LAKE MILLS - Local legends of the past century say Rock Lake's murky waters hide ancient pyramids the Aztecs built before moving south to settle central Mexico 600 years ago. some thoughts: "There is untouched archaeology down there, as well as a delicate ecosystem that includes colonies of bats and a species of spider which we have tentatively identified as the white widow," British . If the Great Pyramid was indeed intended as some kind of ancient power plant, as some physicists and engineers have theorized, then it would indeed need water to generate power. The tribe eked out a living out in this harsh desert environment by catching fish such as the Cui-ui, the Tui chub and Lahontan cutthroat trout, as well as gathering the sparse food resources from the desert such as grasshoppers, rodents, deer, and rabbit, in addition to various berries, roots, seeds and nuts. Or it might be a container of highly magnetic source materials. So where is this salt water coming from? This is approximately the time of the last ice age. Attention has focused on the heavily carved stone sarcophagus in which Pakal was buried, and which some erroneously believe depicts the Maya ruler seated at the controls of a spaceship. I wondered how they had managed to remove the other five sarcophagi, if they indeed existed. The Truth Behind The Malibu Underwater 'Alien Base'. . Pyramid Lake spans 1,360 acres with depths of 700 feet and 21 miles of shoreline. So whatever this guide or inspector told you about the opening of the lid is simply false. My Dinner with Time Traveler Andrew Basiago, Consciousness Assisted Technology - The Extraterrestrial Presence, Living an Examined Life - The Hieroglyph of the Human Soul, May I Be Frank - An Amazing Transformation. There were undecipherable markings on the slab, a crisscross of deeply carved lines and some symbols. The ports were congested with ships carrying coal and other goods and the roads were replete with horse-drawn vehicles. To find underground water in a dry desert area, where there shouldn't be any, is intriguing. Truly, thanks! If the water tables/sea levels were much lower 5,000 to 12,000 years ago, wouldnt that be an indication that water wasnt in those chambers where is is today? If the Great Pyramid was indeed intended as some kind of ancient power plant, as some physicists and engineers have theorized, then it would indeed need water to generate power. Perhaps the sarcophagus was one that was dropped or left behind due to it's size or bulkiness? By . I enlisted a certified water analysis lab in California to run a series of tests, then called a friend of mine, who is an organic chemist, for his analysis of the test results. Bosnian Pyramid Tunnels. The Egyptian authorities suspect there to be artifacts hidden under the water, possibly a treasure trove of information as well, which the Egyptian government has been reluctant to fully explore. Also in this documentary it can be seen that a research team has opened the the lid and that they are suspending it in the air with some contraption. The Lesser of Two Evils, Russian Scientists Discover Philosopher's Stone to Make Gold, New Answers for Strange Hum Heard Worldwide. Researchers Dr. Carmen Boulter and Klaus Dona are using space-based technology to penetrate the Hawara complex for underground anomalies. . The Bosnian Pyramid, which is even larger than the Great Pyramid, also has water tunnels which look remarkably similar to the water tunnels running under the Giza Plateau. I was curious to know what an analysis of the water samples I took from under the Giza Plateau might show, if anything. In prehistory it was once a freshwaterlake, with an area estimated to vary between 490 656 miles. One couldnt help but feel there were some unseen observers down there that day observing our entry into their watery crypt. The energy down there feels electrified, the air even feels cleaner. The water is clear, but filled with silt and some debris. Songshan Lake Tunnel. Author, Dr. Kathy Forti prepares to descend under the Giza Plateau. One of these structures which has been named the Limnatis Pyramid has a base width of 60 feet, a length of about 100 feet, and a height of 18 feet. The story of how these bizarre creatures came to be varies. Nefer Say Nefer - Was Nefertiti Buried in the Valley of the Queens? Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologists Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical, Well, water is a good conductor of electricity. The authorities have no idea why this is occurring nor the source of the water. I am also a Mormon and our higher preisthood is named after him. . (Author provided). Once a Pharaoh was placed in his tomb, his spirit would descend into the Underworld where he would meet with a group of guardians and the gods Heka, Sia, and Hu who would help him (along with the god, Sobek) during his journey. Do these pyramids also have extensive water tunnels running underneath them? It is less well-known that this Osiris Shaft was actually discovered as early as 193334 by famed Egyptologist, Dr. Selim Hassan. Un Meeting November 2019, Just in case. Ever since 1986, when explorers discovered one of the world's largest subterranean lakes at Dragon's Breath Cave, divers have attempted to probe the farthest reaches of the underground cavern. (Author provided). Coincidence? It is still there to this day, but its exact location has been lost. I looked down the last shaft and saw water was up to the last rung of the ladder leading to the third underground chamber. The air felt close and dusty, the temperature much warmer with little outside ventilation. U.S.- Egyptian cultural ties are strengthened as Ivanka Trumps family explores the crumbling pyramids, temples and tombs of the Nile River. Chicago, IL. Thus some of the urban enthusiast locally have felt that there is an underwater tunnel that connects this lake to Tahoe. For centuries these ancient tunnels have remained hidden and off-limits to everyone but a select few. Instead, they let me lead the way with the caveat, be careful. (The liability factor in traversing such shafts would be off the charts in the U.S., but things are different in Egypt.). The Osiris Shaft has been known for quite some time and the sarcophagus on the bottom has most definitely been opened before in recent times: there is even a documentary in which another woman goes down together with Zahi Hawass and shows her the different features of the Osiris Shaft. Did the Mayans have knowledge of this body of water before building their pyramid? Rock Lake, Located in Lake Mills, Wisconsin has a pyramid resting beneath its waters. For those wanting to visit this magnificent and spooky place for themselves, remember that since the lake sits on the Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation, permits are required to fish, boat, or camp here. hi, I was searching google about water tests in tunnels of pyramids, and Im glad I found your text here. It is less well-known that this Osiris Shaft was actually discovered as early as 193334 by famed Egyptologist, Dr. Selim Hassan. China's Taihu Tunnel, which cost hundreds of millions of dollars and took years to build, is now the longest underwater tunnel in China. Long Mysterious Tunnel Discovered Inside The Khufu Pyramid; There is an ancient Hermetic saying: As Above, so Below,meaning, That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the Miracle of the One Thing.. Thank you for including all of us into a wonderful world we did not know existed, and letting us see it. Today it is a smaller saltwater lake called Birket Qarun . There are those who believe this to be the tomb of the god Osiris, which is why they refer to it as the Osiris Shaft. The percentages displayed a sodium level which is higher than the fresh water of the Nile River , and lower than the salinity of the Mediterranean Sea, which the Nile flows into. The inspector pointed to an iron ladder leading down this first shaft. SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Scientists have found a previously undiscovered moai on Easter Island, uncovering the large stone statue in a dry lake bed on the tiny, remote island in the middle of the. If Hawara has Twelve Great Halls, as the ancient Greeks wrote about, the water tunnels under the Great Pyramid may be even more significant. They had to weigh several tons. Off to the left of the cavern area is a tunnel entrance, leading to other tunnels that may extend for miles, linking other pyramid sites. Instead, they let me lead the way with the caveat, be careful. (The liability factor in traversing such shafts would be off the charts in the U.S., but things are different in Egypt. Beneath the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids there is an extensive underground tunnel and chamber network which runs for a total of more than ten miles, connecting all pyramids and other places together. They had to weigh several tons. I climbed down to a narrow ledge and got my first look at this mysterious chamber. Gonzalez said the same type of three-layered stone covering has been found in the floor of Pakals tomb, within the pyramid. Your email address will not be published. Credit: Skin Divers Perhaps the locations for all great pyramids around the world are based on a water need. By . Required fields are marked *. The CBBT opened on April 15th, 1964, when it replaced a vehicle ferry service that had been in place since the 1930s. The story goes that when the man brought the mermaid to the village to announce his intentions to marry her, they were met with disdain and the man was told to take the strange creature back to the water. Underwater tunnels are built using tunneling shields, tunnel boring machines, or immersed tubes. This water source connected both east and west of the pyramid. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. Lake Moeris isan ancient man-made lake in the northwest area of the Faiyum Oasis. My first reaction about the water goes back to the transport of the granite blocks. I will assume you paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for the opportunity. This was one time when no male offered to go first. They claimed no one had been down there in decades. So it goes that the water tunnels brought up more questions than answers, reminding us all that we have so much more to learn about our ancient history. lake tahoe pyramid lake tunnels. In 2003, a tunnel was discovered beneath the Feathered Serpent pyramid in the ruins of Teotihuacan, the ancient city in Mexico. A little more than 6 miles off the coast of Point Dume in Malibu, California, an unusual-looking structure sits on the sea bed floor. It is no secret that beneath the Great Pyramid are vertical shafts, tunnels, hidden chambers, and even a subterranean lake. A military police escort hovered nearby. I got an explanation that I should mix it with standard tap (or distilled) water in 1:10 or even more. The Epoch Times writes: "Amongst the many engraved stones, one stone has attracted particular attention. This underwater sea tunnel reaches to a whooping depth of 2300m. Why is the U.S. so Medically Backward about Ozone? Home; Members; News; Results; Events; About us; Links; Media; Contact; 27 Nov 2020 While most people might not realize it, they most certainly have seen the lake at some point, since its image is used as the default screen saver for the Apple iPad devices. The director of archaeology for the National Institute of Anthropology and History, Pedro Sanchez Nava, said the theory makes sense in light of other pre-Hispanic peoples such as those who lived at Teotihuacan, near Mexico City, where another water tunnel was found. Today, this impressive bridge remains one of only 10 in the world of this nature. Is underground water a pre-requisite for all pyramid building? When you think of pyramids, most people think only of those in Egypt and Middle America. Lining the passageways and underground tunnels of the pyramid is granite, which is slightly radioactive. At Ancient Origins we believe that one of Read More. For centuries these ancient tunnels have remained hidden and off-limits to everyone but a select few. Consultinga map, the only known salt water lake in Egypt is Lake Moeris, which is 50 miles southwest of Cairo. A Mysterious Underwater Stonehenge Has Been Found Underneath Lake Michigan. The Chinese government doesnt talk much about them and has cordoned them off from the public. The tunnel connects Hokkaido Island with the Aomori Prefecture. The tunnels led water from under the funeral chamber out into the broad esplanade in front of the temple, thus giving Pakals spirit a path to the underworld. Very much like the lyrics of the famous She may be ancient Egypts most famous face, but the quest to find the eternal resting place of Queen Nefertiti has never been hotter. While the Paiute people at first tried to live in harmony with the white settlers, and traded with them regularly, most of the tribe did not appreciate the disruption to their way of life and resented the presence of the settlers on there ancestral lands. This is the newer part of the tunnel, a. It is known that as early as 1934, the third chamber was already under water. They claimed no one had been down there in decades. As I crouched down to obtain my samples, my Mena House hotel key card literally leapt out of my backpack. A rotting wood platform structure leans off to the right of the chamber, probably left behind from Dr. Hassans day. It seemed to be even more advanced than Egyptian pyramids. This was allegedly done to weed out the weak and keep the tribe strong, and it is these abandoned, murdered babies that prowl the water. What they found is mind-boggling. "You can look all you want for pyramids and other manmade structures . According to Von Schmidt's vision, his diversion tunnel would divert the Truckee via a dam and canal toward Squaw Valley, dive underground, reemerging at the head of the American River, where it would then deliver 200 million gallons of water a day to San Francisco through a complex system of pipes and aqueducts. A vast network of underground chambers and water tunnels have been discovered beneath several of the world's most well-known pyramids, including the Great Pyramid on Egypt's Giza Plateau. One couldnt help but feel there were some unseen observers down there that day observing our entry into their watery crypt. The Mysterious Black Knight Satellite - Who Really Owns It? (Image: Rene Chavez, Author provided). Whats interesting about Lake Moeris and Hawara is that it shows a massive network of tunnels and underground waterways as well. Believe it or not, tourism has been around since the time of the Egyptians. They now officially call it the Osiris Shaft. Archaeologists have discovered a secret tunnel under a famous and massive pyramid in the ancient city of Teotihuacn, northeast of Mexico City. pyramid lake underwater tunnels. which is 50 miles southwest of Cairo. The tribe eked out a living out in this harsh desert environment by catching fish such as the Cui-ui, the Tui chub and Lahontan cutthroat trout, as well as gathering the sparse food resources . Norimitsu Odachi: Who Could Have Possibly Wielded This Enormous 15th Century Japanese Sword? Others dispute this dating and believe it dates back much earlier. These stories were confirmed when these large cavities were discovered during a survey conducted at Giza in 1993. I meant to say, and thought I wrote- incomplete. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. The Bosnian Pyramid , which is even larger than the Great Pyramid, also has water tunnels which look remarkably similar to the water tunnels running under the Giza Plateau. Martinez and her team uncovered a 1,305-meter (4,281-foot) tunnel, located 13 meters (43 feet) underground, the Egyptian Ministry for Tourism. It is a ghoulish story to be sure, but is likely based on exaggeration aimed at making the Natives look like savages. The Egyptian authorities suspect there to be artifacts hidden under the water, possibly a treasure trove of information as well, which the Egyptian government has been reluctant to fully explore. Mr. Hawass said he had no plans to remove the stones blocking the entrance. Thank you for a great article. Obesity Study with Trinfinity8 Dr. Norman Shealy, Holos University, Trinfinity8 Subtle Energy Study by Dr. Beverly Rubik, Egypt Sacred Knowledge Tour with Dr. Kathy Forti, Exploring the Great Pyramids Underground Water Tunnels. Initially they refused our request, but eventually caved in for a price. The salinity is approximately 1/6 that of sea water. The water looked to be about mid-thigh on a man, but could be deeper in parts further back. Making matters even weirder is that Pyramid Lake has no outlet whatsoever. The second level of the Osiris Shaft may be the symbolic sarcophagi of the seven guardians and the third level the ascension portal to the Underworld. This is especially true when it comes to the many mysteries surrounding all the worlds pyramids. One of my sources, a expert timeline reader, claims it is a dimensional portal that only those that have the correct DNA can ever hope to open. It is known that as early as 1934, the third chamber was already under water. Beneath the Great Pyramid - Part 2. Lake Ontario "Lights" Orange-colored spheres have been seen coming out of/diving into Lake Ontario. You can do a quick Google Images search for stills from the documentary if you don't believe me. In an underwater investigation in Fuxian Lake, Yunnan Province, China, started on June 13, 2006, archeologists discovered remains of a group of huge ancient buildings at the bottom of the lake. In prehistory it was once a freshwaterlake, with an area estimated to vary between 490 656 miles. A military police escort hovered nearby. There is an ancient Hermetic saying: As Above, so Below, meaning That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the Miracle of the One Thing.. How could this be? Now she believes she's made a pivotal breakthrough. Pyramid Lake is also the biggest remnant of ancient Lake Lahontan, the colossal inland sea that once covered most of Nevada. Its possible this could be the depository of ancient and advanced knowledge the Atlanteans hid behind in the event of a future global catastrophe. A few steps inside the heavy gate there is a square hole in the ground. YouTube Location: Dongguan, China. This was one time when no male offered to go first. Navy halts use of fuel storage complex above Hawaii . It might be possible that. pyramid lake underwater tunnels. The world's first underwater tunnel was built under the river Thames, which drifts through London. Some 45 miles off the coast of Mexico in the Bay of California, it seemed that Google Earth revealed a massive expanse of linear lines and massive outlines, reminiscent of the mysterious Nazca Lines in Peru. June 14, 2022; utpal parrikar education . At 188 square miles and reaching depths of more than. pyramid lake underwater tunnels. June 14, 2022. The ancients had diverted the Nile into canals to carry out this monumental task. Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala, Alleged Sighting of the Mythical Manananggal in the Philippines Causes Public Anxiety, The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: Ancient Origins of the Often Used Legend Part I, Caesars Savage Human Skewers Unearthed In German Fort, The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt. As with many controversial sites, the Egyptian government is not allowing excavation there. GcMAF, Nagalase: Why 8 Holistic Doctors Were Murdered & Others Poisoned, FEAR: False (Flag) Evidence Appearing Real, Los Alamos Study Finds Airport Scanners Alter DNA. Instead of falling by my feet as physics would allow, the card bizarrely flew out across a short span of water and onto the top of the stone sarcophagus. Together with other scientists, he completed a side-scan sonar study of the lake floor. Pyramid Lake is fed by the Truckee River, which is mostly the outflow from Lake Tahoe, so the idea is that the corpses from Lake Tahoe somehow floated over the spillway and were swept down the river to Pyramid Lake, although this does not explain how a body could go the opposite direction. The inspector handed me the key and allowed me the honor of opening this secret doorway.
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