Later, Sears constructed a second mill in Port Newark, New Jersey and purchased the Norwood Sash and Door Company in Norwood, Ohio. Philadelphia Inquirer: Sears Homes In the Philly S Where are the Sears Houses - February 2023 Edition, The Strange Case of the Wandering Bungalow, DC House Cat Chiming In - Historic Mail-Order Homes, Same Name, Different House Part 2 - From Aurora to the Elmwood, 1926 Sears Special Supplement from Open to the public. 181, and the early version of the. So, I put together a list, but I decided to provide some clarifying background information in that blog post, too-- it's especially intended to help those who might hear the term Craftsman, and think it means Sears House, or who see a 1920s bungalow and wonder if that means that the street is lined with Sears houses, or who find marked lumber in their house, but can't seem to find a match to a Sears model. However, based on what the experts said in that Atlas Obscura piece, youre most likely to find Sears homes in places where railroad stations once stood (or are lucky to still have) and where Sears factories had a major role on the local economy, like Cincinnati. Shipped by railroad boxcar, and then usually trucked to a home site, the average Sears Modern Home kit had about 25 tons of materials, with more than 30,000 parts. 110 (, 1524 2nd Street, La Porte, Indiana earliest version of the Sears No. There was one snippet in the press release that only a couple newspapers reprinted: "Following twelve years of usefulness, one old design was removed from the home catalogue in 1928, as antiquated after having been constructed more than 1700 times, which probably constitutes the world's record for any construction duplication from a single house plan, he [Betcone] says.". , something that piqued my interest was the idea that you could buy literal houses from the catalog. 168 (Matoka): Here is the catalog image of the No. Sure, your Wabash or Verona model built in New Jersey could look just like the same one ordered in Texas and built there, but it wasnt designed to look exactly like the other homes on the block. The larger Victorian-style houses that were already there and scant in number were out of reach for working class first-time home buyers. Sears Lewiston: A Sears Model Home in New Jersey Authenticated Sears Lewiston 261 N. Jackson St., North Plainfield, NJ 1929 This great-looking Sears Lewiston was built in 1929, and used as a model home for Sears after it was built by Anthony P. Raffaniello, and his wife, Helena. Our research would not be possible, without online resources for Sears Modern Homes catalogs, and the catalogs for other kit-house companies, such as Gordon-Van Tine, Wardway, Aladdin, Sterling, Lewis, and Bennett. Many of these homes were built in Sears planned "Home Club Plan" developments in New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania.[9][10][11]. Then, we always get a chuckle when the legal description includes things like, "by a large Elm tree" or "100 feet past a stone marker". New York ranks fourth on the list with 1,679. Architecturally, I'm really surprised by the two versions of the Cedars floor plan -- they are completely different, though only two feet were added to make the larger one. There are two examples of this model, in La Porte. 2023 Trib Total Media | All Rights Reserved. Park, MD. You can clearly see a major difference on this side of the houses. Many of the famous designs were commandeered from other sources and/or purchased from architects but given just enough change to be advertised as their own. The company was forced to liquidate $11 million in defaulted debt. The first mail order for a Sears house was filled that year. [16], There was no single architect for the Sears designs. Sales were down, and there was excess inventory languishing in warehouses. Sears houses can be identified or authenticated using the following methods. Chuck Holtzen has joined up with Lara to do research in Illinois, and has been helpful in adding a number of authenticated houses to our list. This is just the top of the blog page you'll find dozens of links to online catalogs here, a link to the excellent Pinterest resource made for us by Sears-house owner Dale Haynes, and a list of hard-copy book resources that are both interesting and informative. For more information on who we are, and what we do, visit our website: All photos in these blog posts are the property of the author of this blog- link to this blog. I just loved the look of it, she said. So this blog has been radio silent for a while now! muhammad ali i am the greatest speech transcript . Here is the catalog image, from the 1911/12 catalog: And here are two examples in La Porte. There were about 132 million people by the time Sears stopped selling Sears Modern Homes kits in 1940. . Argyles also tend to get messed up and hard to recognize like this one at 6818 N. Oriole, Chicago or this one at 1302 Edgewood, Lake Forest. Sears mail-order house kits can often be identified by the shipping labels that were placed on the backside of trim. Here are both of these models in the 1911/12 Sears Modern Homes catalog. PDF See the video of my interview on the St. Louis Business Journal's website. Thanks! We also find street names that have changed (without our knowing that), or, especially for folks who bought their house in 1930-32 (the waning years of the mortgage program), we find that folks lost their homes during the depression, so we can't pin them down using the 1930 or 1940 census records. BMO, LAFC, and Angel City FC leaders were joined by special guests Earvin "Magic" Johnson and Mia Hamm for the . Balloon framing systems rely only on nails to make connections between joints, whereas previous methods used heavier members and pegs. After all, future generations became more transient out of circumstance or in light of the digital nomad movement and taking advantage of technology in general, more mobile by choice. Would you mind messaging me with an address, so that we can add your Sears house to our (private) national database? The CNDDB is comprised of two data components: Text information and spatial information. It wasnt until she was in her 20s that Chabot learned about the homes history. You can search the house listings by clicking on a group of years ( 1908-1914 , 1915-1920 , 1921-1926 , 1927-1932 and 1933-1940 ). In addition to home building costs being up to 40% lower than traditional building, you also had the option to bring your own blueprints to Sears to get them modified for far less than itd comparatively cost to go to a builder or architect today. An open floor plan with sensible . Beginning in 1916, the catalogs showed an additional floor plan that did have a bathroom: The rest of the examples of Sears houses in La Porte, that we have found to date, are one-off examples, so were probably individual purchases by the original homeowner, or a few spec houses by the realty company mentioned in the American Lumberman article. national database of sears homes42 ft gibson houseboat. Many of these post 1940 homes were based on models from the 1940 and earlier Sears catalogs but not all were, leading to debate over whether these homes qualify as "Sears Modern Homes". You roughed it until you found a new place and if you wanted a FOREVER home, you stayed put until it was done being built. Buyers could hire a contractor to assemble their home or build it themselves following the detailed instructions that were included. Here are a few: Andrew just today noticed this brick house with the Sears curlicue decorative iron strapping (only offered by Sears, and the only style of iron strapping ever offered by Sears). 172/ Hazelton, at 810 W 11th Street, La Porte, Indiana. The house was in original condition and was never modified while we lived there - it was sold in 2003 or early 2004. Here is the Uriel or Conway at 408 Bond Street. Or did we just go wrong somewhere when someone decided the house you live in should be treated like a bank? Freestanding suburban or rural homes were more likely to stand alone in undeveloped lots instead of planned tracts that were set aside by federal and state governments and/or builders that had uniformity in mind. So, I'll just post a nice selection here. Powered by, This September 2017 article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, this short video story by the Washington Post. 306 Highland, Madison, WI. A recent Tribune-Review story about a 1922 Sears mail-order home in McCandless that has most of its original features intact drew scores of letters and comments from Pittsburgh area residents interested in learning more about the unique role these houses played in U.S. history. This site is a tribute to the original Sears Houses in Cincinnati : Ohio is the state with the largest number, Pennsylvania is the third- highest-ranking state, Prince George's County, MD & Montgomery County, MD. Sears' first kit houses sold for $650 to $2,500, or approximately $16,500 to $63,700 in today's dollars. Sears discontinued its Modern Homes catalog after 1940, though sales through local sales offices continued into 1942. Theres a whole checklist of signs to look for, such as stamped lumber in the basement or attic, shipping labels on the baseboards and other millwork, or even looking up your deed and records pertaining to the actual home purchase. national database of sears homes. Sears Modern Homes were catalog and kit houses sold primarily through mail order by Sears, Roebuck and Co., an American retailer. 4120 Adams St., Gary, IN. So, each house that we find through these records, represents a great deal of digging, and lots of amassed knowledge in how to attack the task because each county's records system is a little different than others. national database of sears homes. Photo from Realtor site. All these years later it is still a fortress.. While these features werent in every single Sears home, they still set the stage for home builders to realize what people wanted in their new digs because of how much their quality of life was improved. Sears, Roebuck and Company's Modern Homes program began in 1908 and ended in 1940. We scour real estate listings, we "drive" around streets (using Google maps Streetview) in towns with a concentration of homes of the era, and we especially love researching, using primary sources such as historic newspapers and the old mortgage and deed resources held in each town's Register of Deeds office, looking for houses that were financed through Sears. Ephemera can help identify a house as a Sears Home. National Database: Sears Homes in the U.S. SHORT VIDEO: What It's Like to Live in a Sears Catalog Home, SHORT VIDEO: NBC Nightly News visits Andrew & Wendy Mutch. Stamped lumber: Most easily found in unfinished spaces like a basement or attic, framing members were stamped with a letter and a number. 1232, later marketed as the No. 5008". How do we know another house didn't outsell the Argyle after 1931? There is some debate about whether some homes from Sears that were built in 1941 and 1942 qualify as Sears Modern Homes. Welcome to Sears Homes! If any of you have ever been interested in coming to see me do a kit home Chabot focuses her research on scouring mortgages and deed records, old newspaper articles and other sources to identify kit homes sold by Sears. From 1908 to 1942, Sears sold more than 70,000 of these houses in North America, by the company's count. This is the Lakeview area where we found most of the examples of the 115, 171, and 159, as well as a number of examples of the No. Thank you for visiting! You usually just left with the clothes on your back and a few trunks, and that was it. small-town America, 1920! As I detailed in the account of the rise and fall of the Sears empire, this literally led them to become the largest retailer in America because they had so many burners going at onceand their Modern Homes kits, and even the home buying process itself, were part of that in addition to catalog and retail sales. A kick-off celebration was held March 3, 2023, for the newly renamed BMO Stadium. Sears Modern Homes were sold between 1908 and 1942. In 1916, Sears began shipping pre-cut lumber in its mail-order kit homes that contained stamped numbers used to match pieces during construction. Because the Modern Homes division sales records were destroyed, there is no way to definitively verify the number of Sears houses that still exist. We've seen this in Carlinville, Illinois, and we've seen this with large orders of homes bought from Aladdin and from Gordon-Van Tine. Here is one at 17 Hill Street, Villa Park. *Sears Americus - Temple, PA*It's been about 3 months since the last update Precut lumber was cut to the appropriate lengths and angles based on where the framing timber would be used in the house. Some of the models are easier to identify visually and their counts may be disproportionately high. We found and listed about three houses, I think but didn't really focus on La Porte much more than that day in 2015. [13] Only seven Magnolias are known to be still standing. 159, except for a closed pediment up in the front and side gable. 02, 2023 : History: Catalogs: Homes: Products: Brands: Stores: People Historic Homes : . Tasty Soft Garlic and Herb Bread Sticks Recipe How to Make it in 23 Simple Steps, Villa Faberge! Between 1908 and 1940, Sears, Roebuck and Co. sold nearly 75,000 kit homes through its Modern Homes program, which featured 447 styles of houses, ranging from large multistory dwellings to tiny summer cottages with an optional outhouse. Im looking at this cute little Cape Cod that was $886 in 1940 dollars, about $16,000 today. However, many houses described as Sears Homes are not true Sears Homes, being either the product of another kit home manufacturer or not a kit home at all. Instead, shipping labels were affixed to the backside of trim that identified properties. Sometimes researchers get lucky and find facts and figures in old company newsletters, personal papers of Sears managers and executives, historical newspapers, and archival interviews conducted with people who worked in the department in the 1930's and 1940's. [5] The method was originally named in the sense that the structure was light and could be lifted away like a balloon. Please contact me if you would like a free national database of sears homes. Photo from Realtor site. You roughed it until you found a new place and if you wanted a FOREVER home, you stayed put until it was done being built. I don't feel comfortable making that assumption. 1916 Sears Roebuck Modern Homes. My daughter and son-in-law have a 1924 Homeville in Abington! Researching Historic Kit and Plan Book Homes. . Primarily shipped via railroad boxcars, these kits included most of the materials needed to build a house. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. You'll notice that most are in states east of the Mississippi River, with highest overall state totals in Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and New York. Browse the list below to see if there are Modern Homes in your city or state, or to find someone who owns the same model as you. They produced three different product lines based on budget: the high-end Honor Bilt homes, Standard Built homes that were popular with young families, and Simplex Sectional low-budget homes that were mostly used as vacation cottages. presentation, nows your chance! You can see that La Porte, Indiana is mentioned as one of the "built at" locations: We found four examples of what we believe to be the model No. The multi-million-dollar home has been red-tagged while two other Moreover, it was just more feasible to plunk down a house somewhere because there just werent as many homes on account of a smaller population. For this week's listing of the week, we decided to find seven charming Sears Catalog homes you can actually buy today. Without facts and sales records, we can make an educated guess. Once again true to the companys roots, youre more apt to find Sears catalog homes still standing in former factory towns of the Midwest. Betcone spoke of how housing styles were drastically changing and how many customers wanted more efficient, streamlined designs. 1916 Sears Roebuck Modern Homes. hennessy privilege limited edition / what is mc hammer doing now 2020 / national database of sears homes. Other Sears houses were found dotting other areas of La Porte, but the biggest concentration of the early models, probably all from 1912, were in that Lakeview area. The house forms part of the farmstead at the museum.[40]. We have a database of all the models that have been identified nationwide to date. However, as you can see in the photos above, that showed the sides of the house, the Rossville/No. Really, they couldn't find any space in there for the Modern Homes records? Public records: From 1911 to 1933, Sears offered home mortgages and Sears company officials or the Sears, Roebuck corporation may be named on the mortgage or deed associated with the property where the home was constructed. [2] No comprehensive list of their locations exists.[3]. Not all Sears houses became private residences. Our goal is always to authenticate these houses through mortgage and deed research, or other primary sources, but, when that is not possible, we apply a careful, team approach to analyzing each house that goes on our national list. Those are ridiculously difficult to pin down. Fast forward to this past summer --early August of 2022. The ability to mass-produce the materials used in Sears homes reduced manufacturing costs, which allowed Sears to pass along the savings in lower prices for customers. when you switch jobs, buy a house, and go on an international trip, all You had the flexibility to swap out certain elements without causing the whole thing to collapse like one of those Instagrammable burgers thats way too tall. some ch Don't miss this never before seen catalog from Sears. This is the case for the southern New Jersey counties that are suburbs of Philadelphia. Open to the public. when you switch jobs, buy a house, and go on an international trip, all This Sears mail-order house named The Crescent was built in Munhall in 1920, according to owner Molly Harbst. We thought it might be of interest to those readers to point out some more of the history of Sears houses in the greater Pittsburgh area, said Chabot, whose family still owns a Sears Silverdale model home in Northampton, Mass., that was built by her great-grandparents in 1911. Walker O. Lewis (primarily before early 1930), William C. Reed (primarily from 1922 - 1929), Nicholas Wieland (sometimes spelled Weiland), Shipping labels: Often found on the back of. , such as stamped lumber in the basement or attic, shipping labels on the baseboards and other millwork, or even looking up your deed and records pertaining to the actual home purchase. Thank you for visiting! Our team did some traveling around streets inside Philadelphia, in neighborhoods like Oxford Circle, Rhawnhurst, and Roxborough, to name a few, and added about 43 houses to our list, from these neighborhoods. There were less people, but quality housing that could get built easily was a must for the quickly-growing population as World War I veterans came home and started families, and an immigration boom was taking place. The group has identified nearly 540 of the estimated 1,000 Sears mail-order homes that are believed to have been constructed in the region. Sears provided "capital and materials", on the condition that lots and foundations were already in place. Following is a list of Sears Homes enthusiasts who have agreed to share their names with others who might be interested in contacting them by clicking on their name. Some models were offered in both wood siding and brick veneer versions with different names attributed to the same or almost identical home plan. The original "Sears Modern Homes" community page on Facebook, for those interested in Sears homes. To see a variety of models similar to the Mitchell, that were offered during the kit-house era, see this article. Documented Sears houses have been found across the United States and in a few locations in Canada. Run by experienced researcher Cindy Catanzaro (with a little help from yours truly). You usually just left with the clothes on your back and a few trunks, and that was it. Carrying on with Same Name, Different House topic we find that some of the of "Where are the Sears Houses?" Ive visited New Orleans several times and love the style of the buildings there. It mightve been easier to get a job or start a business off the bat compared to the hoops and bureaucracy we have for both these days, but there was no U-Haul or Pods to make moving easier. Researching Historic Kit and Plan Book Homes, We started looking around La Porte, Indiana, in 2015. Checklist Search provides a simple and fast way to generate a pre-formatted checklist suitable for printing. Goodwall sheet plaster was an early drywall-like product offered by Sears and may be an indication of a Sears Modern Home. So, they are likely from Sears. Sears Modern Homes offered more than 370 designs in a wide range of architectural styles and sizes over the line's 34-year history. Because lets get real: affordable ranchers were only for CERTAIN veterans, Government spending was dedicated to housing in an unprecedented manner as the mantra was driven home that the ideal was a nuclear family in a 3-bedroom. The Sears Argyle was a small house, about 1,000 square feet, and many of them have been demolished. Sears licensed the plans for the Argyle from a. real estate builder/developer named Jud Yoho. 06/16/2022 . They produced three different product lines based on budget: the high-end Honor Bilt homes, Standard Built homes that were popular with young families, and Simplex Sectional low-budget homes that were mostly used as vacation cottages. Simply put, life was rougher. In late 1930, sales of Searshomes were starting to tank. [6] Plumbing, electrical fixtures, and heating systems were options that could be ordered at additional cost; they were many families' first steps to modern HVAC systems, kitchens, and bathrooms. 162 Sears houses still standing, including those in the city of Alexandria. We have not surveyed all areas of the country equally. Thanks to, we are often able to get a street name from a census record, but we run into problems there, when we find a town that has no street names (yes! Among those chiming in about the article was Judith Chabot of St. Louis, Mo., who runs, which serves as a depository for information gathered by Sears home enthusiasts across the country. [8] By 1934, Sears had stopped offering mortgages. I thought it was very interesting when I learned that you could also buy a house from their catalogs.. Camden County would be a great place to search, because we know that there are Sears houses in Collingswood, Haddon Township, Haddonfield, and Haddon Heights but, how many? [1] Sears Modern Homes were purchased primarily by customers in East Coast and Midwest states, but have been located as far south as Florida, as far west as California, and as far north as Alaska and Canada. Historic Homes Images of Sears Homes Click on the associated link for a collection of images and photographs of almost all 447 house designs sold through the Sears Modern Homes program.
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