Section 40:48-2.16 - Monument, memorial to commemorate service of armed forces. Section 40:23-6.52 - Acceptable forms of payment for road opening permits. U.s. Air Marshal SalaryMarshal salary in the United States is $88,863 as of September 26, 2022. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. Section 40:62-104.1 - Residency requirements for employees of municipality operating certain water system. Section 40:14A-9 - Appropriations by local unit to sewerage authority; construction, financing and operation of sewage facilities by local unit, Section 40:14A-10 - Bonds; issuance authorized, Section 40:14A-11 - Resolution for issuance of bonds; ordinance; sale of bonds, Section 40:14A-12 - Funding or refunding bonds, Section 40:14A-13 - Interim certificates or bonds, Section 40:14A-14 - Filing copy of bond resolution; publication of notice; objections, Section 40:14A-15 - Negotiability of bonds, Section 40:14A-16 - Provisions authorized in bond resolution, Section 40:14A-17 - Series of bonds; default; trustee for holders, Section 40:14A-19 - Liability on bonds; exemptions, Section 40:14A-20 - Real property; acquisition, Section 40:14A-21 - Interest on service charges; liens; enforcement, Section 40:14A-22 - Sale or lease of property by county or municipality to sewerage authority, Section 40:14A-23 - Contracts for collection, treatment or disposal of sewage; powers of sewage authority, Section 40:14A-24 - Sewage and industrial wastes, Section 40:14A-25 - Connections with existing drains and pumping stations, Section 40:14A-26 - Connections with drains serving county and other property; service charges, Section 40:14A-27 - Mortgage or sale of property of authority; limitations; exemption, Section 40:14A-28 - Pollution prohibited; prevention of violations, Section 40:14A-29 - Construction of other disposal plants prohibited, Section 40:14A-30 - Investments in sewerage authority bonds authorized, Section 40:14A-31.1 - Eligibility for annual host municipality benefit; calculation, Section 40:14A-31.3 - Benefit constitutes personal obligation of authority, Section 40:14A-32 - Pledge of State to bondholders, Section 40:14A-33 - Depositary bonds required of banking institutions. Section 40:60-51.2 - Power to waive restrictions. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, There is a newer version Section 40:55D-147 - Issuance of instruments, adoption of procedures relative to land use. Section 40:55D-66.15 - Conditions for deeming abandoned; legal action. Section 40:54D-14.1 - Tourism assessment funds; use, Section 40:54D-15 - Imposition of tourism development fee, Section 40:54D-17 - Remitting, reporting of fees paid, appropriation to authority, Section 40:54D-18 - "The Tourism Improvement and Development Authority.". Section 40:37A-55 - Body politic and corporate; powers and duties. Section 40:62-107.7 - Customers of municipal water district, electronic billing, payment permitted. Promotions Lead to New Deputy Chief, Captains and Sergeants in Newark PD Forty-two Newark police officers were promoted during a ceremony at the Greater Abyssinian Baptist Church. Section 40:20-10 - Superior Court judge to resolve doubt on right to vote, Section 40:20-11 - Method of voting; results returned, Section 40:20-12 - Ballots; form and content; sample ballots, Section 40:20-13 - Nonpartisan poll book; ballots numbered, Section 40:20-14 - Submission at general election, Section 40:20-15 - Ballot; form and content; counting. Section 40:48-2.65 - Definitions; impoundment of shopping carts by municipalities. Section 40:56-45 - Payment of award; payment into court in certain cases, Section 40:56-46 - Title to vest in municipality upon payment; copy of award recorded; map filed, Section 40:56-47 - Appeal from award; procedure, Section 40:56-48 - Contracts with county for road improvements; assessments for benefits, Section 40:56-49 - Improvement of streets part of highway, Section 40:56-50 - Contract with state and county for road improvement, Section 40:56-51 - Payment of cost; assessments for benefits, Section 40:56-53 - House connections; cost assessed. Section 40:55D-151 - Review by Office of Smart Growth. Section 40:62-26 - Municipal radio broadcasting stations; bonds, Section 40:62-27 - Separate fund for radio stations or convention halls in certain municipalities, Section 40:62-28 - Income placed in separate fund; control of fund, Section 40:62-29 - Use of income; reserves, Section 40:62-30 - Surplus used to meet bonds, Section 40:62-33 - Expenditures defined; payment of debts in instalments, Section 40:62-34 - Income not part of municipal funds; management; inapplication of "local budget law", Section 40:62-34.1 - "Municipal convention hall budget" and "municipal radio broadcasting station budget" in municipalities of 60,000 or over, Section 40:62-34.2 - Objections to and hearing on budgets, Section 40:62-34.3 - Time and place of hearing; notice, Section 40:62-34.4 - Adjournment of hearing; adoption of budget; alteration or amendment; notice, Section 40:62-34.5 - Time limit for adoption, Section 40:62-34.7 - Appropriations to be itemized, Section 40:62-34.8 - Emergency appropriations, Section 40:62-34.9 - Improvement of convention hall by municipalities bordering on ocean; issuance of special emergency notes, Section 40:62-34.10 - Filing of ordinance and statement of financing plan with Division of Local Government, Section 40:62-34.11 - Special emergency notes as general obligation of municipality; tax levy, Section 40:62-34.12 - Sale of notes; interest rate, Section 40:62-35 - May carry goods and passengers; acquisition of lands, buildings and equipment, Section 40:62-36 - Referendum; petition; submission by governing body, Section 40:62-37 - Copy of ordinance served; ballot; form and content, Section 40:62-38 - Notice and conduct of election, Section 40:62-39 - Procedure after adoption, Section 40:62-41 - Officers and employees; duties, compensation and removal; rates and regulations, Section 40:62-42 - Contract for work and materials; requirements, Section 40:62-44 - Extension of system; referendum; when necessary, Section 40:62-45 - Lease of system; term; referendum, Section 40:62-46 - Joint municipal transportation system; contracts, Section 40:62-46.1 - Cities of second class in counties of second class; public transportation service, Section 40:62-46.2 - Contracts for operation of public transportation service, Section 40:62-46.4 - Approval of contracts; filing; term, Section 40:62-46.5 - Contracts with other municipalities; ratification; approval, Section 40:62-46.6 - Effective date; duration of act, Section 40:62-61.1 - Extension of existing water system by municipality not owning system, Section 40:62-83.1 - Discontinuance of water or sewerage service where charges not paid, Section 40:62-96 - Water districts; establishment; works and pumping stations; contracts for supply, Section 40:62-97 - Notice to owners of lands affected; publication, Section 40:62-98 - Objections to ordinance; filing, Section 40:62-99 - Copy of ordinance filed with map, Section 40:62-100 - Bonds and other obligations, Section 40:62-101 - Water district assessments; exemption, Section 40:62-103 - Expenses of operation and maintenance; first year's expenses; notes issued. Civil Service Commission Revives and Extends Public Safety Promotional Lists TRENTON - The New Jersey Civil Service Commission revived and extended certain expired public safety promotional titles during a meeting on Wednesday, March 24, 2021. . Section 40:56-1 - Local improvements; definition and enumeration, doing work as general improvement. 01/15/2023. This program permits qualified applicants to apply for admission to an approved academy for the purpose of participating in the Basic Course for Police Officers. Section 40:56-89 - Annual report to municipal governing body, Section 40:56A-1 - Commission; appointment; terms; vacancies, Section 40:56A-3 - Acquisitions by commission, Section 40:56A-4 - Records and annual report. Police Chief; Deputy Police Chief; Police Inspector . Sign up for our free summaries and get the latest delivered directly to you. Section 40:41A-37 - Powers of county executive, Section 40:41A-38 - Legislative power; exercise by ordinance; exceptions; exercise by resolution, Section 40:41A-39 - Chairman and vice-chairman; selection, Section 40:41A-40 - County executive at meetings, Section 40:41A-47 - Qualifications, appointment, term, Section 40:41A-52 - Legislative power; exercise by ordinance; exceptions; exercise by resolution, Section 40:41A-53 - Chairman and vice-chairman; election; duties, Section 40:41A-54 - County manager; rights at meetings, Section 40:41A-60 - Elected officers; governing body; definition; exercise of administrative or executive functions by county supervisor, Section 40:41A-61 - Qualifications, election, term, Section 40:41A-66 - Legislative power; exercise by ordinance; exceptions; exercise by resolution, Section 40:41A-74 - Qualifications, election, term, Section 40:41A-79 - Legislative power; exercise by ordinance; exceptions; exercise by resolution, Section 40:41A-80 - President and vice-president; election, Section 40:41A-87 - Appointments and dismissal; suspension procedure, Section 40:41A-88 - Elective officers; removal by recall petition and vote, Section 40:41A-90 - Signatures to recall petition, Section 40:41A-91 - Notice to officer; recall election; notice of filing of petition, Section 40:41A-93 - Removal of more than one officer, Section 40:41A-94 - Election of successor; use of recall ballot, Section 40:41A-95 - Laws governing recall elections; selection of candidate for successor of recalled incumbent, Section 40:41A-96 - Publication of notices of arrangements for recall elections; conduct, Section 40:41A-98 - Successor where incumbent resigns or is recalled, Section 40:41A-99 - Meetings of board; journal, Section 40:41A-100 - Rules of procedure; quorum; resolutions; compensation, Section 40:41A-102 - Recording of ordinances and resolutions, Section 40:41A-103 - Rules and regulations; filing; publication, Section 40:41A-104 - Petition; percentage of registered voters required, Section 40:41A-105 - Power of referendum; time for filing petition, Section 40:41A-106 - Petition papers; affidavits, Section 40:41A-107 - Filing of petition papers; examination; certification of result, Section 40:41A-108 - Amendment of initiative or referendum petition, Section 40:41A-109 - Suspension of ordinance, Section 40:41A-110 - Submission to board of freeholders, Section 40:41A-111 - Submission of ordinance to voters; withdrawal of petition, Section 40:41A-113 - Number of proposed ordinances voted upon; time between special elections, Section 40:41A-114 - Publication of ordinance, Section 40:41A-116 - Results of election; conflicting measures, Section 40:41A-117 - Division of county adopting a district representation system under section 40:41A-14c into districts, Section 40:41A-118 - District commissioners; certification of boundaries, Section 40:41A-119 - Meeting of district commissioners; division into districts, Section 40:41A-120 - Boundaries of districts; population difference. Section 40:55D-39.1 - Provision for permanent protection of certain land. Section 40:41A-126 - Effective date of administrative code, Section 40:41A-127 - Existing resolutions remain in force where not inconsistent, Section 40:41A-128 - Appointments between election and time of taking office under optional plan; pending actions and proceedings, Section 40:41A-129 - Employees in the classified service, Section 40:41A-129.1 - Counties of first class; appointment of aides; unclassified service, Section 40:41A-130 - County administration of civil service, Section 40:41A-131 - Procedures for establishment of county department of civil service, Section 40:41A-133 - Preparation and submission of budget; budgetary process, Section 40:41A-134 - Scope of budget and message, Section 40:41A-138 - Appropriation requests; allotments, Section 40:41A-142 - Person charged; newspapers; qualifications. Terrence Mulligan, Lt. Jeff McCarrick, Sgt. Section 40:56-13.2 - Amounts of money to be expended for improvements established. Section 40:69A-25 - Reversion to prior law. Section 40:48-2.51 - Penalty for violation of fee limits. Section 40:14A-8.3 - Reduction in fees by sewerage authority for certain affordable housing projects. Resources New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police: - - 856.334.8943 New Jersey State Police: - - 609.882.2000 ext. Section 40:56-88 - District management corporation; annual audit. Section 40:11A-5 - Authority; commissioners; misconduct; removal, Section 40:11A-6 - Powers and purposes of authority, Section 40:11A-6.1 - Audit of accounts of parking authority annually; filing, Section 40:11A-6.2 - Certified copy of bond resolution and bond proceedings; filing. Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 40A:14-146.14. Section 40:3-5 - Commission to supersede all commissions; body corporate; disbursements; investments Section 40:3-6 - Certain officers to act when commission not functioning Section 40:48F-2 - Provisions contained in ordinance. Section 40:55D-51 - Exception in application of subdivision or site plan regulation; simultaneous review and approval. Section 40:10C-1 - Establishment of municipal or county Hispanic advisory commission. Section 40:66-1.3 - Reimbursement of multifamily dwelling. Section 40:12-20 - Findings, declarations relative to county, municipal parks, Section 40:12-21 - Definitions relative to county, municipal parks, Section 40:12-22 - Agreements to provide for maintenance, operation or improvement, Section 40:12-23 - Provision of equipment, materials, supplies, services, Section 40:12-24 - Advertising, promotion, Section 40:12-25 - Public recognition of participating entity, Section 40:12-26 - No liability in civil actions, insurance, Section 40:12-27 - Participating entity, not public, State employees, Section 40:12-28 - Applicable laws, regulations, Section 40:12-29 - Donations, solicitation authorized. Section 40:66A-22 - Mortgage, pledge or disposal of garbage disposal system; exemptions. Section 40:48-4.11 - "Senior citizen," "citizen with a disability" defined. Section 40:54-8.1 - Limitation on increase in amount raised by taxation. Section 40:20-35.11a - Vacancy on board of chosen freeholders eligible to be filled by election; exceptions. Section 40:62-148.1 - Water commission customers, option for electronic billing, payment. Section 40:66A-6 - Acquisition of facilities. Section 40:20-19 - Certain counties governed hereby, Section 40:20-20 - Membership; number; increase or decrease; proposition; submission to voters; petition; effective date, Section 40:20-20a - Terms of additional members, Section 40:20-20.4 - Proposition to change term of office, Section 40:20-20.5 - Election under adopted proposition, Section 40:20-21 - First election; terms of members first elected, Section 40:20-22 - Additional members in certain cases, Section 40:20-23 - Election; term; organization, Section 40:20-25 - Expiration of terms of existing members, Section 40:20-26 - Terms of officers; exceptions, Section 40:20-27 - Existing laws continued, Section 40:20-28 - Referendum; submission to voters, Section 40:20-29 - Petition for submission; sufficiency; filing, Section 40:20-30 - Petition; time for filing; notice of election, Section 40:20-31 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:20-33 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:20-35 - Certain counties governed hereby, Section 40:20-35.1 - Number of members; election; terms, Section 40:20-35.3 - Expiration of terms of existing members; filling of existing vacancies. Section 40:15A-4 - Availability of program materials; fee. Arrest: Taking physical custody of a person by lawful authority. This course is specifically designed to assist Non-Civil Service officers with promotional exams for all ranks. Section 40:48-2.54 - Model schedule of towing, storage services adopted by municipality, county. However, the Federal Air Marshal Service does have problems that need federal retirement annuity and a federal law enforcement salary at . Section 40:54-9 - Trustees; number, appointment and term; alternates, Section 40:54-11 - Trustees; corporate name; organization; officers; certificate; recording and filing, Section 40:54-12.1 - Purchases not requiring advertisements for bids, Section 40:54-12.2 - Free public library administrators, duties, Section 40:54-13 - Trustees; treasurer; bond and duties, Section 40:54-14 - Trustees; compensation; limitation on amount of indebtedness. Section 40:55D-49 - Preliminary approval, extension. Section 40:55D-12.1 - Registration for notice to utility, CATV company, Section 40:55D-12.2 - Local utility notice of applications. Section 40:14B-41 - Interest on unpaid service charges, Section 40:14B-42 - Lien for service charge, Section 40:14B-43 - Failure to pay service charge; shut off of service, Section 40:14B-44 - Failure to pay sewer service charge; shut off of water, Section 40:14B-45 - Enforcement of service charges, Section 40:14B-46 - Civil action to recover unpaid service charge, Section 40:14B-47 - Cumulative and concurrent rights and remedies, Section 40:14B-48 - Grant of utilities to authority, Section 40:14B-49 - Contracts for treatment and disposal of sewage or solid waste, Section 40:14B-50 - Effectuating terms of contracts, Section 40:14B-51 - Connections with or closing off other public facilities, Section 40:14B-53 - Availability of maps, plans, specifications, records, books and accounts, Section 40:14B-54 - Payment of service charges owed by public bodies, Section 40:14B-55 - Connections with sewerage system required, Section 40:14B-56 - Reports by water distributors within district, Section 40:14B-57 - Stoppage of water by water distributor, Section 40:14B-58 - Disposal or encumbrance of utility, Section 40:14B-60 - Discharge of sewage; discharges into sewage, solid waste or water systems; violations; injunction, Section 40:14B-61 - Approval of sewage disposal plants within district, Section 40:14B-62 - Investment in bonds of authority, Section 40:14B-64 - Guarantee of vested rights of bondholders, Section 40:14B-65 - Undertakings for deposits of municipal authority, Section 40:14B-67 - Filing of copy of bond resolution, Section 40:14B-71 - Findings, declarations relative to municipal review, approval of plans for utility improvements, Section 40:14B-72 - Definitions relative to municipal review, approval of plans for utility improvements, Section 40:14B-73 - Conditions of final site plan approval, Section 40:14B-74 - Payments to professionals for services rendered to municipal authority, Section 40:14B-75 - Maintenance, performance guarantee; cash requirement, Section 40:14B-76 - Disputes by applicant of charges made by professional; appeal, Section 40:14B-77 - Estimate of cost of installation of improvements, Section 40:14B-78 - Acceptance of performance, maintenance guarantee which is irrevocable letter of credit. Section 40:66A-7.1 - Audit of accounts annually; filing. Section 40:54D-10 - "State Tax Uniform Procedure Law" applicable, Section 40:54D-12 - Revenues deposited in funds. Section 40:55D-23.3 - Preparation, offering of basic course in land use law and planning; requirement. Section 40:48C-17 - Exemption of non-profit corporations or associations, Section 40:48C-18 - Liability of employer to only one municipality, Section 40:48C-34 - Ordinances; contents; payment to municipality; use of funds; effective date of imposition of tax, Section 40:48C-35 - Tax as debt of taxpayer; action for collection; limitation of action, Section 40:48C-36 - Issuance of certificate of indebtedness, Section 40:48C-37 - Interest and penalties on unpaid tax, Section 40:48C-38 - Appeal of determination of liability, Section 40:48C-39 - Failure to make report or allow inspection; failure to disclose amount due, Section 40:48C-40 - Copy of ordinance to state officers, Section 40:48C-41 - Tax exemption; religious, charitable or educational institutions or organizations, Section 40:48C-42 - Inapplicability of exemption for parking taxes to certain State entities. Section 40:41A-145.2 - Interim successor selected by appropriate political party. Section 40:9D-1 - Definitions relative to provision of broadband telecommunications service. Section 40:14A-4.2 - Provisions relative to budget of certain regional sewerage authorities.
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