hdXV%vY>b!HA= 05th.ii (OMF7HX@"4QK('6]%m'IC-5!nZoFs~W}w/I 2"*jQL[#&BF 18p_BS/Q#XKHFybnhMM+|I2lFuO"kL_"jQZCmD? (609) 296-3106 ext. As with the previous ESSER funds available under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA), the purpose of the additional funding is to support local educational agencies (LEAs) in preparing for and responding to the impacts of COVID-19 on educators, students, and families. Joann Fella obj NJ Graduation Proficiency Assessment ELA Practice Questions, NJ Graduation Proficiency Assessment Math Practice Questions, Summer School- Pinelands Summer Acceleration Academy. 135 East Ave. Woodstown, NJ 08098. If your city, town, or other location of interest is not listed, contact us and we will add it. obj The NJDOE intends to make LEA ARP ESSER Fund applications available in EWEG on May 24, 2021 and LEAs will submit their Safe Return Plans to the NJDOE via EWEG. The district will provide each eligible student one round trip daily from a designated bus stop to school and back. Copyright 2023 Pinelands Regional School District. 2021-2022 High School Bell Schedule - printable pdf, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). . This page will be updated with any revised version of the school calendar once changes are made. [PO9]=w$'6v ,[LP }wN-qw=B4KE.Vz#KjVi>bh:IQ]^!-F&;q8o:%QV?s^jX%In(1b=rU2R:b (609) 296-3106 ext. NJ Graduation Proficiency Assessment ELA Practice Questions, NJ Graduation Proficiency Assessment Math Practice Questions, Summer School- Pinelands Summer Acceleration Academy. 0 The following Sports are offered during the WINTER at Pinelands Regional High School and Pinelands Regional Junior High School, 520 Nugentown Road, Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087. Pinelands Regional School District Calendar 2021-2022 /S Pearland Independent School District. On the calendar, latitude and longitude will be shown with the notation "not for navigational purposes." 1 LITTLE EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP - Eight men huddled in the corner of the Pinelands Regional Middle School cafeteria Tuesday night decided what the Pinelands Regional School District must cut from its . 0 Pinelands Regional School District is located in New Jersey, United States. Schools . Pinelands Regional School District corporate office is located in 565 Nugentown Rd, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey, 08087, United States and has 142 employees. /JavaScript The District consists of a Junior High School for grades 7-9 and a High School for grades 10-12. This is the disclaimer text. 4468 2023-2024 School Calendar. << Should additional onsite vaccinations be wanted/needed, the district will work with OHI for scheduling and availability. As announced in the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE)s April 28, 2021 broadcast, in March 2021 President Biden signed the Federal American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, Public Law 117-2, into law. >> PRSD serves students in grades 7-12 from Bass River in Burlington County, and Eagleswood, Little Egg. To get the latest holiday calendar, visit Pinelands Regional School District website at https://www.pinelandsregional.org/ to see the 2022-2023 holidays. More information about Pinelands Regional School District calendar can be accessed from the school website at https://www.pinelandsregional.org/. 12 talking about this. endobj Site Map Top. /Catalog Search for Public School Districts - District Detail for Pinelands Regional School District Annual Reports Annual Reports Condition of Education Digest of Education Statistics Projections of Education Statistics Topical Studies National Assessments For academic year 2020-2021, 2 schools served 1,578 students through 07 to 12 th grade in its 2 schools. Pinelands Regional School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, or socioeconomic status. ] /DeviceRGB To assist LEAs with the development of their Safe Return Plans, the NJDOE is providing the following template. Pinelands High School NSC 2022 Top Achievers. A special ceremony was held at the museum late last month. (1000 character limit): Describe how the LEA sought public comment on its plan, and how it took those public comment into account in the development of its plan. Hotline 609-216-1500 PINELANDS BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION - Grades 1-8 pinelandsbasketball.org STAFFORD SOCCER CLUB www.staffordsoccer.net STAFFORD BASKETBALL www.staffordbasketball.com Email: staffordrecbasketball@gmail.com STAFFORD SPARKLERS COMPETITION CHEERLEADING https://www.staffordsparklers.com/ President: Laura Disanzo Contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine will be done in compliance with current CDC and NJDOE guidelines. This page contains the major holiday dates from the 2023 school calendar for Pinelands Regional School District in New Jersey. Note that on May 17, 2021, Governor Murphy. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). District Anti-Bullying Coordinator >> (1000 character limit): This is the disclaimer text. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Email: webmanagers@barnegatschools.com. /Creator Schools . Comments (-1) 2022-2023 School Calendar. 4468 District Anti-Bullying Coordinator Karen M . 8 All rights reserved. 1 Some of these events include the Prom Fashion Show, Senior Christmas Party, and Mr. Pinelands. Melissa Thompson LEAs will submit responses to the questions within the LEA ARP ESSER Fund application in EWEG by June 24, 2021. Also, our school prides itself on our amazing sports programs and even our drama program. Visit the link above to view the full, original school calendar. Schools . Staff Writer. High School Anti-Bullying Coordinator Choice parent information center phone number: 609-296-3106 Ext. ), Career, training & job search website for the U.S. Department of Labor), Exploration of possible careers through skills evaluation resources). /PageLabels stream Pinelands Regional School District Salaries Number of employees at Pinelands Regional School District in year 2019 was 265. >> Similar homes. HS Media Center - Student Technology Support. TOMS RIVER - A Stafford man was found guilty Friday of manslaughter and assault by auto after a jury concluded that his reckless driving led to the death of a 15-year-old Pinelands Regional High . << Minority and Bilingual/Bicultural Candidates are encouraged to apply. The NJDOE hopes that this template will allow LEAs to effectively plan for that submission and to easily post the information to their websites as required by the ARP Act. Pursuant to those requirements, LEAs must submit to the NJDOE and post on their website their Safe Return Plans by June 24, 2021. R DonorsChoose is the most trusted classroom funding site for teachers. 2218 Bell Schedules Junior High School; Calendar 2021-2022; Computer Operations Tech Help; Dual Enrollment . The blackboard footer will center if disclaimer is not being used and the background will be one color. Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation: Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the State, local, territorial, or Tribal health departments: Efforts to provide vaccinations to educators, other staff, and students, if eligible: Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to the health and safety policies: Describe how the LEA will ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to services to address students academic needs and students and staffs social, emotional, mental health, and other needs, which may include student health and food services. R 792 View Map. Contact information for the School Climate State Coordinator (HIB@doe.nj.gov), Show submenu for Student/Special Services/SBYS. p: 609-296-1719. f: 609-296-3225. It should wrap, then the bar will grow in height if more space is needed. Staff members and parents complete a daily health screening questionnaire. R Pinelands Regional School District Our District Staff Directory Staff Directory All Locations Search SA Sara Abbatiello SBYS - Social Worker Sbbatiello@prsdnj.org View Website JA Joe Adelizzi Paraprofessional JAdelizzi@prsdnj.org View Website JA James Alletto Science Teacher JAlletto@prsdnj.org View Website AA Anthony Allocca Karen M. Kenny, Director of Guidance 0 View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. Pinelands Regional School District /Group SBYS- Employment | Pinelands Regional School District Employment Services EMPLOYERS CAN SIGN UP HERE Access to our Employment Google Classroom with new job postings Employment Applications and Follow Up Connections with Local Employers Resume Preparation Interview Preparation Volunteer Opportunities Career Exploration CAREER EXPLORATION: The plan was revised based on the feedback received. Email Us. l.q`;^Rr( RL7OiA_QYB&?|[jnenb)0_-8Y T /Resources District Anti-Bullying Coordinator [ pinelands regional school district. LITTLE EGG HARBORThe Pinelands Regional School District last year arrived at a $200,000 settlement with a former employee who claimed she was a victim of gender discrimination in violation of New Jersey law when she was twice denied athletic positions for which she had applied in favor of younger, less qualified male candidates. Search for Public School Districts - District Detail for Pinelands Regional School District District Details (2021-2022 school year; Fiscal data from 2018-2019) Characteristics Show Less County: Ocean County County ID: 34029 Locale: Rural: Fringe (41) CSA/CBSA: 35620 Staff Fiscal Note: Details do not add to totals due to rounding. >> Schools Details: WebThis page contains the major holiday dates from the 2023 school calendar for Pinelands Regional School District in New Jersey. Banks, of Toms River, brings with her 45 years of experience in New Jersey schools, most recently as interim superintendent of the Hamilton Township << The 1,617 sq. 4468 District Anti-Bullying Coordinator Karen M . The blackboard footer will . Pinelands Regional School District ; Pinelands Junior High School ; Pinelands High School ; Anti-Bullying Information ; Contact Information High School Anti-Bullying Coordinator Joann Fella jfella@prsdnj.org (609) 296-3106 ext. ), One Stop Career Center (In person resources for job seekers), DVRS (Employment Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities), Pinelands Regional School District520 Nugentown RoadLittle Egg Harbor, NJ 08087Phone: (609) 296-3106, Contact Information Social distancing will be performed in compliance with NJDOE and NJDOH current regulations. Pinelands High School565 Nugentown RdLittle Egg Harbor, NJ 08087Phone: (609) 296-3106Fax: (609) 294-2718, Contact Information Dissemination techniques will include, but not be limited to, classroom presentations, press releases, school-wide posters, videos and training to staff via in-services or faculty meetings, hand washing signs in all bathrooms. 7 /St As students and staff enter the school their temperatures are taken via thermal scan cameras. Comments (-1) 550 Barnegat Blvd N, Barnegat, NJ 08005. This is the disclaimer text. 1:00. Pinelands Regional School District insights Based on 4 survey responses What people like Feeling of personal appreciation Supportive environment Clear sense of purpose Areas for improvement Fair pay for job General feeling of work happiness Trust in colleagues Good Experience in my job Pinelands Regional School District520 Nugentown RoadLittle Egg Harbor, NJ 08087Phone: (609) 296-3106, Contact Information Compare Pinelands Regional High School to Other Schools (609) 296-3106 /Contents Karen M. Kenny, Director of Guidance ( 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3 C a l e n d a r) 76 of the Federal Register by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE), an LEA must periodically, but no less frequently than every six months through September 30, 2023, review and, as appropriate, revise its Safe Return Plan. See attached calendar. This page you are currently reading about Pinelands Regional School District calendar 2022-2023 contains all the major holiday dates of Pinelands Regional School District. Footnotes. "The Pinelands Regional School District is a regional school district located in southern Ocean County. As with the previous ESSER funds available under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA), the purpose of the additional funding is to support local educational agencies (LEAs) in preparing for and responding to the impacts of COVID-19 on educators, students, and families. Section 2001(i)(1) of the ARP Act requires each LEA that receives ARP ESSER funds to develop and make publicly available on the LEAs website, no later than 30 days after receiving ARP ESSER funds, a plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services for all schools (Safe Return Plan) A Safe Return Plan is required of all fund recipients, including those that have already returned to in-person instruction. District Calendar. 5.00 2018 5.00 2019 5.00 2020 2995 Junior High School Anti-Bullying Coordinator Melissa Thompson mthompson@prsdnj.org (609) 296-3106 ext. The mission of the Pinelands . Pinelands Regional School District ALWAYS A WILDCAT District Home Translate Home Schools Academics Athletics Community Our District Parents/Students Student/Special Services/ SBYS Summer Reading Overview English Resource 7 Pre-AP US History I AP US History II AP Psychology AP Chemistry Honors Chemistry AP Biology AP Environmental Science Contact Information - The transportation office is open Monday-Friday in conjunction with the yearly school calendar from 7am-3pm. (609) 296-3106 ext. The district serves students in grades. Within Pinelands Regional School District, 100.0% of teachers are licensed, and 92.5% have three or more years of experience. 4468 "After being at the museum and /CS This page contains the major holiday dates from the 2023 school calendar for Little Egg Harbor School District in New Jersey. Administrators and supervisors will review the plans for in-person learning, IEP/504 accommodations and modifications expectations, related services, as well as teacher and student expectations for safety expectations. /Pages The communities of Bass River, Eagleswood, Little Egg Harbor, and Tuckerton are served by the District with . 0 Administrative Office Assistant - District Please check back regularly for any amendments that may occur, or consult the Pinelands Regional School District website for their 2022-2023 approved calendar. % 130 Mountain Lake Rd, Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087. endobj (609) 296-3106 ext. Madison Public Schools. District Calendar Key Dates Other Calendars iCal Feed Instructions Print Export Customize Calendar View Feb 2023 Month Day List 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 2024 - 2025 School Year Calendars 2022-2023 Printable Calendar 2022-2023 List of Key Dates Spanish , Creole , Portuguese 2022-23 Student Attendance Calendar Physical distancing (e.g., including use of cohorts/podding): Handwashing and respiratory etiquette: The school nurse will disseminate messages about preventive hygiene and conduct respiratory etiquette programs (cough in your sleeve). 2 (609) 296-3106 ext. All rights reserved. R x][@z8|YgKDd!YGlfI $q%BVq6|k*U[]0L??l%i~gu5q6-gL@#@F_vG.=$S*nvC" 4468 It should wrap, then the bar will grow in height if more space is needed. /FlateDecode /Filter << . O kLZa!r"b*lQ7 QZj4C +TYP'E`[f'k 1h#BDV%>U(r gd-4^P{"EgBc-4Zk (O1xnq_D%vyqVF3B 1928 N. Main St., Pearland, TX 77581. MLS # 22305463 Junior High School Anti-Bullying Coordinator 2995 << R Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Phone: 281-485-3203 Contact the Pearland ISD Webmaster Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. This is the disclaimer text. 2995 Junior High School Anti-Bullying Coordinator Melissa Thompson mthompson@prsdnj.org (609) 296-3106 ext. Your Latitude, Longitude. Public Relations: Alexa Ferraioli and Liana Trebour, 520 Nugentown Road, Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087. Pinelands Regional School District Calendar 2023. that upon the conclusion of the 2020-2021 school year, portions of Executive Order 175 allowing remote learning will be rescinded, meaning that schools will be required to provide full-day, in-person instruction, as they were prior to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. ), CareerOneStop (Career, training & job search website for the U.S. Department of Labor), Career Skills Profiler (Exploration of possible careers through skills evaluation resources), NJ Career Resources (Career Assistance, Government Agencies, Training Programs), OCVTS (Ocean County Vocational Technical School- Training Programs), Labor Demand Occupations (Occupations projected to have the most job openings in the future), Calendar: NJ Job Fairs/Recruitment Events, NJ Career Services (Learn about career interests, options & the world of work), NJ Tools & Support (Resume/Interviewing Assistance, etc. Phone: (609) 698-5800. Contact SBYS for free account- afeldman@prsdnj.org), O*NET ONLINE (Explore occupations, career clusters, etc. 10 Junior High School Anti-Bullying Coordinator April 26, 2022 Board Meeting 6 PM 520 Nugentown Road, Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087. Additional information on ARP ESSER may be found in the NJDOEs funding comparison fact sheet. Are you looking for Pinelands Regional School District calendar 2022-2023? Copyright 2023 Pinelands Regional School District. It has 1,036 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 12 to 1. 0 /Type Get Directions. 6F The Pinelands Regional High School Store allows you to customize Wildcats clothing and merch. Pinelands Regional School District had a per-pupil revenue of $25,485 per pupil in the 2016-17 school year. . 4 /Transparency >> << You can use the custom page to create a calendar for your own location if you know the latitude, longitude, and time zone of that location.. jfella@prsdnj.org District grades: 7-12 Approved choice grades: 7-12 Total number of students enrolled in district: 1,582. The school district's graduation rate of 87% has decreased from 93% over five school years. mthompson@prsdnj.org The plan was revised based on the feedback received. Under the interim final requirements published in, Volume 86, No. List of payrolls in category School District. Extra help is available for all students after school. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Under the interim final requirements published in Volume 86, No. . The questions in the template below will be included in the LEA ARP ESSER Fund application in EWEG. pinelands regional high school. 8:19 - 9:06 (47 min) Please choose your school district in New Jersey from the list below to view a calendar of your 2022-2023 school holidays. Pinelands Regional School District ALWAYS A WILDCAT. pinelands regional junior high school. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a1039a42720f1aca7885b8bc864d38c5" );document.getElementById("e13e80f35f").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Copyright 2023 IsMySchool - All Rights Reserved, Pinelands Regional School District Calendar 2022-2023, Pinelands Regional School District calendar 2022-2023, Pinelands Regional School District calendar, Pinelands Regional School District Holiday Calendar 2022-2023, Pinelands Regional School District Calendar 2021-2022, Pinelands Regional School District Calendar 2020-2021, Download Links for Pinelands Regional School District Calendar, Download Pinelands Regional School District Calendar for 2020-2021 here, Download Pinelands Regional School District Calendar for 2021-2022 here, Pinelands Regional School District calendar 2021-2021. %PDF-1.4 Little Egg Harbor, NJ- With the fall marking periods coming to a close, the school district is ending with Spirit Week before the start of the holiday break. 0 6 >> The Pinelands Regional School District in collaboration with Ocean Health Initiatives, Inc. (OHI) offered all staff members onsite vaccinations at the Pinelands Regional High School during May 2021. Junior High School Anti-Bullying Coordinator We have a very spirited community at pinelands. /Parent 520 Nugentown Road, Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087. A majority of our staff members have been vaccinated. Until then, continue checking this page for updates on the calendar for Pinelands Regional School District. The blackboard footer will center if disclaimer is not being used and the background will be one color. See attached calendar. Section 2001(i)(2) of the ARP Act further requires that the LEA seek public comment on the Safe Return Plan and take those comments into account in finalization of the Safe Return Plan. 52.9% came from local sources, 42.8% from state sources, and 4.3% from federal sources. (1000 character limit): Describe how the LEA ensured that the plan is in an understandable and uniform format; is to the extent practicable written in a language that parents can understand or, if not practicable to provide written translations to a parent with limited English proficiency, will be orally translated for such a parent; and upon request by a parent who is an individual with a disability as defined by the ADA, will be provided in an alternative format accessible to that parent.
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