Lander University and York Technical College (YTC) have announced a transfer partnership for students. Singer and Musicians WANTED for RLS Colaboration! Website, Jennifer O'Connor Nevertheless, we overcame the problems and here it is! International by Design. We have high standards of our students and the staff who work with them. Results from each subject are converted to a numeric value (A* = 8 and G=1). Lander Valley HS Staff. All rights reserved. Send Email, Cici Calvert Send Email, Dena DeKing The School Tutors Programme is open to all schools with no limitation on the amount of lessons booked. The Kauffmann Leadership Institute is the result of the vision of President Richard Cosentino to provide Lander employees with valuable leadership training opportunities. Our standards are high and our aim is for all children to achieve their full potential, both academically and socially. We have 1495 students on roll and this number is growing. We found pupils respectful of each other and proud of the school and its achievements. Send Email, Heather Sorenson The curriculum area has achieved Artsmark Gold four times. Science Job Title: School Business Manager. Our tutors undergo a full training and vetting process before being accepted on the School Tutors Programme. 1 was here. 3 were here. Year 7 Art Trips to St Ives and Geevor Mine, Special Educational Needs / Disabilities and Wellbeing. Send Email, Robyn Deininger Choose what matters most to you with the menus below. Mr Steve Mulcahy, is our Headteacher and has been since 2008. By the age of 19 he had also sailed to the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. Schools must open for 195 days each year. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. If your school is seeking support with a different subject please contact us to see how we can help. Leadership Team - Richard Lander School, Truro Home > Our School > Leadership Team We believe that every child is special and has something unique to offer the school and the wider community. Pupils or their parents are able to claim free school meals if they 2023 Richard Lander School. Having almost an equal mix of male and female students, they have 49.1% girls and 50.9% boys. Direct Supervisory. Math Teacher Staff indicators Richard Lander School is a non-selective secondary school maintained by the local authority (Cornwall). The number of pupils there are for each teacher. Agriculture Its all a part of what makes Lander the right choice for you. Send Email, Brad Neuendorf The son of an Innkeeper, he was born in 1804 in what later became the Dolphin Inn, in Truro. Social Worker Faculty & Staff Directory - Washington International School. Questions? All other non-teaching staff; Teaching . Fabulous fundraising for Children in Need. First Richard Lander School, Higher Besore Road, Steven Exler Senior Rabbi . You should provide all of the information requested insofar as it is available to you. Our team of educators is thrilled to be a part of this exciting chapter of our students lives. After a cursory warning period they undertake a thorough examination of the whole school. However, we would particularly welcome nominations from parents with a background in finance. Meet Our Staff TBA Administrative Assistant Scott Anderson Custodian Send Email Our programme does not need to be subsidised (but it can be supported by Pupil premium) and is priced around 60-80 per pupil (per 15 lessons block). It is named after Richard Lemon Lander . Click on school names to go their corresponding pages. Custodian In addition to this, we also develop student leadership through all areas of the curriculum such as the Junior Sports Leaders and Junior Language Leaders programmes. With 1343 pupils, Richard Lander School has a significantly higher than average number of pupils in the UK. The School Business Manager is the school's leading support staff professional and works as part of the Senior Management Team to assist the Head Teacher in his/her duty to ensure that the school meets its . Learning Center Coordinator The son of an Innkeeper, he was born in 1804 in what later became the Dolphin Inn, in Truro. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Social Studies Teacher Our young people are encouraged to be ambitious, to set the highest standards for themselves and to develop the confidence and leadership skills to achieve them. GEOGRAPHY TEACHER REQUIRED 0.8 - 1 FTE PERMANENT FROM SEPTEMBER 2023, Get a job alert when similar jobs are listed. It is a community school administered by Cornwall Council . Fabulous fundraising for Children in Need. Send Email, Tyler Roberts If you're interested in teaching or training to teach in England as an international citizen, we can, Richard Lander School, Truro, Cornwall, TR3 6LT, Application Teacher Form.doc - 268 KB (opens in new tab), Equal Opps Monitoring Form.docx - 23.5 KB (opens in new tab), Application Pack - Geography Teacher - Sept 2023.pdf - 538 KB (opens in new tab), All Safeguarding - Self Declaration Form.docx - 21 KB (opens in new tab), Richard Lander School website (opens in new tab), (opens in new tab). Send Email, Austin Drake The This School pays a salary of 38336 , slightly less than other schools nationally. Please ensure that you meet the qualifications and disqualifications criteria as set out in the document below, before applying. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Further guidance on being a governor is available on the Cornwall Council website at We have 1495 students on roll and this number is growing. Our aim is to help support and raise pupil attainment through our dedicated and experienced tutors. I left this school with multiple mental health issues - some of which are linked to my time at Richard Lander. Send Email, Rian Sanchez See a 360-view of the classrooms, academic buildings, residence halls, student centers and labs that make up our campus here in Greenwood, SC. Send Email, Andrew Tauskey Send Email, Richard Warner Send Email, Beth Leafgreen In our school we have provision for 4 parent governors and there is currently 1 vacancy for which we are requesting nominations. Special Education Inclusion Teacher Send Email, Barb Hudgens A furious councillor has hit out at anti-vaxxers believed to be responsible for a hoax bomb threat at a school in Cornwall. You should be an excellent classroom Reading Intervention Teacher All maintained school governing bodies and academy trusts have a legal duty to provide all of the governance information requested on this page in so far as it is available to them. Lander Leadership Institute. Custodian School Tutors Programme - Find out more about our national programme here. Die Streitkrfte der Vereinigten Staaten (offizielle englische Bezeichnung: United States Armed Forces, inoffiziell meist US Military) sind das Militr der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, ein zentrales Instrument der Auenpolitik der Vereinigten Staaten und fr die Hegemonialstellung des Landes von entscheidender Bedeutung. The school's overall score (out of 100) is given below. A high prior attainment band is defined as over 30 points in a pupil's results, calculated from KS2 prior attainment, calculated from the pupil's average points score for English, maths and science. Further guidance on being a governor is available on the Cornwall Council website at, If you would like to know our Governors attendance data please contact Mrs A Laity on clerk@richardlander.cornwall.sch.ukIf you would like to contact a governor please do so through the main school number or Mrs Laity, Minutes of the meetings are available upon request by contacting the school on 01872 273750. The bomb threat at Richard Lander School was found to be not credible by police Sentencing Peasley, His Honour Justice Garnham said: "It is clear this was all part of a co-ordinated attack on. We take our commitment to the Arts very seriously and the curriculum area has dedicated Art, Photography, Music and Drama subject area specialisms supported by two part-time technicians. Send Email, MaKayla Strom The percentage of pupils who possess special educational needs (SEN). Please check back soon. School Psychologist Richard Lander School retain Greenpower F24 World Championship Title for 2018! 03 March 2015. All comments are moderated so may not appear immediately. This is a new service - your feedback will help us to improve it. Internet Safety, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Internet Safety, Family Support and Wellbeing,, What maintained schools must publish online, Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction, Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its students and the performance management of staff; and, Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. They have 89.6 members of staff, which is notably above the average. Art Teacher the annual spring school census. The School: Richard Lander is a large, oversubscribed 11-16 comprehensive school on the outskirts of Truro. FACS Teacher This field shows whether a pupil's family have claimed eligibility for free school meals as reported in This field is not editable by establishment users as it is populated by the DfE using the underlying data These are Miss Broderick (Year 7), Mrs Rhodes (Year 8), Mr Tonkin (Year 9), Mrs Anderson (Year 10) and Mr Matthews (Year 11). Send Email, Adam Simon The Governing Body has three core functions: Within our governing body we have 4 committees: These committees report back to the main governing body at the end of each term. A suggested privacy notice for schools is available for download: BOCES Instructor Send Email, Paul Primrose Reported staff development spend is 281 per teacher per year, which is roughly average compared to other schools. School Resource Officer Richard Lander School is committed to maintaining the offer of PE lessons and extra-curricular sporting opportunities throughout a student's time at school, allowing each student to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle with opportunities to make informed choices about their future involvement in physical activity and sport. The Kauffmann Leadership Institute is the result of the vision of President Richard Cosentino to provide Lander employees with valuable leadership training opportunities. Before leaving for spring break, Lander University students took time to fill Blessing Bags for firefighters in the City of Greenwood. It is an honour to be amongst a great team of governors and staff serving Richard Lander and wider community. Math Teacher Special Education Teacher Offizierschulen mit akademischer Ausbildung Militrakademien des Bundes. Excellent. Me and Marcus stayed up from 9pm till 1:30am trying to fix issues we had with recording this. Send Email, Shannon Lozier Contact staff writer Lindsey Hodges at 864-943-5644 or on Twitter @LindseyNHodges. Pupils or their parents are able to claim free school meals if they All our tuition is provided for online through our own interactive whiteboard. Send Email, Jake Conilogue 1,495 pupils between the ages of 11 and 16. Our Headteacher, Steve Mulcahy, has been in post since 2008. Every student, every day! Welcome to the internet home of Fremont County School District #1. Officials at Richard Lander School in Truro notified parents of a bomb threat the school received this morning (Friday, November 19). The percentage of pupils who have attained 38 or more absences, over both the autumn term and the Spring term together. How could we improve this service? We were inspected by OFSTED in 2017 and were graded as a Good school. Title I Math Teacher Send Email, Amanda Ritchie is the #1 resource for the Coating Industry in the Philippineswith hands-on coating and painting guides to help consumers and professionals in this industry save time and money. Get to know the talented, dedicated people who make our Bayit run! Email us at We Our sporting facilities are extensive and of the highest quality. Administrative Assistant, Scott Anderson A pupil will achieve a maximum score of 80 if they achieved A* in all 8 core subjects. Minutes of the meetings are available upon request by contacting the school on 01872 273750, Address: RLS Gymnasts - Silver medals at the Nationals! These programs are delivered in a rich liberal arts environment to produce highly qualified and marketable graduates. This field does not show pupils who actually received free school meals but Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Tracing the course of the Niger opened up valuable trade links between West Africa and the rest of the world; trade links which still result in economic benefit, even today. from the schools, pupils and their characteristics statistical release published each summer. Paraprofessional, Special Education Unique opportunities in and outside the classroom. Science Teacher We have 1450 students on roll and all of our staff are committed to providing the best opportunities for our students. This contributes to a very happy, safe and positive school ethos. On behalf of the governing body, welcome to Richard Lander School. The percentage of pupils who leave the school and further their education at college. will help. Send Email, Kiley Chatfield Success at the County Music Festival 2017! uses functional, analytical and tracking cookies to improve the website. The average number of GCSEs, and equivalents (such as BTEC's and NVQ's) taken by each pupil. The school at. All rights reserved. Welcome to the Richard Lander School parents booking system. Die United States Coast Guard (USCG; englisch fr Kstenwache der Vereinigten Staaten) ist als Behrde ein Exekutivorgan der Bundesregierung der Vereinigten Staaten und einer der sieben Uniformed Services of the United States.
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