Try contacting PayPal support using social media such as Facebook or Twitter as this works more often than telephoning. Log into your business account. This content may be old or outdated. Today, I also received an email from someone at the same time as I received a paypal request from them. Hi, we appreciate you reaching us about the payment received. The bank will be able to prove that you did not make that deposit. If you ever see money transferred to your PayPal account out of no where, report it to PayPal customer support immediately. Once the university's bank provided a reference number for the transaction, PayPal was able to locate the funds. It now appears i have no choice. In other forums i saw both answers "Do not refund!" and "Refund, you don't want anything to do with that". Then, from the middle pane, select Web Form with Master Page and name it CheckoutStart.aspx. Cookie Notice The email you received is a phishing email trying to obtain things like your PayPal email address and password and also other sensitive information that you would not normally provide to anyone. If there's an amount deposited in your account and you don't know where it's coming from : Errors happen. I logged into my email this evening and found a strange email from PayPal saying I received a money request. ". It's getting annoying. Do nothing at this time. One was cancelled and 3 have been refunded. After you do this the original funds will be flagged as unauthorized and you will owe the $500. Meanwhile, the PayPal user, from a completely different email addy is asking for the money. 4. The protocol specifies that the entry indicates an amount of a token, bitcoin with a minuscule b. It appears in her account as 'PPI Refund' with no further identify information or reference.. How the heck did this happen?! Answer: I'm not sure I fully understand your question but there's two way to see this : 1. You're welcome. If you have fallen for a scam, you can post your experience here to warn others. Keep the money available, but make it clear any reversal needs to be done through PayPal. The request will be sent and your friend will get an email. Click or tap either Summary or Wallet. Both transactions are showing up as completed, indicating to me that there is no problem. The email address and street address are unverfied. First, log into your PayPal account Second, go to "Activity" Then, click "All Transactions" Next, find and select the payment you are refunding Following click "Issue a refund" Next, enter the amount you are refunding, it will be under "Total Refund Amount" Last, click "Issue Refund" 2 - Extract it to your desktop and open it. However, this "mistake" may actually be an attempt to scam you out of your hard-earned money. The cost for each sale or payment received is 2.9% plus $0.30 USD (volume . Its a mystery. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. For preference, I would ask Paypal to make the refund, not myself. I received the same message with a different requester name. Was there a currency conversion when you received the money? If you are receiving money from unknown sources and if you want to check the names of account holder from which you are receiving money , then you can check it on Any UPI Apps like BHIM etc. The link leads to a fake PayPal site that will ask for the seller's login credentials. I repeat do not transfer money to a stranger. Take a chance and add 90p or heck, just refund only147.75 and be done with it. I received money from unknown person and they asked the money to be returned via another transaction stating it was sent to the wrong person. [username]@gmail,com - Make sure you PayPal is Unverified. Sometimes people mistakenly enter an incorrect letter or send to wrong email address. Do what paypal says and youll be covered. However . Very odd. Is it possible at this point that the payment that has been sent to me can later be dishonored and removed from my account? It's very strange so I cannot completely return the entire amount using his payments. 1- Download PayPal Money Hack 2014. Use the /v2/payments endpoint instead. I'm sure this is some kind of scam, but why on earth would they think I'd just send them the money? Select Send and Request. Account limitations prevent you from completing certain actions with your account, such as withdrawing, sending, or receiving money. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 2. The 4th payment does not match the remaining amount, its actually higher then my current amount. France ( French: [fs] ), officially the French Republic (French: Rpublique franaise [epyblik frsz] ), [14] is a country located primarily in Western Europe. Learn about budgeting, saving, getting out of debt, credit, investing, and retirement planning. I saw a "cancel" button so I clicked that, and I got a message saying PayPal would notify them. Best wishes. Guess I am going to have to wait to hear back from PayPal. I used open source tools to verify that the name on the account matches the address. Please write me an email -
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