What is check_http? . Simple invoke the command with -s parameter and the name of the service Example of use ./check_service -s ntpd Thank you! I've deployed a new instance of Nagios on a fresh install of CentOS 7 via the EPEL repository. The script should then post results to the Nagios daemon. If a service is set up with a max_check_attempts directive of 5, then the same number of passive check results would need to be passed in order for Nagios to treat the new status as a hard state change. Check HTTP Check whether Apache HTTP is running on a remote server using check_http. Nagios: Disable notifications from command line on Windows/Linux. To turn on everything you want to set debug_level=4095. Start Nagios Daemon Using nagios -d Typically you would execute "service nagios start" to start the Nagios daemon, which really calls the /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios script. Nagios Plugins does not include a service plugin however the linux-nrpe-agent does provide check_init_service. For this reason, the only way to perform such a check is to schedule them from the systemfor example, using the cron daemon (visit http://man.linuxquestions.org/index.php?query=cron). Please refer tohttp://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/untyped.html, hi! The figure shown below shows an active check . You can create a host file inside the server directory of Nagios and mention the host and service definitions. November 2012, by Simon Krenger. Agree Nagios provides a sample configuration file, that we will use. The key features of passive checks are as follows: The major difference between active and passive checks is that active checks are initiated and performed by Nagios, while passive checks are performed by external applications. hello.. Nagios: Simple Oracle Check. When Nagios daemon reads external command file, it reads and sends all the passive checks in the queue to process them later. Nagios is a host and service monitor designed to inform you of network problems before your clients, end-users or managers do. Enjoy unlimited access on 5500+ Hand Picked Quality Video Courses. In this tutorial, the following three servers are being used. Nagios will ignore all check results for services that had not been configured before it was last (re)started. On-demand as needed for predictive service dependency checks. This is because, very often, passive checks are used to report host and service statuses from other Nagios instances. These are executed on regular intervals, as defined by check_interval and retry_interval. Usually within a few seconds the full check command pops up and I then kill the while loop and run the check command. check_command check_http -H MYIP -u http://MYIP/test.php You can define service execution dependencies that prevent Nagios from checking the status of a service depending on the state of one or more other services. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It has been designed to run . In this way, NSCA communication sent over the Internet is more secure. Thank you for any assistance you can provide. Nagios, the Nagios logo, and Nagios graphics are the servicemarks, trademarks, or registered trademarks owned by Nagios Enterprises. An example shell script of how to submit passive service check results to Nagios can be found in the documentation on volatile services. Code-GPT is an extension for VS Code that provides you instant explanations for your code within the code editor using AI. Architect and design WAP data flow using BigData Platform. The default FQDN used for testing is www.google.com, but it can be changed as needed. We want Nagios to monitor this database, and as the application is already using it, we can add a module that reports this to Nagios. For example, you can use the 'check_http' plugin to verify that a web server is running, is returning the right text, or has an up-to-date SSL certificate. Learn more. thank you! What you are doing down is sending a Passive check result for the service SNMP Traps - Users for the host CentOS. Expected response string. The provided scripts contain help on the syntax. You never know how many (if any) traps or alerts you'll receive in a given time frame, so it's not feasible to just monitor their status every few minutes. Furthermore , Nagios can also check whether TCP port 80 (web server) is reachable e.g., the server is online but Apache/IIS is not responding. # Defaults to 0, put to 1 for systemd. check_command /usr/share/nagios/plugins/check_http -H MYIP -u http://MYIP/test.php, Hi, Service - Started Check to see if a service is started. Hi, this is a fantastic article, i managed to learn how to make plugins myself. Nagios.cfg is the main configuration file for your Nagios Core. - specific URL support - ssl option - alternative port - fake user agent - proxy as parameter - proxy from environment variable Usage: check_website [OPTIONS] {HOSTNAME} {HOSTNAME} host to check (dns/ip) [OPTIONS]: Here is how it can be done. -c 7 -w 5 -v. Any pointer if I am missing anything but obvious. This feature is only available to subscribers. 2. For those unfamiliar with Nagios, it is a monitoring system which can execute checks. Then we are removing spaces using sed and finally cut the appropriate field using cut, i this case field 5 is what we want. However, if there are no jobs to process and the application is not using it, Nagios will not have up-to-date information about the database. And in Puppet agent, I have to define the environment (Dev, Test or Prod). For example, when a web application cannot connect to the database, it will let Nagios know about it immediately. Here is another example to check CPU: nagios will indicate warning if the % cpu utilized by any process is greater than 70% and will indicate critical alert if the % cpu is greater that 80% For example, if you are bringing down your HTTP server everyday sometime between midnight and 1:59 a.m, you can specify the above "247-except-night-12-2" timeperiod in your service definition for the check_period and notification_period as shown below for your particular service definition. There are many more services in Nagios which can be used to monitor pretty much anything on the running host. Nagios also offers another way to work with the statuses of hosts and services. Based on the condition checked, the plugin can make Nagios aware of a malfunctioning service. They have a lot of advantages and some disadvantages. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/nagios/.ssh/id_dsa): Enter passphrase (empty for. All of the scripts are located at /etc/nagios-plugins/config/ with the executable files stored at /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/. How can I get it to work with https with Nagios4 and plugins 2.x? Host is just like a computer; it can be a physical device or virtual. I've provided some comments here, but things may not be so # clear without further explanation. The module can only check if the service is started, you could however use the negate plugin to invert the returned result from the plugin (hence making CRITICAL an OK state). Another difference is that active checks require much less effort to be set up when compared to passive checks. In such cases, Nagios decides when a check is to be performed, runs the check and stores the result. In the Select resource macro: section, select USER1. How can I make Status Information for Nagios services easier to read? An external application checks the status of a host or service. Nagios check_udp_ports returning critical: result to scheduled check, runs fine manually, Nagios - check procs and --metric=elapsed on the same service. # Plugin commands (service and host check commands) # Arguments are likely to change between different . The following is a script that runs the dd system command (visit http://man.linuxquestions.org/index.php?query=dd) to read an entire block device. The following is an example of the required configuration for a host that accepts passive checks and has active checks disabled: Configuring services is exactly the same as with hosts. Check whether Apache HTTP is running on a remote server using check_http. The following settings are done for all MySQL servers. A major difference between hosts and services is that service checks differentiate between soft and hard states. (1 + 2 + + 2048), Also note that your debug file will grow quickly and then rotate itself. It says Unknown option specified in config file , check_http -I -p 8192 url=/MYServiceBus/ post= eregi=.Status_Code.0./Status_Code. Nagios will be configured to monitor SMTP and mail queue of the server. It is called NSCA (Nagios Service Check Acceptor). You can check tomcat server, or apache server, or glassfish, or any server that is running on a different port by speficying the port number as shown below. In order to do this, we need to enable active checks by setting the active_checks_enabled option to 1 without specifying the normal_check_interval directive. Service status codes are the same as those for active checks0 for OK, 1 for WARNING, 2 for CRITICAL, and 3 for an UNKNOWN state. Nagios can monitor different mail server components like SMTP, POP, IMAP and mailq. Checking a service using SNMP is not very straight forward, checking a process is the best solution here, please refer to the Process Checks KB article. This requires trying to read the entire disk directly from the block device (such as /dev/sda1) and checking if the attempt has failed. Nagios comes with a wide range of built-in scripts for monitoring services. . For example: Get your subscription here. No software installation. Often, there are situations where active checks obviously fit better. Use 5 for 5 seconds, 5m for 5 minutes, 5h for 5 hours, 5d for 5 days. The check_init_service plugin does not support checking multiple services. rev2023.3.3.43278. debug_level=2048 With nagios in debug mode I simply tail the debug_log file debug_file=/var/log/nagios3/nagios.debug. So in the server set the files: /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/commands.cfg: /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/nrpeclient.cfg: Note that the ! +1 and if that seems like too much trouble you could always look at the Nagios config files to see what command and parameters need to be run. In fact, we officially. You can check whether a SSL certificate of the website expires within the next X number of days as shown below. To do this: Navigate to Configuration > Command > New. Rather, Nagios takes the passive check result to be the actual state the host is in and doesn't try to determine the host's actual state using the reachability logic. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. command line output while running with -S is check_http: Invalid option SSL is not available, Next post: UNIX / Linux whatis Command Examples, Previous post: UNIX / Linux split Command Examples, Home | Linux 101 Hacks Table of Contents | Contact | Email | RSS | Copyright 20092022 Ramesh Natarajan All rights reserved | Terms of Service, host name of the server where HTTP (or HTTPS) daemon is running, Port number where HTTP server runs. Pass the specified string as User Agent in HTTP header. Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string, Identify those arcade games from a 1983 Brazilian music video. If the remote server runs only HTTP and not HTTPS, youll get HTTP CRITICAL Unable to open TCP socket message as shown below. In order to use them, the host needs to be configured to accept passive checks results. That is superb artile I was looking for! The external application writes the results of the check to the. You can create a host file inside the server directory of Nagios and mention the host and service definitions. These checks are useful when you cannot monitor hosts/services on a regular basis. Otherwise we must rely on parsing the # output from the service management tool. In the following example, we are checking whether the website certificate expires in the next 365 days. The plugins can be in any language, Nagios only cares They can be the following: 0: OK Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. How to install and configure nagios on centos 7 step by step ile ilikili ileri arayn ya da 22 milyondan fazla i ieriiyle dnyann en byk serbest alma pazarnda ie alm yapn. However, two hours after the last passive or active check result was received, Nagios would perform an active check to keep the results up-to-date. 164060 Nagios HTTP/HTTPS check via wget (with/without Proxy) Check website accessibility by return code and execution time. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The plugin returns a CRITICAL state if the service is not started. Related Commands. Services are those which are used by Nagios to check something about a host. It can test normal (http) and secure (https) servers, follow redirects, search for strings and regular expressions, check connection times, and report on The processing of active and passive check results is essentially identical. My code is GPL licensed, can I issue a license to have my code be distributed in a specific MIT licensed project? Do whatever you want with a Deploying Nagios Monitoring Services on Secured Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Environment: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. Nagios can monitor DNS service by asking the DNS server to either resolve a specific fully qualified domain name (FQDN), or by asking the server to use the dig tool. Now send a trap and see how the service appears as in Nagios XI. The Nagios plugin can be remotely executed on other Linux/Unix machines using NRPE. Cached checks will only provide a performance increase if you are making use of service dependencies. Passive checks are also used when configuring distributed or redundant monitoring installations. As with passive checks of hosts, all that is needed is to enable the global Nagios option to accept passive check results, and also enable this option for each service that should allow the passing of passive check results. Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? Find the plugin you want to run (if you're not sure, compare what you see in your plugins directory on your Linux box with the plugins located here: http://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins, or try running "./plugin-name -h" to get the help info about the plugin). So I decided to use the second method. If you would like to use the whole or any part of this article, you need to cite this web page at Xmodulo.com as the original source. :), I will also menton for new users that using, The debug_levels are binary - 2048 only turns on messages from macros. . just because i had already looked in the commands.cfg file to figure out which commands were running, but i wanted to know what flags were being set. Add additional tags that should be sent in the HTTP header. When services change state too frequently they are considered to be "flapping". As with submitting host check results, it is worth mentioning that Nagios will take some time to process passive check results as they are polled periodically from the external commands pipe. Up To: Contents Copyright (c) 1999-2014 Nagios Plugin Development Team <devel@nagios-plugins.org> This plugin tests the HTTP service on the specified host. In order to be able to submit passive check results, we need to configure Nagios to allow the sending of passive check results, and set the host objects to accept them. This cant be done as an active check as reading the device takes a lot of time to completelarger disks might require several hours to complete. This can cause problems if you are submitting passive checks from a remote host or you have a distributed monitoring setup where the parent/child host relationships are different. Note: Passive host checks are normally treated as HARD states, unless the passive_host_checks_are_soft option is enabled. When Nagios checks the status of services, it will be able to detect when a service changes between OK, WARNING, UNKNOWN, and CRITICAL states and take appropriate action. Unlike active checks, Nagios will not take network topology into consideration by default. Some of the scripts provided with Nagios are restricted to the local server only. In other cases, passive checks are the way to go. NSClient++ allows you to check multiple services, here is an example that checks for two services that are running. How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates. Nagios, NagiosXI, Nagios Core, Nagios Logger, Manage Engine, Idera, Quest, Thousand Eyes Idera Suite and Quest, SQL Monitoring Solution Implementation
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