find from my research and talking to various people familiar with the product, there were only the 4 flavors: Vanilla, Cinnamon, Chocolate, and Banana. Mom bought me Vanilla Koogleone was enough to satisfy my curiosity. oompa loompa candies were the best!I used to try to crack them in half, in my mouththe candy coating was so crunchy!good times! OMG!! What I want to know is why can't I find any reference to the "koo-koo-Koogle with the koo-koo-koogly eyes" commercial? thought even she was hiding it all for herself. They didn't know what they were missing. I swear it! I don't remember my mom ever buying Koogle. what i would do for a jar right now. Also Dynamite magazine. Everyone I've mentioned it to since including my wife says the same and she's my age. omg! yea all i wanted to know is how much it was!!!!! If you were a lover of all things peanut butter-related in the 1970s, chances are good that a product called Koogle captured your attention. And so, we are left with mere memories of this peanutty spread with the unforgettable flavor whose flame flickered out all too soon. What a great memory. It was available in several flavors, including chocolate, cinnamon, vanilla and banana.[1][2]. Couldn't find anyone who remembered it. I was a junior at Stony Brook and lived on campus. Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/01/04 at 09:12 p.m. Koogle was a flavored Peanut Butter from Kraft Foods in the 70's There was Chocolate/Banana/Cinnamon/Vanilla Are South Beach peanut butter protein bars being discontinued? After a breakfast of Pink Panther Flakes cereal. I used to spread it on a graham cracker (always thought it was wasted on a sandwich). I'm so glad he did because I was starting to think I was crazy--my mom didn't remember it (but she's getting old and crazy, shhhhh). Stupid phone. Yes, you read that right - I enjoyed it so much, I would spend my own hard-earned cash on it. I hated when it vanished. I wish koogle would make a comeback! I'd love to try these, especially Banana flavor. He and my parents all SAID I must've dreamed it. when will Kraft bring it back?my partner would love to see it again.Ive never had it. Definitely eaten more with a spoon, but I remember Koogle sandwiches in my lunch for school. I haven't added them to the store here yet, but a friend of mine wrote an excellent history about them on his website CollectingCandy.com: http://www.collectingcandy.com/wordpress/?p=5625 - Thanks for checking out my blog! Remember the 70's flavored peanut butter called Koogle? That was my favorite. You must have been a cute young thing, and I'll bet you still are. I Can't find it anywhere or anything like it. Thank you! I too crave the banana Koogle. Nutella sucks! Press J to jump to the feed. Koogle Peanut Butter Spread Before seemingly everyone was allergic to peanuts, this spread from the 1970s ruled. Koogle was by far superior, no comparison. No Mandela effect here. [Speaker 1] This is Koogle peanut spread from Kraft. I had it when I was young. All Rights Reserved. I especially loved it on graham crackers. Koogle Koogle was a peanut butter spread marketed by Kraft, first released in the USA in 1971. Natural Crunchy Peanut Butter Spread - Contains 90% Peanuts . I used to eat it by the spoonful right out of the jar. Kraft Foods introduced Koogle in 1971, a sweetened peanut butter spread that was sold in a jar and available in four flavors chocolate, banana, cinnamon and vanilla. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. A peanut spread in flavors like cinnamon, banana, vanilla, and chocolate, Koogle was released by Kraft in 1971 and became an immediate hit among children due to its wacky commercials, which featured an oversized jar-shaped puppet with googly eyes and froglike arms and legs. Remember them all. It was Google Peanut Butter in Oregon too, never heard of Koogle and the commercial was "with the goo goo googly eyes". I'm glad other people remember this, too, and I'm not going crazy! The commercial below being one of the most popular ones. Before returning to the White House, our staff was able to take pictures of the contents of Biden's rigorous schedule. The X-3 and 1 were my favorites. Its consistency differed from your typical peanut butter in that it didnt stick to your mouth (most likely due a higher concentration of oil, Mmmm!). Heart broken as you can imagine, I thought maybe it wasn't what I thought .. I'm a '69 baby and grew up eating all 4 flavors switched out daily. There was a Grape Flavor Koogle, too! I loved all the flavors. i think the character said something like "sha bat dat wah..creamy koogle with the goog-goog-googly eyes. Koogle was a flavored peanut spread marketed by Kraft, introduced in 1971. I'm emailing Kraft. lol. Many of Koogle's TV commercials featured the product's mascot, an oversized puppet costume in the abstract form of a giant jar with spinning eyeballs, frog-like arms and legs, and a \"jive\" voice like that of then-popular radio disc jockey Wolfman Jack. They need to bring this back! Later, in later 80s I worked at a grocery store, and always kept my eyes open for it. Best ever!!! I loved eating a chocolate Kooglg and marshmallow sandwhich as a kid! Later commercials would feature mothers endorsing the product so that other mothers would buy it for their children. Crazy to see there are a variety of sites on Koogle and that many are hoping for its comeback! Would give anything for a jar now. ). I can't remember the exact name of the product, but I think it was called Googley Eyes Peanut Butter and I sort of remember the jar having a pic of a monster's face with googley eyesit was also very sweet, but delicious! Your email address will not be published. I think you may be getting it confused with Goober Grape, similar product out about the same time. Kraft bring it back please and dont change it not a thing !! Koogle Peanut butter Spread Fun Vintage Ad Tee Shirt, Download Best WordPress Themes Free Download. Breakfast just hasn't been the same in forty years. The Peanut Pals organization, a nonprofit group dedicated to collecting Mr. Peanut and Planters memorabilia, was founded. Vanilla & Cinnamon koogle was my fave it was awesome!!! Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect clip. Natural Squeeze Creamy Peanut Butter Spread Contains 90% Peanuts . Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. 3 talking about this. konstantin guericke net worth; xaverian brothers high school nfl players; how is the correct gene added to the cells; hong kong supermarket flyer calgary * By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and to receive inkFrog emails & updates and acknowledge that you read our Privacy Policy. After nearly 50 yrs, this as close as you're gonna get. Sadly, although many people today attest to a former affection for Koogle during their childhood, the product didnt exactly fly off of store shelves. Small donations are always appreciated to help keep our informational archive afloat. I loved the 70's as well.. but not the early 70's.. Just from 1975 to 1980.. Witchy poo still gives me nightmars. [Speaker 2] And..[Speaker 1] Chocolate, vanilla, banana and cinnamon. . This sweetened peanut butter came in four different flavours chocolate, cinnamon, banana and vanilla. Me too! When you unscrewed the lid, the wax paper-like seal said, "Here's lookin' at yOOgle! I thought I was the only one who remembered it. A wander through 70s & 80s nostalgia hosted by Gen X-aged authors Amy Asbury and Robbie-Ann McPherson. mmmm. My mother doesnt remember it at all and she is the one who bought it. ya i know we're all wierd by some ppl's standards but that pnut butter was and still is worth being wierd over :) thanx all for the memories. I wish they would make an exception and just bring it back, I do too my husband and I were just talking about it s I googled where I could find it well I got all you guys lol I loved the banana I think it by far exceeds nutella which I think was a way of bringing it back. I loved this product and I'm going to request it from Kraft right now! Such fond memories of him at my house every weekend in his ever present skull cap and stinky, I was a part time junior ski instructor at Bald Hill during two winter seasons. I have an original jar. We did have it quite a bit when we were kids! I remember it well, and was sad to see it go. I hate it didn't last long. Wow the memory you people have. Me too. Koogle was a peanut butter spread marketed by Kraft, first released in the USA in 1971. I would eat it at lunch time. It is truly amazing that a man of Biden's age has enough vim and vigor to accomplish so much every day. If I tried it now I would probably gag, but it is one of those lost foods I remember. What are the Physical devices used to construct memories? Subsequent commercials had the mascot explaining the product to children in \"jive\" talk, or mothers endorsing the product to make it more appealing to mothers so they would be more willing to buy it for their childrenContact us at:rodtv65@gmail.combbv2mllc@gmail.combbv2m-brothersbrooksvision2missionllc.comBe sure to check out our other channels:WIJA - What If? When ever I asked someone if they remembered googly eyes peanut butter they said I invented it in my mind - why was it ever taken off the market? My Maiden name was Koogle and remember getting teased at school about the goo goo google eyes, aah what a blast from the past. They stated they will bring it back. I always looked forward to that sandwich treat! Koogle was a peanut butter spread marketed by Kraft, first released in the USA in 1971. He also had a jive voice and would dance to a jingle. Ingredients 2 cups Natural Peanut Butter (the drippy kind) 6 tbs Freeze-Dried Banana Powder ** 8 packets Natural Sweetener ( stevia, Truvia, etc.) No links have been submitted for this page yet. she knew what it meant. A carrot was one of the foods suggested to try Koogle on. It had a unique and smooth texture, which didnt stick to your mouth, possibly due to a higher concentration of oil. Please if someone has a recipe then I beg of you to post it for everyone of us old people. I often think about Koogle. I begged for one for Christmas one year. Apple cinnamon , the label was greenthat was the best . I remember the swirls in the jelly too! [Speaker 1] And it doesn't make my mouth stick together. Have you ever searched Youtube for it? Avengers: Infinity War (2018) clip with quote You're from Earth. Koogle was a peanut butter spread marketed by Kraft, first released in the USA in 1971. I am 42 and I'm relieved that googley eyed jar of peanut butter was a real thing!! i have tried them all and nothing compares to Koogle. Why do sp many people not recall this item. Loved ot as a kid, not crazy about the cinnamin . Now, it's always possible they could have test marketed a Grape flavor in certain areas of the country, that happens all the time (I still can't get anyone to believe they made Ranch Flavored Funyuns in the early 90s, which I believe may have also been a test market thing, and they were real, I remember buying and enjoying them). loved the googley eyes. I ate Koogle all the time. I think cinnamon was the only flavor I didn't really like personally, but loved the chocolate, banana, and vanilla. Do they make any more and where can I get it. I was born in 1969. Koogle forever! Lol, You sure you're not thinking about Goober Grape? I'm glad everyone enjoyed the peanut butter it was goood !!!!! The flavors were chocolate, bananna, cinnomin, and strawberry. THAT's how good it was. Thanks Koogle! This sweetened peanut butter came in four different flavors - chocolate, cinnamon, banana and. TV shows, fashion, music, toys, candy, food, clothes, newsworthy events - nothing is off limits, as long as it happened a long time ago. Hope it comes back one day. I wish that they would bring this back so that I could introduce this to my kids so that they could enjoy the various flavors as I did. I remember my mom bought the chocolate that was my favorite of all time. I remember Koogle, the banana and peanut butter was my favorite back as a 7 and 8 year old. Hope it comes back one day. Koogle was awesome. Seems complete but no assembly instructions. Maybe we should all email Kraft and tell them we want it back!! This sweetened peanut butter came in four different flavors chocolate, cinnamon, banana and vanilla. [sung] You'll love Koogle the Krafty nutty surprise. LOL. This is crazy but I was actually in one of the Koogle commercials back in the 70's -- I must have been 8 or 9 and it was filmed it Toronto. I so wish someone would bring back the cinnamon flavor and banana!!! They were about the size of a peanut m&m, with half chocolate and half peanut butter inside a candy shell!! I remember that somehow help me out here. Who is Katy mixon body double eastbound and down season 1 finale? Anyone remember Captain Crunch Vanilla crubch featuring Wilma Whale or is that another delussional memory? Thank you! Interesting: Timothy ^Koogle | Jacob ^Koogle | ^Friendster, Parent commenter can toggle ^NSFW or ^delete. Nowadays its Nutella & Peanut Butter if ever the nostalgia awakens. It was available in several flavors, including chocolate, cinnamon, vanilla and banana.Many of Koogle's TV commercials featured the product's mascot, an oversized puppet costume in the abstract form of a giant jar with spinning eyeballs, frog-like arms and legs, and a \"jive\" voice similar to that of then-popular radio disc jockey Wolfman Jack. UPTO 50% OFF ON ALL PRODUCTS. I LOved the chocolate as well! Just a stupid little page to see how many people still miss their Koogle. i was sooo lil" at the time. I dont want organic green vegan just how it was in 1974!!! I decided to look it up to make sure I wasn't making it up today. My husband and I have been looking for Koogle peanut butter for over 20 years. google_alternate_color = "E7F0EB"; Either way, Id love to hear your recollections of this memorable snack food from the era in our comments section below. google_ad_channel = "9301152533"; It was made by Kraft so they own the rights. You are all freaks but I am glad you remember so now I can finally put this to rest!!! Submit a link to more information about Koogle User Stories and Comments i have asked tons of people if they remember this stuff, but nobody seems to beside me. I remember LOVING the chocolate flavor! I have to say I do love Nutella now that Googly Eyes banana's nowhere to be found :(, i loved it too chocolate and banana was the best i wish it was here still i tell my kids about it and they look at me like i had 2 heads .i wish it will come back instead of the nuttella it doesn't compare. I ahev to laugh as I was wondering if it was still being made - Glad to see I am not the only KOOK for good stuff - I miss that someone should re-market the flavors for us 40 somethings! Submit a link to more information about Koogle Peanut Butter. I would do anything for a jar of this!! Fans of Koogle peanut butter will most likely remember the Koogle mascot who featured in the earlier commercials, an alien like creature with four eyes, blue hair and a body shaped like a jar of peanut butter with the letter K on it. All Creamy; All Crunchy; All Squeeze; I also see an image in my mind of the google eyes. Koogle. I'm so happy I found this site because I thought I was the only one. And now flavoured peanut butter is back! Rod TV 65 \"Wow!!! LOVED this so much! I remember these from when I was a kid. "Sha bop dat wow!". Did you do other work or was it a one time thing? Nice link . There are 8 small to go packs. This list of Mondelez International brands (formerly Kraft Foods Inc.) includes brand-name products that are developed, owned, licensed, or distributed by Mondelez International.The company's core businesses are snack foods and confectionery.In certain international territories, Kraft-branded products are made by Mondelez under license from Kraft Heinz Company since 2012. I remember these commercials on TV and I have been trying to remember for years what the product was. Another great product. I was born in '65 and also loved Freakies, Space Food Sticks, Danish-Go-Rounds, Tang, King Vita Man cereal, and soaked up all the Sid and Marty Krofft I could (Sigmund and the Sea Monsters!)! I loved Koogle when I was young! I have difficulty remembering all of the flavors that were available, but I believe there were four. Wish Kraft would bring it back. if you spread a single slice of bread with butter, peanut butter and nutela, you will effectively re create the taste of chocolate koogle. It was delicious!!! I was only about 7 or 8 years old and remember it quite well. I loved the cinnamon. Unfortunately. It was actually kind of nasty, but we loved it all the same. One day I managed to whine enough for her to relent and get the cinnamon variety. It was pulled from the market for something. I guess that's where the saying comes from "You can catch a mouse with Koogle" (note: this is not a real saying. it was the best. Submit a story or info about Koogle Peanut Butter,
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koogle peanut butter commercial
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