So they passed the HOT POTATOE .to Select Portfolio Services. We showed proof of our loan and we were lucky our bank helped us through a refinance. What can I do? Did you sustain in your payments? The servicing portfolio consists of 742,000 non-agency RMBS loans totaling approximately $131.91 billion, 96,500 third-party serviced loans totaling $15.96 billion and 61,000 agency loans totaling $9.65 billion. After the required 3 forebearance payments, they n9eglected to take out the automatic payment, then blamed me,added more fees, forcd placed a fake insurance policy, and once we worked out yet another not so great modification, efused the first payment by adding MORE fees. Servicing of mortgage loans and administration of escrow accounts. The Riveras filed for bankruptcy that same year, and ultimately discharged their debt, including their mortgage, in October of 2009. Thats being WAY to PC but I dont wanna offend anyone. My husband is disabled we are on a tight income. Im not the sharpest knife in the droor, but a blind man could smell these SCUM BAGS 2Big2fail ??? I was with Bank of America for years and never had any issues, not even with late payments because I always paid the late fee. All Rights Reserved. Defendant Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc., the company that serviced Plaintiffs' mortgage loans . This was after I was out of work for one year on a forbearance program and when I got a job I call them and let them know and its been a run around for 5 months and now theyre threatening on April 13th to foreclose on my house unless I come up with $16,000 that is in the Rears. Select Portfolio Servicing is the defendant in a lawsuit that claims it refused to send the plaintiff information he requested pertaining to one of two mortgage loans. They are saying the balance is still 52,000. Then they try to foreclose on your home you have been in for years and you try to work with them on different options to no avail. They make it so hard to gather information that it is hard to know what to do. This company will steal your home!! They said they would modify the agreement but only sent forms and saying they were sent and they were. I call SPS and they tell me they will send me the paperwork and never do. Yes!!! We are in the same boat. Please add me in they are fraudulent company . I am so stressed out over this. Very unfair practices. Special Report / Tue 30 Apr, 2019. Did SPS mailed you a letter or told you over the phone that they had not received the document(s) to complete your application? One of the most unethical companies Ive experienced. There essentially bleeding the equity out of my home and i am nervous that my only home where i live with my 3 small children will go into foreclosure. You can then Follow the article above, and get notified immediately when we post updates! v. Select Portfolio Servicing Inc., et al., Case No. They lie about paperwork when you send it or what you should send to them! I can go on and on, but I pray that God sends someone to all the people who they deceive, so we can overcome this nightmare! I sent the payoff check to the company overnight certified mail that cost me $ 420.00+ dollars and that company refused to accept that check until the southern man came out in me. SPS tried to make me pay the mortgage payments, even though the house was discharged in bankruptcy. DWF > The Legal 500 Rankings Corporate and commercial > EU and competition Tier 1 DWF has noteworthy experience in advising private sector clients on matters spanning merger contr Look for an attorney and sue themthey are ALL corrupt!! they said there investors about 20 of them will not extend a motg to 40 yrs. SPS Acct 0015160716 Relationship Y. Matguez I send SPS a check on the 1st of the month every month. They do nothing to help besides deny all allegations, force place insurance and use foreclosure mill attorneys to submit fraud to the courts to steal homes. Additional information General Correspondence P.O. People; Product; Insights; Search . Did your modified mortgage payments seemed similar to the original mortgage payment you had when you acquired your loan prior to default? But Bank of America still provided the funds according to my lender place insurance and got my home fixed back up. If it does look familiar, sadly you are not alone. Counsel at Wargo, French & Singer on Monday removed a lawsuit against Select Portfolio Servicing, Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan Chase to Georgia Northern District Court. Top Class Actions is a legal news source Pursuant to Misc. I really cant afford this payment now. Lynn, Hello I am in the same boat same story.. The Select Portfolio Servicing Unfair Debt Collection PracticesClass ActionLawsuit is Angel Rivera, et al. We owed 165k and did three trial payments and after 9 months of modification they added 40k to our loan, how is it even possible we now owe 203k with a ballon payment for 30 yrs. As an elderly homeowner,Bank of America threw me to the SPS wolves after I sued them and found a huge error in their accounting. As of March 31, 2021, the portfolio consists of approximately 8% whole loans, 75% subserviced private label securitizations (PLSs), 4% GSE, and 13% PLS mortgage servicing rights. Box 65250, Salt Lake City, UT 84165-0250 Account Payment Attn: Remittance Processing, P.O. With no notice. Now all these years later I owe them $176 and change thousand dollars. Both agencies claimed the company was engaging in unfair, deceptive, and illegal practices in the servicing of subprime mortgage loans. 2. This company does not follow any federal consumer laws. Dont even get me started about insurance and everyone saying something different and i recorded alot of it!! Is there is anyone reading this that can add my name to the class-action I would be happy to talk with them thank you Jim, Select Portfolio Servicing should be thrown out of business, Add my name to the Class Action Lawsuit. I am fighting them with no attorney. And of course each time they (the banks) are getting paid via their own insurance. They are violating 12 U.S. Code 2605. They refuse to work with you, they increase your notes higher to make sure you fail. Did they ask you the same more than once? It was then I realized that a Chase had not removed PMI during a consolidation and was referred to SPS to correct. They are a Threat to the General Public. They started with me as my husband was fighting cancer and I spiraled into a deep depression after he was gone. My husband n I have be cheated out of refinancing n I have not filled any request for our equity that we shoud bolt up over these 19 year weve owned made our payment it went from champion mortgage to h s b c then beneficial to this s p s n no one has informed me personally about any law suit or anything n I would like to know how someone signs I up online with out your pemiison ???? Our account number if you go to the bank is still connected to Chase Bank. how could i pay off my mortgage and still owe 90k on my house? This case was filed in U.S. District Courts, Texas Southern District. Our account number if you go to the bank is still connected to Chase Bank. PS my email is chayote23@yahoo or hit my facebook. The people lied to us saying they represent a bank and we are to call the bank about our mortgage. Fake documents filed at the registry of deeds and they have NO accounting of any previous payments and try to foreclosure on homes they did not have rights to! B, UDAAP, FDCPA, to name a few: Countless Letters Internal Communication among employees Letters from other Homeowners which the Mortgage Loan was and is serviced by SPS The letters, emails, the modified payments ALL indicate the Mortgage Servicer has defrauded consumers and the U.S. Other documents, acts and practices, demonstrates the audacious acts the Servicer takes before our judicial system. In the meantime I want to join the class action lawsuit against SzpS Portfolio because they screwed up my credit, I was denied reasonable accommodations that myself , family and friends needed but this company wouldnt recognize that they had illegally stolen my paid off mortgage . My sister and Insurance Agent stayed on the phone with the company over 4 hours and got no where . They were struggling with the mortgage before the pandemic began and tried to modify the loan, which has a fixed rate of nearly 4.9%, but their mortgage servicer, Select Portfolio Servicing . We learned early on to wire the payment from our bank so they wouldnt delay payment postings. Hello I am in the same boat same story.. My Nightmare began the day my mortgage was transferred to them for servicing after a CH 13 BK in which they didnt lose a dime! Therefore, they owe an additional $16,000. There is help out there!! Crookedest company I have ever seen. Plaintiffs Angel Rivera and Angela Rivera claim that Select Portfolio Servicing violated the FDCPAwhileattempting to collect a debt from them that they did not owe. This is not the only recent class action lawsuit against Select Portfolio Servicing. Before them. The bankruptcy was not completed until December 2019. SPS always says that buyer amount is too low(3 -4 good firm cash offers). I have had it. The complaint quotes the plan as saying, The value of [Selects] second mortgage claim on Debtors property is valued at zero. I am a Paralegal student. Select Portfolio Servicing Inc. One Sept 22nd I spoke with a customer service rep about assistance due to Hurricane Irma. This is one of the most unprofessional companies that I have ever come across. When you have lost your home, acted in good faith, and lost your sanity, it is when they are fined and you may receive a $100.00 for the GREAT Class Action. May 24, 2022) The fact pattern sounds like something out of Gulliver's travels. The court granted her a discharge in July. Does THAT sound familiar to you, did that happen to you, a friend or a family member? Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc ., D-1-GN-19-001092 (200th Dist. In September 2016, it was confirmed by the court. These actions are in violation of RESPA, TILA, however, sometimes, they may also trigger other consumer laws, like [UDAAP, the ECOA REG.B and the FDCPA], among other consumer protection Laws Governed by Mortgage Servicing Rules. creating another long drawn out process. Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. Portfolio Servicing, Inc. P.O. The Select Portfolio Servicing class action lawsuit asserts that the company is a special servicer of residential mortgage loans, meaningitcollects on defaulted or delinquent mortgages. Select Portfolio Servicing Class Action Targets Debt Collection, Select Portfolio Servicing settled a separate class action lawsuit,,, Social Security Disability application & appeal claim review, Abbott baby formula recall lawsuit investigation, Essential: Remember your cookie permission setting, Essential: Gather information you input into a contact forms, newsletter and other forms across all pages, Essential: Keep track of what you input in a shopping cart, Essential: Authenticate that you are logged into your user account, Essential: Remember language version you selected, Functionality: Remember social media settings, Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Analytics: Keep track of your visited pages and interaction taken, Analytics: Keep track about your location and region based on your IP number, Analytics: Keep track of the time spent on each page, Analytics: Increase the data quality of the statistics functions, Advertising: Tailor information and advertising to your interests based on e.g. Actions does not process claims and we cannot advise you on the They have also upped my escrow account even though my insurance rates and taxes have not gone up. As for myself, they should be shot down once and for all, they are endangering our Country, they are threat to our Democracy and our Constitution, as they demoralize homeowners, families, our Courts and Judges. The company did not respond to messages seeking comment. They will not offer me any form of payback or payment plan within my means whatsoever, state that Fannie Mae declining the fact of the furring the money to the end of the loan. $75,000.00 which, to this date has not been applied to the mortgage. The complaint argues that the FDCPA is broadly interpreted to protect debtors, because all consumers, even those who have mismanaged their financial affairs resulting in default on their debt, deserve the right to be treated in a reasonable and civil manner., The FDCPA lists several practices that are illegal, including using misleading or false statements to collect a debt, from the standpoint of the least sophisticated consumer.. To collect on those debts, the Select Portfolio Servicing unfair debt collection practices lawsuit contends that the company must follow federal laws, especially the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). They try to scam you on the loan modifications also. I live in Florida and when Hurricane Irma hit, I had some property damage, that I had to fix, I ask for a loan extension which they granted, which all the monies were due at the end of the 3 month extension, which wasnt explained to me that way by the representative on the phone at the time of my request. that has to be illegal. So because we have over $100k in equity in our home we believe they were trying to take our home as we find that chase bank is in trouble again. Select Portfolio Servicing has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 44 reviews. Then decided to say that I was not eligible for any form of modification. Loan Servicing Representative professionals working at Select Portfolio Servicing have rated their employer with 3.3 out of 5 stars in 18 Glassdoor reviews. Oct 26 2017. SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, INC Complaints by Product Latest Complaints 2019-12-04 Countyline, NC Trouble during payment process Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation Timely Response 2019-12-03 Marlboro, MD Struggling to pay . In March 2010, Fleming filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Salt Lake City, Utah. However, this can result in some functions no longer being available. Dec 28 2016. With no notice. They wont stop running up more fees and this has been going on for 3 years!!!! At the maturation of the mortgage in 2036, I will essentially owe about 70% of refinanced amount under the HARP modification. So I am reporting of what I believe to be Unfair Lending Practices. Whoever you signed your loan with is still responsible. As of today (9/15/2018) the Deed of the house is still in my name. 8. SMH. They are violating 12 U.S. Code 2605. Select Portfolio Servicing, a company based in Utah that handles their mortgage payments, said a clause in their original loan provided a 20-year option, so they owe an additional $16,000. Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. We CANT let them! slect porfolio servicing aka SPServicing Scammed, Bullied, Reported false information to Credit Bureaus Salt Lake City Utah. SPS has been blocking every attempt for the short sale to go through. They send you around the mulberry bush asking for the same paperwork and then saying they never received it. 2019. They have no feelings, they mess up your credit so you cant get a loan no where else. Our mortgage is underwater, which means we owe more than the house is worth. I am so stressed out over this. Did the terms of the Loan Modification you received was affordable and sustainable? There are over 9109 complaints on file for SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, INC. We modified back in 2010 and did 2- three trial payments and some how after it was all said and done they added over 35k in fees and interest, left the same high interest rate plus they put us in a ballon payment. Their lawyers are committed to providing the best legal . Please provide any additional information about your inquiry. Mar. They never intend to approve my modification. However if I try to sell the house I would need to pay them plus the continued monthly interest. Ensured the foreclosure attorney continually expedites the foreclosure process in accordance with allowable timeframes. SPS Undermines the United States and diminishes our Judges and Courts. I wish There was some way to get back at this company. O'Brien alleges that defendants' efforts to enforce the mortgage on her property are predatory because they knew at the inception of the loan that she would never be able to repay it. I would love to stick to these jerks. 5. I asked for bills or invoices for the attorney and drive-by fees, but they refuse to send me anything. We will contact you within five business days to acknowledge receipt and let you know if you need to send additional information or documents. Over the years my dad has probably paid 3 times the original note. So when I started paying my loan back, I received a letter in the mail 3 months later stating I owed my monthly payment and I am in default 3 months behind. They are the worst scum EVER! It is important that you submit the documents to us as soon as possible because we . All offers were denied. I was livid. Help me before their get started. This company is horrible. Anyone interested in joining us on the lawsuit contact me at Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. (SPS) and U.S. Bank, N.A. I HAVE FILED A COMPLAINT AGAINST THIS FRAUDULENT COMPANY WITH THE US CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION, US CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DIVISION AND THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION BECAUSE MY MORTGAGE WAS COMPLETELY PAID OFF IN AUGUST 2018 WHEN I WAS TOLD THAT I HAD TO RETIRE DUE TO MY DISABILITY AND THIS COMPANY CLAIMS THAT THEY OPENED A MORTGAGE LOAN UP ON MY HOUSE IN September 2016 but they lied about because I refinanced my house with Rushmore Loan company on the same day for the exact same amount of money as the truthful mortgage company did . Select Portfolio Servicing will also provide advice concerning various aspects of selecting an appropriate legal strategy and handling the case after it is filed. 2019); cert. I didnt think you could raise a mortgage every month, even if Im late paying it. . Mind you it was lender place insurance. Now they said that all the paper work was submitted on time but they are not gonna do anything about it .. so i apply for default basically . We showed proof of our loan and we were lucky our bank helped us through a refinance. My loan was transferred to SPS and it is current! They dragged their feet, sent notices that they didnt receive replies to correspondence which would arrive 2 days after we received the original request. We keep getting letters from their lawyers saying they are going to foreclose on us. IL. 6. How do I sign up I do not see anything here They are by far the worst company I have ever had to deal with. Plaintiff sued Select Portfolio Servicing ("Portfolio"), a mortgage servicer, under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act ("FDCPA") and the Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act ("FCCPA"). Seek help!! SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, INC. Case Summary On 08/08/2019 GARAY filed an Other - Arbitration lawsuit against SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, INC. I have been trying to get somewhere with them for over 9 months and getting no where. According to the complaint, Select Portfolio Servicing has a portfolio of over 33,000 special servicing loans totaling around $4.8 billion. I am a veteran I served six years in the military only to be homeless? This still hasnt stopped them. the sad thing is nothing will come of anyones complaints or lawsuits. So because we have over $100k in equity in our home we believe they were trying to take our home as we find that chase bank is in trouble again. Predators .. Looks like the only recourse is Bankruptcy to stop the foreclosure and then after youb have tried them they send you a letter saying the foreclosure has been postponed. Did SPS mail you a letter stating they had filed a lawsuit to FC in your home and they never did? I bought my house in 2004 for $225,000 I put $150,000 down and took out an $80,000 mortgage. They steal homes. In August/September 2016 I called SPS before even being billed and was assured by Melinda(?) Select Portfolio Servicing Lawsuit. You can not pay them on line as I did with my Bank before. Then in 2022 they charged me for two homeoeners insurance policies I did get most of the money back from the insurance Companies but SPS refuses to pay me all the internet accrued from these policies as I just got the money recently back Theres more too that they have charged me erroneously for, Quiero unirme a la demanda de clase, en Puerto Rico hicieron lo mismo, aumento de pagos mensuales sin causa, querer imponer seguro sobre el valor de la propiedad y no desglosan deuda real. Recently we were on a payment plan for our taxes 1/2 Miv and 1/2 June. finally after arguing many times they refunded my $500.00 and I made the payment but now since they jerked me around I am always 15 days late on my payment and they call non stop. administrator or law firm. the mortgage is 760 and the taxes 1166. i have tried for year s to modify. I didnt want that, sps counselor said turning over the house would save my credit. I pay the late charges for being late. Fill out this form for a FREE and prompt case evaluation. Before my first payment to SPS was to be sent, they applied appx $8,000 in fees to the mortgage. From refusing to give me copies of my loan and paperwork stating they own my loan to reporting to the credit bureaus that i had modified with them when i was trying to get refinanced because they were playing stupid games with their modifications putting my payments on hold and charging me interest and fees that they couldnt explain while holding my payments unapplied. Worked with . I believe they are practicing unfair practices as I dont think they want us to keep the house. We keep getting letters from their lawyers saying they are going to foreclose on us. Overview 292 Reviews 7 Jobs 392 Salaries 28 Interviews 68 Benefits 6 Photos 65 Diversity + Add a Review Select Portfolio Servicing Reviews Updated Feb 8, 2023 Find Reviews Clear All Full-time, Part-time English Filter Found 284 of over 292 reviews Sort Popular Popular COVID-19 Related Highest Rating When trying to speak with someone on the phone, nothing but the runaround and incompetence. All the issues you brought up are valid issues and an attorney can tell you how to protect your home. Wow. Four months later i keep getting the run around. By interference and intrusion, acts of omission and misrepresentation They demoralized our Courts and Judges, they defy our Constitution. My house is paid off twice now because of this Fraudulent Company and I am going through the correct channels for the Federal Government to shut this unrated , nonexistent BBB company . I have the same problem, if you join to any lawsuit let me know,Im interested. We use cookies to improve functionality and performance, enhance user experience, and provide tailored content. And no one has the same story! I paid that am out plus have been current in my payments ever since. They just did it. Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. (SPS) is a loan servicing company founded in 1989 as Fairbanks Capital Corp. with operations in Salt Lake City, Utah and Jacksonville, Florida . 3. We tried to work with them for years. ALSO I HAVE A HUGE DOG IN THIS FIGHT WITH THE US DEPARTMEMT OF JUSTICE THROWING THEIR UNPOLITICAL DOG IN WITH MINE. Select Portfolio Servicing, centers on laws that combine to require entities governed by the Federal Debt Collection Practices Act to charge borrowers a statutory interest-rate applicable in New Jersey when a foreclosure judgment occurs, said Ari Marcus, an attorney for the plaintiff. Recently we were on a payment plan for our taxes 1/2 Nov and 1/2 June. not only that I have asked about the lender placed insurance because I live in a mobile home close to the river (cant get insurance) they have the value more then what my home is worth) will not lower it? My statements and all my account info at SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, shows the original balance of $86,395.00!! I have been trying to sell the house in a Short Sale. Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law 431. . [*1] Mekawy v Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. 2020 NY Slip Op 50287(U) Decided on February 26, 2020 Supreme Court, Queens County Weiss, J. Three times already spanning three years. I called the lender yesterday to get a payoff quote for refinancing and they tell me I have to get it from this SPS outfit. IM GOING TO DO EVERYTHING LEGALLY IN MY POWER WITH ANY LAWFIRM THAT WILL JOIN ME OR US BECAUSE I SUFFERED AND IM STILL SUFFERING FROM THE AFFECTS OF MY HEALTH DETERIORATING AND I WILL NEVER GET BACK MY HEALTH THAT I LOST BECAUSE OF THE SIGNIFICANT PAIN, MENTAL AND SOCIAL ANGUISH THAT THIS COMPANY CREATED AGAINST ME. Now they raised my online payment fee from $5 to $15 because I will not let them take the money out of my checking account each month! They paid Junes 1/2 and applied that to our loan and next years taxes to our loan. Dr.chayobriggs. My mortgage was jyst sold to SPS , May I jump on the train? A class action has been brought in the Eastern District of New York against defendant Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc., ("SPS"), a servicing agent for residential mortgage loans, unlawful and deceptive acts, practices and misconduct in connection with the ownership and servicing of residential mortgage loans, including, but not limited to the They changed my land records so there is no real chain of title. The Judge overseeing this case is Micaela Alvarez. We got different answers to the same questions. SPS has charged off as well but keeps charging me monthly charges and harasses me multiple times daily . Plaintiff Jacqueline Fleming took out a mortgage to secure the purchase of a home in April 2005. Count me in the class acton as well. This has to STOP! Bank of America - cut 70 mortgage jobs in Simi Valley, CA. Then after that was submitted and then denied. I have even gone to the bbb about them they constantly call and harass me and now are hiking my payments up they are not a true mortgage co. but a debt collector. F.B.I. Jacksonville, Florida, United States. We were told that the extra amount would be taken off, then they told us if the do, we have to pay taxes on almost $85,000. After fighting with them for 4 months and only paying them my original payments they told me that they Never received my escrow account from AHL. After you send a pile of paperwork, they start sending you a pile of generic letters stating the same thing. Who do I comtact about hidden fees which seem to be made up and 35.00 per month only going towards my mortgage wth, Hello I am in the same boat same story.. I never received anything from an attorney. SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING Ripoff Reports, Complaints, Reviews, Scams, Lawsuits and Frauds Reported Your Search: select portfolio servicing. They lie, they dont send any documentation, they abuse the elderly laws, they are the most corrupt company I have ever come across and why cant we get them shut down!
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