At present I dont believe there are any in Maroondah..I would like council to work with a group like Ironbark to assess where the biggest gain in emissions reduction can be achieved in our community. I will be an advocate for the smaller issues we have, such as emptying bins at our parks, getting the unfinished footpaths to full footpaths in our streets, and keeping residents informed about developments in our area. Any major decisions should be communicated about before the decision is made. Please contact me 0409003048 or or look at my fb page https://www. I will use my experience to continue to work on behalf of businesses in Maroondah to ensure their growth, cut red tape that hinders them, and focus on our ability to attract and retain new business. I find my information from environmental friendly resources, What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues? Do you see a role for Maroondah Council to liaise with Yarra Ranges Council to achieve better overall landscaping outcomes?Yes, this can be a dialogue conducted through direct, interpersonal channels as well as through more formal channels like the Eastern Region Group of Councils. Mr Marks nominated as a candidate for McAlpin Ward in Maroondah Council in the 2020 general election. As your current Councillor I have voted to keep rate increases at zero and will continue to do so. I cherish the fact that local sports and recreation, which has played such a big role in my life, is now being taken up by my kids. 20948, Cleaning services for MFE and Wyreena - contract no. At the moment only 8.9% of the budget is spent on community, this needs to double or even triple over the next few years. And better representation at VCAT hearings. I am passionate about protecting the environment we live in. My campaign slogan is Back to Basics and I precisely mean that, now is not the time for flashy projects, but to keep rates low and repair the damage from Covid-19! Over 340 species identified during 2022 City Nature Challenge! The City of Maroondah should aim to become carbon neutral as soon as possible. Tony Dib is the only candidate for this ward. 20964, Carpark lighting installation - contract no. New ward boundaries for the eight councils are informed by modelling by the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC). 20891, Notice of Tender - Road Reconstruction - Contract No. If you give me the privilege of representing you on Council, rest assured that I will listen to you and work for you. Gday im David Maloney. I ask that you vote 1 Suzanne Stojanovic to represent McAlpin Ward. We need to start putting back into our own community. We will need to consider how we can link our local parks, gardens and reserves as available recess and lunchtime breakout areas, and how old industrial sites might be converted to school sites in the future. E.g. Lets not just buy local, lets employ local. Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? 27th Annual Mayoral Art Exhibition 2022 acquisitions announced, Goats in the city - Sustainable vegetation removal, Caring for our carers - Pathways for Carers program, Lift your spirits with the Maroondah Lift Project, New pavilion boosts membership interest for user groups, Explore the great outdoors this Nature Play Week, Community Grants Funding Program Chin Community Victoria Inc, Cr Nora Lamont resigns from Maroondah City Council, Fresh Theatre returns to Maroondah with new show, The Unsaid, Be Brave. Make a summary of each return available on Council's website until the entitlement date for the next general election in 2024. Im sure weve all come to know one another much better than before. Maroondah City Council currently has 9 wards: Barngeong, Bungalook, Jubilee, McAlpin, Tarralla, Wicklow, Wonga, Wombalano and Yarrunga. The following candidates are declared elected. My qualifications focused on Urban Geography, my thesis on transport at the local government level. I have lived and worked in Maroondah for 45 years. If you have any questions about voting or about my policies, please call 0492500340 or email I will make our neighbourhood safer and cleaner. And, according to my understanding, state legislation sufficiently protects cultural, indigenous and native vegetation through heritage protections. Protecting our unique biodiversity. Its possible an extensive public education campaign could help, and even improved surveillance or inspections of certain properties identified as having significant vegetation (especially native vegetation) coverage requiring protection. Council can do more to assist them. Your ongoing support will enable me to keep making the improvements our community deserves. Ill fight for the following issues: Development in youth, open parks and sports grounds; Upgrading the South Croydon Football Club Pavilion; Keep vacant land at the old Croydon South primary school in community hands; Reject any inappropriate developments that lead to an increase in traffic congestions; Fund the enhancement of Tarralla creek with a shared pass for bike tracks and an underground water storage system; Ensure the Dorset golf course remains an 18 hole course; Improve community services for the elderly; Oppose any further development of Eastfield Park by private developers; Responsible financial management, with no rate increases for the next financial year to help ease the burden on local families; Genuinely consult residents on planning issues. We need improvements around neighbourhood hubs and to keep upgrading our playgrounds, kinders, community and sports facilities. Amend aspects of the Municipal Planning Scheme to better support existing neighbourhood character and well-being.d. We have to ensure that no one is excluded from the discussion due to ability, language, access to technology or care/ work commitments. Ensure Council staff are reviewing planning applications consistent with the Ruskin Park planning objectives.c. Last election councillors promised to save the former South Croydon school site for public open space, yet four years on we still have no answer whether the site will be saved for open space or sold to a developer to turn into a large housing estate. How do you think the outcomes can be improved within your capacity as a Councillor?a. Type a minimum of three characters then press UP or DOWN on the keyboard to navigate the autocompleted search results. 3. I advocated more strongly than others to ensure Aquanation received state and federal funding and got built, resulting in the magnificent facility that provides a return to ratepayers. 20896, Annual Report 2017/18 - The Age - 19 September 2018, Notice of Tender - Floodlighting Upgrade - Contract No. Maroondah is on an exciting sustainability and livability journey and I want to keep bringing my energy, passion and experience of developing equitable policies and innovative thinking to the decision making table. 20889, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - The Age - 22 May 2018, Notice of Tender - Tree Data Capture Services - Contract No. I currently work for the City of Whittlesea as a Family Violence Project Officer leading a team project and collaborating in the northern metropolitan region. Sharing information provided by prospective Councillors seeking our votes is important information. This election was uncontested and the following candidate(s) are declared elected unopposed. I will keep Ringwood and Dorset Golf as 18-hole courses, upgrading facilities at both, and increase Councils budget for new footpaths, after more than tripling it over the last 4 years. As councillor and representative of the Tarralla Ward, I will strive to make sure each and every member of our community is awarded the same opportunity. I will continue advocating for the Croydon level crossing removal. Candidates who identify as LGBTIQA+ will . In these difficult days of isolation, thats where council now has an even bigger part to play. Maroondah City Council Map - Detailed Arrabri Ward (3 vacancies) Results for this election have now been finalised. These and other opportunities for community consultation need to be well publicised so that as many people as possible are aware of their opportunity to be involved. 20880, Notice of Special Council Meeting - The Age - 24 March 2018 - Maroondah Leader - 27 March 2018, Notice of Tender - Pit & Pipe Cleaning Services - Contract No. What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?I could write an essay on this question; not sure where to begin. See above! What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?To hold more consultative meetings and have community workshops. I could go on. Mob: 0481 742 959brightsidemily@gmail.comFacebook: My family and I have lived in South Croydon since I joined the Victoria Police Force in 1975. Your email address will not be published. Cutting red tape, fast-tracking small business applications, and fixing day today issues that matter. Ive got the skills, passion and work ethic to be your representative for Yarrunga Ward. In the current climate and over the next 4 years it will be hard, really hard. We need Councillors that understand these are unusual times and we need to change services & the way they are delivered. what are they fitting it out with.,,, Suzanne Stojanovic forMaroondah McAlpin Ward,,, https://www. Maroondah City Council elections were conducted by the Victorian Electoral Commission on 24 October 2020. Registration is free. Its heartening to see how our community has banded together to support one another this year. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?Usually abc news or google for things, david Attenborough, my partner is usually all over that sort of news so we talk about it. We can start with a local community newsletter that can be mailed out to those without access to or knowledge of technology, but also an opt in of the newsletter to email. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?I think Council documents and consultation should be more accessible i.e. I am a proud resident of Maroondah and the Wombolano ward where I live with my husband and four children. As a candidate for the Arrabri ward in the upcoming Maroondah Council elections, I guarantee to do something exceptionally well. More than ever we need representation on council that will listen to the community and ensure that the council during this difficult period, provides the essential services and support that we all expect. Hi Tarralla Ward residents: My Name is Jay Bhat, and I am running to be your local council representative for the city of Maroondah. 20922, Adoption of Council Plan 2017-2021 (2019/20 Update) and Budget 2019/20, Notice of intention to discontinue road and sell land, Amenities refurbishment - contact no. For a fresh face on council who will represent this community with rigour and will not be afraid to support what matters most, I seek your vote. Im asking for your vote so together we can continue to make our community a better place to live and work. I want to see a safer crossing at the Gateway Estate and Dorset Road intersection. Promote and uphold the Neighbourhood Character Review report (2019)b. What I am is a working resident of Ringwood who has had enough of council bureaucracy. Theyre a message of hope. Please note: all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points. At the close of nominations for this election, the number of candidates was equal to the number of vacancies. Remember to fill in all the boxes on your ballot paper to make sure your vote counts. (2) Increase grant opportunities and bring together environmental leaders to support accelerator programs where community members can get involved to come up with solutions that are sustainable for the environment, What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now? Our resilient and vibrant community is dealing with challenging times and local government matters to support in the recovery. I have volunteered for local organisations associated with the council , participated in fundraising activities for the RMH, Movember, Cancer Council Victoria, Eastern Health and RSPCA. The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) conducts Council Elections and manages all aspects of the election process. Why or why not?Yes. D. D. R. Following the 2020 presidential election, 62.2% of Utahns lived in one of the state's 26 Solid Republican counties, which voted for the Republican presidential candidate in every election from 2012 to 2020, and 37.5% lived in one of two Trending Democratic counties: Salt Lake and Summit. As a rate payer, I want, like everyone, accountability and transparency around expenditure of rates. 20967, Design and construct multi-deck carpark - EOI - contract no. Im seeking for your vote to represent you as your Ward councillor on Maroondah City Council. Maintain our green and leafy environment, What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Stop the loss of mature trees. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?ABC News, The Guardian, Michael West Media, SBS, What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?I would like Maroondah council to declare a climate emergency. Contact me at ph: 0424 372 752 Vote 1 Donna MacKinnon, Vote 2 Peter Feeney, then all other candidates in the order of your choice., You can listen to Donna MacKinnon on our podcast. I want some of that $28M planned for Eastland to use it in Croydon and Bayswater North. Mob: 0430 117 386c_youssef18@hotmail.comfacebook:, Where do you find your information on Climate Change? We need councillors who listen to all the community, not just the groups with the loudest voices. This quote best sums up my values: How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. To represent your community, its important to be active in it. Remember to read the voting instructions to make sure you vote correctly. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. BH: (03) 9723 4545AH: (03) 9723 4545Mob: 0417 391 743les.willmott@gmail.comFacebook I am also a member of the amazing Eastern Regional Coop and have a strong environmental sustainability focus. But one thing that hasnt changed is our strong community spirit. We were drawn to living in this beautiful part of the world because of the lovely greenery, easy access to public transport and great shops, and most importantly, the wonderful community. I come from among us, as a Croydon small business owner and resident, parent of school and kinder aged children, active member of local soccer, baseball and tennis clubs, and Scouts group. We need councillors that are willing to scrutinise the budget and trim the fat. They face an uncertain future, as evidenced by the horrendous bushfires over summer. Introduce a new notification system to alert neighbours when a permit is being applied for to remove a canopy tree.Other (Please describe). It is why I am also supporting ideas like greening greyfields, community gardens, green street projects, food organics and garden organics waste services, and gardens for wildlife, which neighbourhoods and residents can lead themselves, with the support of Council. I went to Heathmont Secondary College. What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?Better recycling, including reuse of hard rubbish and reducing corporate food waste. Yes I agree that council should declare a climate emergency because global warming is getting out of control. If youre interested in finding more about what your candidates hope to achieve, if elected, check out our latest podcast episodes and join the Connecting Maroondah Facebook group to stay up to date with all things Maroondah. Please contact eProcure on 1800 . Candidates: Ron Davis Matthew Mitnick Kenneth Wilson District 5 I support the need for council to provide more in relation to rate and fee concessions, waivers and relief to the many businesses that have been affected. Advocating to State Government to ensure their planning laws dont ruin our amenity. I am excited to be running for Tarralla Ward within Maroondah City Council. I have always been a strong advocate for young people, women, and anyone in our community needing support. It involves selecting the candidates who most competitively meet . As a 39 year-long resident of Wonga ward, a parent and a teacher, I understand this community inside and out. I will continue my advocacy for community groups, sporting clubs and work to ensure we continue the redevelopments of our community facilities and provide access for all regardless of ability. 20920, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - 45, 47 and 49 Eastfield Road, Ringwood East, Golf cart path construction - Contract no.20921, Project management services - Car park redevelopment EOI - Contract no.
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