Fax:601.893.0114, FLORENCE MIDDLE SCHOOL Regular safety drills should be planned and executed in accordance with applicable emergency management guidelines and specific school procedures. Fax:601.825.2988, Compulsory School Attendance/School Age (JBA), Entrance Age Requirements (JBB) Ph 503-916-5656. 2nd3rd Student Schedules and Course Loads (JBCCC) Retaliation or reprisal against any person, including a victim, a witness, or another person, who in good faith provides information concerning an incident of bullying or harassing behavior, is prohibited. School Dress Code Examples. Develop or distribute material, or operate programs or courses of instruction directed at youth, that are designed to promote or encourage sexual activity, whether homosexual or heterosexual, 2. Since students have this option for grade improvement, no extra credit will be assigned or awarded. At the discretion of the board, such hearings may be conducted before a hearing referee designated by the board. In supporting the social and emotional well-being of all our students, we commit to respect the human rights and civil liberties of all people, and condemn all hateful speech and violent action directed at any student or individual, including immigrants and people of color. Requires the implementation of such program and curriculum in the Rankin County School District effective at the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year. 1984), cert. Once an episode of vomiting or diarrhea has occurred at school, the student will be sent home and may return to school after the above criteria is met. Students will be subject to immediate suspension or expulsion of the privilege of school transportation services indefinitely or for the balance of the school year if their misconduct constitutes a threat to their safety and of others, results in the destruction of public or private property, distracts the bus driver or potentially interferes with the normal or safe operation of the school bus. The permanent record, while active, shall be kept in a fire resistant container in the school office. Fax:601.939.1946, RICHLAND HIGH SCHOOL No oversized coats are permitted . Dress Code- GCS Dress Code Policy. This approach is intended to increase individuality and creativity, while easing uniform requirements for our middle school families. Where the consent of a parent or eligible student is required for the release of education records, it shall be in writing, be signed and dated by the person giving such consent and shall include a specification of the records to be released, the reasons for such release and the names of the parties to whom such records will be released. 12. If said proceeding results in expulsion, admittance may be revoked. School Admission (JBC) The Mississippi Department Education (MDE) shall require every school district to follow the instructional model, which consists of three (3) tiers of instruction: 1. This information will be kept confidential, and you may remain anonymous if you choose. Mississippi law requires a local school board to make available to parents or legal guardians of any school-age children who reside in a school district, upon request, any textbook(s) on the state surplus inventory list (textbooks that are no longer used in the district, but do not qualify for disposal). Information in the permanent record and cumulative folder of individual students shall include: 1. Parent(s) or Legal Guardians(s) must be present when enrolling the child. Individual dignity and privacy will be preserved to the extent practicable. If a student brings a backpack to school, the office will call home and a parent or guardian will need to come get it. E. Auriculares / Airpods / Parlantes. The JPS Board of Trustees has approved a mandatory dress code policy for all elementary and middle schools. Principal:Dr. Lee Pambianchi The superintendent of schools or designee and the principal of a school shall have the power to suspend or expel a pupil for good cause, including misconduct in the school or on school property, on the road to and from school, or at any school-related activity or event or when such conduct by a pupil, including off campus conduct, in the determination of the superintendent/designee or principal, renders that pupils presence in the classroom a potential danger or potential disruption to the educational environment or an orderly educational process of the school or the education of others and are a detriment to the best interest and welfare of the pupils and teacher of such class as a whole, or for any reason for which such pupil might be suspended, dismissed or expelled by the school board under state or federal law or any rule, regulation or policy of the school district. Please put your childs school ID number on the face of your check. In addition, the Rankin County School District will provide additional services to the parents and community through the school year. North Middle School; Northwest Middle School; Southeast Middle School; West Middle School; Central High School; East High School; West High School; . 662 (10thDir. Pros and cons of school dress code. Clickherefor a safe walking route map. The superintendent or his designee is hereby authorized by the Board to take such further or necessary action as may be necessary to protect the safety, health and well-being of all students, passengers and the general public as may be affected by the Rankin County School District bus transportation program, including the promulgation of rules of discipline andconduct of students. The District will determine the number of names to be drawn at random for drug testing. (e) Locker or personal vehicle searches shall be conducted in the presence of another staff member and in the presence of the student responsible for the contents of the locker, if practical, in the discretion of the principal. The testing laboratory will notify the principal of the school that the Activity Student attends and will also notify the Superintendent or his designee of any positive test result. Backpacks are not allowed on school grounds. The calendar year is to begin on the date the Extra-Curricular Student Random Drug Testing Program Withdrawal Form is submitted to the students principal. 1. have an English Language Service Plan (LSP), which should be updated annually until the student achieves English language proficiency. Click here to view the safe school resolution. Extra food sales, including milk and water, are to be paid for with cash daily or money may be put onthe students general account to purchase these items. It is important that you are the only person using your locker, do not share with friends. Welcome to the online home of Northwest Area School District. Students with ringworm should not have to miss school. If the student needs additional assistance they will visit the designated technology support area at their school. The progress of each student in the gifted program will be assessed at least annually to determine need for continuing services. An adequate supply of forms designed to report student misconduct will be provided each bus driver. Inhalers or asthma medication(s) not picked up at the end of the school year on or before the last day of school will be discarded. The Board reserves the right to reject any contribution to the district which does not serve to enhance or extend the work of the schools. 8. Course content shall be based on the College- and Career-Readiness State Standards or Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks competencies and objectives. All complaints pertaining to schools made by patrons or citizens should be made first to the principal of the school. ), CCR Advanced Math Plus = 1.05 x grade, Ending with the graduating class of 2022 (Freshmen 18-19), Cross Reference: Policy IHEA Class Ranking. Note: During times of pandemic, epidemic, or community spread of communicable disease, face masks/coverings will be required on buses since social distancing is not possible and may be required on school campuses. Promptness is a virtue that becomes a habit. Developing a Strategic Plan for each school that includes strategies for increasing parental/community engagement. 4. NOTIFICATION OF CHARGES. Universally accepted standards for testing, labeling, storage and transportation of specimens will be strictly followed by the testing facilities. Parents should consult with their healthcare provider or a pharmacist to make sure treatment is appropriate for the student and for treatment recommendations. The TST is the problem-solving unit responsible for interventions developed at Tier 3. No formal rules of evidence shall apply to DDC meetings. Get Directions. Thereupon, the meeting of the DDC shall conclude. Click here to view the safe school resolution. 9th12th The bump(s) must be covered with clothing or a bandage while the child is at school to prevent transmission to others. If the State Board of Education finds the disaster or extreme weather emergency to be the cause of the school not operating for the contemplated school term and that such school was in a school district covered by the Governor's or President's disaster or state of emergency declaration, it may permit that school board to operate the schools in its district for less than one hundred eighty (180) days; however, in no instance of a declared disaster or state of emergency under the provisions of this subsection shall a school board receive payment from the State Department of Education for per pupil expenditure for pupils in average daily attendance in excess of ten (10) days. The Rankin County Board of Education recognizes that the use of tobacco products represents a health and safety hazard which can have serious consequences for both the user and non-user and the safety of the District. Students can also be transported to the alternative school by their parents at the parents expense if the parents so choose. Clothing, including face masks/coverings, with suggestive, obscene, disruptive, or vulgar designs, pictures, symbols, slogans or statements that cause a disruption to or detract from the educational process are not permitted. Education for Homeless Children and Youth (JQN) If students arrives late to school, they will need to check in at the front office and get a pass to class. }fnVa~Vfj-lg7Z/xgov8>zXLj/v_83,v3b.Ji'^`ofZ~:dIJwyTd&E!(0[+E%QTx}ggvx>sE?~[.`|ys -y DfD7jK-Z^j*l5wxdF=!$)oN6`AI[@ 3\Gr10 [)BOHWVHmBljxUCl`c^|C?wjL;=^SeOyc0:Q,~WFyhK]!gmRgJwG"50W_iY?j4U`+ ( tP&<1QkB~8uFb^BR]F^+Z38MuFuLGmT D8!?l0gYg SQAILaKSFI|w N 3. Limited English Proficiency Instruction (IK) The accused may present any relevant evidence on his behalf, may reply to charges in his own words and/or may present witnesses on his own behalf, and be represented by an attorney at his/her own expense. Parents/guardians maywaive the five day waiting period and request earlier testing, if possible. IV. No formal rules of evidence shall apply to DDC meetings. 5300 Northwest School Road, Greensboro, NC 27409. The first school dress code law was established in 1969 by the U.S. Supreme Court. If at any time during the sampling procedure the testing laboratory employee has reason to believe or suspect that a student is tampering with the specimen, the testing laboratory employee may stop the procedure to determine if a new sample should be obtained. 2. School Searches (JCDA) The superintendent or designee shall establish procedures to support this policy. ii Even if your school has a gendered dress code policy, you should still be able to wear the clothing and hairstyle allowed any student. Both the student and the students parent or custodial guardian must read, sign, and date the Student Drug Testing Consent Form. Click to view the long form of the civil rights notices No pre-school children or students from another class are allowed to go with identified group. 7. FAX: 410-751-3275. Seniors meeting the specified hours will receive a certificate, have the distinction marked on the diploma, and be recognized at the school graduation or awards ceremony. 6th8th 7th12th No sagging allowed. I encourage you to get involved with your childs school activities this year. The Superintendent or designee(s) shall make a determination, which the student may appeal to the Board of Education of the District. LEGAL REFERENCE: MS Public School Accountability Standards; Mississippi High School Activities Association Handbook. Students shall be responsible for locking their vehicles upon arrival as the District shall assume no responsibility for any loss. Parents are encouraged to provide additional information regarding the reasons for absences. Student will be given a binder that MUST be taken to ALL classes. Completion of student information profile/emergency card. A valid report of drugs or alcohol in ones possession or control is another example. The laboratory will inform the student, parents or guardians, the principal of the school and the Superintendent or his designee of the positive test result. Other school officials, including teachers within the District who have been declared to have legitimate educational interest, a list of whom shall be maintained by the principal; 3. If a student fails the screener, the parent or legal guardian will be notified of the results of the screener. The student affected shall be notified by letter of the specific charge or charges, the nature of the evidence to be presented against him (whether by affidavit or list of the witnesses and brief summary of their testimony) and of the time and place where the hearing will be held. Charges will not be made to adults or children. Any kind of jacket/coat/cardigan is OK if it meets regular dress code rules, including: Trench coats are not allowed. Any federal government housing or off-base military housing,including off-base military housing that may be provided through apublic-private venture. Food Pantry Grand Opening with Rudy Gobert(picture gallery), No district employee or student shall be subjected to discrimination in employment or any district program or activity on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Cyber bullying including, but not limited to, harassing, flaming, denigrating, impersonating, outing, tricking, excluding, and cyber stalking will not be tolerated. The Hazelwood School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation or disability, in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. 1. The non-custodial adult in the home must prove residency through Group I and Group II (above) and provide a notarized affidavit. Webster Middle School; Dress Code; Webster Middle School 2021-2022 Uniform Policy This is the required uniform MONDAY-FRIDAY . Florence, MS 39073 3. Where reasonable suspicion exists, school district administrators shall have a discretion to conduct a search of said properties or persons, in accord with the law and the need to protect students, staff and visitors. The student will be immediately removed from school for a drug/alcohol test to be conducted within 5 hours if the Rankin County School District decides to require submission to such test. All decisions by the board shall be final except for appeal to the Chancery Court of Rankin County, Mississippi and then to the Mississippi Supreme Court. Reglamento de la Escuela Intermedia Northwest Sobre Celulares/Aparatos Electrnicos. Dress Code - NWLSD Board of Education Meeting. The Rankin County School District, in compliance with AHERA requirements, has inspections of all asbestos containing materials (ACM) within the district conducted by Pickering Environmental of Jackson. Abstinence-Only education includes any type of instruction (on a grade and age appropriate basis) that teaches some or all of the following: the social, psychological, and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity, and the likely negative psychological and physical effects of not abstaining; the harmful consequences to the child, the childs parents and society that bearing children out of wedlock is likely to produce, including the health, educational, financial and other difficulties the child and his or her parents are likely to face, as well as the inappropriateness of the social and economic burden placed on others; that unwanted sexual advances are irresponsible and teaches how to reject sexual advances and how alcohol and drug use increases vulnerability to sexual advances; that abstinence from sexual activity before marriage, and fidelity within marriage, is the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually-transmitted diseases and related health problems; the current state law related to sexual conduct, including forcible rape, statutory rape, paternity establishment, child support and homosexual activity; and. Any student found transporting, carrying, or dispensing over the counter or prescription medication(s) of any kind will be subject to suspension or other disciplinary action. The course is dropped from the master schedule. This is for the safety of all students. The Board encourages development of this habit. Violations of this policy may have disciplinary consequences, including: Suspension of network, technology, or computer privileges; Detention or suspension from school and school-related activities; Employment disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment; Employees, students, and parents/guardians shall be required to sign the Districts Acceptable Use Policy as part of the districts Technology Handbook before Internet or network access shall be allowed. Student/parent is responsible for making their first counseling appointment within five (5) business days of their positive test notification. Parents that have completed the Parental Use and Responsibility Acknowledgement Form as well as provided valid personal identification to appropriate school officials may be given access to the Parent Portal of Power School. Solamente los telfonos celulares deberan estar en los armarios. A student who enhances their educational performance or allows other students to enhance their educational performance through any dishonest means shall be given a zero and is subject to suspension or expulsion for the remainder of the year. Authorized representatives of the Comptroller General of the United States, the Secretary of Education, the Commissioner of Education, the Directory of the National Institute of Education, the Assistant Secretary for Education, or State educational authorities; 4. The testing laboratory must use scientifically validated toxicological testing methods, have detailed, written specifications to assure chain of custody of the specimens and use proper laboratory control and scientific testing. 4. Flowood, MS 39232 The decision of the Board of Education shall be final. Legal Reference: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Individuals Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Title II Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Mississippi Department of Education Policy IEI. In cases of possession of prohibited items, whether such possession is willful on the part of the student; 7. Ringworm is characterized by a round pink/red rash with a raised, rough, scaly border. Considering the continuous growth of English learners (ELs), and the population change, the Rankin County School District will employ English language teachers/instructors to assist in the instruction of the ELs whole education, both in language and academic content. Scheduling parent-teacher conferences twice a year in every school in the district. 9. The method of instruction will be determined by the local school based on available resources andcan include use of an on-line, computer-based, or a teacher delivery system. Each student will respect the personal property of others and refrain from causing intentional damage or unnecessary wear and tear to books, facilities, school materials, school buildings and furnishings, and the personal property of others and obey all state laws pertaining thereto. In order to qualify for credit recovery courses, the students failing average must be within 5 points of the districts lowest passing score. In order to maintain confidentiality, written records of drug testing will be stored in a secure location with restricted access. Click to view the long form of the civil rights notices Fax:601.825.9838, RICHLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL What are advantages of dress codes? Users are expected to respect the web filter and shall not attempt to circumvent the filter when browsing the Internet. 6. Kindergarten5th Meals may be paid anytime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Uniforms could make this problem irrelevant. Applications for hardship waivers shall be kept in the strictest of confidence with all files and personal disclosures restricted from review by the general public. If the device is lost, stolen, or totally damaged as a result of irresponsible behavior, the person the device is issued to may be responsible for the replacement cost. 4. The decision of the Board of Education shall be final. However, nothing in this policy will limit any school official from making the reports required by law to law enforcement agencies. 3. The parties will have an opportunity to submit evidence and a list of witnesses, but formal rules of evidentiary procedure need not be strictly adhered to. Cabello/Pelo: Los estudiantes de Northwest no pueden tener diseos en la cabeza. All student requests should be considered. The superintendent shall determine whether the person who is infected has a primary or secondary infection that constitutes a recognized risk of transmission in a school setting. The District Grade Placement Committee will consider all data and notify the school of its recommendations. The superintendent or designee will produce written guidelines for distribution to each school that explains the rights of homeless students and the responsibilities of the schools to meet their needs and eliminate barriers to school attendance. In accordance with those Acts, military recruiters are entitled to receive the name, address, and telephone listing of juniors and seniors in high school. a. Custodial parent(s) residing with an adult in a home not owned or rented by the custodial parent(s) will present documents to show legal custody. Hearing before hearing referee: A transcript of the hearing will be prepared and forwarded unto each board member for review as soon as possible. The Board, believing that progress is the very foundation of education, recognizes the schools obligation to give private, periodic reports of a students progress to the parents. The School Counselor will complete a summary sheet for the student which includes the following data: a. 5. If the stolen device is not reported within three calendar days to a district school administrator, the employee or parent/guardian will be responsible for full replacement cost. Students respect those students who participate in these activities and see them as examples. endobj All medication(s) registered at school must be taken in the presence of the principal and/or their designee. More than one course may be taken during the school year but only one course should be taken at a time. Students in grades 6-8 at Jackson, Lincoln, Martin, Reynolds and Wheatland Middle School will not be required to wear school uniforms. In compliance with USDA regulations, RCSD adopted the following policies: Child Nutrition is a Federal Program. Admission or enrollment may be denied for up to one calendar year after the date of the expulsion to any student who has been expelled or is party to an expulsion proceeding for an act involving violence or the threat of violence, weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs, or other activity that may result in expulsion. Parents or legal guardians of all newly enrolling students must produce proof of residency via these documents, with one document required from group one and one document required from group two. 2. 2. 5. Sending information related to the school and parent-programs, meetings, and other activities to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand by: 1. Users should only use known or trusted sources when conducting research via the Internet. Airy Childrens Dental Associates Provides Care to Students on National Give Kids a Smile Day, Student Artwork on Display at BWI Airport, Student Pages Selected for State Legislature, East Middle Media Specialist Featured as Spotlight Librarian of the Month, Tech Center Cosmetology Students Participate in Whoville Holiday Creations, Weis Markets Donates $10,000 to Westminster High School Food Pantry, Tech Center Teacher Named Finalist for Craft Instructor of the Year, CCEA and CCPS Sponsor Presentation on Internet Safety for Children, Correction to Carroll County Times Article, Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund. Si los estudiantes estn por sus armarios durante el da escolar, la siguiente lista de consecuencias pueden suceder: Nivel 1: El estudiante recibir un aviso verbal. Do not leave the device unattended in an unlocked classroom or during an extracurricular activity. The parents and local agency shall have an opportunity to present evidence relative to the case. Each user acknowledges that the information available from other websites may not be accurate. 37-11-67 and 37-11-69, 1. In some cases, cyber bullying can be a crime. No grade placement retesting shall be warranted; however, testing may be required to establish transfer grades. We have set high expectations, and are working diligently to ensure that all of our students will reach their highest potential and offer assistance to those that need it. 2. If such has been lost or destroyed, the last school attended shall be responsible for initiating a new record. It is not the responsibility of the school or school district to determine if the donation is tax deductible. C. The accused will have an opportunity to be heard in his own defense by oral testimony. If a student is referred to the Learning Center after the first ten (10) days of the grading period, they will be required to remain for that grading period and two additional nine week grading periods. A switchblade knife means a knife containing a blade or blades which open automatically by the release of a spring or similar contrivance. No see-through clothing or halter tops shall be worn. Further, the parent/guardian can obtain a copy of said record at a fee not to exceed the cost of duplication, can request an explanation or interpretation of those records, and can challenge the content of said records through a hearing process. Must pass 70% of the district objectives in language arts and math and exhibit an adequate level of reading proficiency as measured on a standardized instrument. 2. Accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions; 8. G. A certified court reporter will take and transcribe all evidence and testimony at the hearing. Phone:601.854.8060 The warning system and appropriate procedure shall be known and provided to all personnel in the respective schools. Phone:601.939.4375 At such meetings, the principal and student involved may appear and make a brief summary of the facts and circumstances in support of or against a particular charge or charges and in support of or against the disciplinary decision with respect thereto. Students that are enrolled at the Alternative School before the four and one half weeks of a grading period may be eligible for early return if there is a mutual agreement between the Learning Center and home school administration. The Minutes shall reflect the contributor, amount, and purpose for the donation, if any. Every student within the Rankin County School District shall have the right to take reasonable actions as may be necessary to defend himself or herself from an attack by another student who has evidenced menacing or threatening behavior through bullying or harassing. This shall be accomplished by consulting with the infected persons physician, a qualified public health official who is responsible for such determination, and the infected students parent or guardian.
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