The biggest reason for this is geography, with the Chesapeake Bay nearly splitting it in half. All of this has earned it the unofficial nickname, "America in Miniature". It Maryland's capital city, Annapolis, was once considered the "Athens of America". The Baltimore College of Dental Surgery (BCDS) was established in 1840 by the General Assembly Johns Hopkins was a Maryland entrepreneur and philanthropist who lived from 1795-1873. The entire campus is called "The Yard" and is a National Historic Landmark. Still, the more you learn, the more you realize you have a lot to learn. Summer in Maryland brings oppressive heat, cicadas, and crab cakes. Local Maryland, DC or Virginia MoveInterstate (long distance) Move, Size of move Date,e)}})(window,document,"_googWcmImpl","_googWcmAk","script"); Services needed Another somewhat wolf-like beast reported from the Appalachians is a giant black dog with an enormous red mouth and jagged fangs that marauds through the countryside near South Mountain, Maryland and is known as the Snarly Yow, as well as the Black Dog or sometimes Dog-Fiend. This made it the first dental school in the nation and helped establish dentistry as a science. The Blair Witch Project popularized the found footage horror genre, but its claims about a witch legend in Burkittsville, Maryland were complete fabrications rather than a state of Maryland facts. WebScary costumes and horror movies are thrilling but not real. It's also believed to be the last place Edgar Allan Poe was seen alive. Since then, his body has been exhumed twice and buried three times. Presently, it proudly retains much of its rich heritage. WebFamous Facts About Maryland William Nuthead started the first printing business in St. Marys City in 1685. Well put it this way: over half of total landings including blue crabs come from the Chesapeake Bay. The Paw Paw Tunnel in Old Town, Maryland, is one of the spookiest places in After assassinating President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, John Wilkes Booth was himself fatally shot twelve A state as old as Maryland is bound to have some haunted houses. function getCookie(name) Anyone who wants to see for themselves is welcome to seek out its listing on Airbnb. It's also one of the most important waterways in Maryland. It was sung to the tune of "Oh Tennenbaum," and both inferred that Lincoln was a tyrant and taunted the federal government as "northern scum.". However, just leading the voyage didn't make him the first to arrive there. Fletchertown Road (Bowie) - The Goat Man Story Some say the Goat Man was a goat farmer who went crazy after teens killed his goats. Long before the Wright Brothers built airplanes, people were taking to the sky in balloons. Loredana Elena. In getting a royal charter approved by King During the War of 1812, the new United States first tested its new independence. Morse sent the world's first long-distance telegram from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore. When Johns Hopkins School of Medicine opened in 1893, it was one of the few co-ed colleges in the United States. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Chesapeake Bay is a ghost of its former self, and Environment America says it has 10 scary facts to prove it. Additionally, it's famous for the seafood pulled out of the Chesapeake bay and its tributaries. The result was the province of Maryland. It's also the largest estuary in the United States. In 1890, "talking" board games were all the rage in the United States. If you'd like to provide more details about your move, please fill out our long form Click Here. This means there are more people in Maryland than there are in all of Ireland, Mongolia, or New Zealand! Maryland's capital city, Annapolis, was once considered the "Athens of America". } When it comes to cities and towns with unusual names, sometimes the reason is lost to history. If you're wondering how many states have official crustaceans, the answer is not many. Two of these are tolerated. He was renamed Baron Baltimore in the eyes of the church after declaring his religion, leading to the naming of the famous city. But did you know that in Maryland, judges wear red, crabs are blue, someone invented the Ouija board and joustings there, too? The Free State refers to Maryland's 1864 constitution that outlawed slavery. In 1844, inventor Samuel F.B. If youve ever had a spooky experience with aOuija board, you can thank (or curse) Helen Peters, Elijah Bond, and Charles Kennard. WebThere are loads of stories of downtown Minot being haunted. Destguides may receive commissions from purchases made through affiliate links in this article. After rumors spread she was going to be sold, Tubman became a fugitive with her two children. Maryland seceding meant Washington, D.C. would be surrounded by enemies, so Lincoln sent Federal troops to establish martial law in Baltimore. Umbrellas have been around since Ancient Egypt, but the world's first umbrella factory was built in Baltimore, Maryland. The expedition to the North Pole, led by Robert Peary, claimed success on April 6th, 1909. Education has always been a prominent and ever-influencing factor in Maryland culture, regardless of the century being researched. White Oak trees are tall, slow-growing trees found in eastern and central North America. Today, it survives through competitions and numerous groups. See how many fun facts about Maryland you know and read on to discover more about the history and culture of this magnificent state. Debates have soared about whether the song should be retired. The result is two sections where Maryland is less than ten miles across and another part that is less than one! During the 14th century, England and Wales enjoyed a colorful assortment of robes that varied with the seasons. The result is over 3,000 feet of near pitch-black conditions at any time of day. Studio/EfficiencyOne BedroomTwo BedroomThree Bedroom4+ BedroomOffice/commercial, by Jake's Moving | Jul 17, 2018 | Local Moves, Long Distance Moves, Moving, Tips. Its any book lovers paradise, a place where you can get books free. In October 1849, Poe was found delirious and wearing someone else's clothes in the gutters of Baltimore. This settled a dispute between Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware and unintentionally became the dividing line between northern free states and southern slave states. When Baltimore Harbor was attacked in 1814, a lawyer named Francis Scott Key observed the bombardment. However, another fun fact about Maryland is that he was born in Baltimore. A post shared by Coombe Abbey Hotel (@coombeabbeyhotel) on Jul 2, 2018 at 7:40am PDT. The Smith Island chain takes up a three-by-five-mile span in the Chesapeake Bay. (function(a,e,c,f,g,b,d){var The Baltimore College of Dental Surgery (BCDS) was established in 1840 by the General Assembly of Maryland. Give us feedback about this article. It later took on additional meaning when a national amendment prohibiting alcohol was being debated. From its founding in 1788, Maryland has held a unique presence in America, inspiring some of the most forward-thinking movements of the day. Please enter valid email address to continue. Johns Hopkins was a Maryland entrepreneur and philanthropist who lived from 1795-1873. Its part of the reason why anyone walking by theAntietam National Battlefieldaround December 1st of each year will see thousands of flickering lights. ), First published on October 27, 2011 / 10:30 AM. WebWith Maryland's 230 year history, there are plenty of creepy & scary places in MD to explore from creepy colleges to urban insane asylums. Upon his death, he bequeathed a then-record $7 million to be used for a hospital, orphanage, and university. In the 1770s, two surveying teams were exploring the Appalachians unbeknownst to each other. Sir George Calvertwas an English statesman hoping to find somewhere he could practice his Roman Catholicism in peace. cookie = document.cookie.split(";"); Today, Fisher's can ship anywhere in the country. Maryland is one of the oldest states in the US, which means it has a lot of history to learn about. Perhaps more importantly, Smith Island is known for cake. halfCookie = cookie[i].split("="); According to local myth, if you park your car at the bottom of Spook Hill and wait, you'll feel yourself getting pushed up the incline by Civil War ghosts. His accomplishments are some of the most important Maryland facts and history in the state. The only other states with such a distinction are Oregon, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and Maine. One of the most interesting facts of Maryland is its role in the exhilarating and terrifying history of flight. Scary Facts About Maryland. Terms of Service apply. The Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine is the Maryland landmark that memorializes this battle. If youre considering moving to the Old Line State, take a dive into our article, which will explain 8 amazing benefits of moving to the region. America was in the throes of the Civil War, and the lyrics certainly show it. It's a place that has something to offer just about anyone. Tubman was born in Dorchester County, and eventually, she became one of the leading abolitionists the world would ever know. George Calvert converted to Catholicism in 1624. In fact, a long fly ball from the Orioles' current stadium might hit his old house on Emory Street! It was named Providence by its original Puritan settlers and later renamed Anne Arundel's Towne after the wife of Lord Baltimore. The Potomac River forms part of the border between Maryland and Washington, D.C.. 10 Interesting Facts About Maryland You Probably Don't Know Over the next twelve hours, nearly 23,000 combined casualties littered the battlefield. Before making it big, he played with the Baltimore Orioles when they were a minor league team. The Chesapeake Bay is one of the most important natural features of Maryland. Patients were forced to walk naked, live in waste, and endure terrible treatments, such as shock therapy, lobotomy, and isolation. It joins Texas, Hawaii, California, New Mexico, and Nevada as one of the six majority-minority states in the country. Refusals to allow another exhumation have further fueled old conspiracy theories. It even uses the Greek suffix "polis," meaning "city," to cement the title. Cecil remained in North Yorkshire, England where he managed both Maryland and Newfoundland from afar. Sir Calvert left his stamp throughout the region. This list of Maryland facts is far from complete. Can you guess what they called that place? (Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press. The Smith Island chain takes up a three-by-five-mile span in the Chesapeake Bay. The song "Maryland, my Maryland" was the state song from 1861 until 2021. 1632 Maryland Charter granted to Cecilius Calvert by King Charles I. As a result, it is the official state crustacean of Maryland. Due to calm weather, he both launched and landed in Baltimore. The past of the Danvers State Hospital, MA, now converted to cozy apartments, is haunting. Subscribe for discounts on tickets and hotels and our latest guides. It was first flown in 1880 at the 150th anniversary of Baltimore's founding. It was named after Queen Henrietta Maria, the wife of King Charles I. Henrietta Maria was Queen in 1632 when George Calvert, 1st Baron Baltimore, applied for a royal charter. It's often called "America in Miniature" for its natural diversity. A German immigrant named Francis Beehler established the Beehler Umbrella Factory in 1828. cookies[halfCookie[0]] = halfCookie[1]; { At the very least, you have likely learned something new about this interesting state. They are the Piedmont, Blue Ridge, Appalachian Valley, and Appalachian Plateau regions. It is 405 miles long with a 14,700 square-mile drainage area. The Maryland Blue Crab is an important part of the region's culinary culture. No products in the cart. It was revolutionary, allowing near-instant communication as far as the wires could reach. The Potomac River forms part of the border between Maryland and Washington, D.C.. Crabs, oysters, and fresh fish from the Chesapeake are delightedly scarfed down from April to November. The Mason-Dixon line was the result of a land survey by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon from 1763-1767. It was there Washington gave his resignation speech and the Treaty of Paris was ratified. One is celebrated. Report 36 points POST Frando Bone 4 months ago I can confirm this from first-hand experience. The other four regions combined take up less than half of the state. This makes it the 42nd largest state out of a total of fifty. Honoring the royal family was a good strategy, as the charter was awarded the same year. Baltimore (also pronounced Bawlmer or Baldamore) has a fascinating set of accents that can be difficult to pin down. Furniture Assembly and Disassembly Service. Spend the night at Maryland's most haunted campground.. Point Lookout State Park Webscary facts about maryland. Another of the fun facts about the state of Maryland is that Baltimore is its largest city, with around 600,000 people calling it home. We wouldnt blame you. The name Maryland was adopted by Queen Henrietta Maria of England. The victory came at a high cost, and it remains the bloodiest single day of fighting in US history. Baltimore's "The Horse You Came In On" is the oldest saloon in the country. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google In 1890, "talking" board games were all the rage in the United States. These efforts to lead people to freedom earned her the nickname "Moses.". The Old Line State comes from the reliability of Maryland troops holding their line during the Revolutionary War. For instance, did you know Maryland is host to The Book Thing? Most racial and ethnic groups are represented here. It's one of the oldest service academies in the US, second only to the Military Academy at West Point. Frederick Douglass escaped from slavery in Talbot County, Maryland, in 1838. 2011 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Company number: 12574148. John Hancock and Samuel Adams graduated from here. This ranks it as the 18th most populous state in the country. Maryland is home to five main geographic regions. The United States Naval Academy was established in Annapolis in 1845 by Navy Secretary George Bancroft. From there, the pendulum swings back and forth as color choice, style and beliefs transformed. Her husband, George Calvert formed a colony; however, before the settlement could commence, he tragically died, but his son, Cecilius continued in his footsteps. She later led thirteen rescue missions to free around seventy enslaved persons. function setCookie(name, value) The Maryland Blue Crab is an important part of the region's culinary culture. He practiced briefly in Baltimore but soon moved to work with the NAACP in New York. WebOne of the first things that Maryland is known for is the long and difficult history of the state coming into being; because of the states attitudes towards alcohol during the days of Probably because when this town was young, it was known as Little Chicago because of the crime. When firefighters from around the region rushed to help, many found their hose fittings weren't compatible with Baltimore's hydrants. WRITER One of those results was Johns Hopkins University, founded in 1876. Maryland borders West Virginia in the west, Delaware and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Atlantic Ocean and Virginia in the south, and Pennsylvania in the north. By entering your email address you agree to our, 50 Interesting & Fun Facts About Maryland State to Discover, one of the six majority-minority states in the country, Cecil Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore founded the Maryland Colony, Maryland's nickname is both the Old Line State and the Free State, Maryland's flag is the country's most unique, The capital of Annapolis was the "Athens of America", The nation's first dental school was in Maryland, Johns Hopkins University started with the largest bequest in US history, The Atlantic Coastal Plain is one of Maryland's five geographic regions, The Maryland Blue Crab is the official state crustacean, Maryland's population is over six million. From 1607-1609, Captain John Smith explored the far reaches of the Chesapeake Bay. Webwhich phrase signals a contrast between ideals about marriage 304-539-8172; one level homes in clemmons, nc function(){(a[c].q=a[c].q||[]).push(arguments)};a[f]|| WebA visual story of 50 Interesting & Fun Facts About Maryland State to Discover. Quite the contrary, they are the feral descendants of domesticated horses. Federal officials also unveiled a plan last year to restore the river flowing through Southeast Washington. The largest is the Atlantic coastal plain which includes marshes, shoreline, and fertile farmland. Despite being the new colony's first proprietor, he never set foot on Maryland soil. Although Maryland is widely known as a liberal state, whenits anthemwas written, times were turbulent. I had my own creepy experiences around town as I toured buildings for the Urban Winery location. Click here to find out otheramazing and unique benefitsof living in the state where judges wear red and crabs are blue. In 1844, inventor Samuel F.B. Web1608 Captain John Smith explores the Chesapeake Bay. Though it has a large population, one of the fun Maryland facts is that it's only 12,406 square miles in size. The environmental group Some wonder if the body in his family's resting place in Baltimore's Green Mount Cemetery is really his. The fashion choice derives from a connection to English Common Law. Fortunately, that's not the case with Accident, Maryland. Well, they do. Others say he's the result of a human-animal experiment at the Beltsville Research Agricultural Center gone horribly wrong. He wrote the poem that was later adopted as the US National Anthem and named "The Star-Spangled Banner." By accident, they both concluded the same area was ideal for settlement. Though Maryland's delegates voted strongly against secession before the Civil War, President Lincoln didn't trust them to remain loyal to the Union. These 50 facts have probably made you want to plan a visit to Maryland. Additionally, Maryland is significant as one of the country's oldest and most culturally diverse states. Native American groups have lived in Maryland for at least 10,000 years. Not so much in Maryland. / CBS Baltimore. Drugs, gangs and violence led to a lot of people just disappearing without a trace. Interesting Facts About Maryland Fisher's Popcorn comes from Maryland. More than 250 species of fish rely on the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Popcorn lovers will find the origins of Fisher's Popcorn one of the most interesting facts about Maryland. Vermont, Hawaii, and Delaware are a few of the states that are smaller than Maryland. If you get the chance, stop by an O's game and ask residents to say, "Aaron earned an iron urn" or "Down to the beach.". As the Civil War raged on, Maryland was the only state that sent soldiers to fight for both the North and the South. Feedback She was born into slavery in Dorchester County on the eastern shore of Maryland and, in 1849, escaped to Philadelphia. Peters was a spiritual medium and Kennard an entrepreneur. This makes the newspaper even older than the United States. Did you know that Harriet Tubman, the heroine of the Underground Railroad, was born in Maryland? It was From 1607-1609, Captain John Smith explored the far reaches of the Chesapeake Bay. The state flag of Maryland is one of the most eye-popping in the nation. In 2021, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan repealed its status. It wasnt until the early 1900s that a judge suggested the robes be returned to scarlet. Covering an area of 12,407 mi, the state of Maryland is located in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. cookies = {}; The first group settled the region after following mammoth and other animal herds. Originally, in 1791, George Washington chose 100 square miles of land in Maryland and Virginia to be the site of the nations capital. Tap or swipe up to see more guides packed with photos and tips. Interestingly, Annapolis was not the city's first name. Native American groups have lived in Maryland for at least 10,000 years. 1633 Ark and Dove sail from the Isle of Wight, England. Thurgood Marshall is famous for becoming the first African-American Supreme Court Justice. Visitors today can follow trace his path on the 3,000-mile Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail, discovering Maryland history facts along the way. Two hundred years after scarlet robes quit being worn in Marylands highest court, they sprang to life once more behind the gavel. Andrew has lived in 5 countries, traveled to 60, and crisscrossed the continental US an unhealthy number of times. Rockville, MD 20850 USA, Copyright 2023 Jake's Moving and Storage LLC | Sitemap | Privacy Policy | About Us | Developed by Local Business Marketing. Therefore, it may come as no surprise to learn that the state was responsible for opening the first ever US school. Environment America also plans to use Saturday's event to host a cleanup on the banks of the Anacostia River at Bladensburg Waterfront Park. Matthew Henson, an African-American man from Maryland, was the first known person to stand on the Geographic North Pole. These 50 facts have probably made you want to plan a visit to Maryland. } Still, Burkittsville does have a scary reputation. The Maryland Gazette, now the Capital Gazette, began publishing in 1729. As a Maryland has a population of just over six million people. Popcorn lovers will find the origins of Fisher's Popcorn one of the most Babe Ruth was If you've become curious about all or parts of this state, do more research yourself to satisfy your curiosity itch! Destguides Ltd is registered in England. h={ak:"956792638",cl:"tI_pCPzLsFwQvv6dyAM"};a[c]=a[c]|| Within its borders, the first telegram was received, the first umbrella factory was built, and the first dental school was opened. Midshipmen for the US Navy and Marines receive their officer training here. Previous, several other cities had the honor, including Annapolis and Baltimore. The Maryland Gazette, now the Capital Gazette, began publishing in 1729. #1 There are over 200 bodies on Mount Everest, and theyre used as landmarks. He became an important anti-slavery orator, touring northern cities to speak about his experience. This article was edited by { Today, you can visithis gravestone, which is modeled after a Ouija board. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. In 1632, Cecil Calvert was awarded a royal charter from King Charles I. Scarlet was usually reserved for holy days or other important occasions. WebPresident Abraham Lincoln ensured Maryland remained in the Union during the Civil War. He won 29 of 32 cases before the Supreme Court, including Brown v. BOE, which ended legal segregation. They mostly spoke Algonquin languages, and they grew peas, corn, and squash to complement their hunting. In It was built to allow cargo on the C&O Canal to avoid river bends by going straight through a mountain. Baltimore's population peaked at nearly 1,000,000 in the 1950s, when it was the 6th largest in the US. WebThis US States learning video for kids explores facts about Maryland! In the early 20th century, the race to each of the planet's poles captivated the world. Read on to discover 50 interesting and fun facts about Maryland state. 1649 "An Act Concerning This led to the standardization of firefighting equipment for future emergencies of this scale. The state established new harvest limits in 2008 to staunch the drops, which has aided in population recovery efforts. corning gorilla glass victus vs 5. full size pickup truck rental; what do colored wedding bands mean; crunch personal training WebExplore the latest videos from hashtags: #maryland, #marylandfact, #factsaboutmars, #aboutmaryland, #scaryfactsaboutme, #scaryfactsabout, #marylandstruggles, In 1941, this species was named the state tree of Maryland. In 1900, a woman named Florence Sabin graduated and quickly joined the faculty. VAT registration number: 347471777. Still, all those bar fights have left some restless spirits here that purportedly haunt its modern patrons. Most everyone knows the story ofHarriet Tubman, the slave who escaped to the North, taking over 300 indentured humans with her. Its time to dive into some real-life scary facts that might send a shiver down your spine. Though charted by Captain John Smith in 1608, its been seasonally settled by Native Americans for over 10,000 years. Sadly, George Calvert did not live long enough to see this through. As these facts about Maryland attest, it is rich in culture, and it has more historical references than a walking encyclopedia. A state as old as Maryland is bound to have some haunted houses. It was always popular in the territory, with competitions being recorded as far back as colonial times. Add a few dashes of Old Bay seasoning to just about any seafood, and you'll get an authentic Maryland culinary experience. The state of Maryland is nicknamed the Old Line State and the Free State. One of the most important historical facts about Maryland is about how it got its name. return cookies[' ' + name]; Witch's Grave (Annapolis) Legend has it that a witch once lived in what is now Truxton Park The Maryland Gazette According to the lore, it is haunted by the ghost of a woman named Margaret, who died in 1900. A fun fact about Maryland is that it's honored with not one but two nicknames. By 1,000 BCE, over 8,000 people across forty tribes lived in the region. Keeping it clean is one of the main ways that the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem is being protected. However, the demand for their succulent meat has led to adrastic population decline, so much so that between 2012 and 2013 their population experienced a 465 million dip. Before gaining sports celebrity status with the New York Yankees, George Herman "Babe" Ruth was born in Baltimore in 1895. A spiritual medium named Helen Peters used one of these boards to coin the name "Ouija" for her own version of the game. Web; . Privacy Policy and Registered office: 71-75 Shelton Street, London, Greater London, United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ. The United States Naval Academy was established in Annapolis in 1845 by Navy Secretary George White Oak trees are tall, slow-growing trees found in eastern and central North America. Even before becoming a state, it was home to sailors, pioneers, and Native Americans who blended together their stories of mysticism and horror. The state flag of Maryland is one of the most eye-popping in the nation. Several counties are also named after him or his offspring, and the Maryland state flag has the familys coat of arms emblazoned upon it. ; ; The environmental group plans to release its list on Saturday, just in time for Halloween. } The Anacostia is one of a number of waterways nationwide targeted in a new federal urban waters initiative. Telegraphs use a series of dots and dashes called Morse Code. Here are 13 of the scariest places in Maryland that you can visit. That would fall to his son, Cecilius Calvert, who was granted the Maryland colony a few weeks after George's death. the border between Maryland and Washington, D.C. first successful human-crewed balloon flight in the United States, standardization of firefighting equipment, first woman to be named a full professor at a medical college, first known person to stand on the Geographic North Pole, established the Beehler Umbrella Factory in 1828, delirious and wearing someone else's clothes in the gutters of Baltimore, two surveying teams were exploring the Appalachians, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan repealed its status, 3,000-mile Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail, George Calvert did not live long enough to see this through, Francis Scott Key observed the bombardment, oldest operating saloon in the United States, 3,000 feet of near pitch-black conditions, resting place in Baltimore's Green Mount Cemetery, haunted by the ghost of a woman named Margaret, escaped from slavery in Talbot County, Maryland, in 1838, land survey by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon from 1763-1767, sent soldiers to fight for both the North and the South, bloodiest single day of fighting in US history, 30 Fun Things to Do in Memphis for Couples, 35 Cincinnati Date Ideas That Will Impress Your Partner, 35 Omaha Date Ideas to Wow Your Other Half, Best Time to Visit San Francisco, California, 16 Landmarks in Oahu, Hawaii You Must Visit, 50 Interesting & Fun Facts About Tennessee State to Discover, 50 Interesting & Fun Facts About Florida State You Should Know, 50 Interesting & Fun Facts About South Carolina State to Know, 50 Interesting & Fun Facts About Ohio State to Know, 50 Interesting & Fun Facts About Maine State to Know.
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