No force was made to get in. An unknown person cut a hole through the metal roofing of an office at a gravel pit on Dunlap Rd. The girls mother said she didnt know anything about the girls drinking. On Baypointe Dr., residents were concerned when they noticed a van, with a boat trailer parked on the street. The girl suffered facial lacerations, head trauma and is listed in stable condition. Reports of a Boston Terrier loose on Hovey St. chasing children. The mans wallet was also stolen. restaurant. A homeowner on Davis Lake Dr. reported that someone broke a window out of his vehicle and stole a CD case containing 71 CDs, a stereo front and remote control for the stereo. Natural gas leak on Hudson St. Oxford Police Reports added by on January 30, 2008View all posts by . A man and woman on S. Lapeer Rd. Sheriffs deputies located the man at a storage facility and arrested him for operating while intoxicated, cited him for careless driving and for hit and run. A man on Hummer Lake Rd. A 34-year-old Ortonville man was cited for possession of marijuana after an officer found 25.5 grams of the substance in his vehicle during a traffic stop on E. Burdick. All search fees are non refundable. Monday, November 12 Someone stole a Panasonic 7? Monday, September 18 A 31-year-old Oxford man was impersonating a police officer by blocking northbound traffic on Lapeer Rd. Tuesday, October 16 A van was vandalized off of W. Drahner Rd. Medical emergencies on Spezia, N. Washington St., Crawford, W. Manor, and Gardner Rd. While he was out of the vehicle, the teen hopped into the drivers seat and tried to leave the station, but hit another vehicle and a gas pump in the process. Her purse, which contained $40 in cash and some credit cards, was stolen off of the front seat. A Pontiac woman reported that a former friend of hers has used her name without her permission. He was just three days shy of his 21st birthday. found a letter from his 49-year-old neighbor attached to his door. Monday, December 11 A caller on Crawford reported trouble breathing. A woman on Sunset Blvd. Loose change, candy and sungalsses were some of the items stolen. Reports of juveniles playing in the recycling bins in front of the elementary school on Pontiac St. Tuesday, July 3 A 26-year-old Oxford man was arrested for his third operating while intoxicated offense on Hunters Rill. A husband on St. Andrews locked his wife out of their house after an argument about him being unfaithful. He believes the man is angry about an ex-girlfriend. Saturday, April 26 An 18-year-old Lapeer man tried to steal two bottles of liquor from a store on N. Lapeer Rd. The husband said she was so intoxicated she couldnt walk and fell and hit her head. Not monitored 24/7 Non-Emergencies call 662-232-2400. Friday, May 19 Radio controlled cars and equipment was stolen out of a shed on Laura Leah. Two street lamps at the end of a driveway on Sanders were damaged between 3:30 a.m.-5:30 a.m. Tuesday, December 11 The Oxford Fire Department responded to a carbon monoxide investigation at a home on Moyer St. A man on Nuttal Branch found a backpack in his yard. During a pat down, a joint also fell out of the mans shorts. calls, but then became threatening. Oxford Police Reports added by on April 25, 2007View all posts by . His front grill was broken, his hood was scratched and his windshield was cracked. A 78-year-old man on Pontiac reported a tenant was causing a loud disturbance. The father said he wouldnt prosecute, but that he wants a personal protection order. He and his son said they saw two teenage boys exit the vehicle and flee on foot. The box is shaped like a barn and had a large amount of mail inside. The daughter had come after the mother with a pair of scissors. A woman on South St. called deputies after her 14-year-old daughter ran away from home. Reports of a 25-year-old man on W. Drahner with possible alcohol poisoning. Wednesday, July 11 A man returned home and found two packages from the QVC home shopping channel on his porch that he never ordered. Both were advised of domestic violence laws. Oxford Police Reports added by on August 23, 2006View all posts by . A construction air gun was stolen from a building on N. Washington. Oxford Police Reports added by on December 5, 2007View all posts by . He has been stalking her by coming to their home. The man was arrested for first degree criminal sexual conduct. The man had been a suspect in a criminal sexual conduct case involving his wifes nieces. Her preliminary breath test was .135 percent. A village officer noticed a mini-van on the side of the road on W. Burdick. A raccoon in fireplace on First St. Her preliminary breath test was .13 percent. A mother on Foreland called deputies after she saw three teenage girls assault her 11-year-old son at the bus stop. A personal injury accident on Lapeer and Broadway. A young, white man was seen entering an unlocked vehicle on Manitou, but was scared off by a neighbor. A mother called deputies after her four-year-old daughter told her a 15-year-old boy dropped his pants on the playground at a school on W. Drahner. Entry was gained by a hand axe. Saturday, April 22 A homeowner on S. Baldwin found a hole in the vinyl siding of his garage from a bullet. Friday, January 18 Someone entered an unlocked vehicle on Tanview Dr. and stole loose change and a multi-tool. Her preliminary breath test was .110. A cell phone user reported erratic driving in Orion Township and deputies in Oxford saw the vehicle as it headed northbound near Market Street. The family was asleep at the time of the incident. The son went to stay with his father for the night. Reports of someone with chest pains on Frederick. Friday, July 28 A man is selling his home on Doral and noticed his basement window was shattered. A man reported malicious destruction of property after someone entered his vacant mobile home on Shummard Branch and damaged floors and the fixtures. Wednesday, January 31 During a traffic stop on N. Lapeer Rd., an 18-year-old man from Oxford was arrested for a misdemeanor warrant out of Lapeer County. An MP3 player was stolen out of a girls bedroom on Stanton. An employee at a restaurant on S. Lapeer Rd. He believes a teenage friend of his step-son may be to blame. Tuesday, May 13 A female resident at a group home on S. Coats Rd. Friday, June 15 An Oxford man gave a 17-year-old boy from Auburn Hills a ride to a gas station on N. Lapeer Rd.. Hence, presents you with an online platform that gathers links to offender lookups by jails and prisons in all 50 US states. reported that someone broke into the office area and stole a phone and several sets of keys. Tuesday, October 23 A woman on S. Coats is suspicious as to why her mail wasnt in her mailbox. Deputies also found a bag with pills, but were unsure of what they were. An 82-year-old man was found deceased outside of a retirement community on Market St. reported that her license plate was stolen from her vehicle and was being used illegally in Illinois. He was arrested for breaking and entering. Saturday, August 26 A 1992 blue Ford Thunderbird was stolen from a home on N. Coats. The couple was arguing over him staying at a hotel with his friends. The same house was also broken into over Labor Day and the owner thinks these men may have been involved. He was also cited for operating while intoxicated. Two 16-year-old boys ran away from Crossroads for Youth. Someone stole a Ski doo snowmobile and a trailer on N. Lapeer Rd. A womans apartment on Pontiac St. was broken into and ransacked. The 18-year-old also text messaged the mother and threatened to cause damage to her home and vehicle if she reported him to the sheriffs department. Tuesday, July 1 A mans GPS, radar detector and sunglasses were stolen from his vehicle on Glenmoor Dr. Reports of kids throwing objects at buildings and cars on Crawford. The boy pounded on the door and shattered the window. in silver spray paint on a womans shed on Chapman Branch. Oxford Police Reports added by on February 27, 2008View all posts by . Someone burned a womans mailbox and newspaper box on E. Oakwood Rd. Both made obscene gestures and yelled at one another. Car versus mailbox on N. Coats Rd. Monday, July 23 Possible runaway on Wynnwood. Thursday, September 21 Oxford Police Department Arrests and Reports for Aug. 25. The husband denied pushing her and both were advised of domestic violence laws. Use this form to request copies of official reports. A woman on Oakwood Rd. Incidents taken from reports made by the Oakland County Sheriffs Department, the Oxford Village Police Department and the Oxford Township Fire Department. PHOTOS BY. Several officers attended and spoke to a group outside Costa Coffee. was transported to the hospital by the Oxford Fire Department after his family deemed him suicidal. Oxford Police Reports added by on February 6, 2008View all posts by . It appears someone may have just dropped it off in back of the store to dispose of it. The man has been arrested for domestic violence in Lapeer County before. Incidents taken from reports made by the Oakland County Sheriffs Department, Oxford Village Police Department and Oxford Fire Department. A man on Glenmoor Dr. called deputies after a man with a heavy southern accent left a message on his answering machine. Oxford Police Reports added by on November 28, 2007View all posts by . Tuesday, December 19 The rear window of a vehicle on Brooks Ct. was shattered by an unknown person. A 34-year-old man committed suicide at his home on Ludwig. Trent Marshall Published: February 23, 2023. and speaking illogically.? Sheriff's Office Contact the Sheriff's Office at (919) 693-3213 525 New Commerce Drive, Oxford NC The fundamental duty of the Granville County Sheriff's Office is to serve and protect the citizens of Granville County with fairness, compassion and respect. A couple on Bull Run got into an altercation. He eventually found his way to the sheriffs substation and was returned home. for operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. The girl was transported to Crittenton Hospital for medical evaluation. Wires down on Metamora Rd. Someone scratched a mans vehicle while it was in a parking lot on W. Drahner Rd. The wife was advised on how to obtain a personal protection order if she ever felt in danger. . A 40-year-old Oxford man on Moon overdosed on some medicine. Oxford Police Reports added by on May 3, 2006View all posts by . A 2? A 48-year-old Orion man was arrested on Casmer for an outstanding warrant. A woman on Patricia reported that her husband assaulted her by kicking her feet out from under her and making her fall to the ground during an argument. Six empty Jack Daniels fifths were found next to the responsibles Chevy. Monday, October 1 Sheriffs deputies were dispatched to a home on Wise St. after a man and his 20-year-old step-son got into an argument and were punching each other. Sunday, August 13 A purple and silver Kent bicycle worth $111 was stolen from a parking lot on Pontiac St. The mobile home was completely destroyed and the neighboring mobile home suffered $3,000-$4,000 worth of damage, according to Fire Chief Jack LeRoy. Wednesday, June 27 A womans purse was stolen off of her kitchen table at her home on High Pointe. Reports of a person possibly operating a vehicle while intoxicated on Washington. The girls both decided not to press charges against one another. A 33-year-old Lake Orion woman reported that her ex-boyfriend is threatening her at her place of employment on E. Drahner. The suspect possibly used the garage door opener in the home owners car to enter. Friday, August 18 A resident on Chelsea Blvd. A son on Hunters Rill called deputies after he found his father lying in bed unconscious with the oven on and its door open. reported chest pains. A shoe print was found outside. A woman on Cross St. reported getting into an argument with her husband and wanted him to leave the home. A 78-year-old woman on Lake Drive reported identity theft after she found out someone opened a credit card in her name. A DTE worker reported that tools were stolen from his truck while at a work site on East St. The department operates an administration division that oversees the day-to-day . The fire department responded to a home on Brookfield for a 45-year-old man who claimed he wanted to commit suicide. A 51-year-old Dryden man was arrested for operating while intoxicated and driving with a suspended license on N. Washington. Thursday, September 8 Reports of an injured deer on N. Coats. reported his Ruger handgun missing from his home. Her blood alcohol content was .29 percent. There were no signs of forced entry to the home. The cup busted one of her headlights. Sunday, March 11 Unknown person(s) tried to gain entry into a mans home and detached garage on Bull Run.
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