You must grab on to the connections you make and it helps to have a benefactor, said Ms Au. Rembrandts Philosopher in Meditation hanging in the Muse du Louvre is dearest to her. Sharon Au moved to the City of Love in 2018 and had been working as an investment director in a private equity firm. Life is all about connections. I have nothing now. Yes, Only if Its Forma. . I didnt expect it to be under such circumstances. Whatever your choice, we're cheering for you!. It was a cathartic yet tiring session, she admits. . Singapore 2K followers 500+ connections Join to view profile Mediacorp Pte Ltd Waseda University Personal Website About Eyes. Having joined the TCS during the mid-1990s, she won many awards as an artiste with MediaCorp before taking a sabbatical to pursue university education in 2005 on a scholarship. They are so proud of their culture and gastronomy that when they saw this crazy Chinese woman wanting to share it with the world, they completely embraced the idea, she says. I started crying like crazy. Inspections have been carried out at the ferry terminal by Indonesian authorities. I believe education and improving oneself is a lifelong commitment. Copyright 2020 Mothership. When a reporter called to verify the rumour, Au laughed and lamented, "Why you curse me?". Since I was young, I was thrown from place to place. Sowhen we caught up with host Sharon Au on Monday (Nov 22) for her newmeWATCH series Money Money Home, we had to ask: What should young people do with their first salary? Get unlimited access to all stories at $0.99/month for the first 3 months. Send in your scoops to, The Independent News & Media Pte Ltd, Singapore, Sharon Au left Mediacorp because she was reprimanded for her ideas. Director, AMP Capital Investors Ltd. Director, AMP Capital Funds Management Ltd. When her best friend Melissa from, discovered that Dennys was her temporary abode, she immediately brought Sharon into her home and announced to her mother that Sharon will be staying with us from now on, because she is homeless. No questions asked. I got home, switched on my laptop, andtyped outmy resignation letter., Sharon Au relocated to Paris after leaving Mediacorp. Subscribe to get daily news updates, insights and must reads delivered straight to your inbox. We Are Hiring After all, they are the ones whom you can trust and fall back on in times of difficulty. As a tribute to her, I placed a bouquet of flowers on her seat so I could look at them when I was on stage like I was acting for her. But since her Japan and Paris escapades, she is recognising the importance of writing her own narrative. Sharon Au was told to work less in Paris - so she started her own French academy . And it also didn't help that Au couldn't come to terms with the fact that she was depressed. I went into showbiz and wanted to be popular for stupid reasons. Running away has always been Sharons source of comfort, a constant theme in her life that she has grown to be familiar with. He ceaselessly searched for new stylistic modes of expression much like how Sharon has been working on the latest version of herself that she likes best. Contact us. Luckily for her, a former Mediacrop chairman invited her out for dinner when he was in Paris for work. To complete the course, students will spend one week in one of the chef's kitchen,after which they receive certification should they pass. And I go like, 'Aiyo, how come Singapore also has earthquake? At the Singapore launch event for her French Culinary school Ti Yan Academy on Dec. 19, the actress-turned-investment director was vivacious. In 2015, she auditioned for The LKY Musical, and got the coveted role of Madam Kwa Geok Choo, but life took a sharp turn when her close secondary school friend passed away from a heart attack. I wanted to be liberated so I went to Paris, Sharon says, who spent a year studying there as part of Wasedas international exchange programme. Her backpack and laptop were stolen, but not her cash. Running away has always been Sharons source of comfort, a constant theme in her life that she has grown to be familiar with. "The IMH must check-in for seven days, and surrender your phone. In an intimate corner space away from prying eyes, Sharon launches into the story of the first time she ran away from home with great zeal. Published by SPH Media Limited, Co. Regn. There is another side to Sharon that sets her apart from many of her peersher sharp business acumen. Ex-host Sharon Au quits job after her Paris home is burgled, re-evaluates her life there, All done! It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan, and the fourth most powerful in modern history. As I watch her float out of the door with a Gallic flair, a couple from the next table gapes with admiration. Recalling how she "spent it all" and more on a $98 pair of jeans with her first paycheck, Sharon said: "I remember I was doing an internship atSingapore Press Holdings. Former Singaporean celebrity Sharon Au shared her ideas at work and she was "scolded for it" and she then "dramatically" resigned from Mediacorp in 2018. Sharonis now working as investment director at a private equity firm in Paris. Zo Evans. For Sharon Au, who resigned from Mediacorp in 2018 before securing a new job, it gave her a temporary place to stay. After a few months in Paris, she began work as an investment director in Jolt Capital, a private equity firm. We all need best friends that we can rely on. I eat very normal food so that I can stretch my cash as long as possible.". Advertise with us My mum never once showed that she panicked, neither was she hysterically asking me to fly home like the parents of my friends. A far cry from the Sharon who had a reputation for being a workaholic. but life is tied to work as an investment director in a private equity firm. So you don't know what is not performing, what is performing.And then I keep having to keep up with my performing persona.". As long as [you] havent reach menopause, its still possible (sic), one netizen wrote. Reflecting on the financial mistakes in her "young starlet days" in the television business, Sharon said: "I was so overwhelmed with the joy of being famous and earning money, so I bought a lot ofmaterial goods.". She played host for President Star Charity show in 2012. Instead of acting, she took up an executive position at Mediacorp, citing Japan as one of the definitive moments of her life. To continue, upgrade to a supported browser. French Ambassador, Marc Abensour together with patron, Sharon Au , spoke to CNA yesterday on the Voilah France Singapore Festival. We all want to put our best foot forward in our work and contribute as much as we can. Live where you fear to live. Until one day, in a work meeting, she felt the ground tremble and shake. And in January this year, she started Ti Yan, an online culinary academy that teaches the art of French cooking. On occasion, the ghosts of Sharons past still pay her a visit. The 46-year-old replied: "Just go ahead and splurge with your first paycheck. But I feel that it's one of the most important things that should be planned for," Darren said. In an intimate corner space away from prying eyes, Sharon launches into the story of the first time she ran away from home with great zeal. But now, through acting, the anguish can be released rather than hidden. I am a people person with many years of experience in the financial world. Now looking back, it was so foolish to have thought that way, she says. [8], In 2012, she started and led (a property of MediaCorp Pte Ltd), focusing fashion, beauty and lifestyle. "I mean, it's necessary because as a celebrity, you need to look very good. He waited for me to come home. I just wanted to restart my life and go back to school, Sharon declares. I wanted to bring nothing of the old Sharon with me and start from zero by leaving everything behind. After her resignation, she movedto Paris because she wanted to start afreshbut no one there would hire her. According to ZoomInfo records, Sharon Au's professional experience began in 2012. No judgement. In April 2011, she went back to MediaCorp to serve her 6-year bond. During her teenage days, she had spent a night in Marymount Girls Home and witnessed many girls in dismal circumstances. Because my childhood was such that I had to move several times in a year. It takes courage, strength, self-awareness to break away from the comfort of familiarity, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. [5] She played numerous roles ranging from a cabaret girl in the stage musical, Beauty World to an enthusiastic radio presenter in the sitcom Right Frequency, each receiving rave reviews. Thinking that an earthquake was happening, she gripped the edges of the table and asked if anyone else felt it. True to her roots, she recognises the importance of having a safe space for women to retreat to, and empathises with them. Institution Fund Committee of NCCS Cancer Fund Finance Advisory Panel Audit Advisory Panel Development and Advocacy Advisory Panel Nomination Sub-committee Auditor Ernst & Young Unless youre the anti-virus, dont come back.. Perhaps the trauma never goes away. Copyright 2023 Mediacorp Pte Ltd. All rights reserved. If you're wondering, no, "Ti Yan" is not French. And she does not deny that she has becomevastly different from the Sharon Au that people knew. Au, 46, says: "I think I need to heal first and re-evaluate life here in France.". I went back to my childhood and saw baby Sharon. Doctor: "You know Japanese killed a lot of people ah? [2], Au attended CHIJ Saint Nicholas Girls' School (Secondary) and Hwa Chong Junior College in Singapore. The gift link for this subscriber-only article has expired. By clicking subscribe, I agree for my personal data to be used to send me TODAY newsletters, promotional offers and for research and analysis. She declined to comment on the burglary and extent of the break-in as she is "not well enough yet at this point". I also want to apologise for being selfish and running off to Paris and leaving her here alone.. It's a milestone and you've worked so hard. Even though Ti Yan is based in Singapore, Au will be running it from Paris. Sharon Au Reliable workaholic. When ST asked Au for more information about the extent of the housebreaking and its aftermath, she declined to elaborate and apologised that she is not well enough yet at this point to reveal more. Again. The 46-year-old, who first moved to Paris in 2018, said: "I think I need to heal first and reevaluate life here in France.". But when former local celebrity Sharon Au shared her ideas passionately at work, she was"scolded for it". May 12, 2022, 1:44 PM SGT SINGAPORE - Sharon Au's dream life in Paris recently turned into a nightmare when her apartment was broken into on April 30. "When I drive, I don't leave things in my car. Following her resignation, the actress relocated to Paris because she wanted to start afresh but no one there would hire here. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Despite being thousands of miles apart, Sharon says their mother-daughter relationship has improved since the pandemic. 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The precocious child, who despite a turbulent upbringing, did exceedingly well academically. I was at the height of my popularity around 26 to 30. I was really such a coward. Time away from the limelight allowed Sharon to recentre herself, and upon. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Sharon's connections and jobs at similar companies. Founder and Executive Director: Finding the balance between people, place and power. I am not. Back in 2018, both Sharon and Mediacorp released statements announcing her resignation. Au sat through the entire 45-minute session (she had paid good money for it anyway), but she never visited another psychiatrist again. Everything ends. During one of the nights, Sharon had reserved a ticket at the Marina Sands Theatre for her friend to watch the performance, but she never showed up. Live where you fear to live. The truth is our paths have crossed before. In the day, she attended school and at night, she slept in Dennys, which was open 24 hours. favourite artist is Rembrandt, who is a symbol of freedom. Unfortunately, the second psychiatrist she went to was no better. I wish you well. A post shared by Sharon Au (@sharonau13) on Apr 23, 2018 at 11:39pm PDT. At some pointin our adolescence, some of us may have run away from home before. But for the next three years, Sharon continued grinding it out at Mediacorp. Copyright 2023 SPH Media Limited. ", She added: "Took me 11 days to pen this note, without crying. Or perhaps Picasso, in all his cubism glory, might do a better job. Health Care, Managed Care, Behavioral Health and Health IT. Apart from Ti Yan Academy, Sharon hopes to start a girls home or shelter, five to ten years down the road. She wrote: "My apartment was broken into 11 days ago. That's what happened to former Mediacorp actress Sharon Au who shared this in an emotional post today (May 11), addingit "took me 11 days to pen this note, without crying". The couple created a joint bank account and matched their monthly savings dollar-by-dollar, which freed Darren from his debts. She was. The 45-year-old recalled the day she quit Mediacorp without having first secured a new job, in the latest episode of meWATCH talkshow Hear U Out. There is another side to Sharon that sets her apart from many of her peersher sharp business acumen. Why do we need to wait for tragedy to strike before we realise and make a change? As an actress and a host for more than 10 years of her life, Sharon is used to following a script that doesnt give her any agency. "It takes death for them to do a change like that. Her ability to connect with the masses wasnt her only repertoire of skills; there wasnt a role Sharon couldnt embody. It had gotten to the point where she felt, "Life has no meaning, why not just end it?". We become what we chase after. She exhibited none of the imperialism of a celebrity, made no desire to separate herself from others, and was just as unassuming as your next door neighbour. "The important lesson here is please make very good friends in your university days, because you will need them.". I began to like myself more when I didnt have to please people.. "And when I feel good and rejuvenated, I know I'll be ready for tomorrow.". And, for once, Sharon has seen the light. The first figure is an old man seated with his head bowed and the second figure is an inconspicuous woman at the fireplace in a corner, tending to the fire. The boxes represent her personal insecurities and perceived societal expectations that she puts upon herself, while the straight, rigid lines of her frame depict her unwavering, by-the-book approach. The entire room looked at her, incredulous. echoes in my head. In an attempt to find the elusive answer to that question, she packed her bags once moreonly this timeshe headed to Paris instead of Japan. The longest would be a stay for one year and I had to move to another relative's house. "I really felt it you know. . View Sharon Starick's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. And I think about her forthcomingness, her vulnerability and her rawness. Sharon also shared a photo on Instagram Storyof Rudon looking at a police officer in the apartment. I thank God that he is safe, unhurt, and did not run away. Tokyo was fun, as I could have the childhood I never had. [15], Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Sharon Au Wanted To Quit Paris Job And Return To Take Care Of Mum When COVID-19 Broke Out", "Sharon Au's Journey From Cabin Crew To Business Class Passenger", "Local actress and host Sharon Au quits Mediacorp after 22 years", "SEA Games: Host Sharon Au apologises for insensitive remarks during opening ceremony", "Sharon Au to play Mrs Lee Kuan Yew opposite Adrian Pang in The LKY Musical", "TV host Sharon Au: Wearing this outfit makes me feel sexy because", "Mediacorp's magazines go all-in with digital", "Sharon Au to start a new chapter in life in 2018 - Toggle", "Sharon Au Has Found A New Job In Paris And Will Move There For Good", "Musician Goh Kheng Long renews marriage vows in Paris ceremony, witnessed by Jacky Cheung and Sharon Au",, Children Medical Fund Charity Show, Lunar New Year's Eve Variety Special, Storm (in Mandarin, ), Toy Factory Productions, Singapore, 1998. If you like what you read, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Telegram to get the latest updates. Sharon Hicks. Au is multilingual, as she speaks English, Chinese, Japanese, French and basic Spanish. I had everything, yet I felt a huge void, she says. Sharon Au Work Experience and Education. This is not Au's first brush with burglary in Paris - but her reaction back then was vastly different. she explains. It brought her back to the past and reopened long-buried wounds. She is really cool.. Then we love sharing. A phone call later, she clinched a job at a private equity firm and she has climbed her way up to being an investment director with clients under her. 903 followers 500+ connections. the former host did reveal that she has quit her job as an investment director in a private equity firm. It might not be something that's relevant to my work, but it makes me feel good. Despite being trapped by an oppressive regime dictated by the entertainment industry, she continued to work hard and went on to clinch Best Variety Show Host at the Star Awards for four consecutive years, from 2000 to 2003. "Then you become too much of a performer you never know when to stop performing. Someone asked me if i was ill and dying. They took everything I love. And I could only do that when I physically plucked myself out of a very, very competitive environment.". But the process of getting help was not as straightforward. Investment director provides investment analysis at the portfolio level and attribution between asset allocation and manager selection. We are at Live Twice, a stylish bar inspired by mid-century Japan that oozes major In the Mood for Love vibes; the dark wood accents and warm, dim lighting calling to mind a hazy opium den. Melbourne, VIC. Besides being the investment director in the education and technology sector in the French international equity firm, Sharon is now also the CEO of Ti Yan, which in Chinese means. Chris Leone. "It's for people who do not have the proficiency in French, to be able to have relatable access to the art of French cooking." The 49-year-old said: "I was so crazy over the antique car. Nonetheless, Au thoroughly enjoyed her six years in Japan so much so that she fell into depression and post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) when she had to leavein 2011, after an earthquake took the lives of more than 19,000 people. That was what led to her decision to "dramatically" resign from Mediacorp in 2018. With an investment of S$100,000 of her own money, Au is hoping for Ti Yan to expand beyond the culinary world. . Money Money Home premiered Nov 18 and new episodes are releasedevery Thursday; catch itfor free on meWATCH. Join . When contacted by AsiaOne regarding Sharon's comments, a Mediacorp spokesperson said they were "unable to comment on the personal decision made by Sharon Au". But it gave me a huge sense of achievement, and I wore that pair of jeans every day.".
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