Ambrose Harris. He didnt seem like much more of an asshole than most people when you were dealing with him. The lethal injection chamber at the prison was never used, and the New Jersey Governor repealed the death penalty in December 2007. But even superstars have the odd off day, suffer the career-ending injury. There was a steel mill, a stone quarry, a beer distributorship that looked like an aircraft hangar, a sandwich shop built to resemble a space ship, a truck depot and a Knights of Columbus hall. [22][23], Franklin Township police sergeant Ippolito Gonzalez died the following day via the gunshot wounds sustained from the incident. Simon shot Gonzalez twice, in the head and neck, and Gonzalez died instantly. As an honor to Gonzalez, two graduating Delsea Regional High School students are awarded a $1,500 scholarship every year to further their education in law enforcement. Harris was sentenced to death and sent to prison in 1994 for kidnapping, raping and killing 22-year-old Kristin Huggins. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Mudman, many felt, received a lethal Bollingen Prize of poetic justice. The Mudman was beefy, scraggly-bearded and ponytailed, with an ever-present smile and small, deep-set blue eyes with a lunatic gleam. The pest control contractor had come that morning to eradicate the roaches in their cages. Kentucky man stops for breakfast, wins $50,000 lottery prize. A bucolic creek. Harris was sentenced to death and sent to prison in 1994 for kidnapping, raping and killing 22-year-old Kristin Huggins. He spat his gum out on the sidewalk. It wasnt the Iowa Writers Workshop, exactly. March 3 (UPI) -- A Massachusetts library said a book was recently returned with a note apologizing for the tome being 56 years overdue. I knew Bobby Simon much better than did any of the reporters whose bylines appear on those stories, which is nothing to be proud of. The former was out on parole in 1995 after spending more than a decade behind bars in Pennsylvania. Simons parole was approved by a board member and a hearing examiner, Parole Board spokeswoman Darlene Zelazny said. When they were left together briefly this morning at the New Jersey State Prison, prison officials said, Ambrose Harris beat to death Robert (Mudman) Simon after a bloody fistfight in a fenced . I had The Mudman and his cohorts, and their victims. "The problem Franklin Township always had was officers didn't have much backup on the streets," Hogan said of the 56 square miles of coverage area. There are other OMC FB pages, which just seems crazy to me because nothing seems less OMC than FB, except maybe Christmas or quilting. He stared at it, puzzled. Simon was a motorcycle gang member who was sentenced to death for the 1995 murder of Franklin Township Police Sgt. You could hear something break. Harris had a history of attacking guards and prisoners. Also if you have more information about your club that you would like to confidentially share, in particular details about a club's founding such as dates or founding members, as these can be extremely difficult to find, please send us a message. Bobby and the boyfriend stepped out to grab some beer and the three perverts he left her with killed her. Harris was sentenced to death and sent to prison in 1994 for kidnapping, raping and killing 22-year-old Kristin Huggins. While in prison, authorities said Harris viciously beat inmate Robert "Mudman" Simon, 48, to death in a recreation area in 1999. The mansion was located just yards from the trailer park, which symbolized the bipolar dichotomy, the odd gestalt, of the neighborhood, as well as anything. Staples sped off before surrendering. He was ill-tempered and dangerous. The mud-man first appeared . One of the more infamous was the late Robert "Mudman" Simon who killed a Franklin Township police sergeant in Franklinville, NJ, in 1995. Ippolito "Lee" Gonzalez of Franklin Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey pulled over Warlocks members Robert "Mudman" Simon and Charles "Shovel" Staples on a traffic stop moments after the two had committed a commercial burglary. I turned around. Previous page. Tattoos decorated both of Muds massive arms. Copyright 2023 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Simon shot Gonzales twice, in the head and neck, killing him instantly. Fellow officers rushed to the scene a few hundred feet shy of police headquarters. A place where the dialogue in the Irish bars was much different than anything ever heard in Ike Godseys General Store. He was always taken care of,' said Brown, who is now serving his life sentence for murder at Huntington state prison. Find the South Jersey Times on Facebook. "I think Robert Simon would rather have died on the floor fighting than take his lethal injection," said John Call, his former lawyer. You got a flower book!. And he might be sipping his dinner through straws for a while. But it did provide rich training ground and source material for storytellinga certain kind of storytellingnonetheless. [7] At one point, Simon had a spider-web tattooed onto his elbow, which was rumored to signify he had murdered someone. Im gonna tell! In that neighborhood, one didnt necessarily want to cultivate a reputation as a guy that stood around on grassy knolls looking through books about flowers. Then theres the One Percenter Bikers, official FB page of the, with over 20,000 followers. Nice read, and I appreciated it! The first bullet passed through the side of his neck, knocking the officer to the ground. March 3 (UPI) -- A New Brunswick couple who initially thought a burglar had broken into their home discovered the invader was actually a panicked deer. Mar 21, 2012. According to their mission statement: We aren't here to pick sides, it is the stories that we find the most interesting. was shot and killed during a routine traffic stop by one Robert "Mudman" Simon, a longtime member of the "Warlocks" motorcycle gang and a recent parolee from the Pennsylvania prison system. He was beaten to death in prison in 1999. I was perusing a field guide to American flora, attempting to determine which wildflowers were which. All the broads loved him! ``From everything we knew, there was no report of motorcycle activity, and it had diminished considerably in the state, board spokeswoman Patricia Mulcahy said. Gonzalez's radio request for backup. She was actually one of Bobbys best friends. Simon was convicted in 1974 for killing his girlfriend after she refused to cooperate in her gang rape by Simon's friends and . It was believed they were picked-up in the Warlocks' trolling ground, the old MacDade Mall, but were killed when they refused to participate in the gang's "initiation rites". And Im scared of dentists., That apparently struck a raw nerve. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. No, no and no. Simon entered Graterford . Ambrose Harris - convicted, sentenced to death, overturned, sentenced to LWOP (also killed Robert "Mudman" Simon in prison) Gloria Lynne Dunn - pled guilty, sentenced to 30 years in prison. Clipped by. Simon shot Gonzalez twice, in the head and neck, and Gonzalez died instantly. If you Google the words Robert Mudman Simon or type them into the archives of the Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News, links to hundreds of articles magically appear. "I know I'll die in prison, so I've essentially been sentenced to death for planning a burglary and being there when an officer was killed," Staples wrote in a typed letter to the South Jersey Times. Like the other 1% gangs, the Warlocks murder, deal drugs, rob, and bat the crap about of people, among other activities. A. Charles Peruto Jr., the lawyer who represented Simon before the board, said New Jersey, not Pennsylvania, should bear the responsibility for allowing him to settle so close to his buddy Staples. Dalton said a Gloucester County law enforcement museum, to open at the Rowan College at Gloucester County library later this month, will feature a wall of honor and a plaque for Gonzalez. Tell you what, he added, slapping me on the back. Ippolito Gonzalez. Police say Simon shot Duzenberg in the head when she refused to have group sex with gang members. National Park Service: 'Never push a slower friend down' in a bear encounter, March 2 (UPI) -- The National Park Service offered some sage advice for park visitors who encounter bears: "Never push a slower friend down. I executed a great escape by walking off with Mr. Carr, thoughtfully informing him that Trixie was the favorite dog of everyone in the neighborhood. Or you got a piece? Dan Lendo, a former Graterford activities specialist, remembers Warlocks gang member Robert "Mudman" Simon being at Graterford for killing his girlfriend. What are you doing, anyway? In 1995, the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole paroled Warlocks bike gang member Robert "Mudman" Simon, disregarding strong warnings from the judge who convicted him. The most highly publicized case heard in Lavelle's courtroom was the 1982 trial of Robert "Mudman" Simon, a founding member of the Philadelphia-based Warlocks motorcycle gang. Although the club was predominately based within their founding location of Philadelphia as well as other parts of Pennsylvania, they also maintained a chapter within New Jersey. [1] However, he was ultimately beaten to death at New Jersey State Prison . I grew up in a Philadelphia suburb that wasnt really a suburb but more an extension of the city, filled with city people and imbued with city attitudes. Apparently he had unsuccessfully attempted to return some items for which he lacked, unsurprisingly, a receipt. With the permission of the parole and prison authorities in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Mr. Simon had relocated to "Simon"), isa health care ( provider and is the Plaintiff in the trial court and the Appellant in the District Court of Appeal. Id forgotten about them. Mr. Carr said, You boys arent fighting, are you?, No, Mr. Carr, I assured him as I stood, dusting myself off. You bother my cousin here again, doofus, Im gonna throw your sorry ass in front of a trolley, get it?, Simon winked at me. PHILADELPHIA (AP) _ Robert ``Mudman Simon showed no remorse the day a judge sentenced him for the murder of a girlfriend who had refused to have group sex with his motorcycle gang. Simon promptly departed from the vehicle's passenger side and attempted to flee the area on foot whilst aiming his gun at one of the responding police officers who was ordering him to halt. Was he? He slid off the ice cream freezer, sauntering over to me. Gonzalez was 40 years old at the time of his death. I got your back, no problem.. The most highly publicized case heard in Lavelle's courtroom was the 1982 trial of Robert "Mudman" Simon, a founding member of the Philadelphia-based Warlocks motorcycle gang. "The most dangerous time for police officers is the beginning and end of their shift.". They resembled small rose petals in the wind. The cops? Simon stood accused of murdering his girlfriend, Beth Smith Dusenberg of Drexel Hill, and dumping her body in a water-filled coal mine pit near Hazleton, where it was . [18], Unbeknownst to the parole board's officials, the Warlocks Motorcycle Club had quite the presence within the area, which was even regarded to be a "stronghold" for the biker gang. Approximately 85 B & W ill., including interior photos of the 1835 prison. It wasnt the wall. [21] Evidence collected from the car confirmed that the two gang members were, in fact, the ones who had robbed Environmental Heating building. But he froze suddenly, looking behind me. Gonzalez exited his patrol cruiser and proceeded to question the vehicle's occupants. Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. Mudman met Squirt Boy on death row. If a girl was getting pushed on, he stopped it. His criminal wrongdoings reportedly began as early as age 8. He was an eyewitness to the 1999 slaying of Robert "Mudman" Simon, a Warlocks gang member convicted of killing a Franklin Township police officer. 0:53. Police officers recount night of fatal shooting in 10th anniversary column. Former Franklin Township police Sgt. "There's still a criminal element that's involved with motorcycle gangs. Professional buildings. I knew Bobby Simon much better than did any of the reporters whose bylines appear on those stories, which is nothing to be proud of. They were at a party in Jim Thorpe when Simon ordered her to have sex with other gang members. We were just practicing our blocking techniques for football season.. Delivery truck drivers and out of towners constantly became lost. Staples, an honorably discharged member of the U.S. Air Force with a nearly clean criminal record, was convicted on a felony murder charge for participating in an applicable felony which involves the death of a person. You could have a couple of beers and a few laughs with him and escape unscathed. British bus driver stops to give loose sheep a lift. He was acquitted. . Simon was . Some examples of OMC related FB pages: The Warlocks MC NY Facebook page has 907 followers. He didnt stay very long. Simon shot Gonzalez twice, in the head and neck, and Gonzalez died instantly. In the wake of the shooting, Dalton later co-sponsored legislation that tightened rules surrounding parolees and their eligibility, notification requirements and increasing communication between states. He served more than 12 years of a 20-year sentence for shooting his girlfriend between the eyes when she wouldn't have sex with other Warlocks bikers, according to previous reports. Michael Dimauro, also of Delaware County, allegedly shot David Rossillo in the cemetery, then disposed of his body in an underground crypt after tying a . Robert "Mudman" Simon, 48, was the first to meet such an end since the moratorium on capital punishment in the United States was lifted 23 years ago. Simon was a motorcycle gang member who was sentenced to death . This case tragically arose on the night of May 6, 1995 when Ippolito "Lee" Gonzalez, a Franklin Township, NJ police officer, was shot and killed during a routine traffic stop by one Robert "Mudman" Simon, a longtime member of the "Warlocks" motorcycle gang and a recent parolee from the Pennsylvania prison system. Family and community. Robert R. "Mudman" Simon , also known as Bobby Simon, was an American criminal, murderer and member of the Pennsylvania-based Warlocks MC biker gang. Print length. There were also outlaw bikers, drug dealers, meth freaks, gamblers, loansharks, burglars and mob guys, as well as businessmen, cops and politicians with some very creative ideas regarding money, law and ethics.
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