Caltrans requires the use of these new RSP gradations starting August 1st, 2016 in new projects and those not yet at 30 percent PS&E stage. 8 0 obj 0000014254 00000 n Maximum slope 1.5:1 horiz:vert, (67% or 34) or flatter, and is limited to slopes < 30' of uninterrupted length. Temporary structures shall be left in place until adequate vegetation and the permanent . There are three material gradation requirements based on required rock layer thicknesses. Rock Slope Protection practice is intended for slopes too unstable for revegetation practices alone. Mirafi N-Series Product Description Sheet. The method is particularly adaptable to locations where high-velocity flow is not detrimental, but desirable, and the hydraulic efficiency of smooth surfaces is important. Mirafi N-Series nonwoven polypropylene geotextiles are used for soil separation, drainage in Transportation, Building Site, and Water Infrastructure projects such as subsurface drainage, permanent erosion control and roadway separation applications. { , IMPLEMENTATION OF ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION (RSP) DESIGN. Lap 6'' min. If extensive slope protection problems are anticipated or encountered during construction, refer these to the design engineer and the project manager, who may in turn obtain the advice of the Caltrans Bank and Shore Protection Committee.. 0000012468 00000 n State-furnished materials and expenses, as well as supplemental work items and descriptions. Also, ensure the contractor does not drop rock into place; otherwise, cracking or breaking may occur. 0000002021 00000 n 0000009975 00000 n NTPEP Datamine Information: RG80NC is a tracking model number for the following manufacturers products: Mirafi 180NC, SKAPS GE180/GT180C or Propex 861. For Type R, F, or Common stone riprap, provide Type 2 filter fabric when shown on the plans. Copyright 2023 TenCate Geosynthetics Americas. 1 IMPLEMENTATION OF ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION (RSP) DESIGN You can also lay bags of sand along problem areas in your landscape to keep soil from washing away and to redirect water. The method for placing rock will either be Method A or Method B, whichever the contract designates, as discussed under Section 4-7203A, Rock Slope Protection, earlier in this section. TAR_%R5Wa%*x4ux-x5d1c iU:v9b!KXGcFK 1fN2 t K! K@^9t% OZ$Mb Ne#^/_*Zw;*T_]k. If the fabric is joined by stitched seams, stitch with contrasting colored yarn. rock slope protection (3/8 t, class vi, method b) (ton) 723060 rock slope protection (300 lb, class iv, method b) (cy) . Shop Lowe's for solutions to control erosion on slopes, as well. The concrete slope protection method consists of paving the embankment with portland cement concrete. Contact your local TenCate Geosynthetic representative for the proper use and specification of these products. Barrier Landscape Edging & Paver Edging 6'/8. When evidence exists that the foundation depth is inadequate, obtain both the design and hydraulics engineers concurrence with a change order to deepen the foundation. Refer to Section 4-96, Geosynthetics, of this manual for guidelines on inspecting and accepting rock slope protection fabric. Slope protection is usually needed to protect the upstream slope against erosion due to wave action. Soil Stabilization Matting - Slope Application, Perm. If the slope is steeper than 2:1, do not use rounded boulders and cobbles. Test panels may be specified in the special provisions. Riprap is a permanent layer of large, angular stone, cobbles, or boulders typically used to armor, stabilize, and protect the soil surface against erosion and scour in areas of concentrated flow or wave energy. The best slope protection type for a given situation depends on the conditions where the installation is to be made, availability of protection material, cost of the various types, and protection desired. (a) Exception: US 250NW is 5 pounds short on "grab breaking load" for Sediment Filter Bags. Ensure that rocks of the specified sizes and shapes are being used. the contract cost database using the most recent year of data. Fabric Class Class Largest rock gradation class used in slope protection 8 Classes I-VIII 10 Classes IX-XI Replace the 1st paragraph of section 73-3.028 with: Rocks for concreted-rock slope protection must comply with the gradation shown in the following table: Concreted-Rock Gradation . Rock Slope Armor is a layer of rock, such as ditch lining rock, cobble rock, concrete rubble, or riprap, which is hand or mechanically placed on an erodible soil slope. 0000002336 00000 n Otherwise, placement could result in what is known as rockers or unstable rocks. Rock Slope Protection Fabric, used in slope stabilization projects (see Technical Note on Rock Slope Protection / Rip Rap) When required by the Project Engineer, a Certificate of Compliance for each type of fabric being used should be issued by the supplier and furnished to the Engineer. When shotcrete is to be used, review Section 4-53, Shotcrete, of this manual. Consult engineer to ensure applicable design requirements are met. {s9y^ HToL[U?Ayb:V;%Y48{RMLIlq&+J[mNN?J;A? Ensure that the contractor places the fabric before placing the rock slope protection. Review contractors verification of unit weight of rock-filled gabions. concreted-rock slope protection (1/2 t, class vii, method b) (ton) 723215 concreted-rock slope protection (1/4 t, class v, method b) (cy) 723220 concreted-rock slope protection (1/4 t, class v, method b) (ton) 729011 rock slope protection fabric (class 8) 729012 rock slope protection fabric (class 10) 750020 rigid rail fall protection system 3, METHOD B) (TON), STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION) (ENGMET). For RSP Classes I thru VIII, use Class 8 RSP-fabric which has lower weight per unit area and it also has lower toughness (tensile x elongation, both at break) than Class 10 RSP-fabric. Mirafi N-Series nonwovens combine high water flow rates, high soil interaction and durability while providing excellent soil particle retention. Technical Support available for assistance. US 160NW resists ultraviolet and biological deterioration, rotting, naturally encountered basics and acids. Rock Channel Protection Paved Gutter 601.13 Basis of Payment 601.01 Description. The contractor must also ensure the construction of adequate returns and keys at the ends. <> Chapter 4: Construction Details, Section 72: Slope Protection, Direction of flow and angle of impingement at various water stages, Capability of adjacent soil types to resist erosion from wash and eddy currents. Neoloy Tough-Cells in slopes prevent erosion, enable drainage and stabilize the slope to provide a green surface cover. They are designed to protect against raveling-type rockfall that involves small-volume slope failures (up to about 7.6 m3 or 10 yd3) or blocks up to 1.5 m (5 ft), depending on the strength of the mesh used (Muhunthan et al. endobj AASHTO is typical mass of 4.1 sy/oz. 3 0 obj Broken-concrete slope protection consists of placing broken concrete from job site locations identified within the contract. %PDF-1.4 % Decide whether an adequate number has been provided for the particular installation. The gabion method consists of placing wire mesh box-shaped baskets filled onsite with hard, durable rocks. When placing rocks, the contractor should ensure each placed rock is stable and not dependent on the one on top to hold it in place. Before construction of any type of slope protection, review the plans, Standard Specifications, special provisions, any pertinent preliminary test data, and the location of the installation. Rock grading and quality requirements per Standard Specifications. Check to ensure that slopes and foundation areas are graded and compacted to specified tolerances. Click on the to send the number to the Verify the types of measurements and records necessary to support payment for the work. Order corrective work when necessary. Angular shaped rock may be used on any planned slope. <>stream 2019-07-30T13:44:04-04:00 Take care not to tear the filter fabric during installation. If using geotextile fabric, place on the smoothed foundation, overlap the edges at least 12 inches and secure with anchor pins spaced every three feet along the overlap. The color shall be black unless otherwise specified in the contract documents. Review the plans for the location and number of weep holes. The bid item list and plans will specify which type of slope protection is to be performed. The following common types of slope protection are covered in this section: Other protective devices are used in conjunction with highway construction, and when used, they are included in the contracts special provisions. This article studies the mechanical properties and stability of CC slope protection by comparing it with conventional material (shotcrete). 463 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 465 /H [ 928 1116 ] /L 999132 /E 15929 /N 109 /T 989753 >> endobj xref 463 26 0000000016 00000 n Links to important documents and pages can be found below the chart. The small-rock slope protection method consists of excavating and backfilling the footing trench, placing rock slope protection fabric as shown, and placing small rocks on the slope. Before placement of the broken concrete, inspect the material and be sure the reinforcement has been removed flush to the surface of concrete. 4 0 obj To ensure the success of Method A, ensure that the bearing of rocks from one to the other follows specifications and that the use of chinking rocks is limited to filling voids. 0000014231 00000 n Natural Resources & Energy Infrastructure, Energy - Power Generation - Renewables - Solar, Energy - Power Generation - Renewables - Wind. ), Geocomposite Wall Drain (w/ 6oz on 1 or 2 sides - Please specify.). Copies of these details are made available below in both Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and AUTOCAD Drawing (DWG) file formats. The latest list of Item Codes is available from HQ <>/XObject<>/Properties<>>>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> Slope Protection consists of rock, concrete, or concreted rock or slope paving, ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION ROCK SHOULD DEMONSTRATE, THE PLACEMENT METHODS DESIGNATED BY CALTRANS, ADVANTAGES OF USING RIP RAP OR STONE PROTECTION FROM WILSON QUARRY (AROMAS), Make certain of the Product RequiredProject Service Requirements, Specifying Agency (Caltrans, Green Book, Army Corp or Other), Special Provisions addressing additional specifications, Certification Required (Submittals) Caltrans, Army Corps, other agency or engineer, Quantity Required (Specific GravityConversion Tons to Cubic Yards), Product Availability (Available when required, can handle Daily Shipping Requirements), The Reputation of your Supplier and their Products & Services, 100% Crushed Granite (Provides Superior Stability and Durability), Many different Rip Rap types available:All Caltrans Classes and Sizes, High Daily Production and Shipping Capacity (Can Handle Large & Small Jobs), Graniterock can provide delivery to your jobsite if desired. 0000008354 00000 n 0000009704 00000 n 10 0 obj Keep records up to date. 2 0 obj Enter the item description of the code you wish to search for: This section provides guidelines for inspecting slope protection for work specified under Section 72, Slope Protection, of the Standard Specifications. Geosynthetic Bond Breaker (Call for product. At TenCate ourgoal is your success. 2, METHOD B) (CY) (ENGMET), ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION (NO. endobj In making such a decision, observe the following: Take pictures to document existing conditions and verify that Form CEM-3101, Notice of Materials to Be Used, includes the materials for slope protection. | Conditions of Use | Privacy Policy endobj The plans will designate which type applies at each location. Refer to Section 6-202, Responsibilities for Acceptance of Manufactured or Fabricated Materials and Products, of this manual for additional information. Place a highly permeable and appro-priately sized geotextile filter fabric on the prepared slope following the manufacturer's recommendations. 0000009682 00000 n Our TerraTex brand offers full-spectrum performance delivery - groundwater filtration and drainage, soil separation and reinforcement, geomembrane protection, sprayed liner substrate, oil-and-gas industry drilling pad and access-road enhancement, as well as pavement overlay and bond-breaker applications. stream Mirafi N-Series nonwoven polypropylene geotextiles are used for soil separation, drainage in Transportation, Building Site, and Water Infrastructure projects such as subsurface drainage, permanent erosion control and roadway separation applications. The equilibrium soil-to-geotextile system that allows for adequate movement of a liquid across the plane of the geotextile with limited soil loss over the service lifetime of the application. /OP true Products with a are available to meet BABA (Build America, Buy America) requirements. If the rock contains an excess of fines or inadequate voids, the desired results may be impossible to obtain. Resident engineers should be familiar with the material contained in Chapters 870, Bank ProtectionErosion Control, and 880, "Shore Protection," of the Highway Design Manual. If the rock layer is shown as 7 inches thick, comply with grading shown in the following table: If the rock layer is shown as 5 inches thick, comply with the grading shown in the following table: If the rock layer is shown as 4-inches thick, comply with grading shown in the following table: Granular material must contain at least 90 percent crushed particles when tested under California Test 205. 0000011079 00000 n Flat or needle shaped rock must not be used unless the individual rock thickness is greater than 0.33 times the length. Click it again to reverse the order. L Earth Compacted Fabric Engineering 6'' 1'-0'' centers Staples at 6'' 2'' 6'' (Rock Splash Basin) TYPE 4 1 2 (Rock Slope Protection) TYPE 5 Staples at 12 inch centers. Woven Stabilization and Separation Geotextiles, - Dimensions & Weights for EcoTubes Geotextile Dewatering Tubes, - Dimensions & Weights for EnviroGrid Cellular Confinement, - Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) - Drainboard, - Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) - Stratagrid, - Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) - Envirogrid, - Product Advantages of EcoTubes Geotextile Dewatering Tube, - Product Benefits of EcoTubes Sludge Dewatering Tubes, - Product Benefits of US Fabrics' Foundation Drains, - Product Benefits of US Fabrics' Sheet Drains, Design/Installation Guidelines; Applications, - Comparing Old Style & New Style - Strata Geogrid, - French Drain Exterior Foundation Install, - Geogrid & Welded Wire Form Inside Corner Placement, - Installation Guideline for Separation Heavy Geotextile, - Installation Guideline for Separation Medium Geotextile, - Sheet Drain Exterior Foundation Install, - Theoretical Tube Volumes & Dewatering Capabilities, - Typical Cross Section - Vegetated Reinforced Soil Slope, - Equivalent Products for Composite Drains, - Volumes & Dewatering Capabilities for EcoTubes Geotextile Dewatering Tubes, - Geogrid Quality for Finished Product and Raw Materials, - Use Woven Geotextiles Instead of Geogrids, - Municipal Waste Water & Water Treatment w/ EcoTubes, - SRW (Segmental Retaining Wall) Drainage. Review Section 4-90, Concrete, of this manual for details about concrete production. << This handbook includes new and revised details for the various practices that are used in the development of erosion and sediment control plans. 3. 3, METHOD B) (CY), ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION (NO. If necessary, order additional weep holes. California Department of Transportation 0000012187 00000 n Thishandbook includes new and revised details for the various practices that are used in the development of erosion and sediment control plans. Provide filter fabric in accordance with DMS-6200, Filter Fabric. For protection stone riprap, provide Type 2 filter fabric unless otherwise shown on the plans. 2 0 obj These supersede the previous Caltrans Riprap Sizes. Note any changes that may have occurred between the preliminary design studies and the start of construction. Observe closely during rock placement to detect any damage to the fabric. (a) Exception: US 250NW is 5 pounds short on "grab breaking load" for Sediment Filter Bags. Complete the Patio or Walkway 6. EZw5'dr=`j+2\8:U.|V,%)~h/X8ps These products were developed to meet specific agency (DOTs, MTOs, etc.) mum slope of two feet of horizontal distance for one foot of vertical rise. +NXR!ft]l|\P2. . Proven Product Track Record (Aggregate is widely accepted and approved)Wilson Quarry Products are recognized as the Industry Standard in the Monterey Bay Area, Product meets and is Certified for Army Corp Projects. <> Polypropylene is stable within a pH range of 2 to 13. US 160NW is a nonwoven needlepunched geotextile made of 100% polypropylene staple filaments. <>/Font<>>>/Fields[]>> The gabions are placed on filter fabric as detailed in the plans and specifications. Geofabrics offers a range of engineered slope, embankment and retaining wall solutions of use in transport infrastructure projects. For combination slope/bench systems in TYPE A soil and a trench depth of less than 8 feet, the steepest maximum allowable slope is 53 degrees from the horizontal. For measuring concrete or shotcrete, refer to Sections 4-90, Concrete, or 4-53, Shotcrete, of this manual. 1, METHOD B) (TON), ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION (NO. 2005), although maintenance considerations may serve to reduce this maximum size. 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21230, Stormwater, Dam Safety, and Flood Management Home, Plan Review for State and Federal Projects. In 2007, the FAA approved construction of a new center field taxiway (Taxiway Mike) to alleviate airfield congestion. Flat or needle shaped rock must not be used unless the individual rock thickness is greater than 0.33 times the length. Refer to Section 4-96, Geosynthetics, of this manual for guidelines for inspecting and accepting rock slope protection fabric. with a minimum of 50% of the stones . Mirafi 135N, 140NL and 140NC are lighter weight versions of Mirafi 140N . On a cut slope, this could be due to . Slope protection structures are to be used where concentrated water will cause excessive erosion on existing and/or recent cut and fill slopes.
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