For some manufacturers, such as Eaton, testing has been completed to determine the selective coordination ability of current-limiting BussmannTM series fuses with upstream Eaton circuit breakers. Where the elevator shaft and/or equipment room has a sprinkler fire suppression system installed, the elevator Code requires main line power to the elevator be removed prior to the application of water. This is the area within the hoistway beneath the car, and there are occasions when elevator technicians have to work in this area for maintenance and troubleshooting. [emailprotected] The most complex of these is the elevator. This may include wiring for signals, communication with the car, lighting, heating, air-conditioning and ventilation of the car or hoistway for fire-detecting systems and pit sump pumps. Thus, the traveling cable must be supported by a steel supporting member. One way to achieve this is by paralleling wires, i.e., connecting the runs at both ends so they are physically like two wires but electrically one. You'll need to run telephone cables to the equipment room control panel, but the elevator supplier will take care of getting the cables to the elevator cab. Regardless of the number of elevators, only one smoke detector is required at each floor lobby, but it must be located within 21 ft of every elevator door. NEC 2011 also addresses branch circuits for machine room or control room/machinery space or control-space lighting and receptacles. Every building is different. Acceptable types of wire for this application are given in Table 400.4, which occurs in an earlier chapter and lists various types of elevator cable for lighting and control in both unclassified and hazardous locations. The feeder OCPD needs to remain closed so the remaining elevators have power and continue to function. The disconnecting means is to be in the machine room or similar location, with provision for being locked in the open position. Shi Liguang, Yao Lianghong, Luo Zhiqun and Wan Jianru, Constructional Stretch and Hoist-Rope Tension . The surest means of avoiding an arc-flash hazard is to lockout and tagout the electrical service to a controller. Thus, the need for door interlock functionality is recognized. For example, it is stated that the cross-sectional area of the individual conductors in a wireway are not to exceed 50% of the interior cross-sectional area of the wireway. Each fused switch or circuit breaker in the panelboard is used as an elevator disconnect. It is further stated that the disconnecting means are not to disconnect the branch circuits required in sections 620.22, 620.23 and 620.24. Besides the initial determination requirement of paragraph (c) (1), the "host" employer must comply with the five (5) requirements of paragraph (c) (8) when engaging another employer (contractor) who will have employees in permit spaces under the control of the host employer. Guarding: Where possible, install temporary guarding to protect from inadvertent contact. NEC 70620.85 Smoke detectors to recall elevators on Phase I recall are required to be located on each landing, It is important to note, that these selective coordination tables can indicate a lack of selective coordination at a given fault current for circuit breakers that do not show overlap on the time-current curves of the circuit breakers. Indeed, most elevator accidents involve maintenance workers, yet even theirs is not an excessively dangerous profession. It states an elevator is permitted to be run by an emergency or standby power system. When you're designing an electrical system for a building, don't let elevator requirements bring you down. A traditional elevator installation (which includes a machine room) requires access inside the elevator shaft. Electricity is often one of the initial services to fail during a storm. Many people use portable generators until power is restored. They are permitted to be run without raceway when used inside the hoistway, on the elevator car, hoistway wall, counterweight, or controllers and machinery located inside the hoistway, provided they are in their original sheaths. For just $7.99 per month, you can gain access to more than 5,000 articles from all Elevator World Publications, this includes EW Global, EW Europe, EW India, EW Middle East, EW Turkey, and EW UK. f?3-]T2j),l0/%b It does specify wiring methods allowed, though, in 620. Personal protective equipment (PPE): Use appropriate PPE to protect body parts within the range of 3-16 in. A traction elevator's equipment room is typically located at the top of the building, directly over or adjacent to the shaft. If you specify a rescuvator, you must also specify a disconnect switch with an auxiliary contact that opens when the disconnect arm moves to the open position, but stays closed when the OCPD trips. In an elevator machine room, where space may be limited in the first place, the working-space mandate must be factored in very early in the design process lest an unthinkable amount of rework be necessary. This switch will ensure that the elevator won't descend into the elevator pit and allow maintenance people to work safely in the area beneath the cab. For all of this to come together in the real world, there had to be some assurance that these new technologies could be used safely on a wide scale. A single dedicated receptacle supplying a permanently installed sump pump does not have to be a GFCI type. Building codes were deemed necessary to protect the public against shoddy builders and outmoded construction techniques. +91 8025357028, 2022 Elevator World, LLC. It is further stressed that no provision is to be made to open or close the disconnecting means from any other part of the premises. The thinking behind this requirement is that the injured worker could have severe hand burns and be unable to operate a conventional doorknob. The locking capability is important so during maintenance, the equipment will not be inadvertently energized. Generally, it is decreed that the supply voltage is not to exceed 300 V between conductors (allowing for the familiar 240-V concept), although there are exceptions. z, /|f\Z?6!Y_o]A PK ! Jul 15, 2021. Special conditions: Troubleshooting in wet, hot or cold conditions calls for extra caution. %PDF-1.5 % Pit drainage must be designed to eliminate a minimum capacity of 3,000 gallons per hour (or 50 GPM) per elevator car. Part of the reason that elevator usage is extraordinarily safe is that construction and maintenance are regulated by the wonderfully robust ASME A17.1 2007/CSA B44-07 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, which contains overall construction and maintenance requirements everything from seismic mandates to machine-room lighting. Loss of voltage to the control circuit for the disconnecting means shall cause a supervisory signal to be indicated at the control unit and required remote annunciation. Moreover, it is necessary to consider future worker safety for an indefinite period. (f) Illumination of Pits. The sum of the cross-sectional area of the individual conductors in raceways is not to exceed 40% of the interior cross-sectional area of the raceway, except as permitted for wireways. IAEI News Magazine. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. 3. You need at least one 120VAC GFCI-protected receptacle at each location. After reading this article, you should have learned about: The meanings of definitions for control room and control space versus machine room The purpose and specifications for working spaces Insulation types and minimum sizes of conductors Requirements for feeder and branch-circuit conductors Feeder demand factors for ele-vators. In hoistways not longer than 6 ft., these additional wiring methods are permitted: A sump or oil-recovery pump located in the pit is permitted to be cord connected. A section on branch circuits for car lighting, receptacles, ventilation, heating and air-conditioning contains a number of important provisions. As mentioned, traditional installations of a traction or hydraulic elevator include a separate machine room. If you provide your elevators with emergency power, you must run communications wires between the automatic transfer switch (ATS) and the elevator control panel. 2023 Endeavor Business Media, LLC. This switch shall be so located as to be acces-sible from the pit access door. Heating and air-conditioning equipment located on the car must not be in excess of 600 V. All live parts of electrical apparatuses are to be enclosed to protect workers and the public against accidental contact. In some cases, it may require a means to test the shunt trip operation or have one contact operate the shunt trip of more than one elevator. On existing or listed equipment, conductors are permitted to be grouped together and taped or corded without being installed in a raceway. Home Articles Elevator World June 2012 Issue NEC Article 620: Elevators, Part 2. 3. When the elevator car is at the top landing, it is the length of cable as measured from the point of suspension on the car to the bottom of the loop. Selective coordination is defined by the NEC as: Localization of an overcurrent condition to restrict outages to the circuit or equipment affected, accomplished by the selection and installation of overcurrent protective devices and their ratings or settings for the full range of available overcurrents, from overload to the maximum available fault current, and for the full range of overcurrent protective device opening times associated with those overcurrents.. Get more of Elevator World. When you consider that an elevator is an enclosed room with one or more doors that people voluntarily enter so they may travel hundreds of feet up or down, several observations are in order. Society of Mechanical Engineers. This is important as the tradition of using only time-current curves for the analysis of overcurrent device operation is usually not sufficient since the time-current curves traditionally stop at 0.01 second (not time zero). Bonding of elevator rails to a lightning-protection system grounding conductor is permitted, but the conductor itself is not to be located in the hoistway. The reason the NEC CMP 12 added these requirements, as shown in the panel statements, directly relates to the concern that elevator controllers can be installed in locations where the available fault current can be high and the inspector may not be able to clearly determine the SCCR of the elevator controller unless it is marked on the equipment. In driving through commercialized suburban areas, you frequently see paralleled conductors for large retail grocers (where there is a heavy refrigeration load). We resume with a look at wiring methods, overcurrent protection, grounding and other NEC provisions as they relate to these installations. , !! Choose topics from a full list of courses covering electrical topics that cover what you need to know from the NEC and other electrical codes and standards. !>x=yy Bvv8?~e PK ! Such design innovations require sophisticated wiring strategies. We have circuited the receptacles and lights in the pits to the same circuit. The disconnecting means is to be an externally enclosed, operable, fused motor circuit switch or circuit breaker capable of being locked in the open position. Smoke detectors, which are required in all elevator lobbies and elevator equipment rooms, must be connected to the elevator controllers directly by means of auxiliary contacts and wiring, or indirectly by means of output signals from the fire alarm control panel. Accordingly, the supply wires are protected only for short circuit, and the overload protection is provided closer to the motor. from the exposed components, and the incident energy calculated at 18 in. It is further specified the machine-room lighting switch be located at the point of entry. Mike Holt. Hydraulic reservoir characteristic of a hydraulic-piston-operated elevator. By subscribing, you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. Elevator Pit Sump Pump Electrical Requirements By Nat July 30, 2022 Bulls Eye (Simplex) Receptacles: Bulls eye (simplex) receptacle for Sump pumps (now not - GFI) on a delegated circuit will be required in all elevator pits for the elevator pit sump pump. The proposals resulted in adding new requirements in the 2017 NEC for: This article will also discuss other Code requirements that include selective coordination for elevators that are supplied by emergency, legally required standby or critical operation power systems or multiple elevators supplied from a single feeder, and shunt tripping of elevators where the elevator equipment room and/or shaft has a fire suppression sprinkler system. Freight Elevator Door Control: An Opportunity for Wireless Technology. My reasoning comes from 620.24 (A) and (C). For elevators with battery lowering systems, an additional contact must be supplied and wired to disable the battery lowering system when the elevator disconnect is manually operated for maintenance. Adhering to the requirements will ensure a hazard-free electrical installation. %%EOF If elevators are supplied by the emergency, legally required standby or critical operation power systems, then selective coordination is required per the 2017 NEC in 700.32, 701.27 or 708.54. If you can illuminate the pit using lights that are "above the top of the pit" (whatever that . The many codes and guidelines that regulate the electrical design of an elevator can seem overwhelming, and dealing with the electrical inspector, elevator inspector, and Fire Marshal can be even more intimidating. 4.0 (2 Reviews) (2) CLAIMED . You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Similar provisions are attached to elevator-car heating and air-conditioning disconnecting means, and to other utilization equipment. Overcurrent devices protecting these branch circuits are to be located in the machine room or similar location. This, however, can result in a dramatic increase in cost, space availability (lack thereof), and reduced efficiency. The lighting is not to be connected to a GFCI, because the elevator car is not a place that should experience nuisance tripping. ranged from 0.06 cal/cm2 to 0.95 cal/cm2, which indicates that the arc-flash hazard to employees is primarily to the hands and arms. NEC Article 620 Part VI, Disconnecting Means and Control, is rather exacting. The party responsible for procuring the elevator control panel must state the minimum acceptable SCCR or the maximum available fault current where the controller will be installed. Marking the elevator controller short-circuit current rating (SCCR) by the elevator controller manufacturer. Flexible cords and cables (same conditions as within hoistways). Use Underwriters Laboratories or Canadian Standards Association-labeled scopes tested for 1,000 V. Lockout/tagout: When troubleshooting is complete and further work can be accomplished without the equipment being energized, follow the lockout/tagout procedures in Section 7 of the. The same figure applies to nonmetallic wireways. But by understanding how these items fit together and what purpose they serve, you can have a successful project. Reinforcing NEC 110.3(B) and NEC 110.10 to require the elevator controller marked SCCR to be equal to or greater than the calculated and The article stands apart from the rest of the code in the sense it exempts these categories of circuits from the general requirements for wiring in most occupancies, found in Chapter 3. Convenience receptacles and lighting for maintenance purposes are required at the base of the pit and, in some instances (elevator manufacturer dependent), at the top of the elevator shaft. Suspending the cables from the supports by a means that automatically tightens around the cable when tension is increased for unsupported lengths up to 200 ft. An NEC Informational Note defines unsupported lengths. Something went wrong. Utility-owned electrical structures not directly concerned with electrical generation, transmission and distribution are NEC regulated. It is of great importance that power to the various elevator functions can be quickly and reliably removed from the loads in case of emergency or for maintenance and troubleshooting. (C) Duplex Receptacle. These may include: The author would like to recognize Jonathan Kennedy for his assistance in creating this article. With heavy use on a hot day, the oil can overheat, causing elevator shutdown. Conductors supplying a single power transformer are to have an ampacity not less than the nameplate current rating of the power transformer plus all other connected loads. Required lighting shall not be connected to the load side of a ground-fault circuit interrupter. Fuses: Verify that the correct size, type and capacity are installed. Hard-service cords and junior hard-service cords are permitted as flexible connections between the fixed wiring on the car and devices on the car doors or gates. However, when I've put in elevators, NEC seems to always take a back seat to ANSI, which seems . Flexible cords and cables that are components of listed equipment and used in circuits operating at 30 V (42 VDC) or less are permitted in lengths not to exceed 6 ft., provided the cords and cables are supported and protected from physical damage and are of a jacketed and flame-retardant type. All rights reserved. In all cases, the working space must permit at least a 90 opening of equipment doors or hinged panels. With heavy use on a hot day, the oil can overheat, causing elevator shutdown. Auxilliary gutters are permitted in machine and control rooms between controllers, starters and similar apparatuses. (g) Stop Switch in Pits. Hydraulic elevator installations are typically supplied from the main switchboard and have an elevator fused switch or circuit breaker in the machine room that serves as the elevator disconnect. Traveling cables are to be supported by one of these means: Looping the cables around supports for unsupported lengths less than 100 ft. You may go up to 600 V for power circuits supplying door-operator controllers and door motors, branch circuits and feeders to motor controllers, driving-machine motors, machine brakes and motor-generator sets. Fluid pressure in the cylinder raises and lowers the elevator cab. The electrical energy does not traverse the human body, but proximity to the explosion means severe injury is possible from the intense heat and concussive shockwave. In Part One of this series (ELEVATOR WORLD, April 2012), we began an examination of National Electrical Code (NEC) 2011 mandates for elevators and related equipment installations. Part III, Wiring, looks at the types of wiring that may be installed in hoistways, cars, machine rooms and related spaces. Traction elevators are typically faster and more energy efficient than hydraulic elevators, and are often used for high-rise buildings. A surge of immigration to the U.S., the end of slavery and, on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, a burgeoning industrial revolution ignited an acceleration in new building. This lighting and receptacle circuit is separate from the circuit serving the motor. Beginning with Article 320, Armored Cable (Type AC) and concluding with Article 398, Open Wiring on Insulators, each code-sanctioned cable and raceway is treated, ranging from the familiar Type NM (trade name Romex) to the exotic Integrated Gas Spacer Cable (Type IGS). above the seal plate, adjacent to the ladder. Conductors supplying a single motor controller are to have an ampacity not less than the motor controller nameplate current rating plus all other connected loads. Sign up for our free e-newsletter. The condition is that all conductors must be insulated for the maximum voltage applied to any conductor within the cables or raceway system, and all live parts of the equipment must be insulated from ground for this maximum voltage. There are options available to achieve this depending upon the customers needs. 354 Morgan Ave. If the building has emergency power available, use it to supply the cab lights. Car air-conditioning and heating units 3. NEC Guidelines on Commercial Garages. . The cover shall be secured and level with the pit floor. We shall now take a look at the principle requirements of Article 620, with particular emphasis on wiring requirements for elevator shafts, machine rooms and cars. The demand factors are given in Table 620.14, which allows significant reductions as the number of motors is increased. As recommended in NFPA 70E, the National Elevator Industry, Inc. (NEII) commissioned an arc-flash hazard analysis (in compliance with IEEE Standard 1584-2002 for procedures for calculating the incident energy of the arc flash) by an independent consultant to determine at what level an arc-flash hazard exists to employees who work on energized elevator equipment. These are the individual branch circuits required for car lighting, receptacles, auxiliary lighting and ventilation on each elevator car; individual branch circuits for machine-room and similar location lighting and receptacle; and branch circuits for hoistway pit lighting and receptacle(s). David Herres It is further stipulated that internal voltages of power-conversion equipment and functionally associated equipment, and the operating voltages of wiring interconnecting the equipment, are permitted to be higher, provided that the equipment and wiring are listed for the higher voltages. Therefore, elevator equipment rooms must maintain a temperature between 50F and 90F. Selective coordination is also required for multiple elevators per NEC 620.62. Hard-service cords are permitted only as flexible connections for the top-of-car operating device or the car-top work light. Elevator travel is far safer than an automobile trip, and the chance of experiencing disaster is on the order of being struck by lightning in ones own backyard. Granle is a licensed professional engineer with Sebesta Blomberg & Associates, Rochester, Minn.,, ABCs Construction Backlog Indicator Down to Start 2023, The Most Popular Code Quizzes of the Week from 2021, The 10 Most Popular Photo Galleries of 2021, Whats Wrong Here? Even non-composite fiber-optic cable, which does not carry electrical energy, is subject to the code. q!^mDtsnEX3_ shvqu+X9@w3gSj`g Elevators with driving machines located on the car or counterweight, or in the hoistway are permitted outside the specified spaces. Click to reveal 6 feet, and shall meet the requirements of NEC 70 620.21(A)(1)(d). The elevator pit discharge system is not required to include an oil separator, except as required by section 1003.4. This clear working space must be 30 in. It employs specialists in Mobile, Alabama, and has technical and news correspondents around the world. Something went wrong. (e) Pit Maintenance. Get more of Elevator World. Dan Neeser is a Senior Field Application Engineer with Eatons Bussmann Division. Where necessary, it is mandated that suitable guards be provided to protect the cables against damage. NEC Article 620 contains numerous other disconnect provisions, which must be carefully scrutinized prior to design work so the installation is compliant. Be sure to provide a horn/strobe alarm in large equipment rooms because they can be noisy, isolated places. If this is not done and the available fault current exceeds the elevator controller SCCR, other solutions to reduce fault current must be reviewed or equipment changes and field evaluations may be needed. Such cable groups are to be supported at intervals not over 3 ft. and located so as to be protected from physical damage. (All intentionally grounded elements must be held at equal potential.) By subscribing, you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. He is saying that each pit requires a separate circuit, in other words "dedicated". The Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG) now require the cab to have a special phone accessible by individuals with disabilities. This requirement applies to all controllers, disconnecting means and other electrical equipment that may need servicing, inspection or maintenance. Modern electronic elevator controls can be sensitive to temperature shifts. Article 620s Definitions section includes two terms that describe spaces not attached to the outside of a hoistway. Accordingly, for this application, the minimum size is reduced to 20 AWG for lighting circuits. proved for elevator locations - car, hoistway, pit and a-chine roo equireents in Article odify the articles in Chap - ter For eaple, it is stated that the cross-sectional area Weight (passengers, freight, car and attendant machinery) may be fairly substantial, and speed is significant. APPENDIX A 2.2. (To design and install an elevator for a Class I, Division 1 location would be quite an undertaking.). To safeguard the passengers and electrical equipment, ASME A17. requires the power source to the elevator control panel to shut down prior to the discharge of water from a sprinkler head. For example, wiring that is under exclusive utility control and has to do with the generation and distribution of electrical power is not NEC regulated. Main feeders that supply elevator power must be kept outside the hoistway unless one of the following applies: Feeders for elevators are permitted within an existing hoistway (provided they are not spliced within the hoistway) by special permission of the AHJ. Conductors supplying a single motor are to have an ampacity not less than the percentage of motor nameplate current determined from Section 430.22(A) and (E). This equipment is restricted to that used in connection with the specific elevator, dumbwaiter, escalator, moving walk, platform lift or stairway chairlift. Regardless of the number of elevators, only one smoke detector is required at each floor lobby, but it must be located within 21 ft of every elevator door. A clean and dry elevator pit and machine/control room provided (ASME A17.1 Rule 2.1.2) Machine/control room meets manufacturer's requirement of preserving ambient temperature control and humidity (ASME A17.1 Rule 2.7.9) Elevator floor covering installed with appropriate smoke and flame spread (ASME A17.1 Rule 2.14.2) Dec. 21, 2010. h-`7 You'll be responsible for specifying the items related to the fire alarm and some controls, as well as supplying lighting and power to the equipment room and elevator pit. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. The branch circuit supplying these units is to be similarly dedicated, with the associated overcurrent device located in the machine room or similar location. hbbd```b``+3dL `Y[gw9`RLJO*A$w$@L`F*{|0 P Both electric and nonelectric elevators are to comply with Article 250, the code article that covers grounding and bonding in general. Dont troubleshoot unless you can keep your shoe/boot soles dry. Section 620.62, Selective Coordination, is central to multi-elevator installations and must be closely observed. The traveling cable, moreover, may be run without raceway from inside the hoistway to elevator-controller enclosures and to the elevator car and machine room and similar locations outside the hoistway for a distance not exceeding 6 ft. employees shall not perform any work on equipment where there is a potential to come in contact with energized mechanical or electrical hazards until all sources of energy have been de-energized, grounded or guarded.. They are to be located so as to be protected from physical damage, are to be of a flame-retardant type, and must be part of listed equipment, a driving machine or a driving-machine brake. The basic wiring methods are rigid-metal, rigid nonmetallic or intermediate-metal conduit; electrical metallic or rigid nonmetallic tubing; wireways; or Type MC, MI or AC cable, unless otherwise permitted. +91 8025357028, 2022 Elevator World, LLC. The Code provides guidance through regulations to establish requirements. Many of these are for portable lighting.). This position paper is written to provide guidance to members whose employees are engaged in elevator-industry work that might expose them to arc-flash hazards, and to assist members in complying with applicable OSHA and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards. GET YOUR CEUS TODAY, 1998-2021. ASME A17.1 . The light switch in the pit must be mounted 42 in. Machine room/control space lighting and receptacles 4. For just $7.99 per month, you can gain access to more than 5,000 articles from all Elevator World Publications, this includes EW Global, EW Europe, EW India, EW Middle East, EW Turkey, and EW UK. 836 Troy Schenectady Road Latham, NY 12110 . In addition, requirements for selective coordination and shunt tripping should be complied with as needed for the installation. However, this can vary depending on building conditions and exterior grade. A second door is required if the equipment is rated over 1200 amps and over 6 ft. wide. Motors for traction elevators were traditionally DC or synchronous, but new installations use AC motors and VFDs for speed control. These are: remote machine room and control room (for elevator and dumbwaiter), and remote machinery space and control space (for elevator and dumbwaiter). Flexible cords and cables part of listed equipment operating at 30 V (42 VDC) or less, similarly supported and protected, jacketed and flame retardant, are permitted. You are seeing this message for one of three reasons: You have reached your limit of free content. Lights and convenience outlets in elevator pits shall be installed to comply with the requirements of CCR, Title 24, Part 3, Article 620.
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